Attitude towards healing the heart G.N. Sytin Life-giving power. Sytin moods against cardiac arrhythmia Sytin heart

/ life-giving power G.N. Sytin

Chapter 2

2.23. For overall heart health

I have a young healthy heart. All blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally-permanently fully opened along their entire length. All the blood vessels within the heart itself are forever, constantly fully open along their entire length. I try to be as clear as possible about what is at stake. All blood vessels and the largest blood trunks inside the heart, and medium blood vessels, and the thinnest microscopically thin blood vessels-capillaries - all blood vessels inside the heart are completely open along their entire length. Inside the heart is free, absolutely free blood circulation. And therefore, in the region of the heart, there is a pleasant feeling of boundless, boundless freedom. All nerves in the region of the heart are calm and healthy. In the region of the heart there is a pleasant lightness, calmness.

I have a young healthy heart. All blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally, permanently fully open along their entire length. All blood vessels inside the heart itself are eternally, constantly evenly opened along their entire length. Inside the heart itself, free, absolutely free blood circulation. And my young healthy blood flows in an eternal, fast, free flow through all the blood vessels of the very heart, and constantly, forever cleans the heart, and nourishes the heart better and better. Everything that the heart needs for life, work and recuperation - everything the blood carries to it in abundance. And the young heart basks in purity and contentment. A young heart basks in purity and contentment. And my young healthy blood always cleans my heart. The heart is eternally primordial pure, newborn pure.

My young, healthy blood always cleans my heart and brings good nutrition to the heart in abundance. The young heart basks in purity and contentment. Rest young heart. The young heart rests, luxuriates in purity and contentment. The heart accumulates young healthy energy, powerful forces ripen in the young heart, and the reserve strength of the heart increases. Every day, every hour, the heart accumulates more and more youthful energy. The spare, reserve force of the heart is constantly increasing. The reserve, reserve energy of the heart is constantly increasing. And if necessary, the heart can work with great energy, with great power. I can run or walk briskly for hours on end and still maintain an even, forced, but even breathing.

I have a young healthy heart. The heart works with great internal stability. Internal stability is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment. I try to understand as deeply as possible and fully comprehend what is at stake. The internal stability of the work of the heart is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the harmful effects of the external environment.

And therefore, through all the difficulties and hardships of life, the heart continues to work unshakably steadily rhythmically. Through all the difficulties and hardships of life, the heart continues to work steadily and correctly. Steadily-rhythmic pulse is unshakably preserved. Rhythmic pulse - means all the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. Steady-rhythmic pulse means through a quick step or run, through physical work, all the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. Through hard physical work, the same intervals of time between pulse beats are unshakably preserved. I have a young healthy heart. The pulse is steadily rhythmic, 72 beats per minute. I try to be as clear as possible about what is at stake. The pulse is steadily rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same.

Through various difficulties, through physical work, all the intervals of time between pulse beats remain exactly the same. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. I have a young healthy-steady-healthy heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats through intense physical work remain exactly the same. All beats of the pulse are of a large-same normal force. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart.

The brain-spinal cord with a huge, colossal stability correctly controls the work of the heart. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. The brain-spinal cord with a huge, colossal stability correctly controls the work of the heart. And therefore, through all the unusual loads, through a very long stay in a very hot steam room, through long physical work, through a long fast run or fast walking, the heart unshakably continues to work steadily normally and the normal pulse is unshakably maintained - 72 beats per minute. All time intervals between pulse beats remain exactly the same. All pulse beats are of a large-same-normal strength of a young, healthy, heroic heart.

I have a young healthy heart. Heart sounds are clear, pure, of normal height, normal volume of a young healthy heart. The heart continuously, day and night, restores its original youthful freshness. All muscles are constantly restoring their original youthful freshness, youthful sonority, and therefore heart sounds are constantly high, clear, clean, of normal young height, normal loudness day and night. Young-youthful tones of a healthy-young-youthful heart.

I have a young, healthy, strong heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All beats of the pulse are of great-same normal force. I try very hard to learn to suppress all my doubts that I have a young healthy heart. I try to limitlessly believe that I have a young, healthy heart.

Constantly, continuously, the heart restores its original youthful freshness, accumulates more and more youthful energy. A young-young-energetic life is born again in my heart. A young-young-energetic life is born in my heart. The reserve force of the heart is constantly increasing. And the work of the heart becomes easier and easier. The heart begins to work quite easily, absolutely easily. And therefore in the region of the heart there is a pleasant feeling of peace and lightness. It's easy on the heart, easy, easy-free. In the region of the heart, it is pleasantly calm. Breathe freely. Healthy, strong heart. Continuously, day and night, he gets healthier, his heart grows stronger, becomes more and more strong. A young, healthy heroic heart easily, jokingly, drives blood throughout the body. A young, heroic heart easily, jokingly, with valiant prowess drives blood throughout the body. Healthy, strong heart. Every day, every hour, he is getting healthier, his heart is getting stronger.

All blood vessels throughout the body are eternally, constantly, equally, evenly open along their entire length. And my young, healthy blood flows in an eternal fast-free stream through all blood vessels and constantly, continuously, cleans all blood vessels. My young, healthy, energetic blood washes away all salt deposits, all metabolic products from all the walls of blood vessels. All blood vessels are primordially clean, newborn-clean. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. Throughout the body, all blood vessels are primordially clean. Throughout the body, all blood vessels are primordially clean. Newborn-clean all blood vessels. And my young, young, healthy blood flows in an eternal, fast, free flow through all the blood vessels, constantly, forever, cleansing all the blood vessels and restoring the original youthful freshness of all the blood vessels of the heart.

All blood vessels of pristine-young freshness, smooth-smooth. All blood vessels are young and energetic, like those of a healthy young person. My young-young-healthy blood continuously restores the original-youthful freshness of all blood vessels and fills all blood vessels with young-youthful vitality. And because all the veins are pushing the blood more and more energetically to the very heart. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. My young-youthful healthy blood constantly, continuously restores the original-youthful freshness of all blood vessels and fills all blood vessels with new and new young-young vital energy. And therefore, every day, all the veins push the blood to the heart more and more vigorously, facilitating the work of the heart and improving the general blood circulation in the whole body, in the whole body, in the whole organism.

Throughout the body from the crown of the head to the tips of the fingers and toes free, absolutely free blood circulation. And therefore in the whole body there is a pleasant feeling of boundless boundless freedom. The whole body seems to be light weightless. The gait is light and fast. I walk like I'm flying on wings, I don't feel the heaviness of my body. A young healthy heroic heart easily, jokingly, with great force drives blood throughout the body. A young, healthy, heroic heart with a valiant prowess drives blood throughout the body and fills me with new and new young, young energy. Energy is in full swing, all the time I want to do something, to work. My mental and physical performance is constantly increasing. Healthy, strong heart. The reserve reserve force of the heart is constantly increasing. And if necessary, the heart can work with great power. Young heroic heart works with
huge-colossal internal stability.

The brain more and more energetically and strongly does not let any harmful influences of the external environment into the heart, no unrest. The heart lives and works under the eternal protection of the brain. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. Every day the brain becomes stronger and more energetic and does not let any harmful influences of the external environment into the heart, no unrest. The heart lives and works under the eternal protection of the brain. The heart lives under the protection of the brain a healthy, full-blooded life. My young-young-healthy-energetic blood flows in an eternal-fast-continuous stream through all the blood vessels inside the heart itself and constantly, forever, cleans the heart. And therefore the heart inside is constantly, eternally, primordially pure.

The blood carries an abundance of good nutrition to the heart. Everything that the heart needs for energetic work, life and continuous, constant restoration of strength, restoration of its original youthful freshness, all the blood carries to it in abundance. And a young, healthy heart grows stronger every day and increases its internal stability. The internal stability of the work of the heart is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment. And therefore, through all the difficulties and hardships of life, the heart continues to work unshakably steadily.

Through any difficulties, through hard physical work, a normal - steadily rhythmic pulse - 72 beats per minute is unshakably preserved. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. Through hard physical work, all the time intervals between pulse beats unshakably remain exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same, large-normal strength of a young-healthy-heroic heart.

Through all the difficulties of life, through hard physical work, the heart unshakably continues to work.
tat steadily normal. The pulse is steadily rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. Heart sounds are clear-clean, of normal height, normal volume. Blood pressure is stable-stable-normal 120/80.

Young-young-healthy-strong heart. I have a young, young, tireless, healthy heart. Every day, every hour, the heart is getting healthier, accumulating more and more young energy. Every day the heart becomes stronger, more powerful. The reserve force of the heart is constantly increasing. The reserve-reserve force of the heart is constantly increasing. And if necessary, the heart can work with great power.

I have a young healthy heart. Every day, every hour, he is getting healthier, his heart is getting stronger. A healthy blush on all cheeks is getting brighter and brighter. Every day, every hour, he is getting healthier, his heart is getting stronger. A young-healthy blush on all cheeks is getting brighter and brighter.

Every day I become more and more energetic person. My mental and physical performance is constantly increasing. And therefore, at the end of the working day, I feel just as fresh, tireless, full of energy and energy, as in the morning when I wake up, as if I had not worked at all.

I have a younger, stronger heart. Young young-healthy-heroic heart. I have a tireless, young-young-healthy heart. Young, tireless heroic heart. A young, young, strong heart with a valiant prowess drives blood throughout the body and fills me with new and new young, young vital energy. And that is why I am filled with the triumph of a young, young life. Healthy, strong heart. I am filled with the joyful, victorious triumph of a young, young life. Healthy, strong heart. I am filled with the joyful, victorious triumph of a young, young life. A young, energetic life is born in me again.
Every day I become a healthier, stronger person. My health is becoming more and more stable every day. Sergey 03:07 31-Mar-2017:

Downloaded to try to improve heart function through mood

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Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Thoughts that heal the heart and the entire circulatory system

Spiritual - educative medicine

Today's medicine does not set the task of completely restoring health in every disease. And a person does not set himself such a task. Therefore, we are all today witnessing how in every person, more and more new diseases are superimposed on health disorders that have not been completely cured, there are more and more of them, they accelerate aging. In the fight against them, vital forces are expended - they become less and less, and, in the end, a person dies prematurely.

In order to change this picture and increase the life expectancy of a person, it is always necessary to achieve a complete restoration of health with each disease. If a person sets himself such a task, then, as experience shows, completely different neuro-brain and spiritual mechanisms are included in the struggle for health, which are capable of completely restoring health. It is clear that for this man should be included in active work above oneself for a full recovery.

