Memorable words about the deceased. Words of condolences for funerals and commemorations. Condolences on the death of husband, father, grandfather

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We intuitively and subconsciously understand how to behave in joyful, light life situations and holiday events. But there are events of a tragic nature - the death of a loved one, for example. Many are lost, faced with their unpreparedness for loss, for the majority such events are beyond acceptance and awareness.

People experiencing loss are easily vulnerable, acutely feel insincerity and pretense, their feelings are overwhelmed with pain, they need help to calm it down, accept it, reconcile it, but in no case add pain with an accidentally thrown tactless word, an incorrect phrase.

You need to be able to show increased tact and correctness, sensitivity and condescension. It is better to remain silent, showing a delicate understanding, than to cause additional pain, hurt disturbed feelings, hook on nerves overloaded with experiences.

We will try to help you understand how to behave in a situation where a person next to you has suffered grief - the loss of a loved one, how to condole and find words that make the person feel your support and sincere sympathy.

We must take into account the existing differences in condolences.

The form of expressing condolences for the loss will vary:

  • Grandparents, relative;
  • mother or father;
  • brother or sister;
  • son or daughter - child;
  • husband or wife;
  • boyfriend or girlfriend;
  • colleagues, employee.

Because the depth of experiences varies.

Also, the expression of condolences depends on the severity of the grieving person's feelings about what happened:

  • Imminent death due to old age;
  • inevitable death due to serious illness;
  • premature, sudden death;
  • tragic death, accident.

But the main thing is general condition, regardless of the cause of death - the genuine sincerity of the expression of your grief.

The condolence itself should be short in form, but deep in content. Therefore, you need to find the most sincere words that accurately convey the depth of your sympathy and your willingness to provide support.

In this article, we will give samples and examples of various forms of expressing condolences, we will help you choose mournful words.

You will need:

Form and method of filing

Condolences will be distinctive features according to the form and method of filing, depending on its purpose.


  1. Personal condolences to family and friends.
  2. Official individual or collective.
  3. Obituary in the newspaper.
  4. Farewell words of mourning at the funeral.
  5. Funeral words at the wake: for 9 days, for the anniversary.

Submission method:

The timeliness factor is important, so the postal delivery method should only be used to send a telegram. Of course, the fastest way to express your condolences is to use modern communication tools: email, Skype, Viber ... but they are suitable for confident Internet users, and these should be not only senders, but also recipients.

Using SMS to show sympathy and empathy is acceptable only if there are no other opportunities for contact with a person, or if the status of your relationship is a distant acquaintance or formal friendship. Follow this link for different occasions.

Submission form:

In writing:

  • Telegram;
  • email;
  • electronic postcard;
  • an obituary is a piece of mourning in a newspaper.

In oral form:

  • In a telephone conversation;
  • in person.

In prose: Suitable for both written and verbal expression of grief.
In verse: Suitable for writing mourning.

Important highlights

All verbal condolences should be short in form.

  • Official condolences are more delicately expressed in writing. For this more suitable a heartfelt verse, to which you can pick up a photo of the deceased, corresponding electronic pictures and postcards.
  • Personal individual condolences must be exclusive, and can be expressed both verbally and in writing.
  • For the dearest and closest people, it is important to express or write mournful condolences in your sincere words, not formal, therefore, not stereotyped.
  • Since verses are rarely exclusive, exclusively yours, so listen to your heart, and it will prompt you with words of comfort and support.
  • Not only words of condolence should be sincere, but also an offer of any help that you can afford: financial, organizational.

Be sure to mention the distinctive personal virtues and character traits of the deceased person that you would like to keep in your memory forever as a model: wisdom, kindness, responsiveness, optimism, love of life, hard work, honesty.…

This will be an individual part of condolence, the main part of which can be formulated according to the approximate model proposed in our article.

Universal mournful texts

  1. “Let the earth rest in peace” - this is a traditional ritual phrase that is said after a completed burial, it can be a condolence at a wake, suitable even for atheists.
  2. "We all mourn your irreparable loss."
  3. "Unspeakable pain from loss."
  4. "Sincerely condolences and sympathy for your grief."
  5. “Please accept my deepest condolences on the death of a loved one.”
  6. “Let us keep in our hearts the bright memory of the deceased wonderful person.”

