Wishes to veterans on May 9 from a child. Holiday with tears in the eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Short congratulations to veterans

How few of you are left with us,
Heroes of that terrible war.
You fought until the very end
For peace and happiness for the country.

Bowing our heads before you
"Thank you" we say quietly.
Never put into words
How much we appreciate you.

Live a hundred years at least
We are very glad to see you.
Happy Victory Day accept now
You congratulations from us!

Thank you for your courage and bravery
For the sky is peaceful overhead.
Without you, we would not have made a single step,
Today every veteran is a hero.

You fought so selflessly
They completely forgot about rest and sleep.
We have always needed such heroes.
Thank you! And low bow to you!

Thank you, dear ones, for your incredible feat. Thank you for the world, with a huge blue sky. Thank you for preserving the expanses of our Motherland for us. Thank you for the life that you won with your own hands for us from the enemy. Live for many more years, share your wisdom and teach young people to always be honest, patriotic, brave and fair. Health to you and bright, good days.

We know, we remember! We are immensely proud.
Your feat will never be forgotten.
Thank you so much for your strength and faith
For our freedom on your shoulders.

For a clear sky, native expanses,
For joy and pride in hearts and souls.
Live long, may God bless you.
Let the memory live on the victorious spring.

Dear our veterans,
On this day, we congratulate you.
And we thank you for everything
From the heart today and now.

Peace, health and good luck to you,
And our low bow to the ground,
For your feat and for our happiness -
For the Victory for the native country.

Your feat is difficult to assess -
We didn't exist at that time.
But it is unlikely that we could live
Without you and that freedom
What could you give us?
For everything I will make in full.
We can believe, think, live,
We have been given silence.
But the fire of memory burns
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God keep
Health, long years.

Happy Victory Day! you accept
Thanks bow,
Be happy, live -
Your life holds the world together.

Let the years not be powerful
Over hearts of gold
From children, country, people -
Thank you very much!

Take a bow to the ground today
And the warmest lines
You have saved a peaceful sky for us,
Going through this brutal chaos.

We remember your feat and keep it in our hearts
And on this day we wish you -
Health and happiness for long days.
Happy sunny May!

On the Day of Light Victory
Kudos to you
For not feeling sorry for yourself.
Forget about fatigue
About hunger and sleep
You are on your way to a great goal.
Health, you, peace
good, long years
And endless happiness!
Let the sun give you
hope and light
And all bad weather will perish away.

Happy Victory Day, veterans!
Bow to you low to the ground.
Live long and calmly
Not knowing grief and trouble.

God bless you good health
Happy, bright, peaceful days.
We are infinitely proud of you
Your feat in the memory of children.

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle...
For everything, I thank you!

You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
So that you are greeted with a kind look!

An example to take youth
So that the trembling was not terrible again,
So that there is no soul in tears ...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

I congratulate everyone today
Happy May 9th Happy Great Day!
Let veterans not get sick
They will be able to live 120 years!

I wish happiness to all people
Luck, wonderful victories!
Fight for success
Take on new heights!


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Great holiday

There are so few veterans left
But today they, well done,
Tightened up, brushed off fatigue.
And proudly, their face brightened.

On this holiday of the Great Victory
Fighting with my tears
My grandfathers could be among you...
I will bow to the ground to you all.


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Remember, honor and praise.

Remember the exploits of grandfathers,
All their dashing victories.
Remember the deeds of your fathers,
What victories forged the skeleton!

Remember, honor and glorify
Everything that led them to victory.
May 9, take with your soul,
This is a celebration of great legacies!

Congratulations to all those who are in the ranks,
They stand on the main square.
Fireworks will be fired in their honor
In honor of the country, their orders shine!

Happy Victory Day, you!


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Homeland Defenders

Friends, congratulations on the great victory,
Oh, glory to the heroes of the native side,
The ninth of May, the day of sorrow and faith,
Hope that there will be no war.
Our beloved, thank you for everything,
After all, you brought your life for us,
We honor you and remember, and we will become like you,
In defense of our native Russian land!!!


