Aphorisms about friendship and about friends. The meaning of the proverb is that an old friend is better than two new ones Proverb A thing is better than a new one and an old friend


Positive psychology 23.03.2018

Dear readers, it is not for nothing that proverbs and sayings have been passed on from mouth to mouth for centuries. They teach you to value true friends, stand up for them, choose your comrades correctly, treat your friends as you treat yourself, and also beware of those who only pretend to be a friend. Thanks to the meaning embedded in them, proverbs and sayings about friendship contribute to the fact that all these correct ideas about friendship are literally recorded in our subconscious and help us search for true friendship in life.

Found a friend - take care of him

Observing children, you can notice that they tend to gather in groups and flocks: they have fun and interest together. But there are also singles who find it difficult to meet and communicate. And this always causes so many worries, because children already understand well how valuable friendships are.

In this section you will find proverbs and sayings about friendship for children in grades 1, 2, 3.

Proverbs about friendship

Remember friendship, but forget evil.
A friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.
It is better to listen to a friend's reproaches than to lose him.
Where friendship is strong, things go well.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

I was at a friend’s place and drank the water – it seemed sweeter than honey.
Holding on to each other means not being afraid of anything.
Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can’t fix it.

A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.
He who is cool in character is no one's friend.
Whoever leaves a friend in trouble gets into trouble himself.
To tell the truth is not to make a friend.
A heart friend will not be born suddenly.
Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy.
A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.
Don't recognize a friend in three days - find out at three years.
You recognize a horse in the army, but a friend in trouble.
Without a friend - an orphan; with a friend - a family man.
An untested friend, the nut is not cracked.
The mountain is destroyed by the wind, human friendship is destroyed by words.
Why be friends with someone who wants to scold.
Whoever you mess with, that's how you'll gain: from a bee to honey, from a beetle to manure.

You will quarrel into smoke, then you will burn with shame.
It is bad without a friend who is lost, but it is also bad with a friend who is unfaithful.
Without a good friend, you won't recognize your mistakes.
The mountain is destroyed by the wind, human friendship is destroyed by the word.
A friend is a valuable treasure, but no one is happy about an enemy.
A father is a mentor, a brother is a support, and a friend is both.
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do to others.
As is your friend, so is the respect for you.
Die yourself and help your friend.
If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.
Make new friends, but don't lose old ones!
A good piece won't get boring, a good friend won't get bored.
Don't lose a friend - don't give him a loan.
Don’t reveal secrets to a friend - know that he also has a friend.

friendship sayings

The road to a friend's house is never long.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A fight is beautiful with courage, and a friend is beautiful with friendship.
The world is not nice when there is no friend.
If only I had a friend, there would be leisure.
A good friend is a joy to the soul.
You won't find a better friend than your mother.
There is no better friend than your own mother.
Suddenly you won't become a friend.
Friendship is sacred.
There is no distance for friendship.
One for all and all for one.
Life is hard without a friend.
A friend before the first trouble.
The world rests on friendship.
Distrust kills friendship.
Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
Nothing for a friend.
Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.
It's easier to lose a friend than to find one.
Friend is known in trouble.
There is no price for a true friend.

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.
You recognize a friend in trouble, and a glutton in food.
Friendship is not a mushroom, you won’t find it in the forest.

Friendship friendship - strife.
Man is man's friend and brother.
Money can't buy a friend.
Need makes friends.
There is truth in friendship.

Friendship is more valuable than money

Friendship is more valuable than money - always a relevant saying. True friends cannot be bought with any amount of wealth. Schoolchildren already understand this very well and value their true friends.

This section contains proverbs and sayings about friendship for grades 4-5.

