How much is the minimum survivor's pension? Child's survivor's pension - calculation formula, documents for registration and appointment deadlines. Does remarriage affect the calculation of a pension for the widow of the deceased?

The death of a loved one is always a grief. But sometimes situations arise when financial problems are added to it. This happens if the person who passed away financially provided for the family. In such cases, the law provides for the payment of a special pension. Like other similar payments, the survivor's pension is subject to regular indexation. Let's consider what increase in the survivor pension is provided for in 2018.

Types of survivor's pensions

Before we talk about indexation, we need to consider what types of survivor pensions there are. This is due to the fact that the rules for increasing them depend on the basis for the payment. And if for some reason a citizen’s survivor’s pension has not been increased, then in each case one must turn to “one’s own” law. All types of pensions listed below are received by disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner (children, pensioners or those who cannot work for health reasons).

Survivor's insurance pension

The insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner is assigned in accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”. It consists of two parts - variable and fixed. The variable part depends on the pension points of the deceased breadwinner (clauses 3-8 of Article 15 of Law 400-FZ). The fixed part is established by paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of Law No. 400-FZ and is reviewed once a year.

Social pension for the loss of the breadwinner

A social pension for the loss of a breadwinner is assigned if the breadwinner had no insurance experience at all or if the cause of his death was a criminal act committed by family members (Clause 11 of Article 10 of Law No. 400-FZ).

Its size is set by Art. 18 of the Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision of Citizens.” Currently (July 2018), the social pension in general is 5,034.25 rubles, and for children who have lost both parents - 10,068.53 rubles. In accordance with Art. 25 of Law 166-FZ, social pensions are subject to annual indexation from April 1. In this case, the pension amount is very small and does not exceed the established minimum subsistence level (its value determined at the federal level for a pensioner for 2018 is 8,726 rubles). Therefore, the size of these pensions is “supplemented” to a minimum by social payments (Article 12.1 of the Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”).

Military survivor's pension

A “military” survivor’s pension is assigned to disabled family members of military personnel or persons equivalent to them. The procedure for its appointment is determined by the law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision...”. In accordance with Art. 36 of Law 4468-1, its size is “tied” to the monetary allowance of the deceased (deceased) breadwinner. It can be 40% or 50% of the specified allowance (taking into account the reduction factor) depending on the reason for the death of the breadwinner.

When will the survivor's pension be increased in 2018?

Now let’s consider whether the survivor’s pension will be increased in 2018 for all of the listed categories of pensioners.

  1. All insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were increased from 01/01/2018. by 3.7%. The growth of the variable part was due to an increase in the cost of one pension point, which today amounts to 81.49 rubles. The fixed part was also increased similarly to the variable part and has been since January 2018. RUB 4,982.9
  2. Social pensions were also indexed from 04/01/2018 by 2.9%. The minimum amount indicated above (RUB 5,034.25) already includes indexation.
  3. The indexation of military pensions (including those for the loss of a breadwinner) was carried out, in the same way as insurance ones, from 01/01/2018. Its size was 4%.

Other indexations of pension payments for 2018 not planned. When will the survivor's pension be raised next? All “pension” indexations occur at least once a year. Therefore, the next increase should be expected at the beginning of 2019.


The procedure for assigning a survivor's pension depends on which part of the pension legislation: “civil” or “military” the future pensioner falls under. Indexation for all categories of recipients of such pensions was carried out at the beginning of 2018. There are no plans for another increase until the end of the year.

The loss of a breadwinner entails not only moral damage for his relatives, but also material losses. But the state takes upon itself the solution of the monetary issue and compensates the material loss to the relatives of the deceased.

The survivor's pension was slightly changed in 2018. Changes have been made to the amount of payments made to the children of a deceased parent or guardian.

The survivor's pension is a sum of money that is paid to relatives and family members who are left in a difficult financial situation or without a source of livelihood after the death of the head of the family. This payment is established by the state, and it depends on the type of activity that the person was engaged in during his lifetime. At the moment there are several types of survivor pensions:

  1. Insurance pension. Dependents and pensioners who were supported by the deceased are entitled to this type of pension, if he had a minimum work experience. Except for those citizens who committed illegal actions that led to his death. But these actions must be confirmed by the police and provided evidence to the court.
  2. State pension. Assigned to disabled citizens, family members of a military serviceman, a deceased cosmonaut, and participants in combat operations on both a local and global scale. And also to citizens who died in man-made or radiation disasters, or became disabled.
  3. Social pensions. This type of pension is assigned to family members if the deceased did not have insurance coverage. It can be assigned if the death was caused by the illegal actions of third parties, and in the conditions of death the presence of criminal actions was proven, but only if this fact is proven by the investigation and a court decision.

Under what conditions do pensions begin to be paid?

A survivor's pension is awarded only if two important conditions are met - it characterizes the deceased breadwinner and the candidate who will receive the pension.

The first relates to the nature of the breadwinner's death, which must be confirmed by a document - this could be a death certificate or a court decision that he is missing.

The second applies to the person who is applying for a pension. That is, he needs to prove his disability, as well as the fact that he was dependent on the victim and permanently resides in the country. Only after confirmation of these facts will a person have the right to receive this payment, which is guaranteed by the state.

Until what years is the pension paid?

In accordance with the law, payments are made to certain categories of people who are included in the list of persons to receive benefits. This right is not affected by place of residence and is not local in nature. Therefore, it can be given both in Moscow and in another region of the country.

The following categories of citizens are entitled to insurance benefits for the loss of a breadwinner:

  • Children are a minor child, brother, sister or grandchild who have not reached the age of 18.
  • Adult children - if they are studying in higher educational institutions in a full-time program. Payment is made until the child reaches 23 years of age. Payment after 18 years of age is made if a person becomes disabled before reaching this age.
  • Adult generation. Mother and father, if they have reached the age of 55 and 60 years, or have a disability. Grandparents also have the right to it if there are no other persons who can provide care and maintenance for them.
  • Guardians and official representatives, as well as adopted children, are treated equally with their relatives.

