Gadgets for pregnant dodo toys. Donut maker from Clatronic - for delicious breakfasts from mom. Baby bandage with music

1. Electronic stethoscope

A great gift idea for your closest relatives: recording the heartbeat of your unborn baby! Today it is very easy to do this, because already from the end of the second trimester (18-20th week) of pregnancy, you can track how the baby's heart beats without leaving your home. The safety of modern ultrasonic and digital stethoscopes (BabyBoss, Bebesounds, Graco) has been confirmed by WHO experts, and these devices are so sensitive that in addition to the heartbeat through special headphones, you will hear how the baby rolls over in the amniotic fluid, sucks his thumb and even hiccups! An interesting feature of modern gadgets is that you can record the sound of your own heart in the form in which your baby hears it.

2. IP baby monitor

The baby monitor is rapidly losing its position in the popularity ratings, and its alternative, the video baby monitor, is already being squeezed by an improved version. This baby tracking object is called an IP video baby monitor, and it will be an ideal solution for parents who went to work, entrusting the baby to the care of a nanny, escaped for a few days on vacation or just went shopping. With the help of IP technologies, you can watch your child not only from the building on the next street, but practically from anywhere in the world. At the same time, the IP video baby monitor will remotely notify you of what is happening in the baby's crib or playpen. With the help of an IP baby monitor, you can hear, see and even talk to him, and if necessary, even record everything that happens. All that is needed for the operation of an IP baby monitor is the presence of a laptop or smartphone as a parent unit, where image and sound will be transmitted, as well as the Internet. The camera of such a baby monitor is equipped with an automatic rotation mechanism (up, down, right and left), which ensures the maximum completeness of the view, and it transmits the video in the highest quality. Some models are equipped with slots for a memory card, which allows you to save videos and photos directly to the gadget's memory, and some IP baby monitors can be used simultaneously as a night light.

3. Out-of-home pumping kit

A modern mother no longer has a choice - to breastfeed her baby or lead an active lifestyle. When you need to leave - for work or just a meeting with friends - a breast pump comes to the rescue. But there are situations when you can’t sit comfortably, take off your bathrobe and devote all your energy and time to “collecting” milk. It is for such cases that Simple Wishes, with the help of real nursing mothers with many children, has developed a special pumping top. A special cut with slits at the level of the nipples and dense elastic material (83% cotton and 17% spandex) securely hold the breast pump to the breast, literally untying the woman's hands. While the process is going on, you can drink a cup of tea, read a magazine, make up your eyelashes, or go about your business: check your phone mail, make a couple of phone calls, and, if necessary, even hold an Internet conference (modern automatic breast pumps work so quietly that they are almost invisible against the background). normal office noise). The top bra is available in two colors and can be worn with straps or as a bustier. The insert at the back allows you to adjust according to need, which helps to maintain the shape of the breast. The top comes with special bottles that help minimize the risk of spilling milk.

4. Rocker for a baby stroller

Motion sickness has a truly magical effect on babies. It seems that how much the cradle would swing, so much he would sleep sweetly. That's just in order to rock the baby in a stroller or bouncer, you need at least one hand! The compact and lightweight development of Lolaloo will save you from the need to be tied to a stroller: attach it to the handle with Velcro and it will rock the baby. Thanks to the built-in battery (charger included), the rocker is absolutely mobile: you can easily take it with you to visit or to the playground. Settings - the speed and strength of amplitude movements - you can easily adjust at your discretion.

5. Self-heating bottle

The development of Danish specialists - the iimamo Go feeding bottle - was especially liked by dads. Still would! Maximum efficiency with minimum effort: in 4 minutes, the bottle on its own, without the use of auxiliary devices, heats up 170 ml of milk or water for infant formula to the recommended temperature for feeding crumbs of 37 degrees. The heating element (replaceable cartridges) is made of plastic, so the bottle is very light and will not drag your pocket. There are no special secrets: insert the cartridge into the bottom of the bottle (the heat generated by the heating cartridge is absolutely safe for the baby), turn the special cap, wait 4-5 minutes and shake. Dinner is served!

