Is it possible to go to kindergarten without vaccinations. What vaccinations are required for admission to kindergarten and will a child be taken without them? What should parents do if the doctor refuses to sign the medical card

When it's time to give your beloved child to kindergarten, there are a lot of worries, problems and questions. How to choose an institution, educators? How to set up a child psychologically? Which doctors to go through? What tests to take? What vaccinations are needed to enter kindergarten? Let's try to deal with the last of them - will they take a child to kindergarten without vaccinations?

Ideally, when entering kindergarten, the child has all the necessary vaccinations

Do parents have to agree to all vaccinations?

The attitude of modern parents to vaccinations is ambiguous. Some strictly comply with the requirements of medical institutions, others are categorically against the vaccination of children. Both are right in their own way. The problem of diseases such as tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis is still quite acute, and the risk of contracting them is quite high. Nevertheless, the quality of the vaccine today is being questioned by many, and side effects of them have not yet been fully explored.

The vaccination procedure is a very responsible event. It requires the high professionalism of a pediatrician and a nurse who deals directly with injections. The doctor needs to take into account the general health of the child, be aware of his congenital pathologies and diseases, if any. It is important to notice the existing contraindications in time:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • the psychological state of the child (the presence of stressful situations, fright or hyperexcitability);
  • lack of adaptive life situations such as change of residence or climate change.

It is important to know: if parents refuse vaccination, they are required to sign a statement about this fact and provide it to the pediatrician. The application can refer to the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, which clearly spell out the possibility of refusing medical intervention.

Doctors are required to issue a medical card to the child without vaccinations, as well as give a certificate with permission to visit a preschool institution. Provided that the child is healthy and can be in contact with other children.

When a health worker refuses to do so, be sure to take from him a written document confirming his refusal. It will come in handy in case of contact with higher health authorities. However, as a rule, doctors themselves know that they have no right to force you to vaccinate your child.

List of vaccinations that are needed for admission to kindergarten

Before applying to kindergarten, the child undergoes a medical examination, the results of which are recorded in a special card. A completed vaccination certificate is also enclosed there if the parents agree to vaccination.

There is a calendar of preventive vaccinations, which was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it provides for the following types of vaccination:

  • BCG - a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis;
  • DTP - for whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (we recommend reading:);
  • Pentaxim or Infanrix - from polio;
  • Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella (we recommend reading:);
  • Prevenar - from pneumococcal infection (we recommend reading:).

Immunization calendar

Does the head of the kindergarten have the right to refuse parents admission of an unvaccinated child?

Responsibility for the life and health of children lies entirely with the parents, only they can decide whether to vaccinate or not. Refusal to vaccinate is not officially a reason for a child not to be admitted to a preschool. This is stated by federal law No. 157 "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases." It says that a citizen Russian Federation the right to refuse vaccination if he is a minor, the decision is made for him by one of the parents.

If the parents have refused vaccination and have Required documents, you can safely defend your rights in children's preschool. When the manager does not want to take on a new pupil and requires a child's vaccination certificate with vaccination marks, you can refer to the law and provide papers.

In this regard, employees of preschool institutions cannot fail to arrange an unvaccinated child. The only exceptions are cases of mass diseases or epidemics, but these measures are also temporary.

Where to complain if the child is not accepted into the kindergarten?

However, sometimes the leadership of kindergartens, where parents are so eager to get, despite the clearly defined points of the law, nevertheless goes against them and refuses to accept an unvaccinated child. In this case, you can apply to the district administration and even to the prosecutor's office.

Explain the situation there. Show all the documents that you received, including a medical card, or attach a certificate of refusal to issue a card from the clinic, if any. It is also a good idea to have an audio recording of the conversation with the head of the kindergarten. It is better to record on an analog recorder, rather than digital, then it will have more weight in court as evidence.

Make the text of the statement short, clear and concise. After your appeal, administration or law enforcement officials will contact you to resolve this issue.

You can be sure that in the event of a trial, the court is always interested in protecting the child and will decide in your favor. After the decision is made, you will be given a written court order with which you need to appear before the head, and you will definitely be accepted.

