The history of the emergence of a male haircut Canadian sports style. Canadian men's haircut: the history of hairstyles, how to style, who suits. History of the male Canadian

It is generally accepted that women care more about their appearance. However, many men also want to look attractive and spectacular. Sometimes a lot of worries deliver hair. It is necessary, which will not only emphasize dignity and look interesting, but also not take much time. A suitable option is a Canadian men's haircut. The technique is simple, it does not take much time to care.

This men's haircut has its advantages:

  • in hot weather, the scalp will not sweat under a layer of hair;
  • hairstyle is not as short as a "hedgehog";
  • suitable for almost all men;
  • would look great with a business suit.

The name of the hairstyle is also interesting. She came to Russia from Canada. The national ice hockey team from Canada arrived in the USSR. Its participants had a similar hairstyle, which was quickly adopted by our compatriots. To date, this "Canadian" is very popular with Hollywood actors and foreign singers. Ordinary men of any age also like her: thanks to her, the image looks well-groomed and at the same time mischievous.

The execution technology is simple: it is necessary to leave a large amount of hair in the forehead and on the crown. The rest of the mass is cut shorter. Thanks to smooth and neat transitions, the hairstyle looks elegant. She is perfect for a real dandy.

How to do at home?

The master performs such a haircut for 5 minutes. If possible, you can try to cut your hair yourself. In this case, you can not do without help. Everything is done simply. To begin with, it is worth preparing the tools: a comb, two pairs of scissors (thinned and straight), a clipper with nozzle No. 2.

Who suits?

Canadian is universal, but not suitable for every man. First of all, it should pay attention to the owners of slightly curly hair. In general, the type of hair does not really matter.

Men with a round or oval shape will also be delighted. Men's haircut Canadian in this case will emphasize the ideal features. As for age, there are no restrictions: both a young man and an elderly man can safely wear such a haircut. Young guys can emphasize the originality of the hairstyle with unusual coloring or highlighting.

This hairstyle will not look good on those with a square and angular face. In this case, it will further emphasize the rough features.

If you know the individual nuances, you can emphasize the merits and hide the flaws of the face. For example, for a round face, the following option is ideal: a large amount of hair remains on the top of the head.

The square shape can also be softened somewhat: the upper part should have volume. Bangs are suitable for an elongated face. It can be laid on its side, which visually shortens the face. Owners of the oval shape are lucky: they can wear any haircut option.

Many men lead an active lifestyle, which sometimes does not allow them to successfully cope with a shock of hair on their heads. Here, a sports Canadian helps out well - an interesting and fashionable option male classic canadian. In this case, the hair is cut from above even shorter, and the temples are carefully cut with a machine. It will not be easy to achieve the required length with scissors.

How to lay?

There are several common and standard ways. Thanks to them, the hairstyle will constantly look in a new way. In order for the hair to lie well, it is necessary to purchase styling products: foam, gel and varnish.

Men really like this haircut: it allows you to look young and at the same time elegant. Different variants styling allows you to change the image daily. At the same time, it is easy to care for. It is enough to have special tools.

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. It is movement, style and architecture in one.


Every man wants to have a hairstyle that will perfectly fit the shape of the face, emphasize style and attract attention, but it is rarely possible to combine these three indicators. The ideal solution a Canadian haircut can become, the original look of which will not make anyone doubt the impeccable taste of its wearer. This option provides the opportunity to make interesting styling suitable for a fun party, business meeting, romantic dinner or going to the gym. About the technique of performing hairstyles, its types and methods of shaping the hair, read below.

What does a Canadian haircut look like: description

The history of haircuts is rooted in sports. Members of the Canadian hockey team looked so interesting that unusual hairstyle after the matches, many wanted to make themselves. And its name was formed in honor of the country where the athletes came from. The popularity of the Canadian is due to her ability to adapt to almost any type of face, easy to fit and look great. To date, this is one of the most popular hairstyles in the world, which film actors, athletes, musicians wear with pleasure.

A Canadian haircut looks like this: the main array of hair is concentrated on the forehead and crown, which looks magnificent, and the temples, the back of the head and other areas are made shorter. When creating an original hairstyle, hairdressers try to create a smooth transition between a long and well-cut hair bun. Soft neat contours allow a man to look as elegant as possible. Often, a Canadian is made for boys who study at school - a boring hairstyle does not get into the eyes, fits any dress code, does not interfere during study, but helps to stand out.

