Children's hairstyles for girls: from kindergarten to school. Fashionable children's haircuts for girls

Every mother wants her daughter to look cute and beautiful from early childhood. And the little fashionistas themselves are happy to flaunt around the house in stilettos, hang themselves with all kinds of jewelry, trying to imitate adults.

And inept experiments with cosmetics? All these experiences invariably cause a smile, but you should not be ironic, because girls thus begin their first steps in search of their own style. One of the highlights of creating an image is a haircut. Therefore, the hairstyle should be given special attention.

The haircuts of the little fair sex are identical to adults. And they are in no way inferior to them in beauty and following fashion. At the peak of this season - square. And the length and model of this hairstyle can be any: with an even cut line on straight and thick hair, and on curly or thin hair - multi-level.

Another beautiful and stylish haircut is the bob. Its difference from the caret is in length, the hair is cut slightly above the chin line. This hairstyle is always in fashion because of its versatility, as it suits most girls.

The traditional bob is designed without bangs, but there are always individual preferences and they are easy to implement.

No less popular this season are options such as a ladder and a cascade. These haircuts add volume to the hair, fit beautifully and require no effort to style. A slight negligence here even to the face. And the most popular length of such a haircut is shoulder-length.

For short hair of little princesses, hairstyles for a boy or pixie are suitable.

In 2017-18, asymmetric haircuts with bangs came into fashion. different lengths. They look not only beautiful, but also unusual.

Choosing a haircut, the main point is to take into account the type of face

Do not be upset if you did not manage to pick up a haircut the first time. This serious matter may take some time. Yes, and you will have to cut your hair more than once.

It is important to take into account all the nuances and subtleties. The very first and most important rule is that the shape of the hairstyle should correspond to the type of face.

Chubby girls should avoid short bob haircuts. But such persons can safely cut their bangs and use all sorts of variations.

Large, round or slightly square face usually causes complexes. But you shouldn't worry. This is easy to hide by making a haircut with a voluminous top and strands on the sides.

Little charmers with an oval type of face are the luckiest of all, you can choose any haircut, the one that pleases your soul. And do not worry at all, absolutely everything will do.

Rectangular faces dictate the obligatory presence of bangs and the volume of strands at the chin. But for little princesses with a triangular face shape, an elongated haircut called “Page” is the best fit.

Much depends on the type of hair itself. Rare ones need to be given additional volume, but lush it is completely useless, it can be reduced by thinning.

Many girls refuse bangs, but in vain. After all, this is an element of a haircut, which often advantageously emphasizes appearance and hides flaws:

  • broad forehead;
  • large superciliary arches;
  • forehead skin problems.

But still bangs are not suitable for everyone. And here again it is worth taking a closer look at the structure of the face. It is not recommended to cut strands on the forehead of the fair sex with:

  • small eyes;
  • overly large nose;
  • elongated face or chin.

In the latter case, an oblique bang will definitely not work, but you can try to cut the usual one.

Haircut for two- and three-year-old baby

Every mother is in a hurry to braid her baby's braids. But on the hair of girls 2-3 years old, this will definitely not work. The curls of little ladies grow only to medium length, and even then not for everyone. Yes, and the structure of the hair at this age is thin, so weaving will definitely have to wait a little.

What then are suitable children's haircuts for girls at 2-3 years old? There are several options:

  • square;
  • session;
  • under the boy.

Don't worry about them being too short. But thanks to them, you can even out and compact the hair structure, and then move on to long haircuts or braids.

Don't forget the bangs. A heavy one is not suitable for a child's face, it is better to refuse an asymmetric one too, but a short one to the middle of the forehead will be just right.

Fashionable children's haircuts for girls 4-5 years old

At the age of 4-5 years, there are no longer strict restrictions on hairstyle and haircut. The length and thickness of the hair dictate different variations:

  • classic or graduated caret;
  • ladder;
  • cascade;
  • model haircut.

You should not cut your hair too short, otherwise the girls will look like boys and start to worry about it. And yet, at least sometimes I would like to weave braids or ponytails for them. Especially at holiday parties kindergarten. Therefore, when choosing a haircut, these points should also be taken into account.

Haircut selection for girls over 6 years old: current tips

Schoolgirls should choose a haircut based on the fact that their status has changed. And also take into account the moment so that it is convenient in the classroom. You can choose from the following types:

  1. Kare. Practical, comfortable, irreplaceable. If necessary, you can decorate with hairpins or weaving.
  2. Page. Great for thick curls. Keeps shape.
  3. Beanie. It is cut in a circle, you can choose the length that covers the ear.
  4. Cascade. Suitable for hair of any texture, both long and medium length.
  5. Fox tail. This haircut is only for long curls. Looks great assembled.
  6. Ladder. The strands beautifully frame the face.