The following categories of citizens are entitled to state and social pensions:

  • Children under conditions that are the same as when receiving insurance benefits.
  • Widows of military personnel who died in the line of duty due to injuries received.
  • One senior family member who cared for persons under the age of 14; work experience is not taken into account.
  • Mother and father when they reach the age of 50 years and 55 years if their son died after being called up for service or died from injuries received in the unit.

The family of a person who died or suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident, these include:

  • Parents, in this case, does not depend on whether they were dependent or not.
  • A spouse who cares for a child under 14 years of age, regardless of length of service and work activity. Also, a spouse may be entitled to benefits until age 50 for women and 55 for men, regardless of how much time has passed since the death of the breadwinner.

As you can see, everything is simple and it is established at the legislative level until how many years the survivor’s pension will be paid.

Under what conditions are pension payments terminated?

By law, survivor benefits will be terminated in the following cases:

  1. The child, sister, brother or grandchild will reach the age of 18, or 23 if they are a full-time student.
  2. Extension of disability status that was received before the age of 18 is not possible.
  3. The sibling or grandchild who was cared for by the recipient turns 14 years old.
  4. The widow of a serviceman will get married.
  5. The pension recipient will go to official work. The exception is relatives of military personnel; they have the right to receive a pension and salary at the same time.

How is a particular type of pension benefit calculated?

Each type of benefit, that is, state, social or insurance, which is paid to the population, has its own characteristics and conditions for accrual.

The insurance pension is calculated monthly, and it is aimed at supporting citizens who are considered disabled and have lost their only source of livelihood. It is paid according to certain indicators, these include:

  • Due to old age. It is paid to both men and women upon reaching the established retirement ages of 60 and 55 years. What matters to her is the individual coefficient and the overall work experience.
  • Due to disability. Accrual will be carried out only after passing a medical and social examination. Benefits are awarded for all disability groups.

To calculate this pension for minors, the amount of insurance contributions that were made and the amount of pension points are taken into account. If there is a loss of both parents, then these data are summed up, and the size of the survivor's pension is doubled. Orphans are either sent to an orphanage or under the guardianship of representatives, while the benefits are retained.

Insurance-type payments from the state have some distinctive features, these include:

  • They are part of social state policy.
  • They have the minimum size required to provide everything necessary.
  • They are extended if, after the death of the wife or husband, the spouse enters into another marriage again.
  • The accrual for children occurs automatically until they reach the age of majority.

The payment of the social pension is also made every month on the basis of need. It is accrued only at the time of official incapacity for work. Once hired, payments stop. For such a pension:

  • Formation and determination are carried out strictly within the budget.
  • Does not depend on contributions from the Pension Fund.

Social survivor pension

By law, a survivor's social pension is accrued to children who have permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation in the following cases:

  • The breadwinner did not have official employment.
  • The breadwinner died due to criminal acts that were committed by his child.
  • Children under 18 years of age, unless they are employed.
  • Children under 23 years of age if studying full-time.
  • Children after the death of their mother, if she was the only one raising them.

The assignment of a pension occurs from the first day of application, but not earlier than the date of death of the breadwinner.

Registration of a pension is carried out personally or with the help of a legal representative in the following organizations:

  1. Through the Pension Fund.
  2. Through MFC branches.
  3. You can send your application using Mail.
  4. You can submit an application through the official website of the Pension Fund (

In addition to the application, you must provide the following documents:

  • Passport or birth certificate of the child on whom the pension is issued.
  • Documents that confirm other circumstances - this may be a certificate of education, or a certificate confirming that the mother raised the child alone.

Insurance pension

The survivor's insurance pension is paid to the family members of the deceased, if they are unable to work and were dependent on him for the following reasons:

  1. Have a disability.
  2. Have not reached the age of 18.
  3. Have not reached the age of 23 and are full-time students.
  4. They care for a child if he has not reached the age of 18.
  5. Have reached the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

An optional condition is the presence of dependent relatives who care for a child under 14 years of age.

Also, the fact of dependent minor children is not subject to confirmation. But other relatives are required to bring a certificate that confirms the fact of their dependence, or this fact is proved in court.

It is necessary to apply for this pension as soon as the breadwinner is gone, it will be accrued from the date of submission of documents.

If the application was made after the person died:

  • Less than 12 months have passed since the date of death, then the pension will be paid for all months from the date of death.
  • If more than 12 months have passed, the payment will only be made for the last 12 months.

If a person gets a job or turns 18 years old, the pension payment will be stopped.

If the appointment was made to relatives who have reached retirement age or have permanent disability status, then payments do not stop and are paid for life.

An insurance pension is not awarded if the recipient committed a crime against the breadwinner, after which he died. Such citizens are assigned a social pension.

The pension will be paid to the child, sister, grandson or brother of the deceased in the following cases:

  • Until they reach the age of 18.
  • Until they reach the age of 23, full-time.
  • All life if they are disabled and received this status before the age of 18.
  • Until those being cared for turn 14, the recipient must then be over 18 years of age.

It is also established at the legislative level who is entitled to a survivor's pension after the age of 18 - these are parents and spouse, under the following conditions:

  • As long as they have the status of a disabled person.
  • Until the person they care for turns 14.
  • Upon reaching the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

The grandparents of the deceased are entitled to receive this pension if they have disabled status or have reached the established retirement age.

In order for a grandparent to receive a pension, they must not have able-bodied children. And grandchildren, brothers and sisters should not have able-bodied parents who are obliged to support them.

  • Stepfather or stepmother, if the child is over 5 years old.
  • Stepson and stepdaughter as their own children.

Even if a child who receives this pension is adopted, he will still continue to receive it.