Medicine should teach a person to correctly set the task for a complete recovery, teach him how to work on himself and guide a person until his full recovery. The physician must be given appropriate training to be able to do this work.

In order to gain good health and maintain it throughout life, a person must constantly tune himself to speed up recovery, to slow down aging. It is absolutely impossible to do this with the help of drugs without the participation of the person himself. Therefore, a person must be convinced that he himself can successfully accelerate recovery, slow down aging and increase the duration of his life.

But for this, medicine must teach a person to take care of their own health, strive to lead healthy lifestyle life, think of yourself as a healthy person. The thought of man about himself creates the body, both healthy and sick.

Modern medicine tries to study and treat a person in isolation from his thoughts. Such medicine has no scientific basis. Widespread implementation needed spiritual - educational medicine . The one who prescribes the treatment must be an educator, a specialist in the field of temperament, character, abilities, will, self-education and the entire spiritual sphere of a person, and not only in the field of the structure of the physical body.

Spiritual - educative medicine - these are the highest spiritual technologies: methods of self-education, self-development, self-education, self-healing, self-healing of youth - these are the highest forms of sensations, feelings, ideas of memory and imagination, thinking and will, this is verbal-figurative emotional-volitional support.

Spiritual - educative medicine includes techniques for working on oneself, attitudes and a methodology for mastering attitudes.

mood- this is an exact verbal formulation of knowledge, a precisely formulated thought of a person about himself, which must be assimilated. Mood does not have an expiration date, which all medicines have. mood- this is a thought-like emotional-volitional self-conviction, which is immeasurably stronger than many drugs. The possibilities of drugs are very limited, the possibilities of self-persuasion are almost unlimited.

The moods reflect the idea of ​​healing-rejuvenation in verbal formulation. The image, feelings and volitional effort in their unity create an impulse from the brain to the internal environment of the physical body of such enormous power that it is able not only to influence the activity of any organ and any system, but also to eliminate pathological disorders in anatomical structures. Due to this, neoplasms can be removed without surgical operations, the function and internal anatomical structure of any organ and system of the physical body can be restored, and a young organism can be revived, prolonging life.

One of the clearest examples, reflecting the advantages of spiritual - educative medicine over medical and surgical methods of treatment, are the results of its use in urological and gynecological diseases. In many men, against the background of prostatitis, an adenoma of the prostate gland is formed, which is very dangerous and often turns into a malignant tumor, because of which people die in their prime. And what is medicine doing now? She uses proscar (a drug manufactured in the USA) and other similar drugs that turn a person into an absolute impotent. Medicine does not even ask if a person agrees to such a “treatment”! And such "treatment" is carried out in the most prestigious medical institutions. In this case, the introduction of educational medicine into work with the population will preserve the ability of these men to have children. The same thing happens with the "treatment" of uterine fibroids in women - the uterus is simply radically removed surgically, making the woman infertile. By applying the methods of nurturing medicine, it is possible to completely cure women with such a disease without operations, and they will be able to give birth to children.

Spiritual support is needed to restore youth and prolong life. It can be combined with any useful treatment: with massages, with compresses, with pills, potions, injections, with all sorts of high technologies. But without spiritual support it is impossible to restore youth, to prolong life.

Practice has shown that the spiritual structures of the soul define bodily structures: the assimilation of moods of the corresponding content eliminates neoplasms in the entire physical body, wherever they are. In 2006, the Americans published in the AMF a congratulation to Russian President V.V. Putin on the victory of Russian science over cancer.

Obviously, medicine should educate a person, develop him and teach him methods of self-improvement in case of illness and aging. And this means that all real medicine should be spiritual – educating and developing.

The crisis of medicine is explained by the lack of spirituality. The doctor must be spiritual, that is, a teacher-educator who teaches patients the highest spiritual technologies of working on themselves.

Who works directly with people? Doctor and teacher. So they need to be taught to provide spiritual support. But for this they need to be specially prepared, to give them the necessary education in the field of spiritual support.

Education needs to be transformed from traumatic, as it is today, into healing.

What, then, should a spiritual doctor, a teacher-educator, teach, educate, and convince the patient of? First of all, to convince the patient of the need for a healthy lifestyle, to teach perseverance in the full restoration of health. To cultivate strong-willed attention to assimilate the mood, to develop the will in constantly overcoming the difficulties of working on oneself, to strengthen confidence in a complete recovery, to give the necessary knowledge, to teach methods of working on oneself, to interest in the prospects for development and a long happy life.

For such a complex work, a doctor must be widely educated in the field of pedagogy, developmental psychology, general, pedagogical and medical psychology. The doctor must know physiology and anatomy well, and most importantly, know the process of recovery and skillfully manage it.

Every patient wants to have such a doctor! And Russia is obliged to provide its population with such doctors!

Today's organization of science cannot prepare a spiritual doctor - a teacher-educator due to the fact that scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are separated from medicine into a separate academy of sciences (RAS). A spiritual doctor - a teacher-educator can only be trained by the combined efforts of doctors, teachers and psychologists. To overcome the crisis of medicine, it is necessary to create an academy of human sciences, including in it all scientific institutions involved in the study of man.

In order to prepare a spiritual doctor - a teacher-educator, it is necessary to radically change the curricula of medical schools.

Today's pedagogy is in the same crisis as medicine: it injures students and gives them all kinds of diseases. It is necessary to make teaching healthy, and for this it is necessary to radically change the training of teachers, including in it the foundations of spiritual support. The great K. D. Ushinsky a hundred years ago demanded the unification of medicine and pedagogy.

A reorganization of the human sciences, health and education is needed.

Compulsory secondary education should include training in higher spiritual technologies for working on oneself. To do this, it is necessary to introduce an independent subject "Fundamentals of Spiritual Support" in the seventh grade in the amount of 50 hours of study.

It is necessary to acquaint the entire population of Russia with spiritual - educative medicine, so that each person can use its priceless gifts to restore youth, improve health and prolong an active, productive, creative, happy life.


Few of us think about the time in which our lives take place.

I am deeply convinced that we live in times of global change.

Of course, these changes are rarely visible in our daily lives.

Deep down, each of us often experiences mood swings and incomprehensible anxiety.

We live in a time when it is difficult to rely on anything.

Former ideas and values ​​leave people's hearts. New ones imperceptibly begin to appear - but they are still too weak. Spiritual vacuum makes many callous and changeable.

Fortunately, at the same time there are people who have exceptional spiritual power. Their attitude and energy ignite our hearts, inspiring us to search for lost values, make efforts and experience our own life fully and joyfully.

Our eyes begin to look at the world differently, the heart experiences a rebirth - we begin to think and act purely, simply and beautifully.

With sincere warmth I want to introduce you to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

Immediately, from the first telephone conversation, I realized that a close and rare person was talking to me. Warmth and sincerity slowly and joyfully poured into my soul. I can’t say that “everything is bad” in my life, but this sincere conversation made a strong impression on me. Today it is enough for me to remember the voice of Georgy Nikolaevich to feel cheerful and happy.

I sincerely hope that the Real Life Extension series prepared by our publishing house will become your reliable assistant in everyday life.


Publisher Petr Lisovsky


I heard, or rather, read this name for the first time in the early 90s. I leafed through the book and, feeling strong skepticism, put it aside: not mine. The terminology was especially unacceptable. The appeal to God and other "divine" concepts, found in almost every sentence, alliance with them, actions on their behalf was alarming. I confess: the then atheistic worldview and occupation for many years pushed back communication with literature that actively uses such vocabulary. Although the very concept of mood and its effect on the body I have known for a long time. After all, I long time went in for sports - sambo wrestling - under the guidance of one of its founders - A. A. Kharlampiev. And he, like no one else, owned the technique of mood. I had to tune in before every fight. And the stronger the opponent, the longer the psychological session - the mood - leading to victory over the enemy. The more important and responsible competitions and specific fights, the more you “burn”, the more endless are the sleepless nights that you spend persuading yourself, in self-convincing that you are stronger and you must win. The more important your victory is for the team, the more responsible you behave and convince, set yourself up.

How many times in the corridors of the same "Wings" before going out on the carpet did you meet the recognized luminaries of the carpet, who, "withdrawing into themselves", detachedly passed by, not noticing anyone. And here it was completely indecent, tactless, harmful to violate this somnambulistic detachment, to try to enter into a conversation-mood with them. Self-tuning. Self-conviction... For some, it's endless nights and the danger of "burning out." For others, a few well-chosen settings. Of course, the correct attitude of the coach is of great importance to enhance the athlete's self-adjustment. With one, he conducts a long conversation, carefully adding psychological "firewood" to the firebox of the ward's volitional attention, it is enough for the other to introduce a short classical imperative into the mind: "We must, Fedya!"

How often, on the other hand, without tuning in, without taking into account all the strengths of the enemy, the stronger one found himself in the position of a loser. I didn’t tune in, I considered it unnecessary: ​​ah, I’m already stronger ... And not only a single athlete. How many times did the recognized victorious teams rise to the top of the pedestal, the consciousness of whose members was clouded by the former glory, who considered it below their dignity to analyze the current state of the enemy, tune in to win the duel with him.

Going further, we can find sad analogies of underestimating the opposing forces in relations between states. For example, the mood of the Russian elite before the Russo-Japanese war at the beginning of the last century: ah, let's throw hats! .. They didn't throw it. Shamefully lost. False attitude led to sad consequences. By the way, at the same time, the heroic Varyag team withstood to the end with the mindset “do not give up!”. And, having died, she inscribed her feat in the tablets of history with golden letters ... But why am I here?

Yes, everything is the same: to present all explicit and implicit diseases in the form of visible, understandable images and to bring the base under your own awareness of the mood on the way to the method of G. N. Sytin.

A high responsible position, constant nervous overload and the stresses caused by them, at first gradually, and then sharper and more visible, began to undermine health. Insomnia, jumping blood pressure, signs of coronary heart disease, despite constant attempts in the remaining time to lead a healthy lifestyle (hardening, jogging, dumbbell gymnastics, striving for rational nutrition), progressed. And then the arrhythmia began to overcome.

In fact, neither this word nor the concept itself frightened me: the bradycardia that accompanied my entire conscious life was also called arrhythmia. But this arrhythmia was mastered by me long ago. I considered her a companion, an indicator of the health of my perfectly trained heart. And I was even proud of her. And strongly reduced - up to 44-48 beats per minute, but rhythmic filled pulse with clean, clear, booming-voiced tones has always been one of the components of my excellent health and beautiful, even mood.