Stages of preparing documents for registration in the kindergarten of a child without vaccinations

Ideally, the solution to such a sensitive issue should be peaceful. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to establish contact with the leadership of the preschool institution. After making sure that you are taken, you can write an application.

In the period of preparation for kindergarten, it is necessary to visit the future preschool institution, communicate with the head and ask all organizational questions of concern

The next step is to prepare the necessary documents, which are listed in the regulation "On preschool primary institution":

  • birth certificate;
  • direction from the GORONO, if you queued up on the public services website, then a printout from this site;
  • an extract from the medical card on the health of the child, permission to visit the children's team;
  • instead of the required vaccination certificate - a written refusal of vaccinations.

To get a medical extract, go to the local pediatrician, there you will receive a list of tests that need to be passed, and a list of specialists who carry out examinations. All medical examination data are entered into the medical card. At the end, the doctor will write a conclusion that the child is completely healthy and can attend kindergarten. The last step will be the seal of the head of the pediatric department.

What is the result? A child without vaccinations is clearly entitled to attend kindergarten. When employees of the leading positions of a polyclinic or a preschool prevent you, contact the higher authorities. With all this, do not forget about the most important thing - the health of your children and their peace of mind, try to achieve your goal in peaceful ways. Let the kindergarten bring you and your children only pleasant emotions.

In the Russian Federation, each parent can decide for himself whether or not to vaccinate a child. But, when entering a kindergarten, families may run into trouble - the baby simply will not be accepted into a kindergarten.

We will figure out how legal it is not to vaccinate a child, and how to defend your rights to enter kindergarten without vaccinations.

When is a child not vaccinated for medical reasons?

Parents' refusal to vaccinate their child may not be simple desire, but a hopeless and last resort.

According to medical indications, the pediatrician and the parent can decide whether the child needs to be vaccinated, and whether the baby will have side effects after the vaccine, if the vaccine is still given.

We list what medical reasons and indications there may be for not vaccinating a child:

  1. Allergic reactions of the body.
  2. Acute disease. It can be either a common cold or flu, a virus, etc.
  3. Increased body temperature of the child.
  4. Psychological stress.
  5. Nervous excitability.
  6. Deviation in the work of the nervous system.
  7. Low weight, no weight gain.
  8. Pressure.
  9. Any changes in the child's life. It can be travel, moving.

Of course, any pediatrician will tell you that the main thing is individual approach to the child.

If you doubt that your child will not tolerate the vaccine well, then it is better to refuse it or postpone it for a while. And there is nothing shameful in this, because you are not vaccinated for medical reasons.

In what cases is it legal to refuse to accept a child in a kindergarten without vaccinations?

Parents are fully responsible for their minor children, so it is up to them to decide whether to get vaccinated.

Failure to vaccinate cannot be a reason for refusing to accept a child in a preschool institution. This is spelled out in federal law number 157 and the title "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", which was adopted on September 17, 1998, as amended in 2016.

According to Article 5 of this law, a Russian citizen can refuse vaccination himself, or decide it for his minor child.

Employees of a kindergarten or any other organization providing educational services do not have the right not to accept unvaccinated children.

However, in the event of a mass infection, disease, influenza or epidemic, they may refuse kindergarten to protect other children.

And, note - it can be either temporary or permanent.

Important: if you refuse to be vaccinated, then you must provide the pediatrician with a receipt or a statement about this (clause 3 of article 5 of the Federal Law No. 157).

You can also point to the "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens." There is a waiver of medical intervention.

If any other reasons are given to you when you enroll in kindergarten(for example, the absence of all marks in the child’s medical record), you can safely point to this law and articles and defend your and your child’s rights.

What to do and where to complain if a child is not accepted into a kindergarten without vaccinations - instructions on how to defend your rights

Let's figure out what the actions of parents should be in order to defend their rights and legitimate interests.

Follow these instructions:

Stage 1. Preparation of documents at the local clinic

To begin with, you must go to the hospital and say that you want to go through a medical examination with your child in kindergarten. You will be told which doctors will be enough to visit.

In the office of "vaccination" say that you do not want the child to be vaccinated and write a written refusal addressed to the director of the medical facility.

