Homemade shower gel recipes. How to make shower gel from soap Natural shower gel with your hands

There are several reasons for refusing to buy factory-made gels: someone is afraid of the presence of “chemical” additives in the composition, others are stopped by the possibility of allergic reactions, and some are confused by the price. Therefore, interest in how to prepare a shower gel with your own hands does not fade away.

Comparison of store-bought and homemade shower gels

Shower gels contain two types of chemical compounds:

  • natural (animal or plant origin);
  • synthetic (artificial) - products of the chemical industry.

Commercial detergents often contain additives with a scandalous reputation, for example, sodium lauryl sulfate (English sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (English sodium laureth sulfate). These surfactants, which are responsible for foaming, lead to dryness and irritation of sensitive skin.

Mineral oils (referred to as Paraffinum Liquidum or mineral oil) are petroleum products. These substances are cheap substitutes natural oils, moisturizing the skin. The thin film formed artificial oils, retains moisture, but interferes with the natural respiration of the skin and can cause irritation.

In order for factory gels to retain their properties for as long as possible, parabens are added to them - preservative substances that are far from harmless to human health.

If you make a shower gel at home, you can do without adding ingredients that are harmful to health. The manufacturing technology is simple and takes little time, resulting in a gel that meets individual needs.

Advantages homemade gel For shower:

  • the ability to select ingredients and flavors based on your own preferences;
  • all components of natural origin;
  • you can do without dyes or choose food;
  • the aroma of the gel is given by the selected natural essential oil, and not by perfume fragrances;
  • contains no preservatives;
  • low price, no overpayments for the brand, advertising and branded packaging.

Disadvantages of homemade gel:

  • the gel has to be prepared in small quantities, since without preservatives it has a short shelf life;
  • not as strong foaming as commercial products containing surfactants.

Choice of Ingredients

To prepare homemade gel, you should use only purified or mineral, in extreme cases, boiled water.

Of particular note is the choice of a natural soap base: the so-called Castile soap. If you buy it in a specialized store, you should pay attention to the Liquid Soap Base 105 concentrate. In many recipes on the network, another name comes across - Organic Liquid Castile Soap, but since 2017 this product has been discontinued, and Liquid Soap Base 105 is offered instead. one serving of homemade gel is enough for 150–200 g.

Soap base Liquid Soap Base 105

Another gel is prepared on the basis of baby soap odorless and coloring additives, this will require 1/3 of a piece, chopped on a coarse grater (about 30 g). If remnants have accumulated in the house (1 cup of small pieces is enough), they can be disposed of.

Base shower gel recipe


  • soap base - 150 g;
  • food coloring yellow, green or orange color– 1–2 g;
  • sea ​​salt - ¾ tablespoon;
  • boiled or mineral - 75 ml;
  • essential oil - 15-20 drops;
  • base oil (olive, jojoba) - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology

  1. Pour the soap base into an enameled pan or bowl, then water, heat in a water bath to 30 ºС, stir until smooth.
  2. Add sea ​​salt(previously can be dissolved in a small amount of water).
  3. Stir, and if the gel is not thick enough, add a little more salt. If the consistency is too viscous, add water.
  4. Mix the fragrance oil with the base oil, then pour the oil mixture into the warm gel.
  5. Dissolve food coloring in water and mix with gel.
  6. When the product has cooled, pour it into a clean vial with a dispenser.

Baby soap shower gel

In the instructions for preparing the same amount of gel based on baby soap, only the first paragraph changes: crushed soap (30 g) is placed in a glass or enamel dish and 150 ml of pure water is added. The container is heated in a water bath, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Next, you need to follow steps 2-6.

In gels for the care of sensitive, problematic or aging skin, it is useful to add nourishing oils and vitamins A and E, and replace water with herbal decoctions. For this purpose, decoctions of nettle, chamomile, succession or mint are suitable.

Essential oils in homemade shower gels

In the shower gel recipe, you can enter essential oils with properties beneficial for specific skin types.

Invigorating and toning gels

In the morning it is better to use gels, which include oils with citrus aromas:

  • orange;
  • tangerine;
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • lime.

Lemongrass, fir, rosemary oils are also suitable.

