Volumetric flower from colored paper for a postcard. DIY paper flowers. The simplest schemes and templates for making paper flowers. DIY paper flowers: simple and with a twist

Need to complement the interior of the house or to please loved ones? Paper flowers will do just fine with this, which can decorate your hearth for a long time and will never fade.

This element of decor can decorate both a banquet table and a living room, it will also be a nice addition to a gift.

Let's look at popular examples of making paper flowers and look at photos of paper flowers.

Coffee filter flowers

For this you will need:

  • Colored aluminum wire.
  • Paints.
  • New coffee filters.
  • Pliers.

If there are no coffee filters at hand, corrugated paper in the shape of a circle will come to your aid.

  • To create one copy, you need to take about 5-10 filter sheets, depending on how voluminous a paper flower you want to make.
  • Gather all the papers and fold them in half a few times.
  • The edges of the filter can be wavy cut - this will add similarity to real colors.
  • Then, we divide the filters into two halves, those that will be upper - we shorten them by 2-3 cm, so the bud will be more realistic.
  • We put all the cut out sheets on the table, so that the smaller ones are on top. We pierce the centers of all filters with wire. We stretch it to half, bend it and pierce the filters again at a distance of 5 mm.
  • We fix the wire by twisting it.
  • Each "petal" is twisted, squeezed. We do these maneuvers with each sheet.
  • To prevent the bud from falling apart, we wrap the base with the remnants of the wire.
  • We hide the wire behind the adhesive green tape.

It is not difficult to paint the filters, as they are perfectly saturated with paint. To color the flowers, simply pour any food coloring into the water and dip the bud into it. Your product is ready.

paper rose

Would need:

  • Bamboo sticks.
  • A thread.
  • Corrugated paper (red, pink or yellow).
  • Adhesive green tape.

The complexity of this design is to wrap the edges beautifully and neatly. corrugated paper, while straightening the folds, making them even.

We twist the strip so that the tiers are tightly leaning against each other. Then we string the bud on a bamboo stick, fasten it with a thread, wrapping it around.

If desired, wrap the bamboo stick with duct tape. We make several roses from paper to collect a magnificent bouquet.

Asters from old magazines

For this you need:

  • Bamboo sticks for decorative items (can be green).
  • Glue stick.
  • Unnecessary magazines.
  • Little scissors.
  • Green adhesive tape.

Cut out the brightest and most colorful pages from the magazine. Then we bend them in half, and the halves - to the center. We start cutting the fringe where the folds begin, while leaving 10 mm to the base.

Then we wrap a bamboo stick with the resulting colored strip, and fix the base with adhesive tape. We make the bud voluminous by opening the fringe. Fully wrap the stick with adhesive tape. We repeat the manipulations with each flower.

Corrugated hyacinths

To make this kind of crepe paper flower, you will need:

  • Bamboo sticks or skewers.
  • Glue stick, hot glue.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Food toothpicks.
  • Scissors.

We cut several colored strips of paper. We make a border on each strip.

We wind the resulting border on a toothpick, make a kind of serpentine.

We make buds and wrap them on sticks and fasten them with glue. We wrap the “stem” with green adhesive tape, if possible, cut out the sheets and fasten them.


Calla with your own hands

You will need:

  • Double-sided colored paper.
  • Stamen (made from polymer clay).
  • Wire.
  • Hot glue.

We cut out a heart from paper, put a homemade stamen in it. We glue the edges of the heart over the stamen.

We wrap the edges so that the calla is more realistic.

Flowers of this style are suitable for decorating a gift, postcard, and a bouquet of such flowers will delight every girl with its beauty.

paper peonies

For a lush peony you will need:

  • Corrugated paper in different colors.
  • Scissors.
  • Sticks.
  • Paperclips.

Stages of work:


  • Cut pieces of paper in different colors. We make an "accordion" out of them. We do this with each color.
  • We make it so that each previous strip is 5-6 mm shorter than the next.
  • We make the corners of each "accordion" triangular.
  • Find the middle of the strip and fold them together.
  • With the help of aluminum wire we connect all the "accordions" in the middle.
  • Bend the edges to form petals.
  • We fasten the buds to the sticks.

paper poppy

You will need:

  • Thin corrugated paper.
  • Bamboo sticks.
  • A thread.
  • Green adhesive tape.

Cut into about 10 teardrop-shaped petals. We stretch the folds so that each petal looks like a fungus.

We wind a small amount of paper on bamboo sticks - the core. We fix the main petals on top of the core. We wrap the resulting bud with a thread. We mask the sticks with adhesive tape.

Photo of paper flowers with your own hands


A pleasant and very sincere gift for a themed celebration can be postcards made of bright unusual colored paper, which were created by hand.

This option is the most in a simple way to make a person pleasant, to express their warmest feelings. Often a postcard complements the main gift.