Help can be offered in the following ways:

  • “We are ready to share the burden of your grief, to be close to you and provide the necessary all possible assistance to you and your family.”
  • “Surely, you will need to solve a lot of questions. You can count on us, accept our help."

On the death of mother, grandmother

  1. "The death of the closest person - mother - is an irreparable grief."
  2. "The bright memory of her will forever be in our hearts."
  3. “How much we did not have time to tell her during her lifetime!”
  4. "We sincerely mourn and condole with you at this bitter moment."
  5. "Hold on! In memory of her. She wouldn't want to see you in despair."

On the death of a husband, father, grandfather

  • “I offer my sincere condolences and express my deep sympathy for the death of a loved one who was a reliable support for you and your family.”
  • "In memory of this strong man you must show fortitude and wisdom in order to survive this grief and continue what he did not have time to complete.
  • "We will carry a bright and kind memory of him through our lives."

On the death of a sister, brother, friend, loved one

  1. “It hurts to realize the loss of a loved one, but it is even more difficult to come to terms with the departure of young people who have not known life. Everlasting memory!"
  2. “Let me express my most sincere condolences on the occasion of a heavy, irreparable loss!”
  3. “Now you have to become a support for your parents! Remember this and hold on!”
  4. “God help you survive and endure the pain of this loss!”
  5. “For the sake of your children, their peace and well-being, you need to cope with this grief, find the strength to live and learn to look to the future.”
  6. "Death does not take away love, your love is immortal!"
  7. "Blessed memory of a wonderful person!"
  8. "He will forever remain in our hearts!"

If you are at a distance, find out via SMS. Select the appropriate message and send to the recipient.

On the death of a colleague

  • “We have worked side by side over the past few years. He was an excellent colleague and an example for young colleagues. His professionalism served as an example for many. You will forever remain in our memory as an example of life wisdom and honesty. May the earth rest in peace for you!
  • “Her/his dedication to her work earned her/him the respect and love of all who knew her/him. He/She will forever remain in my memory.”
  • “You were a wonderful collaborator and friend. How we will miss you. May the earth rest in peace for you!
  • "I can't bear the thought that you're gone. It seems like only recently we were drinking coffee, discussing work and laughing ... I will miss you, your advice and crazy ideas very much.

On the death of a believer

The text of condolences may contain the same mournful words as for a secular person, but an Orthodox Christian should add:

  • ritual phrase:

"Kingdom of heaven and eternal rest!"
"God is merciful!"

My dear, I am very sorry for your grief. Condolences ... Be strong!
My friend, I mourn your loss. I know this is a hard blow for you and your family. I offer my sincere condolences.
- A wonderful man is gone. My condolences to you, my dear, and to all your family at this sad and difficult moment.
This tragedy hurt all of us. But of course, it touched you the most. Accept my condolences.

How to condole in Islam (Muslims)?

It is Sunnah to express condolences in Islam. However, it is undesirable for the relatives of the deceased to gather in one place to accept condolences. The main purpose of expressing condolences is to call people who have suffered misfortune to patience and contentment with the predestination of Allah. The words that should be said when expressing condolences are: "May Allah grant you beautiful patience and may He forgive the sins of your deceased (your deceased)."

How to condole over the phone?

In the case when the words of condolence are pronounced over the phone, then you can (but not necessarily) add briefly: “Let the earth rest in peace!”. If you have the opportunity to provide assistance (organizational, financial - any), then it is convenient to complete the words of condolence with this phrase, for example, “These days you will probably need help. I would like to be helpful. Count on me to call anytime!

How do you deal with a person who is bereaved?

It is not necessary to grieve, cry with him, passing through someone else's suffering. You will be much more effective in your help if you act rationally, deliberately. One way to deal with loss is to talk about it repeatedly. In this case, strong emotions will react. You need to listen carefully to the person, answer his questions if necessary. Allowing a person to express his emotions, experiences. It can be tears, anger, irritation, sadness. You don't judge, you just listen carefully, you're there. Tactile contact is possible, that is, a person can be hugged, taken by the hand, the child can be put on his knees.

No 5

You have to live with the pain of loss. There is no escape from this pain. You can't hide from her, you can't run away. Sooner or later, it covers again and I want only one thing - deliverance.