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On the holiday of May 9
The eternal flame is lit:
This day is bright, spring,
The world has become liberation!
May they never know
Children, how the city is on fire,
Let there be kind faces
Let the birds chirp peacefully!


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Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day
Each of you!
We do understand,
How is it for all of us

Dear, important and of course
Must not be forgotten
Those who give it to us today
I was able to give to everyone!

Congratulations on May 9 or Victory Day

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May 9 is a solemn day!
It is decorated with peony and lilac,
He is sung by poets in verse,
And the heart gives birth to tears in the eyes.

I congratulate everyone and keep the memory,
I sing hymns to those who died for the Motherland:
"Heroes who have gone into battle forever,
Long live peace! Perish forever, war!


Accept the most my sincere congratulations with a great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, its unbending stamina and invincibility of spirit! Careful attitude of the older generation to the fate of their homeland should become for everyone a vivid example of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith!

Veterans paid a great price for the Victory, many of them are no longer with us today! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in peacetime, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work quietly, enjoy life and raise our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave all their strength for the Victory, we make plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!

We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees vivacity, good health and spring mood!

With all my heart, let me congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! On this significant day for everyone, we want to wish you peace, goodness and prosperity in the house, good luck, joy and success in your endeavors, as well as love and harmony in the family.

Once again, Happy Holidays!

Dear veterans and home front workers!

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on significant date- 70th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War! Years pass, but the memory of the heroic deed of our heroes does not fade. More and more we delve into history, learning new facts, all new facts of those tragic events that turned the lives of millions of people upside down.

Those trials that fell to your lot could only be endured by people who are brave and strong in spirit, courageous, courageous, who love their Motherland and their people!

Low bow to you, our front-line soldiers, home front workers, widows and children of war! May the sky be cloudless, and the people around you do their best to keep you healthy and happy! Happy Great Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day
We wish peace on earth.
Let the shells rumble
Only fireworks.
Let on a solar planet
Happy life for children
What Grandparents Won
Let them not give up!

Sincere congratulations to veterans from May 9

Dear our veterans,
You are an example for us for all years.
Despite age and wounds,
Your soul is young.
You went through the years of fighting,
Defending the honor of your country,
For your children to live in peace
To not know the horrors of war.
We congratulate you on Victory Day,
And we wish you long, long years
Be healthy our grandfathers,
And live more than a hundred years!

Happy Victory Day
We wish peace on earth.
Let the shells rumble
Only fireworks.
Let on a solar planet
Happy life for children
What Grandparents Won
Let them not give up!

On a spring day, on Victory Day,
We would like to wish you:
More happiness, more laughter
And fight less.
More peace in your home
And, of course, don't get sick.
More sun, bright colors
And the soul does not grow old!

A terrible word is war, and a beautiful word is Victory!

It's so hard to realize that every year there are fewer of them! Our veterans... They survived, didn't break down and didn't give up!

They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when they learned about the Great Victory over fascism on May 9! A deep bow to you, dear veterans, and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! Good health and long life to you!

Salute on Victory Day May 9,
A magical rainbow of bright lights
Peace and happiness have a straight road,
Let's just go for it.
We wish you joy, peace, health,
The radiance of the sun, spring foliage,
Success in work, inspiration and happiness,
Good friends and big dreams

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Victory

70th anniversary of Victory…
How bitterly she got to us ...
We bow to the veterans in the end,
And fallen young fighters.
Our duty is to keep gratitude in our hearts,
Our duty is not to betray your feat to oblivion.
And to the young Russian generations
Pass the story as it is.
Thank you, thank you very much!
That the sky is clear above our heads,
What did you prove with your Victory,
That a Russian warrior is always a hero!

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Dear veterans,
Congratulations on your victory!
Your wounds won't heal
Will not forget the memory of trouble.
How you lost your friends
How did you shoot in the trench,
Bullet flew by
Hundreds of times over your head
But ended in victory
Your great feat, hero!
We bow our heads low
In honor of both the fallen and the living,
Dear veterans!
We thank you so much!

