Magical New Year for children with their own hands! New Year's magic: how will you meet the year ... Guess the game is being held

The well-worn proverb “As you meet a year, so you will live” ceases to evoke a premonition of magic with age. Especially now, in the era of total Instagram with its ultimate trend to clearly and publicly demonstrate that life is good. Quite accomplished women suddenly have a fear before the new year not to justify, not to meet and not to set the necessary “bar” for the start of the new year. And in the most mysterious way during this period, every second of my clients, to one degree or another, begins to doubt the success and uniqueness of their own lives.

The scenario is roughly the following. So, yesterday she was completely satisfied with her New Year's Eve scenario: everything turned out well, literally in last moment rented an excellent house in Suzdal, agreed with friends, prepared a menu, thought out an interesting program ... And the joy remained exactly until the minute I went to Instagram. And there in the tape - photos of a friend from the Maldives ... And that's it. Well, how is it? Does it mean it didn't make it? Miserable provincial Suzdal! Fool's house! Banal food! The mood is at zero, goes, of course, to loved ones.

It is impossible to explain to them and to myself the reason for the sudden change of mood, but it does not work out to defeat the strange annoyance either. And ashamed, and envy, I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t be happy for my girlfriend. Because, in fact, the results of the year are somehow very expressively different.

A lucky friend, just like the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt - Ellochka, smiles triumphantly from the Maldivian photos, provoking the search for a symmetrical answer. How can he be on the merciless field of the Instagram feed? And "Ellochka" constructs reality, diligently conveying simple messages to the audience: everything is fine with me, just wonderful, and no worse than others! Paradox, but personal holiday, joy, happiness - not at all in focus, for nothing that she builds it so carefully, and then also polishes it with all kinds of filters. Focus on what others think and say. Holidays and vacations are not lived, but presented, and even with a restless constant check, who saw how they commented and whether they liked it.

In the depths of her soul, she understands that, in theory, she should not care who rides the subway there, and who flies on her own plane. It’s normal to be happy with what you have, because there will always be someone who has better, more and more expensive. But the glossy reality inexorably orders to accept the challenge and enter the competition.

Inside, "Ellochka" has an unbearable hunger that cannot be appeased. Who loves opera? She immediately becomes a regular in the theatre. Someone purposefully takes care of their body? She exhausts herself with fitness and diets. Is someone preparing for a serious international exam? And she is right there. However, here's the problem: her achievements do not impress her at all.

Why? It's simple. Because none of this is hers. Internal competition with someone else's joy and someone else's success completely devalues ​​efforts. But in order not to compete, you need to feel well and love your own. And once and for all decide for yourself: “Am I racing or building independent achievements and joys?”

By the way, the second option is more than real, just right now she doesn’t really want to see it and believe in it. Meanwhile, the incredible, purposeful and effective energy that she demonstrates in an endless competition testifies precisely to the fact that she has a gigantic, simply inexhaustible resource. In fact, her hunger is fraught with not only the desire to live someone else's life and endlessly run after the departing locomotive. He harbors a colossal unconscious desire to express himself and create a life for himself that will give joy.

It’s just that the energy and own resources of creativity can be spent on imitation, or you can spend it on revealing and finding yourself. Your real self.

It's a difficult path, but no more costly than obsessing over comparisons and perfectionist alignment with the latest Instagram trends. And if she decides to embark on this path, then changes will not take long. To do this, any actions and projects should proceed from the principle: "I want it, I love it, I really like it." And the principle “what Marya Aleksevna will say” will have to be decisively forgotten. And ask, very strictly and meticulously ask yourself: “Is this really mine?”. You will need to learn to appreciate, and not devalue your own, close, important and unique, and ask the question “why” instead of “why”. And we still have to set priorities and introduce gratitude into life - to the world, to God, to ourselves, to everyone we meet: let gratitude for what comes into life gradually replace the habit of complaining, being capricious and never being satisfied with anything.

And the resource? The resource will catch up, she already had a considerable one, and now she will also learn to draw it in her own movement towards the goal. "I can! I can do it! I don’t care about others – everything suits me!”. Her friends have their own, she has her own, and the beauty is that there is enough happiness in the world for everyone.

