Tore mother-in-law cancer stories. Zhytomyr regional social and business newspaper "echo"

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1. Be sure to remember that your mother-in-law is a woman like everyone else.

2. Well, if your mother-in-law is not married. If it turns out that she is married, then pay attention to her husband, that is, the father-in-law. Pay attention to him, how old he is, whether he drinks. And if he still drinks, then most likely he is no longer worth it or is worth it badly. If he does not drink, then start gradually and constantly pouring alcohol into his glass. What is the relationship between mother-in-law and father-in-law? If you notice that they swear often and sleep separately, then this is good. This means that there is no love in their family, which means that loyalty is no longer so important.

3. Start calling her affectionately: mommy, mom. The distance will immediately be reduced by 100 times.

4. On holidays and various events associated with drinking, touch your mother-in-law more often and as if by chance, especially on the hips, buttocks, chest, and waist. But by chance. Stumble, unsuccessfully stand up, meet her in a narrow passage. Especially successful if there is a joint dance with her. In a slow dance, touch her constantly and affectionately. In a fast dance, touch it casually and hard. If you're both drunk, that's just fine. If she is drunk, courtship will be perceived better. If you are drunk, then it is easier to justify courtship. I don't remember anything and everything. Appear in front of your mother-in-law after bathing, in the morning or evening in your underwear, as if by chance. Give her erotic literature. If she says that this is disgusting, and at the same time she looks, then this is a good sign.

5. If after that, after some period of time, she began to flirt with you, liven up with you, then she begins to mature from the inside. It is especially valuable if you notice that she is carefully looking at you. So it's time for you to act.

6. Pick a moment to stay with your mother-in-law for the night. Offer her a drink. Try to make her drink a lot. While pouring her alcohol, have a sincere, interested and competent conversation with her. Talk about her youth, first love, relationships with men. And do not forget to pour it more often. Drink less yourself, but at the same time strongly imitate that you drink on a par with her.

7. Help her get to bed. Hug from behind under the chest and stroke. Then kiss her. Most importantly, do not let her come to her senses. Don't drag it out for long. Slowly, without stopping, start undressing her. For the first time, it is not necessary for you to be satisfied. The main thing is to please her. Try to have fun together as long as possible. And be sure to fall asleep with her in the same bed.

8. Don't let her go in the morning. She will sober up and be horrified. At this moment please her. After such a night of love, your mother-in-law.

2011-07-31 21:43:14: Articles : Family : Mother-in-law . Did you like it?

Fuck your mother in law!

In the ass Cheating Blowjob Forced


I got married for the first time at the age of twenty. My wife was a stupid, suspicious, but extremely libertine girl who, before me, as it turned out later, slept with half of the district and the vocational school in which she studied. Why I got married then I don’t know myself - I fell for some kind of wiring, but, as they say, what’s done is done. For a while, about a year, we lived at her house with her stepfather and mother. I worked the night shift, came early in the morning and went to bed. My wife and girlfriend spent the day baryzhila somewhere in the market.

My mother-in-law Natalya, unlike her daughter, was a woman of amazing beauty: plump, but not fat, resembling a guitar in shape, with full perfectly standing breasts of 3-4 sizes, a pleasantly rounded strong ass, even rounded hips - in a word, she attracted I am much more than her daughter. By the way, my mother-in-law was very sympathetic to me and modestly flirted with me: then, as if by chance, she would walk in front of me in her underwear and scream in surprise, as if not knowing that I was in the room at that moment, or throw a magazine or newspaper in a conspicuous place , which describes the history of sex son-in-law with mother-in-law. I have not done anything yet, but gradually the excitement accumulated. Since my mother-in-law did not work, and I worked the night shift, we often stayed with her during the day.

Somehow I woke up in the middle of the day, I went out into the kitchen and saw: my mother-in-law in her nightgown was sitting at the table and kneading her neck with her hands.

"What's happened?" I ask.

“Yes, he says, his neck hurts. The doctor prescribed me a preventive massage, but I just can’t get it. ”

“So let me give you a massage, I say, I studied at a medical school as a massage therapist and I have a diploma.”

“Thank you, dear,” says the mother-in-law.

I started with the neck, then stretched my shoulders, arms. Then I tell her: “Sitting is not comfortable. Come on, I'll give you a full massage. We went into the room, she laid a sheet on the carpet and lay down on her stomach. I tell her: “You need to take off your clothes. How can I give you a massage through it? She broke, broke, but took off her shirt.

