Ribbon embroidery by Svetlana Gerasimova. Satin ribbon embroidery by Svetlana Gerasimova. How it all began

1. Choose a fabric for the base. We decide on the composition. With a disappearing marker or in another familiar way, we apply an approximate drawing.

2. For leaves - we take a 15 mm batik ribbon (or a 12 mm wide plain satin ribbon of several shades). We embroider the leaves with ribbon stitches, we twist the stems from the ribbon.

3. If the stalk looks thin for your future flower, then you can additionally wrap it with the same tape. Its thickness will increase!

4. We begin to embroider a rose. We take a tape of the desired color 25 mm. In my case, I take white to tint the flower at the end of the embroidery. In the upper part of the outlined circle we embroider 3 straight stitches, as shown in the photo.

5. We make 2 straight stitches of the second row (we pierce the first and third petals of the first row).

6. Do not forget to return the volume to the lower petals by lifting them from the fabric. I do this with a needle, someone uses a toothpick or a pencil.
7. We bring out the tape just below the puncture points of the last petals and make a French knot on the leg (pistil seam) with two windings on the needle.

8. Do not tighten these coils too much, let them wrap around the needle freely. In this case, you will get a more airy "middle" of the rose.

9. We display the tape a little bit to the right of the center. Now, crossing the middle of the rose, we make a petal "with a lapel" using a ribbon stitch. Please note: From the fold of the tape, you must lower the needle by about 1 cm, do not puncture the needle very close to the fold, otherwise you will not get the flap of the petal. And more important: do not pierce the tape of the bottom row, try to move her fingers towards the flower.

10. Now we make a mirror of the same petal.

11. We display the tape approximately in the middle of the previous petal. Only always in a rose we try to bring each next stitch as close as possible to the previous ones, so that there are no empty spaces between the parts of the flower.

12. Now we make a "half-loop" in the direction of the flower (we fix it by puncturing the tape) from the opposite side of the flower.

13 - 14. Now once again we make two petals with a lapel. But this time they are short and do not cross the center of the flower.

15. We bring the tape to the face just below the last puncture point.

16. Again we make a "half-loop" in the direction of the flower. The needle will enter the ribbon a little further than the center of the rose.

17. We make one more stitch of the same mirror of the previous one.

18-19 at the bottom of the rose we make petals. They can be made with either a straight or ribbon stitch, depending on which edge of the petal you want to get. If you want their petals to be round, then the stitch must be made straight, if sharp, then tape. .

20. If you want to make the rose more lush, then you can add another row of petals at the bottom of the flower. These petals will go through the ribbons of the bottom row. Don't be afraid to pierce the bottom petals. In this case, the volume will be better transmitted.

21. We embroider the second flower according to the same pattern and make the lower slightly open bud
22. Add buds to the top of the composition. I embroider them with the same ribbon. For sepals, a 3 or 4 mm tape works well.

23. If desired, you can tint the flower. I do this with watercolors (they can be replaced with paints for batik). First, I slightly moisten the flower, then I tint it and immediately dry the rose with a hairdryer so that there are no smudges of paint on the flower.

This amazing woman from Pskov, with the help of simple devices and materials, he knows how to create a summer mood and gives the world a particle of beauty - his amazing canvases. Embroidery satin ribbons For her, it's more than just a hobby. This is her true passion. For more than a decade, satin ribbon embroidery has been turning into real masterpieces under the hands of this craftswoman. Stitches and satin loops freeze on her canvases as photographically accurate copies of flowers and leaves, birds and animals.

Svetlana is naturally endowed with a creative streak, and the craving for needlework woke up in her a long time ago. It all started with cross-stitch, then gave way to satin stitch embroidery, and the birth of her second child radically changed her whole life, not only as a mother and woman, but also as an artist.

It was then that she became interested in embroidery with satin ribbons. Looking closely at the works of the best craftswomen found on the Internet, Svetlana set fire to the idea of ​​​​creating such a miracle. And her dedication to the sorceress took place.

