I found out my internal rating on Tinder and regretted it. Tinder app review - how the world's fastest dating works

In online dating, it is important how to enter and how to maintain a conversation in order to achieve the ultimate goal of correspondence - to get a phone. Next comes the standard withdrawal techniques in a cafe, seduction and sex.

I solved the issue with starters on classic dating sites - I have a lot of blank phrases, I randomly shoot them and often hit the target.

It’s even easier on Tinder - the flow of girls is large, sometimes they themselves are the first to write, so the question rests on a banal conversation script to get the coveted phone number. The starter is not that important.

Before, on dating sites, I did not know what to talk about. Now I understand that I don’t really need to chat - I need to take the phone and go drink coffee.

But immediately taking the phone, as well as offering sex, is not worth it.

You need to perform an on-duty ritual by performing a few rattling armor.

Communication can be carried out according to an approximate scenario, which I will describe below.

All posts should end with questions.

Start of communication: Interest.

I like that we like each other. And you?

Usually I always write this phrase to a new couple.

What are your expectations for today?

Under this question, it’s good to invite them to a cafe later, if she has a fighting spirit.

Questions about a girl: Show that she is interesting.

Are you a romantic or a pragmatist?

What is your zodiac sign? Is he compatible with my sign, Libra?

I like tenderness, romantic nature, kindness, responsiveness, intelligence in a woman. And you in a man?

Exchange of practical information: Tell about yourself, learn about it.

I live there, I work there until so much.

I was married once, a long time ago, I have a son of 17 years. And you?

I like to do something, travel, eat delicious food. And you?

Where do you live, where and how long do you work? I ask, in order to schedule our meeting, would it be convenient for you in the center at the Tretyakov Gallery?

I don't drive a car, I walk. Are you racing?

I am a 1C programmer, I studied to be a programmer and have been doing this all my life. But without a beard and not in a sweater with deer. And you what do you do?

Hint for a meeting: Set up for a meeting.

How do you imagine our meeting?
My classic question.

How would you like to spend time with me?
A slightly more provocative form. You can first ask him, and then ask about the meeting.

Pick up phone: Pick up a contact.

Shall we go to whatsapp? It is more convenient to communicate in it.

Would you like to talk to me on the phone? You will like my voice.
Praise yourself.

Do you prefer real or virtual communication?
A hint of the real, followed by taking the phone.

Leave your phone number, we'll call you.

Answers to provocative questions and tricks: Male-shield

If I like you, I am ready for marriage, because I have been looking for a life partner for a long time.
Here the emphasis is on you. We use exactly you, not "girl".

Could you stay friends?
The classic phrase for tearing down a heifer's roof. There are rumors that it does not work, but who knows.

Am I good enough for you?
Well, if the chick throws show-off, besieges her.

Let's go to T?
If referring to YOU

I like you so much that I would like to invite you to meet, drink coffee and after that, if we like each other, continue our acquaintance at the hotel.
If a girl lives far away, or not very promising, in such a veiled form, you can offer her sex.

What do you like most about sex?
This is a dangerous technique, the red alarm lamp for the girls immediately turns on. But you can practice on fats, it’s not a pity to write them off for scrap.

Can't I compensate for your strengths with my shortcomings, dear?
If a girl says how cool, rich she is, what cool men she needs, etc.

You don't give me a chance.
If she herself decides for you that you are not suitable for her and writes about it.

Allows you to drive in templates, pin the ones you need, and double-click to open the insert window in any text field. It's bad that the templates are common to the whole program, i.e. you can't use one set of templates to start a conversation and another for everyday conversations, but the convenience of pasting beats everything.

Unfortunately, Tinder is really awkward to communicate with. if you wrote to the contact from the second, third, etc. page, then Tinder still opens the first page after that. Sometimes it is problematic to find even new messages from the user. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly switch to Watsap, it is more convenient to manage clicks there.

All in all, Tinder is fun and the journey from hello to blowjob isn't all that long.

The Tinder app often glitches, preventing the user from interacting with people normally. There are many reasons, we will analyze in the article.