6. iThermometer

All kids get sick without exception. Experienced parents know that measuring the temperature of a crying baby with a conventional mercury thermometer can be very problematic. Medisana has developed a unique Thermodock device that allows you to find out the temperature of the baby's body in a couple of seconds, without even touching it! Everything is extremely simple: insert the "thermometer" into the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, bring the gadget at a distance of 5 cm, click on the display - a special signal will notify you of the end of the temperature measurement, and the result will appear on the screen. Using the device is very convenient: the measurement results are stored in the device's memory and can be sent by e-mail to the attending physician, and the dynamics of temperature changes, if necessary, can be viewed on special graphs. The program that provides the operation of the thermometer, available for download in the App Store absolutely free.

This little device will be very useful to you at the end of pregnancy - it can be used to calculate the interval between contractions, and it will also show the duration of the contraction itself, which can approximately tell when labor is over and you will finally meet your baby. The device will also help track the movements of the fetus.

Angel sounds

The moment when mom and dad hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time is hard to forget. In order to be sure that the baby is all right. The device Angel sounds - the sounds of an angel - will help you listen to the heartbeat of the fetus at any time.

Many expectant mothers let their baby listen to their favorite music in the stomach, because this has a beneficial effect on its development! Lullabelly is a belt with a pocket where mom can put the phone so that the baby enjoys the sound of music. Mom can also listen to music with the baby, because headphones are included with the belt.

If you suffer from morning sickness and other manifestations of toxicosis, the BIO bands device will help alleviate your condition. It must be put on the wrist and due to the massage of biologically active points in this area, all discomfort will recede.

This cute bracelet will help you keep track of your sleep duration, your stress levels and the number of steps you've taken during the day. The device will be very useful for mothers who led an active lifestyle before pregnancy and are not in a hurry to part with physical exercises.

If you are a fan of Twitter - this device is for you! This is a belt that sends messages to the social network with every push of the child! It is designed to share your feelings with family and friends.

This intelligent device will enable the baby to listen to their favorite classical tunes, and even the voice of mom or dad at any time, since the sounds are broadcast only to the baby and are not heard by strangers.

If you are a fan of early child development, then this system will help you start already in the prenatal period! It sounds unbelievable, but children who get acquainted with this device develop skills faster and fall asleep more easily.

This is a pregnancy scale that accurately tracks weight changes and has special settings to track progress. You can connect them to your phone using WiFi.

Has a little man already appeared in your house or will be born very soon? His coming into this world is a very joyful and responsible event. There is so much more to be done! As soon as the baby is born, you will no longer have free time.

Of course, both relatives and useful technical things that are designed to make life easier for a young mother will come to your aid. Today, there are a huge variety of different devices and household appliances that will help you take care of your child so that you have time for yourself! has chosen the most necessary devices for mom and presents its top ten gadgets for a young mother. Take note!

Bottle Steamer

A great helper for mom is a bottle sterilizer. Even if the baby is breastfed, sometimes you have to use bottles, which, as you know, need to be sterilized for children under one year old.

Steam electric sterilizer is an indispensable thing for mom and baby. In just 10 minutes, the device will 100% sterilize 6 bottles and accessories for the baby at the same time.

A huge plus of this sterilizer is that when the baby grows up, the device can be used as a double boiler. And this already opens up unlimited possibilities in preparing tasty and healthy food for a child.

All that mom needs to do when using this device is to pour water into a special tank, turn on the device and press the “start” button: after a certain time, the steamer-sterilizer will turn off by itself.

Option: steamer-sterilizer NUK, estimated price -3 100 rubles.

baby monitor

With this device, you can safely be in another room and hear what is happening in the nursery. High quality sound transmission without interference, a fairly large range (up to 400 m), 3 radio channels, various monitoring modes (light, sound, vibration), long battery life and ease of use - that's what a baby monitor is.