Since then, I began to massage her daily. She began to get used to her hands. Then she got so used to it that she even began to ask me to rub her back in the bathroom - well, here I completely sold out: I washed her all over, including her chest and causal places. At first she squealed, saying that it was not good, but I convinced her to treat everything as medical procedures, and this justification apparently suited her))).

I reached the extreme degree of excitement - I was itching to plant her to the very tomatoes. She must have felt it.

And then one day I go out into the kitchen - and there my mother-in-law is crying. What, I ask, happened? "Yes, my husband again ruffled his nerves all morning," she says. I tell her: "Let's go and give you a massage." soothing, kissing... kissed on the lips... she looked at me so strangely, but continues to cry... I started kissing her neck, shoulders, chest...

She told me: "Senechka, what are you doing." I say: "Shut up, fool, and relax." I start kissing her belly, hips... then I spread her legs and suck!!! In surprise, she moved them so sharply that she almost broke my neck. I tell her: “Lie down, fool, don’t twitch! I love you!". I bite her clitoris, lips and use my tongue there. And she has already flowed all over, presses my head to her pubis and groans. I tore off my underpants and rushed at her. She told me: “Senechka, don’t! ... God, how huge he is!”. I completely went berserk here: I slapped her across the face, she grabbed her face with her hands, I jerked her legs apart and planted her. Although there was a lot of lubricant, the member entered with a dry crunch and not entirely ... I finished quickly and into her. Then he made her suck my dick in 69 position. Soon he jumped up again. I put her in cancer and, clapping her ass with a ringing sound, tore off one more time. Then we went to bathe. In the shower, she began to suck me herself, moaning and lustfully looking at me from the bottom up. I took her in my arms by the ass. He leaned his back against the wall. And so he tore her in the bathroom, inserting his finger into her anus.

We showered and ate. Mother-in-law cleared the dishes from the table. I tried wiping it down with a rag. The view of the leaning mother-in-law from behind was stunning. I decided to try her ass. He put his hand between her legs. He stroked his wet lips. He moistened his fingers in the lubricant that began to stand out and began to stroke her anus, gently inserting one or two fingers into the phalanx. The mother-in-law tried to straighten up: “What do you want, Senechka?” I leaned her against the table with one hand. The beast in me has awakened again. I began to beat her with the palm of the second hand on the pope, periodically hitting the thighs and labia. Mother-in-law tried to escape: “It hurts me! I don't want that!" "Stop, bitch!" I growled and grabbed the strap hanging from the chair. He twisted both her hands behind her back and began to flog her: “So you don’t want to? Can you tease me for that long? It's payback time, whore!"

I dropped the belt and began to stroke her thighs and vagina with my palm. At the next slap on the labia, she ends violently and somehow all at once goes limp and relaxed. I enter her from behind, with a few progressive movements I lubricate the member with lubricant and attach it to the small hole of the anus. I push a little until the head of the penis enters the anus and, then, with a sharp movement, I thrust the penis in full length. Apparently it was painful, as the mother-in-law screamed loudly, choked and cried, biting her hand. To distract from the pain, I grabbed her with one hand by the hair, and with the other by the ass, and began to firmly put her ass on the penis, then removing it almost completely, then planting it to its full length. Tired cock from unusual sensations stood like a stake, but the orgasm still did not come, so I tore my mother-in-law for about half an hour, moving from one hole to another.

Then he put her back on the table and tore her in this position, slapping her breasts and cheeks.

In the end (having finished eight times already), my mother-in-law went berserk: she began to suck my fingers in her hands, kissed me passionately, she caressed her breasts, twisting her nipples, shouting to me: “Yes, yes, come on, fuck me whore!”. Finally, I returned her to her original standing doggy position, put my cock up to her ass and pulled her head back by the hair. In the mirror hanging on the wall, the mother-in-law's face was reflected - the pleased face of a well-fucked female. She licked her lube-drenched lips carnivorously and rolled her eyes. This picture excited me so much that when I entered her ass, I immediately finished. And she squirmed for a long time on a pulsating member, as if trying to absorb everything to the drop.

My daughter got married 3 years ago. I have always been good to her husband. I really liked him as the owner and husband of my daughter. Then there were problems with the daughter's health. Everything was very scary. But HOW he WELL behaved. It is difficult for me to describe all the feelings that I then observed. I realized then that he loves my daughter very much. Everything he did then said how he suffered ... And my husband also saw all this, and we often discussed this situation and how my son-in-law behaved then. Those terrible days are over. My daughter has recovered and they are expecting their second child now. But my trouble is that I realized that I love him. I love my son-in-law madly. Such men exist only in fairy tales and legends... And here such a man is so close. He is 28 years old. Now I just do not see any flaws in him. For me, it glows from the inside all the time. I do not know what to do. I try to stay away, but my daughter often asks for help with her granddaughter. In general, every time my heart is poured with boiling water, I blush, turn pale and get confused in words ... In general, nonsense ... I don’t know what to do.

