How is eyelash botox done? New! Very interesting procedure for eyelashes

Eyelash care in the salon with modern technologies is a trend modern world, and moreover, the trend is quite justified. For thousands of years, our ancestors sought to emphasize the beauty of their eyes with the help of long, thick and black eyelashes, while using the gifts of nature, but this came from the fact that there was no other choice. In addition to using oils, decoctions and coloring natural pigments, there was no more opportunity to emphasize the beauty of your cilia and make them thicker and longer. No one says that these funds are not effective, and you should not use them. Of course, they are worthy of attention, but sometimes it takes a very long time to wait for the result from them, and it is not as pronounced as we wish it to be. Therefore, now, when there is an alternative to using the achievements of modern technologies that promise results in a very short period of time, it is worth paying attention to this method of obtaining beautiful eyelashes.

The other side of the coin in the passion for cosmetic procedures using innovative methods is that it is very easy to go to extremes, because the possibilities of modern cosmetologists and salon masters are practically unlimited. Therefore, situations arise when eyelashes extended by the beam method extend almost to the hair roots or, conversely, there is a complete loss of their eyelashes due to excessive enthusiasm for various procedures using chemical and artificial materials.

So, what is the conclusion from all this?! First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the possibilities modern science in terms of cosmetology in general and in the field of eyelashes in particular. Only after familiarization is it worth making your choice and stopping at one of the options.

Coloring with semi-permanent mascara in the salon

Eyelash coloring with semi-permanent mascara is now available in almost every salon that monitors its reputation, and also strives to constantly raise the level of quality of services provided.

However, what is this miracle remedy - semi-permanent mascara, so rapidly gaining popularity?! This mascara got its name "semi-permanent" thanks to the word "permanent" - permanent. But, and since the constancy of this tool has its own limitations on the time of use, the prefix semi- was added. In fact, semi-permanent mascara is mascara that applies and lasts for two to three weeks without being washed off even while swimming in the pool, while getting a tan on the beach or in the solarium, and even while visiting the sauna. That is, once you visit the master for applying semi-permanent mascara, you can forget about cosmetics for this period, because now, even waking up in the morning in the mirror, you will have bright, highlighted eyes, as if you had just painted them with brasmatic.

Naturally, after such a characteristic, many people ask themselves the question: “where can I buy permanent mascara?”. The answer is quite simple - nowhere. Because the use of this tool has a number of its own characteristics and is allowed to people only after passing certain training.

The process of applying semi-permanent mascara consists of the following steps:

And after that, you can enjoy beautiful eyelashes with the effect of freshly painted ones for two to three weeks. But in order for the result to please you as long as possible, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Do not touch your eyelashes for two to three hours.
  2. Try not to let your lashes get wet or exposed to steam for the first two days. Then the rule is cancelled.
  3. Don't sleep with your face on the pillow. From this, the cilia can break and rub off.
  4. Never use eye care products or make-up removers that contain fats. Because any lipid and oil bases can dissolve the composition of semi-permanent mascara and shorten its life.
  5. Only the master himself can remove this mascara, because otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your eyelashes, injure them and the delicate skin around the eyes. Immediately after removal, you can apply this tool again, but not more than three times in a row, then you should take a break for a month.

If you follow all these rules, you will be able to fully appreciate all the advantages of this tool. And he has a lot of them: complete freedom from a cosmetic bag, especially if you are used to using mascara as the main cosmetic product in your daily makeup, no worries about leaky makeup and the need to constantly correct it.

Many people worry about the possible harm that long-wearing mascara can cause. But in fact, the benefits of using it are much greater. This is a kind of protection that puts a barrier between eyelashes and all harmful environmental factors. So, on the beach and in urban areas in the summer, the sun causes much more damage to eyelashes, and a persistent cosmetic product can protect them from this even in places where we usually do not use cosmetics: the beach, the pool, and so on. Therefore, if you are a fan of natural makeup and are going on vacation, then applying semi-permanent mascara will bring you only positive emotions.

Eyelash biowave

Eyelash biowave in the salon is now a very popular procedure, because with it you can create beautiful curled eyelashes without using hot tweezers every day.