Proverbs about friendship

Be a friend, but don't be at a loss.
The friends of the rich are like chaff around grain.
Whatever cup you pour for your friend, drink that too.
Friendship will not offend each other, but will protect each other.
He who has not experienced friendship has not lived.
He who is stingy and greedy is not good in friendship.
When Filya was strong, everyone else flocked to him, but when trouble came, everyone left the yard.
A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day you won’t get rid of him, on a stormy day you won’t find him.
To pity a friend means to cry yourself.
Be friends, be friends, but don’t hold them for half.
Where there is friendship and advice, there is light.
He who seeks a friend without blemish will remain without a friend.
Spring ice is deceptive, and a new friend is not reliable.
Having a friend means not feeling sorry for yourself.
An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
One enemy will do more harm than a hundred friends will do good.
Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.
Don't lose your old one over a new friend.
For a dear friend - and horses from the plow.
For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.
The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
A friend is faithful, measured in everything.
Friendship is strong through care and help.
A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will lie around you.
It is better to die near a friend than to live with your enemy.
Love and love, so be it friend.
Don’t slander yourself, but talk to your friend.
A plow is not a plow, a friend is not a friend.
The smart one blames himself, the stupid one blames his friend.
As are the friends, so are the pies.
Friendship lives closely from non-friendship.
It is not the one who is strong who is strong, but the one who is friendly.
You can live in friendship when it is not false.
Where friendship is valued, enemies tremble.
Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.
Friendship is different from friendship, but at least leave the other.
Not known - friend; and known - two.
The arrow in the enemy is in the stump, and the arrow in the friend is in me.
You have fun, eat and drink - so any friend is good, but on the day of grief only a close soul is good.
He is not your friend who flatters your eyes, but he is your friend who does good in absentia.
Make friends with the good, but beware of the evil ones.
You live not with the one you are born with, but with the one you become friends with.
Gold is known by fire, and a friend by gold.
Known friend - ate a sack of salt together.
The kind of friendship you make, the kind of life you will spend.
You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.
If you want friendship, be a friend.
Do not trust the smile of an enemy, do not suspect malice in a friend.
Better is the face of an enemy than the back of a friend's head.
Together it’s not heavy, but one will die at the porridge.
A true friend would sooner become an enemy than betray him.
If the enemy attacks you, an unreliable friend will go over to him.
Like bread and kvass, that’s all we have, and the tablecloth is off the table, so friendship is gone.

friendship sayings

A goose is not a friend of a pig.
He is called a friend, but he is called an enemy.
Everyone is both a friend and an enemy to himself.
Everyone chooses a friend according to his own liking.
He calls himself a friend, but he rips everyone off.
Get lost yourself, and help your comrade.
A long journey is a close friend.
Two sorrows together, the third in half.
If you make friends with a snake, it will bite you.
Every man to his own taste.
Friendship is not afraid of sacrifice.
The power of life is friendship.
Strengthening friendship makes it easier to serve.
He outlived his need and forgot his friendship.
Friendship is supported by feet.
A friendly herd is not afraid of wolves.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.
For comrades and glory.
For a friend - everything is not tight.
Not into service, but into friendship.
Friendship to the limit.
For a dear friend and an earring.
The poor man knows both friend and foe.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
Be a friend, but don't be at a loss.
Be a friend, but not suddenly.
Pockets are tight, so they will be different.
Who is your friend and who is your foe.
Everyone's friend is nobody's friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Where it is closer, there it is friendlier.

Friendship is strong with care and help

They say that friends are made in adversity, but I really don’t want to test this saying with my own experience. May troubles pass us all by, and friendship be easy and joyful, and may there be only pleasant reasons for meeting friends. This section presents sayings and proverbs about friendship, kindness and mutual assistance.

Holding on to each other means not being afraid of anything.
It’s good to beat an enemy with an artel.
Take it together - it won't be too heavy.
You have to eat a ton of salt together to recognize your friend.
Call yourself a friend - help in trouble.
The military community is strong in courage and bravery.
Soldiers' friendship helps the service.
The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.
It is not the kind of friendship that is strong that is established in words, but the one that is sealed in battle.
With a friend, you'll get the same grief.
Wherever you live, serve everywhere and be friends with your neighbors.
If you hold on to each other, you won’t be afraid of anything.
Friendly magpies will eat a goose, friendly seagulls and a hawk will kill.
When my haystack caught fire, I met my friends.
Pour the last tea for your friend.
To save a friend is to save yourself.
Share advice and a dressing bag with a friend.
He who helps each other overcomes the enemy.
Take on the necessary task boldly: if you can’t handle it yourself, your comrades will help.
He who helped quickly helped twice.
You won't know a friend until you need his help.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
If you lose something, you will gain more, but if you lose a friend, you will never get it back.
Life is bad for someone who does no good to anyone.
Hostility does no good.
Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.

