Knitted patterns on boys sweaters. Knitted warm sweater for a boy: patterns, pattern, description. Knitted hat - beautiful protection

Beautiful knitted things on small children cause tenderness. Tiny blouses, caps, panties cannot but delight. But for kids, knitted not only performs an aesthetic function. It is of particular value, since newborns have not yet established an independent heat exchange - they really need additional thermal insulation and protection.

Leg clothes

First of all, the child needs to insulate the legs. Knitted socks and booties do a great job with this. Socks for babies differ from adult models only in size, but booties are the first shoes, they are presented both in the form of shoes, boots, and are like sandals. Booties-boots and boots usually have ties to keep them firmly on the leg; Velcro is not recommended, otherwise it will scratch the skin. Sandals can be worn in summer, but they act only as decoration, they will not protect against dust and drafts. Socks are safer in summer. Standard sizes of socks and booties range from 8 cm to 13 cm. The size is equal to the length of the baby's foot. Every 3 months, the leg adds 1 cm, so when calculating, you can also start from the age of the baby. The length of the foot is measured from the heel to the tip of the big toe.

Knitted hat - beautiful protection

A child under the age of one year has a soft area called a "spring", and until it overgrows, it is imperative to wear a hat that will protect and warm the head. Such hats should be seamless and have a minimum of various fasteners - knitted hats are suitable for this role. In our catalog you will find knitting patterns to create beautiful hats of different types:

  • classic hats;
  • bonnets;
  • helmets.

And, perhaps, knit something individual for your boy or girl. The size of the cap is determined by the circumference of the head. In a small baby, the girth is about 35 cm, then every 3 months it increases by an average of 4 cm and by the first year of life it reaches 47 cm.

Knitted overalls for newborns

Jumpsuit is a practical item in a child's wardrobe, it is easy to put on. There are two main types: overalls-bag and overalls with panties. The first type is convenient for home use, since the lower part can be unfastened and the diaper can be quickly changed, and the second is mainly relevant for walking.

The size of overalls for newborn girls and boys is calculated based on the girth of the chest, waist, hips, as well as height. It should be borne in mind that babies grow quickly, and by the time the knitted thing is ready, it may turn out to be small.

Accessories and decorations for babies

A one-year-old child does not need separate jewelry, as knitted clothes are beautiful in themselves. Small details can be dangerous - children at this age love to taste everything. The only thing is that the baby can safely knit a scarf in addition to a hat and mittens. You should not make a long scarf, it is enough to knit such a length that it is enough for one and a half turns.

If you still need to decorate the clothes, you can improvise with piping by tying things with pico or scallops or adding lace. For things for boys before the first year, such decorations will not work, in this case it is better to rely on color and texture. For example, on hats for boys, patterns with braids and arans, alternating stripes of garter and purl will look great.

Choose the right yarn

Yarn must match the season for which the item is created. Acrylic is suitable for winter clothes - it is warm, does not prick, and can withstand multiple washes. Despite its synthetic origin, it is hypoallergenic. Cashmere and angora are also suitable. Many manufacturers produce lines specifically for newborns - you can safely take such yarn. Wool and mohair are not suitable for baby's delicate skin, they cause unbearable itching. Summer clothes are knitted from cotton yarn, bamboo. Do not use threads with the addition of lurex, sequins and other things. The yarn must match the needle number.

The simpler the clothes, the more comfortable and safer the baby.

Avoid buttons - a child can tear them off and swallow them. The same applies to bells, brushes and other elements. No need to make applications - a child under the age of one year spends most of the time in a supine position, bulges can interfere. In addition, overly decorated products are difficult to wash.

Pay attention to knit density and pattern

Choose simple patterns to quickly knit a thing. Don't knit the garment too tightly or it will shrink. Also, with tight knitting, you risk getting a smaller size.

Knit products according to the current size of the crumbs

Not always to tie for growth means to do better. You can not knit larger hats - they will slide and not protect the head. In overalls, a child can drown, and kids react sharply to inconvenience. If the thing still turns out to be more, put it aside until the crumb grows up, and tie another.

How charming children look in knitted blouses. And there are so many different models of sweaters for boys. Eyes run up from bright models and all kinds of schemes. Where to begin? About the most important details that the master should consider when creating a sweater for a boy further.

Any product requires patterns and patterns. These are the very first steps that the craftswoman must take. Next, based on the model, yarn is selected. After the knitting needles, they should also be in size (so the product will be denser and retain its original shape for a long time).


In many master classes that are on the Internet, yarn is also usually indicated and how much it will take for a certain size.

Close attention to the model itself and the pattern of the canvas for the sweater. If these are newfangled arans, then they will require additional knitting needles (several). Special markers will help not to go astray and not to break the scheme. About the intricacies of choosing tools and yarn.