If you do not want to enter the necessary information in the medical record(should indicate a refusal of medical intervention), it is worth seeking a personal conversation with the head or chief physician of the hospital. State your rights and seek his consent.

In case of unjustified refusal You can request a written explanation from the manager.

As a rule, no one can force a parent to vaccinate a child. In practice, the dispute usually ends in favor of the parent.

Stage 2. Complaint about the medical facility

If, nevertheless, you received a negative answer and disagreement, then you can write a complaint to two instances: the Prosecutor's Office or the Health Department.

In the document, you can describe the whole situation in detail so that the representatives of the order do not have many questions.

Stage 3. Delivery of documents to kindergarten

Having received all the documents from the hospital, you can safely contact the preschool institution.

Try to talk calmly with health workers, putting forward your requirements - to accept a child with such documents. Explain to them why you do not want to get vaccinated - maybe there are good and serious reasons for that.

On good, you should be given the opportunity to write a statement refusing further vaccinations of the child.

In reality, things may not work out that way. There are some veiled refusal forms by kindergarten workers.

We list them and tell you what a parent should do in different situations:

  1. The health worker does not accept your application, health certificate and medical record of the child, and asks the parent to provide additional documents from the doctors. Ask to write a statement addressed to the director of the children's institution. Specify the essence of the problem and list the laws why you should be admitted to kindergarten without vaccinations.
  2. The head of the kindergarten says that your place is already taken. The parent must act without panic. First of all, call the district education department to a specialist who is engaged in queuing for preschool institutions. If you called him up before passing the medical examination, you can safely say that the place was and remains yours by the decision of the commission involved in recruiting children to preschool institutions. Ask for a written receipt from the manager that she cannot accept you, let her indicate the reason for the refusal.
  3. The manager comes up with other reasons not to accept the child. For example, she may say that the baby has not yet come of age, that there is no group suitable for him, or that you do not live at the kindergarten. Also ask for written refusal giving reasons. If the director is deceiving you, you will immediately understand this - he will not want to confirm his words in writing.

Remember, all words are best recorded on a voice recorder!

As a rule, after the appeal, the issue is resolved in favor of the parent.

Stage 4. Complaint against commission workers or kindergarten employees

If you have been ignored, you should apply in writing to the prosecutor's office, the administration of your district.

Explain everything in order:

  1. When you found out that there was a place for you in the garden, from whom.
  2. When did the medical examination begin?
  3. What documents did you receive?
  4. When they turned to the children's institution, what happened.
  5. Why did you get rejected. Be sure to attach supporting documents. Audio recording is also good.

The application must be short and to the point.

After contacting the administration or the prosecutor's office, they will contact you and try to help solve the problem.

The child was taken to kindergarten without vaccinations - how to refuse vaccinations in the kindergarten in the future?

Refusal to vaccinate in a preschool institution must be recorded on paper.

The application can be written according to the established pattern - or in free form.

An example of a sample application is as follows:

You can draw up the document yourself, or ask for a ready-made form from the health worker of the clinic or kindergarten.

It is better to contact the kindergarten first with an application. If not, then go to your pediatrician and ask to hold you in this decision.

In order for the document to be accepted, it is worth adhering to the following writing rules and providing for some points:

  1. Enter information about yourself and the child completely, without abbreviations. The initials and address of residence must be spelled out completely and without errors.
  2. List the vaccinations you don't want to get. It is better to find out from the doctor what vaccinations are due for children at a certain age, and write a refusal, for example, for 1 year.
  3. It is better to indicate that your decision was considered.
  4. The list of laws and articles may also affect the acceptance of your refusal by a kindergarten employee.
  5. It is better to indicate the reasons why you decided not to vaccinate your child.

After submitting your application, no one has the right to violate your request, as it will be documented and confirmed by the doctor in the hospital.

The head of the children's institution or the health worker is obliged to accept such a statement from you without any questions.

Possible consequences of refusing vaccination for a child in the future - parents need to know this!

Knowing how to write parental vaccine denials should help you be aware of the consequences in the future.

