Russia can be proud of hundreds of thousands of war veterans. How to congratulate on the Day of combat veterans? Congratulation to veterans of hostilities postcards

Congratulations will be serious
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that all your dreams come true
To be loved by kids.

Your path was difficult at times,
At least you don't like to grumble.
You are always heroes to us.
Here we come to congratulate you.

Long, long years, health,
Lots of happiness along the way.
Wishing you a little
But from the heart, from the soul!

Our veterans, pride and glory

Our veterans, pride and glory,
Your holiday has come, heroes of all the glorious,
Let health accumulate all your years,
And any adversity passes by,
Relatives, friends, let them support more than once,
Life gives you joy every hour,
We bow our knees before you,
For the fact that they managed to save our fragile world!

Hot spots, Kosovo, Afghanistan

Hot spots, Kosovo, Afghanistan,
How you fought, you will not forget, veteran,
You risked your life
Peace on Earth protected, guarded!

To all who fought, I congratulate
We mourn the world for the fallen, we remember,
And I wish you to live up to a hundred years,
Not knowing diseases, sorrows and troubles!

The battle is over - everything is quiet.

The battle is over - everything is quiet.
Somewhere a slight groan is heard.
A storm has blown famously,
Like a nightmare.

And more than once dream
Fight bloody at night.
Veterans! Your faces
We honor with heart and soul.

Everyone should say thank you today to you only

Today everyone should say thank you only for the fact that risking your life, you did everything to defend the honor and independence of our country. We are grateful to you that our children can safely walk on the street and look at the peaceful sunny sky. So let the Combat Veterans Day be a good occasion to pay due attention to those to whom we owe a lot. Happiness to you, health and longevity. Let your children participate in battles only on the battlefields of online battles in historical games and never be able to experience your feelings in reality.

You are a veteran of military operations

You are a veteran of military operations,
We are proud of you, it's true
Let him not deserve big awards,
Gratitude is the best reward.

Congratulations you accept from those
Who will henceforth have a peaceful sky,
May success accompany you
Be happy and, courageous, strong!

You are a veteran of military operations

You are a veteran of military operations,
You served on firing points,
With weapons in hand, went through fire and water,
For the people, for happiness, for freedom!
You are a hero, a real man
Respect you, there is more than one reason
Chest in orders and scars from wounds,
Still young, but already a veteran!
Happy holiday, happy veterans of all wars,
We congratulate you, our hero!

At a difficult hour, at a military hour

At a difficult hour, at a military hour
You were facing the enemy.
And that mortal path is not easy,
You - exactly the system kept.

You fought for freedom
Not afraid of bullets, projectile,
All the hardships of war
Passed only with the thought: "It is necessary!"

Children need to live
In a peaceful, quiet, good hour.
You have served us with life,
We congratulate you loudly!

You often do not sleep at night.

You often do not sleep at night.
You drown in cigarette smoke.
Tears the body to shreds the pain of mental wounds.
And unbearable memory greetings ...

Here is mother, home, beloved ... And there -
I heard the breath of death all the time.
Wars in a foreign country you are a veteran.
We are constantly proud of you.

Not the sound of coins, just the word "debt"
For the heart of the brave opened the way.
And you passed. You survived. You could.
Our lowest bow to you and glory!

Veterans glory and honor

Veterans glory and honor
For courage, courage and maturity,
May the Lord keep you safe
Appreciates your dedication and courage.

Our gratitude is warm
Let it warm you everywhere
To glory a bright wing,
Covered you and sang songs!

So that your health does not fail you,
Every year grew stronger and held,
For new happiness to come
Light up every day with love!

This holiday, which is celebrated on July 1, is akin to Victory Day, because he, too, "with tears in his eyes." Oh, far from all the soldiers who took part in hostilities or in the elimination of local conflicts are alive today. That is why the bright minute of memory of the heroes is an obligatory tribute that veterans pay to their colleagues on July 1.

And even if at first the holiday was celebrated somehow spontaneously, inconsistently, the main thing is that the initiative group achieved results. And now, on the Day of Combat Veterans, wreaths are laid in an organized manner to Eternal fire, to the monuments to soldiers-internationalists in different Russian cities. And concerts are held in the capital, artists who sang for the wounded in military hospitals perform for veterans, performers perform for whom the word “veteran” is not an empty phrase. Let our veterans live peacefully, in care and due respect.

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You won't forget the veteran
Beast face of war
Soul and heart, cherishing,
She comes into your dreams
You've seen a lot in your life
There were firing lines at the borders,
Low bow to you soldier
Member of the fighting!


We congratulate the homeland defenders,
Happy combat veterans day,
After all, to overcome militant opponents,
Not so easy, forgetting about life.

