When is retirement age for men? Retirement age for women in Russia for different categories of citizens - general and grace periods. Conditions for establishing preferential seniority for retirement

proposed by the government. However, it will take place taking into account the adjustments proposed in Vladimir Putin's address to the citizens of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2018. All planned changes from 2019 already provided for by Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, signed by the President.(text below).

Retirement age law from 2019

In his televised address in August 2018, the President noted that in Russia “the attitude towards women is special, careful”, therefore, on his instructions, the Cabinet of Ministers prepared an amendment to the bill, which provided for reducing the retirement age for women by 3 years relative to the 63 years proposed in the original version - i.e. up to 60 years old, as well as having three and four children. Further fate of the bill (in the second and third readings in the State Duma).

Will implement gradually from January 1, 2019. Given the mitigation of the rate of increase in the standard age in the first 2 years, the changes for women will be implemented as follows:

According to the proposed schedule, the increase in the retirement age will affect all citizens who, as of January 1, 2019 not yet in time to retire under the old law (women who are under 55 at the beginning of 2019).

This means that the retirement age will be raised in one way or another for all women (with the exception of early-age workers) who in 2019 will be 55 years old or less- and this. A pension from the age of 60 will be assigned to those women who turn 55 in 2023 and later.

Retirement schedule by year from 2019 for women

Date of reaching 55 years of ageHow many years will retirement be delayed?Retirement age under the new lawWhat year will you retire
2018 - 55 2018
1st half of 2019+ 0.5 55.5 2nd half of 2019
2nd half of 2019+ 0.5 55.5 1st half of 2020
1st half of 2020+ 1.5 56.5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 2020+ 1.5 56.5 1st half of 2022
2021 + 3 58 2024
2022 + 4 59 2026
2023 and later + 5 60 2028 etc.


  • Those women who Turns 55 in 2019 are already subject to the transitional provisions of the new law. For them, retirement will be delayed by 6 months - they will be able to make payments when they reach 55.5 years (respectively, in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020).
  • To those who have 55th anniversary will be in 2020, the increase relative to the old standards will be 1.5 years (instead of 2 years according to the schedule proposed by the Government). They will be able to make pension payments in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2020, respectively, when they reach the age of 56.5 years.
  • To those who Turns 55 between 2021 and 2022, an intermediate value of the retirement age will be established, taking into account the annual increase by 1 year - 58-59 years.
  • Women who 55 years will be in 2023 and later, will retire already according to the final standards of the new law - at 60 years old. They will be able to make payments starting from 2028, etc.

New table of retirement from 2019 by year - women from 60 years old

As noted earlier, women will fall under the action in Russia, since 1964 year of birth, since they will reach the age of 55 after the amendments to the pension legislation.

But since the new law provides for conditions for retirement, some women will be subject to intermediate provisions (2019-2026) - for them, the age of payment will be less than 60 years old.

You can determine in which year women of a particular year of birth will retire after 2018 using the following table:

Retirement table from 2019 by year for women


  • For women born in 1964 the so-called "working period" will be extended by 6 months (i.e. until reaching the age of 55.5), as they fall under the transitional provisions of the law.
  • For women born in 1965 the retirement date will be delayed by 1.5 years, i.е. until reaching 56.5 years.
  • For women born in 1966 and 1967 the rate of increase in the retirement age standards will be greater - an increase of 1 year annually. Payment processing for them will be delayed for 3 and 4 years, respectively.
  • Women born in 1968 and later will draw up a pension from the age of 60 - for them the final value of the retirement age will be set.

Retirement of mothers with many children

The new law provides for the possibility of having three or four children. Such a change was adopted at the proposal of the President - the amendment was considered and approved in the second reading by the Parliament of the bill on pension changes from 2019. The final content of the law was adopted on September 27, 2018 during the third reading, signed by V. Putin on October 3 and officially published on October 4.