Crashes on Tinder happen regularly. Causes and remedies:

  • Other applications. Often the application crashes due to excessive load on the device itself, namely, due to the large number of open applications. The first thing to do is to close other applications. If this does not help, then restart your phone and try logging into Tinder again. If the program terminates in emergency mode and crashes, then this is due to a lack of free RAM. By closing other applications and clearing the cache, you will most likely be able to resolve this problem. If the manipulations did not lead to anything, then read on.
  • Emergency closure. If the application simply stops responding, it must be force closed. On IOS, you need to double-click the home button, on Android, go to the settings and select the "applications" item in the list. Next, you simply close the program, but in the case of Android, this is not the end: it is also recommended to delete all data. Of course, then you will have to log in again, but this method can help to remove all problems. You can do this in the "Storage" item on the "Application Information" screen.
  • Program version. Manufacturers recommend using only the latest version of Tinder and disclaim any responsibility for "glitches" associated with using the old program. Be sure to update the version of the application, otherwise it is impossible to exclude the possibility of errors due to incompatibility with other applications.
  • Reinstallation. The final step is reinstallation. If none of the above helped, then simply uninstall Tinder and reinstall it again. At this point, 99% of the problems are resolved; if the program continues to freeze, the only thing left is to write to technical support. Consider the fact that the problem is probably due to problems with your specific device (more specifically, with the version of Android or IOS).

Tinder is not looking for anyone near you

A common problem is the lack of results for a geographic location query. If you want to find a person in your area, but you can't, the reason might be:

  • Maximum distance. Perhaps you have set (or not set at all) too small a distance limit relative to you. Try to increase it a little and see if the situation has changed.
  • Age. If you've set a narrow age range, then the lack of results isn't all that surprising.
  • A few people. The simplest explanation is that very few people use the app in your area, which is why it doesn't produce any results. This happens in small towns, where people are not yet accustomed to emerging technologies, but it is impossible in megacities.
  • A technical error. If the program simply “bugs” and “hangs”, trying to find people near you, then the above solutions to the problem become relevant for you.
  • Checkbox. You removed the "Show me on Tinder" checkbox in the settings, which is why people simply do not see your profile.
  • Lack of activity. It is believed that the application has a built-in algorithm that takes into account user activity. Accordingly, if you practically do not use the application, then no one will see you in it.
  • Frequent rejection. If you often “reject” people, then the algorithm records this in statistics, which is why there is a problem with finding suitable partners. The latter are simply afraid of people who are extremely strict in the selection.
  • Lots of likes. The version has not been verified, but many believe that Tinder sometimes automatically sends you to the spambot category due to too many likes. Accordingly, as a result, your profile is not visible to other users. There's nothing you can do about it: you'll have to write to technical support.

Missing individual messages or the entire correspondence disappeared

A sudden "disappearance" of the chat can occur in three cases: due to a technical problem (a very rare situation, which can sometimes be dealt with by reinstalling the application), due to the fact that the user did not want to continue the dialogue with you, or due to the deletion of his account from this network . The most common scenario is the last one: if a person is simply tired of the program and he believes that there is no point in continuing to communicate in it, he simply leaves it, after which the correspondence with him disappears.

SMS confirmation not received

The easiest option is to try entering the phone number a little differently, adding, for example, the country code (in the case of Russia - 8 or +7). If such manipulations do not help, then the failure occurred at the software level and, most likely, will be fixed in the next update. In order to confirm the version, you can ask one of your friends to use your number. If it is confirmed, then write to technical support.

App authorization failures

On android phones, authorization failures often occur. Tinder gives errors like 40303 with no clues to the solution. The solutions are the same - update, restart, reinstall completely.

Tinder is frequently updated, old problems disappear and new ones arise. It's hard to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it. Write in the comments what you encountered, we will try to sort it out.

Tinder is a dating app that is gaining popularity and is now being used in Minsk. We decided to check how it works and what are the chances of meeting the love of your life here, or at least someone to pass the evening.

