Beautiful with a ball and in heels - titled basketball player Tatyana Troina about sports and more. "We ought to tame her." Beautiful basketball player Tatyana Troina about borscht and inner freedom But with age, the character can change

So, her name was Tatyana... The famous line of the brilliant poet itself fell on paper, as soon as he began to think about how to start a material about one of the leaders of the national basketball team of BelarusTatyana TROINA . Well, so be it. True, unlike Pushkin's heroine, who considered her frank letter to her lover almost the pinnacle of adventurism, my interlocutor in Larin's years ventured into an even more daring act - she jumped across the ocean, plunging into a completely unfamiliar American life for four years.

After graduating from college, she entered the University of South Carolina, where she achieved the highest result among the Belarusian “Americans” - she made it to the top eight teams in America, losing to the famous “Duke” in the final of her conference. And then there was the same unexpected move to Poland, where Troina during the season made a dizzying rise from the first-league middle peasants to the elite Lotus, which even women's NBA players consider it an honor to play for. From Gdynia, the basketball player paved a direct path to the national team, burdening herself with the role of the main supplier of points to the team piggy bank. Which, by the way, she successfully played at the recent international tournament in Latvia, where the Belarusians finished first.


Tatyana Troina. She was born on 06/30/81 in Minsk. Forward. Height is 186 cm. She started playing basketball in 1991 in the Minsk “Horizon”. The first coach is Alexander Lazovsky. Played for teams: RUOR-Horizon (Minsk, 1996-98), Independence Community College (USA, 1998-2000), University of South Carolina (USA, 2000-02), Start (Gdansk, Poland) , D2, 2002-03), “Lotus” (Gdynia, Poland, D1, 2003-05). Two-time champion of Poland (2004, 05), silver medalist of the Euroleague (2004) and the Club World Cup (2004), bronze medalist of the Belarusian championship (1998). NCAA March Madness East Conference finalist (2002). She played for the cadet team of Belarus - 4th place at the European Championship (1997). As part of the national team, she played 5 official matches. Average performance - 9.6 points. Debut: 11/20/2002 in the match Belarus - Slovakia.


- Last season brought you the second gold medal of the champion of Poland. I suppose there is no reason for dissatisfaction?

The season left mixed impressions. From the point of view of achieving the highest result, everything turned out well - “Lotos” finished first for the eighth time in a row. But professionally, I remained dissatisfied. So there were circumstances that the championship won back not in its position. I am a perimeter player, but here I had to retrain as heavy forwards. And although I can work well on the rebound, knock under the shield, such a game does not give me real pleasure.

- In general, the championship was interesting?

I would say predictable. Initially, it was clear that the fight for the first place will go between the two most powerful and financially secure clubs - "Lotus" and "Vistula". And so it happened. The rest, by and large, served as extras.

- But the final had an intrigue - after two meetings the score was equal.

Indeed, we lost in Krakow. But the defeat only provoked us, and in the next fights, “Vistula” had no chance.

Did your rivalry with your friends from the national team - Marina Kress and Natalya Trofimova - give the final a special flavor?

I do not think that this nuance had any meaning for the Polish fans. For us, it's a different matter. Of course, it's nice to come out the winner in this duel. But there was certainly no malice on my part. We have a great relationship with the girls.


After being in the top eight of the NCAA student teams with South Carolina, the choice of the Polish second division club, to be honest, was not impressive.

In fact, the choice was not made by me - they chose me. She left for America at the age of seventeen, and, naturally, in Europe no one knew about the basketball player Troina. So I had to go where they called. The level of the first Polish league, of course, was low, but against this background, they managed to prove themselves better and faster. In Gdansk, she played a lot, scored a lot, so she was noticed and received an offer to move to the leading club in Poland. Which, of course, immediately took advantage.

- Will you continue your performances in “Lotus”?

No. The contract ended, and the proposed financial conditions for the new season did not suit me. So I'm currently unemployed. Waiting for word from the agent who is looking for options. Most likely I will not return to Poland: I would not want to go to a lower-level team that does not play in European competitions, although, believe me, there are enough offers. Still, in addition to financial aspects, which are certainly important, because I am a professional basketball player, there are also certain sports goals. I want to grow, improve my skills, win something significant, create a name for myself so that they know about such a player and can invite them to any European club.


Did the transition from American student basketball to adult European basketball bring mental and physical anguish?

Polish and American periods are difficult to compare. If earlier I had to divide myself between basketball and study, now all my strength, all my nerves were directed only at the game. In general, I adapt to new conditions quite easily. She left home early, so the formation of character and maturation took place much faster, and she returned to Europe as a completely different person. Of course, playing in Poland, I missed my home, my parents. In the middle of the season, the blues set in, but as soon as I plunged into the home environment for a few days, my soul calmed down, and ... again I was drawn to the road. By the way, the Polish version suited me because my father's house was actually nearby and I could periodically escape to my homeland.

- Did you invite your parents?

Yes, they came to me this year. And then after all, as I left for America, since then they have not seen me on the site. Dad suffered especially from this. He is my most ardent fan - since childhood he has been present at all trainings. See how I live. For basketball players in Gdynia, living conditions are almost ideal: they provide an apartment, transport, help solve all problems - just play. It turned out well with the calendar: two home games fell on their stay - the Euroleague and the national championship. We saw the city, visited the water park. I think the parents were satisfied with the trip.


Let's take a trip back seven years. I wonder how you decided to go to distant lands at such a young age?

Then I really had no idea what was waiting for me, so I did not experience any emotions - neither fear nor excitement.

- But the girls who studied there probably talked about American life?

Before me, only Lena Kravchenko and Sveta Volnaya flew to the States, and no one was particularly interested in the details. I left at my own risk. It is now, after the lapse of time, I am amazed at how I decided. Then she was calm and confident.