LUTSIA SULEYMANOVA - clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, managing partner of the Center for Educational Kinesiology, author of the "Get up and go" training. Personal site of the author

In this article:

New Year is a time of magic and magic. Who among us in childhood did not dream of a miracle and the fulfillment of a wish? And then one day we woke up as adults and realized that we do not believe in miracles.

This belief remained in childhood. Or maybe she still warms in our hearts? If you answered yes to the last question, it is for you that we offer rituals for the New Year, magical properties which will help in the fulfillment of a cherished dream or desire, will attract the attention of good luck to you, which will accompany you throughout the next year.

Over the past 100 years, during which the New Year holiday has existed, it has acquired various traditions and rituals, which today are mixed with each other, reminiscent of Olivier salad, where there is something from Siberian witches, American Voodoo magicians, and a little more from the common people.

The traditions of the holiday reflect the customs of people different countries and eras, different classes. Yes, they were different. But there is something that unites them all - this is faith in the New Year's miracle.

This information will help not only streamline the holiday, do everything right, but also bring the expectation of beauty into it. After all, when a person learns something and then does it, he expects, if not praise, then a positive assessment of his actions in the form of a five. We will tell you how to pass the New Year's exam and get "excellent" next year in the form of fulfillment of desires, prosperity, health and good luck.

Chasing failure!

Do you want to start a new life? For this, like no other holiday, it is the New Year! Perform the following ritual. Light a fire in the yard, into which you send all the junk that you do not use. If there is none in your house, write on a note everything bad that you want to get rid of, and burn it in a fire.

Arrange a festive pandemonium around the fire with stomping, dancing, jumping and shouting. Thus, you will expel negativity from yourself, your body and soul, and at the same time from life. During the ritual you can not eat or drink!

Acquisition of wealth and money

  • To get rich next year, perform the following ritual, which is done with money. Retire, take three green candles and attach a coin to their ends, then light the candles. Now imagine as clearly as possible how money flies into your pockets, stuffing them to capacity. The brighter and more distinct the images, the richer you will become next year.
  • Americans have a different ritual in case they get rich. On the morning of the first of January, they do not wash their faces, but wipe their faces with a dollar.
  • You can’t celebrate the New Year with empty pockets, otherwise next year you will be in distress! When the chimes begin to beat the treasured twelve times, a coin should be clamped in your right hand, and leave the left for a glass of champagne.
  • One more effective method get rich - write yourself a letter on December 31, put it in an envelope along with a postcard (do not forget to wish yourself all the very best) and a banknote. You will receive this letter next year, be sure to keep the treasured bill - it will become your talisman of wealth and good luck for the next year!
  • Under the chimes, take a coin and throw it into a glass of champagne, make a wish, then empty the glass to the last drop. The coin is saved and worn instead of a keychain by drilling a hole in it.

When the clock strikes twelve...

Have you ever wondered what to do under the chiming clock other than how to drink champagne? And many people came! And if you believe them, then as an option, you can perform the following steps:

  • Prepare paper and pencil in advance. When the clock starts its fight, quickly write your desire on paper, burn the paper, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it. Guaranteed fulfillment of desire 100% if you managed to complete all the steps from the first to the last strike of the chimes. Therefore, we recommend taking a small piece of paper so that it burns faster and expresses the desire more concisely in order to write it faster. Time is something that does not exist at the moment. Chance is what you can get.
  • Another sign says that in the first 5 minutes of the new year, you should open the doors of the house or apartment wide open and drive away all the negativity that has accumulated over the year. After that, do not forget to invite good luck and happiness into the house.
Thousands of people on New Year's Eve form a certain stream. The main thing is not to destroy it after the holidays.

On New Year's Eve you can't:

Eat and even put on the table dishes containing seafood such as crabs, crayfish, lobsters. Why? So as not to back away all next year, like they did back.

Clean up the house on January 1st! Do not take out the trash, do not sweep, do not wash the floors - all this promises losses and losses.