You can access Tinder through Facebook - the application itself will “pull up” photos from your profile. The rest of the mechanism is even simpler: you are given a photo of a potential partner, and you move the photo to the left if you don’t like the person, or to the right to like it. If you are liked by the one you like, a chat is created in which you can write to each other.

Nastya is being tested from girls

Where to begin

“Tinder is how people meet. It's like real life, only better" is the slogan of a popular dating app. My communication with Tinder began with the understanding that it would not be possible to install it on Windows Phone.

That is, Tinder is really about how the owners of devices with iOS and Android meet. I had to call a friend and ask to borrow an iPad.

You can still write a few words about yourself, but I did not do this, deciding that the description of my views and interests would only narrow the potential circle of acquaintances.

Then you need to choose the search radius for the man of your dreams (80 kilometers), as well as the age of interest (23-36 years). That's all: then the application shows you the men and you pass the verdict. It takes no more than a few seconds, even if you go to the profile in search of some words about yourself and common interests.

Stop being picky

For the first 15-20 minutes, I was very picky, looked at all the photos and liked only those who really seemed interesting or cute to me. Tinder “pulls” interests from Facebook that you have the same, so all the guys who had “Postscience” and “Theory and Practice” in their interests automatically received likes from me. A friend sitting next to me said that in this way I would not only not find anyone (which goes without saying), but also the experiment would fail.

Assessing the reasonableness of her arguments, I began to like more often and almost immediately received a joyful “it’s a match” alert, and then another and another. I stopped watching new men and began to wait for these to write to me.

But no one wrote. After feeling a bit about the fact that even in Tinder you have to take the first step on your own, I wrote to everyone at once - they say, hello, how are you, what are you doing here.

Which prince is worth waiting for

Practice shows that of all coincidences, half, most likely, will not even answer, and with the other half, the conversation will get stuck on the exchange of greetings. At the same time, it must be remembered that Tinder is such that everyone is trying to simultaneously conduct 10 dialogues and like new applicants, so communication is slow and awkward.

A couple of my conversations turned out to be funny: one young man in his 20s ended the conversation like this:

A couple of applicants tried to hint at sex like this:

Among potential boyfriends there were several acquaintances (I was embarrassed to like them) and a couple of people with whom my friend went on dates through Maesens - it seems that a certain category of men simply wanders from one dating service to another.

About a third of all who Tinder offers for dating in Minsk are expats, emigrants from Asian countries, foreign students and tourists. Among the Minsk profiles, we also came across those who for some reason uploaded photos of themselves with a girl or several at once, a guy whose photos caught the eye wedding ring. There were also “well-known in narrow circles” Minsk residents: for example, Anton Motolko who doesn't seem to like me back.

What to do to get on a date

Periodically, the application gave out such a depressing picture - it means that within a radius of 80 kilometers there is not a single man that meets my criteria:

Usually after that, I just moved the age limit a little towards mature 45-year-old men and continued to watch and like.

After two hours of fruitless correspondence, I told my friend that I was already tired and now I would put a win-win like on Akhmet. We began to arrange rounds - like 5 men, then dislike 5 men, passing iPads to each other.

An hour later, I had only one invitation to come to the "Mists" right now (it was already the beginning of the second night, I spared the money for a taxi and refused) and several vague answers to my hints about the meeting.

It was necessary to act more decisively: senseless correspondence amused us only for the first hour, we did not want to drag out the experiment for a week. Right in the middle of a rather awkward conversation about the language of the Basque country with a 30-year-old Spanish engineer who came to Minsk for work, I asked if he wanted to tour the city tomorrow. He replied that "Would love to." And the very next evening, 20 minutes late, I went to McDonald's on Oktyabrskaya, where a Spaniard was waiting for me...

Dima tests from boys

The phrase “there will still be an Arab who will invite me on a date” does not work in my case for two reasons. First, I'm not a girl. Secondly, the guy from me is also so-so. This is all to the fact that I never went on a date, while everything started quite well.

How everything stuck

In the first 10 seconds, three girls liked me - while I liked everyone. Well, almost everyone. I made an exception only for either a black guy, or for one of the girls who hugged him - I just didn’t understand who was trying to get to know who.

