Crocheted country style curtains. Knitted crochet curtains: a highlight in the interior. Knitted curtains for the kitchen - pelmets, curtains, cafe curtains

Knitted curtains for summer cottages are a cozy and decorative element in the house.


You will need 100 grams of white yarn and a crochet hook.

The pattern is connected with a loin mesh.

And I offer you another option. This is a small curtain with butterflies.

You choose the length of the curtain yourself. Dial 109 loops (54 cells * 2 + 1) and knit the required number of rapports according to the scheme.

To make the drawing look good from a short distance, it is better to make the cells small: empty cell = 1 double crochet, 1 air loop; filled cell = 2 double crochets.

Now your country house will be cute and cozy at home. Photos and diagrams from the magazine were used

Yes, knitted kitchen curtains are not the most practical option. But perhaps we are losing something in our lives guided only by practicality?

Almost all of us know how to knit. At least that's what we were taught in school. How long have you been knitting and for whom? But this is a real homemade art.

I don’t think that before our great-grandmothers were less busy with housework than we are, but they managed to sew and embroider beautiful things for their home.

No matter how impractical the idea seems - with a variety of ready-made curtains for the kitchen, knitting curtains for the kitchen with your own hands, such work will have a positive effect on your overall psycho-emotional state.

Even work on the largest curtain has its end, if you knit two or three motifs a day.

A mysterious interesting play of light and shadow is characteristic of curtains made using the fillet knitting technique.

Such a cute curtain with floral ornaments will be a harmonious decoration of your window in the kitchen,

Before knitting the border, be sure to wash the fabric for the curtain so that it gives the necessary shrinkage, and then calculate the length of the knitted border.

Such a semicircular curtain for the kitchen window is knitted on the basis of motifs for a round napkin.

Particularly beautiful are the kitchen curtains made using the loin knitting technique.

Knitted curtains for the kitchen are the triumph of a long and painstaking work of a needlewoman. Such curtains can be made using different techniques, but they always give the kitchen a special cosiness and well-groomedness.

Compilation from the Internet.

For knitting you will need:

Yarn Pekhorka "Successful", 100% mercerized cotton, 220m/50g, orange — 3 pcs;

Heart-shaped acrylic beads "Crystal Game", art.CRP061, orange — 8 packs;

Glass beads 9-11 mm;

Hook number 1.25.


c.p. - air loop;

st b / n - single crochet;

st s / n - double crochet.

So let's get started:

Knitting curtains can be divided into 2 stages: knitting the top and knitting threads.

I prefer to knit the top to the width of the doors, i.e. from one platband to another - it's easier not to miss the desired width of the curtains. Bruges braid is very good for this.

We knit the top of the curtains in 2 threads.

For knitting braid, we will dial 7 ch. - the base of the braid - we will assume that this is the first row.

2 row: knit 6 ch. - "ears", for which we will tie the threads - and st s / n in the 7th ch.

Then c.p. and 5 more s / n.

3 row: ch 12 (“eye”, for which the curtains will be hung on the door), turn knitting, 5 st s / n, ch, st s / n.

If you already have a crossbar on which curtains will be hung, then you need to knit not 12 ch, but so much so that you can thread the crossbar into the "eye".

4 row: knit, like the second.

5th row: knit like the third.

We continue to knit braid, alternating the second and third rows, to the desired width of the curtains. We cut the threads, hide the tails.

According to the "ears" we count how many threads you need to knit and how many beads and glass balls you need. Glass balls are tied and hang at the ends of the threads - so the threads hang better and are less tangled. And to determine how many beads you need, we knit a sample. I knitted a thread with a different amount of ch. between beads and of different lengths and applied to the door. As a result, I decided that there would be 40 ch between the beads, and there would be 7 beads on each thread.

We knit curtain threads in one thread.

Before knitting each thread, we string beads - 7 pieces.

2 row: 2 st b / n in each column - we get 12 st b / n.

3 row: st b / n, 2 st b / n in one column - so we continue to the end of the row and get 18 st b / n.