A lot of work on New Year's Eve, so that the next year is not spent in worries and work.

In the New Year you can:

Contemplate the heavens and stars, a large number of which indicates a large harvest of berries.

Listen to the sounds outside the window:
The ringing of a bell or bells is an important event or events in the family.
Dog howling - the appearance of a new friend, for a girl - a groom.
Cat meow - to a new neighbor.
The chirping of birds is good news, for a guy - to a bride.

New Year's signs

Whoever drinks the last glass from a bottle of wine will definitely make friends with luck.

New Year's Eve events will continue into the coming year.

If for New Year's table one of those present sneezes, then good luck will be accompanied next year by all those present.

Successful trading awaits traders who, on the first business day, will sell the goods to the first buyer at a big discount.

Fun in the New Year is a must for the right mood for the coming months

New Year's rituals

If a toy falls from a Christmas tree and breaks, its fragments must be collected and thrown away, make an unusual wish.

Needles that have fallen from the tree should not be thrown away! They must be collected, and in case of a cold, pour a glass of needles with boiling water, leaving it to brew for three hours. This decoction is poured into the bathroom, which must then be taken and improved.

At night on the Old New Year, a note with a desire is written, placed under the New Year tree, and burned at lunchtime.

To the place where I stood Christmas tree a stool is placed on which you need to sit for 15-20 minutes. If something hurts or you get sick, you should be cured. True, the place remains healing only for a day after the tree is taken out of the house.

The last decoration taken from the Christmas tree is a wonderful amulet that can be hung anywhere in your home, where it will work as an amulet and talisman of the year.

Rituals for love

Everyone wants to be loved and finally find their soul mate. Love rituals are most effective on New Year's Eve or the day before and are held once a year.

At night, from Thursday to Friday, a week before New Year's Eve, write three cherished wishes related to love and prosperity on an A4 sheet. Desires should concern only you and no one else! You cannot wish happiness and goodness to your relatives and friends, only to yourself. When you finish writing your wishes, add the phrase “so be it” at the bottom. After that, put a piece of black bread, a piece of sugar, a red rose (bought on your own) on the sheet. Raising the sheet with the contents, whisper to it:

"My wishes come true within a year."

Wrap the contents of the leaf into the leaf itself, tie it with a green or red thread, seal it with white candle wax (never yellow!). Place the bundle under the mattress of your bed, where it should lie for 14 days. After the specified time, put the bundle on your photo, which you first place in the highest open place in your home, with one more condition - no one should see either the bundle or the photo. The ritual will work for a whole year.

In this ritual, each component has a special meaning.

Simoron New Year's rituals

Cookies "Predictions". Bake Chinese recipe cookies with a "fortune" piece of paper in the middle of each one. Offer treats to guests on New Year's Eve. Each guest gets one cookie and one prediction. After everyone reads what fate has destined for him next year, he sticks his piece of paper on the Racket cracker and launches it into the sky.

"New Job". If in the new year you dream of new job. Do the following - photocopy your work book, preferably the last sheet. There should be two copies. In each of them, make an entry similar to the one that is made in the personnel department when applying for a job. Write a thank you letter on the back of the photocopy. One photocopy should be hung on the Christmas tree, and the second in the northwestern corner of your home. When the tree needs to be removed, remove the first copy from it, fold it and place it in your wallet or purse. Always carry a piece of paper with you and in no case show it to anyone!

Proper installation of the Christmas tree for good luck and prosperity next year

The Christmas tree is set on the cardinal points. If you want to spend the holidays fun and happy - put a Christmas tree in the west of the apartment. Strengthening relationships in the family or finding a soul mate contributes to the southwest. For students, the Christmas tree will help to easily memorize information in the northeast. The southeast is responsible for financial well-being. For good health, choose the east.

The best decoration for the Christmas tree is coins and banknotes. Of those and others, you can even make garlands.

Attracting positivity

Write on a clean mirror the phrase “I am happy” or “I am loved”, “I am rich”, “I am lucky”. As a writing material, you can use red lipstick, a marker, a felt-tip pen - at will and imagination. From now on, looking in the mirror, you will subconsciously program your brain to the recorded program.