Now, at the age of 62, these so far physiological disorders threatened to turn into organic, irreversible ones. Consultations with doctors did little to my preoccupied mind. Standard diagnoses and dependence on the drug "needle" only frightened and did not stimulate conversion to their faith. Not only were the drugs ineffective and bouncing up and down in price, I couldn't get past the historical prejudice against them. After the death of my mother at the age of 55 from a whole "bouquet" of diseases complicated by the last stage diabetes, my father threw away several buckets of these same medicines, which were once generously prescribed by doctors and often bought by me myself, or rather, in those days more often “gotten” with the best intentions.

I myself was now perplexed by my own first attempts at using atenolol against arrhythmia. This adrenergic blocker was prescribed to me, of course, without taking into account my respected bradycardia and in a solid dose. Feeling something was wrong, I increased my interest in my own analytical research and realized that atenolol slowed down my already slow pulse even more, from which I felt terrible discomfort and pain in the region of the heart.

At this time, I ended up in a sanatorium. The doctor sharply reduced the dose of atenolol (and then I canceled it myself), but recorded it in the IHD card and strongly recommended that I change my job or leave it altogether. With deep regret (and now I especially regret) I took advantage of the last recommendation after some time, but arrhythmia more than anything continued to haunt me. What have I not tried!

Again, like a bull on a string, he went to the doctor, predicting in advance the next entry in the map. Moreover, the “white coat effect” began to play a cruel joke on me: at home, my blood pressure on my blood pressure monitor is normal, but in the doctor’s office it is always high. The therapist prescribes all new drugs. Refers to a cardiologist. That - to the neuropathologist, to the psychotherapist, and so forth., And so forth. And from them I leave with a bunch of prescriptions, intricate drug names in which cause - alas! - not so much the joy of expanding the vocabulary and the possibility of recovery, but the chagrin of the upcoming devastation of my wallet and, most importantly, the lack of hope for improvement. What hope can there be for improvement if, having come to the doctor with a complaint of trouble in the heart due to arrhythmia, I read in the medical record after visiting the next consultant: “There is no desire for suicide.” What kind of suicide? Why did this word even appear in my map? With hatred, I tear and throw the recipes with seals into the urn, and after a while, having accumulated enough patience to sit in line, I again go “to the start” - to the therapist.

But during this time, I check the heart in my own ways. True, “my” arrhythmia is bradycardia, which has been inscribed in medical card in a sports dispensary, changed its name and became "flickering". And this is Latin - delirium cordis, which means "madness of the heart." Of the heart rhythm disorders, this is the most common (occurs in 5% of the population). With this rhythm disorder, the atria are switched off from the coordinated work of the heart. Because of this, the heart ventricles also begin to work randomly. But my heart remained mine!.. And if you do not think about the arrhythmia, then it still works properly. I apply my test: I take off to the 7th floor without rest after 1-2 steps, without feeling changes in the rhythm. Again I hand over a blood on a cholesterol - it is much lower than norm or rate. This means that there is no clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.

Speaking of a person: “He is young at heart”, we usually mean an active life position, active energy, the ability to look into the future with joy and optimism - and all this “despite the burden of past years”, and perhaps even “despite the severity of accumulated over the years of disease. But to be young at heart - and at 40, and at 60, and at 80, and at 100 years old - is possible not only figuratively, but also in the most direct sense of the word! Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, a world-famous scientist, academician, creator of spiritual and educative medicine, the possibilities of which are practically limitless, is convinced of this. The purpose of this book is to restore youth and health to the heart and the entire physical body. A separate chapter is devoted to the prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke. In addition to healing attitudes (creative thoughts), the book includes the author's recommendations for the successful assimilation of creative thoughts and an article about the essence of spiritual - educative medicine. For a wide range of readers.

A series: Real life extension

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by the LitRes company.

Chapter 1

1. Blood supply to the head

My gigantic, titanic strong spirit knows from God that God has placed in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all body cells, including highly differentiated cells - retina, brain, myocardium - including in my heredity the rebirth of an 18-year-old young body, which will be then continuously renew, improve, develop, remain forever young, full of health and strength. In my angelic, Divine titanic soul of gigantic all-conquering power, the conviction that now my 18-year-old young body is being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul, there is an all-conquering conviction that the whole body is Divinely free and has a wide blood circulation. The whole body lives a full-blooded cheerful, happy, joyful life. In my angelic, Divine soul, the constant stability of the thought that all blood vessels are Divinely free, Divinely pure, all blood supply is Divinely free, blood supply to the whole body, all internal organs wide, free. Through all blood vessels: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a free, wide, cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood.

In my soul there is a constant stability of the idea that the blood supply to the head is Divinely serviceable, free, wide. In my kind angelic spiritually titanic strong soul there is an all-conquering conviction that my whole body lives a full-blooded free joyful life. In my soul there is an all-conquering conviction that the blood supply to the head is Divinely free, wide.

In my kind angelic, Divine soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that all arteries of the spine, neck, head, all arterioles, all capillaries of the head are Divinely expanded along their entire length, through all blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, blood flows wide free a merry spring stream, like a merry spring river in high water, in a wide flood. The blood supply to the head is wide and free. All arterioles are Divinely open, Divinely free. All capillaries of the head, all microcirculation of the head are Divinely serviceable, Divinely free. All arteries of the spine, neck, head Divinely expanded, Divinely free. Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free, wide, joyful stream.

Through all the arterioles of the head, through all the capillaries of the head, the blood flows in a wide, free spring stream, like a merry spring river in high water, in a wide flood. Capillary microcirculation of the head Divinely free. All arterioles of the head are Divinely dilated, Divinely free. All capillaries of the head are Divinely free, young, 18 years old. Capillary microcirculation of the head Divinely free, wide. All the blood vessels of the head - both in the center and on the periphery - are all Divinely infinitely expanded, opened along their entire length.

Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free wide spring stream.

Through all arterioles, capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide free spring stream. All blood circulation of the head is wide, free, wide, free. Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide free spring stream.

The blood supply to the head is free, wide, free, wide. All capillary microcirculation of the head is Divinely free, wide. The whole head is bright bright bright light through and through, both in the center and on the periphery the whole head is bright bright bright light through and through. All blood vessels both in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head are equally Divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head - both in the center of the head and on the periphery - the blood flows in a free wide stream. All arterioles, capillaries on the periphery of the head Divinely infinitely expanded along the entire length.

On the periphery of the head Divinely free wide cheerful spring blood circulation. Blood carries to all nerve cells of the brain, to all brain structures, to all tissues, to all cells, to all hair on the head, blood carries in abundance excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old young structure of all billions of nerves. brain cells, all other cells of the head.

In my soul there is a constant stability of the idea of ​​a free wide blood supply to the head. The whole head through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - is all through and through bright-bright-light. In the eyes is always bright, bright light.

The blood in a merry-joyful fast-flowing stream washes the entire brain through and through - it washes out of the brain all salts, all slags, all metabolic products. The brain is eternally Divinely pure, ideally pure, biologically pure. The blood washes all the blood vessels of the head with a cheerful, joyful swift stream - it washes away all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from the walls of blood vessels.

The arteries of the spine Divinely expanded, eternally Divinely pure, perfectly pure.

All blood vessels of the head are Divinely pure. All the blood vessels of the head: all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood washes and washes with a cheerful, joyful swift stream. From the walls of all blood vessels with an eternal, joyful, swift flow, the blood washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products, constantly flushes, cleanses all the blood vessels of the head. All blood vessels of the head: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins are Divinely pure, eternally Divinely pure, ideally pure, biologically pure.

All blood circulation of the head is free-free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, the blood flows in a free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

All circulation of the head is Divinely free. All arterioles, all capillaries of the head are eternally free, eternally Divinely expanded along their entire length. All capillary microcirculation of the head is Divinely free, free, wide.

All cells of the head, all cells of the brain, all cells of the retina Divinely regenerate, renew, revive their youthful structure. The head is forever young, the head is forever young. Eternally Divinely free, wide blood circulation in all blood vessels of the head. Forever the blood supply to the head is free, wide, divinely serviceable. The whole head is forever bright-bright-light through and through. In the eyes of a bright, bright light.

Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows in a free spring wide stream. Through all the blood vessels - both in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head - the blood flows in a free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood. In the head it is always infinitely spacious, in the head it is always infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. The head is always all through, all through - both in the center and on the periphery - all through the head is bright-bright-light. In the eyes of a bright, bright light.

The blood supply to the head is always free and wide. Capillary microcirculation of the head is always free, wide. All billions of nerve cells of the brain, all living cells, all living tissues of the head, all the hair on the head always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive, constantly revive the young 18-year-old structure of all cells, all tissues , all structures of the head. The head is forever young, 18 years old, Divinely beautiful, untouched by life.

My gigantically, titanicly strong spirit, my angelic, Divine spiritually titanicly strong soul completely, totally controls the body. My body is completely, boundlessly subordinate to my gigantic strong spirit, my Divine, angelic soul. The body completely, totally comes into line with the conviction of the soul.

All blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, by the will of God, are Divinely expanded along their entire length, Divinely free. Infinitely obeying the spirit, soul, all blood vessels, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins of the spine, neck, head Divinely expanded along the entire length, Divinely free, eternally Divinely pure. By the will of God, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, and head, blood flows in a free, cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood.

In my angelic, Divine soul, there is a constant stability of thought about the eternally young free wide blood supply to the head, about the Divinely free capillary microcirculation of the head.

All structures of the head, all tissues, all cells, all nerve cells of the brain always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of my entire body.

All blood supply to the head is eternally Divinely serviceable, Divinely free, Divinely wide. The head is always all through - both in the center and on the periphery - bright-bright-light, forever light-light, absolutely weightless. In the eyes, always bright, bright light.

2. Blood circulation of the head, eyes. Healing from cataract

My gigantically, titanicly strong spirit knows from God that God has placed in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all body cells, including highly differentiated cells - the retina, brain, myocardium. God included in my heredity the rebirth of an 18-year-old young body, which will then be continuously renewed, improved, developed, and remain forever young for many centuries.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that my 18-year-old young body is now being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that I am now a young 18-year-old handsome hero, full of health and strength. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally youthful 18-year-old Divinely healthy body. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that my whole body is now young, 18 years old, that my body will remain forever young, 18 years old, Divinely healthy. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that my eternally young body lives a full-blooded young, energetic, joyful life.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul, there is a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that in my entire body there is an 18-year-old youthful free wide circulation.

