Rubber bracelets on a slingshot for beginners. Rubber bracelets for beginners. Which tool to choose? Video tutorial on knitting a French braid

A slingshot is a portable and very convenient version of a mini rubber band weaving machine. It is fantastically convenient for weaving a single bracelet or.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to weave a simple bracelet using a slingshot. It is very easy and only takes a few minutes.

What you need

  • A set for weaving rubber bands with a slingshot (it is also called mini loom)
  • Rubber bands
  • C-clip or S-clip
  • Hook from the set or any suitable for weaving

If you purchased a mini set, then everything you need is already there, most likely.

Starting the bracelet

The beginning of the bracelet will become one of the links of our bracelet. Accordingly, select an elastic band of the color you would like to make this link. Hold the slingshot with the pegs up. Put on the elastic crosswise, as shown in the photo, and then wrap it around the pegs again (not crosswise, but just like that).

Fasten the clip on one side of the slingshot.

Add crochet rubber bands

You will be working with one of the slingshot pegs from the side of the cut, hold that side up.

Pass the hook under the first elastic band (white) and put a new elastic band (red) on its end. Pull the hook to pull the second elastic band under the first one so that you get the English letter "U".

Now you will repeat this step over and over to add more bracelet links.

The following photos show this process in more detail.

We work with a slingshot effectively

I included this step to show you the process of weaving a bracelet on a slingshot in more detail.

Put on new rubber bands by turning the hook up, and pull them through by turning the hook down so as not to catch the previous link.

Keep going until you're done

It took me about 5 minutes to make one bracelet that fits my wrist.

Once the bracelet is long enough, put the clip on both ends and remove the very first link from the slingshot.
The bracelet is ready!

Video lesson

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Rainbow Loom are sets of brightly colored rubber bands that are used for needlework by children from all over the world. Rubber bands today are used to weave original rainbow bracelets, rings, toys, handbags, clothes for people and dolls, and much more. In this article, you will learn how to weave rubber bracelets on a slingshot or machine, and you can also watch a useful video.

Before you start weaving bracelets with your own hands, you will have to stock up on a suitable inventory. Buy Rainbow Loom Packs today it is possible in almost any store. Due to the great popularity of this needlework, rubber bands are easy to find in stationery stores, needlework boutiques and children's departments. They offer to buy both simple bags with rubber bands of the same or different colors, as well as full-fledged sets, which include rubber bands of different colors, a loom and a hook.

Today, manufacturers offer elastic bands with pimples, as well as with neon, which glow in the dark. You can find these gummies yourself in the store or order online. Diversity also reigns among the machines, which differ in the number of columns and sizes.

How to weave a rubber band bracelet on a slingshot

A slingshot is the simplest and most inexpensive weaving machine. It consists of only two columns, which are fixed on the base. In this master class, you will learn how to weave a bracelet called "circular knots" on a slingshot.

Slingshots for weaving

Weaving begins with an elastic band, which is twisted into a figure eight and stretched over the posts. The next elastic is put on the columns in the usual way without twisting.

Take the hook and slip the bottom elastic band into the middle from two posts. After that, take an elastic band of a different color, twist it in half and put it on the right column. Take the hook and insert it into the grooves of the column on which this elastic band is put on. Pry off the bottom elastic band, pull it through the twisted one, and transfer it to another column. Put on an elastic band without twisting on two columns, and throw off the elastic band from the right column to the center.

On the left column you should have three elastic bands, the lower one must be thrown into the middle. Now if you repeat these steps, you will have a circular knot.

For more information on how to weave a bracelet with circular knots on a slingshot, see the video.

Bracelet made of rubber bands "circular knots" on a slingshot

Bracelets made of elastic bands on a slingshot scheme

Weaving bracelets on a slingshot- this is the simplest weaving, which even beginners can do. To master this type of needlework, you will have to watch several video tutorials with detailed master classes. Considerable help is provided by patterns of weaving from rubber bands on a slingshot and a loom. If you follow all the instructions exactly, then you can easily weave an original rubber band bracelet.

If you like this type of needlework, then do not look for step-by-step diagrams, watch the video, because in this way you can remember the algorithm of actions.