You can learn how to make a postcard out of paper with your own hands from the Internet, because it is there that there are a huge number of master classes and templates for various postcards that describe the process of creating such crafts. Postcards are bright and beautiful, unique and inimitable.

The basis of the paper product

Numerous photos of homemade paper postcards show that the main thing in the product is not only a congratulatory speech and decorations, but also the basis. Either thick scrap paper or a thin sheet of cardboard is suitable for it.

As for the color preference, you should choose a neutral light color palette so that against its background all other elements are bright and stand out.

A cardboard sheet with embossed and textured ornament looks very original as a base.

To do beautiful postcard more solemn and unusual, it is worth rounding off the rectangular ends, or using curly scissors to give the edges a carved outline.

Postcard with colorful balloons

To create a cute and romantic card that can be presented for a celebration for any occasion, you should take thin beige-colored cardboard and fold it in half, rounding the corners. For decoration outside products need to prepare multi-colored paper balls of various shapes: oval and round.

If the card is intended for giving to a girl, then the color of the balloons can be chosen mainly pink, if the boy is blue-blue, neutral shades are suitable for congratulating an adult.

Blanks for future balls will need about 15 pieces. They will be posted on front side, and inside the product.

Since the shape and size of the elements are different, it is better to prepare cardboard templates in advance and cut them out. After the templates are prepared, you can select the appropriate scrap sheets and cut out the balls.

When the blanks of the balls are cut out, a piece of thick thread is glued to each of them on the reverse side. Now you can start decorating the front side of the card. To do this, balls begin to be glued on top, then subsequent lower layers, until the desired result is obtained.

To get voluminous non-standard paper postcards, you can stick the elements on double-sided tape.

We attach a small piece of adhesive tape to the wrong side of the ball, and then to the front base. The result is a magnificent ornament.

When the balls are glued, you should tie all the threads, tie beautiful ribbon and fasten at the bottom of the balls. Then the edges need to be trimmed.

Several elements are also glued inside the product, leaving a place for writing congratulatory words.

New Year homemade cards

For congratulations on new year holidays, as a rule, choose more thematic decorations in the form of Christmas trees, garlands, snowflakes and other paraphernalia. An excellent gift would be a hand-made postcard with a voluminous coniferous beauty in origami technique.


To make origami blanks, it is better to choose thin paper sheets so that it is convenient to crumple them. You should also give preference to materials with interesting pattern, then the tree will turn out colorful.

To create a Christmas tree, you need to prepare 5 square blanks from the selected paper. The dimensions of the sides of the squares are as follows: 10; 9; 7.5; 6.5; and 5.5 centimeters, respectively. All squares are added in the same way.

First, the square is folded diagonally, then it returns to its original shape and folds diagonally on the other side. You will get a blank with two diagonal fold lines.

Now the first origami blank is ready. There should be 5 of them in total. A Christmas tree is assembled from the top smallest element.


Quilling postcards

Simple in execution, but very attractive and original, will be a greeting card made in quilling technique.

To create an owl, which will be placed on the front side of the product, you need to twist several tight spirals of paper of your favorite color.

For the body of an owl, a spiral is selected, which will consist of three different shades in the form of orange, brown and beige shades. The width of the paper strip to create the torso is 5 mm. Each next strip should be glued to the previous one, and the tip is glued to the spiral itself.

For the eyes and wings of an owl, you need to take thinner paper strips. Each wing of a bird consists of three twisted spirals that are glued together. The paws are also represented by three spirals.

When all the elements are twisted, they can be glued to the base, decorating the composition with leaves and tree branches, which are also cut out of paper.

A card with flowers, which is made in quilling technique, looks very beautiful.


Photo postcards made of paper with your own hands

An ordinary postcard does not surprise anyone. Therefore, I had the idea to make a 3D postcard with flowers. It is not difficult to make it, but it looks unusual and interesting. This card will be remembered for a long time.

To make a postcard, we need:
- a sheet of double-sided colored cardboard (postcard base) of any color;
- double-sided colored paper (for flowers) of any color;
- pencil glue;
- scissors;
- pencil;
- markers.
Step 1. Cut out 7 squares of 10x10 cm from double-sided colored paper.

Step 2. Fold the square 3 times to make a triangle.

Step 3. Draw a petal.

Step 4. Cut and open.

Step 5. Thus we make all 7 flowers.

Step 7. With a blue and blue felt-tip pen, draw small strokes from the middle, also along the edges of the flower. Set aside two petals unpainted!

Step 8. We also color the rest of all 7 flowers.

Step 9. Cut out one of the unpainted petals. We do the same with the rest of the colors.

Step 10. The remaining unpainted petal is smeared with glue and connected to the adjacent petal. It should be voluminous. We do the same for all other flowers.

Step 11. Take 3 flowers. Each flower is folded in half. On one of the flowers we mark crosses. We coat those places that are marked with a cross with glue and glue the other 2 flowers bent in half there.

Step 12. We coat those places that are marked with a cross with glue and glue another flower bent in half.