Haircut models

In addition to the type of face and age of the little princess, when choosing a hairstyle, one should also take into account the actual length of the hair.

For short hair

Boy haircut. Short and comfortable. Does not require special styling. Looks super stylish on babies.

Classic caret. Hair cut to the shoulders, bangs - to the eyebrows. You can choose the option without bangs. This hairstyle is the best suitable for the owner straight and thick hair.

Classic bob. The haircut is shorter than the bob. It is possible to perform it, both with bangs and without. In addition, the front strands can be slightly longer. This will give the hairstyle even more style.

Page. The choice should be stopped on this hairstyle if your baby has thick and even hair. This haircut holds its shape very well.

Sesson. If the hair structure is thin, this haircut can correct the situation, as it gives extra volume. According to the execution technique, it is similar to Page.

Beanie. Strands of the same length in a circle at ear level - that's what this hairstyle is. Good for curly hair.

For medium and long hair

From long hair or curls of medium length, you can do all kinds of hairstyles. True, they also need to be cut.

But just before going to the hairdresser, you should consider how much it will be possible to make hairstyles out of your hair later. And set, taking this into account, the level of permissible length and the beginning for a ladder or cascade.

  1. Cascade. Gives volume and looks great. Curls descend in waves from the crown to the shoulders.
  2. Ladder. This option is similar to the previous one, only there are significant differences - individual strands do not stand out, but smoothly transition from one to another.
  3. Bang. This element of the hairstyle can make the image of any girl unique. After all, there can be a lot of options for cutting it out: oblique, asymmetric, straight, torn. You just need to decide on the shape, taking into account all the individual parameters of the face.

  1. When choosing a haircut, consider how obedient your baby's hair is. If you overlook this fact, it may turn out that you have to spend a lot of time on styling and get up much earlier so as not to be late.
  2. Listen to the child's opinion. She should like the hairstyle first of all, only then she will feel attractive.
  3. When choosing a haircut, be sure to consult with your child. Your daughter should like the hairstyle so that the girl feels attractive.
  4. If a girl attends a section or a dance club, it is better to have a short haircut. Or grow out your hair so that it is easy to clean it during training.
  5. If you choose a hairstyle with bangs, you need to monitor its length and cut it regularly.


A haircut for a daughter is an important and crucial stage in choosing her style and image. Help to decide, but in no case do not press, but listen to the opinion of the owner of the hair itself.

Consider all the necessary factors: face type, hair structure and length, age. Don't worry if you can't pick it up the first time. Experiment and let your little beauty be unique!

Many more interesting ideas about children's girlish haircuts are in the next video.

There comes a time when your little daughter is growing up and you have to think about what hairstyle suits her. What children's haircuts for girls are relevant now, we will tell in this article on the example of a photo.

On medium hair

Children's haircuts for girls with medium hair length are the most popular among babies. It is this length that causes the least inconvenience, but allows you to make intricate hairstyles and decorate your hair with various accessories.

Common haircut options are bob or bob, in which hair can be grown or cut, while maintaining an elegant shape and the ability to experiment with bangs.

On long hair

Like adults, children's haircuts for girls with long hair should maximize the beauty of girls, but at the same time retain their childish charm and ease. In addition, long hair can be braided into a braid or several braids, weave ribbons into them and thereby decorate a young fashionista even more. A popular haircut is a cascade, while it can be with or without bangs, choose the one that suits your child.

On short hair

If the girl's hair does not differ in density or splendor, it is better to cut it like a boy so that the hair does not get tangled and looks neat. And in this version, you can choose a bang, the direction of the parting, as well as highlight individual strands.

  • From a very young age, teach the girl to use special hygiene products for hair care. Hair should be combed every day, washed as it gets dirty with special baby shampoos that contain emollients and make it easier to comb thin children's hair that is prone to tangling.
  • When choosing a haircut, keep in mind the fact that children do not like to do their hair for a long time and sit to restore beauty. A haircut should be as comfortable as possible and not take much time to put your head in order.
  • Choose a haircut that suits your child, taking into account the structure of the head and emphasizing facial features.
  • Do not forget about the childish mood of the hairstyle - do not choose too adult options. A child should remain a child, so experiment with fun accessories.
  • Consider your daughter's opinion when choosing a hairstyle. If she doesn't like the haircut, that's bad. It will be better if you choose something suitable together.
  • The older your daughter is, the longer her hair can be, as with age, girls begin to take care of themselves more and are able to braid simple pigtails themselves.
  • The smallest children should not do any hairstyles at all because of the thinness of the hair. It would be better to cut them neatly and decorate the head with wreaths or soft headbands.

