Scenario for the birthday of the Pushkin Lyceum. Scenario. Literary lounge dedicated to the Day of the Lyceum "You are our friend and our teacher, the glorious Pushkin Lyceum!". “In order to love him in a real way, it was necessary to look at him with that complete benevolence that

Scenario for the day of the Pushkin Lyceum

instill in the younger generation a sense of the native language; through comprehending the beauty of the language, its richness, inexhaustible possibilities to come to competent oral and written speech. An inexhaustible ocean for the speech, intellectual, moral development of students should be the language of the works of our classics, in particular, poems, poems, fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin

Scene. Pushkin is sitting at the table on which there is a sign “01/11/1825”.

In front of him stands a decanter with fruit drink and a cup. Sitting next to Arina Rodionovna

and knit something. The inscription "Mikhailovskoe" is on the wall. Pushkin thoughtfully

looks at the decanter, pours fruit drink, drinks and says:

How long has it been a noisy day of parting,

How long ago was Bacchus a violent feast.

With me there are no friends insane youth,

Now solitude is my idol.

And how nicely we feasted:

Glasses, drained to the bottom,

Freedom, liberty sang,

Blessing Bacchus the naughty.

"Love, hope, quiet glory

The deceit did not live long for us,

Gone are the funs of youth

Like a dream, like a morning mist. (Pushkin)

Now alone, the disgraced poet,

I'm sitting in my Mikhailovsky,

Under the sounds of autumn sad

I spend the evening with the nanny together.

Oh, where are you, friends of careless youth,

Can I wait to meet you?

Will I embrace you with heartfelt joy,

Shall I shake hands with you, my friends?

The bell is ringing. Pushkin enters.

Well, hello, Pushkin, dear friend,

Here, finally, we met with you.

I see: all in useful works,

Are you poring over the next chapter? (there is a manuscript on the table)

"Eugene Onegin")

“... The disgraced house of the poet

Oh, my Pushchin, you were the first to visit;

You delighted the sad day of exile,

You turned his Lyceum into a day. (Pushkin)

Let's drink with you for the Lyceum,

For friendship, for love and for freedom!

For the circle, already thinning, friends,

Who are we losing more and more every year.

Pushkin and Pushchin silently clink their cups

with fruit drink and, standing, drink.

Perhaps we drink with you for the last time

And I won't see you again.

Let's forget sorrows for an hour

Let's forget about sadness, about captivity.

(raising high a cup with fruit drink and smiling):

Fun! Be to the grave

Our faithful companion.

And let us both die

At the sound of full bowls! (Pushkin)

And they sing a song:

("Hussar ballad")

We will remember the youthful fun,

And then our hearts will be warm.

We do not need glory with you,

Let's keep the lyceum friendship forever warm!

Our Bacchus is peaceful, forever young,

He was always at the same time with the lyceum students.

We will tune the strings in honor of him

But we don't drink wine for a long, long time.

Let with sad joy

Today we will see the bowls, the bottom of the bowl.

Do not forget, my friend is disgraced,

You have been dear to me for a long, long time.

Having finished the song, Pushchin hugs Pushkin and says goodbye to him with the words:

“Farewell, friend Pushkin, do not remember dashingly,” then leaves.

On the table is a sign "April 1825". Pushkin walks around the room

mumbles something, then sits down at the table, writes.

The bell is ringing. Enter Anton Delvig.

Delvig (embracing Pushkin):

Hello, Frenchman, poet-hermit,

How long have I not seen you!

I thought you were on vacation, "loafer" (takes up a stack of papers)

And you don't take care of yourself.

Let's pour a fruit drink, not foamy wine. (he pours into cups, raises

And let's drink to our union, the Decembrists, his own, clinking glasses with Pushkin

Drain the cup to the drop, to the bottom! and drinking)

“And you came, inspired son of laziness,

Heart heat, so long lulled,

And cheerfully I blessed fate. (Pushkin)

Delvig and Pushkin, embracing and talking, leave the room.

Pushkin (alone again):

Oh my dear friends!

“I foresee a pleasant rendezvous;

Remember the poet's prediction:

A year will pass, and I will be with you again.

The covenant of my dreams will come true:

The year will fly by, and I will come to you! .. ”(Pushkin)

Pushkin leaves.

A sign “10/19/2011” appears on the table. Russian language lesson.

The teacher sits at the table and reads aloud excerpts from essays.