In his address to the citizens of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2018, Vladimir Putin noted the need to provide such benefits to mothers of large families according to the following scheme:

  • if a woman has three children, then she will be able to 3 years earlier than the generally established retirement age make pension payments;
  • if four children, then 4 years ahead of schedule;
  • if there are 5 or more children, the current legislation already provides for such mothers retirement at 50.

The age of early retirement will be determined based on the final retirement age - those. from 60 years old. This means that women with many children will be able to make payments ahead of schedule. only upon reaching 56/57 years (for three/four children, respectively).

  • Women will be the first to leave early on preferential terms Born in 1965 with 4 children(in 2021 upon reaching the age of 56, when the general retirement age for women born in 1965 will be 57 years).
  • The following will be able to take advantage of early payouts women born in 1966 with 4 children also at the age of 56 (they will retire in 2022, while on a general basis, women born in 1966 will retire in 2024 at the age of 58, and if they have 3 children, in 2023 at the age of 57).
  • And so on.

Has the law on a pension at 60 been adopted for a woman in Russia?

О lowering the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years old announced by President Vladimir Putin during his address to citizens, which took place on August 29, 2018. An amendment to the bill containing such adjustments was prepared by the Government - on September 26, 2018, it was already unanimously approved by the deputies of the State Duma.

The final form of the law on raising the retirement age in Russia was adopted by the State Duma September 27, 2018. This law () was signed by the President on October 3.

According to the procedure provided for by Russian legislation, the consideration of the Government bill passed all required steps:

  1. Until September 24, 2018 was held collection of amendments to the bill which were considered in the second reading. Among those approved by the Parliament, the following can be distinguished:
    • Introduction of an amendment proposing a reduction in the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years.
    • Enshrining in the law the new order proposed by the Government with rates above the level of inflation (on average).
    • Fixing the concept of “pre-retirement age” in legislation in order to oblige employers to notify the Ministry of Labor of the dismissal of older employees.
    • The advanced training program for citizens of pre-retirement age, to finance which the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population proposes to allocate about 5 billion rubles annually.
    • An increase in the transition period in the first 2 years of the reform (i.e., a decrease in the rate at which the normative value of the age will increase annually), etc.

      The final list of amendments to the law was considered by deputies during the second reading - September 26, 2018

  2. During the second and third readings, the deputies considered and voted for the proposed amendments, as a result of which the parameters proposed by the Government for raising the retirement age for women and men were adjusted.
  3. After the draft law was finally adopted by the State Duma, it was approved by the Federation Council and signed by President Vladimir Putin on October 3. Further, the final law was officially published, and the entry into force of the law took place as of January 1, 2019.

Retirement of men in Russia (as well as women) is regulated by federal law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On insurance pensions”. In the near future, the authorities plan to raise the age for receiving old-age benefits for most categories of citizens. The proposed reform project has been submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation to the State Duma and will be considered and possibly adopted by the end of this year, 2019.

What time do men retire?

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three main types of labor (insurance) pension - for old age, due to a disability or for the loss of a breadwinner (in the event that a proven fact of being a dependent and an insured person is established). According to the eighth article of the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the following requirements must be met in order to assign an old-age benefit:

  1. A man must reach a certain age.
  2. The insured person has the required minimum length of service.
  3. Required pension coefficient (calculated in pension points for length of service, work in difficult conditions and in hazardous industries, etc.)

Under current legislation, the previously required minimum five-year work experience for receiving old-age benefits has been increased. This concept includes periods when the employer paid insurance premiums for a citizen (a certain percentage of income) to the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia). In the period from 2015 to 2019, the length of service required for the appointment of a pension increased to 9 years, by 2024 it will be increased to 15 years of work.

The retirement age for different categories of male citizens comes depending on their type of activity, working conditions, place of residence, etc. There are separate conditions for receiving old-age benefits for civil servants, privileged categories of citizens (working in the Far North or in hazardous industries), the unemployed, etc.

