How to invite a girl on a date - in real life, by phone, by correspondence. How to invite a man on a date and not get rejected: a "smart" technique It's cool to invite a girl on a date

You have known a girl for some time, and she knows what you like. However, you want to ask her out on a date; and maybe to your home, to visit; to the cinema; Finally, just take a walk under the moon, but do not know how to do it.

It is not so important where you are going to invite her, it is more important what words you will use so that she agrees to go with you in a pair. How to ask a girl out on a date?

“Maybe we can go out for coffee sometime?”

A great phrase when a guy needs to ask a girl he doesn't know well on a date. You can calmly, without any strain, sit over a cup of coffee and get to know each other better. Perhaps you are perfect for each other, and spending time together in a coffee shop will convince you of this.

“Maybe we can go see this movie together (here you show tickets)?”

Be sure to add something like: “We wanted to go with a friend (girlfriend), but he (s) got sick (s)”. Although, of course, a date in the cinema is far from the best option. But after that, it will be easier for you to invite a girl on a real date, in a more intimate place. This phrase can be changed a little, depending on the situation (“Going to the rink this weekend?”, “Do you want to go to a concert of your favorite band? A friend got sick, couldn’t go,” and so on).

And now about where to use these and similar phrases:

1) In person

This option should be your preferred one because live communication cannot be replaced by any calls and SMS. True, if you are shy, you may not have the courage to invite a girl personally. Then you can try the methods outlined below, although it would be better to work on yourself and become more confident, naturally.

2) By phone

This option is pretty good too. You will still have to speak exactly, but you will not see the interlocutor in the face, and therefore it will be more comfortable for you to talk to her. Do not call early in the morning and late in the evening; first remember what a girl can do at one time or another in order to dial her number when she is free to talk. Don't go around for a long time, and ask how the girl is doing, ask what she is doing in order to know for sure that you are not distracting her from an important lesson, and invite her. It's not worth asking, it's better to call another day.

3) By SMS

This method is best used when a girl texts you first.. After all, she may ignore your SMS if she communicates in principle only live or by calling. Let's say you receive an SMS with the following text: "What are you doing?" (“What are you doing?”, variations are possible). You can write back, but the message should be, so to speak, preparatory, so that later you can call and immediately go to the date invitation. Answer, for example, like this: “Have you been to the cinema for the last time?”. She quickly answers you “For a long time” or “A month ago” (options are possible). This means that you can dial a number and actually invite the interlocutor to a meeting.

The main thing that is required of you is not to be intrusive and write / call / visit to invite the girl on a date at the right time, when she is not busy with something important. And, of course, be self-confident, do not mumble and do not pause in conversation. Then a serious relationship is guaranteed to you.

The strong half of humanity on the eve of a date is no less worried than the girls. Realizing the responsibility of the moment, many do not dare to invite on a date the one they feel sympathy for, hesitate, think, choose the right words. Especially when the girl sunk into the soul so much, and I want to not only invite her for a walk, but to see her as my wife. Fear of rejection gives rise to doubts: what is the right thing to do so that the girl accepts the offer to meet - call her, write SMS or limit yourself to a delicate message on VK, and when is it better to do this.

There is no single, one hundred percent “working” phrase or single approach that will ensure success, however, there are certain general principles that will help make the invitation original and properly prepare for a conversation with a girl:

  1. First of all, the invitation must be original. With the help of a non-standard approach, you can make it clear to the girl that she is dealing with an outstanding, interesting and cheerful man, with whom it will not be boring to spend the evening.
  2. You need the right situation and environment for the conversation:
    • the absence of curious “ears” on both sides;
    • adequate call time (not early in the morning, when the girl can still sleep and answer "on the machine", not understanding even half of what she hears on the phone);
    • the absence of extraneous noise, various distractions (a girl can ride in transport, stand in line at a store, walk along a noisy avenue, etc.).
  3. The girl should not just be called to a meeting, but interested: invited to the cinema for the film she is waiting for, to a concert, to a cafe with her favorite cuisine, to a skating rink, if she loves this type of entertainment.
  4. The time and place must be clearly marked. “Maybe we’ll go somewhere, take a walk?” - worthy of the same answer as the voiced proposal.
  5. You need to make sure the girl knows how to get to the meeting point.
  6. You should not say directly that this is a date, using exactly this wording (so as not to frighten the girl with too fast development of events), but come up with some more veiled reason and phrases:
    • "I have a surprise for you. I know one amazing place that you will certainly like because of your subtle mental organization. Let's go?"
    • “Going to the skating rink on Sunday? I promise you will laugh at my clumsiness, but I will try."
    • “Do you know who will perform at the bottom of the city? Your favorite "Quest Pistols"! I hope you don't mind if I keep you company?"
    • “I know a great place where they make absolutely divine hot chocolate. You must try this. Shall we have a sweet tooth day?
    • “I want to ask you for a small favor. Friends invited to the celebration, and you need to choose a butterfly, can you help me? And then we’ll go for a walk and eat ice cream.”
  7. A man should radiate calmness and confidence (do not mumble, voice the invitation rather in an affirmative form than in an interrogative one).
  8. You should not be dumbfounded immediately, after a greeting, with an offer to meet: it is better to first clarify whether it is convenient for the girl to talk, chat a little, and only then move on to the main thing.
  9. It is necessary to prepare fallback options if the girl says that she cannot meet on the proposed day and time, and immediately determine the date of the meeting. “Well, then we’ll call you / then we’ll agree / then somehow,” is a question postponed until never. It is necessary to specifically decide on which day the girl will be able to set aside time for the meeting, and first remind her of this promise.
  10. If the girl does not directly refuse, but comes up with excuses one by one for the umpteenth time, but still is of irresistible interest, you can turn to a sense of humor and still “pull” her out: “Well, you have a busy schedule, you always busy that she has already refused to meet with me 4 times. Maybe you will agree for a change?
  11. After the conversation, the girl should have a more or less clear idea where she is invited - so that her outfit matches the place and setting (this is especially true various options active leisure, walking around the city - not knowing the upcoming cultural program, the girl can come in heels).

The best option for an invitation is personal communication, but this is not always possible. If a guy and a girl are neighbors, work colleagues, classmates, then it is better to give preference to just such a dialogue option. Eye contact and non-verbal cues will help you understand each other better and increase the chances that the girl will agree.

How to invite a girl on a date on the phone

An invitation to a date over the phone has its pros and cons. It’s more efficient to get agreement over the phone than when exchanging SMS or messages on VK: the girl doesn’t have time to think, to come up with excuses and circumstances why she can’t - which means there are more chances that she will accept the offer. If the guy has a pleasant timbre of voice, the call - perfect option awaken romantic moods and anticipation of a meeting in a girl's soul.

Women are characterized by irrational actions and feelings - they can fall in love with only one voice and go crazy from this sound.

Another advantage of a telephone conversation is that it is much easier to accept the rejection - the girl will not see an upset expression on her face and an extinct look.

If the lady, according to her, has a busy schedule, but there was no direct refusal to meet, you can send some cool, intriguing SMS some time after the conversation, start a correspondence. This will help "warm up" her interest, and for sure next time she will more willingly agree to take a walk.

How to invite a girl on a date on Vkontakte

When communicating on VK or exchanging SMS, a girl has more ways to retreat. She may corny not respond to the message, leave it unread and, as they say, there is no person - there is no problem. Therefore, when texting on Vkontakte, you need to show a lot of ingenuity, a sense of humor and originality in order to interest her and achieve a positive response. If a man has creativity and is “friends” with rhyme, you can try to compose a beautiful message in verse, slightly romantic or humorous. The girl will first of all appreciate not the perfection of the style, but the unusual approach and the fact that the verse is not from the Internet, but is dedicated specifically to her:

I got into trouble:

Lost peace and sleep

So somehow it happened -

I have been invited to the banquet.

Where to go, I do not understand

I'm not good at clothes

I only rely on you

Help me choose a style.

Bow tie and shirt

I have to go buy

Tomorrow! Station "Daisies"!

I'm due at six to ten.

The girl will surely react positively to such a comic message, will gladly help with the purchase (you can ask for help in choosing a gift, etc.) and accept the invitation to take a walk.

However, Internet communication, in addition to the opportunity to chat easily and cheerfully, is fraught with some pitfalls: people do not see each other, so they may not always correctly interpret the interlocutor's emotions, his mood, feelings and experiences, which greatly complicates communication. Communication in VK, especially from fake pages, is perceived by some girls as the presence of a skeleton in a man’s closet in the form of a girlfriend or wife, and therefore they often respond with a refusal.