The students are sitting in front of her. The passages are:

1. Troikurov had racing dogs in the kennel.

2. Plyushkin put a lot of dabra in the room and for a long time

admired her.

3. Palyarniki drifted on an ice floe.

4. Flying on crutches is not easy, but he learned (about Meresyev).

5. Knyas Nikhlyudov was a Swedish man and was drenched in perfume.


I feel sorry for you, young generation:

You do not honor your native language at all.

To write in Russian for you is torment,

For you, a mighty Russian is not great.

In a rich language, Russian, they spoke

Tolstoy and Gogol, Dostoevsky and Leskov...

He was idolized, known and loved

Akhmatova, Nabokov, Chukovsky and Krylov...

And Pushkin, our great, glorious genius

(“Live now he is again among us”),

He, turning to the generations with a Russian word,

I would immediately express this thought:

Enter Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig, Gorchakov, Kuchelbecker.

Pushkin: "Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!"

The students stand up to greet the guests.

“How long will you, arrogant descendants,

Will you laugh at the Russian language?

Poetry and prose ugly wreckage

Your children will absorb with their mother's milk!

Then there will be no poets among them,

And I'm not talking about writers!

They are only enough to write verses,

And I don't even ask for sonnets and poems!

Wake up you sleepy sloths!

God help you my friends!

Put your hands on books,

Let your golden days come!

Pushkin and the guests, arguing about something, leave.

My friends, our union is beautiful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal -

Unshakable, free and carefree,

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Wherever fate takes us

And happiness, no matter where it leads,

We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us;

Fatherland to us Tsarskoye Selo.

2. Presenter 1:

At the beginning of my life, I remember school;

There were many of us, careless children;

An uneven and frisky family ...

These poetic lines will be written by an adult, wise A.S. Pushkin, recalling the years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the school that became his home.

Host 2:

I remember school at the beginning of my life...

Today, October 19, marks the 201st anniversary of the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. For everyone who studied with A.S. Pushkin and in subsequent years, this day became one of the main holidays. And the poet said about October 19: "The cherished day of the Lyceum."

Presenter 1:

And we call October 19 Gymnasium Day. So, it is also our holiday, since we are all young high school students!

Fanfare sounds.

On the screen - slides with views of Tsarskoye Selo

3. Presenter 2:

The place for the Lyceum was chosen in Tsarskoye Selo, a city of beautiful gardens and parks, not far from the capital, St. Petersburg.

Presenter 1:

Boys from noble families who passed the exam were admitted to the Lyceum. There are thirty of them - just one class. They are not of the same age. The youngest is eleven years old, the oldest is fifteen. They are called "undersized". It's a shame? No! Indeed, they have not yet grown up to serve in the state or military, and therefore must study.

Host 2:

And the best teachers will teach them! Educated and well-read, they were specially trained to teach at the new school! They are not called teachers, but professors or assistant professors. They dream that their students become honest and noble people, bring benefit and glory to their Fatherland. And they are waiting for the beginning of classes with the same impatience as the boys.

Presenter 1:

Today is a special day. And on days like this, whatever you want is possible.

Host 2:

Oh, how I want to be in Tsarskoe Selo on October 19, 1811 and see what they were like - lyceum students of Pushkin's time.

Presenter 1:

Let's listen, maybe we can hear their voices!?

A knock on the front door is heard. The voices of young lyceum students are heard from the corridor:

- It's great that today, on the opening day of the Lyceum, it snowed!

- A-a-a-a! - a scream is heard, several cotton snowballs are flying into the hall.

- No, you can’t escape, Kyukhlya!

Guys, let's catch up with him! Behind me! - run through the living room to the library.

4. Presenter 2:

One way or something like this ended this day on October 19 in 1811 for lyceum students of the first Pushkin graduation. Yes, they became pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, they had to prepare for state service ... But let's not condemn them for pranks, because today, October 19, 1811, they are still just children.

Heads of lyceum students peek out from the library into the living room. Conversation:

- It is a holiday today!

- You feel: the professors are worried, even the director Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky is worried!

- Friends, carriages are driving up to the building. The parents have arrived!

“Look: the chairs have already been arranged for the guests.

- Everyone is here?

- No! The king is waiting!

On the screen - the Great Hall of the Lyceum.

Lyceum students appear in the living room.

Director of the Lyceum Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky

– Ladies and gentlemen, His Imperial Majesty Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich!