It's time to try on the ball :)

Just right:)

We knit rows 4 and 5 without changes - 18 st b / n in each.

The fields begin to bend and a "hat" is obtained.

6 row: st b / n, st b / n in 2 columns of the previous row (decrease) - we knit to the end of the row and get 12 st b / n.

We put a tail into our “hat”, which sticks out from the beginning of knitting and a ball - it enters with difficulty, but still lends itself, but it will not fall out when knitting the next row.

7 row: st b / n in every two columns (decrease) - continue to the end of the row and get 6 st b / n.

This is where I usually finish tying the ball. Through st b / n I pull out a loop - it turns out 3 loops on the hook - and I knit them together, thereby connecting the edges.

Now the thread itself. Try to knit v.p. tightly and evenly so that the threads are the same length. We knit 40 ch.

We knit 2 more ch. and st b / n in the 2nd v.p. from the hook - it turns out a neat "knot" that will hold the bead.

The height of the bead is 5 ch. - we knit 5 ch.

We stretch the loop a little and with the help of a hook we stretch it through the hole of the bead.

Do you remember how grandma got old lace curtains out of the chest? What reverent awe caused only one touch to them, how much work and love was invested in them by the craftswoman. Perhaps this is someone's dowry or a gift from a person dear to the heart.

Indeed, in order to create this masterpiece, someone spent more than one winter evening with a crochet hook and balls of yarn in their hands. The lucky ones who got this priceless gift used it carefully, kept it and passed it on as a relic from generation to generation.

Crocheted curtains were not everyday decoration, they were hung only on holidays and before the arrival of guests. Boiling white, starched, they announced the approach of a joyful event. In our life, there is not much space and time for needlework. However, just as homemade food is much tastier than in the dining room, knitted curtains for the kitchen are much more attractive, sweeter to the heart than ready-made factory sets.

Where to hang knitted curtains

When we imagine lace curtains, we involuntarily recall a country or village house, where they close small windows, swaying from the wind, casting bizarre shadows on the floor. But is it really impossible to find a place for this handmade curiosity in a modern apartment? Of course you can, especially if your kitchen is designed in a rustic or Provencal style.

In this case, there is nothing better than knitted curtains up to the window sill, a little shorter or a small lace lambrequin. Traditionally, in a Russian hut, curtains were knitted in white, and the Provencal style allows blue, purple, olive yarn.

To achieve the effect of noble antiquity, you need to choose muted shades of gray-blue, faded beige, dusty pink. Thus, you will create a vintage halo, as if you inherited this lace from a distant great-grandmother.

Needlewomen most often knit floral patterns on kitchen curtains: plants, leaves, flowers and fluttering butterflies. No less relevant for the kitchen and abstract patterns, consisting of curls and arches. A large pattern on the curtains looks more spectacular than a small one.

If you know how to knit

You can't argue with the fact that such curtains can be bought or made in a special workshop. However, if you have at least some basic crochet skills, try making them yourself. Even if the last time you hooked was a schoolgirl, your hands will quickly remember how to make double crochets and without. The process of knitting will bring you peace, tranquility, relieve stress. After all, you will always have something to do on a boring evening.

Although this work looks large-scale, if you knit 2-3 rows, the work will go very quickly, captivating you over time. Moreover, for the kitchen it is absolutely not necessary to knit a floor-length curtain. You can start with a small curtain length from the middle of the window.

For restless natures and inexperienced knitters, there are border and tieback patterns for kitchen curtains. These uncomplicated products will give you the opportunity to practice and feel confident for more serious achievements.