Children's hairstyles for girls are also a way of self-expression. Do not deprive the baby of this happiness: be sure to take into account her opinion.

Complete collection of materials: "beautiful hairstyles for girls 8 years old" for you and your friends.

In our time of changeable fashion, we all try to look beautiful and stylish, so we pay special attention to our image. Schoolgirls are no exception. Stylish clothes, colorful accessories and a trendy haircut - this is all that can form the image of a little princess.

The hairstyle of a young lady is a special component of the style. She should not look too adult, disheveled and interfere with the child while studying. It is worth choosing a haircut, focusing on:

There are several tips according to which stylists create amazing hairstyles for girls 7-8 years old (8-9 years old). Among them:

  • if a girl goes to kindergarten or attends sports sections, it is more advisable for her to do short hair, for schoolgirls - length is preferable;

Since children's hair cannot be heat-treated (curling iron or flat iron) due to its weak structure, it is better to choose a practical hairstyle option.

Haircuts for girls 6 years old - photo

Haircuts for girls 7-8 years old - photo

At the age of 7, your child will already go to school, which is a completely different environment that involves learning. In this case, you need to make sure that the bangs do not climb into the eyes of the child.

Haircuts for girls 9 years old

At the age of 9, the girl begins to blossom. At this age, hair of medium length or below the shoulders is mainly preferred.

Dear parents, when choosing a haircut, pay attention to its accuracy and practicality. It is equally important that the hairstyle suits your baby.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls: 15 easy hairstyles

Each of you will be able to do children's hairstyles for girls with your own hands - in the presented master class, we have collected only simple and very quick styling.

Multilayer basket

Do you like retro style? Hairstyle in the "grandmother's" style looks very interesting! With a certain skill, it will not be difficult for you to complete it for your daughter!

  1. Distribute the hair around the entire circumference of the head.
  2. From the crown, start circular weaving according to the principle of a French braid. Grab loose strands only from the outside.
  3. Moving in a circle, braid all the hair. You need to finish weaving with a regular three-row braid.
  4. Tie the tip with an elastic band and hide it under the "basket", fixing it with an invisibility.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos of popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing this chemistry. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Pigtail in the form of a rim

A hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is very simple and allows you to carefully remove the strands from your face.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead with a thin comb.
  2. Gather the rest of the hair with an elastic band so as not to interfere.
  3. Throw the strands at the forehead to one side and start weaving a French spikelet, grabbing the free strands on both sides.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a very thin elastic band and hide it under your loose hair. If you wish, wind them with a curling iron.

Hairstyles for girls - 150 options, photo and video tutorials

Hairstyles for girls for short hair

Do not forget about the various hairpins, with the help of them you can stab the bangs and it will not get into your eyes.

Hairstyles for girls with ponytails

Children's hairstyles with elastic bands

Hairstyles for girls with braids

There are a lot of ways to weave braids, it can be a regular French braid, a spikelet braid, a waterfall, openwork braids from several strands, etc. You should not refuse this hairstyle if your daughter has short hair, in fact, with the help of french braids you can interestingly arrange a hairstyle or remove bangs. Well, if your beauty has long hair, then there are no options for hairstyles with braids.

Children's bun hairstyle

Option 1 - a bunch of braids

A fairly simple, but time-consuming hairstyle, suitable for girls with long hair. You can watch a step-by-step photo tutorial here or in the video below the photo.

The principle of creating a hairstyle is the same as in the first version, the only difference is that in the second case, the hair must be twisted into flagella. See also a detailed photo tutorial here.

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

Prom hairstyles for girls

Festive hairstyle for a girl - hair bow

2. The last time we put the hair through the elastic, we do not pull it out completely, so that we get a loop of hair and a free tip. The tip of the hair should be in front, not behind.

3. Divide the loop into two equal parts and fold on each side.

4. We take the free tip and bend it back between the two resulting parts of the hair.

5. We fix with the help of invisibility and fix the hairstyle with varnish. If desired, it can be decorated with a ribbon or beautiful hairpins.

Children's prom hairstyle with babette

A detailed lesson can be viewed on the video.

Prom hairstyle with curls

Children's hair is different from adults, it is thinner and softer and if you use curling irons you can injure it, so it is better to use safe methods of creating curls.

1. We divide the hair into several equal parts, the smaller the strands, the smaller the curls and vice versa. The hair should be slightly damp.

2. Now we twist each strand into a tourniquet, and then twist it into a bundle

3. We fix the beam with a soft elastic band

4. We do the same with the rest of the hair and leave it overnight or for several hours. Keep in mind that wet hair must dry out, otherwise the curls will not work.