It turns out that simple bracelets are most convenient to weave on a slingshot, since this mini-loom can be twisted in any direction, and the loom is on the table.

On a slingshot, you can weave bracelets French braid, Fusilli, Pavement, Spikelet and many others, also weave small figures on slingshots.

We suggest you try to weave a beautiful Fusilli bracelet on a slingshot. To do this, you need to put on the first elastic band with a figure eight, and then twist the other elastic band in half and put it on the right column. In the same way, put the elastic on the left column. After that, put the elastic on two columns without twisting and proceed to remove the elastic bands. Remove the bottom elastic band from each column inward.

After that, you need to remove the upper turns of the elastic band, which was twisted in half, into the middle. Now put on the elastic bands again by double twisting into two columns. Now slip the bottom elastic inward, but do not touch the remaining coil from the elastic that was twisted in half. Then you need to throw off one turn of the double elastic again. These steps will need to be repeated until the bracelet is the desired size.

See in more detail how to weave a bracelet on a slingshot in the following video:

FUZILLI bracelet on a slingshot made of rubber bands rainbow loom bands

The principle of weaving bracelets is quite simple and you can repeat it not only on a slingshot, but also on your fingers. We offer you hand-drawn schemes on how to weave bracelets from rubber bands.

Fishtail bracelet on fingers

Weaving from rubber bands on the machine video

On a professional loom, you can weave more diverse products, as well as come up with new accessories that can be woven from rubber bands. If you have already learned how to weave bracelets, such as French braid and Fishtail, then you can weave original baubles.

To do this, you need a three-row machine, the middle row of which needs to be shifted by one column. Take two elastic bands and put them on the posts. You need to start with the first column of the bottom row and the second middle one, which is shifted one to the left. After that, put the elastic on the first column of the second row and on the third of the bottom, then on the second of the bottom and on the third of the middle, so you should completely fill two rows. Turn the machine over and put on an elastic band twisted in half on the middle extreme column. From it you need to remove the lower elastic band and put it on the column on which it is fixed on the other side. Gradually, you will need to remove all the rubber bands in this way and put them on the posts where they are fixed. It remains to fix the weave and put on the hook-fastener.

Watch the detailed video: Weaving a very beautiful Rainbow Loom bracelet on the loom

Weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot- this is the first master class from which acquaintance with the new needlework technique should begin, which is popular today not only among children of preschool and school age, but also among parents. During such an activity, you can have fun with your family, introduce children to creativity and create original decorations for the summer with your own hands, as well as cute souvenirs for your friends.

In addition to bracelets, other crafts can be done on the slingshot using the rainbow loom kit. can be made using only hooks, and on the slingshot you get original figures of animals and fruits.

Methods for weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot

If you really want to know what are ways to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot, then, of course, you need to start with the simplest. The same product can be woven on the fingers, but at the same time it is possible to pull the skin with a ringlet, delivering constant pain, so that no creativity will be a joy. In this case, the simplest needlework tool comes to the rescue - a plastic slingshot with two horns on one side, on which you can weave the simplest products, and with four on the other side, which allow you to make wider products. As a rule, in simple sets there is only an instrument with two horns, which we will use today in our master class. If you want to try a different technique, then it's time to take the simplest table fork in the kitchen and, guided by our tips presented, create stylish summer decorations.

The tool is made of durable plastic, so it can withstand even complex weaving, but there are also non-original sets where the plastic is very soft and can bend during the execution of the product. That is why we advise you to buy the original rainbow loom, which contains all the necessary tools, including a hook, without which our craft cannot do.

And if on the fingers it is better to weave your first product in one color so as not to get confused in the technique and achieve the desired result, then in this case you can already experiment with color schemes, for example, take two shades - in our case we use yellow and pink colors, each needs take 25 pieces to get a bracelet that will be comfortable to put on your hand and not fly off it during dynamic movements. To fix the product, you must immediately prepare an s-shaped clip and, of course, a tool should be at hand.

The first rubber ring is always put on by the "eight", because this is the basis for a further product. If you like different types of weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot, then this one is called "Fishtail", there is also "Pavement", which is also suitable for a beginner.