The DEATH of a loved one is the most terrible grief that can befall a person. The pain of loss sometimes seems unbearable.

Life and death are just two moments, only our pain is endless.

Ah, I... I'm sorry... I'm calling... I'm crying!!!

Everyone died, what's the point in denying it now. But how to understand this with the heart.

Take me, Lord, instead of him, and leave him on earth!

When you first encounter the loss of a loved one, then you understand the price of life and the inevitability of death.

Death denial. Family members may act as if their loved one is not dead; waiting for him, talking to him.

Although it does not sound sad, our life is short and sooner or later we will all go into oblivion.

The feeling of loss gives rise to torments similar to the torments of a person thrown overboard a ship ...

Take care of those you love!!! Appreciate the moments spent together! Feel free to forgive! So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for unspoken words, for not perfect deeds!

Probably, if you truly love a loved one, you will never come to terms with his loss.

On the stone wall of the temple was carved a poem called "Loss", it has only three words, it has only three words. But the poet scraped them off. Loss cannot be read... only felt.

People regret not for what was or is. People regret lost opportunities.

The loss of a loved one breaks our familiar world.

Time may heal, but one does not live long enough to forget the one who was dear.

Death passes through the Earth, separating loved ones so that later they can unite in eternity.

Friends always live in each other's heart, even after one dies, in the heart of the other he will remain forever.

You left so suddenly ... It is unthinkable that your life was interrupted like this, we are left with only tears and the truth: Remember and pray all the time.

There is no life on earth where there is no child. Why do I live on earth if children are dying?

It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget... Time is inexorable!!! Half a year has already passed. Life is passing by… Awareness has not come!!!

To refuse your love is the most terrible betrayal, an eternal loss that cannot be replenished either in time or in eternity.

We mourn for Lokomotiv, we are sorry for the guys, but we were waiting for them in Minsk... Life is very unpredictable...

Most head man my life is you, daddy, and no matter how old I am, I will always remain for you a little daddy's daughter, and you are my main man, no one will replace you. May the earth rest in peace for you.

As soon as we lose faith in our strength, we lose ourselves. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

It is very painful and scary to lose loved ones, relatives, loved ones, but with each loss, feelings become dull and the heart becomes colder ...

It is necessary to pray for the departed, in the world of dreams of silent silence. So that tears do not shed from heaven, for us ... for sinners ... they.

They say that time heals ... It seems to me that it simply tears out pieces of our memory, with blood ...

It hurts to look into your eyes and understand that you cannot help... It hurts to be there and know that this is the last night... When a doctor declares death... The pain of losing loved ones is unbearable! … There is no replacement for them!!!

Damn… it’s so scary… you see a person, you say hello to him… and after a couple of days they call you and say that he’s gone… It’s scary…

When a loved one dies, it feels like you've lost a part of yourself.

Don't try to avoid painful experiences. Don't hold back your tears. What happened is real grief. It needs to be felt and experienced.

The memory of the deceased can become an incentive for later life.

Only when we lose do we begin to appreciate ... only when we are late do we learn to rush ... only not to love, we can let go ... Only by seeing death do we learn to live ...

Somehow reconciled with fate ... then there are two of us ... and you are alone there. Stock up on a pood of salt with you ... now we eat it with our son ...

Life is too short to realize its meaning, death comes too quickly, not allowing time to understand that life is given only one.

This status is for all those who once stupidly lost their soul mate and because of pride missed the moment when they could return it.

How to relieve the pain when a loved one goes to where there is no way back???

Do you know why people look at the sky when they are very hurt? So they try to hold back their tears...

It's sad when people die! It's even worse when the scum that killed them is still alive!!!

Talk about the past in past tense.

Today I have a lot to do: It is necessary to kill the memory to the end, it is necessary that the soul turns to stone, it is necessary to learn to live again.
Anna Akhmatova.

And I burned everything that I worshiped, bowed to what I burned.

How often, for the sake of loyalty, you are tormented by loneliness, your love is not needed by the dead, your love is needed by the living.

Disillusionment - is it a profit or a loss?

The worst thing is to lose what you believed in, hoped for, and then bam! and a black hole formed inside.