Biowave is fundamentally different from the one known to every girl perm eyelashes. In particular, the main difference lies in a more gentle composition that does not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which cause serious damage to the hairs. It is its use that is more preferable for the eyes. The result lasts for about a month., but this does not mean that after a month the eyelashes are straightened, just the newly grown eyelashes will not be curled, so it is worth repeating the procedure about once a month and a half, depending on the individual properties of the hair.

Which eyelashes are shown biowave? Absolutely everyone! Indeed, biowave can help a girl with any type of appearance acquire a beautiful and exciting curl of eyelashes. But there are types of eyelashes for which this procedure is indicated more than others:

  1. If by nature a girl has long, but straight eyelashes.
  2. There are short and drooping eyelashes that give a drowsy look and do not paint the girl at all.
  3. Biowave is also used for extended eyelashes in order to change their shape, to give a different cut to the eyes, more suitable for them according to individual indicators.
  4. If the direction of eyelash growth is not uniform, and there is a need to correct some eyelashes and align them with the total mass.
  5. If you are allergic to the components present in eyelash extension products.

If you have decided that biowave is exactly what you need, then you should familiarize yourself with the process of its implementation, which consists of the following steps:

And of course, immediately after the eyelash biowave procedure, you should not visit solariums and saunas, sunbathe on the beach. This should be done only after two or three days after the procedure. By the way, this is practically the only eyelash treatment that is not afraid of oils, so do not forget to pamper your beautiful and curled eyelashes with various oils, such as castor, burdock, almond, apricot, and oil fortified mixtures.

But you should not think that the biowave procedure is completely harmless, yet there is a certain proportion of chemical components in eyelash curling compositions. Therefore, you should be careful about this procedure if you have certain allergic reactions to chemical compounds. And stop curling your eyelashes. chemical compounds during pregnancy and lactation.

Keratin lamination

Keratin lamination of eyelashes is a new word in cosmetology, which is designed to turn your own eyelashes into shiny and chic eyelashes of a Hollywood diva in one session. The eyelash lamination procedure is primarily designed to saturate your eyelashes with the necessary keratin and create a sheath around each hair in order to avoid loss of moisture, nutrients and pigment on the one hand and prevent the impact of negative factors. environment.

The main active ingredient, with the help of which eyelashes are saturated with keratin and become denser and more elastic, is specially processed wheat protein, which, among other things, is also a wonderful antioxidant.

The duration of action after one treatment is approximately eight weeks., that is, the cilia are updated and it is necessary to re-session. But the advantage of eyelash lamination is that it has a cumulative effect. And, judging by the reviews of many girls, after several lamination sessions, they completely stopped using mascara and curlers.

Lamination of eyelashes in the salon takes place according to the following steps:

Now on the free market you can find eyelash lamination kits designed for eyelash keratinization at home. However, keep in mind that performing this procedure at home is fraught with negative consequences, because you will not be able to completely relax your eyes and do everything right. In this case, an inflection or asymmetry of the bend is possible. And it does not look aesthetically pleasing! Of course, it is better to contact a professional who can guarantee the following effects after the procedure:

  • obtaining greater length by staining even discolored tips;
  • hair thickening due to keratin nutrition;
  • obtaining the effect of voluminous and thick eyelashes;
  • each hair will be more than previously saturated with pigment;
  • nice curve and getting an open look.

Eyelash lamination procedure is absolutely harmless, has no contraindications. Very often, girls who are just trying to learn something about this procedure have the impression that it is nothing more than a simple perm of eyelashes followed by coloring. But there is a fundamental difference - the composition of the drugs used. The main thing is to get a wonderful result, as in any cosmetic procedure, to get to a perfectly knowledgeable and high-class master. And then, you will get nothing but the health benefits of eyelashes and a wonderful appearance!

Remember, in the post » I mentioned that I heard a lot of flattering things about eyelash curling and permanent mascara procedures. And you, my good ones, I advised you to try,because it's convenient. And now I have an opportunity for youtheiroffer.

eyelash curler

With the procedurecurls, the eyelashes can be given the desired curved shape and set in one direction.That is, the cilia are not confused with each otherand do not stick out in different directions. ABOUTneither beautifully twisted and, of course, visually lengthened. Such a result, also prolonged (1.5 - 2 months), is not given by any curling brush for mascara.How long the effect lasts depends on how fast your lashes grow and change.