Choosing good threads

Knowledge will help not to make a mistake in choosing yarn. The first thing to pay attention to is the composition. The knitter should know what each type of yarn is intended for. Briefly about the most popular types and where they are best used:

Wool yarn (natural)- great for creating scarves, hats, socks, sweaters. It includes the following subspecies:

  • angora;
  • mohair;
  • cashmere;
  • shetland yarn;
  • merino yarn;
  • 100% wool;
  • alpaca.

Acrylic- this is already "artificial wool." Usually it is added to woolen yarn. To create warm clothes, you need to choose yarn with an acrylic composition of 10–20 percent;

Cotton yarn- it is also a natural yarn and is more often used to make summer things. But it is intended mainly for crocheting;

Linen yarn - type of natural yarn for creating summer things, stiffer yarn;

Silk yarn - has a decent appearance, some overflows. In the heat, it keeps the feeling of coolness well. Suitable for creating not warm things;

Viscose- popular as "artificial silk". Applicable for creating warm things, but it will be uncomfortable with it in the heat;

Bamboo- the perfect solution for creating children's things. The yarn has antibacterial properties, is very soft and hypoallergenic.

The second point to consider is the thickness of the yarn, usually this information also exists in master classes.

And the third is the threads themselves. They must be uniform, without breaks and various defects.

We select tools

Experienced craftsmen have already learned to determine by eye which knitting needles and for what thickness of yarn are suitable. For beginners, the hints on the yarn package will help. If there are none, then you can ask the seller for advice. You can also learn how to determine the right size yourself.


Basic rule: "The needle should be twice as thick as the thread." To choose the size, you need to fold the sample into two threads and twist - this will be the thickness of one knitting needle.

Additional knitting needles for making braids can also be different. There are also very comfortable short ones with a bent middle. These will not interfere with work and will not fly off while the master is performing the pigtail element.

There are different markers, but it is more convenient to buy bright and contrasting yarn options. They will help with counting loops. For example, they are convenient with the same pigtails, there should always be an equal number of loops between the intersection and the marker helps with this.

Ordinary needles are not suitable for connecting knitted items. You will need thicker needles.

Do you need measurements

Knitwear, unlike others, does not require such scrupulousness in a meticulous dimension. You can use two ways to create a gizmo:

  • measure as you knit, simply by applying the product to your model;
  • take a few measurements in advance and knit according to them.

There is also a table of typical sizes for boys.

The child does not always grow according to GOST indicators, and therefore it is better to measure each indicator.

How to take measurements for a sweater

For a sweater, you will need to take only 6 measurements:

  1. What sleeve length is needed - this is a measure from the point of the shoulder to the wrist (be sure to pass the tape through the elbow).
  2. Neck girth - this indicator will help to tie the correct size collar for a sweater. For measurements, the tape is applied and not tightened, it should fit freely around the neck.
  3. Back length. It does not always have to match the length of the product, more often the sweater is knitted with a small margin so that the back is always well covered. Plus an extra rubber band. The measurement itself goes from the lower cervical vertebra to the waist line.
  4. Chest girth - at chest level.
  5. Waist circumference - if you need a strictly fitted product.
  6. The circumference of the hips is important for creating an elastic band so that the product does not pull and is not too loose.

Now let's start looking at popular knitting patterns.

We knit a sweater for a boy with knitting needles: diagrams with a description

Without a doubt, the most popular knitting patterns for a boy's sweater can be noted that everyone loves arana. No less popular model schemes raglan, and even simple pattern patterns can create a fashionable product. Add a thick but soft thread to the usual garter stitch and you can knit a creative model. Large voluminous buttons can serve as an excellent decoration element.

Children's sweater with collar and braid pattern

Sweater for a boy for height 110. An abundance of braids and a combination of a pearl pattern are very popular solutions for 2018.


  • yarn nako Bambino 11.5 skeins;
  • knitting needles number 3.5 and 4.5;
  • stitching needle.

Several schemes were used in the work.

Scheme number 1 is the pigtails on the side of the front and back, and this is also the braid scheme on the sleeves.

Scheme 2 is a regular pearl pattern, it dilutes the fabric of the sleeves and the sides of the front and back.

Scheme 4 is an elastic band for cuffs.

Between the schemes contains the wrong side.

Stage one: front and back

On knitting needles for this size, you will need to dial 74 loops. Knit with an elastic band 2 * 2. The height of the gum should be 5 cm. In the last row, you need to evenly add a few loops so that you get 82 loops on the knitting needles. Then we immediately go to a combination of schemes, as in the photo. This is in the center - scheme number 2. On the sides are two schemes 1 and 3. The remaining side loops are occupied by a pearl pattern. Knit according to the proposed patterns to a height of 37 cm. Next, in the next row, close 4 loops for the sleeves.


For children's products, a square armhole is more often used.

At a height of 43 cm, the formation of the neck begins. There is no need to close the loops, you can simply transfer them to an additional knitting needle. So then it will be easier to make a neat gate.

Separately knit the right and left shoulder, following the pattern of the canvas.