The person cannot accept the loss. He experiences shock, which manifests itself in the complete absence of feelings.

It’s just… from time to time… it happens… your messages and voice are missing… I ask… don’t forget me… gradually turning into the past…

What heart can endure? All the pain and sorrow cannot be expressed in words. Nobody knows how to love like a mother. How painful it is to lose your mother.

Gone feelings can still return, but a departed loved one can never.

When one person dies, it is a sad loss, but the death of millions of souls is a statistic.

A person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves.

Wisdom is the highest in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

You left the pain in your heart forever! Gone from this life forever! Dear, sweet and tender, my beloved mom!

I can't live without you... My heart is crying and my soul is groaning... I, too, my dear, "GONE" from life.

I recognize you... in the touch of a birch branch, I recognize you... in the river with seething water, I recognize... in the dew, which looks like tears, I know LOVE!!! you're near me.

You can be 14, 20, 30, 42, 50… You will still cry when dear people leave.

Getting attached to a person is a huge risk, leaving they take your soul with them.

Who knows the sadness of loss, appreciates the joy of the found.

I love and remember. We remember those who left us, We remember those who closed their eyes forever.

The way out of depression gradually becomes possible, mental pain becomes less. A person begins to look for ways to solve psychological problems that are not related to the loss.

Nobody dies too soon, everyone dies on time.

Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

Loving you...

Don't part with your loved ones
They just stop being around.

You sleep and we live
You wait and we will come...

You left us early, our beloved.
He took away our happiness and joy.

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help.

You are not with us, but forever

You gave us life in this world,
In another, you have found peace.
Gone, leaving a trail of sadness
outbursts of grief and anguish.

Remember me Lord
Visit me with your salvation.
Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted.
Remember me, God
And don't leave those who love you.

Like dew drops on roses
There are tears on my cheeks.

You are gone, and we do not believe.
In our hearts you are forever.
And your pain from that loss
We will never heal.

Love for you, dear son,
He will die with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Can't express in words.

Our pain cannot be measured
And do not shed tears.
We are you, as if alive,
We will love forever.

We love you, we are proud of you.
In our memory
You are always alive.

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.

What a pity that your life
Was so short
But your memory will be eternal.

Sleep, my beloved daughter, calmly.
You've gone your short way
Honest and happy.

To your untimely grave
Our path will not grow.
Your native image, dear image
Will always lead us here

Nobody could save you
Passed away very early
But the bright image is your own
We will always remember.

Words cannot express
Tears do not cry out our grief.
You are always in our hearts. It's so easy to imagine you alive
What is in your death
It's impossible to believe.

Quiet leaves, don't make noise
Don't wake my friend

The question is over with life.
There will be no more sorrow, no more tears.

Angel native
I'm sorry, I'm guilty
What was not at the hour of death
Next to you.

The heart went out like lightning,
Years will not quench the pain.
Your image will forever be kept
Always in our memory. You lived your life with dignity
Leaving our memory forever.
In the silent world, sleep peacefully
The person we love.

You won't come back, you won't look back
You will not become wise and gray-haired.
You will remain in our memory
Always alive and young.

Passing, stop
For me, a sinner, pray.
I was like you
You will be like me.

Ashes return to the ground
What he was.
And the spirit returns to God,
who gave it.

K.N. Batyushkov:


No inscriptions are needed for my stone,
Just say here: he was and he is not!

A.S. Pushkin:

My epitaph

Here Pushkin is buried; he is with a young muse,
With love, laziness spent a merry age,
He did not do good, but he was a soul,
By God, good man.

Epitaph for a baby. Book. N.S. Volkonsky

In radiance and joyful peace,
At the throne of the eternal creator,
With a smile he looks into earthly exile,
He blesses his mother and prays for his father.

M.Yu. Lermontov


The simple-hearted son of freedom
For feelings, he spared no life;
And true traits of nature
He often liked to write off.

He believed dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He gave his days as a sacrifice.

And in it the soul kept a reserve
Bliss, torment and passions.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not made for humans.

Epitaph of Napoleon

Yes, no one blames your shadow,
The man of rock! You are with people that rock is above you;
Who knew to elevate you, only he could overthrow:
Great things don't change anything.