Vkontakte invitations are suitable for those cases when the guy is not familiar with the girl he likes or he does not have her phone number. To start a conversation and get a chance to meet her “in real life”, you can use the whole arsenal of amenities: compliments, postcards with bouquets, poems, or just an original text that will make her heart melt.

There are situations in life when we are faced with the problem of how to invite a person to a meeting if he avoids communicating with you. This person, guy or girl, finds excuses not to go to a meeting, directly refuses or avoids answering. There are several ways to push a person to what you need.

How to invite a person to a meeting

Before convincing a person to meet with you, think about what you know about him, his temperament and character. In most cases, this is not a close friend whom, over the long years of your friendship, you know as yourself.

Analyze whether this person is quick-tempered or he will remain calm, even if you persuade him; does he have a sense of humor; whether they can be manipulated.

Maybe you don’t even need to go for a trick, but it will be enough that you explain to this person why it is so important for you to invite him to a meeting and talk, and he, having understood you, will agree to meet with you without protests and objections.

You can try to act on the contrary in order to invite a person to a meeting. It often happens if a person who has been refusing a meeting for a long time can only say: “Okay, if you don’t want to, don’t come,” and he immediately agrees to a meeting. But do not rely on this method as the main one, it is better to leave it "in reserve". Your interlocutor can catch the insincerity of your words and take offense at you.

In some cases, you can even send an official invitation and add a gift to it, albeit a small one, but the person who is invited will be very pleased, which adds to the likelihood of his positive response. Also, well-chosen words can work better than personal conversation and persuasion.

On the contrary, persistence in personal communication can push a person away from you, and the formality of the tone demonstrates the seriousness of your intentions, and the person will go to your appointment with great pleasure.

And the last thing if all else fails: show originality.

Write a letter or record your song, draw a heart on the pavement in front of the house (the latter, of course, will come in handy if you want to invite a girl to a meeting.

Naturally, you need to act within reason and take into account the status of the person you invite to the meeting, his age, character. Probably, you should not write with crayons on the pavement under the windows of an old professor whom you want to invite to your graduation, but such an invitation will definitely affect the girl.

How to invite a guy to a meeting

You liked the young man, and it seems to you that he also shows interest in you, but does not take the first step, for some reason you do not understand. Or the guy just simply doesn’t know you, and you would really like to meet him and get to know him better.

How to invite a guy to a meeting so that this meeting decides the course of your future relationship with him, and you can assess the situation, whether this is the right person. Here are some tips that may help you in this interesting mission:

A meeting can be arranged by asking him to provide you with any assistance. For example, invite a guy to a meeting because you can't deal with any computer program or an app, or let's say you need help with your car (just don't force him to change the tires on his wheels or do any technical work requiring work clothes, he'll just get all dirty and he won't have time to talk to you, he'll feel embarrassed).

Find out what he is interested in with the help of his girlfriends or other sources, and try to adjust the situation in such a way that suddenly you have two tickets to some football match or a rock band concert (if he likes rock), and your girlfriend suddenly I couldn’t go with you, and you will be bored alone.

This option is very effective, as a joint trip is a very romantic event, and if you make a good impression on a guy, he will be very happy to meet you again.

Try to find an approach to it through social networks. You can even play with him, chat anonymously, impress, invite the guy to a meeting in real life, and at the meeting already confess his intentions, he will be surprised, and this can also have a positive effect.

Try to find out about some party that is planned in the near future and to which he will be invited, and try to be there, for example, the birthday of your mutual friend. And at this party, act according to circumstances and do not hesitate to take the initiative in your own hands.

Try to be alone with him. Offer to walk you home, because you are afraid to walk alone and he is so strong and strong that you are not afraid of anything next to him. Usually such things have a very effective effect on the stronger sex, their ancient instincts wake up, and they happily agree.

Now you know how to invite a guy to a meeting, you just have to prepare well for this meeting.

How to invite a girl to a meeting

You met the dream of your life, a girl who made something move inside. Or have you been friends with someone for a long time, but you would like a serious relationship?

And as luck would have it, nothing original comes to mind that can help achieve this goal, impress her. And questions are pulsing in my head: how to invite a girl to a meeting? Or how to ask for a date?

