How to assemble a beautiful pandora bracelet correctly. How to assemble a beautiful Pandora bracelet: photo examples, fashion trends How to assemble charms on a Pandora bracelet

Pandora bracelets have managed to win the love of many girls and women. They attract with their simplicity and style, the possibility of combining elements (charm pendants), which results in completely original jewelry.

In this case, there may be several options:
leather bracelet;

You can collect charms on any basis you like. Alternatively, you can create several bracelets at once and wear them according to your mood, in accordance with the chosen style.

jewelry brand

The Pandora jewelry brand produces a lot of products. There are rings, pendants, earrings among them, however, it was bracelets that managed to gain great popularity.

Collectable bracelets are the embodiment of the main idea of ​​the brand.

Pandora bracelets are a simple ring (leather, silver, gold or lace), on which you can string individual non-charms like a thread. The latter, in turn, can also be made from different materials. Combining them in any way you like, you can easily get original jewelry.


Variants of many charms (pendants) are an image of a symbol that can be associated with an important event in life. Thus, the emphasis in this case is not only on originality, but also on pleasant memories.
Separately, it should be said that each pendant performs a specific function.

For example:
Murano - Murano glass, presented in the form of a bead, framed in precious metal. Its goal is to place color accents in the bracelet, to make it more beautiful for visual perception.

Separator - is a small silver or gold bead, the purpose of which is to separate the pendants from each other, to provide them with a separate space.

Clip - a bead, a characteristic feature of which is a snap lock. A clip is used to fix the charms in order to prevent them from moving and moving freely around the bracelet ring.

Security chain - consists of two clips and a chain between them. It is very convenient in that it prevents the beads from rolling off in case the bracelet accidentally unfastens.

Charm pendant is a key part of Pandora bracelets. It is from charms that original combinations are formed. However, to create a truly beautiful, finished bracelet, you need to use all kinds of pendants.

A little imagination, skill and imagination is all it takes to create a great composition.

How to buy Pandora bracelets profitably

In Russia, you can buy Pandora brand products in jewelry stores. However, the cost of jewelry will be much higher than if you buy it through official sites. In any case, charms are what the whole point of bracelets is.

As conceived by the manufacturer, a pleasant moment lies not only in wearing the jewelry itself, but also in the process of collecting it (that is, combining charms). No other brand has similar ideas, which allowed Pandora to enter the masses in a matter of time and become a favorite jewelry manufacturer.

How to assemble Pandora bracelets correctly?

Having decided on the components of the bracelets and their most advantageous purchase, it's time to think about the most successful combinations and how to make them.

And before proceeding with the process itself, it is worth answering the following questions honestly:

What material (gold, silver) to give preference;

Maybe the bracelet will be attached to a cord or leather strap;

What colors will prevail in the bracelet (it is also possible that it will be monophonic);

What occasions do you need this bracelet for (everyday wear, going out);

Under what clothes it will have to be worn most often.

After answering all these questions, start creating your own jewelry will become even easier. Here it is worth saying that the Pandora bracelet assembled to your taste is a good option a gift for your girlfriend, mother, wife or girlfriend.

And it will be possible to bring the conceived idea to life according to the following algorithm:

1) Having decided on the main one, with the help of clips it is divided into three parts, thereby obtaining three equal sections;

2) The successive alternation of charms in each of the three segments will help to get the original drawing. At the same time, it is important to remember about the functions that each type of suspension carries.

Thus, there is nothing difficult in creating your own original and unique bracelet. Focusing on your taste, you can create beautiful compositions.

Jewelry brand Pandora is the first to offer this idea to its consumer.

To date, the bracelets of this manufacturer have managed to become widespread and win the love of a wide variety of consumers.

At present, things made by one's own hands are valued more than ever, which keep the individuality, a particle of the soul and the warmth of the hands of their creator. HandMade today is at the peak of popularity and is in demand. Almost everything is made by hand: postcards, photo albums, candles, soap, clothes, accessories and many others. A handmade thing carries great value, not only because it is exclusive, but also because it was made alive, with real feelings, emotions and soul, by a person who put all his skill into it.