V.S. Solovyov

Vladimir Solovyov
Lies in this place.
First there was a philosopher
And now he has become a skeleton.
Being kind to others
He was also an enemy to many;
But madly in love
He himself plunged into a ravine.
He lost his soul
Not to mention the body
The devil took her
The dogs ate him.
Passerby! Learn from this example
How pernicious is love, and how useful is faith.

I.A. Bunin

The inscription on the tombstone

Bear, Lord, sins and atrocities
Above Your mercy!
Slave of the earth and vain desires
Forgive his sins for his sorrows.
I kept the covenant of love holy in my life:
In the days of longing, against the mind,
I did not harbor a snake of enmity against my brother,
I have forgiven everything, according to your word.
I, knowing the silence of the grave
I, who accepted the sorrows of darkness,
From the bowels of the earth I proclaim the good news
Verbs of Unsunseting Beauty!

M.I. Tsvetaeva


To the one who lies here under the spring grass,
Forgive, Lord, evil thought and sin!
He was sick, exhausted, out of this world,
He loved angels and children's laughter.

Did not crush the snow-white lilac stars,
Although I wanted to overcome the Lord ...
In all sins he was a gentle child,
And so - forgive him Lord

Funeral verses and words to a woman, mother, sister, grandmother, mournful words in verses from relatives and friends That day, when the light of your eyes faded and your heart stopped beating, became the worst day for us and we could not come to terms with it. A tear rolls from the heart, burns the pain, the soul cries. We so want to bring you back, but we can't do it. You left us very early, but we could not save you. Deep wound in the heart. You left us and left us pain and sorrow. Eternal rest to your soul, our dear. Kingdom of Heaven, rest in peace to you earth, remember with us all who remember it. Without saying goodbye to anyone, without saying goodbye to everyone, You hid in the dark, leaving only sadness. The pain burns, the soul hurts, a tear rolls from grief. You left us very early, we could not save you, a deep wound in the heart, while we are alive, you are also alive. Eternal rest to Your soul and the Kingdom of Heaven. Swan down to you land. Words cannot convey our pain and grief, a deep wound in the heart. Never forget that terrible day that brought us so much grief and sadness. Tears break our souls, and every day we remember You. May it be easy for You there, and the memory of You will remain here with us. In sorrow we bow our heads at Your grave. Sleep well, our dear mother. Swan down to you the earth, and the soul - the Kingdom of Heaven. You have gone to a bright eternity. And our pain cannot be helped, and the name of pain is infinity... You left us for another WORLD - to where there is no return, leaving a memory of yourself, love, sadness and pain of loss. The Lord called You to Himself, left us sorrow and tears. You reign in Heaven, and we carry roses to the grave. May God protect your kind soul. The earth will rest in peace for you, and your soul will have eternal rest and the Kingdom of Heaven. Words cannot convey our pain and grief, a deep wound in the heart. Never forget that terrible day that brought us so much grief and sadness. Tears break our souls, and every day we remember You. May it be easy for You there, and the memory of You will remain here with us. In sorrow we bow our heads at Your grave. Sleep well, our dear mother-wife. Swan down to you the earth, and the soul - the Kingdom of Heaven. The day when the light of Your eyes faded and the heart stopped beating became the most terrible day for us and we could not come to terms with it. A tear rolls from the heart, burns the pain, the soul cries. We so want to bring you back, but we can't do it. You left us very early, but we could not save you. Deep wound in the heart. You left us and left us pain and sorrow. Eternal rest to your soul, our dear. Kingdom of Heaven, rest in peace to you earth, remember with us all who remember it. People wither with illness and pain And wither like favorite flowers... They melt like snow in the hot sun, Today I, and tomorrow, maybe you... How sad, sad we are to lose our loved ones, Congenial, close, dear, Habitual, underestimated, vulnerable With whom we shared our lives for two ... In the spring, loved ones leave in bloom of flowers ... And in the warm summer - like a useful grain ... They are found in the fall with ripe fruits ... Winter lowers them to the bottom of life ... We know that parting is not for long, But for some reason, sorrow we cannot be appeased... Praying for loved ones will be a duty, And only God's grace consoles... What a pity that we did not appreciate the departed, What a pity that we did not lay flowers for them, We did not sing songs of saints, heavenly ones, We did not realize their beautiful dreams ... Oh, how now the departed are not enough! Oh, how deep the pain of their loss is! Our heart is languishing from grief, And tears are flowing like a river... You can console your soul with tears, But you still won’t return those who have left! To grieve immeasurably means to amuse the demon, And not to grieve - not to appreciate the loss for a penny! And he remains, clenching his pain with his teeth, At night, squeezing the cry of crying-sorrow, To seem quiet and calm during the days, To put on a decency wig for the voice of sorrow ... And moving away from grief little by little, Humbled before the fate of the Creator ... To throw everything with him together with God, Asking for a blissful end …

