Knitted openwork spokes. How to learn to knit openwork products? Carvings “Bows”: video master class

Regardless of the weather that changes throughout the year, a woman tries to look elegant, bright and attractive. One of the most exquisite things worn in the warm season is outerwear knitted from yarn in the style of openwork with knitting needles. This product goes well with any item from the wardrobe. The pattern makes it airy and adds charm to its owner. The variety of models that can be created with lace knitting is very wide. That allows you to choose an option that emphasizes the dignity of your figure.

Model Variations

Knitted thin lace can be used to create summer blouses and tops. Tunics with a pattern can be both with a smell and in the form of a sweater. Tops can have not just straps, but decorative additions that cover the shoulders. The length of the sleeves when knitting openwork can vary from the shortest to the standard size. Light and airy cardigans visually correct the proportions of the figure, making it graceful and elegant. As a fastener, you can use a brooch, a thin belt made of the same yarn, a button, or not wrap at all. A long cardigan with knitted openwork adds luxury and nobility to the outer image. Jackets, blouses and other products are made in separate parts, round, across or as a whole canvas with sewn-in sleeves.

Variety of patterns

Knitted thin openwork with knitting needles can complement the canvas with a separately created element. And also a complete product can be made from openwork ornaments. is very popular with experienced craftswomen and beginner needlewomen. Knowing the basic techniques for knitting loops, you can understand any scheme and create a truly chic product. Knitted summer openwork with knitting needles can contain fans, floral and geometric patterns, braids, openwork paths, bumps, a checkerboard pattern, waves, twigs, leaves, spikelets, mesh and many other knitting elements in their rapport. Depending on the model, patterns allow you to knit romantic items for a festive evening, as well as laconic styles for work or a business meeting. Openwork patterns do not require additional decor details, as decoration can make the pattern heavier. Therefore, a simple openwork knit is enough to apply an outfit during a cultural event, presentation or anniversary.

Material used

For knitting summer lace with knitting needles, needlewomen use fine yarn without defects and knots. Knitted clothes made of cotton, acrylic, linen and viscose are well worn and pleasant to the body. Various variations of the composition and combination of threads as a percentage are acceptable. Dark colors of yarn will be inappropriate, as they will not convey all the expressiveness of the pattern.

In addition to threads, when knitting openwork patterns, straight or circular knitting needles of the appropriate size are used. When creating a drawing, the main thing is not to get lost when reading the diagram. In order not to be mistaken, special row counters are used. Also, needlewomen knit braid elements with the help of auxiliary devices, on which several loops are temporarily removed. If necessary, markers may be needed to mark the end and beginning of the rapport. Also hooks for tying and stitching parts.


Patterns knitted in an openwork way are made using yarns, several loops knitted together, and various variations of facial loops with purl loops by cutting, crossing and adding. There are simple patterns, the rapport of which contains two or four loops. There are also complex ornaments containing more than a dozen loops and several rows up. The number of yarns determines the structure of the fabric. Their alternation helps to understand how airy the product will be.

The yarn in the diagram is often indicated by a circle "O" or the letter "U"

Front loop "I"

Purl loop "-"

If the pattern contains an element with three knitted loops together, then they can be slanted to the left or slanted to the right and can be indicated by the letter "T", slanted to a certain side, an up or down arrow, or a check mark in which there is a number corresponding to the number of loops knitted .

Simple openwork knitting for beginners

Consider a simple leaf pattern. The rapport consists of 22 loops and 2 edge loops.

In the diagram, the first and last loops of the canvas are indicated by a plus sign. If you need to knit several rapports, then you should repeat 22 loops each time, ending the part with an edge loop. The pattern occupies 12 rows. From the 13th row, knit the pattern first.

Black square - front loops, circle - nakida.

Triangle with a right angle on the left - the first loop is removed, then the second loop is knitted with the front and stretched through the first. At the same time, they remove it from the knitting needle.

Triangle with a right angle on the right - two loops are knitted together from left to right.

From the wrong side, the loops are knitted in the wrong way, all yarns are made with the same method.

The pattern is very simple for beginner needlewomen. It is beautiful in that openwork leaves are depicted here. If you take the yarn of autumn colors, you can create an original blouse or cardigan that evokes thoughts of Indian summer.