Similarly, make the second part, it does not differ from the first.

Sew the shoulder seams and use circular needles to knit the neckline. This helps to avoid unnecessary seam.

Second stage: sleeves

These sleeves do not have to be sewn on. You just need to make a set along the edge of the armhole to the right and left of the canvas.

There are three pigtails in the center of each sleeve. For the left sleeve, three braids from pattern number 3 and pattern number 1 for the right. On the sides of the braids there is a pearl pattern. In total, for the sleeve, you need to dial 62 loops. Decrease for the sleeve according to the scheme: after 5 cm, decrease one loop of each edge. After a length of 31 cm, go to the cuffs. This is again an elastic band 2 * 2. So knit 5 cm and close the loops.

Third stage: assembly

We hide the extra threads and simply sew the sides of the sleeves and the front and back. A sweater with original braids is ready.

Pullover with buttons for a boy

A simple sweater in English ribbing pattern. Ribbed cuffs 1*1, hem and neck 1*1 ribbed. It's the same sweater. What boy did not want to try on such a thing in the 2000s.

The sweater in which the main character of the film "Brother" appeared on the screen. A sweater like Danila's is knitted according to simple patterns.

Simple cut and large thread.

Back And before connected without armholes. Only a small neckline. For the front and back, use the basic English rib pattern. The cuffs and bottom of the product are 10 cm elastic 1 * 1.

Collar- this is also an elastic band 1 * 1. On the edge of the collar, make holes (nakida) for buttons.

Sleeves also made with English rubber band. Such a simple model is now back in fashion. Therefore, all those who did not have time to try on such a sweater in 2000 can freely do it now.

Striped sweater for a boy with knitting needles

Elegant wide stripes look noble on a boy's sweater. For the attention of needlewomen, another trash is a model with comfortable buttons on the shoulders. It will be convenient for the child to put on and take off this model.

On a note!

Stripes can be chosen in other colors - one strip occupies 10 rows.

The scheme of this product is a simple front surface. For sleeve cuff made of rubber bands 2*2. The bottom of the back and front is also made with an elastic band 2 * 2-10 cm.

For back and front you need to dial 80 loops for a height of 110 cm. No additions are needed, you only need to close 4 loops for the armhole. Make a small bevel for the neck. In this model, the back and front are knitted in the same way. After creating the front and back, you need to draw a line where the buttons will be next. You need to dial along the upper edge of the loop and knit with an elastic band 2-3 cm. Do not forget to make two holes on the right and left shoulder.

Then you need sew on buttons symmetrical to the holes on the opposite side.

Button up buttons and sew on sleeves. Make side seams and try on a sweater.

Knitted jacquard sweater

A distinctive feature of such a contrasting sweater is a variety of tiny patterns. Contrasting threads make them even more expressive. Only painstaking work is worth it, because such a beautiful product can be made with your own hands.

For size 134/140, you need 200 g of sand-colored yarn, 50 g each of other colors.

Sequence of patterns A-D. Knit in stockinette stitch using the jacquard technique.

For size 134/140, cast on 109 stitches. Knit elastic for back and front 10 rows and go to the canvas, adding 12 loops for each canvas. Knit 31 cm (for the back 33) and close the loops for the armhole of the sleeve 8 loops. Then knit another 14 cm.

How to close the front/back neck loops:

  1. close the central 31st;
  2. two times two loops in the following rows;
  3. once by one.

Sleeves: cast on 47 stitches and 10 rows of ribbing. Inc 8 sts on last row. Go to the main pattern and the front surface. Then add in each 6th row, one loop. After 42 cm, close the loops.

Assembly: make shoulder seams and dial 108 loops under the inlay. Make a neat collar with an elastic band (this is 11 rows). Sew on the sleeves. Make side seams for the sleeves and product. That's all, the efforts are completed with an amazing result.

No need to be afraid of complex elements. As soon as the most complex patterns are mastered, interesting work of any needlewoman begins. So don't just focus on creating simple variations. In fact, it turns out that a model that pleases our eyes is not so difficult to create.

Bulky buttons are often used for a boy's sweater - this emphasizes the masculine character of the sweater.

For boys, knitting is a real pleasure for the craftswoman. Especially if the boy is only two years old and the size of his clothes is very small. Such products are knitted in one breath, it is impossible to get tired of them, and the result is visible after a few hours.

A few words about yarn

When choosing material for knitting children's sweaters, you should understand what purpose these products have. If they are needed for one time, for example, for some holiday or photo shoot, acrylic or other artificial yarn is quite suitable.

It is much cheaper than wool, but does not have the characteristics that are necessary for winter warm clothes. At the same time, a sweater for a boy, knitted with knitting needles, designed for walking in the fresh air, should be uniquely warm, breathable, light and, of course, beautiful.

Traditionally, children choose yarn from alpaca or merino wool. These materials are of high quality and a considerable price. However, the baby will need quite a bit of yarn (literally 300 grams).