If the spouse decides to remarry, then if a pension was paid, it will not stop.

To complete the registration, you must write an application to receive it and select one of the following options for submitting documents:

  1. To the Pension Fund (personal appeal).
  2. Registered letter to the Pension Fund.
  3. Through MFC.
  4. Using the official website of the pension fund (pre-registration is required on the state portal (

In addition to the application, the following package of documents must be submitted:

  • Passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Survivor's death certificate.
  • A document confirming the relationship with the breadwinner.
  • A document confirming the breadwinner's insurance coverage.
  • A document confirming another circumstance for granting a pension, for example a certificate of disability.

Pension allowance for the loss of a breadwinner who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This pension is assigned to families of breadwinners of the following categories:

  • When serving in the internal affairs bodies.
  • Those who served by conscription in the ranks of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen or under contract in these ranks.
  • Served in the state fire services.
  • Served in the authorities for the control of narcotic and psychotropic substances.
  • Served in the criminal and executive system.
  • Served in the ranks of the National Guard.

This pension is paid to the internal affairs bodies in the following cases:

  • If he died at the time of service.
  • If he died within 3 months after the end of the service.
  • If he died at any time from wounds received in the service.
  • If he died during the period of receiving a pension or within 5 years after its termination.

Disabled members of the breadwinner's family who were dependent on him are entitled to receive this pension. A child, brother, sister and grandson are disabled under the following conditions:

  • Until the age of 18.
  • Until the age of 23 with full-time education.
  • All their lives if they are disabled, and the acquisition of status occurred before the age of 18.

A brother, sister or grandson will also be paid a pension, but on the condition that they do not have able-bodied parents to provide for them.

  • Reaching the age of 50 years for a woman and 55 years for a man, and the breadwinner died due to a military injury.
  • Reached retirement age.
  • They have the status of disabled people.

Grandparents can also count on receiving this pension, but on the condition that they do not have able-bodied children to support them.

As a result, it turns out that this pension will be assigned to parents, spouses, grandparents, sisters and brothers if they do not have official employment and they are caring for a child who has not reached the age of 14 years. In this case, the pension will be paid even without the fact of dependency.

The following categories of citizens are also not required to be dependent:

  • Disabled children.
  • Disabled parents and spouse if they have no source of livelihood.
  • Disabled parents and spouses if the cause of death was a military injury.

If the deceased due to a military injury left behind a child who has not reached the age of 8 years, then the pension will be assigned regardless of how old the spouse is and whether he has official employment.

Pension payments will also be made:

  • Adoptive parents, as parents.
  • Adopted children, with the rights of relatives.
  • To the stepfather and stepmother, if the child has been raised for more than 5 years.
  • To the stepson or stepdaughter on the rights of native children.

Even if a child receives this pension, but is adopted, the payment will not be stopped. And the spouse has the right to remarry without losing this pension.

It is worth knowing that if the death occurred while committing illegal actions, then only a social pension will be assigned.

Survivor's pension - serviceman

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in the form of a pension are state-owned and are assigned to families:

  • Military citizens serving on conscription.
  • A family whose breadwinner died as a result of a radiation or man-made disaster.
  • Families of astronauts.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2019 is different for each category of recipient.

Payment of the state pension is made to the dependents of the deceased only if he died:

  • At the time of conscription.
  • Within three months after the end of the service.
  • Any time after the end of service, if the cause of death was an injury or illness received while in service.

This type of pension is assigned and paid to citizens who are disabled. But if the recipient is officially employed, the pension will not be canceled, and this is also not a reason for refusing to assign it.

  • Until they reach the age of 18.
  • Until the age of 23, in full-time study.
  • Throughout life, if you have disabled status acquired before reaching 18 years of age.

Payment of a pension to a brother, sister or grandchild will be made only if they do not have legal parents who are obliged to provide for them.

The parents of a deceased serviceman are disabled in the following cases:

  • They reached the age of 50 years for women and 55 years for men, and the death of their son occurred during his service.
  • They reached retirement age, and their son died within 3 months after the end of his service due to an injury or illness received in the service.
  • Have disabled status.

Spouses are disabled in the following cases:

  • Women who have reached the age of 55 years and men who have reached the age of 60 years.
  • Are disabled.

Pension payments will be made only if they do not have children who are able to work and can provide for them.

Also, a pension will be awarded to grandparents, brothers, sisters and grandchildren if they are caring for a child, brother or sister of the deceased, who has the right to receive this type of pension and is under 14 years old. In this case, it does not matter whether they are dependent on the serviceman or not, the pension will be paid in any case.

Also, the fact of being a dependent is not important if the serviceman died during conscription or upon completion of service, but from an injury.

In other cases, the fact of dependency is required, otherwise the pension will not be assigned.

It is worth knowing that if the cause of death was illegal actions, then only a social pension will be assigned and only to his children.

Today, the amount of the survivor's pension for a serviceman who died as a result of a military injury is 200% of social payments.

The amount of the survivor's pension for a military personnel who died due to an illness received during service is 150% of the amount of social benefits.

If the family of the deceased breadwinner lives in areas of the Far North, or in areas that are equivalent to it, or in areas with a difficult climate, then the amount of payment for the loss of a breadwinner will increase by the regional coefficient that is established in this region.

It is worth knowing that this pension is subject to annual indexation along with other types of social benefits.

How is this pension calculated?

Many recipients are interested in the question of what and how the survivor’s pension is calculated. In 2019, payments are made to the post office at the recipient’s place of residence, or to an organization that delivers pensions to your home. For postal delivery, payment is made on the basis of a schedule, according to which an individual date of receipt is established. The transfer of payments is made within the delivery period.

The pension can also be transferred to a bank account or card that is registered to the recipient for more convenient withdrawal. The pension is delivered on the day the funds are transferred by the pension fund. Money can be withdrawn every day, but only after it has been credited to the account. All receipts that go to a pensioner’s account at a credit institution are not subject to commission fees.