The openwork pattern is one of the most suitable for women's and children's products. In men's knitted things, openwork is also found, but extremely rarely. It turns out such a pattern thanks to the yarn technique. Today we want to tell you how to knit these patterns with knitting needles: diagrams and descriptions will help us with this.

For openwork knitting, you can use both thin and thick thread, the main thing is that its thickness is the same throughout the skein, and it is moderately twisted. The thinner the thread, the more elegant the products will be: dresses, tunics, cardigans, shawls.

Openwork knitting patterns for beginners

We invite you to consider the simplest openwork patterns with knitting needles with diagrams and descriptions that even a novice craftswoman can handle.

Pattern Openwork knots

For this pattern, we collect loops, their number should be a multiple of 7, plus 3 p. In the first row, knit: 1 knit., * 1 purl. persons.*. In the second row, the following knitting order: * 1 purl, 2 faces, 1 yarn, 2 loops simultaneously purl, 2 faces. *, 1 purl. The third row is repeated as the 1st, and so on.

Pattern Openwork rhombuses

Rapport for this pattern is 37 stitches. The front rows must be knitted according to the scheme, and the wrong ones - carefully look at the pattern that is obtained. In purl rows, knit purl. nakida. Rows 1 to 20 are repeated in height.

openwork pattern

In this pattern, the rapport is 10 loops. As in the previous pattern, the diagram shows the front rows. The purl rows are knitted according to the pattern of the canvas. Purl row - purl yarn over. Repeat in height - from 1 to 12 row.

Such openwork patterns for knitting are quite simple - just be more careful and learn how to read the patterns correctly, and then we will look at more complex options for openwork patterns.

Openwork knitting patterns for experienced craftswomen

So, we continue knitting openwork patterns.

Pattern "Openwork triangles"

This pattern is perfect for summer blouses. It looks beautiful, tied along the edge of the hem and sleeves of the product.

Circuit symbols:


Two loops inclined to the left. The 1st is removed, the 2nd we knit and stretch through the removed

Knitted at the same time 3 persons. loops


According to the scheme, the front rows are knitted. Rows of the wrong side are knitted with the help of purl loops

For training, it is enough to dial 16 loops and 2 edge loops. Knit 12 rows like this.

Pattern Openwork stripe

Products connected with this pattern perfectly emphasize the figure. They are practical and extremely elegant.

Circuit symbols:

facial twisted



Knitted at the same time 2 facial loops

Two loops inclined to the left. The 1st is removed, the 2nd is knitted and stretched through the removed


The pattern is connected using the method of alternating loops (front and back).

Pattern Openwork pigtail

The product, which is tied with such a pattern, will keep its shape perfectly and emphasize the figure. It goes well with many other patterns. Ideal yarn - medium or thin in 2-3 threads. Looks best on light yarn.

Circuit symbols:

In the front row - front, in the wrong side - wrong side.

In the front row - purl, in the purl - front

In the front row - 2 persons. Loops knitted at the same time, in the wrong side - 2 out.

In the front row - 1 loop is removed as a front one, 1 is knitted and the removed one is pulled through it. In the purl rows - 2 loops are knitted simultaneously with the purl crossed.

We leave 2 loops on an additional knitting needle at work, 2 facial ones and after that we knit 2 faces. with an additional knitting needle,


Cast on 20 stitches, add 2 edge stitches.

1 row: 1 edge (1k), * 1 purl (1i), 1 facial (1l), yarn over, 1i. 4l, 1i. nakid, 1k, 1 and *, repeat the loops between *, 1k.

2 row: 1k, * 1l, 2i, yarn over, 1n, 4i., 1n .. yarn over, 2i, 1l, repeat **, 1 k,

This is only a small part of the number of openwork patterns that exist. We tried to show you some of the most popular and interesting ones.

Openwork knitting for you!

Video on the topic of the article

If you have just started to get acquainted with knitting needles, then this lesson will come in handy as never before! Here we will consider the simplest openwork knitting with patterns and a detailed description. Openwork with knitting needles will easily decorate any product, giving it lightness and airiness!