The pink “eight” will be the first, followed by a yellow ring, which no longer needs to be twisted. Then we put on the third ring, alternating colors: pink - yellow - pink and so on. Now we need to remove the very first row, which was the “eight”, hook the loop with a hook and remove it to the center, first from one slingshot, and then from the other. If there is no hook at hand, then you can pry the rubber bands with your fingers, but this is only convenient if you are weaving a simple bracelet.

Next, you need to act like this: put on another ring to make three rows on the instrument, and remove the lowest loops from two horns. Continue in this way until the chain is the right length. Then you no longer need to add rings, remove the loops one by one, and hook the last loops on the S-shaped clip. With the other end of the clip, hook the beginning of our bracelet, that is, thread it into the center of the “eight”.

Weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot

Now you can learn about weaving different bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot, which are made in the technique of "French braid". Such a comparison with the now popular hairstyle among fashionistas is not accidental, because in its appearance the weave resembles this very hairstyle.

If your kit did not have a slingshot, then you can purchase it separately at any store that sells needlework items, rubber bands are also sold at surprise and stationery stores. And if you still could not find this product in your city, you can order it on the official rainbow loom website or on numerous intermediary websites. Many needlewomen, when they got acquainted with many methods, noted that for the simplest products it is much more convenient to use this simple tool than to use a machine.

For the "French braid" we need rubber rings of two colors, 25 pieces of each. Be sure to immediately prepare an S-shaped transparent clip to connect the woven decoration. Of the tools, as always, it is necessary to prepare a slingshot and a hook.

So, we take the device in the left hand, and with the right we will put on rubber bands. Two horns should look up. Position it towards you so that the recesses “look” at you. First you need to put on the red one, twisting it with an “eight”, as we always do with the ring of the first row. Then they should be put on without twisting, but be sure to remember to alternate colors: blue and red.

Now you need to hook the lower left loop with a hook and remove it to the center so that it is now between the two columns. You also need to remove the second loop. Now you have two rings left on the instrument, overlapped in the middle. It's time to put on blue, and then shoot according to this scheme: from the left column - the middle one is red, and from the right - the lowest blue. Thus, you will create a "French braid" pattern.

Even though it's very simple weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot, photo the lesson can help you cope with all the incomprehensible stages of making a stylish accessory. The “French braid” will continue to be carried out according to this principle: we will remove the middle loop from one column, and the lower loop from the other.

It is necessary to weave the bracelet until it reaches the required length, after which you can complete the product. At the end, only two loops should remain on each column, after which you need to remove the lower ones, and transfer the last rubber band from the left to the right. (or vice versa). Hook both loops with clips and remove them from the column. Hook the second edge of the clip at the beginning, and now the bracelet can be put on your hand, after stretching it in length and width, so that it takes on a neat look.

Types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot

The most understandable lessons of weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot- these are video master classes in which experienced craftsmen talk in detail about all stages of implementation.

With the help of a hook and a slingshot, you can create a stylish bauble that will suit a bright summer wardrobe, and if you don’t know what to present to a friend as a keepsake, then such a bracelet will be a pleasant surprise for him and will remind him of a fun weekend.

Such baubles are worn with pleasure by boys and girls, only girls usually choose bright colors, and boys prefer dark blue, green and black. You can combine shades at your discretion, because the main thing is that such a product pleases you and cheers you up.

Lay out all the necessary materials in front of you, if you are weaving a multi-colored bauble, then arrange all the rings by color so as not to get confused during weaving, thereby delaying the process of doing the craft.

The plastic device must be taken in the left hand, and rubber rings should be put on with the right. Twist the first, as always, with a figure eight, the second and third with rings. When there are three rows on the slingshot, you need to crochet the lowest “ears” and lower them to the center so that they overlap the rest of the rings. Next, you need to put on the next elastic band and remove the lower "ears" from the two horns.

You see how a chain is formed in you, which means that you must continue to weave your bracelet in the same way. The chain should reach the required size so that it sits neatly on the hand and does not fall off. At the end, hook both edges of the baubles to the S-clip, and you can also attach an interesting pendant to make the accessory look even more original.