The device helps not only to carefully monitor the baby's sleep, but also allows the young mother to devote a few minutes to herself. And the little helper can turn into a music box that will lull the baby to sleep, into a “smart” night light that will turn on if the baby suddenly wakes up.

Usually the device consists of two parts: one is installed in the baby's room, the other is constantly with the mother. It can look like a mini walkie-talkie or a watch-like bracelet.

Another modification of the device is a video baby monitor. The essence remains the same, only three video cameras are added to the described blocks, which are easily installed anywhere in the apartment. Mom will have a small video screen - it will receive images from all cameras.

Option: baby monitor Avent-Philips PASCD-510, estimated price - 5 489 rubles.

breast pump

A very important thing for a mother is a breast pump. There are situations when a woman needs to leave, and the baby is breastfed. This is where these devices come to the rescue.

They are mechanical (manual) and electric: each type has its own advantages, so it's up to you to decide which option to prefer. Much depends on the amount of milk and how it is allocated. For some of the nursing mothers, a simple device with a pear is enough, and for some, it is impossible to do without an electric assistant.

Prices for devices range from 1,000 rubles. (mechanical breast pump) up to 6,000 rubles. (for electric).

When using any breast pump, remember that the device must be sterilized after each use.

Option: electric breast pump Medela Swing, estimated price - 4,500 rubles.

Baby food warmer

With the advent of this device, the old-fashioned way of warming milk and baby food with hot water can be left in case of a power outage.

Many mothers of formula-fed babies are familiar with the problem of uniform heating of milk. Even when the child has already grown up and began to receive complementary foods, the problem of proper and rapid heating of food remains.

An electric heater will come to the rescue, which in a matter of minutes will heat the mixture or baby food to the required temperature of 37C. In addition, the device will also maintain the desired temperature for a long time.

By changing the color of the light bulb, the indicator on the heater panel will indicate when the required temperature has been reached. But it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to keep the heated mixture in the device for more than one hour.

Option: Chicco digital bottle warmer, estimated price - 1,100 rubles.

Electronic scales for baby

It is customary to weigh babies up to a year every month - this is especially important in the very first months of a child's life. An indicator of normal development is a stable weight gain. Sometimes only timely weighing can prevent possible health problems.

With the help of electronic baby scales equipped with a memory function, the mother can not only control the weight of the baby, but also be aware of the overall dynamics of weight gain - the memory function calculates the difference compared to the previous weighing and allows the mother to determine the amount of food eaten for feeding.

Option: electronic children's scales "I'm growing!" from Maman, estimated price - 2,800 rubles.

Electronic baby thermometer

Unfortunately, babies still get sick: no mother is immune from worries about this. Therefore, it is imperative to have an electric thermometer on hand, with which you can instantly assess the condition of the baby.

For a child, either an ear or forehead thermometer is best. The electronic thermometer is safe to use and does not contain mercury. And he does everything himself: literally in one second he measures the temperature, informs about it with a sound signal, enters the result into memory, saving the last nine measurements, and turns off himself. Mom can only bring the device to the forehead of the baby or insert it into the child's ear.

Option: Forehead and ear electronic thermometer AND DT-635, estimated price - 1,000 rubles.

Night light with music

If you can’t boast of good musical abilities and don’t have much patience either, be sure to get a night light with music.

A caring musical night light will lull the baby to sleep with a pleasant melody and gradually turn off the light within a specified time. If the dream of the baby is suddenly interrupted, the night light will automatically turn on to come to the rescue again. In addition, a night light projector will be a great accessory for a child's room.

Option: Simba baby night-light projector, estimated price -1,200 rubles.

Room thermometer-hygrometer

In the first months of a baby's life, he especially needs to maintain the optimal balance of temperature and humidity in the room. A thermometer-hygrometer will help create ideal conditions for your child.