Does she refer to your timid attempts as bad weather, headaches, or urgent business? In this case, do not despair, you just need to find the right approach to your beloved. For these purposes, there are little tricks and tricks.

First, you don't have to worry. Secondly, you must understand that there is practically no such person in the world who has never been refused. Realizing this, you should be optimistic and take a little easier on such things.

This will give you self-confidence, it will become easier for you to start a conversation, interest a person, invite a girl to a meeting. Therefore, let's formulate the main rule: Don't be afraid to lose the battle before entering the battle!

It is necessary to find a personal approach to the girl, of course, her tastes, hobbies and character traits should be taken into account. Some ladies melt like ice cream at the sight of a chic bouquet of flowers in the hands of a guy, others are turned on by a specific statement of the task for today in a man's deep bass confident voice, for example, that we will certainly go to the theater (coffee, park, cinema, etc.).

Let's say that you managed to find out that a girl prefers guys with an assertive nature. In this case, your active actions will be the right move, and you do not need to wait for the moment when you are left alone. Give her a pleasant opportunity to be in the thick of your attention.

It is very easy to do this. For example, you can run up on the street shouting “Girl, I need your help!”, And then add: “I just need to take a walk with you.” By doing this, you will already make her smile, and this is already halfway to victory and you can invite the girl to a meeting.

Tell the girl that she is beautiful and charming, about how you liked her, but everything is so unfair in the world, because most likely she already has a beloved boyfriend or husband, or even both at once. It is quite possible that after such lyrics on your part, she will answer with a smile that things are not at all like that, and will not refuse you further communication.

You should not be afraid to seem ridiculous, you should not be afraid to surprise if you have no idea how to invite a girl you like to a meeting. At the same time, you should skillfully maintain a calm atmosphere, without disturbing it with your antics, so as not to seem boring and annoying to the girl.

Do not become arrogant or even rude, trying in any way to achieve the long-awaited consent from the girl. All this will push her away from you.

If this is your friend, the relationship with which still does not become serious, and you would really like this, then let her see your attention and care. Try to remember where she would like to go, what she likes, what her tastes are.

Invite a girl to a meeting at an exhibition, teach her how to skate, play bowling, etc., show your ingenuity and imagination. The most important thing is to show that you know what she wants, as well as to be very attentive to the girl and her words.

I must say that it doesn’t matter at all which way to achieve the goal you choose, the main thing is to act very confidently, beautifully and inimitably. Girls are always very fond of care and wish that there was a strong young man with masculinity and sensitivity nearby. As soon as you become one, or you can convince the girl of this, success will be guaranteed to you.

Hello friends. Trying to ask a young lady on a date in an original and beautiful way is like going through a minefield, you don’t know how she will react to your offer. Today I will tell you how to invite a girl on a date so that I will share all the secrets. Consider all possible options.

How to invite a girl for a walk

Most guys experience fear when they want to invite a lady they know to a meeting. As a rule, fear arises from self-doubt, fear of the girl's refusal to meet. In such cases, only increased work on oneself and the practice of communicating with the opposite sex will help. Now let's talk about what needs to be taken into account for a guy who wants to correctly invite a young lady on a date:

  1. Confidence.

Try to speak in an even, calm voice, if you stutter or stutter, the girl will simply laugh at you and most likely refuse to meet. Watch the movement of the body - do not shift from foot to foot, look into the eyes, do not fiddle with clothes.

  1. Words.

Do not use the word “date”, this word indicates the seriousness of your act and intentions, perhaps this will frighten the girl - not many people want to go straight down the aisle after a date, etc. Say simply: “I have a free evening today, shall we go to a cafe?” At the same time, it is desirable to say about a specific place, girls do not like ambiguities, such as “maybe we’ll go somewhere”.

  1. Eye contact.

Women, when talking to them, always look into their eyes, so if you talk and look somewhere to the side or to the side, she will understand that you are not confident and shy. Many psychologists suggest doing this: you can look not into the eyes, but into the bridge of the nose (the place between the eyebrows), and it will be easier for you, and the girl will see that you are looking only at her.

  1. Alone.

During such an invitation there should not be extra people. The environment always tends to influence an individual, so avoid companies next to the lady, believe me, she also doesn’t need extra gossip, choose the moment when there are no extra ears next to her.