Step 13. We put crosses again, glue these places with glue and glue 2 more flowers bent in half.

Step 14. Again we put crosses, coat with glue and glue one flower bent in half.

Now on sale there is a wide variety of printed postcards with flowers, including voluminous ones. But lovers of hand-made crafts will not deny themselves the pleasure of presenting a voluminous postcard with flowers with their own hands to a loved one or loved one for the holiday.

When a piece of soul is invested in the work, the product acquires a completely different value. After all, a person will be doubly pleased that they tried for his sake. In the article, we will present several options for making volumetric postcards with flowers with our own hands.

Vase with roses

To make such a postcard, you will need paper of three colors - dark pink, light pink, pink. You also need to choose a contrasting color for the background. In this case, we have blue. For the manufacture of leaves, you need to purchase a thin green satin ribbon. Each flower is made from four parts of different sizes, representing a five-petalled flower. Draw the necessary templates separately on a sheet of cardboard. Then all the details are cut out according to the number of flowers in the vase.

Separately, blanks are made for the vase and the table on which it stands. Start gluing the postcard from the bottom. This is a table Pink colour- semicircle. A vase is glued to it. It remains to work on the flowers themselves. For each individual element, you need to select blanks of different sizes. A flower is assembled by gluing parts from largest to smallest, and in a checkerboard pattern, with a shift in the petals. They must not overlap each other. When all four parts are glued, the edges of the petals are slightly bent up, so that it is voluminous. In those places where there will be leaves from satin ribbon, bent in half, the sheet is first attached, and the flower itself is glued on top of it. Do-it-yourself volumetric card with flowers is completed. It remains to sign wishes.

Postcard in quilling technique

Many craftswomen are fond of a new technique for making crafts from stripes - quilling. Elements are made by twisting thin strips of paper. Craft supplies are available at many craft stores. Their color scheme is diverse, there are also strips of different widths. For ease of use, you need to buy a paper hook, templates that help you make several identical parts of the same size, for example, do-it-yourself petals for a postcard "Volumetric paper flower".

To make these daffodils, you need to buy white, orange, yellow, green and light green stripes. You will also need PVA glue and a thin brush.

Do-it-yourself volumetric flowers on a postcard - step by step

1. The hearts of the flowers are made first. To do this, we begin to wind a tight green strip. We glue the yellow one to the end, and the winding continues. The last layer is orange, the end of the strip is glued to the last turn.

2. Press the inner part of the circle with your finger, and you get a concave middle of the flower. We place them in random order, but at a distance from each other, gluing them on PVA.

3. Now we begin to twist the white stripes according to the selected pattern on the quilling ruler. Having prepared all the petals and glued the edge, we squeeze them a little to give the correct shape.

4. Glue the petals around the middle by spreading PVA glue with a brush on the end of the petal.

5. Next make the leaves. Alternating light green and dark green colors, we twist the leaves freely. Then we press the resulting circle so that we get long identical leaves. They are glued in the form of a fan - from the middle to the sides.

Felt flowers

Such a voluminous postcard with flowers with your own hands can be made using felt. This is a soft and comfortable material that is often taken by craftsmen to make flowers. The card below is dedicated to Valentine's Day, so the felt flowers are made in the shape of hearts. They are cut out with sharp scissors according to the drawn pattern.

To make the postcard look voluminous, make it multi-layered. To do this, you will need to perform quite difficult work. On the top sheet of thick paper, you must first draw the outlines of a branch with leaves, and then, laying it on a wooden board, carefully cut it out with a sharp knife or chisel.

Under the prepared sheet you need to put a green colored paper and glue them together. At the end, the wishes are glued and signed.

How to make a voluminous postcard?

DIY flowers can be made not only on the top of the postcard, but also inside. These products look spectacular, and they are easy to make. You will need white thick paper, green thin and pastel chalk. On the inner fold we place several identical flowers cut out of white paper. Make them by folding paper several times. Cut out one petal, then unfold the sheet. It turns out several identical petals with folds. This gives volume to the flowers. Glue them in a circle on one side, leaving the middle free. At the end, you need to glue the last flower to the central part. The edges of the petals sticking up are glued to the flower located in the middle.

The center of each flower is optionally painted. Then green leaves are glued around flower arrangement in random order.


Such voluminous postcard with flowers inside with your own hands is easy. When folded, two cuts are made on the card, bending the cut parts inward. It turns out the envelope of the bouquet. These two triangles are sealed with any color you wish. You can wrap the narrow part with tape or glue a bow, as in the photo below.

It remains to make each flower separately and glue all the details on the inside of the envelope. Flowers are cut according to patterns. They consist of the same parts, only different sizes. For the stems, take thick cardboard so that the flowers do not bend them.

Important! Nothing can be glued on the fold!

The article considered several options for postcards with three-dimensional flowers. You can use this information in your work, or you can dream up and come up with your own. Successful work!