5. Dissolve the bundles and carefully separate them with your fingers, the curls are ready!

1. Moisten the hair a little, and twist the paper towels into tubes.

2. We separate the strand and, starting from the tip of the hair, wind it on a paper towel, the hair should not be wet, otherwise the towel will tear. When the strand is finished, tie a paper towel and move on to the next strand.

3. Hair must be allowed to dry, so the hairstyle can be left overnight.

Hairstyle options for girls 8,9,10 and 12 years old

Looking stylish and well-groomed is important at any age. All children need to instill this mandatory quality, from an early age laying the foundations of taste and good manners. And because moms and dads, raising girls, this part educational process should be given special attention. When choosing outfits, try to explain to the baby their purpose. Dressing up dolls, hone the skills of the child, and your own. Constructing styling, explain with what and how they should be worn. It is good if your baby shows interest in this process and will learn the lessons learned in practice.

Start small. Namely, with the implementation of hairstyles. This is an excellent base for children's learning and, most importantly, creativity. In addition, fashion will always tell you and your child the right decision. And soon you will easily learn how to choose certain options that are ideally suited to the age and style of your child.

Children's hairstyles by age

How to do hairstyles for girls of eight years? The category of styling for this age is compiled with the condition for everyday comfortable wearing. These styles are distinguished by unconditional practicality, reliability and originality of execution. Laconic braids, curls with rims, strict high tails and neat buns. All of these are very acceptable options for school and training, holiday events and outings.

Young beauties do not need complex hairstyles and styling. Because their life at the moment does not require special self-affirmation and transformation.

The main difference between nine-year-olds is that girls try to add their own touches: bows, hairpins and rubber bands. According to their very common opinion, the abundance of accessories best decorates the image. That's why the dressing table is constantly filled with new things, and all of them contribute to the creation of a young glamorous image.

How to do hairstyles for girls 10 years old? They love weaving and try to embody all their styling with openwork pigtails. Do not deny your daughters this hobby. Now is the time for him.

Twelve-year-olds gradually begin to join fashion trends. They try to follow the main hairdressing innovations, make the first adult haircuts and styling. Increasing emphasis is given to the length of the hair and its decoration. Curls and a lot of accessories are something that is especially popular among young fashionistas.

Hairstyle instruction for kids

In order to learn how to make hairstyles for girls and decorate the hair of a little fashionista, you need to purchase some accessories: numerous rubber bands, bright hair clips, original crabs, stylish headbands and ribbons. All this hairdressing arsenal will allow you and your beauty to build a truly luxurious hairstyle.

So, if your baby's hair is of medium or maximum length, then the options for everyday styling may be as follows:

- ponytails (one or more, high or low, lateral or openwork);

- pigtails (any number, French spikelet, fishtail, waterfall);

- styling with decor.

If the length of your daughter's hair is easily pulled into a ponytail, then you can easily follow these steps.

1. Comb your baby's hair. Use only soft combs and combs. Don't press too hard on your scalp. Your task is to ensure that the combed strands lie in an even cascade.

2. Now gather all the strands in your hand and comb your hair again.

3. Move the base of the future tail to the side that is most preferable for you. Sideways or strictly straight. You can also adjust the hair height level, for example, low, medium or high.

4. Next, secure the retainer. Hold the hair in one hand, and stretch the elastic with the fingers of the other. Thread the entire strand through it. Pull part of the fixing element to the side and twist it once. Wrap it around again. Repeat the action until the elastic band pulls the base of the tail firmly and securely.

5. After you fix the hair in the desired position, carefully comb the strands and your ponytail can be considered ready.

6. With the same success, you can make not one, but two parallel tails at once. To do this, separate the hair with a vertical parting, leading it through the entire perimeter of the head. By the way, you can arrange it in a zigzag, wavy or strictly straight line.

7. Many collected tails look very fun and playful, decorating the whole head of the baby.

8. Consistently woven ponytails are no less relevant. It looks pretty cute and neat on any young head. Just select a few horizontal partings. Gather the hair of each section into strands and secure them with rubber bands. As a result, you should get a cascade of several tails, where the first fits into the second, and the latter, in turn, goes into the third, and so on.

Most girls like to wear fishnet braids. They are always comfortable, cute and adorable. They are one of the first they perform on their pupae. You can weave different ways. Fortunately, today there are simple and interesting technologies that allow you to easily and quickly create real masterpieces.

Instructions for weaving a regular braid:

1. Comb your hair well. Again with the help of smooth combs or combs with soft bristles.

2. If necessary, determine the location of the parting. Make it straight vertical, side or diagonal.

3. Then, from the entire head of hair, select three strands of the same size.

4. Cross them among themselves. Overlap the middle one with the right one, and put the left one on top. Thus, the average will take the place of the extreme.