Relaxation gels

After a tiring day at work, relaxing and soothing gels are required. Their composition includes oils with aromas:

  • lavender;
  • incense;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint;
  • vanilla;
  • chamomile.

Gels with anti-aging effect

To care for aging skin and smooth out shallow wrinkles, essential oils are added to the shower gel to help nourish, moisturize and restore elasticity:

  • apricot;
  • argan;
  • bergamot;
  • from wheat germ;
  • lemon;
  • almond;
  • neroli (from orange flowers);
  • patchouli;
  • pink;
  • rosemary.

Gels for men

To enhance sexual desire for men, gels with aphrodisiac essential oils are useful: they help relieve stress, increase attraction and male power. The composition of such gels includes oils:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • bergamot;
  • patchouli;
  • cinnamon;
  • cloves;
  • ginger;
  • sandalwood.

Mature men benefit from cedar and cypress oils.

Gels for women

The composition of shower gels that increase attraction to the opposite sex in women includes aphrodisiac oils that promote emancipation and give self-confidence. Oils with aromas are added to these gels:

  • roses;
  • bergamot;
  • jasmine;
  • lavender;
  • myrrh.

It is impossible to buy shower gels with such ingredients without harmful additives in the store, but making them at home is simple and profitable.

There is no need to complain about the insufficient choice of hygiene products in our time. Gels and soaps, shampoos and lotions that can be found on store shelves will satisfy every whim. similar products is also very extensive. But I am convinced that the best means hygiene - handmade. I argue my opinion: when choosing components for making a gel or soap, you can take into account the characteristics of your skin. With your own hands you will make a natural product in which there is nothing superfluous. The price of such a gel will be very affordable. In addition, in my opinion, this is a wonderful gift "from the heart" for mom, sister or girlfriend. In a word, a gel or handmade soap has many advantages.
Many "beginners" in the manufacture of hygiene products are taken immediately to the preparation of solid soap. But, it seems to me, it is better to start with a shower gel or liquid soap. It is easier. And if you like it, bar soap is the next step.

Liquid soap, option one

This option is the easiest. If you are tired of the pieces of soap “squashed” by children’s hands, prepare liquid soap for yourself and your children for every day. This soap will perfectly cleanse and moisturize the skin.
What you need to make liquid soap:
  • baby soap, 1 piece;
  • glycerin, 1 tablespoon (available at the pharmacy);
  • (preferably orange - children will be happy to wash their hands), a few drops;
  • dry chamomile, mint or lemon balm.
Let's start making soap by preparing herbal decoction. To do this, pour dry grass (8-10 tablespoons) and bring to a boil over low heat. Let the broth boil for a couple of minutes and leave it to infuse for 30 minutes.

After that, drain the broth through a sieve (to separate only the liquid). Next, dilute the resulting broth with water so that you get 8-10 glasses of liquid.
While the decoction is being prepared, grate the soap on a coarse grater.

Soap is better to take without any additives, for children, with the smell of "bath soap from childhood." We need a glass of the resulting soap flakes.
Pour the prepared broth into a suitable size pan, add soap flakes and put everything on fire.

Stirring, bring the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved. This takes several minutes. Don't be embarrassed that the mixture looks runny, it will definitely thicken within an hour or two. Let the mixture cool, remove the foam from the surface and add glycerin.

We mix everything thoroughly. If you use essential oils, add a few drops to your liquid soap.

That's all. Our liquid soap is ready. But my kids asked me to add some food coloring to the recipe. Here's what we got.

Pour soap into a convenient jar of liquid soap or. Pour the rest of the soap into plastic container or glass jar.

Liquid soap, option two

The economy version of liquid soap (from remnants) will require practically no costs from you.
  • soap residue (in pieces), 1 cup;
  • glycerin, 1 tablespoon;
  • dry chamomile or mint (can be replaced with vanilla).
The manufacture of this liquid soap is similar to the previous one. The only difference is we don't use a whole bar of soap. If the existing remnants are large, it is easier to grate them. If the remnants are small, they need to be folded into a suitable container, pour hot water and leave it like that for a day or two. Then you can add a decoction of herbs (look at the consistency, how much you need) and heat everything until the soap is completely dissolved. The decoction can be replaced with water in which vanillin is diluted. Add glycerin to the cooled soap base. Mix thoroughly and pour the resulting liquid soap into the prepared bottle.