Positive affirmations really work

Magic rosary

To make a rosary, take a cord on which you will knit knots, the strength of which was known even to our ancestors. Knot magic is simple but very effective. The main thing at the time of making the rosary is to focus on the positive, your dreams, hopes, aspirations. Each knot is a dream for the next year, for example, "love", "happiness", "prosperity", "luck", "talent", "recognition", "promotion", etc.

Knots can be imposed as many as you like, but we recommend making only 7, as this is a magic number. The number of knots affects the length of the cord, consider this fact in advance. The cord should be red, white or black - these are the main colors of the ancient cult of the goddess. The length of the cord should be about 30 cm. But this is all ideally, the length, color and number of knots can be chosen at your discretion. In a calm state, tie the same knots at an equal distance, presenting a series of associations to each desire and knot. Ready-made rosaries must be carried with you throughout the year and not shown to anyone.

New Year - special holiday. It is full of secrets, desires and magic. But before you think of something, think about the consequences. As the classic said - "beware of your desires - they tend to come true!". Happy New Year!!!

For children, the New Year is always magic and the fulfillment of desires. But usually, at best, Santa Claus and a gift under the tree are waiting for them.

But what if you arrange a real one for your child? Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do this. All it takes is a little imagination and desire...

Read also:

Letter from Santa Claus

Let's start with a letter from Santa Claus! Many children write letters to Santa Claus but never get a response from him. And how happy a child would be if he received a letter from Santa Claus himself!

Of course you will write. The main thing is to issue an envelope in new year style and write from whom: from Father Frost and from where: Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug. You can easily find New Year's envelope templates on the Internet, but you just have to print the envelope you like.

You can print a real letter from Santa Claus with stamps, choose a letter design and ready-made text, or write the text of the letter yourself. Then simply print out the letter and insert it into the New Year's envelope.On New Year's Eve, put the letter under the tree.

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will come in handy for you!

New Year's lottery

Arrange a New Year's drawing of sweet prizes. Each member of the family will pull a piece of paper from the festive bag, on which the treasured gift number will be written.

To make it more interesting, it is advisable to prepare various sweet gifts and stick numbers written on holiday papers on them. For example, sweets, chocolate, chocolate Santa Claus and chocolate animals, Kinder Surprise, lollipops, ice cream and everything your child loves.

Looking for a gift for a child? In our store a large selection of toys and goods for children, a search for all well-known brands.

Real Magic

If you show your child real magic on a magical New Year's Eve, he will remember this New Year for a long time to come.

To begin with, tell your child that New Year's Eve is a time when real magic happens around and almost all objects become magical. And then show him a couple of magic tricks.

magic soda

To perform magic, you will need a transparent glass, soda and a small button.

Pour soda into a glass and put a button in it. When the button sinks to the bottom of the glass, start calling to drive with your hand, saying: “Button, button, get up!” After a while, the button will actually lift up for a while. Immediately begin to conjure with your hand, saying: “Button, button, drop!” And the button sinks to the bottom of the glass. Focus can be repeated several times.

The secret of the trick: When the button is at the bottom of the glass, there are a lot of gas bubbles, and they lift the button up. And when the button is at the top, the bubbles disappear, so the button sinks to the bottom again. Focus will be obtained as long as carbon dioxide is released. But it is better to practice in advance so that the focus is a success!

You will find other interesting magic tricks.

Quest "Find a gift"

You can arrange a fabulous New Year's quest"Gift Search". To do this, you will need to write simple riddles on several pieces of paper and hang them in different places on the tree. The answer to each riddle will lead to another riddle. And the last piece of paper will contain instructions where the gift is located.

Under the tree will lie several gift boxes. And the child needs to correctly guess the riddles and, with the help of pointers, understand in which box exactly his gift lies!

If you have a lot of animal toys, then you can use riddles related to animals or different Christmas toys: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman

Examples of riddles:

1 riddle:

mustachioed muzzle,

striped coat,

Washes often

And I don't know about water.(Cat)

The answer to the riddle: "Cat" means that the next riddle should be looked for next to the "Cat" Christmas tree toy.