Fanfare sounds.

The actor playing Alexander the Great enters and takes pride of place.

On the screen - the Charter of the Lyceum.

Presenter 1:

On the opening day of the Lyceum, the lyceum students saw the Charter for the first time - a large red book in an elegant binding. On the cover is the letter "A" - the monogram of Emperor Alexander. The Charter contains all the duties of pupils and their rights.

Emperor: “As a pledge of OUR special favor to this School, we grant it the title of IMPERIAL LYCEUM.

The lyceum in its rights and advantages is completely equal to the Russian Universities.

The establishment of the Lyceum aims to educate young people, especially those destined for important parts of the State service.

Pupils are admitted to the Lyceum only after a preliminary test of their knowledge.

Pupils entering the Lyceum are required to have undoubted certificates of their excellent morality and be completely healthy. Pupils at their reception must be from 10 to 12 years old and at the same time present evidence of their nobility.

All pupils are equal, like children of the same father or family!

It is forbidden for pupils to shout at ministers or scold them, even though they are serfs!

Corporal punishment is prohibited!

The lyceum will have a special uniform, determined by US.

(With each new rule, the “lyceum students” whisper and comment on them.)

Host 1: Pay attention to one of the teachers. How closely he looks at future pupils. This is Professor Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn. Years will pass, and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin will remember his favorite teacher and the solemn moment like this:

Do you remember when the Lyceum arose,

As the tsar opened the palace of the tsaritsyn for us.

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings between royal guests.

Kunitsyn tribute of heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our fire,

They set the cornerstone flame,

They lit a clean lamp…

Fanfare sounds.

Director Malinovsky:

- Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn.

Kunitsyn comes out and addresses the lyceum students:

I appeal to you, young pets, future pillars of the Fatherland! From parental embrace you now enter under the shelter of this sacred temple of sciences. Time will pass, and you will have influence for the benefit of the whole society... The roads of honor and glory are open before you. Always remember that there is no higher rank than the high rank of a citizen. Love for glory and the Fatherland should always be your only leader!

... Bless, jubilant muse,

Bless: long live the Lyceum!

To the mentors who guarded our youth,

To all honor, both the dead and the living,

Raising a cup of gratitude to your lips,

Remembering no evil, we will reward for the good.

Fanfare sounds.

Host 2:

The day of October 19 has become a special day for all lyceum students for the rest of their lives. “The cherished day of the Lyceum” - this is how A.S. called it. Pushkin, followed by his friends. So we call it, and those who will live after us.

Presenter 1:

Years will pass, fate will scatter around the world those who studied with Pushkin, but every year on October 19, they, bound by ties of friendship, lyceum fraternity, will strive to meet their narrow circle. Let's just name six of them...

Scene: the names of the lyceum students of the Pushkin graduate are heard, each of them approaches the emperor, bowing, greeting him. At the same time, accompanying each name, a brief historical note about the lyceum student sounds.

Malinovsky announces:

(pupils come out in the role of famous lyceum students and tell interesting facts from their lives).

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin is one of Pushkin's closest friends. “My first friend, my priceless friend,” Pushkin called Pushchin so. He became a judge of the Moscow court court, a Decembrist, sentenced to eternal hard labor. The author of Notes on Pushkin, one of the most reliable memoirs about the young Pushkin.

Anton Antonovich Delvig is a baron, a wonderful poet, one of the three lyceum students who visited Pushkin in Mikhailovsky exile.

Konstantin Karlovich Danzas, a lyceum comrade who became a second at Pushkin's last duel, rose to the rank of major general.

Wilhelm Karlovich Küchelbecker is a lyceum friend to whom Pushkin will dedicate the following lines: “my brother by muse, by fate.” A remarkable poet, literary critic, publisher of an almanac, Decembrist, participant in the uprising on Senate Square, sentenced to 20 years in hard labor.

Volkhovsky Vladimir Dmitrievich - "suvorochka", the best student of Pushkin's graduation, graduated from the Lyceum with a big gold medal, chose a military career, rose to the rank of major general, was involved in the case of the Decembrists.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The emperor leaves.