Sheep wool mixed with acrylic or cotton can also be used.

How to work with instructions?

Often, sources offering knitting needles for a boy give specific data on the density of the fabric, as well as the number of loops and rows. This is relevant only for those craftswomen who plan to use exactly the yarn that was used by the author of the model.

In the event that the thickness, composition or torsion of the thread is different, all parameters will be different.

Sample making

To understand how many loops to cast on at the beginning of work, you need to knit a small fragment from the yarn that was chosen by the craftswoman and using a specific pattern. Then the sample is washed, dried (so that it takes its actual size) and measured. The data obtained will be used to calculate the product. For example, according to the sample, it turned out that there are 22 loops (in width) and 18 rows (in height) per 10 cm of canvas. So, to start knitting the front part, you need to dial 40x22 / 10 = 88 loops. This figure is just an example, because each craftswoman will have her own density indicator.

Knitting front details

Given the number obtained, you need to dial the required number of loops on the knitting needles and knit five centimeters with an elastic band. Here you can apply absolutely any pattern: 1x1, 2x2 or even French elastic.

Here, an empty cell indicates the front loop, a square with a black dot - the wrong one. The icons illustrating the crossing give a visual idea of ​​how many loops and in which direction to move.

If we take the example used earlier (88 loops) as the base, the knitting sequence of the first row after the elastic band will look like this:

1 14 facial, 58 in pattern, 15 facial.

Instead of front loops, almost any simple pattern can be used. The main thing is not to be too smart and not get confused in the drawings and diagrams, otherwise simple work will turn into endless error correction.


A sweater for a boy with knitting needles is knitted exactly without additions and cuts. To form the neck, calculate how many loops should remain, add three to five to form a round neckline and multiply this figure by two.

For example: 12 cm x 22/10 = 26. This is the number of loops that will remain in the last row of each shoulder. We will add five more to them (they will be cut in the first five rows after the neck loops are closed and will allow the bevel of the fabric to be formed):

In total, (88-31) x2 = 26 remained on the neck. Rollout formation algorithm:

  1. Knit 31 stitches in pattern.
  2. The next 26 loops are free to close or transfer to an auxiliary knitting needle (or thick thread). When the front and back pieces are sewn together, these loops will become the basis for the collar.
  3. Knit 31 stitches in pattern.
  4. Turn the work and work 29 loops according to the pattern of the ornament.
  5. Knit the last two loops in one. On subsequent rows cut 4 sts like this, leaving 26.
  6. Knit the fabric to the desired height, then close all the loops (or reshoot on the auxiliary knitting needle if the shoulders are sewn
  7. Perform the second shoulder in the same way. Here, cuts are made in mirror image (at the beginning of the row). Sometimes the clasp is transferred to the shoulder, as in the photo at the beginning of the article. But, as a rule, it is inconvenient. It's easier to make ordinary sweaters.

A sweater for a boy (2 years old) with knitting needles can be knitted according to a simplified pattern, so you can not make a neck on the details of the back. After the elastic band, the fabric is knitted or in the selected pattern and closed when it reaches the desired length.


Depending on the desire of the craftswoman, the details of the sleeves can be decorated with a pattern or be knitted with a simple stitch.

Sleeves with one decorative element in the center, such as a large braid or braid weave, look good and are relatively easy to make. It is better to place the simplest pattern along the edges of the canvas, because it will have to be expanded.

The addition of loops is performed evenly after the cuffs are finished. For example, calculations showed that you need to add 17 cm. This will be (17/2) x (22/10) \u003d 19 loops on each side. Since the height of the sleeve is also 19 cm, then every centimeter the canvas should expand into two loops (at the beginning and at the end of the row).

Product assembly

When all the details are ready, a knitted sweater for a boy can be sewn. First, the details of the front and back are connected, then the sleeves are sewn in, loops for the neck are cast on (knit to a height of 2 cm to 15 cm) and all loops are freely closed.

The described algorithm is great if you need to make a sweater for an adult man. In this case, the proportions and dimensions of the pattern will be different, but the sequence of work will remain the same.

The pattern can be located in the center of the front detail, then there will be wide sections at the edges connected with the front surface. Or the decorative ornament can be doubled.

Small braids become its center, which in the original version were a frame for other elements.

Every mother wants her son to be well dressed, but parents know how expensive high-quality children's things are now. And if you know how to knit, it removes many problems with the boy's wardrobe. Today we offer you to choose a super option for yourself and knit a sweater for a boy with knitting needles. All models with a detailed description, diagrams are attached.

Knitting for children is a great opportunity to please your beloved son or grandson. Now light green shades (mint, grass), pastel shades (beige, cream), all shades of gray, blue, lilac are in fashion.

Lovely knitted sweater in a fashionable color for a boy. Model from a French magazine, under the heading: children's knitting for boys. Such a beautiful youth knitted sweater for a boy will certainly please his son or grandson. The knitted sweater is recorded in detail, with a description of knitting, and patterns.
Sizes are given for a) 4 years old, b) 6 years old, c) 8-9 years old, d) 12/13 years old, e) 14/16 years old.