The method of calculating the pension and its change is made in the pension fund, it must be notified in one of several ways:

  1. A written notification to the PF that appointed the payment, you must fill out a special form to select the method of calculating cash payments.
  2. An electronic notification that can be sent on the website of the official portal of the pension fund.

If the pension was assigned to a minor child, then until he reaches the age of 18, the transfer will be made to his personal account, which was issued by his legal representative or guardian, or to the current account of the guardian himself. After the child turns 14, he has every right to choose how to receive a pension on his own.

An additional payment up to the subsistence minimum is made to pensioners who are unable to work and whose financial situation is below the subsistence level. There are currently two types of surcharges available:

  1. Federal. The accrual is made from the local pension fund with the amount of the total subsistence minimum, which was established in the region and does not reach the minimum throughout the country.
  2. Regional. Accrual is made through the region's social committee. Produces an increase in the survivor's pension in comparison with the same indicator in the country, where its amount is below the regional minimum.

Recipients who work receive adjustments according to their wages.

Amounts of pension contributions in 2019

The amount of survivor's benefit depends on the type of benefit, and payment is made in accordance with time intervals. During such periods, changes in the amount of financial assistance may occur. The amounts may decrease or increase by a certain percentage, it depends on the economic situation in the country and other factors.

For example, the payment amount was changed in 2018 as follows:

  • Insurance benefit for the loss of a breadwinner - the size is affected by the work experience of the deceased and other factors, but a fixed additional payment was made to the amount in the amount of 2279.41 rubles. On February 1, 2018, the amount of the surcharge increased to 2,498.66 rubles.
  • Social benefit for the loss of a breadwinner - until April 1, 2018, the amount of the benefit was 5034.25 rubles. For a single mother or if both parents died, the pension was double the amount, that is, 10,068.50 rubles. After the increase on April 1, 2018, the pension amounted to 7,586.36 rubles, and for the death of single mothers or the death of both parents, the amount doubled and amounted to 10,472.38 rubles.
  • State benefit in case of loss of a breadwinner - if the father dies during service from injuries, then the amount of the benefit before April 1 was 200% of the social pension, that is, 10,068.50 rubles; after an increase on April 1, 2018, the amount increased to 10,440.10 rubles. If the father dies in the army due to illness, then the benefit amount was 150% of the social pension, that is, 7551.38 rubles; after the increase on April 1, 2018, the pension became 7830.78 rubles.
  • Pension on the occasion of the breadwinner through the Ministry of Internal Affairs - this benefit is calculated similarly to the calculation for the loss of a breadwinner of a military personnel and amounts to 10,068.50 rubles and 7,551.38 rubles; after the increase on April 1, 2018, it amounted to 10,440.53 rubles and 7,830.78 rubles.

Pension indexation in 2019

People often ask how much they pay for the loss of a breadwinner. In 2019, it is planned to increase insurance payments from February 1, and state and social payments from April 1.

The amount of indexation depends on the rate of inflation.

How to apply for a pension and when should you apply?

It is established at the legislative level where and how to apply for a survivor’s pension. To do this, you need to contact the territorial branch of the pension fund. Instead of children who are left without both parents, their legal representatives from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities can submit documents for registration. Along with the application, you must write a statement in the established form. Documents are submitted in one of three ways:

  1. Personal application to the pension fund or MFC.
  2. By registered mail or through a legal representative.
  3. Through the government services portal or the official website of the pension fund.

The pension will be assigned only after the documents are submitted and the application is considered. That is, within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or three months if you need to bring missing documents.

The insurance pension is assigned from the date of death of the breadwinner, but no later than 12 months from the date of death.

The assignment of state and social pensions occurs from the 1st day of this month after the submission of documents, but not earlier than the right to a pension arises. Social benefits are assigned for an indefinite period, and state payments may also be assigned.

Features of pension payments for students

A pension is assigned to a student if he is a child, brother, sister or grandson of a deceased breadwinner. But at the same time, he has not reached the age of 23 and is studying at a higher institution on a full-time basis.

It is worth knowing that when assigning a pension, a student should not have an official place of work. If, after the pension is assigned, the student returns to official work, the payments will be stopped. That is, either a pension or a salary will be paid.

The exception in this case is relatives of military personnel. They have the right to combine receiving a pension and official employment. That is, they have the right to receive both a pension and wages.

Features of pension contributions if parents are divorced

According to modern legislation, all children who have not reached the age of 18 years or 23 years old, if they are studying full-time at a higher educational institution, are entitled to receive a survivor's pension, regardless of whether the parents were legally married or filed for divorce. process.

By law, a parent is required to provide for their child, even if the parents are legally divorced. Therefore, confirmation of dependent children is not required in this case. In addition, the divorce of parents does not affect the amount of the survivor's pension.

How is a survivor's pension paid if you are married?

If you are a child, sibling or grandchild and are under 18 years of age, or 23 years of age if you are studying full-time in higher education. And also you are a recipient of a survivor’s pension, then even after you get married, the payment of the pension will not stop.

If a person is the spouse of a deceased breadwinner, and he decides to enter into a legal marriage again, then after the marriage is registered, the payment of the survivor's pension does not stop, but will continue to be paid.

But in this case there is an exception - these are the widows of military personnel who served in the ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, and foremen, whose death was caused by a military injury received during their service. After the widow remarries, the state survivor's pension will not be paid.

That's all. It is worth knowing that about all changes in a person’s life, he is obliged to independently notify the pension fund about this, submitting documents on the loss of a breadwinner, which will confirm changes in status.

The state supports disabled people who have lost their only source of income. Under certain conditions, they are granted survivor's insurance benefits. One of the main conditions for receiving state support from the Pension Fund (PFR) budget is the fact that the deceased has insurance. The size of the survivor's pension depends on this. Let's look at what benefits citizens can claim in 2019.

