What is the pocket in swimming trunks for. Why do you need to wear underpants and why do you need a pocket on women's and men's underpants

Underwear is an important part of the wardrobe of all modern people, both men and women. It is hard to imagine life without several sets of beautiful and functional panties and bras. But some fighters for naturalness argue that it is quite possible to do without underwear, and sometimes it even benefits health. But how justified is such a theory? Let's try to raise the question on this page "Popular about health" about why a woman and a man need panties and at the same time clarify why there is a pocket on women's and men's underpants?

Cowards are not always present in human life. Such underwear began to appear in Europe in the middle of the twelfth century, and even later. And only in the eighteenth century it was firmly established as an important part of the wardrobe. As for Russia, our ancestors wore pantaloons. At first, they were used only by men, and only over time, women began to actively wear them.

Why wear underwear?

In fact, the main function of this part of the wardrobe is exclusively hygienic. After all, shorts protect clothes (trousers or skirts) from getting body secretions. In addition, they cover the genitals from the aggressive influences of environmental particles, represented by dust, dirt, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Of course, with the modern standard of living, we can afford to wash our clothes every day, giving up underwear. But this is not practical at all, and not everyone can afford it. And when wearing short skirts and dresses without underwear, it is better not to walk, because sitting on any surface you can catch some kind of unpleasant infection.

Underwear is also a convenient part of the wardrobe. It protects delicate skin from contact with rough seams of other clothes, zippers, rivets, does not rub and does not lead to moisture accumulation. Especially pleasant is the linen created from high-quality modern materials. Its use brings real sensual pleasure.

Why more panties? And for many women, underwear is a great way to influence their mood, attitude and self-esteem. After all, a sexy lingerie set worn under a formal suit can add playfulness, lightness and self-confidence. And soft cotton underwear will make you feel more comfortable even in very difficult situations. Therefore, all the psychologists of the world advise not even to keep at home ugly, worn out and unsuitable sets of underwear for you. Such panties can undermine self-esteem in the bud.

In modern lingerie stores, you can easily find special corrective underwear. Such a detail of the wardrobe will help not only look slimmer, but also get together in an emotional sense.

Even the right panties are extremely important for expectant mothers. Indeed, in an interesting position, underwear provides additional support and additional comfort.

Some underwear options will be a great find for sexual partners. Various erotic models are completely unsuitable for use in everyday life, but in bed they will help awaken fantasy and spur attraction.

What if you don't wear underwear?

In fact, this is a personal choice of each person. Many people refuse panties, and do not feel any discomfort from this, and do not face health problems.

Quite often, girls refuse underwear when they put on dresses, skirts or trousers, under which any other seams or panty edges are easily visible. But in fact, in such situations, you can give preference to seamless models, or even the so-called G-strings.

Many people forego underwear in order to provide their body with better air circulation, for example, in extreme heat. For others, the lack of panties allows you to feel free, and for girls - sexy.

To wear or not to wear underwear is a personal matter for everyone. But doctors say that comfortable cotton underwear for every day is much more the best option than no panties at all. At the same time, it is better to go without underwear at all than to wear tight thongs every day. But by the way, how many people - so many opinions on this matter. I gave an average opinion.

Why a pocket on men's shorts?

Some models of men's underpants have a pocket. And many who tried to understand why it is needed. In fact, such a pocket does not have any functional preference, and it can be considered as a so-called design detail. But it is quite possible to find a use for it.

So many men and women are sure that the pocket on men's underpants is great for hiding in it. Like, in this case, the contraceptive will always be at hand at the right time.

There is also a rather popular point of view that the pocket on men's underwear simply helps to avoid the flow of excess liquids.

But why do women's shorts have a pocket?

In fact, the pocket on women's panties is not a pocket in the full sense of the word. Fashion designers call this design a gusset, and it is an additionally sewn-in layer of delicate cotton fabric. This area touches the body and is easy to wash. And the shape of the pocket is also explained very simply - during sewing there is no way to make all the seams internal, so one of them is not sewn up (if it is external, it will feel rough), and a pocket is obtained. So you don’t have to worry about why there is a pocket on your underpants ...

In fact, underpants, both men's and women's, are an important part of the wardrobe. And today on sale you can find the option of underwear that will be convenient for you.

Some guys have been interested in the question since childhood - why do we need a pocket in swimming trunks?

It is curious what the designers were thinking about when modeling underwear with a pocket? Although, the idea of ​​such experiments is even encouraging: not only do you constantly think about sex. The MPORT editorial team has compiled the most popular ways to use a secret pocket.


Well, what else, if not a condom, would it be logical to hide in swimming trunks? Without leaving the cash desk: if the matter is approaching the main thing, everything is already at hand. A practical solution for the sex activist. That's just interesting: does the packaging foil scratch the skin? What about the superstition that if you buy a condom you won't have sex?


