Children about Easter and Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday. History and traditions of the holiday. Do's and Don'ts on Palm Sunday

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world, speech development, native nature and manual labor in the senior, preparatory group, topic: "Palm Sunday"


To acquaint children with the history of the holiday, with folk rituals and customs.
Continue to learn to expressively recite the poem by heart.
Clarify knowledge about the willow tree.
Teach children how to make crafts from paper and waste material.
Dictionary: Palm Sunday.
Develop memory, curiosity, fine motor skills.
Cultivate accuracy and perseverance.


Pictures depicting the biblical story "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem", with willow branches.
Cotton buds, wooden barbecue skewers, light brown paper, scissors, glue stick.
Audio player, audio recordings: Blagovest (bell ringing), song by E. Frolova to the verses by A. Blok "Palm Sunday".

Lesson progress:

An audio recording of the bell ringing sounds - Blagovest.


Guys, on the upcoming Sunday, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate one of the main Orthodox holidays- "Palm Sunday". It is celebrated a week before Happy Easter. According to the Biblical story, on this day Jesus entered the gates of the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. The townspeople solemnly met him and threw palm branches under his feet - a symbol of peace, tranquility. We do not grow palm trees, so instead of palm branches we use branches of another plant.

Whatever date Palm Sunday falls on, it is always spring holiday. The first tree that blooms in spring is the willow. Therefore, in Rus', the palm branch was replaced by willow branches. The willow is a symbol of the awakening spring. On this day, you can see many people who carry willow branches in their hands, illuminate them in church, decorate their homes with them, go to visit and give them to each other. And let's play a game called "Guests".

Russian folk game "Guests"

The palms are closed in front of the chest, the fingers of the left hand are tightly pressed to the fingers of the right hand.
- Mom mom!
(Little fingers tap each other four times)

What, what, what?
(Three times index fingers tap each other)

The guests are coming!
(Ringing little fingers)

So what?
(Tapping index fingers)

Hello, hello!
(Medium and ring fingers cross twice with the same fingers of the other hand, bypassing them now to the right, then to the left)

Peck, peck, peck!
(Guests kiss, middle and ring fingers tap on the same fingers of the other hand)


Do you know that willow branches were not just given? There is a custom among the people to lightly hit each other with willow branches. It is believed that it will protect from the evil eye and disease. But they do not just beat, but sentence:

Willow, willow,
Willow whip,
Willow whip
Beats to tears.
Willow blue
Doesn't hit hard
Willow is red
Hits in vain
Willow is white
Hits for the job.
Willow whip
Beats to tears.

Let's repeat this sentence all together (repeat 2-3 times).


We remember the sentence. Now we lack only willow branches. Where can we get it?


Cut off the tree. Buy near the church.


I suggest you make your own willow twigs. Let's look at a picture of a willow.

What do willow buds look like?


Willow buds look like fur (down, cotton wool).


You are all right. And in order for us to make a willow branch, I prepared: these are wooden skewers for barbecue, cotton buds, strips of light brown paper. We also need a glue stick. Be careful and careful.

1. Take a skewer and a piece of cotton swab. Insert the tip of the skewer into a cotton swab.
2. Now we will glue a strip of paper with glue.
3. We begin to wrap the paper around the skewer.
4. Insert cotton swabs through the distance and continue wrapping.

Wrap carefully so as not to tear the paper. Our branch is ready.

An audio recording of the song by E. Frolova to the verses of A. Blok "Palm Sunday" sounds.


Before Easter comes
Sunday Palm-
On this day, willow brings
The action is magical!
Early in the morning you pluck
The stick is the longest
After all, willow is our amulet
And the symbol is old.
spring willow twigs
Consecrate in the church
And until next Easter
Save at home!

The consecrated willow branches are placed at home in front of the icons, in a red corner. A year later, they sweep over all the corners in the house and be sure to burn them. And in their place put fresh twigs that will protect the house and household from disease and the evil eye. Let's gather our branches together and put them to decorate our group.