To my standard "hello" standard "hello" answered 22-year-old Ira. Somehow we didn't get along.

Perhaps it's all my fault about monosyllabic sentences. Although no, 100% my impact.

To get to know her, I had to resort to pick-up forums and the advice of the inhabitants there. I found tackles for every taste, but I chose for myself a “self-confident intellectual” - although I don’t have much with either one or the other. The tackle helps - and now I'm already calling her on a date on Sunday.

But nothing that the meeting of graduates is usually on Saturday? Of course, I didn’t write this to her, so that later I wouldn’t have to say again that “somehow it didn’t work out with us,” but that’s how it happened.

Julia completely forgot about the meeting of graduates - at one o'clock on Saturday morning she was already falling asleep:

We exchanged a couple of messages, and then the conversation turned to her interests, which included CityDog.

Not that I recognized her as a regular in our comments, but corporate ethics did not allow further communication. I decided not to tell Yulia about this - no one deserves to be thrown into Tinder.

To understand the meaning of the following dialogue, you need to admit that all my friends write me down on the phone as "Sociopath". With Nadia, I decided to immediately dot the i's:

It turns out that you just need to start communicating with a person, and then everything will go on as usual. In Tinder, all problems can be solved at once: here is a potential date, and the service of a psychotherapist. In the end, however, it turned out that not everything is so simple, but on a date "you can somehow." Somehow we didn't get along.

But it didn't stick

That's almost all. Evgenia, Katya, Kristina and Veronika decided that liking would be enough for me, and it would be better for me to communicate with someone else. Sasha became someone else:

Honestly and with remorse in my voice, I confess that the first phrase is completely a figment of my imagination. No advice from "experienced" from the Internet, no requests "what to write to a girl." Sasha, in turn, honestly admitted that she did not want to offend me, and then everything somehow worked out for us.

Meanwhile: Nastya is already at the meeting

So, about the Spaniard. The Spaniard looked 25, was very smart, polite and a little bit boring. We walked around the city a little, and then went into a cafe and discussed with interest the economic situation in different countries(he travels a lot for work), the situation with Ukraine (during the autumn he visited Moscow and Kiev), the infrastructure of post-Soviet cities (he visited Khabarovsk), work ethic in different countries (condemned the endemic workaholism of Americans, as well as the excessive carelessness of Spaniards and Belarusians ), the medical system in Switzerland (he lived there for several years), and the fact that Spaniards marry late and have children.

To my careful questions about Tinder, he said that in Madrid such dating is in the order of things and does not bother anyone, but in Switzerland the application is treated with distrust.

At 23:00 the cafe closed, I took a short break after the bill was brought and paid for my tea. And then she called him a taxi, we quite warmly and sincerely said goodbye.

When I got on the subway and took out my iPad, a message was waiting for me on Tinder, where he thanked me for the meeting and very unobtrusively offered to meet again. I politely declined, saying that we would certainly meet someday - in Madrid or Khabarovsk. He said he would prefer Madrid and added me as a friend on Facebook.

That's it: it turns out that "Tinder is how people meet. It's like real life, but hardly better."

A lot of reasonable and constructive things have been said before me, but I will add one way or another.
¶ MEN ARE NOT OBLIGED TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP BY DEFAULT in case of sympathy. This is first of all and it should be like our father.

Otherwise, from the very beginning we get subordination and mating games, in which someone of the other sex constantly owes something.

Respect yourself, do not think in gender and other stereotypes.

¶ Secondly, in the provinces, the Tinder contingent is the same as that of most dating platforms in Russia. There x ... ueva t ... teaching women they just sit about absolutely nothing and there is no need. Empty profiles, pretentious photos, behind which the depth [of personality] is absolutely not visible.

I'm straight and don't follow male accounts, so I'll make a gross and subjective generalization, but it's annoying when women post one or two dead photos - and nothing else - and then take offense at men who supposedly want only sex.

You write a detailed questionnaire, ironic, more or less versatile - women don't care.

Our women spiritualized who are just too lazy to spend half an hour compiling a clear account. Topface and Badoo have the same story. Photos and photos...