Moreover, all this is clearly explained in the law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", Article 5, which includes the following points:

  1. In the future, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to enter the country where stay requires a specific preventive vaccination.
  2. The consequences of not vaccinating can be job denial where, when performed, a person may be at high risk of contracting infectious diseases. In such places of work, the presence of a document confirming all preventive vaccinations is mandatory.
  3. In the event of an epidemic or mass infection in reception special institutions will be denied.

What to do if the refusal is signed, but the child was still vaccinated?

Quite often it happens that, despite a written refusal, the vaccination is still done, and the parents do not know how to proceed.

Can't let this go unpunished, since, having a document, medical workers violated your rights and the rights of the child.

You need to do the following:

  1. Stop administering vaccines, because they, as a rule, are introduced several times, after a certain time. In case the doctor claims that the termination of the course may have consequences, you can not worry about this, it will not harm the health of the child, since these are all conventions and the doctors themselves know about it.
  2. Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, specifying all offenses. In this way, the right authorities will be aware of your problems and will create trouble for those who, without the knowledge of their parents, have been vaccinated.
  3. 09 September 2016

A child's right to education does not depend on the availability of vaccinations. You can limit the child only for a while, but only in the event of an epidemic and mass infectious diseases

Often parents have problems with the placement of children in kindergarten without vaccinations. However, not a single law in Russia obliges to be vaccinated in order to gain access to a kindergarten or school.

Attending kindergarten, school is your child's right to education, guaranteed, first of all, by the Constitution of Russia. And this must always be remembered.

And the realization of this right to education is not made dependent on the availability of vaccinations.. Yes, there are some details that need to be understood and taken into account.

So, if you decide to send your child to kindergarten and at the same time you are categorically against vaccinations, then no one can force you to do them. Is it possible to refuse admission to kindergarten of a child for whom vaccinations are simply contraindicated? No. Is it possible to refuse a child to attend kindergarten if his mother is simply against vaccinations, which, perhaps, are not contraindicated for him? It's also impossible. Any denial of admission to a kindergarten or school due to lack of vaccinations is illegal. This is depriving the child of the right to education. All children are equal. And vaccinations are not required condition for admission to kindergarten and school.

Moreover, if your child already goes to a kindergarten, then no one can simply forbid him to attend this kindergarten without vaccinations. There must be grounds for this, and clearly in accordance with the law.

What legal grounds can be for restricting a child from attending an educational institution?

It is impossible to attend a kindergarten or school without vaccination only if there is the threat of an epidemic, there were massive infectious diseases. And this measure is temporary. As soon as the threat of the epidemic has passed, or the so-called quarantine has ended, the unvaccinated child can go back to kindergarten or school. And this measure - a temporary restriction in attending an educational institution - is dictated, first of all, by the interests of the child himself - why go where the infection is raging, and he does not have a vaccination against it?

However, in order to prevent a child without vaccination from going to kindergarten or school, simply the opinion of the head of an educational organization that an epidemic is possible is not enough. Such a decision should be supported by a document from the competent city or regional services. If this is not the case, then the refusal to admit children to kindergarten violates the constitutional right to public access preschool education. It is this position that the courts adhere to when making decisions when parents appeal against the refusal to admit their children to preschool educational institutions due to the lack of, for example, measles vaccinations in children, as well as tuberculin diagnostics - the Mantoux test. Interestingly, arbitrage practice showed that even if the kindergarten management limited the child to attendance, but then suddenly “changed their mind” and the incident was settled, the court, taking the side of the parents and the child, recovered moral damages from the perpetrators, and of course, the costs of paying for legal services.

Therefore, if your child is deprived of the opportunity to attend kindergarten on the grounds that he does not have any vaccinations, demand a written refusal and apply to the court for protection of rights.

The problem with refusal of vaccinations often arises at the stage when parents cannot issue a medical card for a child in kindergarten. If this happens, it is necessary to write a statement to the head of the clinic with the requirement to eliminate the violation and issue (sign) a medical card. This often happens when parents refuse the Mantoux test, and the phthisiatrician unreasonably does not want to sign the conclusion. If contacting the head of the clinic does not help, you have the right to apply to the prosecutor's office and even to the court.