In loving memory of my friend Irina Slasnaya
dedicated (30.08.1958-21.01.2015)

"There are not so many people in the world without whom
although it is possible, but I don’t really want to live”
(V. Kaverin. Two captains)

Your breathing has weakened.
Like a spark extinguished life.
The soul fluttered, flew.
And nothing pulls down.

Pain and suffering remain
Resentment, sorrow on earth.
Your fate is all tests
In an era of turmoil and change.

I didn’t intend to and ... I did,
As soon as God called to himself,
And remained a bright memory
In the hearts of people who in life knew.

In memory of a close friend

Where the waters of the Kura splash,
Where are the expanses of the primeval land,
Where paradise is the ancestral side,
You have found peace given by God.

All roads are covered with snow.
A grave mound in the snowy crumble.
And you don't need anything anymore.
We are powerless to change what has happened.

Snow flies from the fields.
How many eternity days?
…Forty days. Forty days. Forty days...
From a photo look,
Nearby - pupae in a row.
The joy of creativity is the memory of it.

And the soul is somewhere there.
And hearts - in half.
And a darned scar oozes.
Life will fly by like a moment
It's like shining stars.
And the rooster crows in the morning...

My friend, my friend!
Well, why did you leave so early?
In the year of our anniversary friendship,
Which is fifty years old!
We are parts of each other,
A wound oozes on the heart,
And life, as before, circles,
But the memory keeps your eyes!

My friend, my friend!
You're calm there now
And all problems are solved
Which has no end.
And I keep running in circles
I live without a school friend,
And there are no those calls without a topic,
And in the mirror the sadness of the face.

My friend, my friend!
You are in the Kingdom of Heaven now.
And at home, in the spring garden,
The trees are waiting for the owner.
You can't get back from there
And I'm cramped here without you
And on a holiday there is no time for fun,
And tears burn with salt.

My friend, my friend!
You are in my heart forever
I whisper a prayer for you
Lord to forgive sins.
I won't forget our days
Your warmth and kindness
Those happy days palette
I'll draw in my poems.

You are somewhere there... The place is classified.
The lines of fate are not drawn by us.
And you will not help a friend with advice ...
It's a pity, a pity ... The rain knocks castanets.

We had an understanding with you
In a word, in support - openness, attention.
And only good things come to mind...
... The birds flocked to the bread crumbs.

I remember your house and high gate,
Little white house, blue-eyed window.
Yard and swings creaking in tune with the songs.
Friendship with you was real!

Bare wasteland behind the fence of those Grozny.
You smile with the photo. I am sad.
I will carry the cross, accepting all the trials.
How heavy is the pain of parting!
To you, departed friend

Autumn soon. The pain was on my shoulders.
Without you, my friend, it's hard to live.
The thirtieth day in August is marked -
Your birthday. How not to grieve?

I think the sky will cry again
On this day, as if from above a sign.
I will light a candle and a loaf of bread
I'll leave it in memory ... something like that.

I pray heartily for peace.
What else can we do here?
The life of the soul is known to be infinite.
"Memory Eternal" - the song of prayer sounds ...


I dreamed of the city of childhood, covered in snow.
Wherever you look - purity, the world in white.
The water froze in the river on the run.
I walk across the bridge with a bold gait.

And on the railing a star pattern -
Frozen snowflakes like a cape
And an endless whiteness review.
And silence hung like a thread.

One year later

The stars crumbled crumbly,
And thoughts about you again:
You were a good friend
And a warm ray in fate.

As before, I consult with you.
I remember lines from phrases,
But the heart shrinks, lamenting,
That left us early.

