Natalia Vodianova on how her autistic sister made her strong. Sister of model Natalia Vodianova was kicked out of the cafe for abnormal behavior video Sister Vodianova

The Internet space was shocked by a glaring incident that happened in Nizhny Novgorod with the sister of a famous model Natalia Vodianova. While walking, the 27-year-old Oksana Vodianova wanted to drink and together with the nanny went to the nearest cafe. The girl, however, did not have time to quench her thirst. The director of the establishment demanded that the client with autism and her companion leave the premises, claiming that her appearance frightens the guests. Unwanted visitors left the cafe accompanied by security.

The model's mother did not want to devote her eldest daughter to the unpleasant details of the incident with her sick sister. The world-famous model learned about the blasphemous act from the media. The well-known philanthropist immediately reacted to what happened, talking about what happened to Oksana on her Facebook page: “It’s hard for me to talk about this, but I understand that this is a signal for society that cannot be ignored. Yesterday, when my mother was working, the nanny went for a walk with my sister Oksana. Oksana was diagnosed with autism and cerebral palsy several years ago, my sister is a person with special needs. She can walk for several hours in a row, sometimes even 6 hours, and usually mom and nanny stop at a cafe to rest in the shade after a long walk, drink tea (Oksana does not drink water or juice) and go for a walk further.

Yesterday it was very hot, and after about an hour of walking through the Avtozavodsky park of culture and recreation, they, tired, went into a street cafe called "Flamingo". It was a weekday, so there was no one in the cafe, except for one client. A waitress immediately approached them and said that you can’t just sit in a cafe, you need to order something. The nanny ordered a glass of tea, in response the waitress said that tea in the establishment is only in large teapots and costs 300 rubles. It seemed to the nanny that it was very expensive, and she bought Oksana a chocolate bar.
Suddenly, the owner of the cafe approached them and demanded rudely: “Let's leave. You're scaring off all of our customers. Go get treated and heal your child. Then come to a public place." The nanny apologized, saying that the child was special and it would be better for her to rest and then leave on her own.

The owner refused to wait and said he was calling security. Mom or nanny has never been kicked out of a cafe. Therefore, the nanny called her mother in shock to understand what to do in this situation, as she knew that it was useless to force Oksana to do something.

While mom was driving, a security guard stood next to Oksana. Until my mother arrived, he stood next to her all the time and said: “Go away, otherwise we will call a psychiatric hospital, an ambulance and lock you in the basement.” The only client of the cafe, who was just paying at the bar, asked the waitress to leave the child alone.
When my mother arrived, there were already three guards near Oksana - hefty men. Mom tried to figure out what, in fact, was the matter. Upon learning that Oksana was being insulted and kicked out of the cafe, she began to shame them, explaining that the child was resting, not touching anyone, neatly dressed, that Oksana was clean and not smelly. She said that my sister does not scare anyone away, and besides, the cafe is completely empty, that our Oksana has special needs, she must rest and go herself, and if she is forcibly dragged from the cafe, she will become worried, nervous, maybe even cry or scream.

When my mother tried to explain this to the owner, he only told her: “Take me away. First cure, and then come to public places.”

After that, one of the guards approached my mother and demanded that she leave the cafe, grabbed her by the elbow and threatened to call the police. Mom, of course, took Oksana and the nanny out of the cafe, and then returned to the owner and told him that this question would not leave this way.
When my mother approached the central exit from the park, a police squad with machine guns was already waiting for her and Oksana. Law enforcement officials in a strict form ordered: “Stand. Come with us to the office. Detained for petty hooliganism.

Oksana did not get into the car, she was very hot and tired. Then my mother was taken alone to the local police station, but they recognized her by sight and were surprised, saying that they would not get involved with this case. Then my mother was taken to the central office, where she wrote a counter-application against the owner of the Flamingo cafe.

I am very sorry for my mother, my sister and our nanny, who so steadfastly withstood this situation. The owner of this cafe was to be taken to the department for insulting and discrimination. I want to appeal to each of us, let's help people with special needs and their families to be happy.

Let's help their teachers and specialists who work with them every day. It is necessary to make sure that their work does not end outside of schools and rehabilitation centers, and we are a continuation of this work. Let's help non-profit organizations and charitable foundations that work every day to build an inclusive society in Russia.

The incident took place in the Flamingo cafe, located in the Avtozavodsky park of Nizhny Novgorod, on Tuesday, August 11. The owner of the establishment rudely demanded that Oksana and her nanny leave the premises immediately, because the girl allegedly scared away visitors. When Oksana's mother arrived, the owner called the guards, who tried to take the visitors out by force. As a result, Oksana's mother and the owner of the establishment went to the police station, where they wrote a statement on the fact of insult.

At the same time, the employees of the Flamingo cafe themselves say that they just wanted to help the supermodel's sister, and for this the celebrity's mother attacked them with fists and obscene language.

“I just flew in, took a tray that was at hand, and threw it at one of our employees, Well, after that she started yelling, cursing, cursing. She didn’t hear us at all,” Anara, the owner’s son, conveys the words. Oksana, according to him, began to beat her head against the wall, after which she sat down on the cold tiles and remained sitting there. The nanny refused the suggestion of the cafe employees to call an ambulance, Anar adds.

called for the introduction of separate commissioners for the rights of persons with disabilities in the near future by legislative means.