Some ladies have an empty account and one or two on-duty photos of nothing from the nearest eatery. An extremely absurd situation is emerging: with a maximum of nine photos and a full description of the profile, for some reason I have to wriggle like a snake in order to deserve the location of a lazy woman who is clearly on Tinder for fun and cannot even upload a couple of live photos, not travel postcards.

Where is the reciprocity at least at the level of politeness?

In my opinion, this is already overkill.

Naturally, such female passivity bothers men.

¶ Tinder has a raw format in general, which is optimal for one-night stand. But both in Russia and in the West, this is aggravated by deviant men who send their phalluses and immodest offers of sex, most often virtual, to women in private. Not all dating services have learned how to deal with this pseudo-stalking, however, this certainly affects the quality of the female audience.

The approach of OkCupid and Twoo with a more detailed analysis of questionnaires is still much more promising, since it reduces the degree of potential disappointment.

It seems like in Tinder, women will already be able to stop annoying dialogues, just (this will be in the form of an option).

¶ Finally, I repeat after the rest, a man is a person and a person; not a robot. To whom not that reluctance to humiliate, but, in turn, I want to feel welcome outside the role of a dominant male - a real man. And men are not sure of their feelings for a woman. Afraid to express sympathy verbally - because of hegemonic masculinity and grandiose romantic/gender expectations placed on us: from flowers and movie tickets to a restaurant table and a trip to a seaside resort; plus a car with an apartment would be nice to show that you know how to make money. (At the same time, women have no similar obligations, with the exception of reproductive pressure from society / mass culture and the beauty industry, and each person is obliged to serve himself in everyday life.)
Summing up, if you want men to write more often - fill out the profile, be interesting internally and do not hesitate to write first yourself - to those men who responsibly approached filling out profiles in turn.

Many of us know about the Tinder app, which allows you to make new friends.

Recently, an e-book dedicated to this application has been published. The author of the book is known as Max. Max claims that his book is based on "the conventional psychology of seduction" (sounds pretty, whatever that means).

At first glance, it seems that the book is created specifically for pick-up artists who seek to use one of the dating applications to increase their list of conquered female hearts.

But the author of the book says that this is not the case. Its main goal is to save people's time and relieve users of the embarrassment that often accompanies new acquaintances. Tinder, according to Max, is not only an app for fleeting and meaningless dates, but also a great way to meet women that you would never dare to approach in real life.

Here are the top tips for men who love dating on Tinder.

1. Tinder is not just a casual dating app

Max says that many people describe Tinder as a one-night stand app. But this is erroneous: exclusively sexually horny young ladies do not sit on Tinder. Basically, the girls you meet on Tinder are not much different than the girls you would meet in a bar, for example.

“Realize that getting the attention of a girl you really like on Tinder is much harder than if you met her, for example, lonely bored in a bar.

Imagine: you need to convince a girl who has never seen you in person to spend time with you face to face. And yes, don't forget that a lady should prefer meeting you over meeting a man she knows or millions of other guys who are also Tinder users.

But the good news is that, according to the law of large numbers, you will be much more successful on Tinder than you are at a bar. In addition, there are various tips with which you can increase your chances of success.

2. Be the perfect lover

“I want to mention one guy with whom I had a chance to chat on the Web. His name is Ryan Gosling. He was brought up in such a way that he could not even think about somehow offending women, and he always tried in every possible way to care for and take care of them.

Men like Ryan, who respect women so much, can be overly shy by nature and never dare to approach and meet a lady on the street or flirt with her in a bar.

This is the guy that millions of women dream of, but in real life they rarely pay attention to him. If you use the “ideal lover” approach, you can pleasantly surprise a woman.

This approach is successful because it is applicable to most girls. Do not forget that after online communication you have to meet a girl in real life, and then Ryan Gosling will have to turn into James Bond.

3. Set the optimal search range

Do not rush to immediately look for a girlfriend thousands of kilometers away from you. Start small and increase your search range gradually. This way you prioritize and increase your chances of success.

