Personal scale of manifestations of anxiety (J.Taylor, adaptation by T.Nemchin). Method for measuring the level of anxiety of Taylor adaptation by T. A. Nemchinova Method for studying the level of anxiety of Taylor

The J. Taylor Questionnaire is one of the scales of the Minnesota Multivariate Inventory (MMRI) and is designed to measure the level of personal anxiety, adapted by prof. T.A. Nemchin. The questionnaire consists of 50 statements. For ease of use, each statement is offered to the subject on a separate card.

Instruction."Spread the cards right and left depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statements contained in them." Testing lasts 15-30 minutes.

Taylor Questionnaire

  1. I'm usually calm and it's not easy to piss me off.
  2. My nerves are no more upset than other people's.
  3. I rarely get constipated.
  4. I rarely have headaches.
    1. I rarely get tired.
    2. I almost always feel quite happy.
    3. I'm confident.
    4. I almost never blush.
      1. Compared to my friends, I consider myself quite a brave person.

10. I blush no more than others.

11. I rarely have a heartbeat.

12. Usually my hands are quite warm.

13. I am no more shy than others.

14. I lack self-confidence.

15. Sometimes it seems to me that I am good for nothing.

16. I have periods of such anxiety that I cannot sit still.

17. My stomach bothers me a lot.

18. I do not have the courage to endure all the difficulties ahead.

19. I would like to be as happy as others.

20. Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are heaped up in front of me that I cannot overcome.

21. I often have nightmares.

22. I notice that my hands begin to tremble when I try to do something.

23. I have extremely restless and interrupted sleep.

24. I am very worried about possible failures.

25. I had to experience fear in those cases when I knew for sure that nothing threatened me.

26. It is difficult for me to concentrate on work or on any task.

27. I work with a lot of pressure.

28. I am easily confused.

29. Almost all the time I feel anxiety because of someone or because of something.

30. I tend to take everything too seriously.

31. I often cry.

32. I am often tormented by bouts of vomiting and nausea.

33. Once a month or more I have an upset stomach.

34. I am often afraid that I am about to blush.

35. It is very difficult for me to focus on anything.

36. My financial situation worries me a lot.

37. Often I think about things that I would not want to talk about with anyone.

38. I had periods when anxiety deprived me of sleep.

39. At times, when I am confused, I sweat a lot, which makes me very embarrassed.

40. Even on cold days, I sweat easily.

41. At times I get so excited that it's hard for me to sleep.

42. Me? excitable person.

43. At times I feel completely useless.

44. Sometimes it seems to me that my nerves are very shattered and I'm about to lose my temper.

45. I often find myself worrying about something.

46. ​​I am much more sensitive than most other people.

47. I feel hungry almost all the time.

48. Life for me is associated with unusual stress.

49. Waiting always makes me nervous.

The key to the test and data analysis.

Every yes answer to statements 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22, 23, 24,25,26,27, 28, 29,30,31,32,33,34,35 ,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43, 44,45,46,47,48,49, 50 and the answer "no" to statements 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ,8, 9,10,11,12, 13 is worth 1 point.

Evaluation of results Taylor questionnaire research is performed by counting the number of responses of the subject, indicating symptoms of personal anxiety.

Total score: 40-50 points is considered as an indicator very high anxiety level; 25-40 points indicates high level of anxiety; 15-25 points? about the average (with a tendency to high) level; 5-15 points? O average(with a tendency to low) level and 0-5 points? O low level of anxiety.

The second version of the questionnaire. Psychologist V. G. Norakidze supplemented the J. Taylor questionnaire with a scale lies which makes it possible to judge

demonstrativeness, insincerity in the answers of the subjects. A version of this improved questionnaire is shown below.

Personal anxiety scale (J. Taylor, V. G. Norakidze)

  1. I can work for a long time without getting tired.
    1. I always keep my promises, regardless of whether it is convenient for me or not.
    2. Usually my hands and feet are warm.
    3. I rarely get headaches.
    4. I am confident in my abilities.
    5. Waiting makes me nervous.
    6. Sometimes I feel like I'm good for nothing.
    7. Usually I feel quite happy.
    8. I can't focus on just one.