A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends.

Not everyone is given the opportunity in life to have true and loyal friends who are capable of going through thick and thin for each other. Such friends will always tell the truth, criticize if necessary, and support if necessary. And we believe them and are not offended, because we know that they do this out of a kind and sincere attitude towards us. And, of course, we ourselves can be honest with our friends. It is this essence of friendship that proverbs and sayings about friendship and friends reflect.

Proverbs about friendship and friends

Pies for friends, fists for enemies.
There is no greater love than dying for each other.
Make your friends, but don’t lose your father’s.
These are the kind of friends that you can't turn around with a stake.
The king and the beggar are always without friends.
Anyone who hopes that his friends will choose his interests over theirs will suffer.
He who reproaches his friends for trifles makes enemies.
Friends are easy to find, but difficult to keep.
Friendship is not service; and with whom to be friends, to serve.
True friends are tested by everything - even pain.
Choose your friends wisely.
A tree lives by its roots, and a person lives by friends.
One hundred friends are not enough, one enemy is many.
Do not have wicked people as friends.
Look for friends, and enemies will appear.
He who does not know how to choose friends is good at finding enemies.
If you work together with friends, your heart will become strong like a lion.
Boast about your friends, but don’t trail behind.
A man without friends is a left hand without a right.
During a feast and conversation there are many friends, but during grief and sorrow there is no one.

Sayings about friends

There are many friends, but no friend.
Great friends are like brothers.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Friends until the rainy day.
The world is not without good people.

The land is strong with its people

People united by friendship and one goal cannot be defeated. When everyone is at the same time, then there is prosperity and prosperity, and everyone lives in peace, and it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a group of friends or about a whole people. You will find proverbs about the need for friendship and unity in this section.

The friendship of peoples increases their strength.
The path to victory is simpler and shorter when the peasant and the worker are friends.
People's friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.
He who values ​​the friendship of peoples beats the enemy.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
Our country is invincible, sealed by the friendship of peoples.
Friendship of peoples is the people's wealth.
The land is strong with its people.
The language of friendship does not need translation.
A ruble is collected from a penny; friendship begins with unity.
Stand for each other and you will win the battle.
Rivers may dry up, mountains may collapse, but the friendship of peoples is eternal and indestructible.
Friendship of peoples is stronger than the storm, brighter than the sun.
A people that does not know unity makes friends with need; a people strong in unity, making friends with happiness.
Friendship of peoples creates a mountain of treasures.
Stand together for peace - there will be no war.
The spring water is pure, the color of the rose is beautiful, the steel is strong. But purer than water, more beautiful than flowers, stronger than steel – the friendship of the Russian peoples.
Friendship of peoples shines like the sun.

Friendship between people is not just a pleasant relationship. True friends know and understand each other well, almost perfectly, and some even sense each other from a distance. Accepting another person with all his shortcomings is sometimes very difficult. But if you are ready for this, then true friendship will definitely be in your life.

I suggest you look at other interesting articles on the blog:

And to get you in the mood, I invite you to listen to a wonderful song about friendship performed by the group “Barbariki”.