Host 2:

Saying goodbye to the first lyceum graduation, the 2nd director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Yegor Antonovich Engelgardt, summed up the six-year study as follows:

“Go, friends, to your new field!.. Keep the truth, sacrifice everything for it; not death is terrible, but dishonor is terrible; not wealth, not rank, not ribbons honor a person, but a good name, keep it, keep a clear conscience, that's your honor. Go, friends, remember us ... "

Presenter 1:

And they will remember the Lyceum, which has become their second home, their true friends and respected mentors. About this is the farewell song of the pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, written by 18-year-old Anton Delvig:

stop each other

You look with a farewell tear!

Keep, oh friends, keep

The same friendship with the same soul

Well, a strong desire for glory,

That's true, yes

wrong - no.

In adversity - proud patience.

And in happiness

hello everyone!

Six years have passed

like a dream

In the arms of sweet silence

And the calling of the fatherland

It thunders to us: march, sons!

Goodbye brothers

hand to hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate of eternal separation

May be,

connected us here!


Scenario for the day of the Pushkin Lyceum


instill in the younger generation a sense of the native language; through comprehending the beauty of the language, its richness, inexhaustible possibilities to come to competent oral and written speech. An inexhaustible ocean for the speech, intellectual, moral development of students should be the language of the works of our classics, in particular, poems, poems, fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin

Scene. Pushkin is sitting at the table on which there is a sign “01/11/1825”.

In front of him stands a decanter with fruit drink and a cup. Sitting next to Arina Rodionovna

and knit something. The inscription "Mikhailovskoe" is on the wall. Pushkin thoughtfully

looks at the decanter, pours fruit drink, drinks and says:


How long has it been a noisy day of parting,

How long ago was Bacchus a violent feast.

With me there are no friends insane youth,

Now solitude is my idol.

And how nicely we feasted:

Glasses, drained to the bottom,

Freedom, liberty sang,

Blessing Bacchus the naughty.

"Love, hope, quiet glory

The deceit did not live long for us,

Gone are the funs of youth

Like a dream, like a morning mist. (Pushkin)

Now alone, the disgraced poet,

I'm sitting in my Mikhailovsky,

Under the sounds of autumn sad

I spend the evening with the nanny together.

Oh, where are you, friends of careless youth,

Can I wait to meet you?

Will I embrace you with heartfelt joy,

Shall I shake hands with you, my friends?

The bell is ringing. Pushkin enters.


Well, hello, Pushkin, dear friend,

Here, finally, we met with you.

I see: all in useful works,

Are you poring over the next chapter? (there is a manuscript on the table)

"Eugene Onegin")


I'm glad!

“... The disgraced house of the poet

Oh, my Pushchin, you were the first to visit;

You delighted the sad day of exile,

You turned his Lyceum into a day. (Pushkin)


Let's drink with you for the Lyceum,

For friendship, for love and for freedom!

For the circle, already thinning, friends,

Who are we losing more and more every year.

Pushkin and Pushchin silently clink their cups

With fruit drink and, standing, they drink.


Perhaps we drink with you for the last time

And I won't see you again.

Let's forget sorrows for an hour

Let's forget about sadness, about captivity.


(raising high a cup with fruit drink and smiling):

Fun! Be to the grave

Our faithful companion.

And let us both die

At the sound of full bowls! (Pushkin)

And they sing a song:


("Hussar ballad")

We will remember the youthful fun,

And then our hearts will be warm.

We do not need glory with you,

Let's keep the lyceum friendship forever warm!

Our Bacchus is peaceful, forever young,

He was always at the same time with the lyceum students.

We will tune the strings in honor of him

But we don't drink wine for a long, long time.

Let with sad joy

Today we will see the bowls, the bottom of the bowl.

Do not forget, my friend is disgraced,

You have been dear to me for a long, long time.

Having finished the song, Pushchin hugs Pushkin and says goodbye to him with the words:

“Farewell, friend Pushkin, do not remember dashingly,” then leaves.

On the table is a sign "April 1825". Pushkin walks around the room

mumbles something, then sits down at the table, writes.

The bell is ringing. Enter Anton Delvig.

Delvig (embracing Pushkin):

Hello, Frenchman, poet-hermit,

How long have I not seen you!

I thought you were on vacation, "loafer"(takes up a stack of papers)

And you don't take care of yourself.

Let's pour a fruit drink, not foamy wine.(he pours into cups, raises

And let's drink to our union, the Decembrists,his own, clinking glasses with Pushkin

Drain the cup to the drop, to the bottom! and drinking)


“And you came, inspired son of laziness,

Heart heat, so long lulled,

And cheerfully I blessed fate. (Pushkin)

Delvig and Pushkin, embracing and talking, leave the room.