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot: patterns

To master weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot, video be sure to watch the master class, but when looking for a suitable video, pay attention to the master who will share his skills with you. Unfortunately, recently a lot of tutorials have appeared on the net that beginners shoot, often giving the wrong advice on how to make original decorations. Ultimately, after such a master class, you will not be able to make the desired decoration and interest in a new type of creativity will disappear.

The “Pavement” scheme turns out to be very unusual, and in order to emphasize an interesting pattern, be sure to make the product in several colors, combining contrasting shades.

Instructions for weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot

Photo instructions for weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot will help you cope with the initial stage of making jewelry, and then you need to perform actions according to a given algorithm, alternating putting on new rings with dropping the loops from the lower rows. Thus, depending on the order of the reset, the pattern is formed, sometimes the loops must be transferred from one horn to another, as in the "Pavement" scheme.

Most importantly, if you like weaving bracelets from elastic bands on a slingshot, schemes you do not need to memorize, they cannot be printed or saved on a mobile device, you can only have a recorded algorithm of actions in front of you. Don't worry, after watching the video for the first time, you will remember the order in which you need to put on new rubber rings, as well as remove the lower ones.
You can try to weave not only jewelry, but in addition to bracelets, rings are also woven in the same way, you can also make interesting figures of animals, vegetables and fruits, from which you get original pendants for a mobile phone or key rings that you can present to friends by making them a pleasant surprise.

Very nice rubber bracelet. "Flagellum with loops"

Rubber weaving. Bracelet "mail": the best video master class

Houndstooth Rubber Bracelet: Best Video

Mermaid braid bracelet: best video

Bracelet made of elastic bands "Angel Heart": a step-by-step video master class

Bright and original bracelets made of elastic bands are a trendy inexpensive accessory today. Children are absolutely delighted with this activity that develops their creative abilities! Many little fashionistas want to have such a beautiful item in their collection of everyday jewelry.

Most of the kids and their mothers, as well as teenage girls of the beautiful half of humanity, want to know how to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot. There is nothing difficult in this! It only takes a little time, imagination for creativity and special Rainbow Loom kits.

Mix business with pleasure

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot conquered the whole world. It originated in the USA. Girls, girls and women are happy to make this type of creativity their hobby, because it helps to combine business with pleasure. An interesting pastime for unusual needlework leads to excellent results.

Now you can choose from a large number of unique elegant jewelry that matches the color of your outfit with a wonderful bracelet, or even more than one. Such a wonderful product of your own creativity will be an original and pleasant gift for any birthday girl or for every woman on March 8th.

Among other things, bracelets made of rubber bands on a slingshot it is a practical accessory that is not afraid of water and does not require, in general, any care. They are ideal for wearing on the beach: they will help to create a beautiful bright look and perfectly emphasize the originality of a bathing suit.

In these bracelets you can safely sunbathe and go into the pond. They do not fade when exposed to ultraviolet rays and are difficult to lose because they do not slip off wet hands.

What you need in order to create beautiful bracelets from rubber bands

The standard Rainbow Loom creative kit includes everything you need:

  • Special machine;
  • Slingshot for weaving;
  • Clips for connecting bracelets;
  • Small elastic bands for weaving in different colors, ranging from standard ones to unusual rare tones.

After purchasing the set, beginners need to attend lessons in weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot from experienced craftswomen in order to quickly learn how to create unique masterpieces on their own.

How to weave this original type of accessories

Bracelets made of rubber bands have completely different ways of weaving on a slingshot. With a little imagination, you can create truly unique things.

For the first bracelets made of rubber bands on a slingshot, it is better to choose the simplest ones. These include "fishtail", "French braid" and so on.