Today, April 1, Eastern Rite Christians celebrate Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The date of the holiday depends on the date of Easter. This is the last day before Holy Week - a period of strict fasting.

According to the scripture, on this day Jesus Christ entered Inerusalim on a young donkey (a symbol of the king's modesty and his non-violent power). The path of Jesus was strewn with palm branches.

But since palm trees do not grow on Slavic land, willow branches have become an attribute of the holiday - which also symbolize the beginning of spring.

Palm Sunday symbolizes the beginning of the suffering of Jesus, as a result of which mankind received the hope of eternal life.


On Saturday night service is held in the churches, to which believers bring willow twigs. In the temple they are sprinkled with holy water. Those who were unable to attend church on Saturday may do so on Sunday.

On this day, people lightly whip each other with willow branches, especially children, saying: “It’s not me who beats - the willow beats, Easter is in a week.”

Also today it is customary to go to cemeteries to clean the graves of their relatives.

Magical power was attributed to the consecrated willow branches. Our ancestors believed that it would protect the house from lightning and fire, and in case of bad weather they threw twigs against the wind - the storm should have died down faster.

To prevent children from getting sick, they were allowed to swallow willow inflorescences.

Upon returning from the church, willow branches were planted in the garden. They believed that when the willow sprouts, the girl will marry, and the guy will marry. Wells were planted with branches - so that the water was good.

Willows were also placed in the coffin of the dead, so that the dead man would cleanse himself and appear before the Almighty already reborn.

People drank willow decoctions for headaches, crushed leaves were applied to wounds.

After the holiday, willow branches were kept for a whole year, and after 12 months they were burned to destroy negative energy.

Photos from open sources

On Palm Sunday, palm bazaars were organized, where they sold various children's toys, books and sweets.

In ancient times, it was believed that if it rains on Palm Sunday, the harvest will be rich, but if it is sunny, you should not count on full barns. We also watched the wind - exactly the same as on this day, it will mainly be throughout the year.

Plant on Palm Sunday indoor plant- you will get rich quickly, and if you think about a dear person, he will definitely come to visit.

What not to do on Palm Sunday

After coming from church, the family usually gathers around the dinner table. It is advisable to serve porridge, lean pastries, buckwheat pancakes for dinner. Fish dishes and some red wine are also allowed.

On this day, you should refuse to repair, clean the house. It is not allowed to sew, embroider, knit.

And on Palm Sunday it is very important not to quarrel, to avoid evil thoughts and actions.

Today Orthodox and Greek Catholics celebrate one of the great church holidays- The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - and marks the beginning of Holy Week. President Petro Poroshenko congratulated Christians on the holiday.

"Palm Sunday" - a story about the holiday for preschool children

Before entering the spring-red, let's take a look at the whole wheel - the circle of the Russian year. A year is not just a time of twelve months. The word "year" says that this is a suitable, pleasing, pleasant, fun time. But we ourselves make it so fit for life, if we know how to turn the days of life into a holiday.
Since ancient times in Rus', spring was considered the beginning of the agricultural year. The arrival of spring for the peasants brought joyful sensations. “I saw fluff on a willow - and spring on a hearth,” says folk wisdom. “If the willow blooms first at the crown, the first sowing will be good, you need to sow early, if the willow is solid, it means a good harvest” (from spring signs for harvest).

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that flourishing, full of energy a tree can convey health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches it. And willow, especially earrings, blossoming buds, were considered healing. Therefore, there was a custom - cattle were driven out to pasture with willow branches. Grandmothers baked fluffy willow buds into bread and treated them to everyone who came to visit. And they called such bread in different ways: some "lamb", and some just bread. They ate, ate, gained strength. And whoever has this loaf with a willow cone will next year happiness is destined. Small children were jokingly whipped with willow branches, saying: “As the willow grows, so do you grow.” Those who were older were whipped harder, but not painfully, saying: “The willow is white - it beats for the cause, the willow is red - it beats in vain, the willow - the whip beats to tears.” They beat me so that the children would grow up healthy.