Retirement age for men in Russia

The generally established age for receiving old-age insurance (labor) benefits under the law “On Insurance Pensions” for men today is 60 years. In a separate order, the start time for receiving a pension is calculated for persons permanently living and working in the Far North and areas equated to it:

  • With a work experience of 7.5 years, the retirement age for one year of work is reduced by 4 months.
  • Pensions are awarded after 15 years of service.
  • Each year of work in areas equivalent to the conditions of the Far North is equal to 9 months of work in the Far North.

The age of assignment of the "northern" pension to men, depending on the length of service and the period of work in the Far North and areas equivalent to it:

In other countries

The retirement age of a man in Europe and the world comes according to local legislation at different times. Comparison of this indicator of developed countries is presented in the table:

Each country decides on the retirement age in accordance with its legislation, based on demographic trends. A number of countries, such as Japan, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Finland, have made this figure high (from 67 to 70 for men). The United States, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and others follow average retirement ages for men (62 to 65). Countries with socially oriented policies and economies, such as France or Turkey, do not raise the age for receiving old-age benefits above 60 years.

Preferential pension

The retirement age for men, according to Article 32 of the Law "On Insurance Pensions", may come ahead of schedule under the following favorable circumstances:

  1. Disability due to military injury (with experience of 25 years) - 55.
  2. Visual disability (with experience of 15 years) - 50.
  3. Lilliputians or dwarfs (with an experience of 20 years) - 45.
  4. When working in the conditions of the Far North and areas equated to it (with experience from 15 to 25 years) - 55.

When working in difficult and especially difficult conditions, which caused or did not entail loss of health (for example, under the condition of a man-made disaster), the retirement age for men is calculated according to the length of service according to the following principles:

When calculating preferential labor pensions, the time of residence and work in difficult conditions, documented facts of health injuries, and type of activity are taken into account. Articles 30 and 31 of the Law "On Insurance Pensions" describe in detail the list of relevant professions, working conditions and job options for which an early retirement pension is due.

The issue of accrual, payment and age for registration of pensions is of interest to every resident of the country. Will it be increased? How many men and women will be able to live up to retirement age in Ukraine? After all, a pension is often the only income of an ordinary Ukrainian in old age. A person can no longer work as before, so he is looking forward to the moment when he can draw up a pension he has earned.

Raising the retirement age

International creditors may put forward a demand to Ukraine to raise the retirement age to 65 years. This is due to the growth of the "hole" in the budget of the Pension Fund, which could not be closed by the pension reform.

In order to carry out the indexation of pensions provided for by law, in 2019 the deficit of the Pension Fund was increased to UAH 157 billion (up to UAH 139 billion last year).

Last December, when it became finally clear what the deficit of the Pension Fund would be, the authorized persons of the World Bank stated that Ukraine could not escape the revision of the pension reform and raising the retirement age to 65 years.

What is the experience like?

Ukrainians were taught to distinguish between the concepts of “work experience” and “insurance experience”. For the first, you need to work, and for the second, you need to make all the calculations to the pension fund.

After the start of the implementation of the pension reform, the population had a lot of questions about how these retirement norms now look in practice.

  1. Preferential experience. Such length of service is credited to those who worked at enterprises for a full time and faced harmful and dangerous working conditions. Enterprises with such production costs are listed in the lists approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  2. Insurance experience. This type of experience is a certain period of time during which a person was subject to compulsory state pension insurance and for which monthly contributions were paid in an amount not less than the minimum insurance premium (Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Pension Insurance").
  3. Special experience. Special length of service looks like the total duration of a certain labor activity in the relevant types of work, giving the right to early appointment of a labor pension.
  4. General (work) experience. This is the experience that works in most cases. It is calculated according to the entries in the work book. Work experience may include such concepts as general, preferential and special work experience. In the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision", the concept of total work experience is mainly used to distinguish it from the length of service that gives the right to benefits for the appointment of a pension.