10. As a child, I always immediately and meekly carried out everything that was entrusted to me.

11. Once a month or more I have an upset stomach.

12. I often find myself worrying about something.

13. I think that I am no more nervous than most other people.

14. I am not too shy.

15. Life for me is almost always connected with a lot of stress.

16. Sometimes it happens that I talk about things I don’t understand.

17. I blush no more than others.

18. I often get upset over trifles.

19. I rarely notice palpitations or shortness of breath.

20. I don't like all the people I know.

21. I can't sleep if something disturbs me.

22. I am usually calm and not easily upset.

23. I often have nightmares.

24. I tend to take everything too seriously.

25. When I'm nervous, I sweat more.

26. I have restless and interrupted sleep.

27. In games, I prefer to win rather than lose.

28. I am more sensitive than most other people.

29. It happens that immodest jokes and witticisms make me laugh.

30. I would like to be as satisfied with my life as others are probably.

31. My stomach bothers me a lot.

32. I am constantly preoccupied with my material and official affairs.

33. I am wary of some people, although I know that they cannot harm me.

34. Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are piled up in front of me that I cannot overcome.

35. I am easily confused.

36. At times I get so excited that it prevents me from falling asleep.

37. I prefer to avoid conflicts and predicaments.

38. I have bouts of nausea and vomiting.

39. I have never been late for dates or work.

40. I definitely feel useless at times.

41. Sometimes I want to swear.

42. I almost always feel anxiety about something or someone.

43. I am worried about possible failures.

44. I am often afraid that I am about to blush.

45. I am often overcome with despair.

46. ​​Me? a nervous and excitable person.

47. I often notice that my hands tremble when I try to do something.

48. I almost always feel hungry.

49. I lack self-confidence.

50. I sweat easily even on cool days.

51. I often dream about things that are better not to tell anyone.

52. My stomach rarely hurts.

53. I find it very difficult for me to concentrate on any task or work.

54. I have periods of such strong anxiety that I cannot sit in one place for a long time.

55. I always answer emails immediately after reading.

56. I get upset easily.

57. Practically I never blush.

58. I have much less various fears and fears than my friends and acquaintances.

59. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what should be done today.

60. Usually I work with a lot of stress.

Key and test data analysis

“Yes” answers to statements 6, 7,9,11,12,13, 15,18,21,23,24,25,26,28,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 are evaluated in 1 point ,37,38,40,42,44, 45,46,47,48,49, 50,53,54,56,60 and “no” answers to statements 1,3,4,5,8,14,17 , 19,22,39,43,52,57,58. Answers “yes” to points 2, 10, 55 and “no” to points 16, 20, 27, 29,41,51,59 are considered false.

You can check the stability of the obtained data in the first and second testing options. Both versions of the questionnaire are used in individual and group examinations, are able to solve both theoretical and practical problems and can be included in a battery of other tests for the purpose of psychodiagnostics in sports.

Taylor's Anxiety Measurement Method.

Adaptation by T. A. Nemchinov

The questionnaire consists of 50 statements. For ease of use, each statement is offered to the subject on a separate card. According to the instructions, the subject puts cards to the right and left, depending on whether he agrees or disagrees with the statements contained in them. Testing lasts 15-30 minutes.

test material

1. Usually I am calm and it is not easy to get me mad.

2. My nerves are no more upset than other people.

3. I rarely get constipated.

4. I rarely have headaches.

5. I rarely get tired.

6. I almost always feel quite happy.

7. I am confident.

8. I almost never blush.

9. Compared to my friends, I consider myself quite a brave person.

10. I blush no more than others.

11. I rarely have a heartbeat.

12. Usually my hands are quite warm.

13. I am no more shy than others.

14. I lack self-confidence.

15. Sometimes it seems to me that I am good for nothing.

16. I have periods of such anxiety that I cannot sit still.

17. My stomach troubles me a lot.

18. I do not have the courage to endure all the difficulties ahead. I would like to be as happy as others.

19. Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are heaped up in front of me that I cannot overcome.