What kind of men is a Canadian haircut

With confidence, you can call the Canadian a universal male haircut, because it suits any age: boys look older with it, men look more elegant, older people are more energetic. In addition, her unique feature is that the hairstyle emphasizes any face shape, making the features more masculine and expressive. There are still some rules for performing Canadians, but there are not many of them. Features of creating an interesting hairstyle for different face shapes:

  • Rectangular shape. To make the Canadian look harmonious with a massive chin and angularity, the hair on the forehead and crown is cut a little shorter than the classic version of the haircut provides, and a straight bang is additionally made.
  • round and square shape. When performing a canadian for these types of faces, hairdressers try to create a large volume of hair at the top of the haircut so that the visual shape approaches an oval.
  • Elongated shape. The Canadian haircut in this case is performed with a longer bang so that it can be laid on the forehead and make the face visually shorter.
  • Oval shape. Allows its owners to wear any hairstyle.

Types of men's haircuts

A beautiful haircut has a canonical execution scheme, according to which even a novice master can easily cut a man’s haircut, but over time, in addition to the classic Canadian, another type of hairstyle has become popular - sports. You need to choose the type of original styling depending on the shape of the face, giving preference to the one that will make it more harmonious and balanced.

Classic Canadian

The standard Canadian is a wonderful hairstyle that emphasizes a stylish look. To make a classic styling, the master will operate with scissors, creating its canonical look: the volume at the top (gradually decreasing from the forehead to the top of the head) and short-cropped temples, the back of the head. When performing a haircut, special attention is paid to the smoothness of the lines, because if the transition turns out to be too sharp, the result will be unexpected - the Hitler Youth hairstyle.

Sports Canadian

A Canadian haircut has fallen in love with many men, but due to an active lifestyle, not everyone can wear a voluminous mop of hair on their heads. As a result, another hairstyle option has appeared, which is appreciated by those who build a sports career or do physical exercise more than once a week. The so-called sports Canadian is the same haircut, only the hairdresser makes the hair much shorter, and the back of the head and temples are corrected with a machine, because it is difficult to achieve the required length with scissors.

The scheme and technology of haircuts

A Canadian haircut can be done at home if you have patience. To do this, a man should invite his friend or girlfriend, find the appropriate materials and use the instructions with the diagram. Before cutting a Canadian, you need to prepare a comb, straight sharpened scissors and for thinning, a machine with a nozzle 2 (optional). Read the step-by-step technology on how to make this hairstyle:

  1. Wash your hair, dry it well, combing from the crown down to the back of the head.
  2. Through the crown, from the right to the left ear, make a horizontal parting. On both sides, create two more divisions vertical to it from the temples.
  3. At the hairline on the forehead, separate a small strand with a width of no more than one and a half centimeters. Holding it at a right angle, cut the tuft of hair until a length of three centimeters remains.
  4. Work the entire parietal part of the head, as in step three, aligning the trimmed strands with the first.
  5. Using the technology of the third step, carefully shorten the hair on the side of the temporal parts.
  6. Work on the temples: pull the hair at an angle of 90 degrees, make a smooth transition from the forehead to the ears.
  7. Make a parallel parting at the back of the head, dividing the hair into two parts. It must be even.
  8. Start working on the upper zone of the occipital lobe: for this, take a vertical strand of hair, which will start at the upper horizontal parting (you did it at the beginning) to the second (separating the two parts of the back of the head) in the center. Use the "oblique cut" technique: shorten the strand so that the length gradually decreases towards the bottom. Cut the rest of the strands of the upper part of the back of the head like this.
  9. Work out the lower zone of the back of the head: here the hair is cut short, gradually reduced to nothing. Do not forget that the transition from the top of the back of the head should be smooth. You can trim the lower area easily with a clipper, but if you don't have one, use scissors, holding them at a slight angle at the very bottom and cutting the length right next to the comb. Towards the top, the angle of inclination should become larger.
  10. Comb your hair. Use thinning scissors for a more natural look. Trim your hair so that there are no sharp transitions or bumps anywhere. Canadian haircut is ready!

