Congratulations on the anniversary and farewell to retirement. Script for retirement. Cool congratulations on retirement to a woman from relatives in prose

Seeing off retirement

Rest long-awaited
Visible ahead:
Why is it so strange
Trembling in the chest?

Why is it so hard
Keep tears?
After all, it is not necessary in the morning
Nowhere to run...

This burden has been lifted.
Should I be discouraged
Because the time
Nowhere to go?

There are many things to do
For skillful hands -
You don't have to think
What to do with leisure.

And then the grandchildren
Will come to light:
Best for boredom
There is no money in the world!

The road leads into the distance -
You go on it:
So much ahead
There will be bright days!

(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina )

Seeing off retirement - a woman

Human life is fleeting:
In a continuous round dance
Nothing on earth lasts forever
Everything comes and goes.

Here are the years on the threshold ...
Time has gone fast!
It's time to sum up -
A lot has been done.

In the world of incorruptible numbers
You were managed like at home:
Everything was available to you
Each number is familiar.

Day after day passed -
You got tired sometimes
But they kept the good
And forget the bad...

Sometimes your job
We curse, confess
Just sad for some reason
After breaking up with her!

Years dear to my heart
We remember, hiding tears ...
But other worries await:
Husband - apartment - grandchildren - cottage ...

Though the burden of work has fallen,
To enjoy peace
It is unlikely that you will find time:
You can't sit idle!

Don't be bored, don't get sick
Avoid sad thoughts
All that was - do not regret
Everything that will be - do not scold.

Mature experience pass
Youth by inheritance
And don't forget about us
You live next door...

(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina )

Dear Anniversary

(when giving a gift)

Our hero of the day dear!
as double sided medal:
Then she, sometimes, to tears is funny,
Then sadness comes through in her through laughter!

Retirement age like the top
Where two are combined in one:
Ahead of the desired descent into the valley,
Behind the back is the completed climb.

ahead rightfully deserved
And honorable rest, and peace!
You earned fame with your work
Women are mobile, groovy.

Behind adversity and good luck,
Years of hard work.
Ahead of comfort, family and cottage,
In summer the sea, sometimes.

Our hero of the day dear!
Our orphaned team
Wishing you happiness with all my heart,
I happily gave this gift.

(S. Nazarov)

Seeing off retirement - for a man

Days of past youth
Stormy things...
God, how fast
Youth is gone!

Six dozen lived -
How the years go by!
And it seemed: youth -
It's forever…

How many were there -
Can't be transferred!
But in trouble and in joy
Friends were walking by.

The story is not over
After all, in your soul
Young energy
There is still stock!

There's still enough to do
For the mind and hands:
The house of care requires
Grandson grows up

Not lost in maturity
Young taste for life
And faithful to my wife
Your union is strong.

Let not dizzy
Round number:
Be forever young
Damn the metrics!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina )

At twenty-five she suffered

At twenty-five she suffered:
"I'm not twenty anymore."
Stopped at twenty nine
Sing and smile.
At forty-five - she has no time for berries,
Angry that it's not thirty:
“Every year - a year older!
How not to swear?
And the neighbor, on the contrary,
Fight year after year...
And yells like "Tu" on takeoff:
"Pension! Freedom!"

(I. Maltsev )

Retirement is not yet a verdict

Retirement, friends, is not a sentence.
Retirement is a great start!
Our heart is a fiery motor
And the soul has not yet emaciated.

We are no longer expected at work.
We can lie around for an extra hour
And things can definitely wait.
How can you be successful without them?

Spiritual forces we do not hold!
Try yourself in the creative element.
Or you start painting portraits,
Or knit woolen socks?

Or assemble an airplane
For grandchildren, that every day is with you.
You will see many wonderful countries
What are the countries? The whole cosmos is above you!

We retirees have space
For the soul, for the heart, continuation ...
Retirement is not yet a sentence.
Retirement is the beginning, no doubt!