Pushkin (alone again):

Oh my dear friends!

“I foresee a pleasant rendezvous;

Remember the poet's prediction:

A year will pass, and I will be with you again.

The covenant of my dreams will come true:

The year will fly by, and I will come to you! .. ”(Pushkin)

Pushkin leaves.

A sign “10/19/2011” appears on the table. Russian language lesson.

The teacher sits at the table and reads aloud excerpts from essays.

The students are sitting in front of her. The passages are:

1. Troikurov had racing dogs in the kennel.

2. Plyushkin put a lot of dabra in the room and for a long time

Loved her.

3. Palyarniki drifted on an ice floe.

4. Flying on crutches is not easy, but he learned (about Meresyev).

5. Knyas Nikhlyudov was a Swedish man and was drenched in perfume.


I feel sorry for you, young generation:

You do not honor your native language at all.

To write in Russian for you is torment,

For you, a mighty Russian is not great.

In a rich language, Russian, they spoke

Tolstoy and Gogol, Dostoevsky and Leskov...

He was idolized, known and loved

Akhmatova, Nabokov, Chukovsky and Krylov...

And Pushkin, our great, glorious genius

(“Live now he is again among us”),

He, turning to the generations with a Russian word,

I would immediately express this thought:

Enter Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig, Gorchakov, Kuchelbecker.

Pushkin: "Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!"

The students stand up to greet the guests.


“How long will you, arrogant descendants,

Will you laugh at the Russian language?

Poetry and prose ugly wreckage

Your children will absorb with their mother's milk!

Then there will be no poets among them,

And I'm not talking about writers!

They are only enough to write verses,

And I don't even ask for sonnets and poems!

Wake up you sleepy sloths!

God help you my friends!

Put your hands on books,

Let your golden days come!

Pushkin and the guests, arguing about something, leave.

Lyceum exam after 195 years

( script of the lesson - a concert dedicated to the Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)
Each person, each of us has, should have his own October 19, at least an hour from him, at least a minute

Yuri Karyakin
According to contemporaries, the autumn of 1811 was remarkable for two events: the consecration of the Kazan Cathedral and the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

“The beginning of the nineteenth century... The time when the advanced part of Russian society believed in the possibility of changes in the life of the country through reforms. For this, “new people” were needed. They sought to educate them with the help of the Lyceum, so that later, having taken the highest government positions, the former lyceum students would help transform the country. Teachers sought to develop in their pupils a sense of civic honor, service to the Fatherland.

The lyceum accepted 30 boys from noble families, among whom was Alexander Pushkin. The Pushkin Lyceum was located in a four-story building, which was connected by an arch to the royal Catherine's Palace. In the arch there was a lyceum library, on the 4th floor there were rooms for pupils. On other floors there are halls, classrooms, utility rooms. Lyceum students had to study for 6 years, without going on vacation to their parents. Lyceum students comprehended not only the exact sciences, but were also brought up spiritually: drawing pictures, listening to classical music, comprehending the subtleties of choreographic art.

The lyceum trained statesmen and politicians. But only A. Pushkin immortalized his name with great poetry. You read Pushkin's lines and it seems that only there and then at the beginning of the 19th century, there were noble friendship, wise mentors, high poetry.

And today, 199 years after the opening of the Lyceum for an impromptu exam, we decided to invite students and teachers of the first graduation and talk about friendship, loyalty, about the role the Lyceum played in their lives.


And the first to be invited to the exam is the son of an archpriest who served at Moscow University; a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, who had an excellent knowledge of foreign languages, including Greek, Ancient Greek and Latin. In 1800 he was appointed consul to the Moldavian Principality. He performed this position so conscientiously and usefully that the Moldavians loved and respected him.

In Moscow, this man directed for free in the house of industriousness, which gave shelter to 30 impoverished girls. In this modest position and in material need, he was caught in 1809 by the news of the opening of the Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo.

Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky - the first director of the Lyceum.

Question 1: Continue the phrase: “Our goal is to create a common spirit, education without flattery, servility, in short, education……..” ( dignity education).

Question 2: How do you understand the word friendship?

Loving you, I will forget my sorrows in order to feel only yours, and if you do the same, then we will both be satisfied. - It is pleasant to share someone else's sadness - this is regret, which always delights the spirit.