One of the most popular accessories today is bracelets self made . There are many ways, as well as materials, in order to create a unique designer bracelet.

So, let's look at some of them in our article. I want to note right away that for the manufacture of some bracelets we need special ones: round-nose pliers, pliers, side cutters.

1.Elastic band bracelet- one of the most simple ways making bracelets. To create it, you will need (stretches) and (stone, glass, metal).

You need to collect a certain number of beads on the fishing line and tie a knot several times, cut off the extra ends of the fishing line, and hide the knot in the bead. Here is the simplest bracelet:

In order to somehow diversify the bracelet and make it more interesting, you can add , , .

You can also make a bracelet in several rows thanks to several threads.

Very cute bracelets are obtained:

Various metal pendants can also decorate the bracelet. They are attached to special ones that are easily put on the fishing line. Bales and pendants are connected using. In order to separate the rings, we can use round nose pliers and pliers.

Thus, the bracelets are transformed and become quite elegant.

You can hang not only metal pendants, you can also other elements, for example,.

Swarovski pendants cling to the bracelet with the help of these, which are also easily put on the fishing line.

2.Bracelets on a chain on a hand- the most common and popular way of making bracelets.

To create it, first of all, we need, which will play the role of the base in this product. The remaining elements are a variety of beads and pendants. These bracelets might look like this:

There are bracelets in which the chain is clearly visible, because. there are not so many beads and pendants on it. And there are, on the contrary, bracelets with clusters of beads that cover the main chain from view and make the bracelet more voluminous. Both are original in their own way.

Pendants are attached to the chain with rings, and beads with. This is done as follows: we pass the pin through the bead, bend the pin at a right angle with the help of round-nose pliers, cut off the excess with side cutters (the tip should remain approximately 8-10mm) and twist the tail of the pin onto the base of the round-nose pliers. Then just open the resulting loop and attach the bead to the chain.

Pins can be both with balls at the end (as in the figure), and with carnations, there are also decorative pins.

If you want to get a voluminous bracelet with many beads, you will have to work hard on it. I advise you to do it in 2 stages: first make beads with eyelets, and then attach them to the links of the chain. This will make it easier and faster.

A very beautiful and at the same time easy to make bracelet is obtained from chains and ribbons that are intertwined in the links of the chain.

To complete the bracelet you will need. It can be a regular carabiner, a hook lock, a 2-piece toggle lock, a magnetic lock, a magnetic tube lock with several strands, or a clip lock.

All these locks are attached to the chain due to the rings or links of the chain itself. Sometimes ready-made chains with locks are sold.

3. Pin bracelets- easy to manufacture. Ready (there are different lengths) we put on 1 or several beads, on the other hand we also make a loop, and then we fasten it with another such bead on the pin.

Here's what might happen:

At the end, similarly to the previous bracelet on the chain, we make a lock (using rings).

4. Bracelet on a cable. In addition to stretch fishing line, there is also a regular one. Beads are collected on it, as well as on a stretch fishing line (it is possible with decorations - hats, rondels, etc.). You can get, for example, such a bracelet:

The only difficult moment in the manufacture of this bracelet is the fastening of the lock. For this we need: (clamp beads), , a ring and a lock itself.

The fishing line needs to be threaded into the hole in the calotte and tie a few knots. Put a crimp-clamping bead on this knot and squeeze it with pliers. After that, close the calotte and cut off the excess fishing line from the side of the eyelet. A lock is attached to the ear with a ring. The same operation is done upon completion of the product on the other side, but a ring or a piece of chain with an ornament at the end is attached to the eye of the clip to adjust the length.

If you want a part of the fishing line to be free of beads, and the remaining beads on it do not move, you can also use clamp beads. It looks like this:

Also, not only beads, but also ribbons can be worn on the fishing line. This is done very simply with a needle.

5. Shamballa bracelets- at the peak of popularity today. They carry a certain share of sacred meaning, since jewelry has the most powerful energy, protects from the evil eye, gives strength (external and internal), gives peace and peace of mind, serves as protection against negative impact the world around, fill with vitality and self-confidence. This decoration is popular among world celebrities. Most often they are made with the addition of beads with rhinestones, but you can also decorate them with other elements, for example, connectors in the form of crosses. They can be made in 1 row or in several. In any case, they look very nice.