DIY shower gel

In the preparation of a shower gel, the base is of great importance. Of course, you can buy a concentrated base in a specialized store. But if you do not have such an opportunity, do not despair, we will learn how to prepare a gel from the available ingredients.
What we need to prepare shower gel:
  • transparent or baby soap (can be replaced with unscented baby shampoo), 100 g;
  • distilled water, 100 ml;
  • glycerin, 1 tablespoon;
  • additives: 10 ml of lime juice and a few drops of lime oil (or lemon juice and lemon oil);
  • vitamins A + E (3 capsules) - optional.
If solid soap is used for the base, grate it on a coarse grater, fill it with water. You can take more water if you want to get a more liquid consistency. Melt the soap shavings on the steam bath. Stir everything until smooth. If you use shampoo, just dilute it with this amount of water. When the base has cooled, add glycerin to it, as well as the selected oil and citrus juice. Mix everything thoroughly. Carefully open the vitamin capsules and pour the contents into the gel. If you really want to, you can add just a little yellow food coloring. In this case, your gel will have a more presentable look (if you want to give it as a gift). But you can do without it.
After mixing the ingredients, pour this fragrant and refreshing gel into jars.

Body Scrub

To prepare a scrub, you need to take the proposed shower gel recipe as a basis, just add ground coffee to the main composition. Such a scrub will cleanse the pores, refresh and moisturize the skin.

Gels and liquid productions allow improvisation in the matter of additives. Essential oils and juices, herbal decoctions, pore cleansing supplements - choose these ingredients, focusing on your taste and skin characteristics. Just do not forget: everything should be in moderation.

Master class on how to make shower gel at home

Why it is worth spending half an hour and making a shower gel:

You'll get natural remedy hygiene, only with useful additives.
- Financially, this is a great savings (we dilute one bar of soap with 10 (!) Glasses of water. As a result, having spent a bar of soap (plus additives), we get more than one and a half liters of gel!
- This is a great gift for connoisseurs natural cosmetics. Original and not at all expensive! In addition, at one time you make several jars of gel at once, (for all girlfriends). For busy people, a very suitable option.
What you need to make a shower gel:

- The basis.
If you are not a professional soap maker, the easiest way is to use baby soap without any additives. I have been using this soap for a long time - it even smells like a simple bath soap smelled of childhood. We need one piece of this soap.
- Glycerin.
This ingredient is essential to soften the skin. You can buy glycerin at any pharmacy. It is sold in small tubes, it costs "penny".
- Essential oil.
This is an optional but desirable ingredient for the gel. Oil will add flavor to your creation, and for a product that will be a gift, this is what you need. You can choose the oil based on what flavors you like. Or, purposefully acquire an essential oil, focusing on its properties: peppermint oil calms, .................................................. ......................
- Dry grass: mint, chamomile, lemon balm (optional).
To increase the "usefulness" of your product, shower gel can be made not on water, but on a decoction of herbs. This will complement your hygiene product with useful substances (what we need).
- Food coloring (optional)
You can make a gel without dye. But if you want to give your product a more presentable look, a few dye crystals will give the gel a nice color.
- Vitamins AE capsules (optional).
If the person to whom you want to present your gel is dry, problem skin, vitamins can be added to the gel, designed to improve the functions of the skin. To add these vitamins to the gel, you need to open the capsules and pour the contents of the capsules into the composition.
- Empty jars.
Think in advance where you will pour the finished gel. After all, for a gift, appearance no less important than the content. Well-preserved jars of liquid soap or shampoos are suitable for us. Think about how to decorate them.
Preparation of liquid shower gel:

1. Three soap on a coarse grater.
2. If you will use a decoction of herbs, prepare it as follows. Pour seven to eight tablespoons of dry grass with five glasses of water and put in a water bath. In a water bath, the broth is cooked for 20-25 minutes. Then let it sit for another 10 minutes. Drain the liquid through a fine sieve so that no grass particles remain in it. Dilute the resulting decoction with water so that you get 8-10 glasses of liquid.