For work you will need:

  1. Cabotine yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic), 50 gr./120 m. 5/6/8/10/11 skeins.
  2. Knitting needles 2.5 and 3 mm thick., add. spoke.

We will use knitting patterns:


We start knitting a jumper for a boy from the back. We collect on knitting needles with a thickness of 3 mm. a) 87, b) 93, c) 101, d) 111, e) 119 loops. Knit 4 rows in garter stitch, then continue:

  1. 12 sts with a pearl pattern *, 17 sts of the scheme, 6 sts of the pearl *, repeat from * to * 2 times, then 17 sts of the scheme, and 12 sts of the pearl pattern.
  2. 15 sts with a pearl pattern *, 17 sts of the scheme, 6 sts with a “pearl” pattern *, repeat from * to * 2 times, then 17 sts of the scheme, and 15 sts with a pearl pattern.
  3. 17 sts with a pearl pattern *, 17 sts of the scheme, 8 sts of the pearl pattern *, repeat from * to * 2 times, then 17 sts of the scheme, and 17 sts of the pearl pattern.
  4. 20 sts with a pearl pattern *, 17 sts of the scheme, 10 sts with a pearl pattern, * repeat from * to * 2 times, then 17 sts of the scheme, and 20 sts of pearls. pattern.
  5. 22 sts with a pearl pattern *, 17 sts of the scheme, 12 sts with a pearl pattern *, repeat from * to * 2 times, then 17 sts of the scheme, 22 sts with a pearl pattern.

At a height of a) 23 cm (82 rubles); b) 25 cm (90 rubles); c) 28.5 cm (102 rubles); d) 32 cm (116 rubles); e) 34 cm (122 p) from the garter stitch, make an armhole, closing on each side in each. 2nd p.:

1 time for 3 sts, 2 times for 2 sts, and 3 times for 1 st.
1 time for 3 p., 3 times for 2 p., and 2 times for 1 p.
1 time for 3 sts, 3 times for 2 sts, and 3 times for 1 st.
2 times for 3 p., 2 p. 2 p., and 3 p. 1 p.
2 times for 3 p., 3 p. 2 p., and 2 p. 1 p.
Remaining: a) 67 sts, b) 71 sts, c) 77 sts, d) 85 sts, e) 91 sts.

At a distance of a) 34 cm (122 p.), b) 38 (136), c) 43 (154), d) 49 (176), e) 53 (190) from the garter stitch, we make shoulders, closing on each side in every 2nd p.;

  1. 1 time for 3 p., and 5 times for 4 p.
  2. 6 times 4 p.
  3. 4 p. 4 p. and 2 p. 5 p.
  4. 1 p. 4 p. and 5 p. 5 p.
  5. 5 p. 5 p., and 1 p. 6 p.

At a distance: a) 37 cm (134 p), b) 41 cm (148 p), c) 46 (166), 52 (188), 56 (202) from the garter stitch, close all remaining a) 21 p ., b) 23 p., c) 25 p., d) 27, e) 29 p.


We knit in the same way as we knitted the back to the armhole. Tied up to the armhole. We have a) 67 p. b) 71 p. c) 77 p. d) 85 p. e) 91 p. At the height:

  1. 34 cm (122 r),
  2. 37 (134),
  3. 42 (152),
  4. 47 (170),
  5. 51 (184),

from the garter stitch, draw the neckline by closing the central ones: a) 11 p., b), c) - 13 p., d), e) - 15 p. Next, continue each side separately, closing from the side of the neck in each 2- om row:

1 time for 4 p., 1 time for 3 p., and 1 time for 2 p.
1 time for 4 p., 1 p. 3 p., and 2 p. 1 p.
1 p. 4 p., 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., and 1 p. 1 p.
1 p. 3 p., 2 p. 2 p., 3 p. 1 p.
2 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., and 3 p. 1 p.

At the same time, at a height of b) 38 cm (136 p.), c) 43 cm (154 p.), d) 49 cm (176 p.), e) 53 cm (190 p.) from the garter stitch we make out the shoulders, closing on each side in every 2nd row:

1 time for 3 p, and 4 times for 4 p.
5 times for 4 p.
3 times for 4 p. And 2 times for 5 p.
5 times for 5 p.
3 p. pr 5 p., and 2 p. 6 p.
We finish the second side of the neck.

Right sleeve

We collect on knitting needles 2.5 mm thick: a) 48 p. b) 50, c) 52 p. d) 56 p. e) 58 p., knit with an elastic band 1 person / 1 out. 4 see sleeves. We continue with a fantasy pattern, and with a pearl pattern, we knit with knitting needles 3 mm, making a decrease in the 1st row and placing loops as follows: a) 15 p. b) 16 p. c) 17 p. d) 19 p. e) 20 n. pearl pattern, 17 p. schemes, a) 15 p. b) 16 p. c) 17 p. d) 19 p. e) 20 p. pearl pattern. We got: a) 47 p. b) 49 p. c) 51 p. d) 55 e) 57 p.