  1. Meeting point.

This must be taken care of in advance. Choose several pastime options at once: cafe, cinema, theater, exhibition. If possible, you can ask the beauty: what she likes, where she goes, what she likes. So you will have more chances to hit the mark, and a lot of fallbacks.

  1. Get yourself in order.

This has already been reminded many times: the better you look, the more likely the beauty will like you. It is not necessary to wear a suit, tie, patent leather shoes - it is enough that you are clean, combed, shaved and in unwrinkled clean clothes.

  1. Don't be afraid of rejection.

Yes, it happens that the lady refuses. For various reasons: maybe she doesn't like you, maybe she doesn't like the place of the meeting, or maybe she doesn't have time. In any case, you don’t need to impose yourself, constantly terrorize her with questions, wait a bit, perhaps she will agree another time. In the end, you can invite another, on whom you also have views.

How to ask a girl you don't know on a date

It is the hardest thing to invite an unfamiliar lady. The young man knows nothing about her: is there a boyfriend, what is her character and much more. Therefore, in order not to be refused, you need to show imagination, intelligence, ingenuity. The action plan is:

Approach her with a questioning look and say: “Girl, do you know where the most delicious coffee is made here? And you could show me, I'll treat you too. At the same time, keep at arm's length - so the lady will see you clearly, and you will not violate her personal space.

Look at the reaction. Here you need to pay attention to body language: how she sits or stands - if her arms are spread or at her sides, her face is fixed on you, her gaze is open - she listens carefully and acts situationally (she decides yes or no on the spot). If she stands and steps over her feet, smiles, lowers her eyes - she is embarrassed by you. If she keeps her hands locked, legs crossed or crossed, the look is evaluating - in this case she can excuse herself, for example: I have a boyfriend "or" I'm waiting for a young man.

Act according to the situation: if she agreed, offer a place where to walk or sit (park, cafe). You don’t need to immediately invite a girl to a restaurant, even if finances allow you. Firstly, with this you will initially spoil her - with each date she will wait for more a nice place, secondly, she will decide that you have serious intentions, but you are still not sure about it. For the first time, you can invite them to walk around the city, sit in a cafe, in a park, in a coffee shop.

If the lady refused, apologize, leave and forget about it as soon as possible so as not to breed self-doubt. It happens that a stranger leaves the phone - you can call and invite you on a date by phone (we'll talk about this later).

How to call a girl on a date on the phone

This is the easiest way to invite, here the girl does not see your insecurity, your ridiculous appearance and much more. Only your voice, intonation, words appear here. During a telephone conversation, the beauty does not have time to think, which increases the chances of a positive answer. You need to pay attention to the following:

  • the voice should not be too loud;
  • speak directly, without beating around the bush;
  • speak politely without familiarity;
  • address her by name;
  • check if she knows how to get there (if you have a car, offer a ride).

Here is a list of sample phrases for a phone invitation:

"Hello. I'm Gena, we met last week. Let's go to a new cafe on (street name), they say they make delicious pizza there.

“(Name), what are you doing tomorrow night? I bought roller skates, but I don’t know how to skate, can you help?”

If you live in an area with a large river where you can ride a boat or a steamboat in the summer, offer: “Will you keep me company on a river walk?”

"Hello. A new movie is out today, can we go together?”

“What is a beautiful stranger doing today in the world? Can I interfere with your plans? Will you go bowling with me today?

Important! No matter how you invite a lady: be flexible. The fair sex, even on weekends, are busy with important matters, so adjust to her plans, change yours.

How to invite a beauty VKontakte

Social networks are the favorite option of most guys. Many even meet girls there and make dates. The advantages of Internet communication is that the chosen one does not see or hear you, but judges your attitude towards her by SMS. Therefore, special attention should be paid to them:

  • use multimedia: emoticons, graffiti, photos, videos;
  • write poetry, you can write your own;
  • ask about her affairs, more about her, less about you;
  • write in full words (without any “ok, clear, please, norms”, etc.);
  • do not use obscene language.

As a rule, when communication began in contact and has been actively going on for some time, you can safely invite her to meet in person. You can discuss the place with the beauty - take into account her tastes and preferences. Here the probability of refusal is reduced to zero - if you constantly communicate online, then the lady is interested in meeting you.