2 riddle:

She is dressed in silver with pearls -
The magical granddaughter of the magical grandfather. ( Snow Maiden)

Answer: "Snow Maiden" means that the next riddle should be looked for next to the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree or next to the Christmas tree.

3 riddle:

We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

We are looking for the next riddle next to the squirrel.

4 riddle:

He is kind, he is strict,
All overgrown with a beard,
Hurrying to us now for the holiday,
Who is this? ...(Father Frost)

The next puzzle is next to Santa Claus.

5 riddle:

Round like a ball

Shines like a flashlight

Only he does not jump -

Very fragile (Ball)

Next to the Christmas tree toy "Ball" we find the following riddle.

6 riddle:

rope twists,

Head at the end. (Snake)

The snake has the next riddle.

7 riddle:

The man is not simple

Appears in winter
And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly.(Snowman)

We write so much, cover various topics. And sometimes you really want to write about the simplest, but no less important.

New Year, magical, wonderful holiday. For many, it may be the only real holiday. Here think! Are you looking forward to your birthday, children's or husband's birthday, just like New Year's? Approximately 80% will answer no.

In everyone's life there is a place for a cherished dream, for a drop of happiness. We live for a whole year, drowning in work and worries, and sometimes we just forget that we dream about something, we forget what we believe in. But on the eve of the New Year holidays, everything that we hide deep inside, about which we simply have no time to think, returns to our lives. This is that drop of happiness that is always in us, and which will never disappear.

We can live all year on meager means, denying ourselves a lot. But by the New Year, who among us has not spent more than it should be? It's okay, we still get what we save for a rainy day. Otherwise you can't! At least once a year, we have the right to a real holiday.

With age, the feeling of the New Year does not go away. Of course, we no longer believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, as a rule, we become them to please the kids. On the other hand, every year we continue to decorate the Christmas tree with unceasing joy, we not only receive gifts, but also make them ourselves. And yet, even the most inept hostesses set an unusual table.

At the expense of the Christmas tree, you need to say separately. From year to year, with bated breath, we dress up this New Year's beauty. And sometimes even simple Christmas decorations keep many memories. For me, each toy is a small memory of the past. Decorating the Christmas tree, I briefly return to the past, remembering pleasant moments.

New Year's Eve is a special holiday, and it's not for nothing that we believe in New Year's magic. Admit it, because everyone makes a wish under the chiming clock? Of course, but how else, we are thinking of something very important, we are thinking of what we really need, on New Year's Eve. Because we believe that everything is possible on this night!

And when the sky begins to glow with multi-colored fireworks, when the clatter of champagne glasses is heard, when there is an Olivier salad in each plate, our soul sings from the feeling of a holiday. Magic comes to every home.

"The dog curled up in a ball and thinks - here comes winter!" I decided to start with these words of Oleg Mityaev because they are touching and timely ... Yes, winter, like a diligent mistress, is already putting things in order on the ground, covering the dirt and roofs of houses with a snow-white blanket and carefully decorating the trees. And there are pleasant New Year's chores ahead, and soon we will again step into the next New Year ... His meeting is always a children's fairy tale, even for us adults ...

The atmosphere of sweet magic and a little sad excitement, spicy and hidden wonders! A holiday with a feeling of the tart aroma of tangerines, a nostalgic smell of pine needles, the radiance of colored lights: a carousel of balls and garlands ... And then there will be champagne bubbles, gastronomic abundance, the breath of new events and the aching anticipation of wishes coming true ...

Do you remember, dear ladies, how in the distant we looked admiringly out the window, waiting for a fabulous car - Carriages with inside? This car was always late, or so it seemed to us, then it drove up, he and his sparkling retinue got out of it very importantly and miraculously! We jumped from the stool, worrying and rejoicing, trembling from happiness or from the excitement that bound us, and ran somewhere, either to meet, or to hide from such an unexpected and impossible, but just happened Happiness!