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He who despises everyone deserves contempt.
A cruel person deserves torment.
God will give good people as friends,
And whoever is bad with friends deserves revenge. (Zakhireddin Muhammad Babur)

Don't be friends with a madman - he's like a two-legged porcupine. With his caustic words, he will pierce your heart like needles. (Chanakya Pandit)

We are so fickle in friendship because it is difficult to know the properties of the soul of a person and it is easy to know the properties of the mind. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and bisects suffering. (Joseph Addison)

If the praises lavished by friends sometimes give reason to doubt their sincerity, then the envy of enemies deserves full confidence. (Karl Immerman)

In face-to-face conversations between close friends, the wisest people very often express very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud. (Joseph Addison)

He who seeks friends deserves to find them; he who has no friends has never desired to have them. (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)

Woe to him who befriends the vicious, the selfish and the cunning. (Chanakya Pandit)

For the sake of a friend it is unworthy
Let us avoid troubles
If a friend is not happy,
We have no happiness in the world! (Shota Rustavelli)

False friends, like shadows, follow us on our heels while we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we enter the shadow. (P. Bovey)

And rejoice if you find perfect friends in the world. (Omar Khayyam)

Friends should be remembered not only in their presence, but also in their absence. (Thales)

People usually call friendship spending time together, mutual assistance in business, exchange of services - in a word, such relationships where selfishness hopes to gain something. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

Know that people, while they are alive, cannot do without friends, for it is better for a person to be without a brother than without friends. So they asked the wise man: "A friend is better or a brother?" He replied: "Brother, when he is a friend, it is better." (Unsur Al-maali (Kay Qaboos))

The best thing is new, the best friend is old. (Arabic proverb)

There is only one case in which we have nothing to fear from offending a friend, and that is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Friendship is a 24/7 concept. ()

It's better to live without money than without friends. ()

an old friend is better than two new ones (Russian folk proverb)

God, save me from friends, and I can handle my enemies myself. (Alexander the Great)

Our mother gives us one brother, and our tongue gives us another. ()

True friends are a rarity. ()

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third. (Alphonse Jean Carr)

Do not have friends who are inferior to you in moral terms. (Confucius (Kung Tzu))

I have so many wonderful qualities that my friends simply don’t know why they should love me. (Mikhail Genin)

You are blind, and I am deaf and dumb, so let's hold hands and try to understand each other. (Khalil Gibran Gibran)

A horseman on foot is not a companion. (Russian folk proverb)

Who are you against? (Attributed to Anna Akhmatova or Faina Ranevskaya)

A famous proverb says: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” In other words, by starting to be friends with someone, we can predict in advance what consequences this will lead to. Therefore, the choice of girlfriends and friends should be approached no less responsibly than the choice of a life partner.

Bet on the optimists

Despite the fact that optimists sometimes seem crazy (what else can you call people who hope for the best without any reason?), they always win. First, optimism attracts favorable events. Secondly, even if they
do not happen, optimists are not very upset and do not get upset for long. Regardless of your outlook on life, try to communicate more with optimistic people. They will make your life more rosy, and you will learn to never lose heart and see many pluses around. On the other hand, whiners drain your energy, ruin your mood, and create a negative outlook on things. Agree, in our unstable world this is completely useless.

Enjoy happiness from your mind

Whatever you say, you need to choose smart friends. It’s interesting to talk to people like that, and you can hear good advice. With fools, of course, you can feel superior (some people stroke their pride this way), but sooner or later stupidity begins to irritate. And the most offensive thing is that you cannot help such a person. No matter what you tell him, no matter how you teach him, as you know, “you can’t use your brains.”

Be inspired by those who are purposeful.

You can choose friends who go with the flow, but they will never charge you with the desire to set goals and achieve them, to enjoy realized dreams, and not the joys of “Oblomovism”. People who want to achieve a lot are very inspiring. If you are lucky enough to communicate with such people, you will understand what I mean. After talking with them, you want to move mountains - get rid of everyday life (or reduce it to a minimum), forget about failures and grievances, make your life rich and interesting. Make friends with those who have a lot of ideas and plans - even if they sometimes seem incredible.

Trust the practical

There is nothing worse than a squandering friend who drags you around the shops and provokes you to neglect your personal (family) budget for a month. With such people, you do not notice how you are drawn into the thoughtless shopping process and sacrifice your goals for the sake of impulsive purchases. A practical friend will not tempt you with sales and will stop you in time when you are ready to go wild.