Olga, Kyiv, 53 years old / 01.02.08

Opinions of our experts

  • Alyona

    Well, how to do what? Rejoice for my daughter, for the fact that she will have a chance to live her life with such wonderful person and that when she is 53, she will not envy her daughters or the daughters of her friends, looking at their caring loving husbands. After all, it's just jealousy. And the desire for someone to care and love. Most likely, this is not the case in your relationship with your husband. An ordinary family, where the husband only works hard at work, and the wife works both at work and at home. Where, when the husband is sick with a sore throat, the wife brings him milk with honey to bed, and when on the contrary, the husband asks when, finally, there will be dinner. Otherwise, you would not have been so inspired by your daughter's husband, because there is nothing unique and surprising in loving husband rank cared for his sick wife and the mother of his child. I don't even have to look far for examples. My husband, the husband of my friend, the husband of my other childhood friend… Respect, caring for each other, including in illness, is a normal relationship between two loving people. To worry and suffer for a loved one - it seems to be natural too. I don’t understand what the uniqueness of a particular person is, honestly. In the absence of shortcomings? Well, you just don't see them yet. This is temporary. Everyone has been through this, believe me. First, the euphoria of feelings, and then suddenly you notice that you are picking your nose and wiping boogers on the table, wearing socks for three days, not removing your hair from the soap ... but you never know what. There are no people without flaws. His main disadvantage in your case is that he is your daughter's 28-year-old young husband. Fixate on it, and then imagine that after all the demonstrations of great love, suffering and other things, your daughter's husband suddenly (on some whim) cheats on her with you? Will you be happy? I mean, how will things be with an ideal loving and caring man who will cheat on his beloved woman and mother of two children with her mother (and the grandmother of these very children)? Dilemma, right? As soon as you have a chance for this man, all his holiness and uniqueness will immediately disappear. Think about it.

  • Sergey

    What to do? Well in my mind perfect option is to live a couple of months together, in a small apartment. “Everything will immediately become much easier,” as one song goes. Alas and ah, but ideal people- can not be. There are only those who consider someone ideal. And, like any ideal, it is fragile and fragile. I think if you happen to exist for some time in close communication in a six-meter kitchen, and a joke about a boy asking his dad, sitting with a gun by the window - “Dad, why is this grandmother running around the yard? - Who is the grandmother, son, and who is the mother-in-law. Come on, give the second clip, ”will become a reality. In principle, it is understandable, of course, we always want romance, no matter what age we are. And here the life habitual for many years suddenly explodes with the appearance of a young, handsome guy, then the illness of his daughter, then the son-in-law behaves like a correct, but in fact, just like a normal loving husband. In general, the swamp stirred up, the duckweed dispersed, and I wanted to become 30 years younger. And to take care of you in the same way. Alas, this does not happen. It seems to me that in such a situation, one should not hide from the daughter's family, but, on the contrary, communicate as often as possible. Firstly, there are fewer suspicions, and secondly, you will quickly get used to your feelings, burn out, notice in your son-in-law something that will no longer make him an ideal. As a result, the obsession will go away, but there will be respect, and pride for such a wonderful acquired son.

For dessert, I would like to bring to your attention 3 stories about my mother-in-law. You will be surprised to know that they all took place in real life. Does this happen? I'm shocked!

There is no malicious intent in the stories.

Mother-in-laws want to protect their daughter, sometimes allowing them to flirt with their son-in-law.

In their 50s, they become more beautiful every year.

Story about mother-in-law and son-in-law

It was at the cottage.

My wife ended up in the hospital, and I had to hammer nails under my mother-in-law sobs.

Matvey, here is another carnation. You get something crooked - the second mother bleated.

I was silent, for hell to enter into conflicts.

My mother-in-law speaks poisonous - a hundred pounds will tell everything what her weak son-in-law is.

So she decided to check it out.

When I figured out the hats, washed from the barrel, decided to lie down on the sofa.

Hear: knock-knock.

I skewedly answer: enter.

I look and I can't believe my eyes.

My mother-in-law came in wearing a translucent robe.

Kondraty almost twisted me.

She sat down next to him, looked, and the viper was breathing heavily.