Curly eyelashesCan:
  • leave natural
  • paint over (black, brown, blue)
  • apply semi-permanent mascara
  • apply regular mascara, every day or on occasion (that's how you get used to it)
Semi-permanent mascara

If you want to apply semi-permanent mascara, then you can forget about the need to apply mascara for 2-3 weeks and look great always, even in the morning :), even on the beach. And at the same time swim, dive, go to the sauna with girlfriends.

She looks absolutely natural. What is very different from extended cilia. Visually it seems that you are wearing mascara.

I'm not against extensions at all, just lovers of natural beauty will appreciate that an alternative has finally appeared.

Why is it convenient:
  • significant time savings and the complete absence of special care for eyelashes while wearing mascara
  • Natural eyelashes are 30% more voluminous and 15% longer!
  • no restrictions in water procedures
  • the mascara does not crumble, does not imprint on the lower eyelid, does not smear, does not wash off, does not lose its appearance
  • ANDperfect drawing!Theyare light and fluffy! Each lash is separated and colored.
  • Safe for eyelashes!
Important points:
  1. It is recommended to limit contact with water in the first 24 hours after the procedure. And in the same period, the less you touch them, the better. So the perm and mascara will last longer. After this time, these restrictions are removed.
  2. Remove additional makeup (pencil, eyeliner, shadows) with a water-based product.
  3. Eyelash perm lasts 1.5 - 2 months, mascara 2-3 weeks.
  4. During the correction of the carcass, the entire composition is removed and a new one is applied.

Keratin lamination is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology, every woman can become the owner of luxurious, thick and healthy eyelashes.

On the Internet you can find a lot of before and after photos, forums are full of rave reviews. Keratin is a type of high-strength protein that is part of the cilia and nails. With its deficiency, the condition and appearance of the skin and hair worsens. Lifting allows you to nourish them with the necessary protein, which has a beneficial effect on the volume, length and density of hairs. It gives the desired bend without a perm, they become strong, receive nutrients in the required amount (about another method of strengthening - in the article). For the procedure, Swiss products Yumi Lashes are most often used.

Keratin restoration activates dormant bulbs, which leads to accelerated growth of new strong hairs. The lifting effect is noticeable the very next day, lasts about a month.

Procedure steps:

1. Cleansing and complete degreasing - this allows nutrients to penetrate deep into the hairs.

2. Applying a protective composition on the eyelids and under the eyes, it softens and smoothes the delicate skin in this area.

3. Fixing the silicone protector, along which the master bends, gives the desired shape.

4. Treatment of each hair with a special nourishing serum to give length and density. This composition can be any shade or colorless.

5. Keratin saturation of each eyelash separately - as a result, they become voluminous, strong, healthy.

The duration of the procedure is 1-1.5 hours. You can’t wash your face for a day, rub your eyes, sleep with your face on a pillow. The first 24 hours, the cilia do not look very attractive - they are glued together, it seems that they are covered with something greasy. In the future, no special care is needed, keratinization does not need correction. The effect disappears as the hairs grow back.

Keratin lamination - benefit or harm?

After keratin lifting, you can lead a normal life - wear lenses, swim, apply cosmetics and decorative cosmetics, sleep in any comfortable position. According to the reviews of many girls, after keratin lamination, you can not use mascara for several months - even without it, the cilia are fluffy and long, it allows you to forget about the forceps forever. The procedure is ideal for summer holidays - you don't have to look for a good waterproof mascara, the eyelashes are protected from salt water and sunlight. It does not create the impression of a foreign body in front of your eyes, you can not be afraid that the cosmetics will start to flow and crumble at the most inopportune moment. An additional plus is keratin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, frosty and dirty air.

Contraindications for keratin eyelash lifting:

  • intolerance to the components of the nutritional composition - allergic reactions may occur;
  • recent ophthalmic surgery;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the eyes, barley;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • very short cilia - after the procedure, such hairs will look like curls.

It is not recommended to do lifting using keratin immediately before building. The composition of the nourishing serum contains a lot of oils - the glue will not stick well on a greasy basis. Among the shortcomings, one can note the high cost (about 4,000 rubles), complexity. What should be feared? A bad master can lift and curl cilia poorly - the effect will not be noticeable, money and time will be wasted.

After the procedure, you do not need special care, you can lead a normal life. The only drawback is that the result will be noticeable only after a day.