Motivation for beginner needlewomen

To give you an incentive to start knitting yourself, we list all the benefits of this exciting activity:

  • Saving . To create an exclusive item, you will only need to spend money on materials, and you will not have to pay for work. By the way, it is work that increases the cost of things made by oneself at times.
  • Exclusive. With experience, you will be able to create a curtain with a completely unique pattern, about which you can say with confidence that no one else has one.
  • My own designer. When choosing threads for knitting, you can choose the color that is ideally suited to your interior, which is not always possible if you look among ready-made options.
  • Space for creativity. Having knitted one curtain for yourself, you will definitely want to repeat this experience, improving and complicating it. Feeling the excitement, you will become a regular customer of the yarn store and present the creations that came out from under your hands to all your friends and relatives.

Knitting technique

The styles of knitting are as diverse as the types of yarn. Some are very complex and time-consuming, and we have chosen several techniques with which you can create beautiful crocheted or knitted curtains for the kitchen:

  1. Loin. This is a skillful imitation of fillet lace, in which the empty cells of a pre-made mesh are filled with threads. Crocheted, this effect is recreated by means of empty and filled columns, the alternation of which gives the intended pattern. This is the most canonical sound of a knitted curtain. Fillet-style knitting patterns are similar to cross-stitch patterns, making them easy to read. This method is quite simple and great for beginners as the work progresses very quickly.

  1. Bruges. It is also an imitation of lace, only already of Bruges, in Russia it is known as Vologda. First, a braid is knitted, the bends of which are subsequently folded into a pattern, tying them with various motifs. Each pattern with such knitting is unique and unique. This knitting method is good for people with a good imagination, they can create their own patterns. Schemes for bruges are more difficult to understand, the knitting process takes longer, but the finished product will be akin to a work of art.

  1. Irish. All elements are knitted first separately and only then connected with a large mesh. The motives of this knitting are all kinds of leaves and flowers, obtained by tying a thicker thread with thin ones. Then, on an openwork basis, the motifs are folded into the final pattern. This knitting method is better for more experienced craftswomen, it is quite complicated. It is unique in that so far such knitting has not been created by a machine, so every patch of Irish lace is probably created by human hands.

  1. Broomstick. Peruvian knitting, which uses a very thick wooden needle. First, we knit columns with it, between which, thanks to large gaps, you can wedge various patterns.

As you can see, if you set yourself the goal of knitting unique curtains for the kitchen, you will definitely succeed. And the lack of time will not become a hindrance, because before the housewives, without washing machines and multicookers, leading a subsidiary farm, managed to knit such amazing things. Moreover, this pleasant activity goes well with watching your favorite movie.

Video instruction

Involuntarily, we are surrounded by typical houses, standard furniture, forced to wear the same clothes and at the same time instinctively strive to protect ourselves from the sameness. And handmade things help us in this. They are expensive all over the world. We highly appreciate the peaceful calm that handmade works bring to our home. Today we propose to create coziness in the house together, because in order to crochet curtains for the kitchen with patterns, we only need desire, a little skill, imagination and time - our masterpiece is ready!

Knitted curtains "Kits"

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 400 meters per 50 grams) - 150 gr. white for each curtain;
  • cr. No. 1;
  • 6 brass rings for each curtain.

Finished size: 40 cm wide x 120 cm high each.

Main pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 3 + 4 in. p.p..

1 p.: 1 s. from 2 n. in the 5th loop from cr., then knit with. from 2 n. in each next loop.

2 p.: 6 c. p.p., then * 1 s. from 2 n. in the 3rd next s. from 2 n., 2 c. *, repeat from * to *, 1 s. from 2 n. in the 4th from c. lifting item.

We repeat the 3rd row, while we get empty cells.

For filled cells, replace with c. p.s. from 2 n. in with. from 2 n. or in. n. previous r..

Knitting density: 15 cells (= 45 p.) x 15 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

1 square = 1 cell of the main pattern.


For a width of 60 cells, we make a chain of 180 in. n. + 4 c. p.p. and work further according to the scheme..

After 181 p. we finish work.

We straighten the curtains, starch and lightly steam. Sew rings to the top edge.

Curtain "Birds" in rustic style

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 280 meters per 50 grams), 140 gr. white;
  • cr. No. 1.25-1.5.

Finished size: 50cm high x 74cm wide.