3. Pour grated soap into a saucepan with warm broth.
Heat over low heat, stirring. The soap should completely dissolve.
If foam forms, remove it with a slotted spoon. Do not be surprised by the liquid consistency of the future soap, it will harden and thicken in the next couple of hours.
4. In a liquid with dissolved soap, after cooling to a warm state, pour two tablespoons of glycerin. We stir.

5. Add a few drops of essential oil. Mix again.

6. If you use vitamins, add the contents of the capsules to the composition.

7. Food coloring (if necessary) is better to be diluted separately in a small amount of liquid and gradually added to the finished composition.

I do not advise you to make your gel a very bright and saturated color. Delicate shades, in my opinion, are much more appropriate. I chose peach.

8. Pour the soap into prepared jars.
If suddenly the consistency of your gel turns out to be, after it hardens, thicker than you wanted, heat the entire composition again and dilute it with the right amount of water.
How to make a scrub as a gift.

Part of the already prepared gel can be very simply turned into a scrub. For this:
1. Set aside some of the gel in a small bowl.
2. Thoroughly mix this gel with a small amount of ground coffee.
3. Transfer the scrub to a convenient jar. In my opinion, a shallow jar with a cream lid is suitable here.
4. Pack your scrub box. For this purpose, a piece of satin or brocade fabric is suitable, into which the gel is placed and tied at the top with a ribbon (like a bag).

Shower gel is everyone's favorite form of gentle body cleanser. A convenient dispenser allows you to economically collect the required amount of gel on the washcloth, which will foam well. The answer to the question of how to make a shower gel with your own hands is simple. The gel is made by combining shavings of baby soap with water or decoctions, as well as directly from the finished liquid soap base.

Using the base for the gel from well-known manufacturers, you will always read the true composition, and see for yourself that it is natural.

Consider a simple way to make a shower gel, the recipes of which are affordable and so easy to implement.


  • 200 g - Organic liquid castile soap base
  • 1 tbsp - avocado oil
  • 1/2 tbsp - table salt
  • 10-15 cap. - your favorite essential oil
  • 1-2 g - food coloring or pearl mikka

You will also need a clean gel bottle with a dispenser and a small funnel of the right size.

  1. We measure 200 grams of the liquid base and heat it in the microwave or in a water bath up to 30 degrees.
  2. Add a tablespoon of heated avocado oil to the heated shower gel base and stir.
  3. In order for the shower gel at home to be thick and economical, and at the same time not lose its foaming properties, add 1/2 tbsp to the warm base. table salt. Salt can be pre-dissolved in a small amount of warm water.
  4. We mix salt with a liquid base, and pay attention that the base thickens, right before our eyes.
  5. To color the shower gel, you can choose food coloring or pearl mikka, for example, which must be mixed well in the shower gel.
  6. Next, add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil, the aroma of which will not only affect your mood, but also dictate overall well-being.
  7. Using a small funnel, pour the finished shower gel into a bottle prepared in advance with a dispenser cap.
  8. A beautiful label can be attached to the bottle, indicating the components, the date of manufacture and the inscription “DIY”.

Natural shower gel

Made from Organic liquid castile soap base natural DIY shower gel is a wonderful cosmetic detergent scented with your favorite essential oils. The gel foams well, carefully caring for the skin and removing all dead skin particles. By experimenting with scents and colors, you can make different shower gels for all family members.

A homemade shower gel with your own hands guarantees complete safety and the absence of chemically artificial ingredients in it. Home hygiene products will be absolutely natural, effective, useful for the whole family, including children. They will qualitatively cleanse the skin, nourish, moisturize, protect against cellulite. It's not hard to make them yourself. The main thing with them you can forget about:

  • dry skin;
  • Painful irritations;
  • Unpleasant discomfort.
  • 1 Pitfalls of purchased gels
  • 2 Benefits of homemade gels
  • 3 We prepare shower gels on our own
    • 3.1 Foundation
    • 3.2 Additional ingredients
  • 4 Conclusion

Pitfalls of purchased gels

Numerous shampoos, lotions or gels present on the shelves of our stores are developed by manufacturers for every taste and whim. However, many of them may not take into account individual characteristics skin and can manifest as unwanted allergies. These “gifts” can be facilitated by their dangerous components, such as:

  • Mineral oils, which are derivatives of the process of modern oil refining. These cheap mineral substitutes, instead of the proper moisturizing function that natural ingredients perform, create an outwardly visible presence of the oil product. They leave a waterproof film on the skin, which causes significant harm to a person by clogging the pores. This film does not allow the skin to breathe, is not adsorbed by the skin, which causes a variety of rashes and irritations to appear on it.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate is responsible for creating soap suds, but it is not completely washed out of the skin during water procedures. Remaining inside the skin epidermis, it causes allergies, disrupts the functions of the endocrine and digestive systems.
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine is dangerous active additive surfactants that cleanse hair and scalp of fat. She is toxic to immune system, but for people with sensitive skin can cause provocations of various allergic manifestations.

Benefits of homemade gels

Self-made shower gels have a number of significant advantages over store-bought counterparts, which are expressed in their:

  1. Naturalness. The composition for homemade gel is selected from natural essential oils, natural extracts, soft neutral components of the washing base. It is missing:
  • Dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • Flavorings.
  1. Economy. Quality essential oils and similar natural ingredients are always expensive. However, using them in small quantities for homemade gel pays off for a long time, which allows you to make it more budgetary. In addition, there will be no wrapping of trade brands in the name of the company and beautiful design.
  2. Opportunities for self-selection of flavors and ingredients. The composition of self-prepared hygiene products is made exclusively at will, in accordance with the pre-thought-out individual composition and intended use.

Making your own shower gels

To date, there are many recipes for making homemade gels. With them, after water procedures, the skin becomes soft, tender, silky. All of them are simple and affordable. By combining variations of various components, gels can be made:

  • Moisturizing;
  • Nutritious;
  • invigorating;
  • warming;
  • Anti-cellulite.

The basis

Almost all homemade gels are traditionally based on a neutral detergent base, which is then used to add various ingredients according to the desired use of the finished product and individual taste priority. Today, the base for homemade Organik Liguid Castile Soap Base gel can be purchased at special beauty salons or stores, but you can also make it yourself.

To do this, you first need to prepare the necessary components:

  1. A bar of ordinary baby soap without additives.
  2. Dry grass or flowers:
  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;
  • series;
  • nettles.
  1. Pharmacy glycerin.

Before starting the preparation of the gel, you need to rub the soap on a coarse grater and prepare a herbal decoction. It is prepared in the traditional way.

7 tablespoons of dry grass or flowers are poured into a small saucepan, poured with 5 glasses of purified water, put on a slow fire to boil. After the contents have boiled for 2-3 minutes, it is removed from the heat and infused for 30 minutes.

Then the broth is filtered and diluted with boiled water until a total volume of 2.5 liters is obtained. Prepared soap is placed in a warm broth, put again on a slow fire, constantly stirring and removing the foam.

After the soap is completely dissolved, glycerin is added to the future gel base, stirring well.

The cooled mixture can be used for its intended purpose, after pouring into clean, disinfected dark glass bottles and stored in a cool place.

Additional Ingredients

Usually, for a serving of a full-fledged homemade gel, you take:

  • 150 grams of base;
  • Two vitamin A or E capsules from a pharmacy;
  • a tablespoon of sea salt;
  • a tablespoon of base oil;
  • 5 to 8 drops of essential oil.

Base oils can be added to the gel base:

  • wheat germ;
  • olives;
  • Almond;
  • peach;
  • Avocado.

For gels with a warming effect, combinations of essential oils are great:

  • carnations;
  • Muscat;
  • rosemary;
  • ginger.

To raise the tone in the gels, oilseed products must be present:

  • Eucalyptus;
  • cinnamon;
  • Mint;
  • Pines.

Anti-cellulite properties of the homemade product will be given by orange, grapefruit and citrus oils. IN nutrients home hygiene is added additionally depending on taste:

  • Glycerol;
  • Potato starch;
  • Brown sugar;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • lemon oil;
  • Powdered milk.


In order not to fall into the fake "black" market, it is much safer to use natural hygiene products that you can make yourself. They are made according to any different recipes or they experiment on their own with the components of color and aromas.

Homemade gels really work effectively. They will definitely not cause harm to health, will not cause complex allergic reactions, will cheer you up while taking a shower and will protect you from the troubles of purchased hygiene products.