Reviews are almost always positive, negative reactions of girls are most often caused by non-compliance with the rules of care, or if the procedure was carried out without taking into account contraindications.

“I learned about keratin lamination from a friend - she told me about all the benefits, advised good master. I have had eyelash extensions for several years, but keratinization is much better. There is no heaviness from artificial hairs, I got up in the morning, combed the hairs, I don’t even paint. I am very satisfied with the result, thanks to my friend.”

Xenia, St. Petersburg.

“For a long time I was going to do a facelift, and now I decided. The whole procedure took about 2 hours, there were no discomfort during the treatment. After graduation, she went to the mirror, almost burst into tears - oily tufts stuck out instead of eyelashes. The master reassured me, said that in a day everything would pass. The next day, the cilia became fluffy, had a beautiful natural shade. I don’t even use mascara now, and everything is fine.”

Elena, Moscow.

“I can’t say that my eyelashes are so bad - dark, long, but they clearly lacked volume and a beautiful bend. I had to suffer with tongs, constantly curling. read a lot good reviews about lifting, I decided to try it - I am very satisfied. The eyelashes have become thick, dark, beautifully bent. And now even in the morning I look great.

Margarita, Ufa.

“I am a natural blonde, without minimal makeup I look like a homely mouse. Thanks to the keratin treatment, I got chic dark eyelashes. An additional plus is that after the birth of a child, they fell out a lot, after keratin, the hairs stopped crumbling, they look healthy and fluffy.

Olga, Volgograd.

“I have treated my eyelashes with keratin several times already - the result is always impressive and pleasing. My eyelashes are dark and long, but absolutely straight. The only negative is that due to the strong bend after the procedure, it is not very convenient to use eyeliner, but the price, of course, is a little depressing.

Tamara, Krasnoyarsk.

Ideal eyelashes - what are they? The answer is obvious - lush and long. Decorative cosmetics, of course, helps to transform the look. But mascara gives only a temporary transformation. But salon procedures will give a "long-lasting" effect. Their main mass is aimed at achieving a visual result - eyelashes become longer and thicker. But some beauty sessions also help to improve their condition - there is a therapeutic effect. Which popular procedures are effective and which are not? Should we believe the promises of beauty salons advertising their services in eyelash care?

One of the most popular salon procedures for transforming the look is eyelash extensions. In just a couple of hours, your eyelids will be framed by a lush fan of eyelashes. In this way, you can "adjust" the length and density of the hairs.

There are several extension techniques - an experienced master will advise the one that suits you best. But each method has a significant drawback - new eyelashes require careful care. Do not sleep with your face in the pillow, do not remove eye makeup with pressure, do not go to the sauna - this is only a small part of the large set of rules for caring for extended eyelashes. And so that the hairs on the eyelids do not seem to be shabby over time, you will have to make a correction regularly (at least once every 3 months).

Salon eyelash biowave procedure

Salon procedures for conventional perm of eyelashes are not very relevant now. They were replaced by biowave. According to the assurances of the masters, the composition of the products used does not contain harmful "chemistry" that damages the hairs and can cause irritation on the eyelids. Ideally, the procedure allows you to get a smooth curve of the eyelashes without harming them. To make it so, ask the master what kind of professional cosmetics he uses in his work, study its composition.

Biowave lasts a maximum of 2 months. In order for the result to be stable, you will have to adhere to some rules in daily care for eyelashes.

Keratin perm (another name is lamination) is one of those salon procedures that has both a visual and healing effect on eyelashes. Do not confuse the procedure with conventional and biochemical perms. The main difference is that when laminating, special cosmetics are used with useful substances in the composition. As a result of the session, the hairs acquire a smooth bend and are restored from the inside. The effect will last up to 3 months. Lamination is suitable for those who are satisfied with their volume and length, it is only important to give them a bend.

The composition of the cosmetics used by the master contains proteins. They provide eyelashes with complete care - the hairs are protected from moisture loss and negative external factors, help restore their internal structure and stimulate their growth.

Lamination of eyelashes in the salon goes like this:

  • All cosmetics are removed from the eyelids. The cover closer to the eyelashes is treated with a cream to prevent irritation when in contact with the preparations used.
  • Silicone pads are attached to the upper eyelids. They come in different diameters to provide a particular angle of bending of the hairs.
  • Hairs are “combed” onto these rollers using special glue. The master straightens each eyelash.
  • A restoring composition is applied to the eyelashes, and then a gentle pigment.
  • After a certain time, the hairs are cleared of the product. A regenerating balm is applied to them.

