How and when to teach a child to use the potty? How to potty train a child: quick methods Children learn to potty train

Every parent is faced with the question of when and how to potty train a child . However, many parents, especially those who are raising their first child, often try too early to teach their baby to go to the toilet "like an adult." Below we will talk about how to teach a child to use the potty in the easiest way, how to correctly perceive those failures that inevitably happen in the process of accustoming, why a baby cannot always learn to go to the toilet quickly enough, as well as other important aspects that are interesting to new parents.

How to potty train a child: methods and their features

When the baby grows up, and mom and dad inevitably face the question of how to teach a child to go to the potty, many adults make mistakes that eventually turn into stress for both parents and the child. As a result, adults spend a lot of time and effort in vain, dropping the baby even at night, but they don’t get any result at all, or as a result, an unstable result is noted.

At one time, there was an opinion that it is quite possible to teach a child to the potty quickly and correctly if you start doing this already in the first year of a baby’s life. Even now, many grandmothers and even experienced mothers give young parents advice on how to potty train a child at 1 year old. Similar recommendations can sometimes be heard even from individual pediatricians.

However, at present, such early training has already been scientifically recognized as incorrect and untimely, as well as such that it contradicts the natural physiology of the baby. That is, those who are trying to potty train a baby in the last months of the first year of life contradict his psychology and do not take into account the peculiarities of physiological maturation. As a result, it turns out that this whole process of accustoming is very long and, as a rule, unproductive. In addition, those who are trying to teach such a small boy or girl to use the potty, in fact, have to put pressure on the baby. And this, of course, causes a number of negative consequences, namely:

  • development in a baby, sometimes leading to the development of neurological and psychosomatic diseases;
  • manifestation urinary incontinence , ;
  • nervous tics , logoneuroses ;
  • development of serious problems later in life, in particular encopresis , overactive bladder .

In fact, parents very often note that the child has the problems described above. But at the same time, they do not compare cause and effect, and often do not understand the nature of these manifestations.

Those who were puzzled by the solution of the question of how to potty train a boy or how to teach a girl to ask to go to the toilet earlier than is determined by nature used the methods of developing conditioned reflexes. However, in this case, it was not about developing a conscious skill, which ideally should be achieved.

Because of such training, the wrong sequence of actions was lined up. That is, the parents ensured that the child emptied the bladder when he heard the murmur of water, or when he was sentenced “piss-piss”.

Due to repeated repetitions of such actions, the baby got used to the need to write after such sounds. Although, in fact, an overflow of the bladder should encourage you to go to the toilet.

In addition, the skill that a one-year-old baby received as a result of the development of such a reflex is not stable. It may be lost because it is based on the wrong base. For example, any stress can “wean” a baby from the potty - moving, starting a visit to a kindergarten, restless relations between parents, etc.

Also, a child can lose this skill at about 2 years old - at the age when, in fact, it was necessary to begin the process of potty training. If such a “weaning” has occurred later, it is already much more difficult for a baby to learn to acquire this skill.

Therefore, the conclusion is unequivocal: there is no need to rush, wean the child from diapers as early as possible and try to teach him to the pot in 3 days. This skill must be developed in time and gradually.

Thus, parents should clearly understand when it is necessary to teach the child to the potty, and when it is too early to do it.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies reach physiological maturity between 18 and 24 months of age. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the baby to the potty not earlier than after he reaches 18 months.

It is important not only to know when to start potty training and what time a small child should learn to ask to use the toilet, but also which method should be used in order for the result to be successful. It is important to use a method that will be focused on the baby. That is, it is imperative to take into account the degree of maturity of the nervous system of a small person. It is the maturity of the nervous system that determines whether the baby is ready to acquire such an important skill. If you use just such a model of education, parents will not put pressure on the child.

In turn, the baby will not survive the stress if his physiological and psychological readiness is at the proper level. That is why, the most correct answer to the question, at what age can a child be potty trained, is the following: when he is ready for this both physiologically and psychologically.

In the learning process, the baby is the main figure, while he is already aware of what he is doing and what adults want from him.