If the problem has already arisen at the kindergarten level, when the medical card is issued, but the child is still limited in attendance - they are not accepted to kindergarten, or they are expelled from the kindergarten when he has already attended it, then you should contact the head of the kindergarten. You should also apply in writing, give your arguments, justify your position, indicate that such a refusal is illegal. If this does not help, then you can also contact the higher education authorities or the prosecutor's office and the court.

From all this, the main conclusion must be drawn - do not stop at a verbal refusal, submit documents, most likely, in this case, you will not be able to refuse officially. On this incident will simply be exhausted.

Recall that the right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations is provided for by the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 N 157-ФЗ “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”. The right to refuse medical intervention, incl. from vaccinations, is also provided for by the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation".

And in these laws there is not a word about the fact that the road to kindergarten and school is open only for children with vaccinations.

So, your plan of action if the head of the clinic refuses to issue (sign) a medical card for a child:

1. Write and submit an application to the head of the polyclinic with a request to immediately eliminate the violation and sign a medical card within a working day.

2. In case of refusal to fulfill your legal requirement, write and file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

3. The refusal of the head of the clinic to issue (sign) a medical card for a child to attend a kindergarten can be appealed in court.

If the problem arose at the kindergarten or school level - the child is not accepted or forbidden to attend the institution, then all the same actions must be taken in relation to the head of this institution:

1. Write and submit an application to the head with a request to immediately eliminate the violation and allow the child to attend an educational institution.

2. If the situation remains at the same level and your requirements are denied, write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

3. Apply to the court with a claim to protect the rights of your child. The lack of vaccinations and the Mantoux test in a child is not a basis for infringing on his right to education.

Be sure to keep proof of your written appeals. to the head of the polyclinic, the head of the kindergarten (school), to the prosecutor's office. In the future, this may contribute to a faster and more peaceful settlement of the incident. All correspondence is evidence that can be presented in court while protecting your interests.

Watch a fragment of a video recording of a webinar about visiting a kindergarten without vaccinations (click on the picture to view):

Estimated reading time: 25 min. No time to read?

There are publications in the press that more and more often parents do not vaccinate their children. How to assess this from the point of view of legislation in Russia, what are the nuances and stumbling blocks - in our article.
Without discussing the arguments “for” or “against” such a decision, we will try to legally substantiate the answers to the most common questions regarding vaccinations. Firstly, for a start, let's figure out whether it is possible not to do them at all, what it threatens (and threatens) parents and the child, and secondly, how to protect the rights of those who will be affected by this decision.

Do citizens have the right not to vaccinate themselves and their children?

The documents explain that the only reason for the temporary denial of admission to kindergartens and schools of children without vaccinations is, according to the law, only the occurrence of mass infectious diseases and the threat of epidemics. The Federal Law “On Preventing the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” provides for anti-tuberculosis assistance to the population with the consent of citizens (clause 2, article 7 of the Federal Law No. 77-FZ). The principle of voluntariness of TB care (provided there is no contact between the child and a TB patient) means that parents have the right to refuse mantou, and this should not entail a ban on attending schools and kindergartens. At the same time, restrictions on admission to schools and kindergartens do not apply to all minors in a row, but only to those children in respect of whom there are already reasonable suspicions of tuberculosis or their contacts with patients are confirmed.

Recently, there have been changes in the direction of tightening the rules regarding citizens who can be the source of the disease. In August 2018, persons under dispensary observation due to tuberculosis were obliged to undergo a medical examination and preventive measures as prescribed by a doctor, including through the use of medicines(Clause 1, Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 77).

This means that if a patient with tuberculosis is detected at school, his classmates will be taken under dispensary observation, and this is done regardless of the consent of the children themselves or their parents (paragraphs 1-2 of article 9 of the Federal Law N 77). And here it will no longer be possible to refuse medical examinations and preventive measures assigned to them by a phthisiatrician (clause 1 of article 13 of the Federal Law No. 77). It will also be impossible to refuse these measures to persons whose Mantoux test was not normal. At the same time, in itself, the mantoux turn in another child in the same educational institution is not the basis for the introduction of dispensary observation of other children (paragraphs 1 - 4 of article 9 of the Federal Law N 77).