20. I often have nightmares.

21. I notice that my hands begin to tremble when I try to do something.

22. I have extremely restless and interrupted sleep.

23. I am very worried about possible failures.

24. I had to experience fear in those cases when I knew for sure that nothing threatened me.

25. It is difficult for me to concentrate on work or on any task.

26. I work with a lot of pressure.

27. I am easily confused.

28. Almost all the time I feel anxiety because of someone or because of something.

30. I tend to take everything too seriously.

31. I often cry.

32. I am often tormented by bouts of vomiting and nausea.

33. Once a month or more I have an upset stomach.

34. I am often afraid that I am about to blush.

35. It is very difficult for me to focus on anything.

36. My financial situation worries me a lot.

37. Often I think about things that I would not want to talk about with anyone.

38. I had periods when anxiety deprived me of sleep.

39. At times, when I am confused, I sweat a lot, which makes me very embarrassed.

40. Even on cold days, I sweat easily.

41. At times I get so excited that it's hard for me to sleep.

42. I am an easily excitable person.

43. At times I feel completely useless.

44. Sometimes it seems to me that my nerves are very shattered, and I'm about to lose my temper.

45. I often find myself worrying about something.

46. ​​I am much more sensitive than most other people.

47. I feel hungry almost all the time.

48. Sometimes I get upset over trifles.

49. Life for me is associated with unusual stress.

50. Waiting always makes me nervous.

Evaluation of the results of the study according to the questionnaire is carried out by counting the number of responses of the subject, indicating anxiety.

Each “yes” answer to statements 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 , 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

and the answer "no" to statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 is estimated at 1 point.

Total score: 40-50 points is considered as an indicator very high anxiety level; 25-40 points indicates high level of anxiety; 15-25 points - about average (with a tendency to high) level; 5-15 points - about average (with a tendency to low) level and 0-5 points - about low level of anxiety.

In 1975, V. G. Norakidze supplemented the questionnaire with a scale of lies, which makes it possible to judge demonstrativeness and insincerity in the answers.

A version of this questionnaire is shown below.

Anxiety Scale

1. I can work for a long time without getting tired.

2. I always keep my promises, regardless of whether it is convenient for me or not.

3. Usually my hands and feet are warm.

4. I rarely get headaches.

5. I am confident in my abilities.

6. Waiting makes me nervous.

7. Sometimes I feel like I'm good for nothing.

8. Usually I feel quite happy.

9. I can't focus on just one thing.

10. As a child, I always immediately and meekly carried out everything that was entrusted to me.

11. Once a month or more I have an upset stomach.

12. I often find myself worrying about something.

13. I think that I am no more nervous than most other people.

14. I am not too shy.

15. Life for me is almost always connected with a lot of stress.

16. Sometimes it happens that I talk about things that I do not understand.

17. I blush no more than others.

18. I often get upset over trifles.

19. I rarely notice palpitations or shortness of breath.

20. I don't like all the people I know.

21. I can't sleep if something is bothering me.

22. I am usually calm and not easily upset.

23. I often have nightmares.

24. I tend to take everything too seriously.

25. When I'm nervous, I sweat more.

26. I have restless and interrupted sleep.

27. In games, I prefer to win rather than lose.

28. I am more sensitive than most other people.

29. It happens that immodest jokes and witticisms make me laugh.

30. I would like to be as satisfied with my life as others are probably.

31. My stomach troubles me a lot.

32. I am constantly preoccupied with my material and official affairs.

33. I am wary of some people, although I know that they cannot harm me.

34. Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are piled up in front of me that I cannot overcome.

35. I am easily confused.

36. At times I get so excited that it prevents me from falling asleep.

37. I prefer to avoid conflicts and predicaments.

38. I have bouts of nausea and vomiting.

39. I have never been late for dates or work.

40. I definitely feel useless at times.

41. Sometimes I want to swear.

42. I almost always feel anxiety about something or someone.

43. I am worried about possible failures.

44. I am often afraid that I am about to blush.

45. I am often overcome with despair.

46. ​​I am a nervous and easily excitable person.

47. I often notice that my hands tremble when I try to do something.

48. I almost always feel hungry.

49. I lack self-confidence.

50. I sweat easily even on cool days.

51. I often dream about things that are better not to tell anyone.

52. My stomach very rarely hurts.

53. I find it very difficult for me to concentrate on any task or work.

54. I have periods of such strong anxiety that I cannot sit in one place for a long time.

55. I always answer emails immediately after reading.

56. I get upset easily.

57. I almost never blush.

58. I have much less various fears and fears than my friends and acquaintances.

59. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what should be done today.