Notorious fashionistas firmly insist that the pocket in swimming trunks is an exclusively fashionable trend. It is not clear who, when and for what purpose introduced know-how into men's underwear. But there is no doubt that it is stylish. If you want to be cool and fashionable - always and everywhere wear swimming trunks with pockets.


The fact that today, during a search, the police are probing all possible and impossible places is not news. The pharaohs came to such rudeness and violation of a person’s personal space thanks to bitter experience: earlier, many guys hid in swimming trunks what was prohibited by law.

Source: olkpeace.org

But residents of gangster districts know why a pocket was invented in underwear. If you yourself return home late at night after work, it’s better to hide your savings where even a gopnik won’t climb. Although, Gopnik Gopnik - strife. Perfect option- spend these savings on kickboxing training.

The size

If you are a modest and shy guy, hide a cucumber in the inner pocket of your underwear. And the more, the better. Let all the guys on the beach envy your size, and the young ladies who want to get to know you line up in a long line.


Some girls boldly declare that they know men's secrets, in particular the use of pockets in underwear. Young ladies believe that this cache is a gasket that protects against the flow of excess liquids. Do you think they are right?

Source: shutterstock.com

Fresh breath

Imagine a picture: you tumble into your apartment, throw the girl on the bed, tear off all her things. She doesn't mess up either and undoes the buttons on your shirt. Gradually you find yourself completely naked, and garlic comes out of your mouth. Only chewing gum, hidden in a linen cache, will help out.


If you are asthmatic and stuck on the beach, hide your healing aerosol in your swimming trunks. You do not want to die from an attack in the sea or on hot sand, surrounded by buxom beauties?

Every girl sooner or later wonders why a pocket is needed in women's underpants. A small piece of gusset, or fabric, which is located in the inside of the underwear, haunts many girls around the world. From early childhood, the fair sex tried to find out who and why came up with this very What thoughts and decisions were not born in women! This article will help you figure out once and for all why you need this strange pocket in women's underpants.


Casual underwear has a small gusset, which is carefully sewn on three sides. The resulting pocket is sometimes so large that a sanitary tampon or a condom could fit there. Interesting feature that such a pocket is made only on women's underwear and many still do not know why. In childish naivete, we could assume that this is a place to store money, toilet paper or secret notes. However, the money is kept in a wallet, secret notes in envelopes. Time runs, generations grow, but the strange pocket still remains.

The reason is simple

Why do you need a pocket in women's shorts? Everything is much easier than you think. As a rule, the gusset is made from knitwear, which does not have synthetic fibers. A small piece of fabric that looks like a pocket relieves the girl from the irritation that occurs when panties are rubbed against the skin. The gusset is always made of soft and delicate fabric. If you look at the existing underwear, you will notice that there are no pockets on lace panties. This is due to the fact that such underwear is romantic and when sewing it, manufacturers rely on short-term wear.

Important information

Initially, such a pocket began to appear during tailoring. Since 100 years ago synthetic fabric from artificial fibers was not used, it was not required to sew a separate natural gusset.

The reason for the appearance of the pocket is simple: the seamstress could not make two internal seams to make a closed pocket, so one part was always left unsewn, which led to the creation of an unusual and mysterious gusset.

If you are wondering why you need a pocket in women's underpants, then you should know that such underwear is of high quality and reliable, because manufacturers do not save on natural fabric. Gynecologists around the world recommend avoiding synthetic underwear, which often causes an allergic reaction to delicate intimate places Oh. Irritation, itching, redness, rashes are the first signs that you are wearing low-quality underwear, so make sure that your panties always have a soft gusset. Remember, having an extra piece of cloth is not part of the beautiful design and sometimes not combined with exquisite lace. The gusset is part of personal hygiene and is designed to protect delicate areas from friction and irritation.

Historical data

Panties (in all manifestations) perform one single task - the protection of the reproductive organs. Now underwear serves more as a decoration and a means of emphasizing sexual forms, and earlier panties were sewn so that they warmed and protected. The first models were made of cotton or linen, and for noble ladies, expensive silk was used, which was decorated with fine lace. Currently using synthetic fabrics such as cotton, nylon, polyester, viscose, elastane. In all cases, long-term wearing of underwear made from synthetic fibers causes an allergic reaction, so technologists use a knitted gusset. If you pay attention to children's underwear, you will notice that it is made only from natural fabrics, but they still have a mysterious pocket. Why there is a strange fabric on the underpants, we have already found out, it remains to find out the features of such a gusset and what regulars on the World Wide Web think about the unusual pocket.