How is the amount of payments determined?

Survivor's insurance benefits are essentially compensation for lost income. This is one of the ways to implement the social function of the state. After all, it guarantees its citizens protection under special conditions. This is exactly what a person who does not have the opportunity to earn money on their own falls into.

The list of persons entitled to apply for insurance support is contained in Article 10 of Law No. 400-FZ, signed on December 28, 2013. In particular, these include:

  • minors;
  • children of the deceased studying full-time until their 23rd birthday;
  • parents and spouses who do not have the opportunity to earn money;
  • other disabled relatives;
  • persons caring for young (under 14 years old) children of the deceased supporter.
Important: for persons involved in caring for young children, official employment is unacceptable. Download for viewing and printing:

What does the accrual depend on?

According to the methodology in force for 2019, this manual consists of two parts:

  • fixed;
  • insurance.

The following factors influence the amount of accruals:

  • the number of individual coefficients earned by the deceased person in the pension insurance system;
  • the length of the period during which the enterprise administration made contributions to the Pension Fund for this worker.
Important: there is also a funded part of the pension. It is also paid to the heirs specified in Article 10 of the mentioned normative act. However, the methods for obtaining such savings are somewhat different from the purpose of insurance content for loss.

Fixed part of charges

This component of the content is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Its value is expressed in a fixed amount. It is also increased annually by government decree. The value of the fixed component is influenced by the inflation indicator for the previous period.

In addition, this part of the benefit in some cases increases legally. Namely:

  • for orphans, the established indicator of the fixed component is doubled;
  • in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, the corresponding coefficient is applied.
As of January 1, 2019, the volume of the fixed part was equal to 2667.09 rubles. (50% of RUB 5,334.19) for each disabled relative/family member.

New formula for calculating survivor's insurance pension

The two components of pension accruals are clearly visible in the formula for calculating it. It is like this:

  • RPpk = IPC x SK + BV, where:
  • RPpk - the amount of accruals paid to the recipient;
  • IPC - individual coefficients accumulated in the system by the deceased;
  • SC - the equivalent of one coefficient in rubles, established on the day of calculation;
  • BV - basic or fixed component.

Thus, the accruals depend on how much the citizen who gave the right to them officially worked. Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation transferred by the enterprise for it were converted into IPC or points. The benefit for the abandoned dependent directly depends on their number.

Important: in some cases the IPC increases. This happens to the following persons:

  • When calculating the pension provision for orphans, the IPC of the parents is added up.
  • For a child of a deceased single mother, a rule has been established to double the IPC.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Latest news about the restoration of indexation in full

In 2016, the increase in base accruals was carried out at a level that did not reach the general inflationary background of the previous period. In this regard, pensioners in January 2017 received 5 thousand rubles as compensation. This measure was associated with serious problems of the federal budget.

However, the prospects for slight economic growth made it possible for the authorities to return to the previously established procedure for compensating citizens for loss of income associated with inflation processes.

In 2017, social payments were indexed by 5.8%. This figure is fully consistent with last year's inflation. In 2018, the price of one point was 81.49 rubles.

In 2019, the cost of 1 pension point was indexed in January and amounts to 87.24 rubles.

How to calculate the amount of future payment

To determine the charges, the applicant must apply the formula (given above). At the same time, up-to-date data regarding fixed indicators should be taken into account. Namely:

  • BV - 2667.09 rub.
  • SK - 87.24 rub.

The indicated components of the formula are also not a constant. Their data is established for a certain period. In this case, the figures for 2019 are shown.

Attention: the IPC indicator is individual. It can be found at your local Pension Fund office.

An example of calculating insurance benefits associated with the loss of a survivor

Citizen N., born in 1964, has been officially employed since 1984. In March 2019, she died in an accident. She left two children:

  • son, born in 1985, military man, born in marriage;
  • daughter, born in 2003, schoolgirl, the father is indicated on the birth certificate according to the mother.

Taking into account the current legislation, the minor daughter of a deceased single mother receives the right to insurance benefits in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

The benefit is calculated using the above formula. At the same time, Pension Fund employees take into account the IPC indicators accumulated by the deceased mother:

  • for the period of work from 1984 to 2015, points were converted. Citizen N. scored 60 points;
  • for 2015 and 2016 - 3 and 3.4, respectively;
  • an additional 3 points were added. for periods of child care up to one and a half years.

Thus, the total sum of the individual coefficients of citizen N. was:

  • 60 b. + 3 b. + 3.4 b. + 3 b. = 69.4 b.

They double because the child was raised by a single mother:

  • 69.4 b. x 2 = 138.8 b.

The specific amount of payment to the daughter is determined by the formula:

  • 138.8 b. x 87.24 rub. + 2667.09 rub. = 14776 rub.
Attention: the calculated benefit indicator is necessarily compared with the cost of living in the region.

The family of citizen N. lived in the Astrakhan region. For children in this region the minimum is set at 8476 rubles. The estimated amount is higher than this figure. Consequently, N.’s daughter will not receive an additional social supplement.

Minimum amount of insurance benefit in connection with the loss of a breadwinner

The practice of calculating insurance pensions for dependents of deceased people has shown that its value is quite low.
Regulatory documents establish the rule. It reads:

  • the amount of insurance content associated with the loss of a breadwinner cannot be less than the subsistence level established for a given region.

Thus, the amounts vary depending on the territory. In addition, they depend on the age of the recipient. For example, some data is shown in the table below:

Attention: a social supplement is established for insurance content that does not reach the subsistence level. The source of its financing is the federal budget.

No special application to the Pension Fund is required to receive social benefits. In the initial application there is a column in which the citizen agrees with the allowance.

When are assigned amounts recalculated?

Operations to change the amount of accruals are carried out if the Pension Fund receives new information that affects the indicators from the formula. Moreover, this can happen either on the initiative of the recipient or without his participation.

In particular, recalculation is carried out:

  1. When the next government decree on indexing key indicators is adopted.
  2. If the Pension Fund receives information about new insurance premiums paid to the personal account of a deceased person. Operations for their accounting are carried out from August 1 of the period following the date of receipt of information.
  3. If the recipient proactively provides information that affects the amount of charges. They are taken into account from the first day of the month following the date of receipt of documents by the Pension Fund.

Attention: when making recalculations, additional IPCs are taken into account:

  • in total for orphans;
  • double the amount for children of single mothers.

In January 2019, another indexation of insurance pensions was carried out in the amount of 7.05%.

Social pension for dependents

In cases where a deceased citizen was not insured in the national pension insurance system, his dependents are assigned a different payment. It is called a social pension.
The amount of such benefit is fixed. It is established by Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001. The amount is indexed annually. Payments come from the federal budget.

On April 1, 2019, the last indexation of social payments was carried out. The amount of pensions associated with the loss of a breadwinner was fixed at the level:

  • a child who has lost one of his parents - 5283.84 rubles;
  • children - orphans or who have lost a single mother - 10,567.73 rubles;
  • other disabled citizens - 5283.84 rubles.
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May 28, 2017, 12:03 Apr 17, 2019 12:26

In everyday life, it often happens that a person loses his breadwinner for one reason or another. He needs someone's help, because a person is not able to carry out normal life activities on his own. In this situation, the best option is to seek help from the state, which legally provides social assistance in cash.

General concepts

This norm is established by the instructions of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. The act was issued by the legislator on November 30, 2001 under the number 173-FZ.

It sets out the rules for assigning a pension and defines the circle of persons entitled to receive it.

All questions regarding the assignment of a deceased person’s labor pension are discussed in Article 9 of this law.

If the deceased person did not have insurance, but supported a family, then the dependents left without him are provided with social benefits in accordance with the Federal Law.

In some cases, the guardianship and trusteeship authority may, on its own initiative, in order to provide social assistance, begin to issue benefits if there are minor children in the family.

This norm is enshrined in the requirements of the Federal Law. He mainly takes care of children who are left without both parents.

The act was issued on April 24, 2008 under the number 48-FZ. In it, the legislator defines the range of responsibilities that are assigned to the guardianship and trusteeship body.

He must, on behalf of the state, ensure reliable protection of the rights and interests of minor citizens of the Federation.

What it is

The concept of “survivor's benefit” means pension provision expressed in monetary terms. The state provides it to the family of the deceased person if he was the only breadwinner.

It is one of the state guarantees provided to its least protected citizens.

As a rule, its size directly depends on:

Often the father is the father in the family, but there are cases when the mother supported the family. The benefit is assigned regardless of the status of the breadwinner or his age.

It is paid to families in which there are disabled persons who were supported by the deceased person. For example, his parents are retired, his wife is unable to work for some reason.

Who should

The state provides benefits to dependent persons who have lost or have not regained the ability to work.

Its payment is made regularly at intervals of one month. It is provided regardless of the insurance experience, its duration, the cause of his death, the time of occurrence.

The following are entitled to receive it:

Indicators Description
Second spouse if he is officially declared disabled
Minor children until they reach the age of 18, including adopted children
having any group of disability in the presence of a medical certificate confirming their incapacity for work
Pensioners and persons of advanced age
Relatives or other dependent persons
or a minor child, a disabled person with 1st group of disability, an incompetent person officially recognized as such

A monthly survivor's benefit for a child is paid until the child reaches adulthood.

The necessary conditions

The right to receive benefits due to the loss of a breadwinner is given to Russian and foreign citizens permanently on the territory of the Federation. In this case, the fact of loss of a breadwinner must be officially established by a death certificate.

Also, the right to receive it must be documented. For example, the second spouse may file a marriage certificate for the deceased person.

It begins to be paid from the next month following the application of the interested person. Its appointment is carried out once for the entire period of time the right to receive it is maintained.

Its payment stops when children reach the age of majority or a person with a disability becomes able to work.

Benefits are granted to persons who have lost their breadwinner if he had insurance coverage at the time of his death.

In its absence, the amount of the benefit is established based on the minimum wage. It is established by the legislator every year depending on changes in the economic situation in the country.

Package of documents

Each application is considered by the fund individually, so the list of required documents varies. But some of them are mandatory regardless of the circumstances of the case.

These include:

Calculation of survivor benefits

Calculations are made in accordance with the instructions of the methodology for calculating the size of social pensions, which was introduced during the reforms carried out in the pension system.

The amount of the benefit is determined based on the personal coefficient - IPC, the cost of one pension point on the day of its appointment.

How much is charged?

This year, the legislator has established a basic benefit amount for certain categories of citizens who have lost their breadwinner.

This norm is established by Federal Law.

It is provided subject to the official employment of the breadwinner, who was in accordance with the requirements of legislative acts.

Their numerical values ​​are for each:

If the deceased person did not have insurance coverage due to his employment not in an official capacity, then the state provides a social pension in the amount of 4,769.09 rubles.

It defines the circle of persons who are entitled to payments:

Upon the death of both parents, children are paid a benefit in the amount of 9,638.0 rubles.

These norms are enshrined in the provisions of the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”. The fixed payment for each family member is set individually in full.

Calculus example

The task. Citizen Ryabtseva O.G. died at the age of 25, with a dependent three-year-old daughter.

Since her husband and parents are officially employed, the daughter becomes the only recipient of benefits in accordance with the requirements of legislative acts.

Initial data: At the time of her death, Ryabtseva O.G. had an insurance period of three years. Moreover, her salary was equal to 21,000 rubles.