My gigantically strong, titanic strong spirit, my titanic spiritually strong soul completely, totally control my body. My body completely, totally, boundlessly submits to my soul, constantly comes into full, total compliance with the conviction of the soul about a Divinely healthy 18-year-old young body.

All blood circulation is Divinely free, springlike, fast-joyful. All blood circulation of the head is Divinely free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a free wide stream. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head are Divinely opened, Divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, the blood flows in a free wide stream, like a merry spring river in high water, in a wide flood. Free wide blood supply to the head.

Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes, blood flows in a free wide stream. Blood carries to all eye cells, all eye tissues, all eye structures excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. All blood vessels of the occipital lobes of the brain, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the occipital lobes of the brain are all the time dilated, free, all the time Divinely dilated along their entire length. The blood supply of the occipital lobes of the brain is divinely free, wide. All nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, which constantly revive the 18-year-old young structure of all nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain.

A gigantic Divine power flows into the optic nerves. The optic nerves get healthier, get stronger, intensify, are born strong, strong, titanic resistant. All eye cells, including retinal cells, are constantly-continuously renewed, regenerated, obeying the conviction of the soul. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes are constantly-continuously, always Divinely expanded along their entire length, always Divinely free. The blood supply to the eyes is always Divinely free, wide. Blood carries all cells with good nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly activate regeneration, renewal of all retinal cells, all eye cells. The eyes are constantly-continuously renewed, constantly reviving their 18-year-old youthful structure. The entire anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral apparatus of vision is 18 years old, young, gigantically energetic.

In my soul there is a gigantic, titanic all-conquering Divine power, the conviction that my vision is now 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the continuous renewal of all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-brain apparatus of vision.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally young 18-year-old giganticly strong, sharp, eagle vision. My gigantically, titanicly strong spirit, my young Divine, angelic soul knows with the brightness of lightning that my eyesight is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that the cells of the retina of the eyes are constantly regenerating and renewing. The retina of the eyes is constantly updated, constantly reviving its 18-year-old divinely healthy structure. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that all the cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-brain apparatus of vision are constantly regenerating and renewing. Vision is constantly-forever young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline.

The vitreous body receives an abundance of excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of comprehensive development. The lens constantly receives excellent nutrition. The lenses of the eyes always and forever remain Divinely transparent, ideally transparent. The visual fields are always bright-bright-light. In the eyes is always bright, bright light.

All structures of the eyes constantly receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of comprehensive development. All cells, all structures constantly and forever remain 18 years old, Divinely serviceable, Divinely healthy. Vision forever remains 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline. All structures of the eyes live a full-blooded young, cheerful, joyful life. In the eyes always, eternally wide free blood supply. The vitreous body lives forever, fully provided with excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. The lenses of the eyes constantly receive excellent nutrition. The lenses of the eyes forever remain perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. Visual fields forever remain bright-bright-light. Vision is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline.

The lenses of the eyes are always-permanently perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. Visual fields are always bright-bright-light. My vision is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. In my angelic, Divine soul there is a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. The visual fields are always bright-bright-light.

3. Free blood circulation of the head, heart

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring into the soul, into the head, into the entire physical body a bright, bright healing silvery Divine light. The whole soul is filled with bright, bright Divine light. The whole soul becomes more and more bright-light. The whole soul becomes more and more bright-bright-light.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, with a purposeful stream, pouring a bright, bright, silvery healing Divine light into my head, into my heart. The whole head lights up. The whole head becomes more and more bright-light. The whole head becomes more and more bright-bright-light. In the eyes it becomes bright, bright light.

The brain center of blood circulation of the head calms down, relaxes, relaxes more and more deeply. All blood vessels of the head relax, expand, expand along their entire length.

And I, with a purposeful stream from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into the head, into the heart a bright, bright, silvery healing Divine light. The head becomes more and more bright-bright-light. Bright, bright Divine light filled all blood circulation, all blood vessels of the head.

Bright-bright Divine light relaxes, expands, relaxes, expands all the blood vessels of the head. The whole head becomes more and more bright, bright-light. The brain center of blood circulation of the head calms down, relaxes, relaxes more and more deeply. All blood vessels of the head relax, relax, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head, the blood flows more and more freely, more and more freely, in a wide stream.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour a bright, bright healing silvery Divine light into my beloved heart with a purposeful stream. Bright, bright Divine light fills all structures of the heart. Bright-bright Divine light fills the whole blood circulation of the heart. Bright-bright Divine light fills all the vessels of the heart, all the blood vessels of the heart relax, expand, relax, expand. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a free-free wide stream. All circulation of the heart is relaxed. All blood vessels relax, dilate, dilate along their entire length. The heart becomes more and more bright-bright-light. Everything is brighter, everything becomes brighter inside the very heart.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour a bright, bright, silvery healing Divine light into the heart with a purposeful stream. Everything is brighter, everything becomes brighter inside the heart. Bright-bright Divine light relaxes all the blood vessels of the heart, relaxes, expands along the entire length. All the blood vessels of the heart relax, expand, relax, expand along their entire length. Inside the heart becomes freer, more spacious, freer, more spacious. More and more freely, more and more freely, the blood flows through all the blood vessels of the heart in a wide, wide, wide stream.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour in a purposeful stream into the head, into the heart, a bright, bright, silvery healing Divine light. The whole head becomes more and more bright-bright-light. The whole head through and through becomes more and more bright-bright-light. In the eyes it becomes brighter, even brighter.

Bright-bright healing silvery Divine light relaxes the brain center of the blood circulation of the head. All blood vessels of the head relax, expand, relax, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head, the blood flows more and more freely, more and more freely, in a wide stream. The whole head becomes brighter through and through, even brighter. In the eyes of a bright, bright light.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour a bright, bright, silvery healing Divine light into my beloved heart with a purposeful stream. Bright, bright Divine light fills the whole heart. Bright, bright Divine light fills the entire vast area of ​​the heart. In the whole vast area of ​​the heart it becomes brighter, still brighter, still brighter. The whole heart becomes bright-bright-light.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, with a purposeful stream, continue to pour bright, bright healing silvery Divine light into my beloved heart. The entire vast area of ​​the heart was filled with a bright, bright healing silvery Divine light. Bright-bright Divine light all the blood vessels of the head, the heart relaxes, relaxes, expands. In all blood vessels of the heart, blood flows freely. Still freer, still freer, the blood flows in a wide, wide stream through all the blood vessels of the heart.

Inside the heart becomes brighter, even brighter. Inside the heart became bright, bright light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright healing Divine light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, all blood vessels relax, relax, expand along their entire length. Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, blood flows freely. Even freer, the blood flows in a wide, wide, wide stream.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into the soul, into the head, into the heart a bright, bright, silvery healing Divine light. Bright-bright Divine light calms, relaxes the entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart calms down, relaxes. All the nerves of the heart calm down, calm down. The cerebral center of the heart's blood circulation calms down, relaxes. The cerebral center of the blood circulation of the heart is getting deeper and deeper, relaxing, relaxing.

All blood vessels of the heart relax, relax deeper and deeper, expand, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, the blood flows freely, even more freely - in a wide-wide-wide stream. Inside the heart becomes more spacious, freer, more spacious. Inside the heart became even more spacious, even freer. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, the blood flows more freely, even more freely - in a wide, wide stream. My heart felt so free, light, so spacious, spacious, light. Inside the heart became bright, bright light. Inside the heart it became even brighter, brighter, even brighter, brighter.

Bright, bright Divine light filled all the structures of the heart through and through. Bright, bright healing Divine light filled the muscles of the heart through and through. In all the muscles of the heart, all the blood vessels relax, expand, relax, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels in the muscles of the heart, blood flows in a free wide stream. Still freer, still freer, the blood flows in a wide, wide, wide stream. Inside the heart becomes lighter, lighter, freer. Inside the heart becomes freer, more spacious, freer, more spacious.

The cerebral center of blood circulation continues to relax deeper and deeper, to relax. All blood vessels of the heart relax, dilate, dilate along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels in the muscles of the heart, the blood flows more and more freely, more and more freely, in a wide, wide stream. Everything becomes freer, more spacious inside the very heart.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour a bright, bright healing Divine light into the heart with a purposeful stream. Bright-bright healing Divine light soothes and soothes all the nerves of the heart. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart calms down, calms down, relaxes. The whole heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light.

The cerebral center of the blood circulation of the heart calmed down, relaxed. All the blood vessels of the heart relaxed, relaxed, expanded, expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a free-free wide-wide stream.

4. On the blood supply of the heart

All the blood vessels of the heart: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - Divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length. The blood supply of the heart is spring, free, wide, free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, the blood flows in a merry spring free-free wide stream, like a merry spring river in flood, in a wide flood. My heart blossoms in full contentment. The blood brings to the heart excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, constantly reviving the 18-year-old young structure of the heart. Blooms, develops comprehensively, grows stronger, stronger my heart. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, the blood flows in a wide, wide free flow of spring, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

Resting, resting, my heart lives in complete contentment. In full contentment, provided with everything, it blooms, it blooms, the heart grows stronger. All the blood vessels of the heart: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expanded, expanded along their entire length. The blood supply of the heart is cheerful spring, cheerful spring. Wide free-free blood supply to the heart. Blood carries to the heart in abundance excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that revive youthful development. It revives, blossoms, strengthens the heart.

All blood vessels of the heart: all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - Divinely expand infinitely, expand infinitely. Inside the heart became freer, more spacious. Inside the heart it became even more spacious, even more spacious, even freer. Inside the heart is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe.

God pours into my heart the great power of the life of the universe. God pours into my heart the great life force of the entire universe. Blossoms, strengthens the heart. Blossoms, strengthens the heart.

And the dearly beloved God infuses joyful youth into my heart. God pours young youth into my heart. The heart is completely renewed, the heart is reborn at the age of 18, young, cheerful-happy, cheerful-happy.

God has placed in my heredity a constant strengthening of the health of the heart. God has placed in my heredity a constant, continuous strengthening of the health of the heart for many centuries. Blossoms, strengthens the heart. Now-now it is blooming, the heart is getting stronger.

All capillary microcirculation of the heart is young, young, 18 years old, wide, free. With a cheerful, joyful rapid flow, the blood washes through the whole heart - it washes away all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from the heart. Newborn-clean, biologically clean my 18-year-old young heart.