The former director of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute, who from a young age felt attracted and even called to teaching, is invited to the exam. In his youth, he preferably read works in which the best methods of educating youth were developed and constantly had a desire to be at the head of an educational institution. His wishes were destined to come true, and he was able to study in practice everything that until now had only been studied in theory.

We invite Egor Antonovich Engelhardt - the second director of the Lyceum

Question 1. Why did the graduates of your Lyceum begin to be called "cast-iron workers"

In parting to all the students of the first graduation, I presented special cast-iron rings, cast from a cast-iron bell, which called the boys to classes every day - a symbol of unbreakable friendship and memory - and they began to call each other "cast-iron" ...

Question 2 You happened to see and teach Alexander Pushkin. What do you think of it?

“His highest and final goal is to shine, and precisely through poetry. He reduces everything to this and lovingly deals with everything that is directly connected with it. Nevertheless, he will never be able to give a solid foundation even to his poems, since he is afraid of any serious studies and his very poetic spirit is not cordial, penetrating, but completely superficial, French spirit. And yet this is the best thing that can be said about him, if it can be considered good. His heart is cold and empty, alien to love and every religious feeling and does not feel the need for it.


It seems to us that the person who wrote: “ ..if I were in the place of Danzas, then the fatal bullet would meet my chest: I would have found a means to save the poet-comrade, the property of Russia ..

Whose words are these?

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin

Question 1. Did you hear what Engelhardt wrote about his student Pushkin? Do you have something to object to?

“In order to love him in a real way, it was necessary to look at him with that complete goodwill that knows and sees all the unevenness of character and other shortcomings, puts up with them and ends up loving even them in a friend - comrade”

Ticket 4

The time has come to invite Pushkin's rival in poetry. It is known that the first youthful work of Pushkin: "Song" was corrected and completed by you. In the Lyceum you were one of the most active writers, wrote fables, epigrams (especially on Küchelbecker), messages. Pushkin called you a "kind wit" and offered to pour out a hundred epigrams "on an enemy and a friend." In addition, you were distinguished by the art of drawing caricatures, preserved in the form of illustrations, for various "topics of the day" in the school collection "Lyceum Sage".

We invite you to the hall Illichevsky Alexey Demyanovich

Question 1. Please tell us about the publishing activities that you conducted at the Lyceum

Since November 1813, the magazine “Lyceum Sage” began its long life. The surviving “Lyceum Sage” is a small notebook or book in the form of an oblong album, bound in red morocco.

Leading: How did the magazine “Lyceum Sage” differ from others?

Illichevsky: cartoons. At the end of each issue were placed my colored drawings. I tried to ensure that the characters of my caricatures had a resemblance to the person depicted. Otherwise, the wit was lost, and the caricature turned into a mockery without an address.

Lyceum students under the windows of the bakery ”- four pupils make faces and make faces at a fat German baker. Behind the baker's back, his skinny wife peeps warily. It is believed that one of the four participants in this scene is Alexander Pushkin.

Question 2. You, like Pushkin, wrote poems for lyceum dates. We ask you to read one of them

Since we became a lyceum, Eleven years have already passed

But we passed October on the 19th

So this day in the heart will forever remain with us, friends,

We are brothers, of course, And our Lyceum is one family.

Here we are all: From Lithuania, Siberia, Because of the steppes of Bukhara

So now the Lyceum is resuming in my apartment.

As long as the heart in us is free and the stern voice is audible,

Let us give our hands every year to illuminate this day among us.

“Lyceum life dear brother…” – this is how Pushkin wrote about you. You are thin and fidgety. Your height confused the tailor at the first fitting. You are afraid to tease openly. You are ready to kill the offender on the spot, pierce him with a fork if it is at dinner, use an inkwell in the classroom, knock him down during a walk. And how the lyceum students loved you. A difficult fate awaits you: you will spend eight years in solitary confinement and will be exiled to Siberia.

Wilhelm Karlovich Küchelbecker

Question 1 Please read the poems you wrote in the year of Pushkin's death, 1837

Blessed is he who fell like the youth Achilles

Beautiful, powerful, brave, majestic,

In the middle of the field of victories and glory,

Full of invincible powers!

Blessed! His face is always young

With the radiance of immortality of grief,

Shines like the sun forever golden

Like the first dawn of Eden

And I'm alone among strangers to me

I stand from the night, helpless and frail,

Above the terrible grave of all my hopes,

Over the gloomy coffin of all my friends.