60. Usually I work with a lot of stress.

“Yes” answers to statements 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 60 and

“no” answers to statements 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 19, 22, 39, 43, 52, 57, 58.

“Yes” answers to paragraphs 2, 10, 55 and

"no" to paragraphs 16, 20, 27, 29, 41, 51, 59.

Both versions of the questionnaire are used in individual and group examinations, are able to solve both theoretical and practical problems and can be included in a battery of other tests.

Analysis of the results of the study according to the method of J. Taylor "Scale of anxiety"

Anxiety is an individual emotional feature of a person, consisting in an increased tendency to experience anxiety in a variety of ways. life situations, including those that do not predispose to this.

At the psychological level, anxiety is felt as anxiety, tension, preoccupation, fussiness, nervousness. It is experienced in the form of feelings of uncertainty, helplessness, impotence, insecurity, loneliness, threatening failure, inability to make a decision.

At the physiological level, the anxiety reaction is manifested in an increase in heart rate, increased breathing, an increase in the minute volume of blood circulation, an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of sweating, an increase in general excitability, a decrease in sensitivity thresholds, when previously neutral stimuli acquire a negative emotional coloring.

Due to the fact that our study is aimed at identifying readiness for professional activity, it is clear that the question of anxiety at work cannot be overlooked. It is very important to measure the level of anxiety, since this feature of the individual largely determines his behavior. First of all, it causes attention disorders, which can be life-threatening. It is also known that a high level of anxiety does not provide efficient operation. In this regard, we used the technique of J. Taylor "Anxiety Scale".

Our study showed that 27 subjects have a high level of anxiety. A high level of anxiety caused by the expectation of a possible failure can be seen as an adaptive mechanism that increases the responsibility of the individual in the face of social demands and attitudes. high anxiety implies a tendency to the appearance of a state of anxiety in a person in situations of assessing his competence. In this case, the subjective significance of the situation and tasks should be reduced and the emphasis should be shifted to understanding the activity and forming a sense of confidence in success.

Subjects with low anxiety (24 subjects), on the contrary, require increased attention to the motives of activity and increased sense of responsibility. But sometimes very low anxiety in test scores is the result of a person's active displacement of high anxiety in order to show himself in a "better light".

The average scores for academic performance and the level of anxiety were summarized in a common table 3.1.

Table 3.1 General table on the results of the methodology "Scale of anxiety" and average scores for academic performance

subject number

Anxiety level (points)


subject number

Anxiety level (points)


Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was measured to find the relationship between anxiety levels and grade point average. Which showed that there is no relationship between anxiety levels and performance grades (0.15).

Anxiety is traditionally understood as one of the personality traits and is not considered as a product of the conditions prevailing in labor activity. The state of increased anxiety exists and is often found in a student functioning in a learning model " man - technology". Moreover, this state is directly related to the characteristics of the activity, its organization and has a significant impact on the success of work.

The lack of communication is explained by the fact that educational activities take place in relatively comfortable conditions (compared to work activities), and therefore there are no fears, fears about the student's learning activities. While in labor activity, a whole system of material savings is carried out for poor-quality performance of one's labor duties.

(J. Taylor, adaptation by V. G. Norakidze)


Scale of "manifestations of anxiety"(Manifest Anxiety Scale, MAS) - a personality questionnaire. Designed to measure the manifestations of anxiety. Published by J. Taylor in 1953. The scale statements were selected from the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) set of statements. The choice of items for the scale of "manifestations of anxiety" was carried out on the basis of an analysis of their ability to distinguish individuals with "chronic anxiety reactions".

Processing of research results is carried out similarly to the MMPI procedure. The anxiety index is measured on a T-score scale. The Anxiety Manifestation Scale is often used as one of the additional MMPI scales. At the same time, the result of measuring anxiety not only complements the data on the main clinical MMPI scales, but in some cases can also be involved in the interpretation of the profile as a whole. As research data show (J. Reich et al., 1986; J. Henser, W. Mayer, 1986), the state of anxiety is associated with a change in the cognitive assessment of the environment and oneself. With high indicators of the level of anxiety, it is necessary to observe certain caution in interpreting self-assessment data.