Join the followers of a healthy lifestyle

Scientists have long proven that friendship has a direct impact on a person's lifestyle and even his weight. Agree, it is very important where you usually meet with your friends - in a fitness club (park) or for tea and cakes. All this affects your lifestyle, figure, etc. Therefore, be friends with “sports activists.” They will drag you to water aerobics, even if you “don’t really feel like it today.”

Look for those who know how to keep a secret

How many families have been broken up because a friend failed to keep a secret! How many people have lost their jobs because of the chattiness of their girlfriend-colleague, who rubbed her tongue in the secretarial room and in other departments! Don't get involved with them, otherwise you will have to constantly monitor what you tell them. And this may not save you from trouble, because any words can be misinterpreted, distorted and passed on to someone. Why do you need a friend with whom you cannot relax for a minute and pour out your soul?

Choose funny ones

A sense of humor is the most important quality of a person. Don't make friends who don't have a sense of humor. It's no fun with them. In addition, they can harbor a grudge against you for a long time because of an innocent joke and one “fine” day they will deal with you.

Good must always triumph over evil

Why do you need angry girlfriends who harbor grudges against relatives, sharpen grudges against colleagues and speak sarcastically about their acquaintances? It's unpleasant to hear this. It’s even more unpleasant to think that they can say the same thing about you. Do you really want to accumulate anger towards everyone around you? But the way such people view the world can influence you too. Skepticism and anger are contagious, even if you don't believe it.

Avoid Gossips

The desire to wash bones to one degree or another is common to most women (and men too). But some people only live by discussing the details of the personal lives of their friends. Let’s even put aside the obvious fact that they will discuss your personal life in the same way with half the city. The question is: why do you need to know all this? Why collect streams of unnecessary information, fill your head with other people's problems and twists of someone else's fate? It’s not difficult to find a more pleasant and useful thing to do than discuss the official from the last entrance or your friend’s daughter-in-law. A romance novel is even more interesting to read; at least, in addition to the plot, there is also artistic character and the author’s unique style.

Man does not live on his daily bread

Of course, materialism has lived, is alive and will live (unlike V.I. Lenin). However, it is much more interesting to communicate with friends who are interested not only in a new skirt and a compliment from the head of the neighboring department. People who, in addition to the material, practical, have another side of life - spiritual, philosophical - are extremely interesting. They make you think about the deep, talk about eternal values. They see wider and deeper than most and can teach you that. Don't rush to argue, even if you don't agree with something. Show patience and interest, and the hidden facets of their spiritual life will be revealed to you. And over time, perhaps yours too...

Proverbs and sayings about friendship

  • If you hold on to each other, you won’t be afraid of anything.
  • You will quarrel in smoke, then you will burn with shame.
  • In a willing herd, even a wolf is not afraid.
  • You have fun, eat and drink - so any friend is good, but on the day of grief only a close soul is good.
  • A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.
  • Together, troubles are easier to bear.
  • Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.
  • All for one, one for all.
  • Every house has a good owner.
  • Where friendship is strong, things go well.
  • For a dear friend and an earring.
  • A good joke does not ruin a friendship.
  • If you lose something, you will gain it again; if you lose a friend, you will never get it back.
  • Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.
  • A friend is a valuable treasure, but no one is happy about an enemy.
  • An untested friend is like an uncracked nut.
  • Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
  • Make friends with those who are better than yourself.
  • Being together is not burdensome, but apart at least throw it away.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • Friends are known in misfortune.
  • If there are pies, there are friends; if there are no pies, there are no friends.
  • There are many acquaintances, but few friends.
  • And a wise man needs advice.
  • Everyone is their own best friend.
  • When the pot is boiling, there is no shortage of friends.
  • A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.
  • He who is a direct friend is a dear brother.
  • Anyone who has become separated from friends and comrades has no one to count on in times of trouble.
  • Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.
  • It is better to listen to a friend's reproaches than to lose him.
  • Better a smart enemy than a stupid friend.
  • They love someone who does not offend anyone.
  • People's friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.
  • Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
  • There is no tree without branches, no glory without comrades and friends.
  • Not into service, but into friendship.
  • Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
  • If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.
  • Anyone can offend, but there is no one to feel sorry for.
  • There is safety in numbers.
  • One finger is not a fist.
  • One bee will not bring much honey.
  • You can't get along with someone who likes to scold.
  • Make friends with those whose eyes are blind, turn away from those who are blind in soul.
  • With a good friend you will move mountains, with a bad friend you will experience grief.
  • Die yourself, but help your comrade.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • A comrade will throw himself into the fire for a comrade.
  • Anyone who seeks friends without faults will only find friends with disappointment.
  • Anyone who hopes that his friends will choose his interests over theirs will suffer.
  • He who reproaches his friends for trifles makes enemies.
  • You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.
  • Do not trust the smile of an enemy, do not suspect malice in a friend.
  • What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do to others.
  • Man is man's friend and brother.