In that bottomless coffin, struck by lightning,

The last ral dear to me poet ...

And here again the lyceum is a sacred day;

But even Pushkin is not among you!

He will not bring new songs to you,

And your Persians will not tremble from them;

He will not drink a healthy cup with you

He soared to sky-high friends

He is now feasting in our Delvig

He is now with my Griboyedov

For them, for them my soul yearns;

I eagerly stretch out my hands to them


You never interfered in games that required agility and strength, you preferred walking along the alleys of Tsarskoe Selo and talking with your comrades. Pushkin dedicated the lines to you:

“Wake up, sleepy sloth!
You are not sitting under the pulpit,
lulled into Latin."

Anton Delvig (Interian Kristina)

Question 1. On June 9, 1817, at the graduation ceremony of the Lyceum, a farewell hymn written by you was performed. Read it, please.
Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate of eternal separation

Perhaps here we are related!

stop each other

You look with a farewell tear!

Keep, oh friends, keep

The same friendship, with the same soul,

Well, a strong desire for glory,

Well true - yes, false - no,

In misfortune - proud patience,

And in happiness - hello to everyone!

When Pushkin looked at the lyceum years from the height of the years lived, all the hardships of life were smoothed out. The need for friendship "corrected" memory. It was after the separation, when the Lyceum was behind him, that the memories turned out to be cement, which over the years more and more tightly connected the “lyceum circle”. The brotherhood did not weaken, but strengthened.

IN having selected his “lyceum lines” from the Complete Collection of Pushkin's Works, we will be convinced that this is quite a lot. Dozens of times in poetry, prose and letters of the poet we find the words "lyceum", "lyceum student", hundreds of times there are the words "friendship", "friendly", "friendship" ...

And of course, today we cannot do without the poems of Alexander Sergeevich himself, whom we invite to read the lines that have become the anthem of friendship.

Leading: Who is that unfortunate friend who had to celebrate his lyceum anniversary alone?

Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich (1798 - 1883)

(showing a presentation about Gorchakov A.M.)

Leading: Today, October 19, we remembered those who were close to Pushkin for many years, those whom he could call his friends. We would like to end our lesson with an appeal to the epigraph. How do you understand the words of Yuri Karyakin?

(statements of guests of the holiday)

The scripts were prepared by the teacher of the Russian language and literature Ruleva A.V.

Literary and musical event dedicated to A. S. Pushkin

Decor: screen, flowers, coffee tables, candlesticks, epidiascope, tape recorder.

Event progress

A portrait of A.S. is projected onto the screen. Pushkin works by O. Kiprensky and epigraphs:

You as first love

Russia will not be forgotten by the heart.

F. Tyutchev

We love Pushkin because he is Pushkin.

M. Rylsky


We live, dozens of people,

And the genius is long gone

And a heavy sigh is torn from the chest

At the thought of you, poet!

How loud our modest feast would be,

When would you in my house

Today I met your descendant,

And shake his hand!

Oh, how gray hair would go to him!

How clear and deep

Under them his eagle gaze

And strict doom flight is high!

As in our strange era,

Where, along with the thirst for good

We see thoughts turmoil,

His pen is missing!

I. Grotto. In memory of Pushkin

Mozart's symphony No. 41 in C major "Jupiter" sounds.


The poet's pen is missing

And even though two hundred years have passed,

His soul is with us today

Our poet is with us today.

Reader. Grigoriev wrote: “...A. Pushkin is our everything: Pushkin is a representative of everything that is spiritual, special, such that remains our spiritual, special after all collisions with someone else, with other worlds.

That is why today, on his birthday, we invite our contemporary to go to Pushkin's time, to look at him through the eyes of his relatives, friends, fellow writers, to leaf through some of the pages of his biography.

A portrait of Pushkin as a child by an unknown artist is projected onto the screen.

Reader. On May 26, 1799, a son, Alexander, was born in the family of retired major Sergei Lvovich Pushkin. The boy grew up with unspoiled maternal affection, the lack of which was made up for by the cordial affection and sincere love of the nanny - a simple Russian peasant woman, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva.

A painting by Y. Ivanov "Pushkin and Arina Rodionovna" is projected onto the screen.

Reader. As an adult, Alexander will dedicate his poems to her. Remember? (Reads an excerpt from the poem "Nanny".)

Friend of my harsh days,

My decrepit dove!