You survived in a right cause, a true one,
To be an example for us all,
You are a lifetime monument of heroism,
You are our pride, memory and success.

We wish you well,
We bow low at your feet,
We wish peace and only the best,
Everything that you wanted while fighting, you give us.


Thank you veteran
That in the years of dashing war,
He stood for the Motherland with his chest,
For bright, peaceful days.

Thank you, dear,
For not feeling sorry for yourself
For risking yourself
You warmed the Russian heart.

Thank you veteran
That you didn't betray anyone
We love and remember you
We will tell our grandchildren about everything.


veterans of past wars,
Life does not heal your wounds.
The trace of the war really
It burns the soul, not just the body.

May you survive the battle
Although life is not spared,
There are no friends that died nearby,
Rewards won't replace them.

We wish you with love
Happiness in life and health.
People stop the wars
Veterans against the massacre.


You passed the battle points
in Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
For the world fighting in the war.

They honestly deserve their awards.
For hard, hard work.
For the fact that they did not spare their lives,
In the Fatherland you are called heroes.

Thank you dear veterans
For devoting their lives to fighting
And we won't forget your names
And let your glory thunder everywhere!


You are the defenders of the homeland
Save our lives
With your firm hand
Peace and tranquility have been restored.

You are greatly honored
On the fate and heart of the wound:
Dear veterans,
Thank you for being you.

Your fate is not easy:
Don't get old, don't give up
And stay longer
Next to us, old people.


We remember our veterans
Participated in various those battles.
How many fallen, who shed their blood,
Let us remember them in silence, grieving.

And those who are alive, we congratulate - happiness,
We will give a bouquet, sincerely loving.
Thank you brothers for fighting
For peace and happiness, not sparing life.


Happy Veterans Day today I congratulate you,
That the look of the war is known firsthand for sure.
For your exploits, the country respects you,
For your character strong-willed, brave, powerful.

Thank you for your courage and strength
For the fact that in difficult times you protected us.
Live long you, successfully and happily.
May all resentment and sorrow bypass you.

I wish you good health today
Don't be discouraged, never get upset.
Let your hearts suddenly be warmed by love.
Life will become a fairy tale, let it be kind and beautiful.


There is a war, and not for an hour.
Conflicts won't subside
Shots are heard everywhere
And somewhere people are dying

All those who have been in a fight
We congratulate you on the holiday
Who protected our fragile world,
All the battles and wars of the participants!

May you win the battle
And the roar of war subsided
You take care of your life
And relatives and friends.


Fate paved the way
So I couldn't turn.
Was it scary? But not very.
On the other was imprisoned.

The Motherland gave the order -
They did everything at once.
Protecting the peace in the country
We even slept in armor.

I ask only one thing -
Let everything that I value
Everything you served for
All who are alive will be remembered.


You are a veteran of military operations,
You served on firing points,
With weapons in hand, went through fire and water,
For the people, for happiness, for freedom!
You are a hero, a real man
Respect you, there is more than one reason
Chest in orders and scars from wounds,
Still young, but already a veteran!
Happy holiday, happy veterans of all wars,
We congratulate you, our hero!


There were wars, there were victims
Many have died,
Never believe the words -
All that was, is gone.

In the hearts of our veterans
bleeding wounds,
Time helps them live
The heart keeps the memory.

On this holiday, the front
On the day of fighting courage,
I wish you guys
Live in the world and be yourself.


We will raise the first toast to you,
Behind him and the rest
For what's in my heart,
For nerves, for steel,
For what has been and gone
But not completely forgotten
For the time that knocks on the glass
For aching bones.
For combat veterans
We push our speech
Today we honor them
And we wish you good health!


Congratulations veterans,
For your honor and valor,
In battles you have received wounds,
But they didn't sell their souls.

You fought to the end
You didn't give up in battles
So what will please the country,
When were you left alone?

We wish you a lot of health
Today's big victories
Let life be a long road
Will meet no more troubles.


Today we bow before you
We thank you heartily.
For the spirit and courage of the hero,
We remember your deed and honor it.

And this holiday of veterans,
Great, honorable and powerful.
And those who kept the honor of the people,
Like the sun among the clouds.

We congratulate you heroes
And I send you a fiery hello,
Your heroism and your wisdom,
Lives through millions of years!


You remained faithful to the country:
You have suffered, you have fought.
You should have experienced
Something that we don't understand.
But victory is like a reward!
Well, we just need
To keep everyone alive
In that hot lane
And as healthy as possible
Strong in body and morally,
To forget everything soon
All the terrible things of those days.

This holiday, which is celebrated on July 1, is akin to Victory Day, because he, too, "with tears in his eyes." Oh, far from all the soldiers who took part in hostilities or in the elimination of local conflicts are alive today. That is why the bright minute of memory of the heroes is an obligatory tribute that veterans pay to their colleagues on July 1.