Consider how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands on a slingshot

  1. It is necessary to prepare a slingshot, a special hook, a connecting clip and rubber bands for weaving several colors to choose from.
  2. The elastic band is put on a slingshot with a figure eight. A couple more rubber bands of different colors are hooked from below and twisted.
  3. With the help of a hook, the lowest elastic band is threaded from two sides. As a result, it should be on top of the rest of the rubber bands.
  4. Then you need to put on another elastic band on top and twist it.
  5. The same must be done with the previous gum. Should be a small chain.
  6. Then we put another rubber band on the slingshot and with a hook we drag the elastic band located below, upward from two sides.
  7. The result should be a wonderful unusual chain. Weaving length is optional.
  8. At the end, you need to attach a connecting clip so that the product does not fall apart.

Rainbow Loom French Braid

Bracelets made of rubber bands on a french braid style slingshot machine are made very simply. The result is a chic weave that looks very complex. Here's how to create a "French braid":

  • Rubber bands from the Rainbow Loom creative kit can be taken in one color, or you can take several bright shades. You will also need a slingshot machine.
  • We fasten the first rubber band on the slingshot with a figure eight.
  • From above it is necessary to put on two more exactly, without a figure eight.
  • The loop of the lower rubber band with the help of a hook must be pulled off with a hook, removed and left in the center of the machine. A similar action is performed with the second loop of the same rubber band.
  • The next rubber band is put on the machine for reconciliation.
  • The loops of the lower elastic bands must be removed from the slingshot in the manner described above and left in the center.
  • Then it is necessary to thread another rubber band, preferably of a different color, through the obtained loops with a hook.
  • We put on the loops of the new rubber band on the slingshot and then we put on another rubber band.
  • Then we remove the loops to the center of the machine.
  • Weaving continues until the required length of the bracelet is made.
  • Then you can braid the first bracelet with the second and thus make it voluminous and two-color.
  • The procedure is repeated braiding the bracelet.
  • At the end we attach the connecting clip.

The second version of weaving a multi-colored bracelet of three colors

Weaves similarly to the above, only the colors change rhythmically.

  • The lower elastic is worn with a figure eight.
  • The remaining two colors are not exactly a figure eight.
  • Further, using a hook, elastic bands are strung on the sides to the center.
  • Then put the Rainbow Loom elastic on the slingshot again and repeat weaving to the desired length of the bracelet.
  • Then, at the very end, fasten it on hooks and decorate with an original pendant.

It will take about twenty minutes to weave bracelets on a slingshot with rubber bands. Such an interesting hobby is very suitable for young mothers who have little free time. Colored and original handmade bracelets will serve as excellent amulets for their daughters and will bring an interesting colorful zest to the gentle image of a little naughty girl. And will be a great activity for the development of creative abilities in children.

Every summer, teachers in children's camps celebrate a new mass hobby among children. But weaving from rubber bands has remained the same hobby for several years.

Weaving from rubber bands on a slingshot is a very interesting activity. For beginner craftsmen, you can find a lot of patterns on the Internet that will tell you how to weave dolls, animals, 3D peas, a strawberry pen, a flower, a unicorn and other crafts and figurines from rubber bands. You can even knit the lightest shapes in just a few minutes. You can do this on a stove, table, bed, in a word, any surface. Knitting contributes to the development of concentration and fine motor skills of the hands. This article will present the best lessons on this craft, let's learn to knit together!

Weaving rubber bands on a slingshot is a very interesting activity.

This interesting activity allows you to develop the motor skills of the hands, thereby increasing the intellectual capabilities of a person. In addition, there are a huge variety of different ideas and master classes that can teach you how to weave various figures.

The level of difficulty in this craft is different. Beginners are advised to work with simpler circuits, as complex circuits require experience. Over time, when a person understands the principle of weaving, he can easily make any craft, even the most complex one.

Lots of ideas! Here is just a small part. So, on a slingshot you can weave:

  • Vegetables and fruits, such as strawberries or tomatoes.
  • Animals such as a lion, bear or crocodile.
  • Birds, for example, a crow or a parrot.
  • Flowers such as rose, violet or chamomile.
  • Humans, soldiers.
  • Bracelets of different types, etc.

The more often a person is engaged in weaving on a slingshot, the better he does. Do not be upset if the first work failed, because working on it brought valuable experience to the craftsman. Next time, the craft will turn out much better!