If you practically do not communicate online - for example, you work together, you can invite her to join you on the weekend:

"I'm going rollerblading this weekend, do you want to come with me?"

“The neighbors left me a pug, I have no idea what to do with him, can you help?”

“What are you doing at the weekend? May I join you?"

How to choose a meeting point

Here, too, you need to show imagination and ingenuity. Women are tired of monotonous trips to the cinema, theater, restaurant - they have already gone through all this, except for those who have never been on a romantic date. Think about what your person might like, find out from her about her hobby, dream and be guided by this. If there is no option, you can add a little zest to a simple option. For example: you are going to invite her to a cafe, you can do this:

  1. Book a table.
  2. Decorate the table with flowers or rose petals.
    Wait for the girl to come and take her to the table.
  3. Wait for her to order.
  4. Arrange with the waiter and change into his uniform.
  5. Bring her her order and stay with her.

The girl will be pleasantly surprised and will definitely agree to the second and subsequent dates.

original date invitation

This question worries all young people and men. “How to invite a young lady so that she is not offended and does not think anything superfluous and bad about me?” Very simple, consider phrases that ruin everything in the world:

"Hello. Can I ask you out on a date?"

"Hello. What are you doing today, come with me to the river.

"Hello. What are you going to do today? Are you not very busy? Could you go to the cinema with me? This is not for long, I still need to pick up my mother from work.

“(Name), you will go, tomorrow to Stas Mikhailov with me, mind you, if you are late, I will not follow you.”

When are you going to invite me for tea? Can not wait".

What to say:

"Hello. Today I am free from all affairs, and you? Keep me company, I want to look into the coffee shop, they say there are delicious cakes.

“I’m going for a run tomorrow morning, are you with me? Just, chur, do not overtake.

“Help me, please, I need to buy a shirt, but I don’t know how to choose them at all, I need your professional look.”

These simple phrases will help you invite her on a date, but first of all, the guy needs to focus on the chosen one - her tastes, preferences, daily schedule. When the first date was successful, it will not be difficult to invite you to the second one, you can drag out a little time - make her a little worried, perhaps she herself will invite you first. Be sure to include humor:

“Something I didn’t see you last time, will we meet again?”

“You know, I liked going on dates with you, let's make it a tradition?”

Ideally, most girls will say that they prefer to be asked out on a date in person. If you are so shy that you cannot invite a girl on a date either in person or over the phone, then it is best to do it via SMS. Most likely, you can make it more plausible so that the girl agrees. It's important to be extremely respectful and to the point, whether you're asking her out on a date, to a dance, or asking her to be your girlfriend.


Ask her out

    Think of something interesting for a date. If you know this person well enough, then consider her interests when you propose a date. The more attractive the invitation sounds, the more likely it is to receive consent. Moreover, if you designate specific place and the time of the meeting, you will be more convincing than if you just say: Let's spend time together or I don't know what you like. Here are a few ideas to keep in mind before asking a girl out on a date:

    • If you like the same music, then invite her to a concert.
    • Invite her out to dinner or just eat ice cream. If you like to cook, then invite her to a homemade dinner. But remember that dates don't have to be about food; go hiking together or go bowling!
    • Choose an activity where you will have the opportunity to socialize and get to know each other better. Try not to invite her to the cinema, because there you will sit silently and you will not be able to talk. However, if you decide to take her to the movies, then have dinner together first or go out for ice cream after the movie. This will give you a chance to get to know each other.
  1. Send her the first text message. Say hello to her first to start a conversation. If you suddenly met her and are not sure if she has saved your number on her phone or not, then you probably need to remind her who you are. Tell her something like: Hello. It's... [so and so], you and I met recently. If you are sure that she has your phone number, then text her something like: Hello. How are you? or Hello. How was the day?

    If you saw her recently, then try to come up with some excuse to start a conversation about your last meeting. For example, if you were at a party together, then you can write: Hello. How did you spend the rest of the evening? If you were in class together, try writing something like: Are you ready for the test on Monday?