4. Take a good photo for your profile

Here's Max's advice for profile pictures.

Do not post photos:

  • If it only shows your face.
  • In the frame you are standing somewhere far away.
  • You are out of focus.
  • You have built too serious a mine.
  • You are captured with another person.
  • The photo looks blurry. Even the girls have already stopped using this boring effect.
  • Darkened photos, as well as photos in which you are wearing glasses. Black and white photographs are also not welcome.

Instead of this:

  • Take a photo with only you. The absence of strangers in the photo ensures that the viewer will not be distracted by anyone.
  • Avoid exclusively portrait photos.
  • You must look at the camera in the photo.
  • Smile naturally, not fake.
  • It is not forbidden to use various photo editors to correct minor appearance flaws like acne or adjust the brightness of the photo. However, don't overdo it: of course, you should be the best version of yourself, but try to make a stranger looking at your photo on Tinder be able to recognize you on the street later.
  • Put a message in the photo. Show that you stylish man, show that you travel a lot, or show off your great physical shape.

5. Scroll instead of clicking on the cross or heart

Max advises not to click on the cross or heart, but to flip through - it takes less time. In his book, Max discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. But despite the fact that using a swipe, according to Max, is preferable, this method has its drawbacks. We spend less time looking at a user's photo, and we can like or dislike intuitively, without thinking at all, and miss the person who deserves our attention.

6. Don't log on to Tinder too often

“Of course, you can view photos and like them at any time of the day or night. However, it is best to do this in your free time, for example, when you are waiting for something or someone. Or when you just can't find a better way to spend your time.

If you combine Tinder gatherings with some important things, then you will not pay due attention to your activity in the application.

Even though Tinder won't take up much of your time, don't let it interfere with your daily life. Don't sit there for hours, but go once every one or two days.

Such time intervals are also good because it will allow the application to pick up the most active users for you. In addition, some people may view the last time you logged into Tinder. And when you notice that a person enters the application every five minutes, thoughts immediately appear like “Does he have nothing else to do?”, “I will always get me with his eternal online” and the like.

Give the girls time, don't bombard them with likes, but wait until they start giving you hearts. So you will definitely be on a horse.”

7. Don't be too picky

Let's be honest, Tinder doesn't have only model-looking girls. In addition, men tend to embellish their appearance, forgetting that they themselves are also far from ideal.

So don't be too picky, and if appearance is still so important to you, then get yourself a rating scale from 1 to 10 and mark only those ladies who you can give the highest (or almost the highest) mark on your scale.

8. Best time to chat on Tinder

Tinder, according to Max, has prime time:

  • Monday - Thursday from 19:00 to 23:00;
  • Friday - Saturday from 15:00 to 21:00;
  • Sunday from 16:00 to 23:00.

For example, Sunday is perfect for relaxing and doing some easy activity like Tinder. This is the perfect day to set up dates for the upcoming week, because it's not often on Sunday that girls avoid talking to you with their favorite phrase, "Sorry, I'm busy right now."

Hundreds of girls from different cities followed the advice of a friend and installed Tinder over the weekend. On Sunday, you have a lot of free time in order to get acquainted with the "newly" young ladies.

9. Find out who the girl you just met is

The information contained in a Tinder profile is clearly not enough to get a complete picture of a person and understand whether he is worth your attention. But there is a simple solution: find the girl you met through the app on Facebook. This way you can learn about her interests, understand what kind of people she prefers to communicate with, and see more of her photos.

10. Don't rush things

Max advises: “Take your time, do not drive the horses. You should not insist on a meeting immediately after a five-minute correspondence. Yes, it is quite possible that the girl with whom you have a mutual sympathy (albeit purely virtual for now) sees you as a potential partner. But if you immediately begin to make explicit hints and insist on a meeting too zealously, you will cause hostility and alienation in most girls.

11. Apparently, naughty images are not bad.

In his book, Max says that he always thought that posting naughty images was the lot of Internet perverts and other horny people. But then he mentions a man who was his companion on one of his trips. This man regularly sent intimate photos to girls on Tinder - apparently with great success.