And even if at first the holiday was celebrated somehow spontaneously, inconsistently, the main thing is that the initiative group achieved results. And now, on the Day of Combat Veterans, wreaths are laid in an organized manner at the Eternal Flame, at the monuments to internationalist soldiers in various Russian cities. And concerts are held in the capital, artists who sang for the wounded in military hospitals perform for veterans, performers perform for whom the word “veteran” is not an empty phrase. Let our veterans live peacefully, in care and due respect.

Happy combat veterans day,
I wish you much happiness in life.
Let everything, as in your plans and dreams,
IN real life will come true.

Let the family love, but all friends
Give support, loyalty, respect.
Once again with this holiday you.
Know that you deserve only admiration!

You passed the battle points
in Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
For the world fighting in the war.

They honestly deserve their awards.
For hard, hard work.
For the fact that they did not spare their lives,
In the Fatherland you are called heroes.

Thank you dear veterans
For devoting their lives to fighting
And we won't forget your names
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

Please accept our congratulations and low bow for your merits. We wish you only a peaceful blue sky, green grass with transparent dew and a warm gentle sun. Do not know troubles and grief, let difficulties pass you by. Let only good news come to your home. Health and strength to you to work peacefully and no longer hear the sounds of war.

You are a veteran of military operations,
You served on firing points,
With weapons in hand, went through fire and water,
For the people, for happiness, for freedom!
You are a hero, a real man
Respect you, there is more than one reason
Chest in orders and scars from wounds,
Still young, but already a veteran!
Happy holiday, happy veterans of all wars,
We congratulate you, our hero!

Those who went through hot spots
The holiday is celebrated today
We congratulate them all from the bottom of our hearts,
We bow our heads before them
They saved the world, but they took risks,
How much strength, patience, courage they have!
We wish them peace, goodness,
In life they will not meet troubles.

Being a veteran doesn't mean being old
Wars on the planet do not count, do not appease,
On this day, only that remains for us,
What to pour, raise, commemorate ...

We will raise the first toast to you,
Behind him and the rest
For what's in my heart,
For nerves, for steel,
For what has been and gone
But not completely forgotten
For the time that knocks on the glass
For aching bones.
For combat veterans
We push our speech
Today we honor them
And we wish you good health!

Peaceful day, the sun is shining in the sky,
The wind in the crowns plays with foliage,
I'm veterans day today
Congrats on your silence.

The battles died down, they died down,
And only memory fights in a dream,
Fighting friends come with her,
What remained in someone else's war.

Fighting let him not know the action
Neither your son, nor grandson, nor brother,
You honestly gave the debt to the Motherland,
Combat veteran, soldier.

Happy Combat Veterans Day!
You protected from enemy misfortune
Expanse of fields, forests and native rivers.
May life give you peace and happiness!

In fate, everything will be very good,
Family, friends may love you very much.
And the rumble of war to leave forever,
And may all the days be beautiful, peaceful!

You often do not sleep at night.
You drown in cigarette smoke.
Tears the body to shreds the pain of mental wounds.
And unbearable memory greetings ...

Here is mother, home, beloved ... And there -
I heard the breath of death all the time.
Wars in a foreign country you are a veteran.
We are constantly proud of you.

Not the sound of coins, just the word "debt"
For the heart of the brave opened the way.
And you passed. You survived. You could.
Our lowest bow to you and glory!

The history of every nation preserves the memory of bloody events, armed conflicts and wars, immortalizing the names of heroes who died in battles or emerged victorious from the deadly flames of battle. Today, many veterans of the Great Patriotic and World War II, internationalist soldiers and courageous fighters against terrorism live all over the world. Defending peace with weapons in their hands, these people have earned with their blood and health the right to enjoy privileges and have some additional social guarantees.

Combat Veterans Day calls on those living next to these heroes to remember what the latter have done for everyone. If there were no people ready to defend their Motherland and security with their breasts, the civilized world would have ceased to exist long ago, mired in strife. Caring about the future of their descendants, they boldly went to the enemy, which is why today they deserve respect and admiration. This holiday provides a unique opportunity to say words of gratitude to veterans, whose merits cannot be overestimated.

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I congratulate the veterans that they saw the battle clearly.
Those that without panic and fear of war saw peals.
May the Lord protect your golden souls from troubles.
Great love and hope let your heart heal.

We will never forget your great feat, brave.
You are the heroes of all people. We will say "thank you" together.
Let your life springs flow happily ever after.
We wish you great joy and strong, indestructible friendship.

Great Veterans Day
We celebrate now.
Those whose wounds and whose scars
All received for us.

Everyone who has seen
The look of a ruthless war.
Grateful infinitely
We are all for peace, for dreams.