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Victory in verse

We want to say thank you
family veterans,
For what you suffered
who got wounded.
For bravery and courage
For hunger, terrible fear,
For holding on
Victory is in your hands.
For what you've been through
You are in your youth
And defended with the chest
A country that has no relatives
For the fact that the whole world
You have proven:
That Russian is our soldier
Even stronger steel!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
I wish peace to everyone
Let the war not touch more
The shadow will not touch grief.

Let's bow to our grandfathers
Those who saved the future.
You live a long, long time
Happiness that we have you.

Victory Day is bright and disturbing,
Can't hold back tears in my eyes
After all, it is impossible and impossible to forget,
The war that hurts to remember.

Veterans bow their heads
The granite mill blows with cold,
Low bow to you, our relatives,
What peace and peace you have given us!

We say thank you in a year
Thanks for the victory veterans.
Today the holiday is celebrated by the whole country,
And we will not get tired of wishing peace to everyone.

For a clear sky with clouds,
For the bright sun and silence,
For a happy childhood without eternal sadness,
Thank you veterans today.

You are worthy of bows and respect,
From your family and passers-by.
I wish you health and longevity
We are grateful to you for the world for children.

Happy Victory Day!
This holiday is celebrated by the whole country!
Everyone fought for victory
To end the war.

Congratulations to veterans
And we wish you good health!
Congratulations to all the people
Let life save you from adversity.

Let the sun shine over the planet
And everyone will have a peaceful year!
Let adults and children remember
About the feat, honor and about the outcome!

Happy Victory Day, veterans,
Happy Victory Day, all the people.
Peace holiday let you happiness
And good will only bring.

Let there be no more warrior
Let the shots not sound
kindness and understanding
Let them embrace.

With Great Victory
In a terrible war!
To you, great-grandfathers, grandfathers
Thank you doubly

that the world was saved
beautiful all around,
The fascist was killed

Victory Day is celebrated in the country.
Victory Day, everyone knows the holiday.
May it always be blue under the sky
The world blooms with bright colors.

The whole country goes to the parade
Victory Day is the pride of all children.
So let the fireworks go off
In memory of all the soldiers who fought!

A short

I bow to veterans
I'm very proud of them
Happy Victory Day,
I wish you all good health!

I congratulate you on Victory Day
All those veteran heroes
What bravely fought for the country,
Fascist enemies were not afraid.

They gave us the sun
Saved our lives and the world.
Let the old wounds not hurt
Bow to you low to the ground!

We celebrate Victory Day
We celebrate veterans.
Will never heal
There is a wound in our heart.

Let's say thank you to everyone
valiant heroes,
We wish them good health
Peace and rest.

We do not know the horrors of war
We do not understand early gray hair,
We do not experience pain and fear,
When bombs explode in the sky...
Let's say thank you together, we
Veterans of that terrible war...

It stands on a hillock:
Green old tank
He is wounded by battles,
With scars on the sides...

He saw victories
And sorrows - I saw
But never guys
Reverse didn't work...

Hurry forward - to Victory,
Knowing no fear, evil...
Now on the monument
And next - the kids!

I wish peace and goodness to the country
And stay away from troubles
I congratulate you on Victory Day,
And I wish you all peaceful days!

Victory Day is one of the most important and revered public holidays in all countries of the former Soviet Union. For the first time it began to be celebrated on May 9, 1945, when our soldiers defeated Nazi Germany once and for all. Since then, for many decades, on this significant day, WWII veterans have been gathering with their families, fellow front-line soldiers, accepting beautiful congratulations Since May 9, and on a grand scale, they celebrate a crushing victory over the enemy .. Since many soldiers of the Red Army were mercilessly destroyed in the Great Patriotic War, every year on May 9, in all corners of Russia and the CIS countries, people honor the dead veterans: they remember their great deeds, lay flowers and wreaths at their monuments, and on the central square of any city you can observe on this day holiday concerts, all kinds of exciting contests and, of course, evening colorful fireworks on Victory Day. In the article you will find an excellent selection of congratulations on May 9 in poetry and prose, as well as festive short SMS that you can send to your friends on social networks or on a mobile phone.