Video tutorial on creating a Canadian haircut with a typewriter

A Canadian haircut is not only done with scissors: an experienced hairdresser can easily create it with an electric machine. A training video recorded by a professional will provide an opportunity to study the Canadian haircut technique in more detail, and the process of its implementation is simpler and more convenient. Sidorov Igor, has been practicing for a long time hairdressing, shows step by step how to create neat, soft transitions using the typewriter, and then demonstrates interesting option styling for men. Watch a video that will help you easily complete the canadian yourself:

Haircut styling options

A hairstyle created by the hands of an experienced master will give a man the opportunity to always look in a new way. There are several basic types of Canadian styling that will suit a particular look. To make a classic haircut always look “fresh”, it is advisable to purchase a gel, hairspray or light mousse. For a sports Canadian, it is not necessary to have additional styling products due to the short length. How to style the canonical hairstyle:

  • 1 way. Lightly mousse damp hair, comb up and back slightly using a comb and blow dryer. For dry hair, you will need styling products that can create the desired volume - hairspray or gel. With the use of varnish, the hair will look more natural, while the gel will create a completely homogeneous array of hair or a “tousled” version.

  • 2 way. If you need to correct the elongated shape of the face or there is no time for styling, comb the bangs on one side in the morning. This option does not require additional funds and looks stylish. Varnish or mousse will be needed when you want to make the haircut look more model.

  • 3 way. In case you want something unusual, create an image in the style of Elvis Presley or "Dandy" - smooth, slicked back hair, fixed with gel, will make a splash.

  • 4 way - for wavy hair. On the owners of curly strands, the Canadian looks especially interesting. To give it a shape, you need to slightly tousle your hair or comb it to the side, and fix the result with varnish.

Photo Canadian haircuts for men 2019

The relevance of the original haircut is confirmed by time - until now, the Canadian is popular both among business people and among figures in the field of art and sports. To emphasize the ability of hairstyles to take different forms, creating unique, stylish images, hairdressers are experimenting with styling products, cutting unusual bangs, decorating short hair the back of the head or temples with patterns using a typewriter. How men's haircuts are made in 2019, look at the photo:

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/ 04.01.2018

Canadian haircut scheme and description. Technique and features of the haircut "Canadian

Many men want to change their appearance, especially when it comes to hair. A Canadian haircut will allow you to stylishly transform and give a special appeal. The peculiarity of this haircut is that it has the largest volume in the forehead area. The Canadian haircut scheme is very simple, any hairdresser can do it, you do not have to look for specialists who could cope with this task.

Today, the Canadian is considered one of the most common men's haircuts. It is characterized by a short cropped crown, nape and temples, but the volume in front remains unchanged. Since the haircut turned over at the edges, the main name “cable rope” came from this, which in the 70s was changed to the well-known “Canadian”.

Sports Canadian

Is this haircut suitable for everyone?

Canadian hairstyle is suitable for any type of hair, whether hard or soft, wavy or even, it all depends on the styling and, of course, the type of haircut. Naturally, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the type of person.

For example, men with an elongated face are not recommended to leave too large and long strands on their foreheads, it is best to leave bangs here. But for owners of an oval face type, any kind of hairstyle is suitable.

Nowadays, many men strive to have a comfortable, ideal and versatile hairstyle for all occasions. These include the Canadian haircut, which for many decades has been the leader among the most popular and famous hairstyles. It is proudly worn by both ordinary people and famous artists, singers, athletes, musicians. The Canadian men's haircut looks very original and this suggests that its owner simply has impeccable taste.

This hairstyle is suitable for business negotiations in the office, for meetings in an informal setting, for dinner with your girlfriend, for sports. It will look equally good on rare and thick hair, combined with almost any oval face. The hair looks great and looks very stylish and beautiful.

History of appearance and distinctive features

Canadian haircut became very popular in the seventies of the last century, when the Canadian hockey team arrived in the USSR. Our fans and spectators really liked the hair of the athletes and since that time hockey fans have made themselves the same hairstyles, calling them "Canadian". Before that, there was another name - “Rope”, because the hair was trimmed like a rope and had even edges. The sports version has won great appreciation in our country.

The main characteristic feature is that the largest volume of hair is left on the forehead and crown, and the crown, occipital region and temples are cut very short. A smooth transition is also made from long strands on the crown of the head to minimally trimmed hairs on the temples and the back of the head.

The main advantages of the Canadian haircut:

  • It is so easy to perform that even a beginner in hairdressing can handle it;
  • The speed of the process itself: it takes 10-15 minutes to complete;
  • It does not need to be constantly laid;
  • Looks spectacular on any hair, especially curly and wavy.