5. Repeat the crossing of the side strands. The center will change automatically.

6. Continue braiding all the way to the ends.

7. Then fix it with any type of retainer you prefer.

8. Try to repeat several braids: two, four, or humiliate the entire head with them. It will also be to the liking and taste of your beloved child.

Instructions for weaving a French spikelet:

1. Prepare the base for the braid. Comb your hair and lightly dampen it. This will improve the quality and speed of weaving.

2. In the parietal part, perform the division into three identical strands.

3. Cross them among themselves.

4. Perform the subsequent crossing as follows: accompany the pickup of the extreme strand with the involvement of the next bundle of hair. Before making the braid, shift the left and right strands, and use the middle one in the next crossing.

5. Model the spikelet to the very tips, which will not be superfluous to secure with a stylish retainer.

6. So you can weave not one, but two pigtails at once. In appearance, they will resemble a "dragon". And if you make them thin and over the entire surface of the head, then you get a complex spectacular hairstyle. Which will be very comfortable when worn on vacation, during sports or on the occasion of any children's holiday.

Instructions for weaving a fishtail:

1. Comb your hair thoroughly.

2. Determine the location of the future braid: the lower part or the middle occipital zone, temples or the entire vertical perimeter of the head.

3. First of all, select two large strands.

4. Mark one thin one at the edges of each.

5. With an extremely thin strand, cover the base of the left thick one. Do the same with another thin strand.

6. The first crossing must be supplemented with updated pickups of the extreme thin tufts of hair.

7. Decorate your hair in such a simple way along the entire length.

8. In the final fix with a hairpin or rubber band.

Instructions for weaving a waterfall:

1. Perform this type of braid only on loose and combed hair.

2. Start weaving by separating three horizontal strands from the side of one temple.

3. Cover the lower extreme with the middle one, and move the upper one to the place previously lying below.

4. The middle strand is released, and further weaving takes place with the pickup of the updated outer strands.

5. Lead the pigtail in this way along the entire head. If desired, you can underestimate it or weave it in a strictly horizontal position.

6. Once you reach the opposite side, pull the braid down like a regular braid.

7. Fix the ends of the hair with a fixative.

8. You can also roll the rest of the braid into a flower. Namely, slightly lower the extreme braids to give more openwork. Then roll the structure in a spiral, with the air petals outward. Secure the styling with hairpins and stealth.

Many girls are dancing. The following hairstyle is ideal for them, which is also suitable for wearing to school and to serious events.

1. As usual, start with combing. Hair for such a hairstyle should be as smooth as possible. The exception to this rule is only curls. But they can also lie with even scallops all over the head and make out the beam with some delicacy.

2. Comb all the strands up and collect them in a high tail.

3. Secure the structure with a rubber band.

4. Now twist a loose tourniquet from the entire length of the tail.

5. Wrap it around the base of the stack.

6. Hairpins and invisible hairpins will help you fix your hair. Some of them may be decorative. This will give the hair even more expressiveness.

Unusual styling with the help of flagella will favorably emphasize the expressiveness of even the youngest coquette. This style can be performed on the occasion of the holiday and any other celebration.

1. Divide the combed hair into 10-12 strands of the same size

2. Twist each strand into tight flagella.

3. Lead the elements from the sides to the center of the head.

4. As soon as you reach the parietal zone, fasten the tourniquet with invisibility. It is best to fix them through crossing on both sides of the strand. Then your hairstyle will not fall apart even with the sharpest turns of the head.

5. Model all hair in this way.

6. You can curl or tousle the remaining ends of the hair to get an airy bun without too much fixation.

Styling with decor

Ideal for hair of any length. The essence of such hairstyles is that the hair is completely blooming. But at the same time, part of the strand (smooth, braided or curled) is pinned up with various accessories.

There is nothing difficult in putting on a headband or a rubber band. Simply comb all the strands back and secure the retainer in a comfortable position. Using a crab, twist or pick up part of the hair of the parietal zone and also set it in the center of the head.

Move the bangs to the side with clips, invisible or hairpins. Experiment with any decorations. And, perhaps, you will be able to style your hair in a new, unique way.

When doing children's hairstyles, keep track of what tools and hairdressing accessories you use. They should not be too tight, heavy. It is best if all decorations and appliances are made only from natural materials. Also, do not overload the young head with multi-level styling. Children are very mobile. Nothing should distract their attention from games and studies. And therefore, leave extra hairs, constantly loose hair and an abundance of decor to the dolls. On this basis, your daughters will embody all their creative ideas. Let them learn such fashionable skills from their favorite toys. And then, when they grow up, they boldly embody their ideas on their own hair.

Children's hairstyles from braids

If you are a mother, grandmother or aunt of a girl of school age, then our selection of photos will be useful to you. children's hairstyles for every day and for the holiday of the first of September. Beautiful options with braids and unusual weaving are easy to make with the help of video tutorials.