And all the blood vessels of the heart: all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins – expand infinitely Divinely, infinitely expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a cheerful spring free wide, free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. The blood brings to the heart an abundance of excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, reviving the 18-year-old young structure of the heart.

Now-now my heart is completely renewed, the heart is born again and again. The heart is reborn at the age of 18, young, heroically strong, heroically strong, untouched by life. All the blood supply of the heart is now Divinely free, Divinely free, wide. Free wide blood supply to the heart.

And the Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, constantly pours young joyful life into my heart. God infuses cheerful youth with a constant, continuous, round-the-clock, year-round flow. God pours into my heart a young, cheerful, joyful life. The heart is completely renewed. The heart is now-now again-anew born young-merry, young-merry. The heart is born indestructibly strong, titanicly strong.

All the blood vessels of the heart: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, the blood flows in a cheerful spring wide-wide, free wide stream. The blood washes all the blood vessels with a cheerful, joyful rapid flow. From all walls of blood vessels, blood washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. All blood vessels of the heart are Divinely pure. All blood vessels of the heart are now Divinely pure. All blood vessels of the heart are now-now Divinely pure.

All the blood vessels of the heart have now-now expanded infinitely. The blood supply of the heart is cheerful spring, wide, free. Wide free blood supply to the heart. Being provided with everything, flourishes, grows stronger, flourishes, my heart grows stronger. My heart is now again and again born young, heroic, young, heroic. The heart is born heroically cheerful, heroically cheerful. I feel-feel with the brightness of lightning, with the brightness of lightning I know that my heart is now blooming, growing stronger, blooming, growing stronger.

I know from God that God has placed in my heredity the constant rebirth of the 18-year-old youthful structure of the heart, God has laid in my heredity the constant strengthening of the heart for many centuries. Blooming, growing stronger heart, becoming stronger, more powerful my 18-year-old cheerful heart.

God pours joyful youth into my heart. The happiness of the new birth flows into the heart, the happiness of the new birth flows into the heart. Merry-happy, merry-happy now my heart is born. Cheerful-happy, young-cheerful heart is born.

And God pours into my heart a constant round-the-clock, year-round flow of great power of life. God pours the life force of the entire universe into my heart. Blooms, blooms, strengthens the heart. The heart is born primordially resistant, titanicly resistant. All structures of the heart, by the will of God, are now Divinely reviving, Divinely reviving their 18-year-old young structure. All the structures of the heart now-now, by the will of God, divinely revive their young 18-year-old structure. The heart is now-now again-again born 18 years old, young.

A happy, cheerful, happy heart is born. The happiness of the new birth fills the heart. The happiness of the new birth fills the heart. Cheerful happy young heart, cheerful happy young heart. The joy of life flows into my heart. The joy of life fills my heart. My heart enjoys life in a beautiful white world. Blossoms, strengthens the heart. My young heroic heart enjoys life in God's wonderful white world.

God has placed in my heredity a constant, continuous strengthening of the heart for many centuries. With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that my heart is now-now 18 years old, newborn-young, powerful heroic, powerful heroic, untouched by life. Merry-happy, merry-happy young heart.

The heart is now-now completely, totally renewed. The heart is reborn at the age of 18, newborn-young, young, cheerful, joyful, happy. The happiness of the new birth pours into the heart. It's so easy on the heart, good. The heart is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe.

Through all the blood vessels of the heart: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a cheerful spring free-free wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood. Wide free cheerful spring heart blood supply. All capillaries of the heart are Divinely free, Divinely free. Capillary microcirculation of the heart Divinely free, Divinely free, cheerful, springlike. All structures of the heart, all tissues of the heart receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, reviving their 18-year-old healthy structure.

The heart is completely renewed. The heart is now being born again and again at the age of 18, cheerful, happy, heroic and powerful. A mighty heroic heart is born. Indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong heroic mighty heart is born.

With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that my heart is provided with everything. My heart - young, 18 years old - enjoys life in God's wonderful white light. All worries have disappeared for many centuries, all worries have disappeared for many centuries. My heart lives divinely free.

I live in a wonderful white world Divinely free, Divinely happy. My heart lives divinely free. Within the heart the circulation is divinely free. Divinely free, wide, cheerful spring wide circulation of the heart.

Through all the blood vessels of the heart: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - now the blood flows in a wide, free, wide, free, cheerful, joyful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. Free wide cheerful spring heart circulation. Being provided with everything, it flourishes, flourishes, the heart grows stronger, it becomes more and more strong, more and more persistent. More and more strong, more and more persistent, the heart is born.

With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that God has removed all dead ends, all barriers, all obstacles from my life path. Before me is the Divinely free way forward. Before me is the Divinely free way forward.

Divinely free, Divinely free circulation of the heart. My heart lives divinely free in God's wonderful white light. The heart enjoys, enjoys a young joyful life in God's wonderful white light. It flourishes, develops comprehensively, improves comprehensively, strengthens the heart, becomes more and more strong, more and more persistent. More and more strong, more and more persistent is my young heroic heart.

Now-now the heart is born again and again at the age of 18, cheerful, happy, indestructibly strong. Indestructibly strong, heroic mighty heart is born. Titanically resistant, titanicly resistant, a heart is born. The blood supply to the heart has been wide and free for many centuries; merry spring, merry spring blood supply to the heart for many centuries. Blooms, grows stronger, flourishes, my heroic mighty heart grows stronger. Indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, heroic mighty happy heart.

The happiness of the new birth pours into the heart. Cheerful-happy, merry-happy, the heart is born. Joy, fun, joy, fun flow into the heart. Merry youth, merry youth filled my heart. Merry youth, merry youth filled my heart. Blossoms, strengthens the heart. Blossoms, strengthens the heart. For many centuries, my heroic heart has been flourishing, growing stronger, flourishing, growing stronger. By the will of God, for many centuries my heart has been enjoying life in God's wonderful white light. Blooms, strengthens the heart for many centuries.

In my angelic, eternally young Divine soul, the blood supply of the heart is free, wide, cheerful, springlike. In my kind angelic, eternally young Divine soul, my heart is eternally young, eternally 18 years old, cheerful, happy, untouched by life. In my kind angelic, eternally young Divine soul, the blood supply of the heart is Divinely wide, free, cheerful, springlike, free for many centuries. In my Divine good soul, my heart blossoms, grows stronger, blossoms, grows stronger for many centuries. In my soul, my heart is young, 18 years old, cheerful, happy, untouched by life. In my kind angelic, eternally youthful Divine soul, my young heart has been enjoying life in God's wonderful white world for many centuries.

I know from God - as the ultimate Divine truth - that God has laid in my heredity the all-round development-improvement of the heart for many centuries. In my kind angelic, eternally young Divine soul from God, there is the greatest prospect of a young, happy, joyful life for many centuries. By the will of God, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in future centuries as a Divinely beautiful young handsome hero, full of health and strength.

I know from God that God has placed in my heredity Divinely free wide capillary blood circulation of the heart for many centuries. God has laid in my heredity constant, continuous all-round development, all-round perfection of the heart for many centuries. With the brightness of lightning from God, I know that for many centuries in my heart there has been a divinely serviceable wide free capillary microcirculation of the heart.

I know from God that my heart enjoys life in God's wonderful white light, lives Divinely free, cheerfully joyful, happily for many centuries. I know from God that God has placed in my heredity Divinely wide, free blood circulation for many centuries. God has laid in my heredity the constant, continuous, all-round development and improvement of the young heart for many centuries. With the brightness of lightning I feel and feel myself, with the brightness of lightning I know myself as a young handsome hero, full of health and strength for many centuries.

5. Purification of the heart

The Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, rewarded me with an eternally all-round developing, all-round improving soul, an all-round developing, all-round improving, eternally youthful Divinely healthy body. My whole body is constantly developing, all the systems of my body are being comprehensively improved. The entire cardiovascular system is continuously improving, constantly, around the clock, all year round, the entire cardiovascular system is comprehensively developing and improving. Continuous all-round development, all-round improvement flows into the entire cardiovascular system in a constant, eternal stream.

The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is forever developing and improving, physiologically strengthening, increasing its stability. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is constantly and forever reviving its gigantically energetic, titanicly stable newborn-young work. All billions of nerve cells of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system revive their newborn-young structure, their gigantic energetic newborn-young work. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is forever developing and improving in all directions.

In all cardiovascular system forever get healthy, get stronger, strengthen the nerves. The titanic Divine physiological force is pouring into all the nerves of the cardiovascular system with a constant round-the-clock-year-round flow, the holy Divine steel is pouring. In the entire cardiovascular system, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is constantly increasing its stability. The stability of the energetically correct functioning of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is constantly increasing. With titanic all-overcoming-all-conquering boundless-endless stamina, the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system works Divinely correctly, energetically correctly, energetically correctly controls the work of the entire cardiovascular system.

The Divine creative life force pours into the nerves of the heart in an eternal stream. Into all the nerves of the heart, into all living tissues, into all the structures of the heart, the gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round perfection flows in a constant, eternal stream. The whole heart is constantly and forever globally reviving its newborn-young structure, its energetic healthy young joyful life.

The life-giving divine newborn youth flows into all the blood vessels of the heart. All living cells, all living tissues of the vessels of the heart are eternally Divinely improving in all directions, eternally Divinely reviving their newborn structure. All blood vessels of the heart are constantly and forever reviving, endlessly reviving their elasticity, resilience, indestructible strength. All blood vessels within the heart itself are constantly-eternally Divinely expanded, expanded, opened along their entire length.

Blood in a swift stream forever, day and night, around the clock, all year round, forever blood washes all blood vessels inside the heart itself - it washes salt deposits, all toxins, all metabolic products from all walls of blood vessels. The blood in a swift stream is constantly, forever, washing-washing the blood vessels inside the heart itself.

The blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart expand, relax, expand. Through all the blood vessels in the region of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, the blood flows in a wide, freer and more cheerful stream. Blood flushes all blood vessels. All the arteries, all the capillaries, all the veins of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, the blood washes-washes-washes, washes out of the blood vessels all deposited salts, all slags, all metabolic products. With every moment, the blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle are cleansed and cleansed.

With every moment, the blood flows in a wider, wider, free, joyful stream through all the blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle. The back wall of the left ventricle immediately comes to life cheerfully. Blood carries in abundance excellent nutrition to each muscle fiber of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart. The back wall of the left ventricle of the heart cheerfully comes to life, comes to life, comprehensively develops, improves, every moment, every moment revives, revives its newborn-young God-created structure, which has gigantic physical strength.