Chain from 193 c. n. + 3 c. p.p., loin pattern according to the pattern. For 1 empty cell, perform 1 s. from n. and 2 c. etc., for 1 filled cell we do 3 s. with n..

We replace the 1st s. from n. each row for 3 in. p. and finish 1 s. from n to c. pp of the previous row.

An increase of 1 completed cell. at the beginning of the row: 6 in. p.p., 1 p. from n. in the 5th and 6th centuries. n. from cr., at the end of the row 3 x 1 s. from 2 n. at the base of the previous stitch.

The decrease in cells at the beginning of the row: we knit sl-st over the cells to be reduced, at the end of the row we leave the cells to be reduced without knitting.

We straighten the curtain and dry it under a damp towel.

Kitchen knitted curtains with openwork rhombuses

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 300 meters per 50 grams), about 100 gr.;
  • cr. No. 1.25.

Finished size: 40cm high x 70cm wide.



We collect a chain from 202 in. 9199 c. n. + 3 c. p.p.), then we knit using the fillet technique. In sirloin knitting, the pattern is formed as a result of alternating empty and filled cells. Empty cell. - 1 s. s n., 2 c. n., filled class. - 3 s. with n..

1 p.: 3 s. from n. on 3 hinges of the base, arch from the 9th c. n. over 7 loops of the base (“bug” motif), 186 p. from n. on each loop of the base, we end the row.

We increase or decrease the curtain in length by knitting from the 20th to the 51st row not 3, but more or less times.

The drawing of the curtains is created by rhombuses of two types (see photo), the middle of which is on the main cx. (1) empty.

The middle of medium rhombuses (with a large flower) are knitted according to cx. 2, extreme rhombuses - according to cx. 3.

Cross-shaped voids of the extreme rhombuses and the upper border:

1 p.: 1 s. from n., 4 c. p., 1 p. with n..

2 p.: 1 s. from n., 4 c. p., 1 p. without n. into the arch from n. of the previous row, 4 c. p.. 1 s. with n..

3 p.: as 1st p. (sh. 4).

A bug motif is knitted along the upper edge of the curtain, which will help to hang the curtain.

We tie the finished product along the upper edge 1 p. arches from the p .: * 1 s. from n., 8 c. n. *, from * to *.

Starch the finished canvas, gently stretch it on a flat surface and cover with a damp cloth. If desired, the curtains can be steamed.

Curtain in the kitchen: video master class

Openwork curtain "Angels"

We will need:

  • cr. No. 1-1.25.

Finished product size: 34 x 80 cm.

Knitting density: 17 cells wide and 16 cells high = 10 x 10 cm.

Schematic representation


We crochet a chain of 172 in. n. + 3 c. p.p., then we knit according to the scheme..

After the 113th p. we perform another 13 p. empty cells and 1 p. filled cells.

Then we knit another 1 p. arches from the p., which will serve as loops for hanging curtains: 3 c. p.p., * or 9 c. p., skip 7 or 8 s. from n. previous p., 1 p. with n. *, from * to *. 9 times we perform rapport from the 8th c. n. (7 s. s.) and 11 times rapport from the 9th c. n. (8 s. s.).

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 330 meters per 50 grams), 150 gr.;
  • cr. No. 1-1.25.

Finished product size: 30 x 73 cm.

Knitting density: 17 squares wide x 18 squares high = 10 x 10 cm.

Schematic representation


We crochet a chain of 154 in. n. + 3 c. p.p. and continue along the cx .. In the 132nd p. we make for loops for planochki arches from c. p.: 3 in. p.p. instead of the 1st s. from n., * 8 c. p., skip 7 p. bases, 1 s. with n. *, from * to *.

Curtains for the kitchen "Hostess"

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 400 meters per 50 gr.);
  • cr. No. 1-1.25.

Finished product size: 82 x 114 cm.