The general conclusion is this: the parents still have the right not to make manta to their child and not to visit a phthisiatrician with him. But if your schools or kindergartens go into confrontation, then you will have to seek admission to an educational institution in the judiciary. Each parent, taking into account the foregoing, will independently decide which option is more acceptable for him and his child - to defend the right to refuse in court, to make a manta or go to a phthisiatrician.

Adolescents make their own decisions about vaccinations

Parents, do you know that after 15 years old children are recognized as independent citizens of the Russian Federation in matters of medical intervention? Part 2 Art. 54 FZ N 323-FZ now trusts them to decide on their own health issues. Therefore, you should discuss, pronounce and explain all these topics with your child in advance!

This means that if suddenly your grown-up child begins to be vaccinated contrary to your refusal statements, or vice versa, declares that vaccinations are a universal evil, and he will never do them again, then you just have to put up with it. Now his health is in his hands! It is he who signs the voluntary informed consent or refusal provided for in Part 7 of Art. 20 of the said Federal Law N 323. From now on, the “headache” for this decision is removed from you. Of course, except for cases when he himself cannot show this will in connection with emergency medical indications in case of a threat to life) (part 9 of article 20 of the said Federal Law N 323)

And what, it turns out, from this moment on, parents can forget about the health of their children? No, it's not! The Family Code of the Russian Federation (part 2, article 63) classifies care for the health of minors as one of the basic rights and obligations of parents. It says that parents "are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children." So you still have to take care, take care of your children for health!

But now, no one is authorized to educate you about the health of your children and open the information of their medical cards (except in cases of drug addiction). Keep in mind that the concept of medical secrecy extends to the health of children. Medical secrecy includes all information about their state of health, diagnoses and decisions made by them (part 1 of article 13 N 323 of the Federal Law). From the age of 15, only with the written consent of the teenager himself, doctors can inform you about these decisions, in particular about vaccination (part 3 of article 13 of the Federal Law N 323). Although in practice, quite often the opposite happens, and doctors, in the old fashioned way, “lay out” to parents all the medical ins and outs about a teenager.

The prohibition of disclosure of medical secrets is provided for in Part 2 of Art. 13 FZ N 323. It is in your power to provide the child with all the information about the upcoming vaccination, its contraindications and consequences, the possibility of refusal, and then rely on his reasonable and balanced choice.

How about army and institute?

In institutions, documents for admission are required to be accepted regardless of the availability of vaccinations (clause 3, article 5, articles 69-70 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, paragraphs 52-79 of the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science RF dated October 14, 2015 N 1147) .

With the army, the story is the same, because our conscript is a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation and, like everyone else, has the right to choose whether to be vaccinated or not. It's just that fighting for your rights in the army is an order of magnitude harder than anywhere else. It turns out that in theory and according to the law he can refuse, but in reality, vaccinations in the troops are given without exception to all soldiers without clarifying the nuances and their wishes.

But, we emphasize again, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 20 FZ N 323-FZ “a citizen, one of the parents or other legal representative of a person has the right to refuse medical intervention or demand its termination”, including during the period of military service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. In this regard, soldiers' mothers from time to time complain in the press about the illegality of the total vaccination of conscripts.

But what if they insist on getting vaccinated?

Unfortunately, the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are not observed everywhere. What if, despite the above laws, the head doctors do not sign a medical card for children, directors refuse admission to kindergarten, school, do not allow them to enter educational institutions and circles without vaccinations?

We sincerely recommend negotiating about children peacefully. Talk again and again. Try to convince the intractable leader to once again consult with his superiors before making a final decision.

When peaceful means have been exhausted, but have not led to desired result, then connect the “heavy artillery”. Hint that, in fact, your rights are being violated at the moment, and the prosecution authorities are carefully monitoring this case. Tell us about the checks that may follow from the supervisory authorities and the prosecutor's office, if someone decides to complain. And litigation with parents will not add “glory” to the educational institution and its leadership. The words “Rospotrebnadzor”, “Rosobrnadzor” (for kindergartens and schools) and “Roszdravnadzor” (for polyclinics and hospitals) always work magically. It happens that at this moment the leaders suddenly “make a concession” and the child is enrolled.