The main provisions of the physiological method are the following postulates:

  • physical maturity of the body - strengthening the muscles of the urethra and rectal sphincters, developed innervation of the bladder and rectum.
  • Psychological maturity - the baby already understands what is required of him, can follow the instructions.
  • Emotional readiness - the child is positively disposed towards the acquisition of new skills.

Features of the physiology and anatomy of the baby

To explain why training should begin no earlier than one and a half years old, consideration of some features of the physiology and anatomy of the baby will help. A baby can consciously ask for a potty only at a time when he has already formed neuromuscular connections between his brain and the organs of the small pelvis. Their formation begins only after 18 months. These are nerve fibers that form plexuses around the rectum and bladder. It is they who give the impulse that the urea or intestines are full. This impulse is initially transmitted to the spinal cord, and then to the brain. He is the urge to visit the toilet. Therefore, the formation of the correct skill is possible only after the clear appearance of these connections. Therefore, if a child does not go to the potty at 1.5 years old, this is quite normal.

Of course, some "advanced" parents, almost after the birth of a child, begin to puzzle over how to make a child pee in a pot. However, most attempts at training too early are doomed to failure. Even if certain successes have appeared, children on the potty do not feel confident, and this skill is not consolidated in them as it should.

But if training starts when the child begins to understand what they want from him, and when his body is ready for such a “school”, success will not be long in coming.

Potty ahead of time: is it good?

Many mothers tell about how a baby who is not even a year old regularly goes to the potty. Faced with such stories, some mothers of small children themselves are trying to teach their child to do without diapers as early as possible.

By repeating the sounds “piss-piss” or the hysterical “ah-ah-ah” repeatedly and holding the baby on the potty, of course, you can ensure that he does his job. But do not forget that in this case he will only have conditional .

However, it should be remembered that a baby taught such “wisdom” too early, after a year and a half, may behave completely differently than parents expect. If the child’s bladder is not full, the corresponding impulse does not reach the brain, and in the meantime the baby is stubbornly planted on the potty and encouraged to go to the toilet, the conditioned reflex can already work. And since the child is not taught the new, correct method, the problem of wet panties can again manifest itself in all its glory. At the same time, parents will be perplexed about why something suddenly went wrong. And in this case, repeated potty training in 1 day is impossible - parents will again have to gradually “work” with the child, so that he eventually develops a stable skill.

The table provides a comparison of the features of too early and on time training.

How do you know when to start learning?

All babies develop differently, so it cannot be assumed that every child is able to go from diapers to a potty at one and a half years. At the same time, parents should clearly remember the fact that the formation of a sustainable skill occurs by 22-36 months. Therefore, all the mistakes of the baby must be taken calmly.

It is important to take into account those signs that indicate that the baby can already begin to be taught how to go to the toilet correctly.

  • A bowel movement occurs at about the same time of day every day.
  • Urination is noted no more than once every two hours, as can be judged by dry diapers.
  • The kid already knows different parts of the body and is able to show them. He also distinguishes between items of clothing.
  • He understands what it means to "piss" and "poop".
  • Strives to imitate adults.
  • When the diaper is dirty, the baby experiences discomfort and demonstrates it.
  • Tries to dress himself.
  • Interested in toilet, potty.
  • The baby is already 1.5 years old.

If all of the above features are already observed, this indicates that the process of potty training will be quick and easy for both mom and dad and the child.

You should tune in to the fact that the baby may not sit down on the potty immediately. If all attempts to seat him end in whims and crying, this may indicate that the child simply does not want to go to the toilet now. It is important not to scold him, but simply stop trying for a while and try to repeat everything later - in a few weeks. By about two years old, a small person will learn to ask to use the toilet and do everything right.

It is not necessary to force the baby to sit on the pot if he is afraid to do this for any reason. Parents should be sensitive to such fears and find their cause. Often this is due to the stress experienced or the fact that the pot seems uncomfortable to the child.

How to conduct the learning process?

This should be done gradually, without rushing the baby.

"Introduce" the pot

First you need to show him that you can just sit on the potty. Therefore, at first it is enough to put him on a pot, while not requiring you to immediately use this item for its intended purpose. True, parents here need to be extremely careful, because it is also impossible to let the baby play with the potty, otherwise, he will perceive him as another toy.