It is known that the seniority, which was earned before January 2004, is automatically equated to the insurance experience. It is also worth noting that after the introduction of the insurance period from January 1, 2004, it did not matter how many people actually worked. Now it is taken into account during what period and how much the employer paid for the employee to the Pension Fund.

It is also known that from January 1, 2019, citizens got the opportunity to retire at the age of 60, 63 or 65 for a well-deserved rest. This age depends on the number of accumulated years of insurance experience in labor activity.

Retirement age in Ukraine

The law that introduces pension reform in Ukraine and changes the retirement age will be introduced in stages.

Changes that await Ukrainians:

Retirement age

Insurance experience


Retirement age in Ukraine for women, table

Date of Birth


Retirement period

First half of 1962


Until the end of December 2017

Second half of 1962


Until the end of 2018

First half of 1963


Until the end of 2019

Second half of 1963


Until the end of 2020

First half of 1964


Until the end of 2021

Second half 1964 and younger


Until the end of 2022

Starting from 2028, the insurance period must be at least 35 years.

The size of the old-age pension since January 2019 is UAH 1,669.20, which is the minimum amount that a pensioner can receive. Those who worked and managed to earn experience will receive 1% for each year.

All Ukrainians who have reached the age of 63 and have earned the established insurance experience can count on 40% of the minimum wage, but not less than 1497 UAH. When the minimum wage is increased, this amount will automatically increase.

Old-age pension, or how will the changes affect pensions?

So at what age do people retire in Ukraine?

According to Part 1 of Art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance” dated 09.07.2003 No. 1058-IV provides, in particular, that from January 1, 2019, persons have the right to receive an old-age pension upon reaching the age of 60 years and with an insurance record of at least 26 years.

In the absence of the required insurance period of 26 years as of 01.01.2019, a person acquires the right to an old-age pension after reaching the age of 63 and with an insurance period of 16 to 26 years.

In the event of an insurance period of 15 to 16 years, a person acquires the right to an old-age pension after reaching the age of 65 years.

Retirement age in Ukraine and the world

There are 12 million pensioners for every 10 million working population in the country. This is a fairly large difference, which contributes to the deficit in the Pension Fund. Therefore, the state is forced to take decisive action to reduce the number of people dependent on state pension benefits.

In America and Europe, over the next thirty years, they plan to move to a retirement age of 70 years. Citizens of retirement age are strongly encouraged to work as long as possible. So in Japan, for example, the later you go on a well-deserved rest, the higher the pension.

The pension depends on the minimum wage and cannot be less than the minimum level. This means that it will automatically increase with the growth of these indicators.

At what age to retire in Ukraine, everyone decides for himself, based on individual characteristics, but the minimum age and length of service are prescribed by law. Upon reaching the retirement age, a Ukrainian can apply for a pension at any time convenient for him. The law does not specify the maximum allowable time.

Retirement age in Ukraine and preferential pensions: is there a connection?

The changes also affected the privileged categories of citizens:

  1. Teachers. The retirement age of an educator depends on his age and special experience. The mandatory experience for a teacher is 30 years. Employees in the field of education and health after reaching the age of 55 and with a special length of service are entitled to a pension for years of service. From April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, the seniority pension must be at least 27 years and 6 months of service. All changes occur gradually so that they do not cause shock and indignation. If there is not enough experience or age, teachers are offered to refine.
  2. UBD. According to clause 3 of the Final Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance”, combatants enjoy the right to early retirement. "Afghans" For this category, the retirement age of women in Ukraine is 50 and the length of service is 20 years. For men, respectively - 55 and 25 years. When applying for a pension, it is imperative to provide a document on participation in hostilities.
  3. Miners. According to Art. 14 of the Law on Pensions, employees directly employed full-time in underground and open-pit mining operations related to the extraction of coal, slate, ore and other minerals, in the construction of mines and mines, are entitled to a pension regardless of age if they have been employed in these works for at least 25 years, and employees of leading professions in these works (burrowers, jackhammer drivers, mining machine operators) - if they have been employed in these jobs for at least 20 years. Women with less than 7 years of experience in the industry and men with less than 10 years of experience can have their retirement age reduced by the same amount.
  4. Disabled. According to Art. 25 of the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision", disability pensions due to an industrial injury or occupational disease are assigned regardless of the length of service. At the same time, for disabled people of II, II and III groups of general illness, a prerequisite for issuing disability pension payments is the presence of a certain insurance period. So, for example, a person with a disability of groups II and III at the age of 56 must have at least 14 years of experience. If a disability is assigned to a citizen who has already reached retirement age, 15 years of service is enough for him.
  5. military personnel. In 2019, pensions will be recalculated for military personnel who are 65 years old and have a work record of 35 years for men and 30 for women. The increase in pensions will be from 15% to 40%.