Even in folk medicine do not forget about the willow. Her kidneys are given to chew for those who have a toothache. After that, the pain subsides.
On Palm Sunday in Rus' arranged willow bazaars or fairs. Often they were called children's, because here you could buy, in addition to willow, all kinds of sweets and toys, whistles, rattles and squeakers. Gradually, palm bazaars became a favorite place for walks for whole families. They were arranged in large areas. Here you could see the performances of wandering artists.
On Palm Sunday they arranged folk games where harnesses, sticks, twigs were used. On this day, the games were called "verb". Cheerful whipping of each other with willow branches took place with all my heart. Those who dropped fluffy willow buds from the twig were eliminated from the game.
The game "Malechin-Kalechina" was interesting. Each player has a willow branch in their hands. The leader was chosen, and everyone said the following words:
How many hours
Remaining until the evening?
Children put twigs on their palms (or on any finger of the hand). The fingers of the other hand could not support the cripple. To prevent the branch from falling, it was necessary to make balancing movements with the hand and the whole body. As soon as the children put the branches, the leader began to count: "One, two, three ...".
The one who held the twig the longest wins. The host could give the children different tasks: walk, squat, turn around.
ABOUT folk holidays said:“Every soul is glad for the holiday,” so adults, along with children, went out into the street, went to the palm fair, had fun and rejoiced at the arrival of spring. This is what Palm Sunday is.

Palm Sunday is celebrated on the sixth week of Lent, the last Sunday before Easter. On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the twelfth ( one of the twelve most important holidays after Easter in Orthodoxy) holiday - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ moved with his disciples from Bethany, where he raised Lazarus, to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter. The people greeted Jesus Christ with a joyful feeling, and greeted him with such solemnity, with which in ancient times only kings were greeted in the East. People strewed the road with their clothes and palm branches and sang a laudatory song: “Hosanna ( the rescue)! Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord, King of Israel!”

Having believed in the mighty and good Teacher, the simple-hearted people were ready to recognize in him the King who came to liberate him. Jesus Christ moved on a donkey, thus showing that he appeared in Jerusalem with good intentions, for in the East to enter on a donkey is a sign (symbol) of peace.

« And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and drove out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money-changers and the benches of those selling doves. And he said to them: "It is written: My house will be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." All the people listened with admiration to the teaching of the Lord. Then the blind and the lame approached Jesus, whom he healed. Then, leaving Jerusalem, he returned to Bethany».

« The feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem symbolizes, on the one hand, the recognition of the mission of Jesus Christ, and on the other hand, a prototype of the entry of the Son of Man into Paradise».

IN Ancient Rus' instead of a palm branch, a willow was used (a willow branch is the northern analogue of a palm branch - an attribute that greeted the kings), which gave the name to the holiday and the week before it: “Palm Sunday”, “Palm ( or Flower-bearing, Motley) week”, “Verbnitsa”, “Verbich”.

According to tradition, the willow consecrated on this holiday was considered sacred and endowed with magical properties. The children were whipped with willow branches, saying: “The willow is red, beat to tears, be healthy!”, “I don’t beat - the willow beats.” The consecrated twigs were kept all year or until Yegoriev's day, when cattle were driven by them.

“The Feast of the Entry into Jerusalem from the use of vay (palm branches and willows) on this day is also called the Week of vay and Palm Sunday. The Church recalls this solemn Entry into Jerusalem on the last Sunday of Great Lent and sings.

Approximately on Palm Sunday, they also timed the meeting of spring, they called spring. The girls danced round dances singing spring songs, walked near the birches, and swung on the swings. Calls for spring can be viewed

P We welcome you, dear children and parents, to the Orthodox website "Family and Faith"!

P Before you, the next page from the book "Great Lent: Reading for Children for Every Day", dedicated to Palm Sunday, which includes the story of the same name by Ivan Shmelev "Palm Sunday" and short description Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

IN In Jerusalem, a lot of people gathered for the feast of the Jewish Passover, and a crowd came out to meet Jesus: everyone waved palm branches, covered the road with them and shouted: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord!”