The insurance part of the pension was 4,200 rubles per month based on 20% of wages. It was transferred to the Pension Fund; overpayment of contributions was not detected.

Determination of benefit amount:

RP = PC / (T x K) / KN + B

Indicators Description
PC calculated pension capital indicator
T the number of months of waiting that remain before payments begin. The value of this indicator was established by the legislator in the amount of 228 months
TO standard indicator of the duration of the insurance period in relation to 180 months
KN number of family members officially recognized as unable to carry out any type of work activity
B fixed basic amount of payments established for persons who have lost their breadwinner

Calculation of the standard indicator:

K = (12 + 4x7) / 180 = 0.222.

The basic pension is 3910 rubles 34 kopecks.

Finding the amount of pension savings due:

PC = (4200 x 12 x 3) = 151,200 rubles.

The fixed pension established by the legislator on February 1 of the current year is 4,558.93 rubles.

RP = 151,200 rubles / (228 x 0.222) + 4,558.93 rubles = 7,546.13 rubles.

Daughters Ryabtseva O.G. benefits in the amount of 7,546.13 rubles.

The amount of child support for the loss of a breadwinner is calculated taking into account regional coefficients, if a regional coefficient has been established in the area of ​​permanent residence of its recipients.

For example, if Ryabtseva O.G. If she lived with her family in the city of Murmansk, the benefit provided to her daughter would be increased due to the regional coefficient - 1.15.

RP = 7,546.13*1.15 = 8,678.05 rubles.


The benefit intended for families who have lost their breadwinner is subject to annual indexation. It is carried out on the basis of economic indicators.

Indexing is carried out taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation”:

Many citizens are interested in whether the benefit amount has been increased. This year, according to the Ministry of Labor, indexation was carried out on February 1, as a result of which the insurance part of the labor pension provided due to the loss of a breadwinner increased by 4%.

At the same time, its average size increased by 320 rubles. The government plans to re-index in April, but there are no precise instructions yet.

Video: survivor's pension

Main nuances

In some regions, the local administration pays an additional subsidy, assigned on an individual basis.

For example, the government of the city of Moscow provides it to minor children who have lost one or both parents as a result of a terrorist attack.

The second spouse is not deprived of the right to receive benefits issued due to the loss of a breadwinner if he enters into an official marriage.

The choice of method of payment of benefits remains with the recipient, which he must indicate in his application for benefits.

It is carried out:

  • transfer to a bank depository;
  • by postal order to the post office at your place of residence;
  • via benefit delivery service.

The pension amount is calculated in accordance with the instructions of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

It depends on the insurance period, pension savings, and the number of family members. The value of the estimated pension capital is divided by the number of recipients of survivor benefits.

The benefit is assigned to family members provided that they do not commit violent acts against the breadwinner that led to his death.

For the most part, families that have lost their breadwinner are among the low-income citizens, so the state gives them the right to receive benefits, a package of social services in addition to cash benefits.

Families who died while performing military duties are entitled to a social payment in the amount of 30 to 40% calculated depending on the amount of their allowance.

This rule is enshrined in the Federal Law “On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation,” which was published on December 15, 2001 under number 166-FZ.

If the pension established during the calculations is below the subsistence minimum, then the state increases it to its level.

As a rule, such a situation can arise in a family where two or more children were left in the arms of a mother without a breadwinner.

For example, it is not uncommon for a deceased person to have parents who receive low pensions.

Also, the Unified Social Tax is not collected from him in accordance with the Tax Code.

The legislative framework

The issues of providing survivor benefits are regulated by a number of legislative acts that have been adopted in recent years.

The state implements various types of social programs aimed at providing social support to Russian citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The fundamental acts include:

In addition to acts of federal significance, regional legislative acts are in force in the subjects of the Federation. They set out the procedure for providing social benefits to children who have lost their parents.

According to their instructions, the regional executive power pays additional benefits to families that are left without a single breadwinner.

And in addition to the above, it should be noted that the survivor benefit is not targeted.

The state does not exercise control over the spending of the funds provided, so the family can use it depending on their needs.

But the allowance becomes a source of income that replenishes the family budget so that citizens can exist.

The death of a relative or loved one brings not only grief, but also debts to pay bills and a lack of financial resources for usual expenses. In this regard, the government has established payments for a separate category of people who have lost their breadwinner and are in special need of social assistance and benefits. Consider what kind of survivor's pension in 2019 is due to relatives and dependents of the deceased.

What is social pension

The authorities of each country, when planning the state budget, allocate part of the funds to help in the form of social security for the physically and financially disabled population:

  • financial assistance in the form of compensation, subsidies, benefits and pensions;
  • social services and various benefits;
  • medical care and provision of free or discounted medications.

Social pension is a pension payment accrued to the recipient monthly and intended for disabled citizens. Unlike an insurance pension, the very possibility of receiving a social pension does not imply taking into account the insurance period and making insurance payments to the Pension Fund in the past.

What is a survivor's pension?

A pension on the occasion of the death of a breadwinner is a type of social pension, the payment of which depends solely on the occurrence of difficult living conditions in the family of a deceased citizen, who provided for it financially before his death.

Thus, this type of pension is intended to compensate part of the earnings of the deceased, who during his lifetime supported dependents or was the only one who provided a livelihood for a family whose members, for various reasons, were unable to work.

Who can receive a survivor's pension?

Not only blood relatives, but also those who lived with the deceased and helped him run the household can count on this type of financial support. Even former mother-in-law and mother-in-law, if they were dependents, can apply for a payment.

If the death of a citizen occurred due to the unlawful actions of a dependent or family member, which were established in court, they will not be able to claim a pension in the event of the death or disappearance of the breadwinner.

  1. Children who, due to their age, are not able to provide for themselves.
  2. Disabled persons who have been assigned a minimum disability pension.
  3. Elderly family members receiving a pension that is not enough to ensure a normal existence.