You can count on a preferential pension:

  • Women over 45 with at least half of the minimum 15 years of work experience in a mine.
  • Men over 50 with at least half of the minimum 20 years of work experience in a mine.
  • Women who have raised 5 or more children or who have been disabled since childhood have the right to retire at the age of 55.

The main conditions for the appointment of preferential pensions:

  • availability and duration of special (preferential) work experience;
  • reaching a certain (preferential) age;
  • confirmation of the relevant working conditions of the employee based on the results of attestation of the workplace.

The retirement age has not been changed for:

  1. Dwarfs.
  2. The visually handicapped.
  3. Ukrainians who participated in military conflicts.
  4. Citizens working in industries with increased hazard.

The legally established age at which citizens can apply for state-guaranteed financial security. The general principles of legal regulation in Russia of issues related to the retirement age are regulated in two fundamental documents:

1. Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” (No. 173-FZ);

2. Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision” (No. 166-FZ).

Retirement age in Russia.

First retirement age in the Russian open spaces was appointed in 1932 (that is, back in the USSR). Currently, it is fixed separately for women (from 55) and men (from 60), but will change until 2021. This is due to changes in the Federal Law No. 173. Retirement age for women will change in stages, eventually reaching the figure of 60 years.

1) mothers with fifteen years of work experience who have five or more children, whom they raised until they reached the age of eight;

2) citizens with a work experience of 20 or more years who became disabled due to injuries received during military operations;

3) women from the age of 40, and men - from 50, who are visually impaired group I, with a work experience of 20 years or more;

4) father or mother of a disabled child (provided that he was raised up to 8 years);

5) citizens working in the Far North;

6) people with very rare diseases (in particular, Lilliputians) who have a disability (from the age of 40 or 45 years).

The recently developed pension reform provides, as part of its implementation, early retirement status for other categories of people working underground, in harmful and dangerous working conditions. A request to become a pensioner ahead of schedule will be able to submit citizens who have been laid off on a reduction.

Law No. 4468-1 regulates some pension features for the category of military personnel. For them, a retirement pension is maintained. The right is given to military personnel who have worked in their position for 20 years or more. Law No. 173 guarantees early retirement for teachers who have worked in educational institutions for 25 years or more. For ballerinas, early retirement comes with the acquisition of fifteen years of experience on stage. For the stewardess category - 20.

Retirement age in 2015: briefly about the changes.

The reform of the pension system from 2013 to 2015 is characterized by the presence of many advantages. The most important among them remains the introduction of a funded savings system. Russia managed to create a favorable climate for accumulation.

Size old-age pensions leaving later than the statutory deadline, according to the new system is calculated using the premium coefficient. Citizens receive special points for each month from the day the right to pension arises. They are determined on the basis of a fixed salary. The higher premium coefficient guarantees an increased amount of the insurance pension.

Summary of retirement age premium rates.