Now on sale you can find special kits for home lamination of eyelashes. If you want to transfer the procedure to the “at home” format, choose cosmetics meticulously - there are many fakes on the market. And note that it will be very inconvenient to carry out the procedure on your own, because you will have to act literally “blindly”. There is a risk that the hairs will acquire an unnatural bend and ugly “kinks”.

Coloring eyelashes with special resistant cosmetics

Coloring eyelashes with permanent compositions is very important. These are those salon procedures, which will allow you to forget about using mascara for some period. Many girls do permanent coloring before going to sea. Still - a rich color of eyelashes without mascara, which can flow at the most inopportune moment.

The result of permanent staining, depending on the compositions used and the experience of the master, will last 1-2 months. Professional cosmetics You won't find it on the free market. But even if it could be bought, it is impossible to use it at home on your own - there are a number of features. This beauty session belongs to the category of “do not repeat at home”.

The process of permanent eyelash coloring can be described in several stages:

  • Remains of cosmetics are removed from the eyelids. Eyelashes are degreased and carefully combed.
  • Special mascara is applied to the inside of the eyelashes. With tweezers, the master separates the hairs so that they are all evenly dyed.
  • The tool can be applied to the hairs several times. It all depends on what end result the client expects.
  • Then the remnants of permanent mascara, if it gets on the skin, are washed off with a special composition.

From permanent staining, you should not expect a stunning effect, like from extensions. Yes, persistent mascara will add color to eyelashes, but it is not able to greatly lengthen them and give them splendor. There will be no bend. If the hairs on the eyelids are naturally straight, you will have to continue to twist them with forceps.

Henna has become relevant again. It is now much more often used for hair coloring and included in eyelash care. Henna is a natural pigment that gives a fairly stable color. You can be sure that there will be no harmful chemicals in the composition of the coloring agent.

The procedure itself is no different from permanent eyelash tinting. The result will last up to 2-3 months. It all depends on how often you use makeup removers.

My first acquaintance with the lamination procedure happened a few years ago, when the fashion was just gaining momentum. I, as the owner of short and downward-growing eyelashes, was ready for anything, just to remove the expression of “sad eyes” and give the look cheerfulness.

In one popular salon, I was offered YumiLashes instead of the usual perm. The result stunned me and exceeded all expectations. The eyes have changed, the eyelashes have acquired incredible thickness and rich color!

The effect, unfortunately, did not last long, about four weeks. And they promised something from seven to twelve! If then the master had told me what I know about lamination now, I would not be surprised at all, signed up for a new procedure and bought keratin mascara for home care. However, the master did not know or did not tell me that the duration of the effect directly depends on the condition of the eyelashes at the moment and on how the woman takes care of herself. The fact that I work from morning to night, do not sleep, and certainly do not drink enough water, is immediately noticeable in appearance eyelashes. What can we say about the health of a woman living in a large metropolis, raising two small children and forgetting about a full sleep? It’s good that I don’t increase eyelashes, because then everything would be even sadder.

I was upset and decided to read what they write about the procedure on the Internet. Oh, how many ambiguous opinions I came across! Someone loves lamination, and someone complains about damaged, “crooked” eyelashes. For some, the result lasts for 10 weeks, while for someone the effect disappears almost immediately! Photos of gorgeous eyelashes were crowded next to pictures of twisted, with creases. On the Web, there was even a review of a girl who had to cut off the tips of her eyelashes, because they looked in different directions. So after that, I already considered that I was lucky: although the effect lasted only a month, I had only positive emotions.

Let me today, as a teacher and international judge of lamination championships, finally tell the truth about the keratin lifting procedure for natural eyelashes!

lamination lamination strife

Alas, it is! Just like cars differ in quality and engine power, so lamination brands can be Mercedes, or they can be Zaporozhets. Moreover, some brands call lamination what is actually the most common chemical or biowave.

Don't be fooled - real lamination should always end with an oily finish that can't be washed off for 24 hours.

According to my observations, it is better to keep it for a couple of days - this way the result is fixed even better, so do not rush to the sauna or training immediately after. Always find out from the master on what cosmetics the procedure is performed. I'm not talking about the fact that he must have a certificate. For example, YumiLashes masters are issued international diplomas with a photo and a unique identification number.