The head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs believes that cafe employees should face criminal punishment and compensate for moral damage.

“Despite the fact that citizens with disabilities and developmental disabilities are protected by the Constitution and other laws of the Russian Federation, it is extremely rare for violators to be held accountable. It should not be. Otherwise, this rudeness, irresponsible and vulgar behavior of individuals will go unpunished and spread,” said the head of the committee.

Apparently, this is just the case when violators will still be held accountable. The cafe itself, the very next day after the story was made public, suspended its work. The director of the Avtozavodsky Park publicly apologized to the Vodianova family. According to him,

the owner of the cafe “turned out to be not quite decent”, and the guards and park workers should be doubly attentive to people with disabilities. “Now the cafe is closed and probably won’t open again,”

Krokhin said.

Andrei Tevkin, general director of the Artel of the Blessed people with disabilities, believes that the cafe guards should not be punished, since they might not know that they are dealing with an autistic girl.

Meanwhile, Natalia Vodianova wrote on her Facebook why she still hasn’t taken her mother and sister from Russia and moved them to a place where people with special needs are more tolerant: “For Oksana, like for many people born with autism, overcoming language barrier is an impossible task. I left and was able to financially support my family when Oksana was a teenager, and this step was no longer available to us. In addition, my mother does not want to leave Russia ... her life, home, friends and family are here.

0 August 15, 2017, 17:55

Everyone knows about the middle sister, 29-year-old Oksana, who was born with a severe form of autism and cerebral palsy. At one time, it was Oksana who inspired the world-famous model to create the Naked Heart Charitable Foundation, whose main goal is to help "special" children and their parents at the most different levels. But not much is known about the 21-year-old Christina to the general public, Natalia rarely shares joint pictures with her younger sister with subscribers on social networks.

Education, social life, hobbies, traveling with loved ones....


Exemplary mother Larisa Kusakina (maiden name) raised three daughters - model and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova, Oksana and Christina. Natalia and Christina are sisters by mother, sisters whose relationship can be envied.

While Christina was studying in England, she tried to visit her sister at any opportunity (currently Vodianova lives in Paris) in order to communicate with her and her nephews.

It is worth noting that with the eldest son of Vodianova, Lucas, who is only a few years younger than Christina, they are generally best friends.

Now Christina lives in Washington, where, by the way, Natalya flew in not so long ago: two days ago, the model shared a rare shot - a selfie with her sister. In the caption to the picture, the girls said hello to their mother Larisa and sister Oksana, who live in Nizhny Novgorod.

Education and goals for the future

Christina began to receive education in the most ordinary general education Russian school, but pretty soon her life changed dramatically - the girl flew to England, where she continued her studies.

My little sister is now an art historian. I am very proud of her. Now, looking at my daughter Nevochka, who is 11, it is even hard to imagine that at the same young age Christina left Nizhny, her home and mother and moved to a boarding school for girls in England. No knowledge of English, no friends. On weekends, when she came to us, we hardly saw her. She only left her room to eat, and so she studied, without tutors and help. This person knows what he wants and goes for it. May this ability to work and achieve goals and objectives now serve the world of art.

After studying, Christina loves to... study. In her free time, she repeats Spanish verb tenses, reads books on art and detective stories by Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie and Boris Akunin.

Christina is a career driven person. She has a lot of plans, but first - education. It is very important for her to become not just a good, but a super professional specialist,

- says Christina's mother, who also has practice at the auction house Christie "s.

In addition, the girl is fond of photography - her publications on social networks are proof of this.


In 2014, Natalia Vodianova posed for photographers at the Berluti men's show in Paris. Then the model first appeared in public after the birth of her son Maxim (the first common child of a celebrity with businessman Antoine Arnault), and at the same time brought Christina to light.

"Who is this girl?" - asked the guests of the presentation and journalists, who noted her model data and similarity with Vodianova. Later, the curiosity of those interested was quenched.

In the same year, Christina became the debutant of the Tatler ball, at which her parents supported her, but Natalia, alas, could not fly to the event in Moscow.

There are a lot of impressions. The ball is grandiose! And the preparation for it was long. Christina flew several times from abroad to Moscow for rehearsals during the year,

shared Larisa Kusakina.

At the celebration, the girl appeared in an Oscar de la Renta dress that bared her shoulders, a fur cape and massive jewelry.

However, that’s all - they didn’t write about other secular outlets of Kusakina in the media, and Kristina didn’t think about her modeling career, although with such an appearance, as Internet users note, she has a direct road to the podium.

Personal life

Judging by Christina's Instagram photos, she has quite a active life- the girl often meets with friends, attends cultural events and travels a lot.

Kusakina's favorite places are the majestic St. Petersburg, the quietest Granada and Seville and bustling Barcelona.

Christine's company in her "adventures" is invariably made up of her boyfriend - Max.

According to Kusakina, the key to her heart is determination, a strong character and a bright head. We conclude that the young man has everything he needs.

Christina with her boyfriend Max