Add a pearl pattern on each side:

  1. in every 26th p. 2 times for 1 p.
  2. 24 p. above: 1 p. 1 p. and in each 22nd p.: 2 times 1 p.
  3. 20 p. above: 1 p. 1 p. and in each 18th p.: 4 times 1 p.
  4. in every 16th p. 7 times 1 p.
  5. in each 16th row: 2 times 1 p. and in each 14th row: 7 times 1 p.

At a height a) 21 cm (76 rubles), b) 25 cm (90 rubles), c) 30.5 cm (110 rubles), d) 36 cm (130 rubles), e) 40 cm (144 p.) from the gum, form a rounding, closing on each side in each. 2nd row:

  1. 1 time for 3 p., 2 times for 1 p., in each 4th row: 3 p. 1 p.; 6 p. above: 1 p. 1 p., in each 4th p.: 2 p. 1 p.; and in every 2nd p.: 1 p. 2 p., and 1 p. 3 p.
  2. in each 2nd p.: 1 time for 3 p., 2 times for 1 p., in each 4 p.: 7 times for 1 p., and in each 2nd p.: 1 time for 1 p. , 1 time for 2 p., and 1 time for 3 p.
  3. in each 2 p.: 1 time for 3 p., 4 p. 1 p.; in each 4 p.: 6 times 1 p.; and in each 2 p.: 3 times for 1 p., 1 time for 2 p., and 1 time for 3 p.
  4. in each 2 p.: 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 5 p. 1 p., in each 4 p.: 6 p. 1 p., and in each 2 p.: 4 times 1 p., 1 p. 2 p., and 1 p. 3 p.
  5. in each 2 p.: 1 p. 3 p., 2 p. 2 p., 3 p. 1 p., in each 4 p.: 7 p. 1 p. and in each 2 p.: 4 p. 1 p, 2 p. 2 p. and 1 p. 3 p.

There are 19 loops left. Continue straight in fancy pattern to form a buttonhole. At height: a) 7 cm (24 rubles), b) 7.5 cm (26 rubles), c) 8.5 cm (30 rubles), d) 10 cm (36 rubles) , e) 11 cm (40 p) from the beginning of the buttonhole, form a rounding, closing on the right: 1 time for 9 p., then in each 2nd p.: 1 p. 5 p., 1 p. 2 p., and 1 time 1 p. At a height of a) 9 cm (32 p.), b) 9.5 cm (34 p.), c) 10.5 cm (38 p. d) 12 cm (44 p.), e) 13 cm (48 p.) from the beginning of the buttonhole close the remaining 2 p.

Left sleeve

The left sleeve is knitted in the same way as the right sleeve, only in the opposite direction.

Neck band

We continue knitting for boys. We collect on knitting needles 2.5 mm: a) 94 p., b) 102 p., c) 108 p., d) 116 p., e) 122 p. 4 cm high.
If you want to make the gate higher and closed, make the elastic not 4 cm high, but more, for example, 18 cm. All this can be corrected during the knitting process. Then you get a high collar. Close the loops without tightening them too much.


Make side seams, and the bottom of the sleeves. Sew sleeves into armholes and buttonholes to shoulders. Sew on the neckline, loop in the loop with a seam stitch on the front side of the product. The sizes of the jumper are given for a child from 4 years old, on the diagram the calculations are in centimeters.

Let's continue knitting for boys. A dark gray pullover for a boy or a teenager with knitting needles will not be out of place in his wardrobe. A pullover for a boy with knitting needles in the color of wet asphalt, with a hood and a zipper is a cool thing! Everyone loves these pullovers.

You can knit a pullover for 3 years, 4 and 5 years, 6 years, 7 years and 8 years, 10 years, and 12 years. All sizes are marked on the pattern: 4-6-8-10-12 .

For work you will need:

  1. Thick yarn Baltic (60% acrylic, 40% polyamide), 50 g / 80 m - (8-10-11-13-14 skeins).
  2. Knitting needles 4.5 and 5 mm thick.
  3. 2 buttons.
  4. Lightning: for 4 years - 35 cm, 6 years - 40 cm, 8 years - 45 cm, 10 years - 50 cm, 12 years - 55 cm.
  • Elastic band 2 persons / 2 out.
  • Front and back surface.
  • Gordon pattern - 1st and 4th rows - purl, 2nd and 3rd - facial. From the 4th row - repeat the pattern. That is, in this simple pattern, these 4 rows are constantly repeated (in the photo - a pattern). Gordon pattern - its second name is a transverse elastic band. We will call it that for simplicity.

Pattern: 15 sts/22 rows = 10 cm.
Pattern scheme: children's pullover.