Reviews and opinions

Why do you need a pocket in women's shorts? This question is asked not only by the fair sex, but also by men. Let's find out the funniest opinions and conclusions that roam the Internet:

  1. The perfect place to hide a handkerchief. Especially such a life hack is useful in the cold season.
  2. A strange pocket serves as a decoration and nothing more. Underwear manufacturers are trying to give eccentricity to models, so they come up with unusual gussets that have no other function than decoration.
  3. This is a secret pocket for jewelry, because if you have a long road ahead, you will have to store gold chains, rings and money somewhere. And the strange pocket is just big and wide.
  4. You can store medicines there, because sometimes there is no way to put on things with pockets, and panties are always with you!
  5. Initially, an unusual pocket served as a place for aromatic herbs and oils to give intimate places an unusual aroma. During the Middle Ages, this was very useful.


Why do we need a pocket in women's shorts and what functions does it carry? Some manufacturers produce underwear, where the gusset is not made of knitwear, but of terry cloth, which perfectly absorbs moisture. It is recommended to wear such panties in the hot season, so that during natural sweating, moisture does not cause diaper rash and irritation in intimate places. The gusset plays a special role, because ordinary hygiene products, such as panty liners, will not be able to stay on lace or silk underwear.

Tailoring options

If you are wondering why women's panties have a pocket inside, then you need to know that the gusset is used in almost all models of underwear. It does not matter whether you wear classic slips, shorts or thongs. In many models, such as boyshorts (panty-shorts), the seam runs along the center of the linen, dividing it into two symmetrical parts. The absence of a gusset in such a model would cause irritation, because during movement a rough seam would cause friction.

Types of gusset:

  1. Pocket. Two internal seams are not used, which results in a small pocket.
  2. Rhombus. A rhombus-shaped flap is sewn onto the underwear, which is fixed manually using a single-color thread. Such underwear is often of poor quality, since with prolonged use the gusset comes off, making wearing panties uncomfortable.
  3. Closed pocket. The technology of side seams is used, with the help of which the gusset is completely sewn to the underwear.

Now you know why a pocket is needed on women's panties. This strange product plays the main role - protecting your intimate places, therefore, when choosing underwear, give preference to panties with a natural knitted (cotton) gusset.

Most girls and women have never thought about what a pocket is for in women's underpants, but the youngest and most inquisitive ones probably asked this question.

There are many myths and the most unusual versions around this fact, but the truth is just the convenience of tailoring, and for the hygienic purpose of needing a softer fabric in this area.

Interesting fact! If you are among those who have long been tormented by the question of why a pocket in women's underpants is needed, it will be useful for you to know that in fact, this piece of fabric is called a gusset and is not at all a secret pocket, but is sewn on for hygiene purposes.

For making a gusset, usually, cotton jersey is used to avoid irritation of delicate areas of the skin. Due to the fact that the same fabric is not always used when sewing underwear and gussets, and different materials respectively, different elasticity, the seam is made only on one side, so that the product retains its shape during wear and after washing.

Also, pocket may be present in fully knitted underwear, since the gusset is stitched with wrong side only two side seams to further product could be turned out, and the seams remained inside.

In addition, in mass budget production, the gusset can be stitched on one side for speed and reduction of unnecessary manipulations.

Why do you need a pocket in women's underpants - unusual versions from the Internet

Having studied the numerous opinions of ordinary people on the pages of various Internet resources, you can get acquainted with very funny versions of what, in their opinion, a pocket in women's underpants is needed for.

The most common and favorite joke among men is that women like to hide money in secret pockets, and this secluded spot is perfect for family budget surpluses.

Of course, there was a version about condoms, but perhaps the funniest were the versions about keeping the keys and a small phone. Resourceful students suggested that the pocket is suitable for cheat sheets, voice recorder and even a calculator.

Features of high-quality lingerie

Women's underwear is a whole philosophy, and when choosing it, many nuances must be taken into account.

The pocket may be present in fully knitted underwear.

First, let's look at its varieties:

  • everyday;
  • romantic lace;
  • seamless "invisible";
  • sports;
  • specific (slimming, for pregnant women).

What to look for when buying underwear

In the wardrobe of every woman should be underwear of at least the first 3 categories. When choosing everyday underwear, focus primarily on the fabric and quality of tailoring.. Underwear should be as comfortable as possible and preferably made of cotton.

Everyday underwear should be made of cotton.

It's important to know! If it is not possible to find underwear made of knitwear, take panties with a cotton gusset.

Many girls are perplexed why this pocket is needed in women's underpants, but this fabric insert is a very important attribute and is made for hygienic purposes.

Also very it is important that the underwear is the perfect size for you, did not squeeze or compress the blood vessels. As basic shades, choose beige-flesh, black and white panties.

For romantic dates, it is quite appropriate and acceptable to have a couple of uncomfortable models, because such cases do not involve long-term wear.