The smallest details from fluffs on a dandelion to tiny grasshoppers - this amazing craftswoman does not forget to depict all this on her embroidered canvases. Twigs, leaves, lush bouquets of roses and delicate spring flowers - it seems that there is nothing that Svetlana Gerasimova's satin ribbon embroidery could not reproduce.

Birds in Svetlana's paintings are of particular admiration. This is also embroidery with satin ribbons, in which one can feel the skill of satin stitch embroidery. If those colors and shades that are already in satin ribbons are not enough to realize the idea, then the artist uses paints to tint ready-made flowers or leaves into the desired colors.

She takes as a basis prints on canvas, which she prints herself, according to her own design. When the print is ready, a needle and thread come into play, which gradually form the image itself from multi-colored ribbons.

The craftswoman herself speaks of her works as follows: “The volume of ribbons, the 3D effect is what distinguishes these works from other types of embroidery.” And they are also distinguished by the tenderness and warmth that each such picture radiates.

Her embroidery with satin ribbons has already been recognized and appreciated by awards and diplomas. There are enough of those who are happy to buy these paintings, bringing notes of freshness and wildlife to the interiors of their apartments.

They say “the work of the master is afraid”, but here everything is much more romantic and the work, namely embroidery with satin ribbons, is not afraid, but loves the sweet sorceress Svetlana. And it's completely mutual.

A new master class from Svetlana Gerasimova again on a floral theme - today we will embroider such a beautiful bouquet of roses with ribbons. You can perpetuate your favorite photo, favorite picture or come up with a composition yourself in silk. And an experienced craftswoman will introduce you to the intricacies of this work.

You are ready? Then let's get started!

Master class overview

01. Choose a fabric for the base. We decide on the composition. With a disappearing marker or in another familiar way, we apply an approximate drawing.

02. For leaves - we take a 15 mm batik ribbon (or a 12 mm wide plain satin ribbon of several shades). We embroider the leaves with ribbon stitches, we twist the stems from the ribbon.

03. If the stalk looks thin for your future flower, then you can additionally wrap it with the same tape. Its thickness will increase!

04. We begin to embroider a rose. We take a tape of the desired color 25 mm. In my case, I take white to tint the flower at the end of the embroidery.

In the upper part of the outlined circle we embroider 3 straight stitches, as shown in the photo.

05. We make 2 straight stitches of the second row (we pierce the first and third petals of the first row).

06. Do not forget to return the volume to the lower petals by lifting them from the fabric. I do this with a needle, someone uses a toothpick or a pencil.

07. We bring the tape just below the puncture points of the last petals and make a French knot on the stem (pistil seam) with two windings on the needle.

08. Do not tighten these coils too much, let them wrap around the needle freely. In this case, you will get a more airy "middle" of the rose.

09. We display the tape a little to the right of the center. Now, crossing the middle of the rose, we make a petal "with a lapel" using a ribbon stitch.

Note: From the fold of the tape, you should lower the needle by about 1 cm. Do not puncture the needle very close to the fold, otherwise you will not get the flap of the petal.

And more importantly: do not pierce the tape of the bottom row, try to move it with your finger towards the flower.

10. Now we make a mirror of the same petal on the other side.

11. We display the tape approximately in the middle of the previous petal.

Important: in a rose, we always try to bring each next stitch as close as possible to the previous ones, so that there are no empty spaces between the parts of the flower.

12. Now we make a "half-loop" in the direction of the flower. We fix it by piercing the tape on the opposite side of the flower.

13. Now we make two more of the same petals with a lapel.

14. But this time they are short and do not cross the center of the flower.

15. We bring the tape to the face just below the last puncture point.

16. Again we make a "half-loop" in the direction of the flower. The needle will enter the ribbon a little further than the center of the rose.

17. We make another same stitch as a mirror image of the previous one.

18. We make petals at the bottom of the rose.

19. They can be made with either a straight or ribbon stitch, depending on which edge of the petal you want to get.

If you want the bottom of the petals to be round, then the stitch must be made straight, if sharp, then tape.

20. If you want to make your rose more lush, you can add another row of petals at the bottom of the flower. These petals will go through the ribbons of the bottom row.

Don't be afraid to pierce the bottom petals. In this case, the volume will be better transmitted.