A girl's long or medium hair is a great opportunity to experiment with hairstyles. We hope that our photo gallery will inspire you to create a new hairstyle for your daughter. Moreover, the solemn holiday of September 1 is coming soon, which means that it is already worth considering beautiful hairstyle to school.

Hairstyles for girls: 100 new photos and step by step tutorials

How to cut? How to lay? What to think for tomorrow? These and other questions are well known to parents of girls.

As an answer, we offer a great material about haircuts, tricks and accessories. We will also consider in detail hairstyles for girls for every day and for a holiday. In general, with such a guide, you can completely go into battle ... that is, to school or kindergarten. And, perhaps, some of these mothers will adapt for themselves.

Children's haircuts for girls

Against the backdrop of a wave of adoration that swept girls with long hair, shorter haircuts seem to be forgotten. However, this does not mean that you need to write off a graceful bob or fluffy bob. Shoulder length is recommended for hair that holds its shape well.

If the hair always looks disheveled, you should think about a garcon with accentuated tips.

Simple, but at the same time stylish and flexible, haircuts that maintain volume at the crown and reduce it at the back of the head are liked by girls of all ages.

Hairstyles for girls in kindergarten

And now it's time to talk about styling. Let's start with the most difficult category - preschool babies. There are a lot of problems with a hairstyle for girls in kindergarten:

  • hair is still too thin to achieve volume;
  • it is difficult for a child to sit in one place for a long time and not turn his head;
  • styling and strives to crumble during active games.

There are no universal solutions, but a few colored elastic bands on hand and 15 minutes to braid a few braids will save a lot of families.

And little fashionistas love to follow the example of their mothers. Therefore, calmly repeat bunches on their heads and do not forget about fashionable bows.

Actually, the bow is one of the most devoted friends right up until the baby grows up to a “serious” second grade. An alternative to a bow is cute “ears” based on wire.

Hairstyles for girls for prom in the garden do not have to be complicated. Wrap the strands around the hoop or just hide it among the curls.

If time allows, you can choose more magnificent knots and harnesses.

Hairstyles for prom girls in kindergarten should be decorated with flowers, abandoning more complex jewelry made of metal or ribbons. An exception may be an imitation of lace or a thin diadem.

Hairstyles for schoolgirls

Of particular interest are hairstyles for girls at graduation 4th grade. Not yet adults, but not quite crumbs anymore, young ladies usually order “something cool”. So cool can be a crown of braids with butterfly decoration, a large bun with decor or a bun with a natural bow.

In general, hairstyles for girls 10 years old should assume that their owners still cannot sit still all day. So the hoop will come in handy more than once.

The older the girl gets, the easier the styling becomes. Hairstyles for girls to school are usually not full of hairpins and do not surprise with intricacies. The best option is an asymmetrical accent in the form of three braids.

The boho school style is embodied in hairstyles with pigtails oriented diagonally (48, 53, 12).

And by February 14, styling can be made romantic by decorating with hearts from thin strands stretched to the side.

Braiding for girls

Today, weaving has completely moved from the category of symbols to artistic elements. Hairstyles with a tail or a bun, which are continued by a voluminous braid, are very relevant.

And on the cutting edge of fashion - hairstyles with several pigtails that connect ribbons. The result is a stitch effect that will become an elegant highlight for a festive event.

If we talk about simple “drawings”, then here the undisputed leaders are the “fishtail” and “Danish braid”.

The third place is gradually won by a twisted braid, which is made from several bundles.

The combination of several types of pattern is also very relevant: it allows you to create a strict but effective image.

Finally, I would like to recall the good old braid braid, suitable both as a hairstyle for girls in grade 4 and for a dance performance at grade 9. The strands do not break out of this design and do not interfere.

If time is limited, it is enough to braid 2-3 “tracks”.

Easy hairstyles for girls

Usually they are built on a side parting, which is complemented by braids, a bun or catchy jewelry. The styling will be filled with a special charm thanks to the curls.

Tails - perfect hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes. We intercept the strands with rubber bands in several places and get a ready-made cute look. From such segments, you can create a braid.

Do not underestimate the possibilities of harnesses, since they can also decorate short hairstyles for girls.

Festive hairstyles for girls with their own hands

Do not quite understand how to weave or pin strands correctly? Let's take a look at the composite hairstyles for girls step by step.

Spit “Herringbone”

For the base, we will need to braid the braid, for which we will need 3-6 transparent elastic bands (if there are green ones, they will do). Like many beautiful hairstyles for girls, this one does not require special skills and knowledge.