The unusual star shape, large LCD display and electronic technology will make this device one of the favorites in the baby's room. The thermometer can be placed on a table or hung on the wall.

Option: room thermometer-hygrometer Tefal Baby, estimated price - 1,300 rubles.

Humidifier for children

This important device should not be underestimated: a silent and safe humidifier will help create the necessary humidity in the baby's room, protecting his delicate skin from drying out and reducing the risk of respiratory diseases.

The air humidifier can operate autonomously up to 15 hours at maximum and up to 50 hours at minimum. Many nice additions, such as an anti-calc cartridge, automatic shutdown of the device when the tank is empty, the ability to use the humidifier as a device for an aromatherapy session, make this device desirable in any home where there is a child.

Option: Terraillon air humidifier, estimated price - 3,700 rubles.

Baby stroller

This item is especially important for the mother, and, of course, for the baby. The stroller should be such that it is warm and cozy in winter, cool in summer. And every mother has her own requirements for a stroller.

Some modern transforming strollers allow mothers to solve many tasks (replacing several different items at once): at the same time be stroller for walks around the city and country walks(for this, you only need to choose a 3-wheel or 4-wheel chassis), turn into child safety car seat and change the colors of the "cradle" at the request of the mother.

Combining all these functions is simple: such strollers consist of a walking block (which can be installed facing the parent or facing the direction of movement) and a transforming “cradle” (which can just turn into a child seat for traveling in a car). They can be used right from birth and up to 3 years.

The cost of such devices is not small, but if you calculate how much you need to spend on a stroller for walking and a car seat separately, you may find it very attractive.

Option: innovative transforming stroller "My Choice" from Mothercare, estimated price - 21,500 rubles.

10 chose

Being pregnant is great! And being pregnant in our age of high technology and all sorts of interesting inventions is doubly wonderful. After all, if earlier you had to put up with inconvenience somewhere or give up some interesting things because you don’t particularly use them with your stomach, now you can find a device that helps arrange everything in the best possible way. I offer you some of the most interesting things that will help brighten up the life of any expectant mother.

And as the first point, I will perhaps mention a special pillow for pregnant women, which allows you to get on the bed in the most comfortable way. It is long, so much so that you can sit in it like in a cocoon and have sweet dreams throughout the night. And when the baby is born, she will continue to serve you faithfully as a feeding pillow.

Many future mothers avoid driving because safety belt puts a lot of pressure on the stomach. However, today this is not a problem either. Many companies offer a special pad that holds the belt under the stomach and does not interfere with enjoying the ride. Some experts, however, believe that these pads are not needed at all if they are fastened correctly. safety belt. That's right - this means that the upper strap should pass under the chest, and the lower one - as low as possible under the stomach. But if there is an opportunity to make the trip even safer, and to be even more confident behind the wheel, then why not use this modern tool?

How difficult it is sometimes to wait for a visit to the doctor to listen to the heart of an unborn baby and make sure that everything is in order with him! You can, of course, ask for help, for example, from your husband, who, putting his ear to your stomach, will try to hear the baby's pulse. Although, the probability of success here is not too high. A regular stethoscope is also not enough. Personally, I was never able to hear anything through him even in the last stages, and in order to hear something through an obstetric stethoscope, again, someone's help is required. And this is where technology comes to the rescue. Fetal monitors or home dopplers no longer uncommon. The device contains a sensor that is attached to the stomach and a receiver, on the liquid crystal monitor of which you will see the number of heartbeats of your unborn child. There are even models that can record a heartbeat and then play it back.