Knitting density: 17 cells x 15 cells. = 10 x. 10 cm

Schematic representation


We crochet a chain of 418 in. n. + 4 c. p.p. and continue along the lines. After the last row, we perform 1 p. for the holes for the plank: c. p.p., 11 p. from 4 n., * 5 c. p., skip 5 p. of the base, 10 s. from 4 n. *, from * to *, finish 11 s. from 4 n and after that we again perform 1 p. With. from 4 n..

Edging: 2 in. p.p., 2 p. without n., * 1 pico (= 4 ch, 1 sl-st back to the 1st c, p.), skip 1 p. of the base, 3 s. without n. *, from * to *, close cr. R. using ss..

Curtain for the kitchen "Openwork rose" with a scalloped border

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 380 meters per 50 grams), 350 gr.;
  • cr. No. 1-1.25;
  • white thread for sewing;
  • 170 cm white cambric.

Border size: 60 x 15 cm.

The pattern is knitted with a sirloin mesh with s. from 2 n. and 3 c. P..

Knitting density: 14.5 cells x 14.5 cells. = 10 x 10 cm.



Important! Start knitting the lower 7 scallops separately, perform rows from 14 to 74 for the entire width of the curtain, finish 7 scallops separately.

For one festoon, we crochet a chain from the 29th century. n. + 4 c. p.p., according to cx. up to the 12th p. inclusive. Then we perform 6 more festoons.

In the 13th r. we connect the scallops, performing 3 c. between them. P..

On cx. only 5 right scallops are shown. We finish the pattern symmetrically.

After the 74th p. finish the scallops separately. We cut out the batiste, process its sections and sew the border to the fabric.

Knitted curtains for the kitchen "Flitting butterflies"

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 280 meters per 50 grams);
  • cr. No. 1.25.

Finished product size: 53 x 92 cm.

Schematic representation


Crochet a chain of 25 in. n. + 3 c. p.p., fillet pattern according to the..

Each row starts from the 3rd century. p.p. instead of the 1st s. from n. and finish 1 s. from n. in c. pp of the previous r ..

The increase in empty cells at the beginning of the row: 8 c. p.p., 1 p. from n. in the 1st s. from n. previous r..

Empty cells at the end of the river: after the last. With. from n. 2 in. p., 1 p. from 4 n. in the same paragraph of the base in which the last s is located. with n..

Decreases: in the beginning. row go to the beginning of the next. row with the help of ss., 3 in. p.p. instead of the 1st s. with n .. At the end of the river. we leave the corresponding number of loops (3 sts for each cell), 3 c. p.p. instead of the 1st s. from n.

1 time we knit 1-93 pp., then another 1 x 4-93 pp., repeat the “teeth” along the edge like this: 1 x 1-40 pp., then repeat 21-40 pp., finish according to the picture.

We tie the straight edges like this: in the 1st located across the s. from n. or resp. 3 in. p.p. (= 1st completed class), 4 s. from 2 n., 4 c. p., skip 2 full. class *, from * to *.

2 p.: 1 s. without n. in every s. from 2 n. previous R..

Openwork crochet motif for curtains: video mk for beginners

Floral curtain for your kitchen

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 380 meters per 50 grams), 70 gr.;
  • cr. No. 1-1.25.

Size: 24 x 51 cm.

Schematic representation


We crochet a chain of 94 in. n. + 3 c. p.p., further along cx., starting each row indicated in cx. number in. p.p. and ending as indicated.

First, we perform 1-37 pp., then 1 x 2-37 pp., order. 2-36 pp., respectively, continuing to knit the pattern along the straight edge of the curtain.

Curtain with Greek motifs

We will need:

  • threads (100% cotton, 333 m per 50 grams), 350 gr.;
  • cr. No. 1.25-2.

Measurements: 86 x 102 cm.

Knitting density: 16 cells x 17 cells. = 10 x 10 cm.

Schematic representation


Crochet 409 c. n. + 3 c. p.p., according to ..

Important! In the sample provided, first there was a central motif, and then an edging. We changed the layout a little so that the whole curtain turned out to be complete.