Drop off when the baby is supposed to go to the toilet

If the child is not averse to sitting on the potty, it is worth trying to plant him at a time when, most likely, he wants to "small". It is better to do this after eating, after sleeping.

Monitor behavior

If you watch a small person very carefully, you will notice that before urination or defecation, he calms down, as if thinking. Some children startle, others try to take off their panties or panties on their own. It is these signals that may indicate that it is time to sit on the potty.

Consolidate the skill with repetitions

After the baby made a mistake, you need to calmly ask him where to poop and write. If he does not show the pot after that, then you need to bring the child to him and repeat again “Here is the pot. You have to write here."

Accept failures calmly, praise successes

You can’t scold children for mistakes and get upset about this - over time, everything will definitely work out. Everyone has failures over time. Sometimes it is possible to teach the baby to go to the toilet in a week or two, sometimes it takes more time. But if everything turned out right, you must definitely praise the baby and tell him how well done he is and how well he did everything.

Turn potty training into a ritual

Consistent and habitual performance of all actions is necessary. So that the baby gradually gets used to it. An adult should gradually produce them, while telling the baby what he is doing: “We take off our panties, sit on the potty, put on panties”, etc. So it will be easier for the baby to get used to the existing order of actions.

Rules to keep in mind while learning

  • The readiness of both the baby and the parents is important. Mom and dad should be aware that the child during this period will have to pay much more attention. You should also tune in to misses and the fact that you have to devote more time to cleaning up after the baby.
  • Once you start the process, you need to constantly dedicate time to it. That is, it cannot be that on weekends parents teach their child to use the potty, and on other days he walks in a diaper. So you can only confuse the baby and significantly complicate the process.
  • If during the day the child has not yet learned to ask to go to the toilet, at night the accustoming to spend is not yet time.
  • A small person should get used to the chamber pot. This item should be in a prominent place - so that it is easy to find as soon as the need arises.
  • When everything worked out, it is imperative to praise the child, making this one so that he realizes that he did everything well. If a mistake occurs, no “Ai-ya-yay” should sound from the lips of the parents - mistakes should be taken calmly.
  • It is important to accustom not only to the potty, but also directly to the ritual. Therefore, you need to teach how to perform all actions in sequence, showing how to take off panties, take out the pot, wash their hands, etc.
  • Over time, you need to plant the baby on the potty before going to bed, walking - that is, when you need to go to the toilet in order to avoid trouble.
  • At first, during the day, you need to abandon diapers, but it is better to use them at night or for a walk, while the baby has not yet fully mastered this skill. Over time, diapers need to be abandoned completely.
  • You should not be allowed to play with the pot, so that in the end it will not be perceived as a toy.

How to choose a pot

  • First of all, it is important to choose a comfortable potty. It is quite possible that you will have to initially change several of them so that the baby gets the one on which he will be most comfortable.
  • Its shape must be anatomical. It is better for girls to choose round pots, for boys - oval pots that have a ledge in front.
  • Stability is important so that the baby toilet does not move or fidget on the floor.
  • It is preferable to buy a potty with a back.
  • As for the presence of a lid, there are no special recommendations here - you need to choose what you like.
  • The ideal option is an ordinary, as simple as possible potty, without musical accompaniment and decor in the form of eyes, ears, etc. Such things not only distract the baby, but are also perceived by him as a toy. Therefore, in the end, you can only confuse him, later spending a lot of time on accustoming.
  • Adults should understand that all children learn this skill. Therefore, you should treat the process calmly, without turning it into something super-important. When both mentally and physiologically the baby is ready for this, everything will definitely work out.
  • We must not forget that children can finally master this skill at the age of 2-3 years. Therefore, if mistakes still occur from time to time by the age of three, there is nothing wrong with that. In this case, you can not focus on this, swear.
  • It is important to always remember the most important rule: there is a time for everything. The sooner you start accustoming, the more strength and nerves will have to be wasted.

To the potty? This question is asked by many mothers and fathers: someone else before their child turns one year old, someone only after two years. However, potty training is not only about helping a child to need a certain place and saving diapers. This is also a huge leap in his psychological development. When to teach a child to go to the potty and how to do it right? This is our article. Let's get acquainted with the most famous methods.