If this does not work, then file the complaints that were threatened. We advise you to record all conversations on a dictaphone, and refusals in educational and medical institutions request in writing. Indicate your contact details in the complaint, give a link to Federal Law No. 157, which gives you the right not to vaccinate your child, tell us what exactly is violated, sign and send the complaint to higher authorities (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health), as well as to the prosecutor's office, demand an audit. At the same time, you can file a complaint with the court. The courts have already got used to parental complaints and react correctly.

We wish that all issues regarding the health and education of the child be resolved by parents and officials through negotiations and discussions, in full accordance with Russian law!

October 2018
Skosarenko E.E., candidate of legal sciences, lawyer

If quite recently the refusal to vaccinate was permissible only if there were any contraindications, now many parents refuse to vaccinate even absolutely healthy baby. Such refusals did not come as a surprise, because information about the composition of vaccines and their irreversible consequences became more accessible. Sometimes the vaccine can do more harm than the virus being vaccinated against.

The refusal to vaccinate many families brings problems due to bureaucratic obstacles of representatives of the kindergarten and polyclinics. Mothers knock on thresholds to achieve their rights and the child, who shamelessly infringe on those in power. How to go without vaccinations to kindergarten legally? It is this question that we will consider in detail.

Do parents have to agree to all vaccinations?

Vaccination is a voluntary measure for every citizen.

Young mothers are beginning to be intimidated and forced to be vaccinated even at the stage of pregnancy, talking about the terrible consequences if a refusal is written. In the maternity hospital, babies are vaccinated against tuberculosis, which the mother learns about from the pediatrician.

The baby grows up, visits a polyclinic with her mother, where the pediatrician month after month talks about incomprehensible viruses, against which there is a certain vaccine. And everything would be fine, but doctors do not bother to convey to each mother information about the composition of the drug and the consequences that may occur in a child for various reasons.

Responsibility, of course, parents must take upon themselves, and medicine immediately becomes irrelevant.

Today, information about vaccines, viruses and possible consequences has become more accessible. Therefore, refusal to vaccinate is no longer a rarity.

Immunity and the body of a newborn are formed over one to three years. Many children are special, their body is not able to perceive foreign bacteria.

Mothers try to maintain the health of the baby in other ways, having the full right to refuse vaccination in general, or only from specific vaccines for a certain period.

Right right. But there comes a time when the boy or girl must take his place in the kindergarten. Before this event, the baby must undergo a medical examination in order to obtain permission. In all respects, the baby is healthy, but he has no vaccinations. The violation of the rights of the child and the person begins.

Options for the consequences of refusing to vaccinate before kindergarten

“Will they take my baby to kindergarten without vaccinations?” - this is the most frequent question of mothers who have made their decision about vaccination. Let's figure it out.

By law, a child does not have the right to refuse to attend a kindergarten, even if there are health problems of a certain nature. Even disability is not a reason for refusal, because all children are the same and have the right to education. A kindergarten is an educational institution.

obstacles on the way to children's institution there are two types:

  • opposition from the clinic;
  • opposition from the administration of the kindergarten.

Clinic and vaccinations

The pediatrician claims that vaccination against polio, measles, rubella, diphtheria is mandatory for children. But doctors always say that because they have a certain plan. Vaccination of children brings doctors a certain income in the form of a bonus to their salary. Therefore, the more children received subcutaneous injections, which are mandatory, the better the doctor did his job.

And the commission before the kindergarten is another reason to force the mother to agree to the injection, threatening that they cannot allow an unvaccinated pupil to visit the group. According to them, he can pose a danger to the entire team.

But it's not right. Danger can only threaten a baby who himself has not received vaccination, but if a certain virus declares itself in the territory where the family and other people live. Then quarantine will be declared in the kindergarten and absolutely all children will not be able to go to it (even vaccinated ones).

The final conclusion in the medical record is always made by the head of the children's clinic. But she also has no right to forbid a child without vaccinations to attend kindergarten.

If the doctor and the head of the polyclinic refuse to sign the children's card or write any recommendations, they can be reminded that they must justify the refusal by referring to the law. Such a claim can be made in writing and left by the manager after a note that your complaint has been accepted with a signature, date and seal.