How fleeting is life!
You are not with us for a whole year!
Wrinkled, marked with pain
On the faces of loved ones care ....

It's a pity
Dedicated to a departed friend

The sun shattered on the waves
At the hour before sunset. Shards of crystal
Full of light sparkled brightly on the water.
The heart humbled itself, leaving sorrow.

The day gave way. And on the surface of the bay
The crumbs of diamonds were losing their brilliance.
Tears in a wave disappeared playfully.
"It's a pity! - I whispered under the waves a quiet splash. -

Sea! Listen to my soul song.
Only love changes our path!
Everything is providential in life, you know.
Be able to look into the heart in time.

You look down on me from the sky
My faithful friend.
Don't call, don't write
And only grace prayers
Connects us to you
My little man dear!
Two years is a lot of days
But remember to the smallest detail
Your conversation in the evening
And a thoughtful story
About this and that... Like yesterday.
And my granddaughter will soon be two,
That Irochka, what is our name.
This is how the circle of life goes.
Everything has its time, and outside the window
White is white. Destined to know
It will happen like this. Everything has its time.
And only God knows the dates.

And the sky does not cry, but simply sad.
As usual, summer is coming to an end.
May prayer fly on your birthday
Up to Heaven oh best friend in the world!

It's been three years

…when the soul speaks to the soul.

Three years have passed. treacherous
That year burst into my life.
Fate suddenly cracked column
And everything went the other way around.

With difficulty I let you go
Being able to understand and accept everything.
But the pain was unbearable.
How difficult it is to relieve this pain!

How did I live? Everything is like a fog.
Walked with a black stripe
But she survived. Mom's grave
In Chechnya, I corrected it in the spring.

Changes pressed from above,
There was not enough strength
To rise. Melpomene
She sang songs to me. But the verses

Still wrote. The truth is less
What sadness to pour out with sadness?
The river carried. And to the coast
I swam to become new.

How great is God! met people
Like angels from heaven.
They warmed up my days.
And this is a miracle of miracles!

Love is omnipotent! Long wings
I straightened on the go
Lost feathers profusely
I was afraid I couldn't find a way out.

At some point, there was no strength left.
Even the doctor threw up his hands.
I smiled after him.
He's not a circus magician!

Read the life of Job.
His fate is an example to all of us.
And now I praise God again
For all! For the wind of change.

The Lord leads us to salvation
And in perpetual sorrow
Suddenly you realize that in patience
Buried essence! The lot of people...

I always remember you, my friend.
Oozing wound from losses.
She became wiser, but not broken
The character is the same, believe me.

I live differently, differently
That circumstance is to blame.
I squared my shoulders again.
But the Angel is there! Behind the back!

Someday the stars will align
And we'll see you.
I'm in no hurry. And on a frosty day
I whisper a prayer "Calm down ...".

You would be sixty today...
Once upon a time this date scared us:
“Will we live? Years are not a trifle!
You left without saying goodbye. No return.

And life goes on, but only without you.
And the grandchildren are growing up fast.
And autumn is coming soon. The leaves will fly again.
But do not measure the severity of separation.

And the tears roll and roll again.
It's not true, time does not heal pain at all!
Just blunts to make it clear:
“Feel, our life is so fleeting!”

And the rain is dripping... And the leaves are getting wet,
And stick to the tiles of the alleys.
You, my friend, I often remember.
Oh, how hard it is to lose friends!

And in the yard November is cold,
And the wind ruffles shreds on the trees
Autumn outfits...
Nobody can replace us
Those dear ones who are gone forever.

You are the same in memory as before,
And I change according to the laws of life.
And for some reason I smile less.
Such is the fate of my path.

Tomorrow is Memorial Saturday.
I'll bake pancakes with stuffing.
By the names of all I will remember with a sad note -
All those who left, having heard God's call.

light of friendship

And the past does not pass -
Somewhere next to me.
I remember the years of youth
My man is dear.

Four years have passed.
Time flies fast.
Everything is changing in the world
Just not the last moment.

You can't change the plot there
Whether you like it or not.
But in the depths, in the heart somewhere
Friendship unfading light.

He warms in sorrow
Silence will soothe the pain.
... A look at the icon in silence:
"I believe in the eternity of the soul!"