The back wall of the left ventricle of the heart revives its God-created young structure. The blood flows in an ever wider stream through all the blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart, it is getting better, better and better feeding the muscles of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart. All the muscles of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart come to life, come to life, live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully, faster and faster, they revive their newborn-young structure, which has gigantic physical strength.

All the blood vessels of the left ventricle are now Divinely expanding, expanding along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the left ventricle, the blood flows more and more free, more and more free, more and more wide, cheerful and joyful flow. The blood is getting better, better nourishes the muscles of the left ventricle of the heart. With a swift flow of blood, all structures, all living tissues of the left ventricle washes, flushes, flushes out all toxins, all metabolic products. All living tissues of the left ventricle of the heart are born newborn-pure, developing-improving, Divinely pure, Divinely pure. The entire left ventricle of the heart quickly and cheerfully comes to life, comes to life, lives more cheerfully, more cheerfully.

And the blood brings to all living tissues, to all the muscles of the left ventricle excellent nutrition. In full contentment, in complete contentment, provided for everything, the left ventricle of the heart comes to life merrily and joyfully. The left ventricle of the heart develops comprehensively, improves comprehensively, revives and revives the healthy structure created by God.

The titanic Divine power is poured into all the nerves of the left ventricle, the holy Divine steel is poured. Strengthen, strengthen the nerves of the left ventricle of the heart.

Into all living tissues, into all structures of the heart, the gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round improvement flows in a constant, eternal stream, the life-giving Divine newborn youth flows in an eternal stream. Newborn youth fills the heart. The heart is reborn as a newborn-young, divinely healthy, God-created young healthy structure. All living tissues, all structures of the heart come to life, come to life, live a cheerful, more and more cheerful young, happy, joyful life.

The gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round perfection flows into all the muscles of the heart in an eternal stream. Divine newborn youth fills all the muscles of the heart, constantly and forever revives the youthful structure of all muscle fibers, revives the youthful structure of all the muscles of the heart, which has gigantic physical strength, and therefore, with every moment, my heart is born stronger and stronger. Every moment my heart is born stronger, more pure, divinely pure.

A gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round perfection flows into all the muscles of the heart in a constant stream. The muscles of the heart are constantly reviving their youthful structure. The young mighty heroic heart is constantly developing, comprehensively improving. The muscles of the heart are constantly developing, comprehensively improving, reviving their young structure, which has enormous, gigantic physical strength. Every moment the heart is born stronger, more powerful. Every moment the heart is born stronger, more powerful.

And the blood in a wide cheerful festive stream continuously washes, washes through and through all the muscles of the heart, washes out all the salts, all the toxins, all the products of metabolism from all the muscles of the heart. All the muscles of the heart are eternally Divinely pure, newborn pure. The whole heart is eternally Divinely pure, newborn-pure.

And the blood with a swift stream washes all the blood vessels of the heart itself - from all the walls of the blood vessels around the clock, all year round, it washes away all the toxins, all the metabolic products. There is a constant-constant cleansing of all blood vessels inside the heart itself. All blood circulation inside the heart every moment is born more and more pure, Divinely pure. The whole heart is globally cleansed through and through, the whole heart is born through and through Divinely pure, newborn-pure. With all the powers of my mind, I believed in the newborn-young, newborn-young Divinely pure, eternally developing, comprehensively improving heart.

The mitral valve, which blocks the hole between the left ventricle and the left atrium, constantly and forever revives its young structure, completely covers the hole between the left ventricle and the left atrium. He gets healthier, gets stronger, the valve physically strengthens, revives his healthy newborn-young structure. The entire valvular apparatus of the heart is constantly reviving, endlessly reviving its newborn-young structure. Comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, improving, eternally improving the valvular apparatus of the heart.

The Divine creative, creative life force flows into the conducting system of the heart, which completely, totally revives, totally revives the newborn-young God-created healthy structure of the entire conducting system of the heart. The conductive system of the heart is forever developing comprehensively, improving comprehensively. Constantly increases, the reserve conductive capacity of the heart increases. The conducting system of the heart becomes capable of conducting stronger and more powerful nerve impulses to the muscles of the left ventricle, to all the muscles of the heart. The reserve capacity of the conducting system of the heart is constantly increasing.

Every moment, day and night, the conducting system of the heart improves, it becomes capable of conducting ever stronger nerve impulses to the muscles of the heart. The conducting system of the heart, day and night, is constantly developing in all directions, improving in all directions, forever reviving its newborn-young structure, constantly and forever reviving its ability to conduct nerve impulses of gigantic physiological force into the muscles of the heart. The conducting system of the heart develops comprehensively, improves comprehensively, constantly and forever revives its newborn-young structure, revives its ability to conduct gigantically strong nerve impulses coming from the brain to the muscles of the heart. The possibilities of the conducting system of the heart are absolutely unlimited.

I believed with all my might endless possibilities conducting system of the heart. The Divine creative, creative life force flows into the conductive system of the heart in a constant round-the-clock, year-round, eternal flow. The newborn-young, God-created Divinely healthy structure of the entire conducting system of the heart is constantly and forever reborn, reborn. The entire conducting system of the heart is eternally, constantly-eternally Divinely comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving. The newborn-young ability of the conducting system of the heart to conduct nerve impulses of gigantic force into the muscles of the heart is constantly being revived. All structures of the heart Divinely comprehensively develop, comprehensively improve. Every moment the heart is born stronger, more powerful.

And the blood in a cheerful, joyful swift stream eternally washes all the blood vessels of the heart. All blood vessels of the heart are eternally, constantly-eternally globally cleansed, every moment are born newborn-pure, Divinely pure. Within the heart itself, all circulation is Divinely free. In the region of the heart it is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, infinitely free.

Cheerfully and joyfully, being provided with everything, my eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving heroic mighty healthy heart lives in complete contentment. Forever young, cheerful, healthy heart, forever indestructibly strong, cheerful, healthy heart. Eternally indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, eternally developing in all directions, improving in all directions, eternally young, eternally divinely healthy cheerful heart. Joy, fun pour into the heart in a constant round-the-clock, year-round flow. Joy, fun, joy, fun flow into the heart like an eternal stream. Cheerful-cheerful, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

And the blood carries the heart in abundance with excellent nutrition, in excess of oxygen for breathing. In complete contentment, being provided with everything, my mighty heroic young heart is forever developing, developing comprehensively, comprehensively improving. Eternally indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, heroic mighty, ever comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, Divinely healthy, heroic mighty indestructibly healthy, eternally developing comprehensively, improving in every way heart.

The heart is always Divinely free, easy, free, easy, free. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-light, absolutely weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-light, absolutely weightless. The whole region of the heart is eternally newborn, firmly calm, firmly calm, as in childhood. Into all the nerves of the heart, into all the nerves in the region of the heart, a gigantic, titanic Divine power flows in an eternal stream, holy Divine steel flows in an eternal stream. In the whole vast area of ​​the heart, they are always getting healthier and getting stronger, getting healthier and getting stronger, and the nerves are getting stronger. Eternally newborn-healthy, eternally strong-steel nerves in the entire vast region of the heart.

The heart is always easy-good, always easy-good. The entire vast region of the heart is eternally newbornly firmly calm, firmly calm, as in childhood. The whole vast region of the heart is eternally light-light-light, absolutely weightless.

With all the forces of my mind I believed in my eternally young, in my eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving heroic mighty untouched heart. I firmly know - as a Divine truth - that my heart is eternally Divinely developing in all directions, improving in all directions, getting healthy and getting stronger. Every moment the heart is born stronger, more powerful. Indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong heroic mighty, ever-developing, ever-improving heart.

And the blood in a cheerful, joyful swift stream forever washes, washes, washes everything through, washes the heart. My heart is eternally newborn pure, Divine pure, newborn pure, Divine pure. All structures of the heart Divinely comprehensively develop, comprehensively improve. An indestructibly healthy, indestructibly strong, developing, eternally comprehensively improving young healthy joyful heart.

Joy, fun pour into the heart. Eternally new Divine joy pours into the heart in an eternal stream. Eternally new, eternally new bright Divine joy pours into my heart. My heart is newborn happy, newborn happy. Cheerful-cheerful, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

Throughout the vast region of the heart, eternally pleasantly calm. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is eternally filled with a very pleasant, very pleasant healthy calmness. The whole area of ​​the heart is eternally newborn-firmly calm, firmly calm, firmly calm, as in childhood. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-light, absolutely weightless. My heart is always light-good, easy-good, infinitely spacious, infinitely free inside my heart.

And the blood with a cheerful, joyful swift stream forever washes, washes through and through the heart, washes away all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from the heart. Every moment my heart becomes more and more pure, divinely pure. My heart is eternally newborn-young, comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, eternally newborn-pure, merry-happy, merry-happy, heroic mighty, divinely healthy untouched heart.

Eternally new bright Divine joy pours into the heart with an eternal stream, pours into the heart with an eternal stream. Eternally Divinely happy, eternally all-round developing, eternally all-round improving Divine healthy young heart. Indestructibly healthy, indestructibly strong, heroic mighty cheerful heart. Young cheerful heart, young cheerful-healthy heart. The heart is always so easy-good. So easy-good inside the very heart. Inside the very heart is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. Inside the very heart is infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. The heart is always easy-good, easy-good. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is eternally newborn-firmly calm, as in childhood. Forever strong-healthy-steel nerves. Throughout the vast region of the heart, strong-healthy-nerves of steel, eternally strong-healthy-nerves of steel. Eternally comprehensively developing, ever comprehensively improving young cheerful healthy heart, young healthy cheerful heart.

Joy, fun flow into the heart with an eternal stream, pour into the heart with an eternal stream. The heart is eternally overflowing with joy, fun, eternally overflowing with a new cheerful, happy, joyful life. Joy, fun pour into the heart. Joy, fun always overwhelm the heart. Forever newborn happy, forever newborn happy heroic mighty young healthy untouched heart. Young cheerful-happy heart, young cheerful-healthy heart.

With all the forces of my mind, I believed in my heroic, powerful, eternally comprehensively developing, eternally comprehensively improving young heart. With all the powers of my mind I believed in my eternally newborn, Divinely pure, Divinely pure young happy-joyful heart, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

6. Calm heart

All blood vessels of the head, hearts Divinely expanded, Divinely expanded along their entire length. Wide free, absolutely free blood circulation of the head, heart. All nerves of the heart are steadily, firmly calm. Firmly calm, firmly calm healthy heart.