Child orientation

This child-centered method of potty training was coined by T. B. Brazelton in 1962, and in 2000, based on it, the American Academy of Pediatrics developed its recommendations. According to them, the baby does not need to be forced, he must be accustomed to the potty at his own pace. Parents are advised to wait until the child has mastered certain skills and abilities: learns to fulfill the requests of mom and dad, speak two-word phrases, etc. From adults, only one thing is required: praise and a positive attitude even to the failures of the baby. It is believed that if the child has reached the right age, he will be accustomed to the potty easily. However, for many, the diaper habit is so great that there will be many problems along the way. If you wait until the child takes the initiative himself, it may be difficult to determine the child in kindergarten.

Today, this is the accepted model for potty training in most developed countries. It is interesting to note that this approach has become widely accepted since disposable diapers were commercially available.

Starting from birth, or natural hygiene

This method is based on the mother's ability to calculate from the behavior of the child that he is now going to the toilet, and to "drop" him over the toilet bowl or some kind of container. You can use this method almost immediately after birth. In the process of coping with the baby's needs, the mother at first makes a sound like "p-s-s-s" or "sh-sh-sh", which then the child is strongly associated with urination.

As a result of such daily communication between mother and baby, he soon enough and without any special tricks learns to go to the potty himself.

Cons of this method:

1. This is a long-term system. For several months, you will have to offer your child to go to the toilet every hour.

2. Washing, because when using this method, it is undesirable to use disposable diapers, and failures will be frequent.

Teach your child to use the potty in one day

The essence of the method: one morning you tell the child that he is already big and will now wear panties and go to the toilet, like mom and dad. You devote the next 4-8 hours to teaching the baby all the tricks.

Of course, the child will not be able to fully master the science of going to the potty in a few hours, and "accidents" will still occur for some time, but learning should go easily after this first turning point. The main condition is that the baby must be large enough, at the age of about two years, otherwise he simply will not understand what you want from him.

Alarm Method

The bottom line is this: you show the baby a potty, explain and show what is expected of him. Then in the morning you start setting a timer or alarm clock for every 15-20 minutes. It rang - we put the child on the potty. If he went to the toilet, he gets a sticker or some kind of encouragement. After 2-3 days, when the child gets used to it, we will increase the interval to half an hour and so on ... This method is not suitable for

Here we have described the main methods of how to teach children to go to the potty. Remember that toilet training is not a contest or a conflict. Be positive about everything and do not scold the child. Be patient and your little one will soon please you by saying, "Mom, I want to go to the toilet!"

Every day a little man comprehends all the wisdom of life, which is sometimes very difficult for him to master. One of the most difficult steps in this business is mastering the potty.

Ideal age to potty train your child

There are a lot of common opinions on this subject, and many are very subjective. For example, some parents are sure that a child can be held over a potty almost from his birth, and thus the baby will initially have a habit of using a potty, but in fact, everything is quite the opposite - a persistent misunderstanding of this subject may form in a child, and he is much longer than other kids will get their panties dirty.

People of the older generation assure that it is necessary to put on a pot when the child is already confidently sitting on the fifth point, that is, at about 6-8 months. But this is not a completely correct judgment either. A child can sit, but does not yet realize that you need to not only sit on the potty, but also do your little things.

Pediatricians assure that putting a child under 1 year old on a potty is not worth it, since this may even cause a persistent hostility. Each loving parent can determine the ideal age by his own baby, some children themselves begin to show interest in this subject. Do not rush, it is better to wait for the exact age when the child is ready, and it can be a year or three. Most children begin to confidently use the potty around the age of two.

How to choose a potty for a child

Modern children's stores offer a huge assortment of a wide variety of pots, up to musical and illuminated ones. But not always all this functionality is needed, the main thing is that the child should be comfortable sitting on the potty. To do this, choose a round pot for a girl and a pot with a partition for a boy. It is not necessary to take an expensive pot, often the cheapest plastic one is ideal.

If you see that the child is uncomfortable on the potty, it is better to buy another one, but do not force him to sit on this one, as you can turn the child away from the potty for a very long time.