Gallery: weaving from rubber bands (25 photos)

Rubber band heart on a slingshot (video)

Weaving food for dolls from rubber bands on a slingshot

Weaving food for the doll yourself means being creative! Even little girls can do it. Below will be described how to make a pumpkin.

So, we weave a pumpkin:

  1. For this work, you will need material of two colors: green and orange. The green color will be used to make a leafy pumpkin tail, so you don't need to allocate too many of these rubber bands for work. But the orange material will need more.
  2. Working on a slingshot involves laying out rubber bands according to the scheme. In this case, you need to make three rows of orange rubber bands, one of which, the central one, should be lowered down. The green rubber bands are at the top in the middle.
  3. The slingshot should be turned towards the person with the part on which there are notches. The orange first gum is thrown over the right side of the slingshot in 3 turns. This is done on the left side as well. The first elastic bands are put on 2 pins of the slingshot.
  4. Elastic bands of three turns are put on the central pin. Then another pair is thrown. The previous elastic bands go down.
  5. Similar actions are performed with the third and fourth rubber bands.
  6. To weave the next row, the material is removed from the left column. Subsequent weaving occurs in exactly the same way. Each completed chain is put on the right column.
  7. A pair of green material is attached to a slingshot and a pumpkin descends on them. At the end of the work, you need to pull the loop.

Weaving a bunny on a slingshot

  1. For such work, you need to prepare not only a slingshot, but also a hook. The bunny should be yellow, but in addition to such material, black is also taken (for the eyes and nose).
  2. The deepening of the pins of the machine should “look” at the master. The first elastic wraps around the column 3 times. After that, 2 others are thrown on both columns. The first falls to the center, the rest are similar. This is how the weaving of the bunny ear happens.
  3. The last row of the ear is put on a hook. A pair of the next blank is put on from the hook on the left post of the slingshot. The triplets of elastic bands are lowered to the center, after which the next yarn over of the material is made.
  4. The second blank is transferred to the right post of the slingshot. Triplets of material are transferred to the left post with a hook. The next blank is woven in the same way. The technique is called "fish tail".
  5. To weave the eyes of a bunny, three times you should throw a black elastic band on the pole of the slingshot. Further weaving with yellow material is carried out in a similar way. The eyes should be at a distance of two yellow elastic bands. If desired, you can make the animal a black nose. At the end, it will need to be pulled forward with a hook so that it becomes convex.

For such work, you need to prepare not only a slingshot, but also a hook

How to weave a crocodile?

Anyone can make a rubber toy, especially if you follow simple patterns. The crocodile should be made from green material to give it the most realistic look..

So, the work is as follows:

  1. Using the fishtail method, you need to weave the body of a crocodile. Body width - 3 elastic bands. This technique should be used to weave a fabric no shorter than 7-8 cm. The toy should be quite voluminous. This is a simple method that does not require much effort from the master.
  2. Then from the body you need to weave the limbs of the reptile. For maximum simplification of the task, they can be made the same. Weaving technique is similar, "fish tail".
  3. To make the crocodile look more beautiful, then at the end of weaving the limbs, the row can be finished with brown material. Don't forget about the eyes of the reptile! They are woven with black rubber bands.

Anyone can make a rubber toy, especially if you follow simple patterns.

At the end of the work, the loop of the last row should be tightened.

Bracelet made of elastic bands on a slingshot

Rubber bracelets are very bright and beautiful. The method of weaving a bracelet called "Angel Heart" will be described below.

Step by step work:

  1. You need to take yellow and green material.
  2. The slingshot is taken so that the open parts of the pillars look at the master.
  3. The first green elastic band is thrown into a figure eight, that is, twisted between two columns. And then a yellow elastic band is thrown over, but it does not twist.
  4. After that, the green material is crocheted to the center.
  5. Then the yellow material is thrown over again. Crocheted green elastic band falls on the right side. Thus, further weaving is performed. If everything is done correctly, then green material will lie flat in the center of the bracelet, and yellow will be rings in the middle.
  6. If desired, you can weave the “Angel Heart” with three colors, constantly alternating the eight-shaped crochet with the usual one. In this case, the bracelet will be multi-colored, the color of which will not be uniform. This is already a matter of taste.