The whole soul is at peace. I was completely filled with Divine, very pleasant healthy calmness. Absolutely calm, serenely calm, completely calm. The entire vast region of the heart was filled with a very pleasant healthy calmness. Serenely calm beloved heart.

The blood in a wide, free, merry stream washes the heart, and brings excellent nourishment to the heart. In complete contentment, provided for everything, my beloved heart rests carefree. The heart is so light-good, absolutely calm. The whole soul is at peace. I am completely calm through and through. Absolutely calmly, serenely calmly beloved heart.

All the blood vessels of the heart Divinely expanded along their entire length. In full contentment, provided for everything, carefree rest, carefree rest beloved heart. It is so easy on the soul, so easy-good, serenely calm, absolutely calm, completely calm, indestructibly calm. In the whole vast area of ​​the heart it is free, light, free, light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart, all brightly light through and through, all brightly light through and through.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my soul, into my beloved heart, brighter than the sun, the healing Divine light. The whole heart is filled with Divine light. The entire vast region of the heart is filled with Divine light brighter than the sun. I am completely calm through and through, completely calm, serenely calm.

Healthy, regular rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. Healthy, regular rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. Titanically resistant, indestructibly resistant healthy heart. The heart is so light, so easy-good, absolutely calm, serenely calm. Healthy, regular rhythmic-rhythmic pulse.

The heart vividly remembers a cheerful, joyful life. The heart vividly, firmly remembers a healthy, regular rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. All beats of the pulse are of the same normal force. All beats of the pulse are of the same normal force. Healthy, regular rhythmic pulse. Absolutely calm, indestructibly calm healthy heart. Healthy, regular rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. All beats of the pulse are of the same normal strength of a firmly calm healthy heart. All beats of the pulse are of the same normal strength of a firmly calm healthy heart.

All blood vessels of the heart are Divinely dilated, dilated along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a free, wide, cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood. Serenely calm, absolutely calm, absolutely calm beloved heart. The blood in a wide, free, merry stream brings wonderful, nutritious nourishment to the heart. In full contentment, provided for everything, the beloved heart freely rests. It's so easy on the heart.

The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-weightless. The entire vast region of the heart is firmly calm. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light. The whole head is bright-light, light-calm. In the eyes of a bright, bright light. In the eyes of a bright, bright light. It's so easy on the heart, so easy-good.

7. Restoration of the nervous system, heart

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos in all my nervous system I pour in a bright healing Divine light. I fill my whole soul, my whole head with healing bright Divine light. From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into all the nerve cells of the brain, I pour into each nerve cell of the brain the great Divine energy of life, I pour in the great Divine physiological force.

All the blood vessels of the brain, the heart expand infinitely along their entire length. Blood in a wide, free, cheerful flow all the blood vessels of the head, washes the heart.

Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows in a wide, free, cheerful stream. The blood of each nerve cell of the brain carries excellent nutrition. Blood in a wide stream washes all the billions of nerve cells of the brain, washes through and through. The blood in a wide stream carries to each nerve cell excellent nutrition. Restores the nervous system young strength, young energy. In full contentment, provided with everything, the brain restores young energy, restores reserve physiological strength.

And the blood in a wide free stream washes the entire brain, rinses, cleanses. Blood washes out of all the nerve cells of the brain in a cheerful wide stream, washes out of each nerve cell of the brain all salts, all slags, all metabolic products. The blood washes the entire brain in a cheerful, wide, free flow. The entire brain is now Divinely born newborn-pure, Divinely pure. All physiological working intracellular processes proceed freely-freely.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour the holy Divine, brighter than the sun, healing light into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain. The whole soul, the whole head is filled with bright, bright Divine light. The whole brain is filled brighter than the sun with healing Divine light. The whole brain regains youthful strength, restores youthful energy of life.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, infuse the Divine physiological force into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain, I infuse the Divine young force of life. All billions of nerve cells of the brain come to life, join in an energetic, cheerful young life. Every moment more and more millions of nerve cells in the brain are included in a young, cheerful, joyful life. The whole brain comes to life, filled with ever new, ever new energy of life.

Restores the nervous system spare young strength. Restores the nervous system spare stamina. The whole nervous system becomes more and more stable, more and more stable.

And the blood in a wide cheerful free stream carries the entire brain, brings excellent nutrition to each nerve cell of the brain. Everything that the brain needs to restore strength, to restore huge reserve energy - everything the blood carries to it in excess. The whole brain comes to life. Every moment more and more new nerve cells of the brain are included in a young joyful life, more and more millions of nerve cells of the brain are included in a young, cheerful, joyful life.

The whole soul is alive. The whole soul blossoms. The whole soul is filled with ever new, ever new energy of life. And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my soul, into my head, all new, all new energy of life. I am all alive, I am filled with all new, all new energy of life. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus that controls the life of the physical body is filled with ever new, ever new energy of life.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour in a purposeful stream into the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart all new, all new energy of life. I fill all the nerve cells of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart with new, new energy of life. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart restores reserve energy, restores reserve stamina. More and more steadily, more and more steadily, correctly, energetically and correctly, the entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart lives.

The young energy of life flows into all the nerves of the heart. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart restores youthful reserve stamina. The heart becomes more and more stable, more and more stable.

And the blood carries a wide, free, cheerful flow to all the structures of my heart with excellent nutrition. The blood in a wide, free, cheerful flow through the whole heart washes-washes - it washes out all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from all structures of the heart. The whole heart is born Divinely pure, newborn pure, untouched by life. The young heart revives and blossoms. Restores the heart's youthful strength. Restores heart reserve strength. Restores the heart of spare young energy of life. The heart becomes more and more stable, more and more stable. The life of my heart becomes more and more stable, more and more stable, young and cheerful.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour the silver healing Divine light brighter than the sun into the entire vast region of the heart. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright healing Divine light.

And the blood in a wide, free, cheerful stream brings wonderful, full-fledged nourishment to the heart. In full contentment, provided with everything, the heart restores youthful strength. More and more powerful, more and more powerful, more and more powerful is the heart. Restores the heart's youthful strength. Restores the heart's youthful strength. The whole region of the heart is filled with a very pleasant healthy calmness. It became so easy on the heart, so easy-good.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, with a purposeful flow into the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart, into all the nerves of the heart, pour the young Divine force of life. All structures of the heart are filled with the young force of life. The heart is alive. All new, all new energy of life is born in the heart. All new, all new young forces of life are born in the heart. The whole heart is filled with a very pleasant, healthy, strong, young calmness.

It became so easy on the heart, so easy-good. The entire vast region of the heart is filled brighter than the sun with healing Divine light.

8. Always very slow, very smooth, absolutely calm

Very slowly, very smoothly, always uniformly the same, absolutely calm, completely calm. Always-constantly homogeneous, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly. Always homogeneous, the same, very slow, very smooth, absolutely calm, completely calm, serenely calm.

Always homogeneous, the same, serenely calm. Always homogeneous, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, absolutely calmly, uniformly, equally, very slowly, very slowly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, serenely calmly.

Always homogeneous, the same, very slow, very smooth, absolutely calm, completely calm, serenely calm. Always homogeneous, the same, very slow, very smooth, perfectly calm, absolutely calm.

Always homogeneous, the same, very slow, very smooth, absolutely calm, absolutely calm. Very slowly, very smoothly, uniformly, equally, absolutely calmly, absolutely calmly, serenely calm.

9. Deepest relaxation

I fill my whole soul, my whole head, my whole body forever, for a lifetime, with the deepest relaxation. My whole being is completely filled with the deepest relaxation. I fill all the cells of the brain-spinal cord with the deepest relaxation. I fill my whole soul with the deepest relaxation.

The whole soul through and through, totally filled for life with the deepest relaxation. Nothing remains in the soul but the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation filled my soul through and through. The deepest relaxation ousted all thoughts, all sounds from the soul. There is nothing in the soul but the deepest relaxation. All thoughts, all sounds from the soul are now gone, gone, disappeared into the distance, scattered in the space of the Universe. My whole soul is filled to the brim with the deepest relaxation for the rest of my life.

I pour the deepest relaxation into my head in a continuous round-the-clock stream. The deepest relaxation through and through, totally fills my head, the entire brain-spinal cord, the entire nervous system. Total deep relaxation fills all muscles.

And I pour the deepest relaxation into all the billions of nerve cells of the frontal lobes of the brain with a constant round-the-clock flow, day and night. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper and fills all the nerve cells of the frontal lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation ever deeper, ever deeper fills the frontal lobes of the brain. In the forehead, head, all the muscles relax, filled with the deepest relaxation.

And I continue to fill the frontal lobes of the brain through and through, to failure, to fill with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation ever deeper, ever deeper fills the frontal lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation through and through, totally fills the frontal lobes of the brain. All the billions of nerve cells in the frontal lobes of the brain are filled to capacity with the deepest relaxation. The frontal lobes of the brain were filled through and through with the deepest relaxation.

And I continue to fill all the billions of nerve cells of the brain in the region of the crown with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper, fills, fills the brain in the region of the crown. The deepest relaxation of all nerve cells in the region of the crown is deeper and deeper, fills deeper and deeper, displaces all thoughts. The deepest relaxation penetrates deeper and deeper into the brain in the region of the crown, displaces, displaces all thoughts.

The deepest relaxation has already completely filled the entire brain in the region of the crown. Relaxation has now repressed, completely, completely repressed all thoughts. All thoughts are now leaving, dispersing into the distance, leaving, disappearing into the distance, disappearing into the space of the Universe. There is nothing left in the brain in the region of the crown but the deepest relaxation.

The deepest relaxation has already completely filled my soul. The deepest relaxation ousted all thoughts from the soul. The deepest relaxation completely, completely ousted all thoughts from the soul. All thoughts are now leaving, disappearing into the distance, dissipating in the space of the Universe. The whole soul forever through and through, forever, for life is filled with the deepest relaxation.

The entire brain in the region of the crown of the head is completely filled with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation filled all the nerve cells in the region of the crown, filled the entire brain in the region of the crown. The deepest relaxation completely, completely replaced all thoughts. All thoughts are now leaving, leaving, disappearing into the distance, scattered in the space of the Universe. In the brain in the region of the crown there is nothing but the deepest relaxation.