Number of full months that have elapsed since the date of the emergence of the right to an insurance pension

For a fixed payout

For insurance old-age and survivor's pension

Retirement age 2016

On September 17 of the previous year, the Ministry of Finance of Russia put forward a proposal to continue raising retirement age in 2016. Having previously made the necessary calculations, the ministry announced a colossal saving of public funds (620 billion - 1.3 trillion rubles). The government has not yet made a final decision. Social Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets on the air of the RBC TV channel managed to declare that the government plans in the near future do not include fundamental changes in this direction. , according to the Deputy Prime Minister, until 2018 it will practically not change. From 2017, the changes in retirement will affect only civil servants.

Retirement age in the world.

After analyzing the legislation of the countries of the world, we can conclude that retirement age in most world practices, it is set in the range from 50 to 65 years. In Ukraine it is 55 (women) and 60 (men), in Kazakhstan - 58/63, in Israel - 62/67, in China - 50/60.

The old-age pension refers to the measures of social protection of citizens, guaranteed by the state. The right to receive it is associated with reaching the age after which the working capacity and productivity of a person decreases. However, in addition to the general grounds, there are many nuances that allow you to go on a well-deserved rest earlier.

For retirement, not only age is important, but also seniority.

In our country, the right to a pension for men arises later than for women. The standard age for men to retire today is 60 years. After that, the employee is entitled to financial support from the outside.

At the same time, many men work in harmful or hazardous conditions throughout their lives. This inevitably affects their health, so the law provides for the possibility of early recognition as a pensioner.

Achieving old age alone is not enough to qualify for a pension. In addition, you must have a certain length of service and accumulate pension points. If all conditions are met, the pension is assigned after applying to the Pension Fund.

Early retirement

Retirement after work in the Far North

The regions of the Far North and territories equated to them are characterized by difficult living conditions. In this regard, people living and working there are entitled not only to increased wages, but also to pension benefits. These include both increased pensions and earlier retirement. At the same time, the right to early retirement appears after a certain number of years spent in these regions. After working out the necessary experience, whether a person still lives in the North or not does not matter.

For each year worked in the North, the retirement age is reduced by 4 months annually. In order for the rule to take effect, a total of at least 7.5 years is required. The minimum age at which men can apply early is 55 years. To do this, it is necessary to work for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North or 20 years in areas equivalent to them. When the total "northern" experience is not enough, the retirement age is calculated in proportion to the existing one. So, with an experience of 7.5 years, men receive the right to a pension at 57 years 8 months, with an experience of 8 years at 57 years 4 months. etc.

Northern experience does not include:

  • advanced training lasting more than 6 months;
  • unpaid leave;
  • period of child care;
  • the period when a person was unemployed or received other social benefits.

Men who were engaged in reindeer herding, fishing or commercial hunting can retire at 50 if their work experience is at least 25 years.

Special working conditions

Retirement has its own characteristics, depending on working conditions.

The working conditions of people of different professions are strikingly different. It is not uncommon for people to work in hazardous or hazardous environments – underground, under water, high temperatures, explosive or toxic substances, etc. Also, military personnel, teachers, doctors, public transport drivers are included in the preferential lists.

There is a gradation of professions into especially difficult and harmful conditions and simply difficult ones. In accordance with the lists of such professions, men have the right to early retirement at 50 or 55 years. At the same time, the duration of work in special conditions should be at least 10 or 12.5 years, respectively. The total duration of labor activity must be at least 20 or 25 years, respectively.

Also, some categories of disabled people and persons with pituitary dwarfism (dwarfs and midgets) have the right to early retirement.

Unemployed near retirement age

It can be difficult for people who have lost their jobs shortly before retirement age to find a job again. If it was associated with a reduction in staff or the liquidation of an enterprise, employment service employees may offer to retire early. In addition to the reason for dismissal, several conditions must be met:

  • the unemployed person has no more than two years before receiving the old-age pension. For those who retire on general grounds, this is an age of less than 58 years. If a man has a “northern” experience, he will be able to retire early at the age of 53;
  • the citizen is recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure;
  • the employment service was unable to help him with employment;
  • the work experience of a man is not less than 25 years.