The people thought that He had come to restore the mighty kingdom of Israel, and hailed Him as a great earthly king-liberator.

We stand on this day in a temple with willow branches - we also greet the Lord. But not in the way that they met Jesus at the gates of the Holy City, but with trepidation we worship the Savior going to the Cross. As it is sung on this day, we “all, taking up our cross, say: Hosanna in the highest!”

Ivan Shmelev
(From the book "Summer of the Lord")

IN In the carriage shed, Gavrila is preparing a parade cab - for "willow riding", by tomorrow, on Red Square, where the willow bargaining, which is called - "Verba", is already noisy. Near the Kremlin, under the ancient walls. There, all over the square, under Minin-Pozharsky, under St. Basil’s Cathedral, under the Holy Gates with a clock, they are called “Spassky Gates”, and they always take off their hats in them - “willow walks”, great bargaining - holiday goods, Easter toys, images, paper flowers, all sorts of sweets, various Easter eggs and - willow.

Gorkin says that it has become so customary from antiquity that it is necessary to save up for the Bright Day, this and that ...

We go with Gorkin to Kazanskaya - before the ringing, early: we need to dispose of the willow. They took her ahead of time, now she flaunts in the church. They come and go from the Verba towards them, they carry wreaths on icons, red balloons, the boys whistle with whistles, knock with "blacksmiths", blow tin pipes, fight with willows, fools. They go and go, and everyone has willows, with lingonberry leaves that have slept through the winter in greenery under the snow. In the church, at the left wing, our willow is fluffy, but for some reason it seems lower. Or was she cut? Gorkin says - so this is our church high. But why is there a puddle there ... - the sky is very high? I go under the willow, and it becomes tall again. We are baptized on it. Distribute not soon, at the end of the vigil, as it gets dark. More and more people are coming. From the light box where we stand, the willows are not visible at all, only the tops of the twigs, like whirlwinds. The service is long. Behind the light box, my father, in a frock coat, with gold cufflinks in his cuffs, deftly throws out candles, they tap like bones. Take a lot of candles. They come with their own willows, but somehow theirs is not the same, not real. And our real, sacred. For a very long time, the day went out outside the windows, the willow was not visible at all. My father grabs my cheek with his fingers: “Sleep, captain ... now, soon.” She sits on a chair behind. Gorkin is praying on his knees, next to him, you can hear him whispering: “Common resurrection… from the dead raised up Lazarus, Christ God…” Drowsily. And suddenly I hear, as if from a dream: “Common Resurrection… from the dead raised up Lazarus, Christ God… To you, the conqueror of death, we cry… hosanna in the highest!” Did I overslept?.. Ahead, where the willow, the lights of candles light up. They are already whipping there, in front ... - they are pulling out a willow, waving ... There, lights are flowing around the church, and now - everything is with willows. Father takes me in his arms and carries me over the people, over the willows in the lights, closer and closer - to our wonderful bush. The bush is already disheveled, the willows are dangling, the sexton is waving away the boys, whipping the willow on the shorn backs of their heads, hissing: “Don’t push, it’s enough for everyone ...” Father Victor chooses the fluffiest willows for us, he gives me the most elegant, all in bushes. We are attached to the image on the lectern, where Christ is written on a donkey, stone houses and boys with willows, only willows with large leaves - “vayi”! - You can't look at it for long. Willows poke from everywhere, it smells of bitter willow smoke ... dense spirit? .. - camels are burning somewhere. Clear faces shine through the willows, all the lights, the lights behind the bars, and the lights blink in the eyes, they shine on the foreheads, and on the cheeks, and in the windows, and in the images on the vestments. On the walls and above, under the vault, dark shadows of willows walk. What is the power of willow! All this is our willow, from an old man's sledge, from our yard, from a puddle - how it was enlightened in the lights! .. And now - the saint, in our church, sings "Hosanna" with everyone. Of course, she sings: everything is now alive, resurrected, like Lazarus ... - "General Resurrection" ...