Let's start from the back. On knitting needles with a thickness of 4.5 mm, we collect 50.54.60. 64. 68 loops. Knit 12 rows (4 cm) with a simple elastic band 2 persons / 2 out. You need to start with:

2 facial; 2 purl; 3 purl; 3 facial; 3 purl.

After the elastic we take knitting needles with a thickness of 5 mm. In the 1st row we add 3 loops, evenly distributing throughout the row. We continue with the front stitch, we should have on the knitting needles: 53. 57. 63. 67. 71 loops. We knit faces. satin stitch to the beginning of the armhole.

We make armholes. We count 54. 64. 72. 80. 90 rows (23. 27. 31.35. 39 cm), and close on each side, in every second row:

4 g: 2 times 2 p., 1 time 1 loop.
6 l.: 2 p. 2 p., 2 p. 1 p.
8 l.: 1 p. 3 p., 2 p. 1 p.
10 and 12 liters.: 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 3 p. 1 p.

We continue, it should be on the knitting needles: 43. 45. 49. 51. 55 p. We take the height from the beginning of the armhole cm, this will be from the beginning of knitting 78. 90. 102. 110. 122 rows. Next, we will knit with a cross-band pattern.

We continue to knit now the shoulders. We count rows from the beginning of knitting, the height of the armhole will be cm, close in every second row on each side:

4 y.: 3 times 4 loops;
6 l.: 2 p. 4 p., 1 p. 5 p.;
8 l. and 10 liters: 1 p. 4 p., 2 p. 5 p each;
12 l.: 3 p. 5 p.

In the next row, close the rest of the loops (19. 19. 21. 23. 25 p.) under the neckline.

Left shelf

We collect thicknesses on the knitting needles. 4.5 mm. 34. 36. 39. 41. 43 loops. Next, we knit a loop with an elastic band 2 persons / 2 out. (beginning as on the back), and 12 loops in the Ribbon pattern. We knit 12 rows (4 cm), and move on to knitting needles of thickness. 5 mm. With these knitting needles we knit further 22. 24. 27. 29. 31 p.

We decorate the armhole. We close the loops on the right exactly as on the back. We knit further on the remaining 29. 30. 32. 33. 35 p. At a distance of 78. 90. 102. 110. 122 p. from the beginning of knitting, at an armhole height of cm.

We make out the neck. At a distance of p. from the beginning of knitting, at a height from the beginning of the armhole 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 cm, on the left we leave 14 loops waiting, then we close in every second row:

4 years and 6 years old: 3 times 1 loop;
8 l.: 1 p. 2 p., 2 p. 1 p.;
10 l.: 2 p. 2 p., 1 p. 1 p.;
12 l.: 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 1 p.

Shoulder. We close the same way as for the back.

Right shelf

On knitting needles with a thickness of 4.5 mm. for the right shelf we collect 23. 25. 28. 30. 32 loops. We knit with an elastic band 2 faces. / 2 out. 4 cm, for all five sizes, start with three facial stitches. Next, we continue to knit with facial stitch on knitting needles with a thickness of 5 mm.

We make an armhole. We close on the left at a height ( cm) in the same way as on the back. We continue to knit on the remaining p. When the armhole reaches a height of cm, that is, p. from the beginning of knitting - we continue to knit with a pattern Cross elastic band on all loops.

We make the neck. At a height of cm from the beginning of the armhole, rows from the beginning of knitting, leave 14 p. on the left, then close on the right in every second row:

4 years and 6 years: 1 time for 3 loops, 3 times for 1 loop;
8 l.: 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 2 p. 1 p.;
10 l.: 1 p. 3 p. 2 p. 2 p., 1 p. 1 p.;
12 years: 2 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 1 p.

Shoulder: Close in the same way as for the back.

Sleeve right

We collect on knitting needles with a thickness of 4.5 mm. - 34. 34. 36. 40 loops. We knit with an elastic band 2 l. / 2 out. 4 cm, that is, 12 rows. Next, we continue with the front surface on the knitting needles of thicknesses. 5 mm. At a distance of 9 cm, that is, 22 p., we add on both sides, 2 loops to the edge of the sleeve:

4 y.: 4 times 1 loop in each 8th row;
6 l.
8 l.: 5 p. 1 p. in every 10th p.;
10 years: 4 p. 1 p. in each. 10th p., 2 p. 1 p. in each. 8th p.;
12 l.: 5 p. 1 p. in each 10th p., 2 p. 1 p. in each. 8th p. At the same time, at a distance of 26. 28. 30. 34. 38 rows - that is, 10. 11. 12. 14. 16 cm from the beginning of the sleeve (after 1. 1. 1. 2. 2 additions) we knit 16 16. 17. 19. 20 p. smooth, then 10. 10. 10. 12. 13 p. We continue to knit in this way.