6. Wide - by themselves they are already full-fledged, in principle they do not require any additional elements. They are smooth, and there are also filigree with patterns.

To make bracelets more interesting, you can stick on them, for example, such things as -. This is best done with a 2 part epoxy.

Also, the simplest metal bracelets are used as the basis for gluing bead embroidery. This direction in handmade is a whole art that requires patience and perseverance of the master. This is usually done as follows: according to a sketch, cabochons are glued to a piece of felt, which are then sheathed with beads, as a result, a whole bead pattern is obtained, which as a result is cut out and glued to a piece of leather, which is again glued to metal bases. It is not so easy to master this type of skill right away, it takes time and experience. The result is such beautiful, fabulous decorations.

The team continues a series of articles detailing the features of Pandora jewelry combinations. Of course, our rules are not axioms, but are designed to help customers make right choice. But, despite the tips of the Fragola store, buyers should be guided by their own tastes and preferences. After all, Pandora jewelry brand jewelry is so unique that everyone can assemble an accessory that will suit any style and image. If you have any questions about the characteristics of jewelry, features and care, please contact the store consultants, and they will help you make the right choice. In the article, we provide some tips that the store specialists identified during work. They will help create a unique decoration.

  1. Lovers of versatile jewelry can assemble a concise accessory that will suit every look. Simply place round classic sterling silver charms on the base. To prevent such a bracelet from looking dull and boring, we place Murano glass Pandora charms between the silver charms.
  2. You should not place a lot of charms and pendants on the bracelet without a semantic connection. It is better to combine on the basis of jewelry for a semantic connection or combine charms from the same collection. Charms of the same color and shape are also combined with each other. Following this hint, it will look harmonious.
  3. If there are only Pandora silver charms on the bracelet, they will merge with each other. Therefore, dilute them with charms with a bright design: gold, pink or Murano glass. Pandora brand experts demonstrate such creative bracelets in advertising. Try to follow this advice, and you will be satisfied with your decoration.
  4. If you have a lot of charms, don't overload one base but create two bracelets. Such a duet will look great on the wrist. Plus, you can always swap charms and get two new Pandora bracelets.
  5. Pave beads - charms decorated with a large number of shining stones of different sizes. Each product is bright and spectacular. This means that you should not place many of these Pandora charms on one basis. 5 - 7 copies will be enough for the bracelet to have a unique design. Such models are combined with any Pandora jewelry.
  6. And of course, many collect the Pandora bracelet, decorating it with charms with a certain meaning. Each owner puts charms on the base, which are timed significant dates or life events. And it doesn't matter that they are silver. After all, such a bracelet is a whole life and a personal story.

Choosing a bracelet for charms Pandora

When choosing, rely on your taste. All variants of bracelets are perfectly combined with charms from any collection of the brand. Bright leather and textile models will add zest to the image. made of classic precious metal can be worn every day. And unique bracelets with pink tint- a real exclusive with which you will not go unnoticed. All original Pandora charms can be bought at Fragola's shop. As well as beautiful bracelets, pendants, rings and earrings. The assortment of the store is always updated with new collections of the brand. And everyone can order free delivery to any location in Ukraine. Fragola appreciates each client and gives gifts, constantly holds promotions and makes discounts.

Create your own personal pieces of art, and Pandora will always help you with this.

How to put together a beautiful PANDORA bracelet to stand out from the crowd and emphasize style and individuality. Methods and options for assembling Pandora bracelets.
Pandora bracelet

How to assemble a Pandora bracelet

How to assemble an original Pandora bracelet to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your style and personality, we will tell you on our website.

Collected bracelets with various charms are now very popular, and therefore every fashionista wants the same for herself. The assembled Pandora bracelet in the same style and reflecting your desires will be like Notebook , sorting through which you can remember a lot and get a variety of emotions. Since there are a huge number of charms and pendants, which is replenished with new collections, the assembled Pandora bracelet can be different from each other.