Proverbs and sayings about good and evil, wealth and poverty, work and laziness, nature and health are the accumulated wisdom of the people for centuries. They teach and warn, praise hard work and responsiveness, ridicule greed and laziness, condemn evil and selfishness, encourage diligence and perseverance... Getting to know proverbs and sayings will broaden your child's horizons, enrich his speech, help develop imaginative thinking, and funny illustrations will delight adults as well. , and children.

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The given introductory fragment of the book 200 folk proverbs and sayings (G. V. Kuropatov, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, edition in Russian, 2015

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, artistic design, 2015

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club” LLC, Belgorod, 2015


Option. Do not keep a hundred rubles, but keep a hundred friends.

Similar in meaning. Not to live with money, but with kind people.

Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than any wealth.

Friendship is more valuable than wealth and money. Money will be spent quickly, but friends will remain forever. It's good to have many reliable friends. The proverb is used when friends or acquaintances help or help out in trouble.


Option. An old friend is better than seven young ones.

Similar in meaning. New clothes are good, but a friend is old.

A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.

Old trusted friends will never betray, but how faithful new friends will be is not yet known. This is what those who value true friends say or regret that they are not there.


Option. All for one, one for all.

Everyone should support their neighbor, everyone should help each other. This proverb reflects an ancient form of solidarity. It is known, for example, that at the veche (people's meeting) the inhabitants of ancient Novgorod, kissing the cross, swore “to fight for one, either life or death, for the truth of Novgorod.”


Similar in meaning. To love a friend is not to spare yourself.

You need to help a friend, even at the risk of getting into an unpleasant, dangerous situation. Used either as an endorsement of caring for others at the expense of oneself, or as an example to follow.


Option. One in the field is not a warrior.

Similar in meaning. You can't tie a knot with one hand.

It’s okay to eat porridge alone.

One grieves at home, but two fight in the field.

This proverb is used to emphasize that we must act together, that it is difficult to do anything alone. True, in the Russian language there is also an opposite proverb: “And there is only one warrior in the field,” since there are situations when a lot depends on one person. However, the first option is more common, since collectivism is characteristic of Russian people.

Proverbs of the peoples of the world

Poor is the one who has no friends ( English).

If a person is alone, heaven is not heaven ( Greek).

You can't make a friend out of an old enemy ( Turkish).

Time will pass, and a friend will become an enemy, and an enemy will become a friend ( Indian).

A good friend comes without calling ( Estonian).


Option. Even a wolf is not afraid of a herd that agrees.

Similar in meaning. A friendly herd of wolves is not afraid.

Friendly magpies will eat a goose, friendly seagulls and a hawk will kill.

The proverb says that no enemies are dangerous to people who live together and amicably.


Option. For a dear friend and an earring.

For a loved one, you don’t feel sorry for the most precious and valuable thing. In ancient times, women gave “ear earrings” to their husbands and loved ones when they went on long hikes.