Really preinfarction, I dreamed.

It wasn't there, friends.

Her ass is getting closer and closer.

And then how she squeezed me - thin, already the bones crunched, and the teeth chattered.

Well, okay, you're good. I know it. Oh, and here, too, carnations. Let's beat him up, shall we? - strictly blurted out the mother-in-law, forcibly doing her job.

She did not say anything to her wife about carnations.

And what was left for me?

Keep silent about her, still elastic, charms.

So I live “on 2 fronts”.

A story about a drunken mother-in-law

I love my wife and I adore my mother-in-law, especially when she, in a drunken state, begins to talk about her adventures.

That's when I was young, oh, how men stuck to me. What flies to shit. Don't think, Klim, that we only butted heads as a missionary. Fool, you won't read in any book what your mother-in-law did when she was drunk. One at the back and one at the front. And all the jocks. And you, no, how does my daughter get on with you? - the drunken mother-in-law babbled.

At that time, my wife was chopping salads in the kitchen.

We celebrated a holiday called “Seventh Sunday”.

After being silent for a while and taking the one hundred and fifth dose on her chest, the drunken mother-in-law continued her breathtaking story.

And after all, everyone loved me, a young woman. Gifts were given. Why do you think that I took off my panties for free? I chose wisely. Do you understand? And now, for a glass of chatter, the canaries, utterly decorated, rub in the household. blocks - the mother-in-law finished her instructive speech, belching deliciously.

I wonder if she's telling the truth?

I will never know about it.

But I strongly believe her.

Mother-in-law bath

I love to bathe, expel slags.

Then all the crap comes out.

This is all mother-in-law built. With son-in-law's money.

That is to say, mine.

Even the wife does not know how she works with a broom.

He lashes out for all the insults inflicted on his wife and for the speeches made against her.

Feel free to enter the bath.

And I, like a woman, scream.

Shut up, little one. Do you think I haven't seen a naked peasant? Let me slap you - the mother-in-law mumbled impudently, taking on the punishment.

Hiding my shame, I got all serious, occasionally peeping at how her boobs dance.

This is what I think is a real woman.

Two were driven into the grave.

Looks like I'll be third.

The stories about the mother-in-law were edited by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

At the very beginning of the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law, there is always a place for wariness. The future son-in-law is afraid of the first acquaintance, because he understands how important parental opinion is for a girl. Subconsciously, he perceives the mother of his chosen one as an enemy and prepares for battle - although in fact no battle is expected.

The future mother-in-law, in turn, strives to show with all her appearance that she will support her daughter in everything. Because he sees in his son-in-law a person who can offend her " bloody».

But even if the first acquaintance with the mother-in-law went smoothly, do not try to relax. After all, mother-in-laws are different, and depending on this, there are certain tactics that will help to please and establish relations with her.

"Troublesome mother-in-law"

He will take care of all household chores from cooking to raising grandchildren. And sometimes before doing family budget. If at first it is pleasant, then soon the situation becomes unbearable. The son-in-law ceases to understand who his wife really is - a daughter or her mother, which is fraught with going into a binge or a spree.

Advice: Kill the infantilism in yourself and start before it's too late ( with my wife of course) perform their duties. Give your mother-in-law a little break.


From the day of her daughter's wedding day and night she dreams of her divorce, therefore she always takes the side of her daughter. He perceives any, even minor, failures of his son-in-law with joy and some gloating.

Son-in-law advice: Distract your mother-in-law with something so that she is not up to you. For example, give her a small firm, a dog, or introduce her to " real colonel" retired.

Source: depositphotos

"Mother-in-law snake"

Always dissatisfied with son-in-law. At the same time, he does not enter into open conflicts, but waits for an opportunity to sting more painfully.

Son-in-law advice: Keep your distance from such a mother-in-law and be careful. And at meetings, say compliments and make small gifts.

"Mother-in-law sergeant in a skirt"

It is useless and even unsafe to challenge her orders. After all, any attempt to get out of custody will be equated with an escape.

Son-in-law advice: Authority in the eyes of this vixen, who, for sure, is used to pushing her husband around, you can win only by becoming a real commander. Or at least making commanding voice .

"Mother-in-law first lady"

She is always friendly, but unobtrusively makes it clear that she is the mistress of the house. And her social status is much higher than that of her son-in-law.

Son-in-law advice: It is quite possible to get along with this type. Most importantly, be emphatically polite, do not get into petty bickering and do not lose your temper. And also take the initiative and show yourself as a caring husband - she will appreciate it.