Conditions for granting a survivor's pension

In order for a request for a pension to be granted, 2 basic conditions must be met:

  1. The relationship with the deceased must be documented.
  2. During his lifetime, the deceased citizen provided the applicant financially in full or for the most part.

All dependents except children under 18 years of age and disabled children after 18 years of age must prove that they are dependent on a citizen who has died, and:

  • the deceased may have no work experience at all;
  • applicants may be recognized as incapacitated (minors, elderly men over 60 years of age and elderly women over 55 years of age may not have to prove the fact of incapacity for work);
  • applicants must reside in Russia legally - have citizenship or a residence permit, but not a temporary residence permit (it does not matter whether the applicant is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign person or a stateless person).

Conditions for receiving a pension

Children (natural and adopted), grandchildren

They lived off the income of the deceased and were not adults at the date of his death (or they were assigned a disabled group before reaching adulthood).

Children and relatives 18 years of age or older

Spouse, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather

Parents and husband or wife

They are elderly people of retirement age and do not have a main source of income (it does not matter when the income was lost - before or after the death of the citizen).

Grandmothers and grandfathers

They retired or were assigned a disability group, while the deceased was their only relative or breadwinner, whose responsibility for their financial support arose on the basis of the instructions of the RF IC.

Adopted children and adoptive parents, stepmother, stepfather

They have the same rights as relatives, but they will have to present documents proving their connection with the deceased.

What is the survivor's pension: size, calculation procedure

Like other social benefits, this pension is subject to mandatory annual indexation by a coefficient established throughout the country (in 2017 - 1.5%), proportional to the growth of inflation. The amount of the minimum pension is fixed and is influenced by the category of the applicant:

If the deceased had work experience, the amount of the insurance pension in the event of the death or disappearance of the breadwinner will depend on its duration, since contributions were made for him to the Pension Fund (from 2017 - to the Federal Tax Service). When assigning a pension, attention will be paid to:

  • individual pension coefficient (so-called “pension points”);
  • the actual cost of 1 point (in 2017, 1 IPC = 78 rubles 58 kopecks).

To the amount of the insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner, 50% of the fixed payment is added, namely 2,279 rubles.

Dependents will be assigned not an insurance pension, but a social pension after the death of the breadwinner if he did not have seniority at the time of death. 50% of the fixed payment will be added to its amount.

Minimum and maximum survivor's pension

The main indicator that the legislator focuses on when establishing the size of the social pension is the size of the current subsistence minimum for a pensioner, which is different for each subject of the Russian Federation. This ensures that the pensioner is provided with the minimum amount of money that can be used to purchase the essentials in the region of his residence.

Pensioners receiving pension payments or other types of social support in an amount below the subsistence level have the right to a social supplement up to the level of the current subsistence level.

Children who are accrued a pension in the event of the death of a breadwinner before reaching the age of majority will also receive a federal social supplement automatically from the date of payment, without first filing an application.

The state has provided a social supplement operating at the federal and regional levels:

  1. When the pension payment does not reach the pensioner’s federal subsistence level, a federal supplement from the Pension Fund is assigned.
  2. When the pension is less than the regional subsistence level of the pensioner, a regional surcharge is calculated from the SZN authorities.

Separate cases of calculation and calculation of pensions

Social pension payments are assigned to different categories of citizens, for whom the law provides for different social rights. In this regard, the calculation of pensions is different. For example, the pension amount for children whose mother and father have died will be calculated using the formula:


where RSP is the amount of the insurance pension in the event of the death or disappearance of the breadwinner;

IPKM – “retirement point” of the mother;

IPKO – father’s “pension point”;

SIPC is the value of a “pension point”.

When there are two children in a family

When two minors are left without a breadwinner at once, the state establishes a pension, calculated according to the formula indicated above, in double size.

When the child reaches adulthood

Adult children of a deceased breadwinner have the right to count on a pension only if they complete full-time studies at a university - the amount of payment is calculated according to the above formula in a single amount until the recipient turns 23 years old.

Where to apply for a survivor's pension

You must write an application at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of permanent residence or temporary registration; you must also apply here for the federal social supplement. If a regional surcharge is required, you need to contact the social security department.

How to apply for a survivor's pension: step-by-step instructions

To receive a survivor's pension, you need to follow the scheme below:

  1. Write an application and attach the required documents to it and send them to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person, by mail, using the services of the Multifunctional Center, through the State Services website or the Pension Fund portal.
  2. To assign a pension to minors, an application must be submitted by their legal representatives (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), attaching papers proving the existence of such rights.
  3. Wait for the decision of the authorized body - in case of refusal, you will receive a letter justifying such a decision; If the requirements are met, the pension will be accrued from the new month.

Necessary documents for applying for a pension

To apply for a pension, you must collect the following set of documents:


Where to get it

The form will be issued on site

Applicant's passport (if over 14 years old)

Child's birth certificate (if the dependent is under 14 years old)

Certificate of family composition

Housing department, settlement administration, passport office

Certificate from the university (if the payment is assigned to an adult dependent)

By place of study

Certificate of disability (if the pension is assigned to an adult dependent with a disability)

At the location of the medical and social examination

Death certificate of the breadwinner (if he died)

Civil registry offices

Court decision to declare the breadwinner missing (for missing persons)

At the court clerk

Employment history

From last place of work

Documents confirming the relationship between the applicant and the deceased

Civil registry offices

Documents proving legal stay in Russia (Russian passport, residence permit)

Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation

Pension certificate (for dependents of retirement age)

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Deadlines for payment of survivor's pension

It is necessary to apply for a pension at the moment when the right to payment arises or at any time in the future if the applicant needs money.

Pension accrual will begin on the first day of the month following the submission of the application and documents to the authorized body.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: A dependent of a deceased citizen demands payment of a social pension in the event of the death of the breadwinner over the past years.