Alone in the wilderness of pine forests,

For a long, long time you've been waiting for me.

Reader. Thanks to the nanny, Pushkin learned from childhood the beauty, strength and accuracy of his native speech.

Reader. The future poet's home education was unsystematic, and yet he took out of him an impeccable knowledge of the French language, a passion for reading and a love for "the legends of antiquity." In the spring of 1811, Pushkin's father applied for Alexander's admission to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a new educational institution that was equal in rights to universities.

A photo of the lyceum is projected on the screen. Mozart's symphony "Jupiter" continues to sound. Readers come on stage, sit at tables.

Reader 1. October 19 is also Pushkin's birthday, and in its own way no less significant than his real birthday. This is Pushkin's spiritual birthday.

Reader 3.

Comrades! Today is our holiday.

Deadline! Today, far away

To a feast of love, to a sweet evening

You flocked at the sound of peaceful bowls.

You gathered, instantly younger,

Tired spirit in the past to renew,

Speak the language of the Lyceum

And with life again freely fool around.


Symphony "Jupiter" sounds. Performers of the roles of Pushkin, Kuchelbeker, Pushchin, Delvig and other lyceum students go on stage. The group is headed by Kunitsyn.


My friends, our union is beautiful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal -

Unshakable, free and carefree

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Wherever fate takes us

And happiness wherever it leads

We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us;

Fatherland to us Tsarskoye Selo. ...

The covenant of my dreams will be fulfilled;

A year will pass, and I will come to you!

About how many tears and how many exclamations,

And how many bowls raised to heaven!

And the first is fuller, friends, fuller!

I am all to the bottom in honor of our union!

Bless, jubilant muse,

Bless: long live the lyceum!

To the mentors who guarded our youth,

To all honor, both the dead and the living,

Raising a cup of gratitude to your lips,

Remembering no evil, we will reward for the good ...

A portrait of Kunitsyn is projected onto the screen.

Pushkin(reads an excerpt from the poem “It was time: our holiday is young”).

Do you remember: when the lyceum arose,

As the king opened the palace of the queens for us,

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us,

Greetings among royal guests...

Pushchin. Boldly, cheerfully, Professor of Political Sciences A.G. Kunitsyn ... As his clear, sonorous and intelligible voice was heard, everyone became animated, and by the end of his speech, the listeners were no longer overturned to the backs of their chairs, but in an inclined position towards the speaker.

Kunitsyn. The voice of the Fatherland was heard, calling you into its bowels. From parental embrace you enter under the shelter of this sacred temple of sciences... Here you will be informed of information necessary for a citizen, necessary for a statesman, useful for a warrior... Love for glory and the Fatherland should be your leaders.


Kunitsyn tribute of heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our fire,

They set the cornerstone

They lit a clean lamp...

Reader. The first director of the lyceum, Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky, a wonderful man, smart, dreaming of reforms, made sure that the punishment cell was not started (he would appear later), there were no corporal punishments. Vasily Fedorovich wants to occupy, enlighten, develop his pupils, raise them to be necessary for Russia, for the common good.

Illichevsky(from a letter). We do without fear with the bosses, we joke with them, we laugh.

Roll call of lyceum students:

Birthdays are not skipped.

Jokes, fun.

I ate at dinner

And Jacob closed the door by mistake -

So it was for me, my friends,

And Kuchelbekerno, and sickening! ..

Competitions are held in foreign languages: whoever accidentally speaks Russian is fined.

Pushchin. A comradely family was formed, this family had its own circles: in these circles, the personalities of each began to be designated, more or less: we got to know each other closely, never parting: here ties were formed for life ...


At the beginning of my life, I remember school:

There were many of us, careless children:

An uneven and frisky family ...

Ivanov's picture "Lyceum students: Wilhelm Kuchelbecker, Anton Delvig, Ivan Pushchin, Alexander Pushkin" is projected on the screen.

lyceum students. Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves cattle-breeders and, as usual, endowed each other with nicknames:

Wilhelm Kuchelbecker - Vilya, Kuhlya.

Anton Delvig - Tosya.

Mikhail Yakovlev - Buffon, Pajac 200 numbers (portrayed in the faces of almost 200 people).

Ivan Pushchin - Big Jeannot, aka Vanechka, aka Ivan the Great.

Alexander Pushkin is a Frenchman (he knew French then no worse than Russian).

A photo of Pushkin's room at the Lyceum is projected onto the screen.