And I continue day and night, in a constant, continuous round-the-clock flow, to pour into the frontal lobes of the brain, to pour into the brain in the region of the crown of the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation forever, for life, filled the frontal lobes of the brain through and through. The deepest relaxation forever, for life, filled the entire brain in the region of the crown.

The deepest relaxation is now completely, completely ousted from the brain all thoughts. All thoughts are gone, gone, disappeared into the distance, dispersed in the space of the Universe. In the brain - in the frontal lobes, in the region of the crown - there was nothing left but the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation forever, for life, completely filled the frontal lobes of the brain, filled the entire region of the brain in the region of the crown.

And I continue to pour the deepest relaxation into the temporal lobes of the brain. I pour the deepest relaxation into the temporal lobes of the brain in a constant, continuous flow day and night. The brain center of hearing, all the nerve cells that form the brain center of hearing, I fill through and through with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation fills, fills day and night, fills the temporal lobes of the brain through and through, fills the brain center of hearing through and through. I fill all the auditory nerve cells through and through forever, for the rest of my life, with the deepest relaxation.

The deepest relaxation is deeper and deeper filling the auditory nerve cells. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper, fills, fills the temporal lobes of the brain, the brain center of hearing. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper and fills all the billions of nerve cells in the temporal lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation completely fills the auditory nerve cells to the fullest.

The deepest relaxation is now completely, completely displacing, displacing all sounds. All sounds go away, all sounds go away, go away, disappear into the distance, dissipate in the space of the Universe. My ears fill, fill with newborn absolute silence. A newborn absolute silence-silence-silence fills my ears. Newborn silence fills, fills my ears. All sounds are gone, all sounds are gone, gone, disappeared into the distance, scattered in the space of the Universe. A newborn absolute silence-silence-silence filled my ears. A newborn absolute silence filled my ears. Silence filled my ears.

All through my head is totally filled with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation, relaxation flows into all the nerves of the head, the brain with a constant round-the-clock flow. The deepest relaxation fills all the nerves of the head along the entire length. All the nerves of the head along their entire length are filled forever, for life, filled with the deepest relaxation, relaxation. All the muscles of the head, all the muscles of the forehead, all the muscles in the area of ​​the eyes, all the muscles in the area of ​​the face, all the muscles of the jaws are forever, for life, filled with the deepest relaxation. All the nerves of the head, all the muscles go on going deeper, deeper, deeper and deeper to relax, relax, relax.

And I continue to pour the deepest relaxation into all the billions of nerve cells of the occipital lobes of the brain day and night, around the clock. The deepest relaxation fills, fills, fills through all the nerve cells of the occipital lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper, fills, fills the occipital lobes of the brain.

The deepest relaxation had already filled all the nerve cells through and through, filled the occipital lobes of the brain through and through. The deepest relaxation flows into the optic nerves in a continuous stream. The deepest relaxation fills the optic nerves along the entire length. The optic nerves along their entire length are filled, filled for life with the deepest relaxation.

Into all the nerves in the region of the eyes, a continuous round-the-clock stream, day and night, day and night, flows the deepest relaxation. All the nerves in the eye area along the entire length are filled through and through with the deepest relaxation. All the muscles in the eye area continue to go deeper, deeper and deeper to relax, relax. All the muscles in the eye area continue to go deeper, deeper and deeper to relax, relax. All the muscles in the forehead area, in the eye area, continue to relax deeper, deeper, deeper and deeper. Forever, for life, the eyes are filled with a very pleasant, healthy, lasting calmness. Strongly calm, firmly calm young healthy eyes. Forever, for life, firmly calm, firmly calm young healthy eyes.

And I continue day and night, in a continuous, continuous round-the-clock stream, to pour deepest relaxation into all the cerebral motor centers that control the muscles. All the billions of nerve cells of the motor brain centers I fill deeper and deeper, fill with the deepest relaxation.

All brain moving centers continue to relax deeper and deeper, to relax. The deepest relaxation has already completely filled all the motor brain centers to the point of failure. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper, fills, fills the entire motor area of ​​the brain. The deepest relaxation has already completely filled the motor area of ​​the brain. Forever, for life, the entire motor zone of the brain is filled to the core, filled with the deepest relaxation.

From the motor zone of the brain to all the nerves that go to the muscles, a continuous round-the-clock stream pours, pours the deepest relaxation. All the nerves that go to the muscles, along their entire length, are filled for life, filled with the deepest relaxation. Through all these nerves, the deepest relaxation flows into all my muscles. The deepest relaxation flows into all the muscles of the back, lower back, into all the muscles of the chest. The deepest relaxation continues to pour into all the muscles of the body, into all the muscles of the shoulders, arms, into all the muscles of the legs around the clock. All muscles are filled through and through, filled with the deepest relaxation.

All the muscles go on going deeper, deeper and deeper to relax, relax. My whole body continues to be filled with the deepest relaxation, filled with lightness, lightness-weightlessness.

My head is already all through and through, filled to capacity for life with the deepest relaxation. For the rest of my life I was filled with lightness-lightness, lightness-weightlessness. For life, the head is light, light, absolutely weightless. My whole body is filled with the deepest relaxation for life.

Forever, for the rest of my life, my body was filled with lightness, lightness, absolute weightlessness. My legs forever, for life, were filled with the deepest relaxation, filled with lightness, lightness-weightlessness. Forever, for the rest of my life, my gait is light-weightless, light-light, light-fast. The legs are light as fluff, the step is light-wide. I go - I don’t go, I fly like a bird on wings, my legs are light as fluff, my whole young body is light, light, absolutely weightless. I go - I don’t go, I fly like a bird on wings.

And I continue to pour into all the brain centers that control the heart, into all the brain centers of the heart, I continue to pour in the round-the-clock flow, pour in the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation goes deeper and deeper, fills, fills all the billions of nerve cells that form the brain centers that control the heart. The deepest relaxation through and through, to failure forever, for life filled all the brain centers that control the heart.

The deepest relaxation, relaxation flows into all the nerves going to the heart in a continuous round-the-clock stream. The deepest relaxation fills all the nerves going to the heart through and through. The deepest relaxation continues to fill, to fill along the entire length of all the nerves going to the heart. All the nerves that go from the brain-spinal cord to the heart, forever, for life along their entire length, are filled with the deepest relaxation.

From the cerebral centers of the heart, along all the nerves going to the heart, the deepest pleasant calm flows in a continuous stream. The whole heart is filled with lightness-lightness, lightness-weightlessness. All the muscles in the region of the heart continue to go deeper, deeper and deeper to relax, relax. All muscles in the region of the heart are filled with lightness-lightness, lightness-weightlessness. The whole vast area of ​​the heart forever, for life, became light, light, absolutely weightless. My heart lives divinely free.

My whole body is light-light, absolutely weightless, lives Divinely free. Throughout the body Divinely free, absolutely free blood circulation. I live Divinely free, absolutely free.

Forever, for life, my soul is filled with the deepest relaxation. Forever, for life, my whole head is filled with the deepest relaxation. Forever, for my whole life, all my muscles are filled with the deepest relaxation. Forever, for the rest of my life, my head became light, light, absolutely weightless. Forever, for life, my whole body is filled with lightness-lightness. Forever, for the rest of my life, my whole body became light, light, completely weightless. Forever, for the rest of my life, I am completely filled with the deepest relaxation.

Forever, for the rest of my life, I am filled through and through with an indestructibly strong, steadfast, deepest calmness. Forever, for the rest of my life, I am completely calm, completely calm. Forever, for my whole life, my whole being, my whole soul, my whole head, my whole body is filled with the deepest relaxation. For the rest of my life, I am completely filled with the deepest relaxation, the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation of everything filled me through and through forever, for all time, for my whole life.

10. All brain centers calm down

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos I pour into the soul, into the head a bright, bright healing silvery Divine light. Bright, bright Divine light fills the whole soul. The whole soul is bright and bright. The whole soul is at peace. The whole soul was filled with a very pleasant healthy calmness.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, with a purposeful stream, pour into the soul, into the head, a bright, bright healing Divine light. The whole soul, the head is bright-light through and through. The whole head lights up. The whole head lights up. The eyes become brighter.

Healing Divine light penetrates into all the brain centers of the brain-spinal cord - bright, bright Divine light. All the brain centers of the brain-spinal cord that govern the life of the entire physical body, all the brain centers calm down, relax, calm down, relax. The pleasant healthy calmness of the brain-spinal cord flows into the entire physical body.

And I continue with a purposeful stream from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos to pour into the soul, into the head a bright, bright healing silvery Divine light. The whole head is completely filled with bright, bright Divine light. The entire brain-spinal cord is filled with bright, bright Divine light. All brain centers calm down, relax, calm down, relax. From the brain-spinal cord, a very pleasant healthy calm flows into the whole body.

And I continue with a purposeful stream from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos to pour into the soul, into the head a bright, bright healing silvery Divine light. The whole head lights up. The whole head lights up. The whole head becomes lighter. The whole head is filled with bright, bright healing Divine light. The healing Divine light penetrates into all brain centers of the brain-spinal cord. The healing Divine light calms all brain centers, relaxes, soothes, relaxes. Pleasant calm from the brain-spinal cord flows into the entire physical body.

I have calmed down forever. The whole soul is at peace. I am completely calm through and through. I am perfectly calm, serenely calm.

The whole soul is bright and bright. The whole head is brightly light through and through. In the eyes of a bright, bright light. The whole head is bright-light, light, calm. Young-young healthy, absolutely healthy calm eyes.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Thoughts that heal the heart and the entire circulatory system (G. N. Sytin, 2014) provided by our book partner -

Unique healing system Exercises, work with hidden energies, meditations and moods by Katsuzo Nishi

Focus on healing the heart and blood vessels

I am grateful to my heart. It gives me life, it beats smoothly, calmly, rhythmically. It's like a vessel of energy that fills my whole body. It's hot and wonderful. My cardiovascular system is absolutely healthy. It ensures that all the organs and systems of my body are washed with blood. My blood is perfectly saturated with oxygen and nutrients, which are so necessary for the life of my body. My blood is hot, young, healthy. My wonderful, active, young, hardy heart pumps blood through my young, elastic, strong vessels. Blood makes my wonderful, active, young, hardy heart pulsate. I am grateful to my cardiovascular system, I love my heart and my blood vessels, I admire my energetically saturated blood.

My heart is in harmony. It is eternal and imperishable. There is nothing stronger in the world than my heart. My heart and vessels? -? My pride. I love them.

This text is an introductory piece.

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