Who suits:

  • People of different age categories and social statuses: from a bully teenager to a wealthy businessman;
  • Men who have a round or oval face type. Any performance of this hairstyle is acceptable. Perfect for a round face suitable option with elongated oblique bangs. You can also lay curls on the crown of your head and lift them with a strong hold gel. With the help of such styling, the face will visually lengthen;
  • A model with short strands and bangs that slightly cover the face will be able to soften the angular shapes of the face;

  • If you look at the photo of the hairstyle, you can understand that young men often choose an asymmetric version with a very long curls on the crown and very, very short strands on the temporal and occipital regions;
  • Elegant and rather mature men love the classic hairstyle model, when there is a smooth transition to short strands from elongated curls (the difference in length is small).
  • But it should be noted that it is better for owners of faces with rectangular features to choose a haircut with long bangs, because the elongated strands on the crown of the head will further lengthen the elongated shape of the face, and the bangs, on the contrary, will make the face visually shorter.

Scheme of execution of the classic version

The Canadian haircut technique is very simple and involves a minimum of tools: the hairdresser uses a comb, scissors (thinning and simple), a machine with nozzle No. 2 in his work. The following technologies are used: shading, haircut with a machine, haircut "on the fingers". You can also make it yourself at home. Instructions for creating a haircut in stages are as follows:

  1. First you need to wash your hair, dry the strands a little, but leave them slightly damp;
  2. Next, you need to comb the hair and divide it into three partings: the first is horizontal, directed from one ear to the other along the crown. The second and third are vertical, go from the temples to the first horizontal parting;
  3. On the forehead is the border of hair growth. Here, the master separates a small control strand (its width is 5 mm), then pulls it at a right angle and cuts it off, keeping the curls 3 cm long. All the hairs on the crown are cut in the same way. The length of the strands is adjusted according to the previously cut control specimen;
  4. The temporal parts are cut off in the same way, then the edging is carefully created above the ears and in the temple area;
  5. At the end of the processing of the parietal and temporal regions, the remaining hair must be divided in two by creating a horizontal parting;
  6. Next, the control strand is separated in the center of the union of two partings of the horizontal direction, located in the upper part of the back of the head, and cut with an oblique cut;
  7. Next, hairs are cut at the very top of the back of the head, as well as on the parietal and temporal parts: the strands are pulled at an angle of 90 degrees and cut off depending on the control curl;
  8. The lower occipital part is made with very short hairs. Then the machine makes a smooth transition from this zone to the top of the back of the head, where more long hair. When lifting through the hair, it is necessary to increase the angle of inclination of the device;
  9. At the final stage, the trimmed hair is combed, thinning is carried out, and if necessary, some places are corrected.

Although the Canadian is considered a truly masculine haircut, it has been adopted by many ladies with a bold and independent lifestyle. She will add a certain zest to the image and emphasize elegance and will look great on slender girls with expressive facial features. It is not suitable for ladies with chubby cheeks, a square face, a short neck, a massive chin. The execution scheme is similar to that described above.

Instructions for performing a sports option

Sports Canada is famous for its practicality and showiness, so it is especially popular among young people who lead an active lifestyle. The technology of its creation is very simple and fast, practically does not differ from the previous version. But there are still some differences:

  • Whiskeys are cut with a 3 mm nozzle, and the final adjustment is made with a “one”;
  • The back of the head is passed from top to bottom to the parietal region using different nozzles. It is necessary to observe a smooth transition from the hair on the top of the head to the temples, the back of the head and the hairs near the ears;
  • The edging is done with scissors or a machine at the request of the client.

Laying options "Canadian"

“Rope” has a wide variety of styling that will allow you to create a new image every time.

  • "Classics" can not be stacked at all. You just need to keep your hair clean;
  • Disheveledness. Apply a little gel to the comb, and comb the strands on the crown, pulling them up. In this case, you need to achieve the most natural look of the hair, and not try your best to raise it up so that it sticks out like a stake. You can also lay them sideways, giving a fixation with a gel, then dry them with a hair dryer;
  • Elegance. Having dropped a drop of gel on the bangs, gently comb it back, without much licking. This will help create the image of a solid elegant man. Too much splendor is not welcome;

  • Maximum naturalness. Foam is applied to the hair, then they are dried with a hairdryer. Side parting is allowed;
  • Retro. It differs in volume, which is created with the help of a bangs folded back with a light fleece, fixed with a gel;
  • For curls. The curls are dried with a hairdryer, slightly “whipped” with the palms of the hands with a drop of gel applied to them. Wavy bangs are combed back, its fixation with varnish is created. This option is also suitable for girls;

  • Also, young ladies can apply mousse or gel to their hair, then dry it with a hairdryer. Get stylish voluminous hairstyle, which can be supplemented.