With such awareness of parents, doctors will not want to be reprimanded and will sign permission for the child to attend kindergarten in the absence of vaccinations.

Storming the kindergarten

A refusal to accept a baby in a kindergarten can be obtained from the administration of the institution or the authority issuing vouchers, even if you have a signed medical card in your hands. You can deal with them in the same way as a complaint in a polyclinic and ask for exhaustive justifications for their refusal.

List of vaccines for children before entering kindergarten

Sometimes problems with the kindergarten can also arise if there is no information about one vaccine in the vaccination card. But mothers are constantly offered to give their child a vaccine against a variety of viruses, without indicating that they are mandatory or not. Without a medical education, you can get confused which of them are necessary.

  • vaccination according to the vaccination schedule - against polio, rubella, measles, mumps, tuberculosis (BCG and Mantoux reaction), DTP. They are required for the child.
  • additional vaccination (optional) against pneumococcus, meningococcus, hemophilic virus, influenza.

The doctor suggests these vaccines to protect the child from the more common viruses that children will encounter more when attending kindergarten.

But such vaccination should be carried out in advance, and not before going to kindergarten.

Children are vaccinated against influenza in the autumn. Just do not hope that vaccination gives a full guarantee and your baby will not get sick at all. Every organism is unique.

Therefore, when a child is taken to kindergarten, they pay attention only to vaccines that are required in accordance with the vaccination schedule (against polio, DPT, rubella, measles, mumps).

But there are situations when the child was not given all the vaccines in the right amount before entering the kindergarten. Due to the illness of a child or his lag in growth, weight, development, medical exemptions are prescribed, especially from serious vaccinations against polio and DTP.

The timing of the introduction of subsequent doses or revaccination may be delayed. But this is also not a reason for a polyclinic or a kindergarten to refuse to enroll a pupil in an educational institution.

All vaccinations can be completed already at the stage of finding a son or daughter in educational institution. Therefore, the mother has every reason to take the baby to kindergarten upon reaching a certain age without vaccinations.

Children grow up - new vaccination is required

In kindergarten and at school, pupils are being prophylactic against viruses. There are vaccines that are mandatory at a certain age. To make life easier for parents, the kindergarten organizes vaccination days in the medical office.

Shortly before this, parents are notified about vaccination, offering to write consent or refusal. It is during this period that danger sets in for children who have not received any vaccinations, because the newly vaccinated do not stop attending kindergarten.

Special mention should be made of vaccination against polio and influenza.

Poliomyelitis according to the vaccination schedule by three years should be given to everyone. But there are exceptions when a child receives another vaccine while already in kindergarten. Then an unvaccinated pupil must be quarantined up to 60 days after vaccination of even one child against polio. There are several scenarios for this:

  • a child who is not vaccinated against polio remains at home;
  • not vaccinated against polio are transferred to another group;
  • under the responsibility of parents, a non-vaccinated against polio may remain in the group (most often, SANPIN puts obstacles in this).

The risk of infection from a child vaccinated against polio is very low. But there are rules that are aimed at preserving the health of unvaccinated children.

Also every year in the kindergarten flu prevention is carried out. In early autumn, parents are encouraged to vaccinate their children against the influenza virus. But this procedure is not mandatory. Everything is at the discretion of the parents.

At the time of the introduction of flu shots for some children, unvaccinated children can attend kindergarten without restriction. But there is a danger that children who have been vaccinated against the flu may get sick and infect other pupils in the group.

Influenza vaccination aims to prevent serious complications during an influenza epidemic, but cannot give a full guarantee that the disease will bypass it.

The influenza virus is constantly changing its structure, and the vaccine has an antigen of only a certain strain, which may not coincide with the active species at the moment. Influenza vaccinations are done consciously, if desired. But you can carry out prevention yourself to go to the garden healthy without flu shots.

If parents refuse to vaccinate their children, then they should know exactly what rights they have for a kindergarten and what documents it is better to prepare in advance. Then there will never be any problems with an early meeting with the kindergarten.

Vaccinations for children - vaccination calendar by month Lytic injection from temperature to a child Rubella vaccine before pregnancy - an opportunity to avoid complications