Manufacturers and the modern market offer the widest range of intimate underwear - lace, with lacing, rhinestones, various decorative inserts, the so-called minimum underwear, etc.

The romantic model of underwear is not aimed at everyday wear.

Seamless or "invisible" underwear is indispensable for tight-fitting dresses, leggings and skinny jeans. Modern fashion requires aesthetics, and the presence of a seam through the thin fabric of the dress is considered, at a minimum, unkempt and lack of style.

The production of seamless underwear has been gaining momentum in recent years due to high demand, using the most advanced technologies. The fabric is processed with a special laser, due to which there are absolutely no seams in the final product. For mass production, most often, non-natural fibers are used.

Seamless underwear made from natural fabrics is much more expensive. Some models of tanga panties and thongs are also suitable as inconspicuous underwear.

Seamless or "invisible" underwear is indispensable for tight-fitting dresses.

For sports, it is necessary to be guided by several factors: comfort and naturalness of the fabric. The skin should breathe, and the fabric should not retain moisture.. It can be classic slips, or shorts without elastic bands and seams.

For underwear for pregnant women in general, the same requirements just like everyday cotton/knitwear and quality tailoring. In this case, this is especially important, and here it is inappropriate to save.

The most fashionable women's panties

Top 5 most trending women's underwear 2017:

  • linen self made.
  • Linen with high waist.
  • Calvin Klein.
  • Sports underwear.
  • Body.

Handmade linen

Hand-made lingerie tops the panty hit parade this year individual tailoring. The outgoing season was marked by the appearance of hundreds of online stores and showrooms on Instagram for tailoring underwear.

Handmade underwear is not intended for long-term wear.

As a rule, it is made in the style of a boudoir, completely lace and is not intended for daily wear. A characteristic feature are panties with ribbons wrapped around the waist; the most popular colors are basic (black, flesh, white).

Note! In lace underwear, there is often no gusset, an insert made of fabric, which is incorrectly mistaken for a pocket. Many do not realize why it is needed in women's shorts, however, this is one of the most important details responsible for hygiene and wearing comfort.

Therefore, underwear without a gusset or with a synthetic gusset is unsuitable for everyday life.

High waist lingerie

Also in vogue again are high-waisted panties in the French style. Here are products from a variety of fabrics from silk and knitwear to synthetics. The main detail is a lace insert.

In general, the model looks elegant and sophisticated, gentle and delicate, in contrast to the boudoir style, where there is some audacity and challenge.

Panties with a high waist in the French style.

High-waisted lingerie was popular at the beginning of the 20th century and still carries a train of aristocracy.

Brand models Calvin Klein

Honorable 3rd place is occupied by Calvin Klein premium underwear. This brand won the hearts of girls and women, first of all, with a high degree of comfort and quality.

Calvin Klein underwear is suitable for everyday wear and sports.

Cotton predominates in almost all models(more than 90%), spandex is sometimes added to the fabric for elasticity. Linen does not lose its original shape even after many washes.

Ideal patterns are tailored in such a way that, on the one hand, the panties do not squeeze or squeeze, but at the same time they sit tight enough and keep their shape.

Underwear from Calvin Klein is ideal for everyday wear and for sports.

However, it should be borne in mind that the lines and seams are of high quality, but massive, therefore underwear will be noticeable with tight-fitting outfits. Moreover, the material is quite dense and is more suitable for the cold season.

Sports underwear

The fashion for sports underwear came hand in hand with the fitness boom. If earlier sports bikinis were boring monochrome colors, then now manufacturers offer bright and original prints for every taste.

Sports panties feature a wide elastic band, mid-rise and breathable fabric. They are ideal not only for training in the gym, but also for everyday wear, as both the underwear and the gusset are made from natural fabrics.

And if you remember, this pocket in women's underpants, called a gusset, is needed for hygiene purposes, which most girls do not know.

Body - comfortable and stylish!

Last the hit of the outgoing season has again become a bodysuit so popular in the 90s.

In the lookbooks stylish fashionistas and stars, you can see beautiful tops tucked into skirts, trousers or shorts, which are actually bodysuits.

Nowadays the bodysuit has practically ceased to be part of the underwear, now it is a stylish part of the wardrobe.

Despite the fact that modernity dictates fashion for comfort, thongs, sexy lace underwear are still in trend, along with comfortable slips and sports panties.

When buying underwear, focus not on fashion trends, and on the fabric, the quality of tailoring and right size. Don't skimp on underwear, designed for everyday wear, because this can adversely affect women's health. Do not forget to iron your panties after washing, and also renew them every six months.

Be always healthy and beautiful!

This video will help women choose the right underwear.

You can find out how the quality and tailoring of underwear affects women's health by watching the following video.

The most fashionable panties in the next video.