How to potty train a child

The process of accustoming a child to a potty can take a long time, and things will not do without incidents, but everything must be done gradually and adhering to several important rules. First of all, firmly decide to get rid of diapers. Yes, at first it will not be easy, the child will wear pants out of habit, and in order to cope with this easier, carry wet wipes and a change of clothes with you. Dress your child in ways that make it easy to change, such as skirts or dresses for girls and studded clothes for boys.

  • At first, put your child on the potty as often as possible, approximately every 15-30 minutes, and after a couple of days you yourself will know when your baby should go to the potty. Put the child on the potty and when you see that he is going to poop, many children at this moment blush, push, grunt. Surely, you yourself know how the baby behaves in the process.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the success of the baby in getting used to the potty. Did the kid regularly do his business in the potty? Praise him, kiss him, you can even come up with some interesting ritual that will increase the child's interest in this activity.
  • Praise the crumbs in front of other people, tell them how good your child is, he already goes to the potty. Be sure to do this so that the child hears your speech and is proud of himself.
  • In no case do not scold the child for failures or for not wanting to sit on the potty, so you will only make it worse. Did the child wear pants? Just change his clothes, you can also say in passing that it is unpleasant to walk in wet clothes.
  • In order for the child to sit quietly on the potty, try to lure him with something, for example, a favorite toy or an interesting book. In an enthusiastic state, the child will quickly do his business where he needs to.
  • And for your own peace of mind, remove all carpets from the floor, and cover upholstered furniture with waterproof diapers. So you save yourself from unnecessary nerves.

The tips are very simple, but as practice shows, they are very effective; millions of children around the world have learned to use the potty with their help.

Why Can't I Potty Train My Child?

Often, all attempts to put the crumbs on the pot end in failure, and there may be several reasons for this. Perhaps your child is having a “crisis” of one year, when he resists absolutely everything that adults do. “Would you like to put me on the potty? But I think differently!”. You just need to wait out this period, and not plant the child against his will.

Also, the cause may be illness or pain during teething. Pain and discomfort simply do not allow the baby to focus on what is needed.

Or maybe your baby is too busy during the game, and just does not notice that he needs to go to the toilet. Don't scold him for his oversight!

It all depends on the nature of the baby. If the child is too nimble, then he may refuse the potty simply because it will take up precious time from him, but he has so much to do - to scatter toys and pull the cat's tail. Such children take longer to potty train than calm and quiet children.

The situation is the same with boys, they are usually faster and not more accommodating than girls. Be patient during potty training.

Every child is unique and everyone needs a different period of potty training. The main thing is to show patience, and teach the child with love and affection, avoiding punishment, then success in this matter is guaranteed!

Have you decided to teach your child how to use the potty? Then be patient, as this process is quite long. Remember - your baby is not dumber than others and can learn everything, the main thing is that he is physiologically ready for this.

We live in the age of computers, the Internet, jacuzzi, hot water, and much more, without which our life turns into a miserable existence. When a baby is born, another very important item is added to this list - diapers! Having them on hand, you save yourself from the constant change of gauze diapers, which you need to have a whole bunch and wash them all day long. And here folk wisdom comes to mind - you get used to good things quickly. But the time comes and parents begin to think about whether it is time to start potty training the child? It may already be time, though it is difficult to say exactly when exactly you need to start. After all, as you understand, each child is individual, so each child will have this process in his own way.

Where to begin
Watch your child and you will understand when that moment comes. But I want to highlight a few main points that will help you understand whether your baby is ready for this, or is it worth waiting a little longer? Firstly, the child must be able to sit well, confidently. This usually turns out to be about a year. Secondly, the baby must learn to control the muscles that are responsible for the bladder and control his intestines. Most often, it turns out in a child only by the age of one and a half, and in boys it happens even by two. But this does not mean that your child is not normal, just that his body is not yet ready for this.

When the child is ready
Starting from the second year of life, the child feels the fullness of the rectum and can somehow control this process. But as for urination - this is much more difficult to achieve. But in most children aged 1.5 - 2 months, the bladder can hold a sufficiently large amount of urine, while diapers remain dry for 2 or even more hours. This indicates that the time has come to teach the child to the potty. Now you need to plant the child on the potty, for starters, every 2 hours. For greater convenience, try to keep the potty at hand all the time, as much as possible, especially since the child will see it all the time and will slowly get used to it. It is especially convenient to teach a child to ask for a potty or toilet in the summer. Then, taking 5-6 panties or shorts with you outside, you can walk with your baby without diapers. Also put the baby in the toilet at regular intervals.