Choosing the Right Pandora Bracelet Concept

Let's decide what kind of bracelet we will collect: silver or with gold inclusions.

Also think about what color scheme there will be a bracelet or only silver charms.

For everyday wear or for a certain look?

Consider your daily activities.

First, choose the base of the bracelet!

First you need to decide on the base for the bracelet, on which the sequence of Pandora charms will be worn:

How to assemble an amazing Pandora bracelet with which you will look unbanal after a while? Be sure to select the desired size of the bracelet. You also need to remember that after a while it can stretch a little - especially when there are a lot of charms. As a rule, it is better to choose a bracelet with a margin of one or 2-3 centimeters more wrist circumference. Thus, when filling the bracelet with pendants, enough space will be saved.

Choice of Charm Types for a PANDORA Bracelet

To assemble a Pandora bracelet harmoniously, you need to know what elements it consists of, so as not to buy a lot of charms with the same purpose, but to organically assemble a Pandora bracelet in the same style:

  • threaded charms are called stoppers

  • clips - suitable for fixing moving charms within one section of the bracelet, as well as stoppers

  • dividers are Murano glass charms or narrow silver charms that give a single style to the bracelet and prevent the same type of charms from merging

How many charms fit on a PANDORA bracelet?

To understand how many charms should be on a Pandora bracelet, you need to know what size it is and what material it is made of. The size of the bracelet determines its length and, therefore, how long decoration the more charms will fit on it. Also, different charms eat different amount of space, so you can clearly understand how many charms will be on the bracelet only based on their presence.

However, there are approximate values ​​for the number of charms: from 17 to 25 pcs.

It should be noted that the bracelet should not be completely filled with charms. Such jewelry will be uncomfortable to put on and charms will interfere with bending. Therefore, you should, nevertheless, leave a small free distance between the charms and the clasp in 3 - 5 cm.

How to shape a pandora bracelet

There are many ways to form a bracelet, let's look at the most interesting of them.

We divide the base bracelet with stoppers or clips to get three sections. These three parts can be filled with various charms. Clips and dividers not only form the basis of the bracelet, but also decorate it so choose according to your taste. Clips can be fixed on the thickening, and then divided into several groups.

Next step- the formation of a repeating combination of charms or a separate part of them in each section. As a rule, in each section, charms have a similar shape and color.

There are never too many charms!

Our site recommends that you immediately think about how many charms you want to wear on your future bracelet. You can buy charms immediately with a margin for the future and then combine them. Leather bracelets have a limit on the number of charms, as a rule, you should not wear more 5-7 pieces immediately, otherwise the leather base may stretch and lose its appearance.

ABC bracelet assembly method

The presented bracelets in the catalog are collected by our designers and the collection is periodically updated and supplemented. This guarantees you to get a truly unique jewelry that you will not see from a friend. The presented assembly methods have both a classic alternation and a randomly selected sequence of charms. Both constructions have a harmoniously finished bracelet design.

One of these assembly methods has the following concept. We choose two charms that have a dividing function - murano or clips, and in the central one there will be a charm-pendant. To maintain symmetry, there should be charms of the same color and size on both sides of the central pendant charm. To keep the "balance" of the jewelry and so that the central part does not look too bulky, you can wear Murano glass charms around the edges. You can finish the composition by the method " ABC«.

Use this method when making a bracelet, and also see other examples in the bracelet catalog and you will succeed!

Pandora themed bracelets!

A large number of different collections of Pandora charms allows you to play appearance bracelet as a jewelry designer. The collections are constantly replenished and will not leave indifferent even the most spoiled and capricious lady.

You can choose several directions for collecting and wear them correctly in turn or combine them with each other. Collect collections of charms by theme or color scheme. You can also buy charms for any life events.

How to assemble an original Pandora bracelet based on life events?

To get a beautiful bracelet, you need to purchase each individual charm as a reminder of a bright event in your life. It can be your birthday, wedding, an interesting adventure, success in work or business, the birth of a baby, etc.

Visualization of your desires has long been used in psychology. Visualizing them will be even easier if you have a constant "reminder" on your wrist. You can compose a hypnotizing bracelet by choosing pendants and charms that will visually correlate with your desires. Now you can attract your dreams and make them come true.