At a distance of 48. 50. 52. 60. 64 rows - that is, 20. 20. 24. 26. 28 cm, we finish the front ch. on all p. On the received 42. 44. 46. 50. 54 p. at a distance of 24. 27. 31. 35. 38 p. We will do this by closing on each side. in every second row:

4 y.: 1 time for 2 p., 7 times for 1 p., 1 time for 2 p., 1 time for 3 p. and stop. 14 p.
6 l.: 1 time for 2 p., 8 p. 1 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 3 p., and rest. 14 p.
8 l.: 2 p. 2 p., 7 p. 1 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 3 p., and rest. 14 p.
10 l.: 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 8 p. 1 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 3 p., and rest. 14 p.
12 years: 1 p. 3 p., 2 p. 2 p., 6 p. 1 p., 2 p. 2 p., 1 p. 3 p., and ost 14 p.

Sleeve left

We knit in the same way as the right one, only at a distance of 26. 28. 30. 34. 38 rows (10. 11. 12. 14. 16 cm) from the beginning of the sleeve, after 1. 1. 1. 2. 2 additions, we knit 10. 10. 10. 12. 13 p. front ch., then 10. 10. 11. 11. 11 p. wrong side, 16. 16. 17. 19. 20 p. At a distance of p. ( cm) finish in the same way as the right sleeve.


In the diagram, the arrow shows the direction of knitting. We return to the 14 loops of the left shelf, which were waiting. We knit 2 persons. p., 12 p. pattern Cross elastic band, adding faces. satin right, :

4 years: in each 2nd row - 2 times 2 p., 1 time 1 p., 1 time 10 p., then 1 p. To the edge in each 2nd p. - 1 time for 1 p., in every 4th p. - 5 times for 1p.
6 l.: in every 2nd p. 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 1 p., 1 p. 10 p., then 1 p. to the edge in each 2nd p. - 1 p. 1 p., in every 4th p. - 5 p. 1 p.
8 years: in every 2nd p. 1 p. 3 p., 2 p. 2 p., 1 p. 11 p., then 1 p. to the edge in each 2nd p. - 1 p. 1 p., in every 4th p. - 5 p. 1 p.
10 l.: in every 2nd p. 2 p. 3 p., 2 p. 1 p., 1 p. 11 p., then 1 p. to the edge in each 2nd p. 1 p. 1 p., in every 4th p. 5 p. 1 p.
12 years: in every 2nd p. 1 p. 4 p., 1 p. 3 p., 2 p. 1 p., then 1 p. to the edge in each 2nd p. 1 p. 1 p., in every 4th 5 p. 1 p.

Then on the received 35. 36. 38. 39. 41 p. we knit 21. 23. 25. 25. 27 rows. Further on the right, we leave in anticipation in every 2nd p. 5 p. 1 p., 2 p. 2 p. Next, return to the loops in anticipation in each 2nd p. lift 2 p. 2 p., 5 p. 1 p each. At the same time, at the height of the left side 24. 26. 26. 27. 29 cm, that is, 54. 58. 58. 60. 64 p. knit 22. 18. 22. 18. 18 p. pattern Cross elastic on all loops, then finish by doing 12 p.

When all p. have been raised from the expectation, we perform 22. 24. 26. 26. 28 p. on all p., then on the right we decrease for 1 p. to the edge:

4 y.: in every 4th p. 6 p. 1 p., then close in each 2nd p. 1 p. 10 p., 1 p. 1 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 3 p.
6 l.: in every 4th p. 6 p. 1 p., then close. in every 2nd p. 1 p. 10 p., 1 p. 1 p., 1 p. 2 p., 1 p. 4 p.
10 years: in every 4th p. 6 p. 1 p., then close. in every 2nd p. 1 p. 11 p., 2 p. 1 p., 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 4 p.
12 years: in every 4th p. 6 p. 1 p., then close. in every 2nd p. 1 p. 12 p., 2 p. 1 p., 1 p. 3 p., 1 p. 5 p.

Right shelf trim

Continue with Cross Stitch on remaining 13 sts. At a distance of rows ( cm) we close all the loops.


2 pockets knit from the top. We collect on knitting needles with a thickness of 4.5 mm 18. 18. 20. 20. 22 p., And we knit 5 rows with an elastic band 2 persons / 2 out. Perform 7. 7. 8. 8. 9 p. front gl., 4 p. At a distance of p. (10. 10. 11. 11. 12 cm) we close all the loops.


The jacket is assembled in this way: connect the shoulder seams, fold the hood, and sew the seam so that points A coincide (on the pattern). Next, sew it along the edge of the edging. Sew half of the zipper on the left shelf. Next, sew the 2nd half of the zipper onto the right shelf, sew the edging (the last 13 sts of the hood) along the shelf. Sew the sleeves into the armholes. Sew sleeve seams and side seams. Sew pockets on the shelves, marking the location at cm from the bottom of the pullover. Sew on pockets with 1 button.

On the video: knitting for boys, sweater for 2 years with a pattern of jacquard patterns.