After diapers on the pot - how real is it
You can hear a lot of talk about the fact that if the baby is used to diapers, then there is no need for him to learn to go to the potty. Believe me, it has been verified from my own experience - this is not so! Hundreds of thousands of families use diapers, and then, when the time comes, they teach their children how to use the potty. Especially in our time, there are special panty diapers that will help the child move from diapers to regular panties. Since if they are dry, they can be taken off and put on several times. If you don’t want to use them, then start potty training your child as we described above. And until then, calmly use diapers and do not worry - the time will come and your baby will go to the potty.

Do not overdo it
If you show impatience and put your child on the potty more often, it may happen that this activity, incomprehensible to him, will get bored very soon.

How much to wait
How quickly a baby learns to “walk” on the potty depends, first of all, on you, but also on his character. More capricious children will need more time for this, because this requires attentiveness and a willingness to learn and concentrate well. If you carefully observe the baby, you will learn to determine when he wants to go to the toilet. This moment is quite easy to notice, since the baby’s mood changes dramatically: he can pronounce a word or sound, make a sign, squeeze his legs, take off his pants, and so on. As soon as you catch such a moment, plant or hold the child over the potty - this will help in the future to create a clear connection between his feelings and your actions in him, and he himself will begin to give the necessary signals.

Don't scold or punish
The child resists and does not want to use the pot - in no case do not force, do not scold or punish. Just let the child be distracted for a while, leave him alone, but after a short period of time, repeat the procedure, it is best to do this at certain hours. You only put him on the potty for a few minutes, after a while he will get used to it and will be able to sit longer.
Do not expect a quick result, do not put pressure on the child, do not scold him, even if he got his pants dirty or did not hit the pot. Remember the main thing - first of all, the baby must want to learn this himself, and without his desire you cannot do anything.

Child refuses to go to the potty
There is always an explanation for this:

  • the child simply does not like this pot, as you know, everyone has different tastes, even babies have their own wishes and preferences. Try to change something - if you don’t have the opportunity to buy a new pot, stick a favorite cartoon character or just a bright sticker on the one you have, lay a rug under it, and if the color of the pot allows, you can even color it, but it’s better to do it with together with the child;
  • you are too persistently trying to force the baby to use the pot - he may refuse simply as a sign of protest, because the child, even at that age, perceives himself as an independent person. In this case, you just need to start over and be more patient;
  • the pot may be cold - then sew a cover on it and before planting the child, put the cover on the battery for a short time, but check that it is not hot;
  • you can try to buy a special toilet pad - maybe it will be more interesting for your child to go to the toilet like adults;
  • the pot is too big or, conversely, too small, in a word - uncomfortable.

Everything will work out!
Teach your child to dry clothes, change wet clothes or diapers more often. Your baby will get used to this and will feel uncomfortable if panties, sliders or tights are wet - this will also speed up the process of potty training or toilet training. Girls learn this faster, but boys can be a little more difficult. But for them there is one rather effective way - to go to the toilet with dad, believe me, the result will not be long in coming.
Teaching a child to go to the potty is a rather difficult and responsible task, because this will require all the mother's patience and the desire of the baby himself. Be attentive, gentle and affectionate - then your child will be able to do everything and learn everything.

Good luck!

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Almost all moms are faced with such a problem as potty training a child. Someone is preparing for the kindergarten, someone thinks that the baby has already grown up and it's time to relieve himself where necessary, but someone is simply tired of the endless laundry. In any case, the process of potty training a baby is inevitable. The only question is, where to start to teach a child to go to the potty?

Psychological age of a child for potty training

There is such a thing as the psychological age of a child for certain actions and skills. You can also say about the need to go to the potty. A child is not accustomed to this delicate procedure from the cradle. He must learn to understand the purpose of this need. Why should you go potty? What happens if he doesn't? And that comes with age. And the most suitable time for accustoming is one and a half to two years. It is at this age that the child is already beginning to understand many things, adult speech and he can express some of his thoughts. Previously, you should not even try to fight with wet pants, because the baby will not understand why and for what he is scolded. He lacks awareness of his natural reflexes, such as urination and defecation. At a too early age, the child does all this involuntarily, without understanding or realizing it. Psychologists believe that the later, the better to potty train a child. By the age of three, almost all children can do this.