    • Before asking her out on a date, wait for her response to your first text message. Keep in mind that she may be busy and her phone may not be with her. Be patient.
  2. Ask her out. Once you've managed to start a conversation, it's time to ask her out on a date. You can first ask what her plans are for that day or for the weekend. If she says she's free, then ask her out. Text her something like: Would you like to do [such and such] with me

    Don't wait too long to ask her out. You don't want the conversation to go in a different direction, and your date invitation seems ridiculous or unexpected? There is no need for a long conversation if you are texting each other.

    • Be concise. Just ask: Do you want to go to the cinema? or Shall we go bowling on Friday night?
    • Set a specific place and time for the meeting. If you just say: Don't want to watch a movie?, then you will sound unconvincing. It is very important that she feel the seriousness of the intentions and understand that you have considered it.
    • Offer her something else. Maybe she wants to meet you, but she's terrible at bowling; maybe she wants to have dinner with you, but she was only yesterday at the place you suggested. Make it clear to her that you have a plan, but you are open to other suggestions too.
  3. React to her answer. If she says yes, then discuss the details: decide where and when you will meet and, if necessary, discuss how you will get there. Once you've settled on a date, end the conversation in your normal manner by saying something like, "Hey! See you on Saturday!" After that, do not text her, so as not to seem annoying. However, if she writes to you again, then you can answer.

    Be sure to let her know that you are looking forward to this date if she says yes. It will make her feel special and she will look forward to it too.

    • If she declines your offer, then let her know that you are not offended and end the conversation. Don't hang your nose and end the conversation on a positive note.

Ask her to be your girlfriend

  1. Find out if she is interested in you romantically. Before you ask a girl if she wants to be your friend or not, you should go through several dates and be sure that she wants you to become something more than just a friend. If you're still young and you're asking a girl to be your non-dating friend, look for signs that she likes you; she blushes when talking, waiting for you after school. If you understand whether she likes or not, then this will increase your chances of not being rejected.

    If you've never spoken to her, don't know her well enough, or know she's already in a romantic relationship with someone else, then don't ask her out. There are many other beautiful girls around!

  2. Start a conversation. First say hello to her by saying something like: Hello! How are you? or Hello! What are you doing? This will help start the conversation and prepare her for the question. Let the conversation flow naturally.

    • If you are not 100% sure whether she likes you or not, then pay attention to non-verbal cues and her words the next time you meet. Does she turn to face you, or is she nervous in your presence, or does she look excited when you appear? If yes, then these are very good signs and indicate that she likes you.
  3. Start with a preface. Greet her: Hi, how are you? or How is the day going?. This will help start the conversation and prepare her for the question. Let the conversation flow naturally. No need to be clever, it is better to be straightforward and to the point; she'll be impressed with your confidence, as long as you don't mumble too much.

    • You can't know exactly to the minute her daily routine, so try to talk to her when she's not busy. For example, if you know that she has football practice after school, then talk to her a few hours after that.
  4. First, tell her about your feelings. Tell her that you enjoy spending time with her, point out the qualities that make her unique, explain Why you love spending time with her. Try saying something like: I really enjoyed the few weeks we spent together, Next to you I feel somehow special or I've never been as good with anyone as I am with you.. Whatever you say, be honest and only say what is real.

    • Wait for her response before asking her to be your girlfriend. Without asking her about it directly, you will already be able to understand by her response to your message whether she is interested in a relationship with you or not.
    • See if she loves you back or not. If she says she feels the same way about you, then go ahead and ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. If she doesn't answer or just says Thank you without telling you how she feels, then she probably isn't interested in you.
    • Do not bombard her with compliments, as this may come across as insincere and depressing.
  5. Ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. There are several ways to frame this question. You can ask her directly by saying something like: Do you want to be my girl?, Can I call you my girlfriend? or Do you want us to officially become a couple? Those pull too long, the faster you ask a question, the faster you get an answer.

    • Another option is to ask her a question that requires a detailed answer, for example: Where do you think this will lead? or Are you against new relationships? Open-ended questions like these will let her know that you truly care about her wants and needs and are willing to compromise to make her happy. This will help relieve tension, although you may not get the response you expect.
  6. React appropriately. If she wants to be your friend, great! The first thing you can suggest is some fun activity like going to a show or going bowling. She will understand that you are serious and that you have thought a lot about a possible relationship with her.

    • If she is not interested in you, then be friendly and thank you for your time. It is better to leave on a good note and feel proud of your sustained reaction.