In 1975, V. G. Norakidze supplemented the questionnaire with a scale of lies, which makes it possible to judge demonstrativeness and insincerity in the answers.

The questionnaire contains 60 statements and is designed to assess the level of anxiety as one of the indicators of an employee's adaptation to professional activity.

For ease of use, each statement is offered to the subject on a separate card.

The statements were selected from the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) set of statements. Select items for the test. was carried out on the basis of an analysis of their ability to distinguish between individuals with "chronic anxiety reactions". Testing lasts 15-30 minutes.

More well-known are the variants of the methodology in the adaptation of T. A. Nemchinov and V. G. Norakidze, who in 1975 supplemented the questionnaire with a lie scale, which makes it possible to judge demonstrative, insincerity in the answers. Both versions of the questionnaire are used in individual and group examinations, are able to solve both theoretical and practical problems and can be included in a battery of other tests.

Instruction: Read the first statement in the questionnaire. If you agree with this statement, then put an “X” in the “Yes” column of the answer sheet, if you do not agree, put an “X” in the “No” column. Evaluate all 60 statements of the questionnaire in this way. Try to work as quickly as possible, especially do not think about the answers, since the first answer that comes to mind is usually the most correct one. Recordings cannot be corrected.

test material

  1. I can work for a long time without getting tired.
  2. I always keep my promises, regardless of whether it is convenient for me or not.
  3. Usually my hands and feet are warm.
  4. I rarely get headaches.
  5. I am confident in my abilities.
  6. Waiting makes me nervous.
  7. Sometimes I feel like I'm good for nothing.
  8. Usually I feel quite happy.
  9. I can't focus on one thing.
  10. As a child, I always immediately and meekly carried out everything that was entrusted to me.
  11. Once a month or more I get an upset stomach.
  12. I often find myself worrying about something.
  13. I think I am no more nervous than most people.
  14. I'm not too shy.
  15. Life for me is almost always connected with a lot of stress.
  16. Sometimes it happens that I talk about things that I do not understand.
  17. I don't blush more often than others.
  18. I often get upset over trifles.
  19. I rarely notice palpitations or shortness of breath.
  20. Not all the people I know I like.
  21. I can't sleep if something is bothering me.
  22. I am usually calm and not easily upset.
  23. I often suffer from nightmares.
  24. I tend to take everything too seriously.
  25. When I'm nervous, I sweat more.
  26. I have restless and interrupted sleep.
  27. In games, I prefer to win rather than lose.
  28. I am more sensitive than most people.
  29. Sometimes immodest jokes and witticisms make me laugh.
  30. I would like to be as happy with my life as others are probably.
  31. My stomach bothers me a lot.
  32. I am constantly preoccupied with my material and official affairs.
  33. I'm wary of some people even though I know they can't hurt me.
  34. Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are heaped up in front of me that I cannot overcome.
  35. I get confused easily.
  36. At times I get so aroused that it prevents me from falling asleep.
  37. I prefer to avoid conflicts and predicaments.
  38. I have bouts of nausea and vomiting.
  39. I have never been late for a date or pa bot.
  40. At times, I definitely feel useless.
  41. Sometimes I want to curse
  42. I almost always feel anxious about something or someone.
  43. I'm worried about possible failures.
  44. I often fear that I am about to blush.
  45. I am often overcome with despair.
  46. I am a nervous and easily excitable person.
  47. I often notice that my hands shake when I try to do something.
  48. I almost always feel hungry.
  49. I lack self-confidence.
  50. I sweat easily, even on cool days.
  51. I often dream about things that are better not to tell anyone.
  52. I rarely get stomach pain.
  53. I find it very difficult for me to focus on any task or work.
  54. I have periods of such great anxiety that I cannot sit in one place for long.
  55. I always reply to emails immediately after reading.
  56. I get upset easily.
  57. I almost never blush.
  58. I have much less fears and fears than my friends and acquaintances.
  59. Sometimes I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
  60. I usually work under a lot of pressure.

Interpretation: First, you should process the results on the lie scale. It diagnoses the propensity to give socially desirable responses. If this indicator exceeds 6 points, then this indicates the insincerity of the subject.