Choosing the right pot

Before you start teaching your child to go to the potty, you need to choose the right one. It is we, adults, who think that it does not matter how this attribute will look, what color and what material it will be made of. But the child will not see it that way. He will not sit on a cold and uncomfortable toilet set. Moreover, he may have a long-term dislike and fear of him. The potty should be warm and comfortable. That is why it is worth buying only plastic pots. The color does not really matter, so you should not worry that the boy has a pink pot, and the girl, on the contrary, has a blue one. For the baby, the main thing is convenience. Make no mistake if you buy an oblong-shaped pot for a boy and a round one for a girl. Now there is such a variety of shapes and colors that you can easily choose the right one. For starters, let it be not so much a toilet as a new bright toy. A child must first get used to a new thing in the house, look at it, feel it, play it, and only then learn to use it.

The need to stop using diapers

Many moms use diapers not only on the street, but also at home. Thus, making life easier for yourself by the absence of wet pants and panties, as well as puddles and endless wet spots on the carpets. But the child is very used to the fact that he is dry, even if he pees in his pants. And this is wrong. It's one thing if you go for a walk with your baby and put on a diaper. It’s completely different if you don’t take them off at home. So the baby will never learn to distinguish between wet and dry. Wean him to wear diapers in the room as early as possible. Better be patient, take the trouble to wipe the puddles behind him and wash your panties. Trust me, it won't last that long. The baby will quickly realize that without a diaper it is very convenient. Well, after describing yourself several times, learn to understand the discomfort of wet pants. Then it will be tolerated on the street and it will be easier to refuse diapers.

Fear of the pot

Often a child may simply be afraid to sit on the potty. What could be the reasons for such a seemingly incomprehensible behavior for us?

Well, first of all, it's uncomfortable. If the pot is metal, then it will always be cold. It is difficult for a baby to overpower himself and sit on it. He still does not know how to control his emotions.

Secondly, these are memories of being scolded for not sitting on the potty. Therefore, never scold a child either for urinating, urinating, or simply refusing to sit on it. Remember, everything has its time. We just have to wait and everything will work out.

Thirdly, it can be painful sensations during constipation or urination. Having gone hard and with pain once, not every adult wants to repeat this procedure. What can we say about the child. In this case, it is better to hide the pot for a while and not force the baby to painful bowel movements. Let him walk as he pleases. Be patient and try again. It is better to feed your baby more often with cereals, prunes, kefir, other fruits and vegetables that contribute to a normal stool.

And fourthly, the baby could once get hurt or injured by falling from the potty. These negative emotions can also discourage the desire to learn how to use the potty for a while.

The main mistakes when trying to potty train a child

Before achieving any positive result, we always make certain mistakes. The same can be said about the situation of potty training a child. Here are our main mistakes that should not be made in such a delicate matter.

First, as mentioned earlier, is age. Do not teach a child earlier than a year and a half. Babies do not yet have the awareness that they need to listen to the reflexes of their body. And in general, it is believed that the later you start accustoming, the better. It is also worth noting that, by their psychological nature, boys learn later than girls to urinate in the right place. They generally develop much more slowly than girls. Therefore, do not get hung up and nervous if you do not see the results of your efforts.

The second mistake is again the constant use of diapers. We need to learn to do without them as soon as possible. Then the child will quickly get used to the potty.

The third mistake may simply be the wrong moment. Perhaps the child is not in the mood to learn something new, or he does not feel well. Although small, he is already a person and an individual personality with his own cockroaches in his head. So try again and again. And you will succeed.

A few more mistakes...

The next major mistake may be to constantly harass the child with this hated potty. If the baby does not like to sit on it, do not put pressure on him. Don't force yourself to do what you don't want to. Otherwise, it may take a very long time for a positive result.

Another important point that should not be overlooked is the chosen place for the pot. You need to put it so that it is always in front of the child. If one day you rearrange it, the child will simply do his business in his pants simply because he will not find it in the usual place.