PS - knitting for the front wall;
ZS - knitting behind the back wall;
H - yarn;
cr. p. - edge loop;
RS - front side;
IS - wrong side.

Grid spokes

We work with the scheme


We collect the number of stitches, a multiple of 4 + edge stitches..
1 p.: kr. p., * 2 p. l. for PS, (N) - x 2, 2 p. l. for AP, from * to *, cr. P..
2 p.: kr. n., * 1 and. p., we knit the first H on the wrong side, the second - on the front behind the AP, 1 and. n., from * to *, cr. P..
3 p.: kr. p., * N, 2 p. l. behind the AP, 2 p.m. l. for PS, N, from * to *, cr. P..
4 p.: kr. n., * 3 i. p., 1 l. n. for AP, from * to *.

Delicate pattern: video master class

Mesh "Astrakhan"


We collect the required number of loops.
1 p.: i. P..
2 p.: * 3 p. together and., 3 p. in 1 next p. *, from * to * ..
3 p.: i. P..
4 p.: * 3 p. In 1 p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. p., 3 p. together and ..

Simple openwork pattern: video master class

simple openwork mesh

We work with the scheme


We collect the number of points, a multiple of 4 + 1 points of symmetry.
For the sample, we make 31 p.
1 p.: * 1 l. p., N, 1 i. p., 3 p. together l. permutation, H*, from * to *, 1 l. P..
2 p. and all are even: i. P..
We alternate 1-2 rr. for a pattern.

A simple knitting pattern for beginners: video master class

Volumetric convex mesh


Important! The pattern is one-sided.

We collect the number of points, a multiple of 3 + 2 edging.
1 p.: * cross 3 l. p. with a broach to the left: 3 l. p., then we throw the 1st p. on the 2nd and 3rd \u003d 2 p. out of 3, 1 H *, from * to *.
2 p.: i. P..
3 p.: 1 l. n. * 1 H, cross 3 sts with a broach to the left *, from * to *, 2 l. P..
4 p.: i. P..

The simplest pattern: video master class

Honeycomb grid

We work with the scheme


The number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 each at the beginning and at the end of the river. for symmetry + 2 edging.

For the sample, we make 26 p.
1 p.: i. P..
2 p.: 1 l. p., 2 p. together l. to the right, * double H, 2 p. together l. to the left, 2 p. together l. right*, from * to*, N, 1 l. P..
3 p. and all odd pp.: i. p., and double H we knit 1 l. n. and 1 and. P..
4 p.: 1 l. p., N, * 2 p. l. to the left, 2 p. l. to the right, double H *, from * to *, 2 p. l. left, 1 l. p .. Alternate 2-4 rr ..

“Shamrock”: video master class

Grid "Leaves"


The number of loops is a multiple of 6 + one on each side + 2 edge.

Cast on 22 sts for sample.

Purl r. knit simply. P..
1 rub.: 1 kr. p., 1 l. p. * N, 3 p. l., N, from 3 to make 3 *, 1 l. p., 1 cr..
3 rubles: 1 cr. p., N, * 2 p. wm. with an inclination to the left, 1 l. p., 2 p. with an inclination to the right, N, 1 l. p., H *, 2 p. l .. with an inclination to the left, 1 cr..
5 p.: (as 1 p. in a checkerboard pattern) 1 kr., 1 l. p., * from 3 make 3, N, 3 p. vm. one l., H *, 1 l. p., 1 cr..
7 p.: (as 3 p. in a checkerboard pattern) 1 cr., 2 p. l. with an inclination to the right, * H, 1 l. p., N, 2 p. with an inclination to the left, 1 l. p., 2 p. with an inclination to the right *, N, 1 cr..

“Bows”: video master class

Grid "Snopiki"


The pattern is double sided.

The number of loops is a multiple of 3, we do not collect edge stitches. Rapport pattern vertically - 6 p..
1 p.: triple l. P..
2 p.: * remove 3 p. untied as purl, lowering the turns, we knit all 3 p. vm. l., H *, remove 3 p. l..
3 p.: we knit from 1 p. 3 l. p, picking up p. first for the AP, then for the PS and again for the AP, * 1 l. p., we knit from 1 p. 2 l. p., picking up p. first for the PS, then for the AP *.
4-6 rr.: l. P..


coarse grid


The pattern is not continuous, but consisting of separate jumpers connected to each other in the knitting process.

The number of loops is a multiple of 6.

Cast on 30 sts for sample.
We knit 4-6 rr. garter stitch.
1st jumper.
PM: we're shooting kr. p., 5 l. p., leave the remaining p. untied, turn.
IS: remove kr. p. (thread before p.), 5 and. P..
Now we use only 6 sts. We knit these sts in stocking stitch until the height of the jumper reaches 10 p. - purl.

We attach the 2nd jumper.
PM: we're shooting kr. p., 5 l. p., 1 c. p., 6 l. n. from the main canvas, turn.
1st and 2nd lintels: in work 13 p.: stocking knitting another 8 p. The last r. - facial.
We attach the 3rd jumper.
IS: remove kr. n., 5 i. p., drop 1 p. from the knitting needle and dissolve the looped column to the base (to the ch.p.), turn.

2nd and 3rd jumpers: same as 1 and 2.
We attach the 4th jumper in the same way as the 3rd.
We connect knitting by analogy until we get to the last one on the left side.
Last: we knit the last 6 sts on the left in stocking stitch 18 p., the last p. -

Now we change the slope: everything that was done with the LS and is connected with the l. p. must be performed with IS and knit and. p.. Next, we continue to work by attaching the 2nd jumper and making a grid to the desired length of the web.

Simple beautiful lace: video master class

Mesh "Snake"

3 p.: 2 i. p., * N, 2 p. l. left, 2 i. n. *, from * to *.


The mesh is one-sided.

The number of loops is a multiple of 3 + 2 edge.
Cast on 32 sts for sample.
1 p.: * 3 l. p., with the left knitting needle we pick up the 1st p. of 3 knitted and
we throw it through 2 and 3 p., H *, from * to *.
2 and 4 p.: i. P..
3 p.: 1 l. p., N, * 3 l. n. (of which we throw the 1st through 2 and 3), H *, from * to *, 3 l. n., of which we throw the 1st through 2 and 3, 2 l. P..

Web: video master class

We will be glad if you use these patterns in the knitting process. Smooth loops!

The BS Decor company makes wooden carvings in Krasnodar. We work according to the layouts of the customer or according to our catalog. Own production, without extra charges and resellers. For work, we select only specially prepared wood, we use high-quality furniture enamels. We produce various types of decorative carved products:

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  • Decorative panels;
  • Carved screens;
  • Screens for radiators.

If necessary, we provide services of a measurer on the road and installation of finished products. Delivery across Russia is possible. For wholesale buyers the system of discounts is provided.

Wood carvings are an attribute of an expensive and unusual interior. Moreover, in order to create such an atmosphere at home, it is not necessary to use a large number of such products. You can, for example, correctly place accents and even this is enough to completely transform the room. A good option is to use or , which will not only give the interior a rich look, but also solve the problem of zoning.

If we talk about carved accessories for the interior, then here you should pay attention to . Such products are rarely used in the subject content of modern interiors, and this is what gives carved decorative panels a special value. In addition, the panel is just very beautiful.

What kind of interiors are wood carvings suitable for?

First of all, these are classic or English interiors that need luxurious and stylish accessories. Carved decor will be a good choice for an exquisite baroque, which literally cannot do without this kind of decoration. Carved woodwork will fit perfectly into rooms decorated in the Venetian style, or in the style of the Imperial Empire.

But do not think that woodcarving is an attribute of exclusively classical interiors. In modern design, the material is no longer so important, the main thing is colors, shape and texture. And what material can be as textured and deep as natural wood?

As for the form, in our catalog you will find models adapted to a wide variety of styles: from antiquity to avant-garde. In addition, we can always make a product according to your layout, so there are actually no restrictions in terms of shape for carved decor.

The same can be said about colors and shades. For our wood products, we use only resistant furniture enamels of the RAL palette from Renner, Sayerlack, so the choice of colors is quite large. Although in the case of natural wood, it is most often important to just preserve the natural shade of the material and give it depth. Our masters also cope with this task perfectly.