Sincere congratulations on May 9 to dear veterans in verse

Victory! ... no matter how painful it was,
Victory! ... no matter how scary it was.
Bow to the ground, veterans,
Happy holiday to you!

Thank you for standing with your chest
Protecting your native country
Thanks for the peace veterans
For your reliable hands!

May your hopes come true
Caring for children and grandchildren
Live, folks, live
Calm, safe and peaceful!

Happy Victory Day! Low bow to you
Our dear veterans.
With gratitude, we remember
Military exploits, your merits.

Good health, vigor and strength,
Many years, much respect.
Let there be peace over the country
May life continue.

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
Let the children laugh loudly
Glory to the victorious people!
Veterans triple "Hurrah!"

You gave us victory
So that we are not afraid of war.
Believe me, all the people are devoted to you,
We wish you many more years!

Live happily, calmly,
Do not know sorrows and troubles.
We remember your feat, we honor with dignity -
This is our duty, this is the answer.

Short SMS - congratulations on May 9 for veterans, friends and relatives

Happy Victory Day, radiant day!
With a peaceful sky - clear, clean!
On this day not so long ago
Evil has been defeated!
So heroes - gratitude,
Well, we - spring and joy!

Happy Victory Day! Happy people's day!
Happy Defender's Day!
We dream that in the world
There was no more war!

On Victory Day, I wish you
Live without war and without sorrow!
So that neither children nor grandchildren
Do not take machine guns in your hands!

Short congratulations on May 9 to veterans from children on Victory Day

Happy Victory Day,
Native grandfather.
Let worries, troubles
Not a foot in your house!

Let joy shine
In gentle eyes.
And easy to play
Wind in your hair!

My grandfather is brave
He saw soldiers.
When I was a child
I've seen it all before:

And terrible wounds
Explosions and combat.
I am proud because
What are you my grandfather!

Happy Victory Day, dear grandma.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Long life and health, I want
Wish, regardless of the year.

Let hundreds of bouquets of bright flowers,
Reminds you of that spring
When the sweet word is Victory,
Resurrected her beauty.

Solemn congratulations on May 9 to veterans in verse and prose

On this great holiday
I hasten to wish you
About this important date
Never forget.

And remember - our grandfathers
For us all fought!
So let Victory Day
Promises you success!

Victory Day has come, our holiday of spring,
We tore down the banner of fascism from the Reichstag,
He became a saint forever for our country,
In it, to joy, bitterness is mixed with funeral feasts!

So let's remember all those who did not come home,
Forever remained on that battlefield,
People's Commissariat "hundred" we will pour for the holiday,
Let's give the first word to the veterans!

Today great holiday for our people and all Russian land. We are celebrating another anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that this day goes further and further into the depths of years, the victory is of great historical significance for our Motherland. Today, there are so few people left to whom we can personally say “thank you” for this feat. I really want the present and future young generations to honor and respect this important day and everything that stands behind it. Happy Victory Day!

This day in the history of our country - main holiday. This victory is the victory of the people, the victory of good over evil, the victory of love and patriotism over predatory instincts. So let the veterans live forever, let the feat not be forgotten over the years. Let every kid know what losses the terrible war cost us and never betray the ideals written in blood on our land: our Motherland is the Motherland of the great unconquered people.

Every year, Victory Day on May 9, 1945 is farther away from us, and fewer and fewer veterans go to the Victory Parade! But to you, veterans living in the 21st century, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful date! I wish you strong and sustainable health, beauty and wisdom of your long years, love and respect from the younger generation, as well as attention and gratitude from the authorities! Let your houses be full bowls, souls - bright and kind, and life - joyful and very long!

May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few left who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at the feet and thank for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children will never know what war is. And we will do everything to preserve the memory of those who walked for miles to this victory. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on May 9 are an important part of the great holiday. It is with solemn congratulatory words that this wonderful day begins every year, and every veteran hears from his children and grandchildren beautiful words in prose and verse, accepts gifts and warm care. Happy holiday to you! Happy Victory Day!