It is also worth noting that when accustoming a child to a potty, you need to pay attention to the clothes in which the baby has to walk at home. It should not interfere with the independent attempts of the baby to remove it. It is better if it is panties or panties with an elastic band than tight tights, jeans or overalls. Imagine for yourself what effort it will cost him to pull off uncomfortable clothes.

Well, the last mistake can be called inattention to the urges of the baby. The child himself can show that he wants to go to the toilet. It can be some kind of sounds, or vice versa, a lull, grunting or straining. Be more attentive to your own child and quickly teach him how to use the potty.

Having considered the main mistakes, you can also remember the important rules for potty training a child.

First, it's unobtrusive, that is, you need to casually show the pot to the child, tell what it is for, offer to sit on it. Be sure to praise the baby if he managed to do his business in a potty. Praise should always be remembered. However, try to avoid words such as "good boy" or "good girl" because the child may think that only on the potty he is "good".

Second, it's time when to put your child on the potty. This is definitely the time after sleep, after eating, after removing the diaper. In addition, you need to monitor the baby and during the games. It often happens that the baby flirts and forgets about his natural urges. Have time to “catch” such moments and plant the child on the potty.

Third,lead by example, take your child to the toilet with you and explain what you are doing and why. This is a very good motivation for the baby, because they constantly copy us.

Fourth, it is a permanent place where the pot should be. You can gradually move it closer to the toilet. But at first, the pot must be visible.

The fifth rule is your own personal time that you can give to your baby. Do not load yourself for this period with household chores, work, moving, or other important things that require special care. Set aside everything for the period of accustoming the baby to the potty. Give him more time and attention.

Teach a child to go to the potty (methods)

There are special techniques on how to properly teach a child to go to the potty. It turns out that this can be done in 3 days and a week. It would seem, how so? Here you are trying to teach the child, but he doesn’t protest at all, then he is capricious, then just out of spite he does his wet deeds anywhere, but not on the potty.

Methods take into account all these points, but at the same time they can give simply amazing results. The main thing is to do everything right, gradually and with love for your baby.

So let's get started. To begin with, we will define what we have already achieved and what we will strive for.

When the baby wakes up, be sure to remove the diaper, offer to sit on the potty, and explain that all adults do this. Remember to praise and hug your child affectionately. He really needs your encouragement and positive emotions.

Remind your child about the potty every 1-1.5 hours, take it to the toilet with you, let him flush the toilet, show where to drain the contents of the pot. And always praise! It is very important! You can let your child play while sitting on the potty. Sit side by side and have fun together. He will see a relaxed atmosphere and will cease to be afraid of a subject that was hated until recently.

Also remember to wear comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off. If it's summer outside and the room is warm, you can let the baby run around naked. So it is even more convenient and faster for him to learn to sit on the potty himself.

After a couple of days, you will be able to determine the time of your child's calls and plan the moments of planting him on the potty. Avoid diapers during the day. Let the baby learn to distinguish between wet and dry. Gradually, you need to stop diapers and at night. Better change diapers. Although by this time, the child can already restrain himself at night, if he goes to the potty before going to bed.

Try to create a familiar environment for the baby. Avoid guests, with strangers the child will be lost, complex and shy. Give him time to calmly learn to go to the potty. Do not start repairs, moving, any high-profile events during this period.

Take your time with kindergarten - do not disturb the baby's usual way of life.

If you see that the child is not feeling well, move this moment to a more appropriate one. Still, nothing is working yet. The kid will not be able to tune in to change.

Avoid conflicts with relatives and spouse. These are negative emotions that adversely affect children. So they will never learn to go to the potty.

Remember also that children can abruptly stop asking for a potty, even if they have already done it on their own. It may be some kind of crisis in their little life. You just need to be patient and wait. Everything will definitely work out.

Walking on the street, offer to “water the grass” for a boy or “let streams” for a girl. Forget about diapers completely, otherwise all efforts are down the drain. It is better to take spare panties and panties with you. And again - praise, hug, kiss your child! Love will help overcome all difficulties in such a difficult matter. Love your children - they are our pride, joy and immense happiness.