Now you know the basic rules and you will be able to form your own unique bracelet, which will be beautifully composed of any number of charms and you can advise your friends on how to assemble Pandora bracelets.

Pandora bracelet

The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" is well aware of how much modern fashionistas dream of buying beautiful Pandora bracelets, so today we will talk about the rules for assembling such accessories.

For many women, the purchase of some kind of jewelry is not planned, but spontaneous, and is made as a result of a spiritual impulse. Ladies usually comment on such moments with the phrase: “I saw him and fell in love.” Pandora bracelets require a serious approach. This item cannot be purchased without pre-training, otherwise it will look not just trivial, but tasteless. Also, just like the decorations that are created with my own hands, has some magical power. Therefore, its creation is a whole sacrament, which should begin with the choice of a suitable basis.

The first thing you need to start collecting a bracelet with is to buy a base. Most girls prefer silver variant. And this is understandable: after all, a silver bracelet looks very impressive on its own and costs less than gold.

But when choosing a base from a certain metal, one should proceed not only from financial possibilities. It is important that the decoration is perfectly combined with the appearance of its mistress. The site site advises its readers to conduct a small experiment that will help them understand which metal suits them. To do this, you need to take a gold and silver jewelry, bring them one by one to your face and look in the mirror. If the skin responds with a slight “shine”, then the metal is chosen correctly. Usually gold jewelry goes to dark-eyed brunettes, silver to blondes with gray or blue eyes.

In general, many people choose the most suitable metal for themselves intuitively, simply by buying the jewelry that they liked the most.

You can assemble a beautiful Pandora bracelet using leather base. This option is more often preferred by young girls. Those who like a leather bracelet should keep in mind that you should not hang more than 7 charms on such a base. Leather is good for those who have just started to get involved in stacked bracelets, because. even one charm will look beautiful on it. In addition, leather bracelets come in different colors, braided and smooth.

Textile Basics are good for summer and don't wear too many pendants on them either.

Having chosen the basis, it is necessary to determine it correct length. To do this, you need to measure the volume of the wrist and add 1-3 cm to the resulting length (depending on the number of charms).

For those who want to assemble a really beautiful Pandora bracelet, it is important to know about the features of existing types of pendants.

Types of beads for Pandora bracelets

In general, there are several groups of pendants for stacked bracelets.

  1. Charms that can move freely around the base and be placed anywhere. Some of them are threaded, some are not. The charms also include colored Murano glass beads (Murano).
  2. Stoppers and clips are pendants that snap into place on a specific section of the bracelet. Such elements usually divide the bracelet into several sectors and hold the beads in a certain area.
  3. Dividers that are used to harmoniously distribute the charms in the bracelet.
  4. Charm pendants that have additional details hanging from the base. They look quite interesting, give the bracelet some playfulness and flirtatiousness.
  5. Connecting chains are two identical clips connected by a chain. They are placed on both sides of the clasp so that if the bracelet accidentally unfastens, the beads do not crumble from it. With the help of such chains, the most beautiful Pandora bracelets for stylish beauties are created.

Symmetrically stacked Pandora Christmas themed bracelet

How to assemble Pandora: some rules for choosing pendants

It often happens that the most beautiful beads are bought in a store, which, after stringing them on a bracelet, for some reason lose their attractiveness. This happens if you follow the rule when choosing charms: “The brighter and more unusual, the better.” In fact, before buying new charms, you need to specifically decide on the style of your bracelet.

Of course, there is no exact and universal answer to the question of how best to collect Pandora. After all, it depends on the character, temperament, age and appearance of the owner of such an accessory.

But in any case, you need to remember that a charm strung on a base with certain emotions and thoughts can become a real talisman of good luck. Therefore, you need to start collecting the bracelet with the brightest feelings and in no case be upset if you didn’t succeed in combining some kind of pendant. After all, extra charm is a great reason to get another foundation for yourself or make nice gift best friend, which is also still looking for an answer to the question of how to assemble your Pandora, a bracelet that brings happiness and good luck.

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