Subject to all these conditions, the employment service specialist issues a referral with which the unemployed must contact the Pension Fund department within a month and write an application for an early pension. After they reach retirement age, the payment of early pension is terminated, and the person begins to receive an old-age insurance pension. The payment of a pension is also suspended if a person finds a job or registers an individual entrepreneur.

Pension for civil servants

In 2026, the retirement age for men in the civil service will be 65.

If for the majority of citizens the issue of raising the retirement age is not yet beyond the scope of bureaucratic offices, then for civil servants this has already become a reality.

Starting from 2017, the retirement age for them has been regularly increased by six months. In 2018, it was 61 years for men. The increase for men is planned to be completed in 2026, when the retirement age will be 65 years.

Civil servants include persons holding positions in state and municipal organizations, including employment agencies, judicial and executive authorities, the federal treasury and the tax service, etc. The increase in the retirement age of education workers, as well as ordinary employees of public services - cleaners, programmers, etc., did not affect.

In proportion to the retirement age, the minimum, giving the right to old-age benefits and supplements to it, increases. To the initial figure of 15 years, 6 months will be added annually until this value reaches 20 years. In 2018, the required length of service is 16 years.

The increased retirement age applies only to the period of work in government bodies. If an employee quits before the retirement age, but having reached the national retirement age, he can count on the old-age insurance pension.

Registration of a pension

Previously, issues related to the registration of pensions were dealt with by specialists from the personnel department, today citizens do it personally. It is better to start preparing documents for visiting the pension fund in advance. This is especially true for those who have grounds for early retirement.

If any inaccuracies are found in the papers, they will have to be eliminated. Until then, the pension will not be assigned.


It is necessary to apply to the PFR department at the place of registration or at the place of actual residence (if the future pensioner is registered in another locality). It is also possible to apply through the MFC or issue it in your personal account on the PFR website. To assign a pension, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport;
  • work book. It is necessary to check all records: the absence of blots, signatures and seals, the completeness of the display of experience. If inconsistencies are found: the absence of a record of a certain period of work, a change in the name of the organization without a record of this in the work book, uncertified corrections, etc. confirmation requests will be required. If the company where the person worked at that time closed, the request is sent to the archive. An employee of the pension fund can suggest where and how to send a request.
  • a certificate of salary for any 60 consecutive months in the period up to 2002. It can be omitted, in which case the Pension Fund will take into account earnings for 2000-2001.

In addition, additional documents may be required. Most often, they are needed to confirm the right to early retirement. These include documents on dependents, on changing the full name, certificates on the special nature of the work, on residence in the Far North, etc.

The application will be considered within 10 days.

An employee of the Pension Fund is given 10 days to consider the application and make a decision on the appointment of a pension. In addition to reaching the retirement age, 2 conditions must be met:

  • have the minimum required insurance experience. In 2018, it is 9 years old and increases every year. In 2024, the insurance period will reach the planned 15 years;
  • have the required number of pension points. In 2018, the figure must be at least 13.8. The maximum value of 30 points will be reached in 2025.

A pension is assigned from the date of application, but not earlier than the moment the right to it arises. If during the initial application the list of documents is incomplete, the applicant has three months to collect the missing information.

If a person does not have the necessary length of service, he can only count on a social pension. At the same time, the right to receive it appears in men only at the age of 65. As a rule, its size does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the region.

Payout amount

To date, the amount of the insurance pension is calculated according to the formula:


  • VP - the amount of the pension;
  • FS - a fixed amount;
  • K - premium coefficients for a later vacation;
  • IPB - individual pension points accumulated by a person,
  • SB - fixed cost of one point.

You can find out the number of accumulated points on the PFR website or through the State Services portal.

Payment of a pension

The pensioner himself chooses which of the three methods of receiving money is preferable for him:

  • through a bank. You can receive money at the cash desk of the institution or withdraw from an ATM;
  • through the Russian Post. Money is received at the branch, or at the request of the applicant, they are delivered to the house;
  • through an intermediary organization providing pension delivery services. A list of them can be obtained from the FIU.