(G. Oborina-Morozova)

Seeing off Teacher's Retirement

Life goes on... Movement is eternal!
There is no hiding from him...
We respect you endlessly
And, believe me, years are nonsense!

Be you the same sweet, modest,
Let it be the same kind look!
You - health! The reserve is huge!
Just like 30 long years ago!

30 years left behind.
30 years!.. Such a long time!
Feelings are hard to put into words...
Easier is the most difficult lesson to give.

Having worked at the school for many years,
Giving her so much health, strength,
You left a good, bright mark here!
You are with us, even if you are retired!

How many lessons did you take
How many checked diaries!
Kind and responsive
In the memory of my students!

God bless

May God grant you to see the future as in the daytime,
Where the saved world will not forget you.
Let it be lit with joyful fire
Your noble
retirement age!

(E. Zapyatkin)

retirement anniversary

Today, on the retirement anniversary,
flowers and congratulations!
Health, happiness, the brightest days,
Much success and good luck in everything!

Here is the pension!

Here is the pension, it happened
Sentence? Of course not!
Finally rated
All the merits of previous years.

Seeing you cordially,
We are full of heavy thoughts:
We are losing an employee
Golden hands, mind!

Your new challenges
Tours, beaches, hitchhiking,
A bed of overgrowth in the country,
Onions, parsley and dill!

Make jam for tea
Pamper little grandchildren...
We only wish you
Resting, do not get tired!

You are retired!

You are retired! And this
Must be celebrated!
congratulations advice
We want to give you:
Take a look in the fridge
Whatever you find, bring it here!
And then break the alarm clock
Shut up forever!

The best destiny

You know, pension is the same salary,
But from now on, you don’t have to work;
From now on there will be no reason to strain -
On the contrary, there will be time to meet
With friends, girlfriends, grandchildren. All in all,
We went on vacation, so we live, and do not grumble:
After all, a better destiny cannot be imagined!
I would like to congratulate you on this event!

Congratulations, colleague!

Today we lose a member
Our big circle!..
Change does not please us;
And it is not clear to us yet -
Who will replace you during a smooth
Times? Without you, we are like without hands:
Our glorious one is retiring,
Our old, our good friend!
Well, well, the races are over,
There is light at the end of the tunnel...
We congratulate you, colleague!
Health to you and long years!
Where we are no longer...

Pioneer pensioner

You are smart, like a pioneer,
Energetic and slim
You are now retired
Let the country be jealous.
Having paid the debt of labor to the fatherland,
Accept congratulations.
And now for privacy
There will be fabulous days.

Retirement - you are a song!

Retirement has come
Rare luck!
How many there on Celsius?
Isn't it time for a summer cottage?

There and the accountant
The blood will play.
women in bras
Pulling carrots.

Will the clasp crack?
Should the straps come off?
Retirement - you are a song
Both in the soul and in the body!

Feel free to rest

Seeing you into retirement
We are a little sad
You confess respect
And in love we want you.

For your help and advice
We are used to it, you know!
But we'll make it, don't worry
Feel free to rest at home!

Make way for the young

You leave gray
Experienced and important
And the road to the young
Like you once

You will give in now.
Our congratulations!
The door is always open for you
In our institution!

Feeling new inside

Feeling new inside:
Yesterday I was a boy
And now here - on, smoke
Labor book.

The lights are burning out
Work experience.
Let's just say guys
Somehow strange even!

Only do not curse the years,
Be healthy and in shape:
Nicotine will kill the horse
Pension - feed!

Exit is not leaving

Exit, believe me, is not yet leaving,
Retirement, you know, let it wait.
After all, there is gunpowder, and of course, the fuse,
And at work, a complete blockage.

So, congratulations - congratulations,
Until we ship
You on the "well-deserved", as they say,
There will be a pension and there will be a salary!

Our native pensioner

Seen off for the first time
Only with an exit we you.
Days and months passed
You worked the best you could.

And today in the second
We accompany you home.
An example for an enterprise
Our native pensioner.

Well-deserved rest

Retirement is a well-deserved rest
The busy schedule is too complicated for you,
Many years of work
Allowed to live without care.

We congratulate you on your retirement
And we wish you long life
Good health, prosperity
And love life to the end.

Retiring colleagues

Who said that retirement is sunset
A life spent in a team?
No, they say, a person who would be happy
There was seriously such an alternative.
We will answer him: “Nonsense!
You are just a pessimist, nothing else
55 - this is not a year
If you have, moreover, a cottage.
Here you will be given the opportunity
Keep fit and healthy
Fresh air, work in the garden,
Vegetables and cow's milk!

(N. Sapiro )

Well deserved rest

Grandma on Saturday.
Now she doesn't need
Hurry to work.

She will be at home
(Always with us)
Practice all day
With your business:
Bake sweet cake
And pancakes, of course.
Knit socks -
Eight pairs daily.

Perform like a fairy
Any quirks.
Us will be jam
Treat for a cold

In the kitchen now
All pans will shine ...
Well deserved rest
Our grandma's!

(E. Stepanova )

Time is a cuckoo thing...

Cuckoo time 60 cuckoo,
No matter how puffed up, this is the age to retire.
Someone will say it's a lot, who is cunning - it's not enough,
But really: we complete a marathon in life.

No, we can still run, and probably for a long time,
Only this is jogging, but looking back,
And no need to fuss, fuss will not help here,
If your age is respectable, be worthy of it, brother.

(V. Pakhomov)

To me - 60 years!

How good and joyful and sweet the world is!
How many exciting moments!
I'm happy - I'm until retirement survived!!!
Everything is now, as they say, "to hell with me."

I lived, worked and loved as best I could,
Been through a lot with everyone.
I, as if I had served a long time,
I returned to you to start life anew.

The soul rejoices and shouts: "Run
And experience the bliss of a moment, taking off.
But the years are like old debts
They press on the heart and prevent it from taking off.

Break off the coils, for example,
And to break firewood, as once.
But I can’t, because I am a pensioner
And I'm fraught with abrupt movements.

I am calm and not afraid of passion,
I like a measured tread.
And I recognize all the women I know
By voices, well, sometimes by touch.

And clears like a memory to me
Zavolzhsky air, grace and freshness.
And all that I saved for my wife,
I give and bequeath to her.

And let there be a little sadness in the heart
And pity for everything that did not come true -
I surrender to you, my relatives:
Take what's left of me!

(Yu. Mikhailenko)

If the heart is twenty, with a little ...

Competently strict postcard
She invited dryly, bluntly:
Apply for an old age pension
Puzzled by insolence for a moment.

Hastily collected documents
It was even a little funny
Fragments flashed through my memory
Like a black and white movie.

Time has flown by,
But we are not in a hurry to give up:
Receding age and fatigue,
If the heart is twenty, with a little ...

(N. Voronina )

Anthem of pensioners

In the morning the sun will shine -
We don't want to sleep!
Some on the left, some on the right
We are in a hurry to get up ...
Earthly affairs are waiting in the morning,
Soul has no time to grow old!
Our hearts have not cooled,
Even once to get sick! (2 pages repeat)

We fly with our soul ...
We love like never before!
Because we understand
Life is given to all.
We don't burn our days
We know what we live for!
And in the detachment of pensioners

We are waiting for you with pleasure!
(2 pages repeat)

Let gray hair run
That from wisdom only a trace ...
Our heart is not cold

It's like being 18!
We never get discouraged
And let's not be discouraged!
We are young at heart...
We say keep it up!
(2 page repeat)

If the jaws are false,
This is not a problem either!
If they fall out
let's push...
Let's smile, nonsense!
But the heart is not cold
We say keep it up!
Life is only given

We will not be discouraged!
(2 pages repeat)

(V. Adekova )

We congratulate you on your retirement
And your work is very valuable for us!
So don't hope
Relax in the peace of your home!
And soon we will come for you
Advice to help us!
We wish you more health
The comfort of beauty in the house!

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Retirement wishes poem

Brought the respect of colleagues,
How honestly you have worked all your life.
The debt is paid, and the run will slow down.
Your experience was useful to the young.
You got your right
Rest from worries and affairs.
And now you will
All the things you didn't do before.
Start growing orchids
Sing in the choir, study the Internet,
And of course you will learn
Finally, waltz dance.

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Wishes to a retiring judge

Over the years of your work as a judge, you have become for us an example of high professionalism, courage, decency and honesty. It is very difficult to be a judge and decide the fate of people. To administer not only well knowing the letter of the Law, but also all the circumstances of the case. Being fair and principled is not easy; it is even more difficult to understand a person who has committed a bad deed. After all, you are not speaking on your own behalf, but on behalf of the state and society that have entrusted you with taking important decisions on which the life and future of people often depend.
And today we sincerely wish you, first of all, great personal happiness and well-being. Communicate more with your loved ones, relax with family and friends, because you deserve it. Good health, joy, good mood and all the best to you!

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Wish for retirement

Here is the happy day. You are retiring. You gave your worst, vain and unlucky young years to work. And now, having settled down and wiser, you will be left to yourself and will be able to realize all your hidden possibilities. I wish you to finally learn how to dance tango, knit socks and sing in chorus. I wish you to do winter fishing, photography, and most importantly, my grandchildren, they love you so much!

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Retirement wishes

Retirement awaits you
In household matters, let them be lucky!
Don't forget about the team
And visit us often!

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Retirement wishes

Today is full of worries and experiences, because we see off wonderful person, a high-class professional for a well-deserved rest. We know that even in retirement you will not sit idle for a minute, because you are full of energy, strength and optimism! Therefore, we hope that in your free time from rest you will become a mentor to our youth and we will always be glad to see you. We sincerely wish you cheerfulness for many, many years, family well-being, home comfort and warmth! Let your loved ones surround you with love and care and give you only joy!

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Retirement wishes

You are young at heart and look great! You are an example of professionalism, wisdom and optimism for many of us! You are a person whom we sincerely respect and love! We are a little sad that you are retiring today, because now it will not be possible to meet with you every day. But we hope that you will not forget our team, and your attention will be a good sign that our team lives and develops! That is why today, seeing you off for retirement, we do not part with you, but only say - "Goodbye." We wish you many wonderful days full of bright events, good news and interesting meetings. Good health to you!

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Retirement wishes

A new era is coming in your life - you are retiring! To be honest, we even envy you a little, because you will have a lot of free time for creativity, for classes with your grandchildren and just for a real good rest! You can travel at any time of the year, discovering more and more life horizons. We wish you good health, great personal happiness, good luck, fulfillment of all your dreams and will always be glad to see you within the walls of our native enterprise!

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Retirement wishes

Today you are retiring. To say simply that it was a pleasure to work with you is to say nothing! We felt comfortable, reliable with you, you are a wonderful colleague who knows his business to the smallest subtleties! We hope that you will not forget our team and will always find time to visit us at least for a minute. We wish you good health, family well-being and a wonderful holiday! You deserve it!

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Retirement wishes

Freedom!!! So you have to shout on this day, from now on you don’t owe anything to anyone, you can get up not on call, you can not do what you don’t want to do. In a word, I wish you to fulfill your retirement dreams that your work did not allow you to realize.

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Wishes to a colleague for retirement

As after a long, hard day, full of worries, we need a rest, so after a long, active work, we need a pension. We need it to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, for which there was no time during work. So good luck with your retirement and enjoy life!

Like 2 Dislike 1 Here it is - freedom,
Here it is - a dream.
And not to work
You now in the morning.

Congratulations together
With a pension, we are with you.
With a new start in life
Retirement class.

We all envy a little
Even if we are silent about it.
We are only loud congratulations
We shout to you on your anniversary.

Anniversary direct fire
In retirement years.
Be joyful and firm
Because happiness is always there.

Respectful congratulations
with retirement

We congratulate you cordially
With the end of work
And we wish you safely
New look for worries.

Let your pension open
New paths.
And will always be able
Trample them on your feet.

Let your pension show
The world of our surprises
And finally let
Yourself all sorts of whims.

Words sound good
And the toasts do not stop -
After all, our team is good
Accompanying you to retirement.

Everyone will be fine today
At the farewell party
After all, that's why everyone came
To support you in the main.

You have worked for glory for many years,
You gave many days to work.
And we are rightfully proud of you
Surrendering to joyful care:

We want a retirement holiday
Yours went well and carelessly,
To rejoice all those who know you,
That now only rest awaits you forever.

funny poems for retirement

Envy of the whole team
You envy - charming,
After all, the position: new-pesioner -
All pride everywhere.

Here it is a sure moment of happiness -
The specter of retirement has arisen.
God bless you warmth and affection
In your retirement fairy tale.

Today we drink heartily
For your health and success,
And we wish happiness forever
To sound around cheerful laughter.

For your heart to rejoice
So that the soul sings songs joyfully.
Your pension was in a hurry
About forty years, somewhere, slowly.

We congratulate you
Happy best day in the world.
We all have a very long time
Just dream about it.

And you have exactly today
Only the best years.
Retirement is indefinite!
Oh, lucky you, as always!

Congratulations on your new milestone
And we wish you good luck.
After all, retirement is very cool to live
Carefree. Nothing else.

Other congratulations in verse on retirement

A wonderful reward awaits you today,
After all, you don't have to rush to work,
A whole bunch of free time -
What could be better? What could be cooler?

You can be proud of yourself
And enjoy such a sweet life.
To rest today we see you off,
We wish you all the best in life!

We want to wish you
Don't waste time
Move more, communicate
Yes, and to do the dacha.

Grandchildren will not let you get bored
The children will visit.
We think it's fun
You will be retired!

Accept our my sincere congratulations with retirement! You have worked for many years, sparing no effort, sometimes forgetting about the rest! Now you can relax and do what you love. We wish you strength, good spirits, an ocean of health and a sea of ​​prosperity!

You have worked very hard
Respect has been gained
Deserved honor, honor.
It's time to rest.

Pensions "a star has risen".
Never get sick!
We wish you not to be sad,
Finally being with family.

And on an honorable vacation
Take good care of yourself
Have fun, enjoy
Rejoice, don't be upset.

Happy well-deserved day today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Here comes the pension
New path for you!

Let it not be boring at all
So many things around
You communicate, develop
Expand your circle of friends.

Now you can do so much
To do, just to be in time,
You can choose your hobby
Or to sit with the grandchildren.

You don't have to get up at the call
And the boss is not a hindrance
Relax and enjoy
Happiness, joy and laughter!

Accept congratulations
With retirement
Relax, rest
Enjoy your days.

Never be sad
Think of entertainment
And always welcome guests
With cheerful mood!

Here comes the pension
You deserved it.
You can enjoy life
For your pleasure.

Don't be bored, relax
Travel on tickets.
Congratulations again.
May you all be classy!

We are often in life, fussing,
We don't notice much.
We run all the time in a hurry,
Sometimes a crooked road.

Time is not given to us in vain,
What is called a pension.
Let it be joyful
Let sadness not break through to you!

May this time in your life
Gives a lot of peace
Relatives are surrounded by love,
So that the road is long.

We wish you more rest.
And not to bother yourself
You better get some slaves
So that everyone is ready for the job.

Let there be a big pension:
Triple or quadruple.
Such that you even yourself
Had a room with money.

So that by leaps and bounds
Health follows you.
Let everything be fine with you
And your happiness is limitless.

Oh, how wonderful
Moments of interest
Your pension is preparing
When she comes!

Don't have to go to work
Get up in the morning, hurry up
Down with business, worries,
It's time to live in peace!

Congratulations on your retirement
We wish you many years!
Love, health, happiness,
Live happily, without trouble!

Today we see off
Retirement loving
And we're going through
How will we be without you?

After all, you are our light,
Our guru, our sensei.
And no more in the department
The one who is wiser than all.

And we wish together
Don't lose the fuse
Live full life need to
And conquer the Urals.


Retirement is, it would seem, no reason for jokes. After all, every person is very painfully going through the moment when his youth is left behind. And it's good if, looking back, we can see a bright past full of experiences. However, most of the time this is not the case. But this does not matter at all, because you can always catch up. Especially in retirement, when there is more than enough free time. And is there a reason to worry about leaving for a well-deserved rest? Of course not. This event should be rejoiced as the arrival of a second youth and limitless possibilities. Life promises to become brighter in the very near future!

Your friend or colleague. Make it bright, beautiful, funny. Give him comic congratulations with retirement, and this will add a lot of positive to the perception of the event. Let a person associate retirement with laughter and fun, and not with frustration and despondency.

Don't know exactly what to say? In this case, take any of the works published on our website. In just a few minutes, you will be able to pick up a couple. Then it remains only to turn on your acting skills, and the trick is in the bag!

Stay at home hassle free
And get money:
No work, no worries -
Only brand new thousands!

You are retired. Congratulations!
I want to stay young
And go to resorts
Family, friends - do not forget!

May we have joy from simple songs,
May happiness carry this sweet verse,
Saying goodbye to retirement - no, not a trifle.
For this we will drink wine and cognac.

Let's raise our glasses and this is our toast
It rumbles even to the most invisible stars.
Wine so that the river, so that happiness is a mountain.
And open the door to joy, of course.

For life in rapture, for peace and dawn,
For luck to nod in response.
Sorrows now do not knock sometimes
So let's drink to it, have a bite of caviar.

Restless years
We don't have the power to stop them.
So let it be forever
The more years, the more happiness.

May there be vigor and health,
And let there be enough strength for everything
And every day of ordinary life
To bring only joy.

First pension, here it is
What we are all looking forward to
It is for you, for those who happened to
We are walking together with congratulations,

Well, in general, this is a life stage,
Just the start of something else
Let this be your new startup
Happiness, love from the heart, hot.

Here it is, the turning point
When fate gives you freedom
And you can not work if laziness,
And a free bird, even into fire, even into water.

We congratulate you on your retirement
And we wish you only bright days,
We wish you trouble at home with tea,
So that life is calmer and wiser.

Pension! Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!
Pension! Great time!
You can only do what you want
Relax from morning to night!

Ride across the seas and oceans
Write poems and novels...
Loving close and dear people,
Live only for yourself!

We congratulate you and wish you radiant happiness,
After all, you retired
Joy to you, smiles and overnight,
You have found love for yourself.

May your days be brighter
Well, let the stars shine brighter.
Be happy, be kind
And fun flies over you.

Congratulations on your retirement.
Your age is solid, we all know that.
You don't look like you're retired.
As before, you are an example for us.

We invite you to come to the club today.
We want you to retire there.
Congratulations will be there for you to sound.
And your merits will be called.

We wish you a good pension,
So that you can live comfortably on vacation.
Good health to you, and do not relax.
At the cottage of success, go fishing.

Congratulations on your legal retirement!
We want to mess around!
Save up for a holiday abroad
And wave to Paris, Milan or Nice,
Enjoy every year the resort,
Finally get serious about sports
Be active, cheerful, energetic,
Stay as cute
Realize all plans and dreams
And live just the way you want!