Lie Scale

  • Answers "Yes" to items: 2, 10.39, 55 are estimated at 1 point.
  • Answers "No" to items: 16, 20, 28, 29, 41, 51, 59.

Anxiety Scale

  • Answers “Yes” to items 6, 7, 9 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 60.
  • Answers “No” to items: 1, 3, 45, 8.13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 43, 52, 57, 58.

Then the total score on the anxiety scale is calculated:

  • 40 - 50 points is considered as an indicator of a very high level of anxiety;
  • 25 - 40 points - indicates a high level of anxiety;
  • 15 - 25 points - about the average (with a tendency to high) level of anxiety;
  • 5 - 15 points - about the average (with a tendency to low) level of anxiety;
  • 0 - 5 points - about a low level of anxiety.

Method J. Taylor

"Anxiety Scale"

Description of the technique

The Taylor Personality Anxiety Scale is designed to measure the manifestations of anxiety. Published in 1953

More well-known are the variants of the methodology in adaptation and, which in 1975 supplemented the questionnaire with a scale of lies, which makes it possible to judge demonstrativeness, insincerity in the answers. Both versions of the questionnaire are used in individual and group examinations, are able to solve both theoretical and practical problems and can be included in a battery of other tests.

The questionnaire consists of 50 statements that are aimed at diagnosing "anxiety", and 10 statements of the "lie" scale. Testing lasts 15-30 minutes.


Read the statements in the questionnaire. If you agree with the statement, then put a “+” sign in the column opposite it, if not, then a “-” sign. Evaluate all 60 statements of the questionnaire in this way. Try to answer without thinking.



I can work for a long time without getting tired.

I always keep my promises, regardless of whether it is convenient for me or not.

Usually my hands and feet are warm.

I rarely get headaches.

I am confident in my abilities.

Waiting makes me nervous.

Sometimes I feel like I'm good for nothing.

Usually I feel quite happy.

I can't focus on just one.

As a child, I always immediately and meekly carried out everything that was entrusted to me.

Once a month or more I get an upset stomach.

I often find myself worrying about something.

I think I am no more nervous than most other people.

I'm not too shy.

Life for me is almost always connected with a lot of stress.

Sometimes it happens that I talk about things that I do not understand.

I don't blush more often than others.

I often get upset over trifles.

I rarely notice palpitations or shortness of breath.

Not all the people I know I like.

I can't sleep if something is bothering me.

I am usually calm and not easily upset.

I often suffer from nightmares.

I tend to take everything too seriously.

When I'm nervous, I sweat more.

I have restless and interrupted sleep.

In games, I prefer to win rather than lose.

I am more sensitive than most other people.

Sometimes immodest jokes and witticisms make me laugh.

I would like to be as happy with my life as others are probably.

My stomach bothers me a lot.

I am constantly preoccupied with my material and official affairs.

I'm wary of some people even though I know they can't hurt me.

Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are heaped up in front of me that I cannot overcome.

I get confused easily.

At times I get so aroused that it prevents me from falling asleep.

I prefer to avoid conflicts and predicaments.

I have bouts of nausea and vomiting.

I've never been late for dates or work.

At times, I definitely feel useless.

Sometimes I want to curse.

I almost always feel anxiety about something or someone.

I'm worried about possible failures.

I often fear that I am about to blush.

I am often overcome with despair.

I am a nervous and easily excitable person.

I often notice that my hands shake when I try to do something.

I almost always feel hungry.

I lack self-confidence.

I sweat easily even on cool days.

I often dream about things that are better not to tell anyone.

I rarely get stomach pain.

I find it very difficult for me to focus on any task or work.

I have periods of such intense anxiety that I cannot sit in one place for long.

I always reply to emails immediately after reading.

I get upset easily.

I almost never blush.

I have much less various fears and fears than my friends and acquaintances.

Sometimes I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

I usually work under a lot of pressure.

Key and interpretation of results

Each answer is worth 1 point.

Lie Scale




4 - 5 on the scale of lies - a critical result that casts doubt on the reliability of the answers of the subject.

Anxiety Scale




40 - 50 very high level of anxiety,

25 - 39 - high level of anxiety,

15 – 24 – average level with a tendency to high anxiety,

5 - 14 - average level with a tendency to low anxiety,

0 - 4 - low level of anxiety.