We comb the hair smoothly, raise the upper third and fasten it with an elastic band at the back of the head. The resulting tail is divided into an upper and lower beam. We, in turn, also divide them in half. Further, the scheme is as follows: we circle the upper halves with the lower halves, fasten with an elastic band, stretch to the sides (you need to stretch immediately, and not when the braid is braided - otherwise the strands will be asymmetrically pulled). And so - to the back of the head.

Remaining? We collect hair in a low ponytail. We pass it through the weave so as to close the lower elastic band.

Now we need decor for our Christmas tree. It is better if there are more than 3 hairpins - so they will not look random. They need to be stabbed into the base of the “trunk”, that is, in the place that is fixed with an elastic band.

Everything, now the basis for a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair is ready.

Corrugated braids

An option for all those cases when you want something unusual, but there is little time left for preparation. Such children's hairstyles for girls (the photo gives us an approximate estimate of the scope of work) will take within half an hour.

We divide the hair into a “toothed” parting.

We braid the braids on the sides: for this, we add hair at the temple to the strands of the “teeth”; fix with a rubber band.

The central part is temporarily postponed. Now we process the weaving and the ends below the gum with a curling iron (if it’s more convenient for you, you can first make the strands corrugated and only then braid).

We bring the braids together at the back of the head, remove one of the elastic bands, and fix the weaving with the second. We wrap the construction with a free strand so that nothing hurts the eyes.

Double "chain"

There are hairstyles for girls, photos and just the look of which always causes increased attention. "Chain" is one of them. Remarkably, it does not require much time.

We divide the hair into a straight parting, we form two symmetrical tails on the sides. From the top of the tail we pick up two thin strands and tie them into a simple ordinary knot. We put the hair in the direction of the second tail. After 4-6 cm, we again tie the strands into a knot. We repeat until the tips can not be hidden under an elastic band or pinned with an invisible one.

We weave the same “chain” from the second tail. After that, we collect loose hair in spiral bundles and slightly stretch the “snails” to the sides. The ponytails are fixed inside with hairpins.

Please note that children's hairstyles for girls for long hair can be repeated for medium length - just the chain will consist of two halves.

Waves like a princess

Often the most favorite children's hairstyles for girls are with curls spread over their shoulders. To make such a styling, you will need to take a little fidget for at least half an hour, because you will have to sit still while you manage the curling iron.

Pull dry hair up. We start work with the lowest strands, winding them on a curling iron in a spiral. As we already wrote, girls have thin hairs, so there is a temptation to wind the entire layer, but you should not do this. Divide the layers into 3-4 parts.

Straighten the finished curls with your fingers. It is not worth resorting to a brush, even a soft one, as the curls can straighten out.

Children's haircuts for girls are practically no different from their adult counterparts. They look exactly the same stylish, fashionable and beautiful.


Kare in all its varieties leads the fashion rating of this season's haircuts. It remains only to choose the appropriate length and a successful model. On straight and fairly thick hair, a bob with a smooth cut line looks great. But wavy, sparse and thin hairs are advised to make out a multi-level haircut. If you have basic hairdressing skills, you can make a bob yourself. Moreover, it will not be difficult for girls of 7-8 years old to put themselves in order every day, which will greatly facilitate the preparations for school.


Another beautiful haircut, which is distinguished from the square only by the length - the hair here needs to be cut a little above the chin. Bob haircut is universal, because it suits all girls. It is also incredibly convenient with her - the hair does not get into her eyes, it is easy to style with a regular comb and does not interfere with the baby to run, jump and play. The traditional bob is cut without bangs, but if you wish, you can give it any shape and length.

Straight cut haircut

Short and medium haircuts even cut any mother will do - just cut the hair with sharp scissors at the right level. For girls 10 years old with long or medium hair, this is perfect option. Due to the same length, the strands can be put into any hairstyle - ponytails, pigtails, buns, etc. Bangs (most often straight and thick enough) are made as desired.

Cascading haircuts

Girls of 11 years old very often choose cascading options - a ladder or a cascade. These hairstyles add volume to the hair and beautifully frame the face, do not require much styling effort and go well with headbands and headbands. The most popular length for ladders and cascades is just below the shoulders. It allows you to implement various hairstyles based on braids or ponytails. A suitable bang will help complete the look.

Also, it is worth making such a beautiful hairstyle in 5 minutes:

Boy or pixie haircut

This option is equally popular among both very small crumbs and among girls of 12 years old. The main thing that short haircut suited the figure and shape of the face and, of course, was your daughter's choice, not yours. Experts say that pixies are perfect for thin, short girls. Its best option is not an oblong, but a round shape. In addition, pixie allows you to give the strands a very nice shape and rid your hair of split ends.

This trendy haircut of the 2019 season is best suited for hair of different structures. The length of the session should cover the ears. The hair itself is cut in a circle, making a smooth transition from thick and straight bangs to a short nape.

Don't forget about hair. 3 beautiful, trendy and fast hairstyles.

All mothers know that good taste is instilled from childhood. With our appearance and attention to the appearance of all family members, we give our children an example to follow, instill in them a sense of style and taste. To feel like a princess and just a beauty gives you the opportunity to stylish and trendy haircuts for girls.

Haircuts for girls

Modern trends in the fashion world allow you to experiment with the length and shape of hair, make the face of our girls more expressive and spectacular.

Haircuts for girls-average hair length

This is the optimal length. The most common children's haircuts for medium hair length are bob and bob. Choosing the type of haircut, the master of the beauty salon takes into account the shape and color of the girl's face, offers his options on how to diversify the hairstyle. The caret allows you to vary with the length and shape of the bangs, which can be straight, oblique and asymmetrical. Hair of the same length allows you to make a bob without bangs, however, it should be remembered that this type of haircut is not suitable for all face shapes. In addition, when choosing options for bangs, it should be remembered that its length should be comfortable for the child, not cover the viewing area and not fall into the eyes. A graduated caret allows you to add extra volume to your hair, but it should be remembered that when grading along the entire length, it will be quite difficult and problematic to remove the hair in the tail. For thick and straight hair more suitable classic caret.

Haircut "Bob" allows you to vary with the length of the hair. In the case of a children's haircut, the best option would be a length that allows, if necessary, to collect hair in a ponytail. Thinning the ends of the hair will greatly facilitate the styling process and will allow you to maintain the shape and beauty of the haircut for a long time.

Haircuts for girls-long hair

At all times, beautiful long hair was the pride of their owner. Among hairstyles for long hair, a variety of braids, intricate spikelets and curly strands are popular. Modern masters beauty salons create incredible masterpieces, weaving long hair into various spikelets and braids.

Even the simplest and most familiar ponytail can be diversified and independently given a completely new and intricate look. It is enough to collect them in a ponytail, the end of which must be tied with an elastic band, after which the hair is divided into two identical tails and twisted in different directions.

In addition, it is much easier for owners of long hair to make a beautiful festive hairstyle using various weaving and styling techniques. Curly braids allow you to significantly diversify daily hairstyles and make it possible to realize even the most daring ideas and decisions.

The length and shape of the hair can vary - from a simple even haircut to cascades. Even and the same length of hair allows you to do a variety of hairstyles, experiment with styling and bangs. The latter is usually straight.

Using the cascade technique, you can create your own unique style. A variety of accessories used for hair styling will help to add additional charm. Despite the presence of a ladder in a haircut, they can easily be removed in a ponytail or braid. This haircut involves the presence of hair in front of different lengths - from short to long. The length and shape of the bangs during the cascade depends on the desire of the client. Alternatively, it can also be made with a ladder.

Graduated haircut is performed at different angles, as if the hairdresser "goes down the steps." The hair is obtained in different lengths, but the lower part is always long. The hairstyle will be more accurate if the hairdresser makes a smooth transition from short curls to the main length.

Long hair with side bangs suits all face types. Bangs can cover part of the eyes, be long or short.

Haircuts for girls- short hair

Recently, the number of young lovers of short haircuts has significantly decreased, which is understandable - such haircuts are more suitable for older people. However, this fact in no way detracts from the beauty and style of such hairstyles.

Short haircuts are popular among little girls who, due to age, do not have enough hair in the branch. In addition, they greatly facilitate the process of hair care, which is so disliked by young children.

Short haircuts are indispensable when eliminating damaged hair and if the girls want to experiment with the length of their hair. A haircut for a boy will give shape and allow you to diversify your hairstyle with the length and shape of the bangs.

Despite the length of the hair, using a variety of hairpins and jewelry, you can change your hairstyle almost daily, give it a twist and novelty. Owners of wavy and curly curls can create their own hair style using special styling products.

Short asymmetrical haircut looks great on teenagers. It involves long bangs and hair styling to one side. Since curls can fall over the eyes, it is important to cut off the excess length in time. You need to style your hair with a hairdryer and a special tool, giving the right direction to the hair.

Despite the length and splendor of the hair, the type and oval of the girl’s face, remember that a successful haircut is the key to a neat and well-groomed appearance, confirmation of good taste and sense of style, the result of daily care.

A haircut for a girl should be selected taking into account the physique:

  • slender and tall girls fit medium curls with styling "waves". Milled hairstyles, elongated bangs and graduated haircuts will look great;
  • plump girls should do a medium haircut, in which the hair will lie in layers. A haircut with thinning with sharp transitions will look spectacular;
  • small and thin girls should try geometric haircuts.