For those who went into battle, leaving fears behind,
For those who defended their family, country, themselves.
For those who have long ago atoned for their sins before the Lord.
For those who risked their lives, for the Motherland, loving.

Let me congratulate you on a wonderful holiday.
May you have a hundred more in your lifetime.
Forget everything that is in the memory of the trace of blood red
It remains ... Well, we will definitely remember that!

You are our pride, a reason for rejoicing.
For you now we are in fire and water.
Remember: You Earned Posthumous Recognition
And respect in any bad weather.

Happy Veteran's Day, please forget grief.
And remember only what makes you happy.
Let the peaceful sky dream, the sun over the blue sea,
And the bloody battle will only become a failure in memory.

Today we celebrate, friends,
combat veterans day
We can't be sad today!

Their service is so dangerous, so difficult,
We are always worried about you
But we really need your service,
We veterans have known this for a long time!

combat veterans day
Today we celebrate fun, guys,
Decisive and courageous like these,
Finding life is very difficult, really!

But they can do any feats,
And veterans are not afraid of anything,
We know you were always like that
We wish you only one happiness!

I would like eternal peace to come
On a whole huge planet.
Fighting for the world, you spared no effort,
Without wars, so that our children grow up.

We hasten to congratulate all veterans,
Your feat is more valuable only over the years!
Forever let the wounds of the soul heal,
Love and kindness will be with you.

combat veterans,
Those who risked their lives so much!
Thank you from ordinary people,
Would you like to heal the wounds!

On your holiday, we want so much now
Sincerely congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You all need the light of love,
We will appreciate and praise you for a century.

Events of those ancient years
Everyone is not rested.
And there will always be sorrow in the soul,
About those losses and worries.

We wish dear veterans,
Health, vitality and strength.
We love and are proud of you
And sincere thanks for everything!

We bow our heads before you
People who have gone through that hellish path.
You have known so much bitterness and troubles,
To you, the eternal "Thank you!" will speak.

We wish you not to remember the past,
Just look into the future.
May it be joyful, happy,
And kindness, humanity will be in it!

When is this holiday held? Combat Veterans Day is annually celebrated in our country on July 1.

Since 2009, it has been called the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow for Veterans of Combat Operations.

How is Veteran's Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? This holiday is dedicated to the memory of Russian soldiers who died in battles on the territory of our country and abroad.

On this day, the military and war veterans lay wreaths at the monuments of military prowess and glory, concerts are organized and meetings of former fellow soldiers are held, where congratulations are heard on the Day of the combat veteran.

How to congratulate the combat veteran's day?

On the day of this holiday, we honor those who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in the countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa. Our website contains congratulations on the Day of the veteran of hostilities, which can be read at the celebrations on the occasion of this holiday.

Peaceful day, the sun is shining in the sky,
The wind in the crowns plays with foliage.
Me today is Veterans Day
Congrats on your silence.

The battles died down, they died down,
And only memory fights in a dream,
Fighting friends come with her,
What remained in someone else's war.

Fighting let him not know the action
Neither your son, nor grandson, nor brother,
You honestly gave the debt to the Motherland,
Combat veteran, soldier.

In the hearts of our veterans
bleeding wounds,
Time helps them live
The heart keeps the memory.
On this holiday, the front
On the day of fighting courage,
I wish you guys
Live in the world and be yourself!

Hot spots, Kosovo, Afghanistan,
How you fought, you will not forget, veteran,
You risked your life
Peace on Earth protected, guarded!

To all who fought, I congratulate
We mourn the world for the fallen, we commemorate.
And I wish you to live up to a hundred years,
Not knowing diseases, sorrows and troubles!

On the Day of Combat Veterans, former colleagues remember the wars in which they participated and the fallen comrades; perform at schools and universities where courage lessons are held.

Do not forget to send warm words of congratulations on this holiday to your friends and relatives who took part in local wars and armed military conflicts.

Those who went through hot spots
The holiday is celebrated today.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
We bow our heads before you!
They saved the world, but they took risks,
How much strength, patience, courage you have!
We wish you peace, goodness,
May you not encounter troubles in life.

There is a war, and not for an hour
Conflicts won't subside
Shots are heard everywhere
And somewhere people are dying.

All those who have been in a fight
We congratulate you on the holiday
Who protected our fragile world,
All the battles and wars of the participants!

May you win the battle
And the roar of war subsided
You take care of your life
Relatives and relatives.

Thank you for your courage and strength
For the fact that in difficult times you protected us!
Live long you, successfully and happily,
May all resentment and sorrow bypass you.
I wish you good health today
Don't be discouraged, never get upset.
May your hearts suddenly be warmed by love,
Your life will be good and beautiful.