What are our eyelashes made of?

Before the procedure, after checking the master for a diploma, pay attention to the materials with which he works. Ask to see disposable packages with the YumiLashes logo and open them in front of you! The price of premium lamination in the cabin starts at 3,000 rubles, but when using Chinese counterparts, it should be much lower. Do not save on the procedure due to loss of quality.

And then what

Do not forget that the care and restoration of natural beauty is the most painstaking process. Keratin eyelash restoration can be compared to a workout in the gym with a personal trainer - nobody canceled home workouts! Therefore, I always give the client a silicone brush for combing eyelashes after the procedure. Firstly, if you like to sleep face down in a pillow, you will definitely press your new beautiful cilia, so that the comb will not interfere with them. Secondly, combing eyelashes is the activation of hair follicles.

YumiLashes needed to maintain the result of lamination

For many girls, I recommend using YumiLashes keratin mascara or serum to fix and enhance the effect. Both products are designed specifically to actively nourish the cilia, they eliminate dryness and brittleness. They can be used as a primer before applying regular mascara, as they protect against aggressive environmental influences (sun, wind, water, snow).

How long does the result last and how often should the procedure be done?

If you have done lamination and continue to paint your eyelashes with waterproof mascara, neglect proper sleep and do not care about your diet, then the result will not last long.

The duration of the effect directly depends on the "source material" - your eyelashes. If you have been doing eyelash extensions for several years without pauses, using waterproof mascara or curling irons, then most likely your eyelashes are in a deplorable state.

If the body lacks vitamins, you use poor quality mascara, often rub your eyes or choose the wrong cream, then the eyelashes fall out faster. Consequently, the eyelashes treated with the lamination composition are quickly replaced by new ones and the effect disappears.

Based on the experience of my clients (both women and men come for healthy eyelashes and a "wide" look), I can say that the fourth procedure is done already 10 weeks after the third. Moreover, keratin lamination has a cumulative effect: with each procedure, your eyelashes will be thicker and longer.

How not to harm laminated eyelashes

To prevent Negative consequences from the procedure, I recommend not overloading the eyelashes with mascara, removing it with make-up remover milk, and not soap foam, nourishing the hairs with YumiLashes serum.

If lamination is done too often, a small and delicate eyelash shaft filled with a dense substance simply cannot support its weight.

It will break off or fall out, and you will get the opposite effect as a result. Therefore, experts strongly advise doing lamination only when most of the eyelashes have changed to new ones.

To whom lamination of eyelashes is contraindicated

I am sure that many understand that the procedure is not recommended during or immediately after conjunctivitis, barley and other inflammatory diseases.
Do not lamination during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that hormonal surges occur in a woman's body, and the result can be unpredictable. Lamination performed on the first day of menstruation may not give any effect at all, and the eyelashes will remain straight and short, or it may only partially work, and some of the hairs will turn out to be curled, and some will be straight.

Advantages of eyelash lamination

  • The visual effect is already visible after 1 procedure, which lasts from 60 to 90 minutes
  • Eyelashes become dark along the entire length, so they can not be painted with mascara
  • The structure of the eyelashes is strengthened thanks to the nutritional components included in the composition, and they themselves rise from the root
  • The muscles that support the eyelashes can literally be “trained”, and then the look itself will become more open.
  • You can use lenses, decorative cosmetics, makeup removers
  • You can swim, go to the bathhouse, sauna and solarium
  • No need to touch up or remove lash extensions
  • Lamination does not cause a feeling of heaviness and discomfort of the eyelids
  • Repeating the procedure will help strengthen the eyelashes, prevent their further loss for a long time and restore the density, length and splendor of the hairs.

Cons of eyelash lamination

  • For the full effect, it is desirable to repeat the procedure every two months, and this requires investment, because the materials are not cheap.

A good alternative to extensions

YumiLashes is one of the most practical ways to make your eyes look expressive: eyelashes after lamination do not require special care and do not interfere with the look. Mascara that gives a similar effect can crumble or leak, and laminated eyelashes will not lose their shape even after sleep.

You can do makeup and use any, even oil-based eye makeup remover. The keratin coating will protect your lashes from dangerous sun rays, frost and polluted city air.