Option. For a dear friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

For friends, distance is not a barrier. They will always find a way to meet. When you are traveling to a loved one, and a long journey seems short. The outskirts here means a detour that lies away from the direct direction.


It’s not hard to work together and coordinatedly; you can solve complex problems and cope with any task; doing it separately is much more difficult.


There are more of us, more people like us. The proverb applies if a person of the same views, inclinations, etc. appears in any group.


Option. A friend is known in misfortune.

Similar in meaning. A friend is known in battle and in trouble.

Call yourself a friend - help in trouble.

You cannot recognize a faithful friend without trouble.

Friend has not experienced that the nut is not cracked.

It is in difficult moments that you can find out who a true friend is. A proverb is used when someone helped or, conversely, left someone in trouble.


The expression is used when talking about people of a different circle, adherents of different views, of a different class. They often speak with disdain about less fortunate people or with envy about those who are more fortunate and rich.


Option. You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.

No threats are scary if people act together, at the same time.


Similar in meaning. If you lose something, you will gain it again; if you lose a friend, you will never get it back.

You need to value and respect your friends; it is always much easier to quarrel than to make peace. Sometimes it is not possible to restore relationships at all.


Option.. With people, even death is red.

In public, even death is red.

When a person is not alone, everything can be survived, even death is not scary. It is said as a consolation to someone who, in a difficult moment for himself, is surrounded by other people who share his fate or support him. “On the world” means in a team, not alone. The world in pre-revolutionary Russia was a rural peasant community.


Among people who always help, trouble and misfortune are not so noticeable.


Option. A fisherman sees a fisherman far away in the reach.

Similar in meaning. The mushroom picker sees the mushroom picker from afar.

People who have similar characters or interests quickly recognize each other, find a common language, and begin joint activities. The expression often has a negative connotation.


If you take a little from several people, the total will be something significant, enough for one person. It is said that when they jointly help someone in something that is beyond the means or strength of one person, the joint help is tangible.


Option. Whoever you get along with, that's what you'll do.

Similar in meaning. To hang out with a bee means to be in honey, but to contact a beetle means to end up in manure.

This is what they say about those who have adopted the views and habits of someone with whom they are friends, communicate, live, etc.

This is interesting

It turns out that many famous proverbs have half-forgotten continuations. Moreover, some complete versions reveal the essence of the proverb more accurately, but there are also those in which the meaning changes to the opposite.

Two are waiting for the third but seven do not wait for one.

A mosquito won't knock down a horse, until the bear helps.

Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets, both.

The raven will not peck out the crow's eyes, but he’ll peck it out, but won’t pull it out.

An old horse will not spoil the furrow, and it won’t plow deep.

For a beaten person they give two unbeaten ones, Yes, it doesn’t hurt to take it.

A new broom sweeps in a new way, and when it breaks, it lies under the bench.


Similar in meaning. The wolf is not a horse's friend.

A horseman on foot is not a companion.

It talks about someone who is no match for anyone. The fact is that nothing can unite people who are different in nature, character or social status.


Similar in meaning. Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.

Friendship is friendship, but don’t pick your pocket.

Friendship is friendship, but money counts.

Friendly relations should not interfere with the performance of one’s duties, etc. As a rule, it is said (often with reproach) in cases where disagreements arise between people who consider themselves friends or united by common activities due to divergence of interests and personal calculations.


Similar in meaning. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

A true friend is not one who flatters and speaks words that are pleasant to the ear, but can point out the shortcomings and unworthy actions of his friend. This is the kind of friendship that should be treasured.


Option.. There is no master in taste or color.

There is no sample for taste or color.

Similar in meaning. Tastes could not be discussed.

It is said that when choosing or evaluating something, everyone remains with their own opinion, but they do not want to argue. To claim that some people have more correct taste than others is wrong and incorrect.


The choice of friends characterizes a person, and from his friends one can form an impression of him.


It is said when they ask to provide a service out of kindness, out of courtesy, and not out of obligation.