Then it was incomprehensible and surprising to us why Santa Claus sat at the table for a long time, talked about something, ate like an ordinary person, and left an empty glass after himself ... After all, only then we began to understand that Santa Clauses are different, with poorly learned roles, sometimes drunk, and sometimes simply indifferent ... Yes, it is always important to “play your roles” to the end, and life, as you know, is a theater, so Santa Clauses must be “Real”! Because it is very important for the formation of value orientations, now for our children ...

The next one will be special! You and I always hope for this ... It seems to us that it will certainly become a new stage in our life, and the wishes made for this New Year will certainly come true, and in general, that it is with this chiming clock that all the real and miraculous! But this may well become true, dear women, and we can really begin our new life! What needs to be done so that life changes and goes differently, as we would like, you ask?

First you need to want it to change, then understand for yourself how it should change, and after that it remains only to act decisively! And be sure to be consistent, do not cover as much as you can’t manage to do, because you know that New Year’s preparations always take a lot of time and effort. Choose only the most important things for you! What does it cost to prepare gifts for family and friends ( carnival costumes and various crafts), selection, and then creation New Year's outfit and " holiday table". If you have the opportunity, my friends, it's better to save your time by ordering, for example, a New Year's Eve dinner or at least a few favorite dishes to take home. This will save you a lot of worries...

We are all already aware that the upcoming year according to the Eastern horoscope will be the year of the red fiery boar or, in various interpretations ... It is customary to adhere to certain colors in clothes that correspond to this animal, so that the coming year will be happy and generous with good luck. Therefore, in order to appease our dear pig, let's, dear ladies, put on a warm color scheme, summer-autumn mood, as astrologers advise us to do.

Preferred colors will become pink and scarlet, orange and ocher, brick brown, red clay and terracotta. Colors with such poetic names as tabasco, aragon and carnelian, marsala and ginger, cranberry, and magenta are also appropriate. Surely the color of a golden sunset, evening sand, or spicy orange, or maybe carmine or raspberry rose is right for you ... Natural shades of saffron, pink azalea and almond flowers are beautiful and exquisite, mustard tint, purple fuchsia, barberry and burgundy are interesting ... Opportunities like you you see, there is plenty, and you can safely choose the image that will inspire you.

And yet, it is this one that we should remember for a long time, and it must be different from all the previous ones ... Yes, we prepare every time and always do not have time, and the feeling of joy from the holiday turns out to be somehow incomplete ... And all from the fact that in the festive turmoil and New Year's race, we forget about ourselves! While you have a free moment, sit quietly and think about the following questions and write down your thoughts on paper. It is not difficult and will not take you much time. So please answer honestly to yourself. :

- How do I want to spend New Year's Eve?
- How exactly do I not want to spend New Year's Eve?
- How, most likely, will it be possible to spend New Year's Eve?
- What am I most afraid of not having time to do before the New Year?
- How can I please my relatives and friends?
- Which New year's night I remember the most and why?
- How should my life change in the New Year?
- What do I want to leave in the old year?

Also, just complete the following 3 sentences, please:

- I will be glad if at the holiday………………………………………………
- It is important for me that during the holiday I feel ………………
- It is important for me that during the holiday my loved ones feel ...

That's all! Please try. After all, it costs you nothing ... Yes, you have never done this before, but it can help sort out our restless thoughts! I personally do this, I won’t say big words, but it helps me ... When you answer unequivocally and sincerely, your personal desires immediately begin to emerge, and everything becomes much simpler and more definite. Let your candid answers be the guide to your immediate action!

Maybe there, in the Land of Childhood, we knew how to enjoy New Year's impressions, because we were sincere, open to miracles, and still knew how to wish! Indeed, we cannot let this New Year's celebration and do not use your chance, which falls only once a year! So let's now nevertheless fulfill our desires ourselves, well, at least one of several!

I wish you, dear ladies, that the fairy tale, woven from children's nostalgia, fluffy snow and the spicy aroma of “coniferous-tangerine” celebration, does not end, but continues to warm you and me all year with its warmth! Happy New Year!