21. We embroider the second flower according to the same pattern and make the lower slightly open bud.

22. Add buds at the top of the composition. I embroider them with the same ribbon. For sepals, a 3 or 4 mm tape works well.

23. If desired, you can tint the flower. I do this with watercolors (they can be replaced with paints for batik).

First, I slightly moisten the flower, then I tint it and immediately dry the rose with a hairdryer so that there are no smudges of paint on the flower.

24. The work is ready. Let's frame it!

I wish you good luck and beautiful embroidered roses!

Sincerely, your Gerasimova Svetlana.

- a well-known needlewoman who creates beautiful paintings from ribbons. Her works have repeatedly taken part in exhibitions and competitions, winning prizes and first places. Numerous awards and recognition have become well-deserved results of talent, multiplied by diligence and the desire for self-improvement.

How it all began

Svetlana didn't come right away. She has always loved to create something with her own hands, but she took up embroidery a little over ten years ago.

It all started after the birth of my daughter. Then Svetlana Gerasimova first tried her hand at embroidery. At first there was work in the technique of cross-stitch, then more complex embroidery went on - satin stitch. And only after the birth of her second child, the future craftswoman began to create works from ribbons. In this type of needlework, the skills she had previously acquired in simpler techniques came in handy.

Many years of collecting information on creating pictures with ribbons, studying the experience of famous embroiderers and practice led to the fact that a new craftswoman appeared - Svetlana Gerasimova. became for her a part of life, which brought not only the joy of creativity, but also fame and a favorite thing.

Subtleties of craftsmanship

In her works, the needlewoman very accurately depicts flowers and birds. They look like they are alive. The craftswoman herself said that in the image of birds it is very important that the direction of the stitches corresponds to the direction of growth of the feathers, then the bird will look natural.

Some works not only cause admiration, but also convey the mood, for example, a drake flying in the rays of the setting sun over a forest river. As Svetlana Gerasimova says, ribbon embroidery differs from other types due to its volume and 3D effect. However, by itself, this effect is not capable of creating a special mood of the picture. First of all, it is the talent of the master, which manifests itself in every stitch.

The basis for Svetlana's works is a canvas with an image. She herself prints the desired pattern, and then embroiders it with ribbons. The work uses different types stitches. On the images of birds, one can feel a good command of the technique of embroidering with satin stitch. In some of her works Svetlana uses paint toning ribbons (for example, when embroidering flowers).

School of needlewomen

teaches everyone to embroider with ribbons. Despite the fact that she herself lives in Pskov, the craftswoman conducts online master classes. Courses differ in complexity and learning objectives. The needlewoman shares her knowledge, which she herself has been looking for for years.

Images of roses are very popular among Svetlana's works. These flowers are beautiful on their own, but when performed by a talented craftsman, they look amazing. Svetlana Gerasimova's roses can be purchased from her in the form of a finished work, or you can take a training master class and learn how to make them yourself. These are not the easiest flowers to make. A specialized MK dedicated to the methods of their manufacture includes:

  1. Different ways of embroidering roses.
  2. The nuances of making petals.
  3. Useful tips.
  4. Practical exercises on embroidery of buds and roses from different angles.
  5. Color tinting training.

MK Svetlana Gerasimova helped many people master the art of embroidering roses with ribbons and improve their skills in this kind of needlework. In addition to online learning, you can purchase a video of the course and take it at a convenient time.

There are courses for those who are just starting out with ribbon embroidery, they include the basics of this type of needlework, the rules for satin stitch embroidery, instructions for creating a simple small picture.

Life on canvas

In her works, Svetlana Gerasimova conveys not only the color and volume, but also the texture of the depicted flower. Dandelions look airy, spikelets look firm, and peonies look tender. Thanks to such naturalism, the works look alive.

Svetlana's paintings not only depict an exact copy of a flower or a bird, they make you want to sniff a poppy, touch a dandelion, stroke an owl's feathers. It is pleasant to consider them both as a work of art and as an example of craftsmanship. Particularly warm feelings arise when viewing her sunny summer works, when it is winter and snowdrifts outside the window. A small piece of summer in Svetlana's paintings makes the house warmer and more comfortable.