We tie all the edges 1 cr. R. With. with n., in each cell. connection 3 s. from n., in the corners of issue. 3 s. s n., 2 c. p., 3 p. s n .. 1st s. from n. replace 3 in. p.p., we close cr. R. 1 ss..

Mini curtain for a small window

We will need:

  • threads (100% cotton, 200 m per 50 gr.), 150 gr.;
  • cr. No. 1.75-2.

Height: 22 cm (without loops).

Knitting density: 15 cells x 15 cells. = 10 x 10 cm.

Schematic representation

Comfort in your home is important for everyone: someone comes home after work and wants to feel rested, while someone constantly stays at home and it is important for him to feel comfortable. Knitted ones will help to create such an atmosphere, they are reminiscent of the past, such were fashionable back in the days of grandmothers, they have remained to this day.

Benefits of self-tied curtains

It is widely believed among housewives that kitchens are impractical, that they absorb cooking grease and require constant maintenance. But at the same time, they ignore how unique such canvases look on the windows. Even if it’s a hobby, then if you want to find such curtains in a special store, it’s not a problem. And for a unique interior, you can order a personal option.

To make your own knitted curtains for the nursery, you need to spend a lot of time, but this is the cheapest and most practical option. Moreover, if you do not own the technique, you will have to study. But the advantages of this are obvious:

  • Cheap, you only need to spend money on materials;
  • Uniqueness, as you choose the design yourself;
  • The ability to weave a curtain from high-quality threads chosen by yourself.

In addition, it is worth considering that crocheting is considered very soothing, if you are very tired at work, then knitting will help you relax and calm down.

Various interiors

If desired, crocheted curtains for the kitchen can also be included in a design such as vintage. Here, during manufacturing, you need to make a touch of antiquity, create the feeling that there is not a knitted curtain on the cornice, but a relic. Best of all, gray or beige threads are suitable for such a task, then it will come out as if the curtain has been used for more than a dozen years. Withered plants or butterflies are also in place on such canvases. The drawing should be made simple, but not small, so that it can be seen from afar.

Colors and patterns

Often the kitchen is dressed in white, others are less common. Curtains are also made white, they help to visually expand not only the windows, but also a very small kitchenette. Also, people often associate white curtains and tablecloths with a holiday, so cooking in the morning with a good mood is guaranteed. If you want to make a pattern, then you do not need to make it too intricate, it is better that the canvas is light and airy. Best of all, in a rustic style, even canvases up to the windowsill will look. And if there is a desktop under the windows, then you can limit yourself to a lambrequin.

In the event that the kitchen is large, you can make more intricate crochet curtains for the kitchen. It is permissible to experiment with colors and patterns, you can choose the most daring solutions. But the knitted version of curtains to the floor can be very heavy, not every cornice will be appropriate, so this must be taken into account immediately.

We knit on our own

Knitting is not such a difficult system, you just need to learn. In addition, the hook can be used in different techniques, now we will consider each of the existing ones:

Construction work

Having decided on the technique, threads and having stuffed our hand in the desired area, we proceed to the task:

  1. We collect a fragment, 10 by 10 cm, for this you need a diagram;
  2. Erase, apply to the window and see if you like it or not;
  3. We measure the length of the cornice, the height to the point where the crocheted curtain for the kitchen ends;
  4. Crochet curtains for the kitchen;
  5. Iron and hang on a ledge.

Summing up

Crocheted curtains for the kitchen with patterns will add coziness to the kitchen, a feeling of home warmth will appear. A tangible plus is the ability to do it yourself and get mental satisfaction from it in the process. But when choosing, you should look at the color scheme. If it is difficult to make knitted curtains for the kitchen, it is better to make them white - this is a win-win option. To properly make such curtains, you will have to master the knitting technique, but in the future it will be seriously useful. In addition, fulfilling individual orders for curtains will earn serious money.

So once you have mastered crocheting curtains, you will be satisfied forever. The main thing is not to forget before you hang ready-made curtains to wash in the machine first.