Personally, I am an impatient, curious and impressionable person - throughout my pregnancy I thought that, maybe someday, portable ultrasound machines to no-no yes and look at the little one. And what would you think? Already now the company General Electric is ready to present a test batch of mini-monitors for fetal ultrasound examination. The company hopes its product will help expectant mothers in developing countries take better care of their baby's health. The price is promised low, but not yet called.

morning sickness familiar to a considerable number of pregnant women. And there are so many tips on how to defeat him that sometimes one contradicts the other. However, there is a device that promises to ease morning sickness. This is a tape that is attached to the wrist and acts on acupuncture points.


A rich variety of all kinds of devices have been invented and invented in the world, which, if they do not save us from an exhausting household routine, then greatly simplify life, allowing us to save at least a little precious time. We offer you the top 10 useful gadgets that can be useful to young mothers. We are sure that you will like them so much that you will want to give birth again.

Baby silicone bottle with spoon attachment

A bottle convenient for feeding the baby will facilitate mother's chores and worries about his nutrition. Feeding a baby with such a spoon-bottle is much more convenient than with a regular spoon. It can be used for cereals, kefir, fruit, vegetable and meat purees. It is also convenient to take a bottle-spoon with you on walks. It retains heat well and is firmly closed with a lid.

Wearable children's gadgets, or mobile security solutions for children

There is a growing demand for wearable child safety monitors in the global product market. The devices are sewn into the clothes of babies, and smart socks and bracelets allow not only to track how the child sleeps, but also to record important parameters of the baby: his temperature, heartbeat and breathing.

Baby Nail Clipper by Zo-li

The clipper from Zo-li is designed for easy and safe cutting of small children's nails. Such a device does not cut the nails, but grinds them down with the help of four "pads". Two are for toddlers, the other two are for older children. The machine itself is battery operated.

Itzbeen Baby Timer

In the first time after the birth of a child, parents have to work, caring for him, as they say, to wear and tear. And the main thing in caring for a baby is to clearly calculate the time and sequence with which you need to feed the baby, change his diaper, put him to bed, etc. The timer from Itzbeen is designed to help young parents not forget anything and be in time everywhere. The device can be programmed for four actions: feeding, sleeping, walking and changing a diaper. At the appointed time, the device will start emitting disturbing sounds, reminding you of a particular duty.

Baby crying translator Why Cry

An unusual gadget can determine one of the five causes of children's crying: stress, hunger, drowsiness, pain, boredom. It is enough to bring the device to the baby for 10-20 seconds, and a smiley face with the answer to the question of interest will be displayed on the screen. The accuracy of such a gadget is 98 percent, so it will become an indispensable gift for a young mother until her parental instinct develops.

A night lamp that will lull the baby to sleep

The night lamp not only glows with a soothing green light, but also makes sounds to lull your baby to sleep, so you don't have to jump up to the cradle every time you cry. The lamp is activated by rapid breathing and whimpering and is almost certain to help even the most restless baby fall asleep. With such a gadget, mom will definitely get enough sleep at night.

Electric bottle sterilizer

Such a device sterilizes not only bottles, but also breast pumps, baby plates, forks and knives. The savings will be significant if you purchase a device for six bottles. This electric appliance cleans everything very simply and easily and does not take up much space in the kitchen.

Disposer for diapers

When we hear the word “recycler”, we think of some modern high-tech gadget that miraculously recycles diapers, splitting them into atoms at home. However, in reality, everything is much simpler.
A diaper recycler is just a regular trash can with a sealed lid that you can throw used diapers into, wrapped in bags to keep the smell inside.

Infrared thermometer

A thermometer is an important tool, and especially in the early stages of your baby's life. You will have to take your baby's temperature twice a day. And not always the child will lie quietly with a thermometer under his arm. Thanks to the infrared meter, this process becomes super-fast: it will determine the temperature of your child in one second.

Electronic storyteller

It happens that parents are so tired that they cannot even read a fairy tale to their baby. Then the device In Your Own Voice Storyteller will come to the rescue. It is a small, pen-like instrument for recording voices. With its help, parents will be able to tell a fairy tale in advance, after which the gadget will repeat it again and again.