New design of the legendary hairstyle

  • Increasingly, you can find asymmetrical or elongated curls on the parietal part of the head;
  • The temples are left elongated, or vice versa, they are completely shaved off “to nothing”;
  • Asymmetry has become especially popular, where the hair on one half of the head is left long, and on the other - short;
  • Three-layer hairstyles are made on curly strands;
  • A new patterned design of the temples is being practiced.

Video: How to make a Canadian haircut

Today there is a huge selection of door sets that differ not only in size, design, but also in materials and manufacturers. Since many of us are trying to save money by doing DIY repairs, affordable solutions are very popular. One of these are Canadian doors.

Let's consider what is their peculiarity, what sizes, technical characteristics, installation nuances exist.

More about the product

Canadian are primed products prepared for painting. They have two MDF overlays, a beam along the perimeter and a honeycomb filler. The name is due to technology - from Canada. It was implemented by the local company Masonite in the distant 1980s. The solution makes it possible with a minimum budget to get a fairly presentable appearance and good quality. All this contributes to the great popularity of products. You can see what the Canadian door looks like in the photo.

It should be noted that, despite the simplicity of the design, the manufacture of Canadian interior doors is a rather complicated technological process. For production, shavings and waste lumber are used. Before use, all raw materials are thoroughly crushed and then dried. Next, a panel is formed, for which high pressure equipment is used. In appearance, the panel resembles fiberboard, but has slightly better performance properties. Binders are only natural compounds.

Main advantages

Let's summarize the main advantages of Canadian interior doors:

  • up to twenty times cheaper than wooden samples;
  • up to 5 times lighter than doors made of wood;
  • sufficient strength;
  • attractive appearance;
  • good performance;
  • it is not necessary to paint;
  • the possibility of adding decorative elements;
  • installation can be done by yourself.

Thanks to all these advantages, Canadians are in great demand in our country and abroad. This hollow structure can have a honeycomb core or a bar of natural wood. Due to the presence of filler, the soundproofing qualities of the products increase.

Design features

As a rule, Canadian doors fit well under the walls. They have a weight of about 10 kg, a reinforced product - 20 kg. Thanks to the primed surface, painting the Canadian door is carried out according to a simplified scheme. This can be done either on your own or with the invitation of specialists.

It should be noted that the canvas may also contain decorative inserts, for example, made of glass. It can be plain or embossed. Thanks to the use of various reinforcements, Canadians can also be used as entrance doors. At the same time, the products can be used not only, say, in the bedroom and hallway, but in the kitchen or bathroom. Attractive appearance and practicality are guaranteed.

Additionally, models can be equipped with accessories of the desired color. The design uses universal hinges that do not need to be cut. The door is supplied with a double-sided handle, possibly with a lock.

Also, manufacturers often offer an improved option - a laminated door of the desired color.


  • door leaf - 60, 70, 80, 90 cm;
  • door frame - 40x70x2200 mm;
  • door trim - 14x70x2200 mm.

Painting and installation

Of course, to ensure a more attractive appearance and protection from external influences, it is recommended to open the surface with paint. This will improve the technical performance, ensure a longer service life.

How to paint a Canadian door? Since the surface has already been prepared - primed, it remains only to clean, degrease in order to paint it. It is necessary to use a special composition that takes into account the operating conditions. For example, if the door is going to be used inside, then interior paint is fine.

As for the installation, there are also no particular difficulties in this procedure. It is important to strictly observe the dimensions so that the door frame enters the opening. It must be fixed with anchor bolts. This will ensure a secure fit. When fixing, you need to take into account the position of the box in space, so you should use the building level.

The installation of the canvas should be carried out after fixing the box. If it is necessary to embed hinges, it is necessary to calculate the location of the web so that the same gaps are provided on all sides. The loops are fastened with self-tapping screws of a length that will be sufficient for proper fixation, while they will not go beyond the boundaries of the box. It is best to tighten the screws with a screwdriver. This will ensure the speed and ease of the process, and hence the quality will be higher. It is only necessary to monitor the applied force so that the nozzle does not jump off and damage the frame or door leaf.

After fixing the box, the canvas, the fittings should also be fixed, which should be selected, taking into account the style of the room.


Due to the availability and practicality provided by Canadian interior door manufacturers, installation and operation of products does not require effort, models are available to everyone. You just need to pick correct dimensions so that the product fits exactly into the required opening. Then there will definitely be no problems with installation and use.