Also, a pensioner can appoint a trusted person to receive money.

Postponement of retirement

Despite the right to take a well-deserved rest, some pensioners continue to work after retirement.

It should be noted that there are two options for postponing retirement:

  1. The person has issued a pension, but continues to work. In this case, he continues to make contributions to the Pension Fund, from which the final pension is subsequently formed. However, regular indexation of pensions does not affect him. The right to its restoration appears only after the pensioner completely stops working.
  2. A real delay, when a person has the right to apply for an old-age pension, including early, but does not use this opportunity. As an incentive for making such a decision, a system of premium coefficients of pension points is used. There is also an increase in the fixed part of payments. Thus, by refusing to immediately apply for a pension, a person can count on its significant increase in a few years.

Also, pensioners who voluntarily refuse to receive a pension can count on the accrual of bonus points. The grace period must be at least 12 months, after which it becomes possible to write an application for the resumption of payments.

Which option is more profitable must be calculated in each case. In general, we can say that postponing retirement is more beneficial for people with high wages.

The first to be affected by the increase in the retirement age are civil servants.

Talks about the need to increase the retirement age have been going on for a long time. This is due to the fact that the working-age population is declining at a rapid pace. It is also no secret that many employers pay part of their salaries “in envelopes” to employees, without making contributions to the Pension Fund in full.

As a result, the fund's resources are not enough to fulfill obligations to the elderly. Legislators consider raising the retirement age as one of the ways to solve the problem.

However, there is still no consensus among the ministries on this issue. The Ministry of Labor insists that the retirement age should be 60 for women and 65 for men. The Ministry of Finance insists on 63 years for women and 65 for men.

So far, the increase in the retirement age has affected only civil servants. There is an opinion that in this way there is a “run-in” of the reform for other categories of citizens.

The solution of this issue still remains only at the stage of discussion in ministerial offices. The meeting was supposed to take place at the end of May, but again they did not come to a consensus. The question of the economic benefits of the upcoming increase in the retirement age is facing predictable social discontent. In addition, experts predict that this may lead to an increase in unemployment and the departure of young people to the "gray" sector of the economy, which also does not contribute to replenishment.

At the moment, it is difficult to say whether the retirement age will begin to increase in 2019, as originally planned. However, the lack of even a draft version of the bill and the forthcoming difficulties in its discussion and approval suggest that the increase in the retirement age is being postponed for another year.

Retirement age in other countries

The heated debate around raising the retirement age and the dissatisfaction of Russians with the very prospect of such changes make us pay attention to similar indicators in some other countries:

  • Denmark: 67 years for all;
  • Belarus: now 56 for women and 61 for men. A phased increase began in 2017. It is planned to raise the retirement age to 58 for women and 63 for men;
  • Finland: 65 for all;
  • USA - 65 years for all;
  • Greece: 60 for women, 65 for men;
  • Japan: 70 years for all.

Today, Russia has one of the lowest retirement ages in the world. The current figures were established in the 30s of the last century.

It should be noted that in many countries pension reforms have been carried out in recent years. Demographic problems and the “aging” of the nation are a global trend. In many countries, a gradual increase in the retirement age is currently underway or is being considered.

It is worth noting that countries with a high retirement threshold also have a long life expectancy and a high level of social security. So, in Japan, people on average live up to 82 years. Thus, after retirement, most Japanese expect at least 12 years of life. While in Russia at the moment the average life expectancy does not even reach 70 years. Therefore, when raising the retirement age to 65, many men risk simply not living up to it.

The payment of old-age pensions is one of the measures of social support for the population, which can no longer earn a living by their own labor. However, due to the economic crisis and the demographic situation in the country, the budget lacks funds to fulfill its obligations to senior citizens. As a way to solve the problem, it is proposed to raise the retirement age. But this issue is still under discussion.

Watch the video about the new retirement schedule: