Anime hairstyles for long hair. Japanese hairstyles. Short anime hairstyles

Bright, unusual, but very cute anime hairstyles are direct evidence that animation has already penetrated into our daily life, making it richer in terms of style.

Japanese animation is not limited to clear age categories - both children and older people enjoy watching anime.

Therefore, anime hairstyles are relevant at any age, and not only for girls, but also for guys.

Stylists say that the acid tones that are used to decorate anime-style hairstyles are not suitable for everyone, but only for people with a strong and assertive character.

The specifics of anime hairstyles are bright expressive colors and textured strands. Male options for this design of hair are distinguished by good styling on medium hair length.

For girls, doing anime hairstyles is relevant for both medium curls and long ones. Short anime haircuts are much less common.

The choice in favor of anime hairstyles should not be made spontaneously. Before making a bright coloring, it is worth considering how consciously such a decision is.

It is better to know about some of the nuances in advance:

  • Short, rare, weakened or damaged hair not suitable for hairstyles in the style of Japanese comics;
  • For girls of preschool and primary school age, you should choose the most sparing solutions - oblique bangs, easy styling, tinted varnishes;
  • Anime hairstyles are created on the basis of dyed, often bleached strands, so they need regular care- keeping hair clean, styling with a hair dryer and varnish, as well as in applying nourishing masks to restore the health of hair follicles;
  • Experiments with coloring in crimson or blue shades are best done after making sure that this palette is in harmony with the appearance;
  • If the main job has a dress code, the style of Japanese comics may be out of place.
  • Curly strands for anime design must be straightened;
  • It is very difficult to return the original color of the strands after dyeing in anime colors. In addition, it can be very stressful for the hair;
  • Qualitatively arrange an anime hairstyle only for professionals. To accurately indicate the task, it is recommended to print the image of the cartoon character and show it to the stylist.

How to style hair in the style of Japanese comics?

The main parameters that characterize the hairstyle as stylized as anime are straight hair of an unusual bright color, volume and oblique bangs.

These elements hairdressing are considered universal and suitable for everyone, regardless of the type of face. It is important that the hairstyle harmoniously fits into the overall style of clothing and appearance.

Choosing an image is the first thing to do when designing an anime style. This refers to the color of the strands and the basic haircut.

Then you need to choose a high-quality professional paint - this is important for maintaining the health of the hair. It will also not be superfluous to stock up on high-quality herbal hair care products.

After the haircut, styling is done. To get the desired shape, stylists use styling products.

They are applied to wet curls and model the hairstyle, gradually drying them with a hairdryer.

You can do your own hair styling for anime. For example, based on a bob haircut. To do this, the strands are pulled out and made straight with an iron.

Some of them are combed in different directions and varnished. In this styling, multi-colored strands and slightly twisted tips are appropriate.

You can stylize under the anime and a regular tail. To do this, it is made as high as possible, and then many thin braids are woven and fastened with elastic bands.

If the hair is short, you can perform a chaotic anime styling. Gel is applied to the strands and ruffled.

Then the hair is treated with a hairdryer, making sure that their tips stick out in different directions. Hairspray is used to fix hair.

Anime hedgehog is one option for short strands. In the back of the head, a pile is performed and sticking strands are created with the help of the gel so that their shape resembles large hedgehog spines.

The hair in front is straightened with an iron and shifted to the face. Laying is fixed with varnish.

Also, anime styling on short curls can be done by increasing the required length.

Anime Hairstyles

Anime hairstyles for girls are more popular than men's. They are created by imitating the heroines of Japanese cartoons. One of the most common is the image of Sailor Moon.

To make this hairstyle, you will need varnish, two regular elastic bands and two invisible ones, as well as a few invisible ones.

The hair is combed and separated with a vertical parting. In each part, a high tail is made out and secured with an elastic band.

A tourniquet is made from the right tail, twisting the strands in a counterclockwise direction.

Then, the elastic band fixing the tail is wrapped with this tourniquet, and its tip is pulled under it. It should be a tight knot.

The left tail is formed in the same way, with the difference that the tourniquet is twisted clockwise.

Each of the resulting knots is fixed with an invisible rubber band and varnished.

Tails are an integral part of the hairstyles of most anime characters. Several tails visually increase the volume of the hairstyle, and against this background the body looks small, fragile and defenseless.

One of these hairstyles is two tails with a pile and oblique bangs. Performed on long hair.

For this part of the hair with right side the tops are thrown back and stabbed with a clamp.

Above the right temple make out high ponytail, using only middle part hair, and bouffant. The clip is removed, the hair is lowered down - on the right and left around the ponytail.

Then the same manipulations are done with the hair in the left half of the head. For the final design of the hairstyle, a special elastic band with ears and ribbon bows is used.

Another way to make anime hair with two tails.

The strands are combed, parted, and two high tails are formed, from which a loose pigtail is woven and secured with an elastic band.

To add volume to the pigtail, its links are stretched with your fingers to the sides. To decorate the hairstyle, hairpins with ribbons and bows are used.

The third method is based on two high lateral tails. Each of the tails is divided into three parts.

One of the resulting strands is wound around the fingers in the form of a roll and attached at the base with the help of an invisibility.

Then a strand is separated from the remaining hair of the tail and also wound with a roll, which is attached at the base on the other side.

It turns out like a bow of twisted strands and a thin tail in the middle. The second tail is made in the same way.

Men's anime styling suggests design based on haircuts such as bob or cascade. Characteristic features of men's hairstyles are slight negligence and tousled hair.

Japan is one of the wonderful countries that fascinates with style, traditions and people. Most of the traditions were taken from the Chinese people. After all, the tea ceremony, the language and art of writing, clothes and even hairstyles are the Chinese basis. But the Japanese did not copy everything exactly, on the contrary, they changed it beyond recognition so as not to be repeated. They created newer hairstyles and costume styles. The country where the sun rises has an inspiring historical past. After many years, people began to try to reach out to the ideals of real Western people. If you see female makeup, you can easily determine the race of a person. The most popular style in Japan is the geisha style.

There are several features in women's hairstyles.

Japanese girls always differ in appearance from the rest, the first introduction is kimono, flower-shaped hairpins, wide-toothed combs and black Thick hair collected in the laying of a geisha. Everyone is used to seeing them with long hair, but in everyday life, Japanese women often go with short haircuts. But in holidays they put on a formal attire and do the usual standard hairstyle for everyone.

To carry out Japanese hairstyles, you must have traditional accessories:

  • floral studs
  • scallops
  • embellished hairpins
  • hair clips
  • artificial or real flowers
  • origami

The girls do the styling themselves with their own hands, as they got used to this technique from early childhood. We offer you to get acquainted with the technology of creation, having tried several times, you can repeat.

Nowadays, for some girls, Japanese women are exclusive, interesting, original girls. Their style is gaining authority among young people every day, and often girls, coming to the salon, are asked to repeat some kind of Japanese hairstyle. Using the listed accessories, it is not difficult to repeat the hairstyle.

If you want to stand out among others, striking with your originality, you may need Japanese styling. People who are around will notice your delicate, refined taste, and the first impression will remain good and can be remembered for a long time. These oriental styling are universal, they look perfect on any girl. Especially if she wants to highlight her romance. Doing your hair, you will be filled with something magical, and you will be able to attract the stronger sex.

Traditional modern Japanese hairstyles

No hairstyle is complete without special wooden Japanese sticks called kanzashi. In addition to wood, the accessory can be made from bones or tortoise shell. These types were popular with the Japanese people back in the 17th century, and to this day, girls, without violating traditions, use them to create styling. Not a single young lady could come on a solemn day without traditional styling. In addition, at wedding ceremonies, they are allowed only this hairstyle.

Japanese hairstyles take a lot of time, which means patience. Not every hairdresser can be approached with a styling question. At first glance, the girls understand that this hairstyle is not so easy to do, this technology is one of the most difficult. After watching the video, you can find out the difficult moments.

Before you start doing a Japanese hairstyle, you need to learn all the tricks. If you do not know this technology, you can not take it.

The first element is a long bang, which must necessarily cover part of the face.
The second element is bright hair. The most popular colors are black or red.
The third is, of course, asymmetry. Without it, you will not be able to get styling.

If you choose on which hair to make a hairstyle, between medium and long - it doesn’t matter, it will turn out on both options. But creating a complex technique on long ones is much easier.

Consider a few simple Japanese options for girls.

Standard everyday hairstyles in Japan can be simple. After all, not every day, they spend a lot of time creating a “geisha” styling. Among some types, you can select the lungs for yourself, which you can use on a special case. If your hair length allows you to make any of the proposed hairstyles, do not miss the chance. Perhaps she will be the one that has been looking for so long.

Current hairstyles:

  1. gulka
  2. Anime Style
  3. Laying "geisha"

These hairstyles are the most common among the Japanese people, but there are quite a few other hairstyles.

Japanese hair style "Anime"

Anime is the most popular among other types of hairstyles, especially among young people. Even guys are attracted to such styling, and often repeat them on themselves, highlighting their creativity. All techniques of Japanese hairstyles have some complexity, and a variation of this styling is no exception. The peculiarity of this hairstyle is that the hair constantly needs to be dyed, that is, they have to be carefully taken care of and maintained for a long time. Sometimes some girls use special crayons for coloring, they are gentle in the process.

This style is more suitable for short to medium hair. Technique does not scare anyone, everyone thinks only about the positive option.

The creation technology is similar for short hair, bangs are also required, you can make it torn, twist the ends and dye them in a row. Usually, anime is preferred by fans who are passionate about style or unformatted teenagers who are trying to get the attention of other people.

If you are a girl and want to make this type of hairstyle, then get ready for frequent hair coloring, you can combine one or more colors, use curling irons, and the main rule is long bangs on a certain part of the face.

Japanese hairstyles for every day

Students who like the Land of the Rising Sun prefer a few simple everyday hairstyles. Often popular - caret.


The most convenient and easy to perform option. If you decorate the look of the hairstyle with flowers or any decorative elements, you will get an excellent gentle hairstyle, especially in combination with makeup. Creativity is used by hair with short hair in the back of the head or from the bottom up. But if you shorten the length at the crown, you can achieve a little volume. Among the Japanese people, almost all girls wear bangs, as it is customary for them. Unusual natures decide to add a little brightness, paint in the brightest colors.

In most cases - bangs, necessary condition to create styling. The beam located on top is one of them.

Bun with kanzashi

Another everyday varied version of the beam using kanzashi. Refined, familiar style for milestones of Japanese women. Also, like the previous version, it is not difficult. The technique is very simple:

  1. It must be done on clean hair.
  2. The entire mass of hair is collected in a ponytail. The bun can be placed anywhere you like.
  3. From the tail we create a tight flagellum, it should be located around the gum.
  4. Then insert kanzashi on both sides.
  5. Use wax to smooth your hair or give your hair a casual look.
  6. If desired, you can leave two hanging strands on the sides.

Vintage style hairstyle

Vintage style can be used for both casual and festive options. It can also be perfect for a masquerade ball for a daughter in a kindergarten, provided that the hair is the right length. Add some makeup, costume, and head jewelry, and you'll have a lovely little Japanese girl.
How to make it?

  1. All hairstyles, not only Japanese, should be done on clean, dry hair. We collect the whole mass of hair at the crown and make a pile, we also attract the sides to the crown.
  2. We comb the hair from below in the same way.
  3. In order to collect a bunch at the crown, you first need to use the gel and smooth your hair.
  4. For decoration, you can use decorative hanging elements or wooden sticks, hairpins. Choose jewelry that matches yours.

If you want to use as an option for daily use, it is better to do without bright decorations.

Japanese hairstyles of the 10th - 12th centuries.

In Japan, as in other countries, healthy, well-groomed, beautiful hair. Previously, everyone thought that the longer and more well-groomed the hair, the better their owner. At that time, the girls were not against showing off their strands, and some reached more than two meters, and conquered them with their appearance.

Previously, it was allowed to wash your hair no more than once a month, but at the present time it is much easier for girls, since all kinds of nutrients. Before the ladies went to bed, it was necessary to put their hair in a special box. This was done so that the hair did not get tangled. Since then, ponytails have become popular, and have been on par with other types of hairstyles.

But today every second girl walks with a tail, and the styling familiar to everyone is not at all surprising. If you give your hairstyle an extra twist, then even a simple ponytail can be the perfect holiday hairstyle. But the Japanese stopped doing it just because you need to follow the basic rules for wearing a tail - bangs.
When a holiday is planned in Japan, not all Japanese women go under a blueprint, some of them create tails and put on a chic straw hat under the outfit.

Girls in that country need bangs, but if they don’t have it, it leaves two small strands at the edges, which slightly cover part of the face.

Japanese hairstyles in the style of "Hyogo"

The hairstyle gained its popularity a very long time ago, somewhere in the beginning of the fifteenth century. Its creator was a courtesan, and the styling acquired the name in her honor. This variation is a high, looped tail. And the remaining ends neatly fit around, the resulting loop imitating a bundle. The principle of laying is the same today.

There is a legend that the city of Kobe became the creator of the style. After people saw this work, they began to demonstrate it to their people in other cities. Also, the look of this hairstyle was the first Japanese style, as the girls began to style their hair in this way.

Laying in the style of "Katsuyama"

The hairstyle, like the previous ones, appeared a very long time ago, in the middle of the seventeenth century, then girls made ponytails. It is assembled using the same technique, only the loop is located below. It can be fixed with both sticks and various ribbons. For an accurate description, you still need to smooth your hair with wax or gel.

Style "Shimada"

Began to be carried out at the end of the sixteenth century. It was noted above that the ponytail was very popular. The style is similar to "Hyogo", but created in the opposite way. The loop is laid in front, and the rest of the hair is also twisted at the base, secured with hairpins to the bun. At the end, 2 tails should appear, so that the gum is not visible, it is hidden with a colored tape.

Kogai - Mage

Laying can be done in two ways. Initially, the hair was styled in a loop at the bottom, the rest of the hair should be twisted around the kogai, resembling the number 8. This is how the name appeared. Kogai are flat sticks made from tortoiseshell. Who wore this type of hairstyle - it was immediately noticeable who was married or a mother. When the hairstyle appeared, there were no combs or hairpins yet.

The hostess styled this hairstyle for the hostess. Today, any master can do it.

Japanese hairstyles are suitable for the perfect evening created in the form of a masquerade. Before you do your hair, take care of the outfit, make-up. Don't be afraid to experiment. With the style of the Rising Sun Starna, you can happily surprise all the guests who come.

Today, anime hairstyles are still on the wave of popularity. Japanese culture, in part cartoons, is a big success. This explains the popularity of such styling.

Girls anime redhead
guys unusually purple

If earlier fans just bought anime pictures, now they are trying to imitate their favorite characters. Moreover, not only girls want to change their style, but also guys.

If desired, you can change the styling at least every day. There are many different options available: short hair without bangs, on long or medium strands. The main thing is to choose an idea that will harmoniously fit into your image.

Anime styling for guys and girls take liberties. It is enough just to connect your imagination.

Basic accents from the Japanese

Despite the fact that today you can meet guys with anime hair, they are very popular among young girls. Female Japanese characters are charming and memorable for their flamboyant style.

Hairstyles from the animated series are most suitable for a diamond-shaped or triangular face. It is this type of appearance that is most often found in popular Japanese heroes. They also look good on owners of a miniature figure and small stature.

There are a few basic points to follow for anyone who wants to know how to do Japanese hair in this style. To be like your favorite character, you need to build as bright styling as possible.

Smooth straightened hair is considered ideal. But, they must be in good condition, because sparse, thin or damaged strands will only spoil the image. It is necessary to give volume to the hair so that the head seems very large compared to the body.

Hair looks good different lengths. If a Japanese image is supposed for girls, you can decorate the strands with a large number of different elastic bands and hairpins. With just a little effort, you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Anime hairstyles for girls or guys are divided into two groups: for owners of long hair and for short hair. Short strands are usually styled into a bob haircut. There are many types of "bean", but the most popular of them is the classic one.

If you have a shock to the waist or want to do some options for medium hair, there are also several ideas. Let's take a look at the points on how to make an anime hairstyle.

Options for the weaker sex

First you need to understand where you will go with such styling. For those who have a strict dress code at school or university, bright curls and unusual haircuts will not work. We'll have to limit ourselves to the usual cascade or bean.

The image can be made even more Japanese if you dye your hair with special felt-tip pens or tonics. They will not harm the hair and will be washed off immediately after a thorough washing of the hair. If you don’t want to dye the strands, you can buy already painted overhead curls.

For example, the image of Sailor Moon is suitable for going to school or walking with friends. It will take a maximum of 10 minutes to create it. This girl was remembered and loved by fans of Japanese animation with her huge eyes and unusual ponytails.

  1. The strands are divided into two parts, one of which is removed in the tail. The remaining curls are also divided into two equal parts.
  2. Part of the strands at the temple is combed up and tied into a ponytail with a strong elastic band, matched to the color of the hair.
  3. The same step is repeated on the other side.
  4. To give the strands volume, they are combed with a thin comb and fixed with varnish.
  5. The tails are braided into buns and fixed again with varnish. The lower part of the strands is wound with an iron or curling iron.
  6. The rest of the hair is pulled back into ponytails.

To make your hair more festive, decorate it with bright ribbons or hairpins. If you are interested in hairstyles in five minutes, try to build " cat ears". Schoolgirls will be delighted with them.

This option will be appropriate during any event, but only for little girls or teenagers. You will need several tools:

  • comb;
  • straightening iron;
  • rubber bands, colored hairpins.

To get perfect cat ears, you have to practice. It is important to follow the instructions exactly.

  1. The hair is divided into two parts. One of them is fixed with a hairpin, and the other is divided into lower and upper sections.
  2. The upper part of the strands rises up, sprayed with varnish, and then combed. The strand is twisted into a bundle, then it is laid in such a way that it looks like a cat's ear. The hair is fixed with an invisible hairpin and fixed with varnish.
  3. The circuit is similar on the other side. Most importantly, do not forget to use varnish so that the pile lasts as long as possible. The second "ear" is also fixed with invisibility so that the strands do not become disheveled.
  4. The remaining hair is combed into a ponytail under the ear. Make the same ponytail on the other side.
  5. Hair collected in a ponytail is wound with a curling iron or ironing. In this case, you should take small strands and curl them not inward, but from the face.
  6. The hair is straightened in strands and combed to get as much volume as possible.
  7. Repeat the same on the other side.
  8. The hairstyle is decorated with bright hairpins and fixed again with varnish.

But keep in mind, if in the animated series the hairstyle of the characters remains impeccable, then in real life this will not happen. You will have to use a lot of varnish so that the female or male anime hairstyle does not deteriorate.

creative ideas

Today there are also men's hairstyles in anime style. First of all, decide on a haircut. The haircut “bob” or “page”, clipped nape, disheveled tops looks spectacular.

Anime hairstyle "chaos" is suitable for guys with hair from 6-7cm. The strands must be thoroughly lubricated with gel and tousled, and then laid with a hair dryer. To prevent hair from falling apart, it is recommended to sprinkle it with varnish.

There is another male version - a hedgehog. This option is also suitable for extreme girls with short hair.

First, make a pile on the back of the head and use the gel to form an imitation of hedgehog spines. Then straighten the strands at the crown with an iron and slide towards the face. After that, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Today, young people, wanting to stand out from the general crowd, often experiment with their appearance. Anime hairstyles for guys are no longer considered something special, but they allow you to create a vivid image. Fans copy not only the haircuts and styling of their favorite cartoon characters, but also their behavior and clothing style.

It is not difficult to repeat the stylish hairstyles of your favorite Japanese anime characters, but the main thing is to know how to choose the right shape and how to care for it so that the image remains stylish, not ridiculous.

This type of men's hairstyles are copied from the characters of your favorite cartoons or games. Most often, boys need to grow medium length hair to create an anime look. If you are the owner of curly curls, then they will definitely have to be aligned. Almost any shape requires an elongated bang. If the place of study allows and parents do not mind, then you can paint some curls in bright colors (blue, purple, red). In order for the hair not to lose its shape and acquire the necessary volume, young people will have to get used to the use of foams and hairsprays.

Advice! Male haircuts in anime style, they look good on medium hair length. At the same time, with the help of an elongated bang, you can hide asymmetrical facial features or scars.

Styling options

The whole point of anime hairstyles for guys is proper styling. If the hair is short, they can be styled in a chaotic manner using a gel. It is important that before the styling agent dries, thoroughly tousle the hair in different directions. Next, the hairstyle is dried with hot air from a hair dryer and sprayed with a strong hold varnish. This styling implies the presence of randomly protruding tips that look in different directions.

Laying "Hedgehog" is also used for short hair. The occipital area is combed and with the help of hair gel, voluminous protruding strands resembling thorns are created. All hair in the parietal zone and bangs need to be pulled out with an iron to achieve perfect smoothness. The final touch is fixing with varnish.

Do you like anime hairstyles?


How to make an anime hairstyle for a guy?

Regardless of the fact that male anime hairstyles in cartoons look casual and simple, in fact, the technique for doing them is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Not every stylist will be able to make such a haircut with high quality, given individual characteristics facial structure and shape. After all, even the perfect hairstyle can spoil the overall image if it doesn’t suit the guy at all.

Anime people do not limit themselves in hair colors at all. They are constantly experimenting, which can manifest itself in the most unusual color combinations.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

If the guys can try to do the styling of their haircut on their own, then perfect shape anime hairstyles for guys will be created only by a professional stylist. An experienced specialist will select the optimal thickness and length of the bangs and work out the occipital area in such a way that it will be easy to style.

Who will suit?

Men's anime style hairstyles are not for everyone. For guys with round faces and a heavy chin, this solution will not be the best. Such puppet image on a bulky body will look at least funny.

Ideally, a male otaku (fan of Japanese cartoons) is a slender young man with fine features and pale skin. To ideally understand the most suitable appearance for a cartoon image, it is enough to open Japanese fashion magazines.

Important! If a young man works in an office, then he must strictly adhere to a certain dress code, which implies not only a restrained style of dress, but also a neat haircut. Bright male hair anime style will be appropriate among young people of student age or creative individuals.

Anime hairstyles for men: photo

Most modern guys like to amaze others with their unusual images. However, before doing an anime hairstyle for a guy, every stylist should pay attention to the features of his appearance. Hairstyle should hide flaws and show dignity young man. Below are photos of the most successful images.

It can be seen that the standard hairstyle of an anime character is very similar to the style of the emo culture that was very popular in the 2000s.

In the end, I would like to add that all anime style hairstyles require careful maintenance and regular styling with strong hold products to create clear and sharp lines. Only in this case they will look bright and unusual. If a guy belongs to a creative person, then this way of manifesting his inner world will be more than justified. Among the girls who support the love of Japanese cartoons, bright boys will have a special success!

Recently, many want to master the art of anime (hair styling). And since it is not worth proving that hair is one of the important components of our appearance, it is not surprising that young people strive to have an ultra-modern hairstyle.

Do you want to learn how to make an anime hairstyle? Here are some tips:

Start by carefully studying the photos and drawings with step-by-step anime-style hairstyle instructions. There are a lot of such photographs and drawings both on the Internet and in women's magazines. The fact is that for all the apparent simplicity, anime hairstyles are quite complex, at least so much so that most people will never be able to build them without prior training.

One more important fact should be remembered - they say a lot about a person and his character, and therefore, naturally, it should “fit” the face and not “come into conflict” with the style of clothing. Otherwise, no matter how fashionable it is, it will cause the opposite effect to the expected one.

So, think about which form of anime hairstyle "suits" you the most. Then draw this hairstyle in a "stranded" way, that is, since you are going to draw out the strands - this will help when you have to construct an anime hairstyle on the head.

As the saying goes, “patience is the mother of learning,” because the more often you draw anime hairstyles, and the more often you try to build them (on your own head or on the heads of friends), the better they will turn out.

A few more details:

- anime is easier to build on straight hair, you have to tinker with wavy ones,

- cut the oblique bangs, and the anime hairstyle will be 50% ready,

- anime hairstyle for long straight hair fits any type of face, and therefore is considered universal,

- if you are going to build an anime hairstyle yourself, then you will at least need: hairspray, gel, and scissors (for those who are ready to “cut off everything superfluous” with their own hands),

- the more “outlandish” the color, the more “anime” the hairstyle,

- if you cut your own hair and as a result got a lot of strands of different lengths on your head - rejoice, because this is one of the anime hairstyle style solutions,

- bangs are suitable for any style of anime,

- you have a short haircut, and sometimes you want to show off in " long hairstyle anime"? Grow your hair.

- do not forget about the volume, it is of paramount importance in the anime,

Here are three of the easiest anime hairstyles for girls.

On the long hair: hairstyle "a la Sailar Moon".

Have on hand, a comb, two hair ties, hairspray, a few hair clips.

Divide your hair into a straight parting. With rubber bands, strengthen the two ponytails (high). Twist each of the ponytails into small “bagels”, while leaving some part of the hair hanging freely. Secure the bagels with hairpins.

Anime hairstyle for girls "ponytail".

Gather your hair with an elastic band and secure it in a ponytail. The higher the ponytail, the better. The hair in the tail can be left loose or weave many small braids from them. This hairstyle gives a playful look to its owner, and besides, it is very effective when moving the head.

Now anime hairstyle for short hair:

Hair cut “under” (in another way, this haircut is called “elongated bob”) we stretch and straighten it with an iron (you can use a hairdryer). We take into account that the bangs should be oblique. We comb several strands of hair in different directions. We fix them with varnish or hair gel. If the strands are shaded with a different (pink, blue, etc.) color and twisted at the very tips, the hairstyle will have even more modern look. Do not forget - dark color hair gives volume to the hairstyle, and light thin strands detail the haircut and, ultimately, a finished look appears in the anime hairstyle.

Anime hairstyles for girls, some fantasy photos:

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