- Did the American reality that you plunged into differ greatly from your idea of ​​​​this country?

Strongly. For the first two years, I lived in a small town in Kansas. Before leaving, I imagined that I would live in a city, at least such as our Minsk. And then I got into a complete village: small houses, continuous fields around and grazing cows.

- Were you disappointed?

I didn't have time to be disappointed or miss home. After all, I went to college - studying took a decent chunk of time, and even played basketball. There was also a language barrier that had to be dealt with in only one way - by cramming English. I was lucky that I lived in a wonderful family that enveloped me in all sorts of care. I was treated like my own daughter. I still keep in touch with them: I exchange news via the Internet, send my photos.

- American basketball is specific. Did you have to break something in yourself?

I have already said that I quickly adapt to new conditions. Probably, this ability helped to significantly speed up the process of getting used to another basketball. Although the differences are not so much as it seems. The same ball, almost the same rules. Yes, the American game is more built on individual qualities: it seems that the team is learning combinations, but all the same, preference is given to performing skills. Moreover, this is laid in the subconscious so strongly that adults can no longer readjust. An example is how American women played in Lotus. The coach could tell them a hundred times, they say, we play 24 seconds. And they ran into a strange zone, immediately threw it away - and at least the grass did not grow. Of course, I didn't have any problems. Let's say that the preparatory process is built quite differently from ours. We trained not twice a day, as I used to, but once, but the lesson lasted three hours, and it was morally exhausting. Moreover, after a morning workout, I had to go to study. Fatigue accumulated, a decline inevitably set in either in the game or in school.

- And which one was more unpleasant for you?

I have always put basketball first. Therefore, if you wanted to sleep an extra hour in order to recover after a workout, then you sacrificed classes. Especially since there was no one to spur me on in the student dormitory. We lived happily...

- What profession did you study?

Hotel and restaurant business.

- And with what grades did you graduate from the university?

And I didn't finish it. In America, basketball can only be played for four years. Two years went into the credit when I was in college, so after two student seasons, I had a choice: either forget about sports for a year and graduate from university, or leave for Europe and devote myself entirely to basketball. I chose the second way. Perhaps this is the wrong decision - life will show. But so far, she has no regrets about what she did.

- Are you going to study?

No, I won't be in America. Having gone through life as an ignoramus for three years, I decided to take up my mind and in July, together with Katya Snytina, I will try to enter our physical education university in the correspondence department. This was advised to do by both parents and coaches. And, probably, they are right - a diploma will not be superfluous.

- Do you feel the makings of a coach?

I won't be a coach. I'm too nervous, impulsive. Therefore, I do not notice any pedagogical inclinations in myself.

- But after all with age character can change.

I will hope.

national team

In June, the national team of Belarus held a training camp and went to a tournament in Riga. Admit it, after a tiring season, you didn’t really want to pick up the ball again?

From what? In fact, collection is essential. Although, by and large, we did not have a gathering, but a meeting of old friends. Because this is not how training camps for the national team are held. According to the mind, at least a month of fruitful preparation is required, and we had just begun to bounce back, as everything was cut short. And the next meeting, if it still takes place, only at the end of August. It seems that none of our leadership needs a national team. Gathered - and okay. Everything is still based on the naked enthusiasm of the players and coaches. If we refused to work at such, so to speak, training camps, this would not upset anyone from the federation and the ministry. On the contrary, they would be glad - less hassle. I am amazed at how it is possible to treat a popularly beloved sport with such indifference! Indeed, in terms of the number of Olympic champions among game types, only men's handball can compete with women's basketball. When I left for America, there was a very decent championship in Belarus. And now? Horror! Only two adult teams. The country doesn't need basketball. The fact that we come and fuss about on personal enthusiasm will never give a result. Perhaps, if he was, they would turn to face us. But it’s not in vain that people say: what you sow, you will reap. I don't think anyone is going to invest in basketball.

- It's a shame?

And how! It's a shame, because both I and my teammates have professional ambitions, we dream, if not to achieve some titles, then at least to play at a high European level. Talking about world or Olympic prospects in these circumstances is stupid - these are transcendental dreams.

It turns out that you do not share the opinion that we have a promising team that can break through to the Olympics?

Not at all. If we take each player individually, then we have a very talented team. But these talents need to be directed in the same direction. Basketball at the adult level is degrading in Belarus, while children's, contrary to logic, is still developing - excellent coaches work, interesting players appear. The girls of Viktor Ivanovich Belevich took second place in Europe, Maria Ivanovna Selyunina - fourth. But as soon as they cross the threshold of adult basketball, they stop growing. Can you improve your skills in such a skinny championship?

- What to do: everyone to leave for America?

Well, if to America. There, in student basketball, they would play with their peers.

In fact, at the age of seventeen, girls go to weak clubs, where, for a meager fee, they are forced to immediately feel the hardships of adult basketball, which does not spare, on their health. They return home with broken knees, physically soaked and psychologically emasculated. A lot of people are going through a mental breakdown...

In Riga, the Belarusian team became the winner of the tournament. But, probably, it could not have been otherwise - you were opposed by the youth teams of Latvia and Lithuania.

As Anatoly Sergeevich Buyalsky said, at this stage of preparation, a higher level was not required for us. After all, we gathered with a completely different degree of functional readiness. Yes, we played with the youth, but it was by no means easy. In general, the tournament was built for the Latvian “youth team” so that it would win.

- You interrupted...

Although at the beginning of the match she led by thirteen points. Oddly enough, the Latvians crushed us in height and weight. They were clearly better prepared, because almost the entire season they trained together. Plus - the loyalty of the judges. And Marinochka Kress, our only center, didn't help: she got five fouls in five minutes.

- And due to what managed to turn the tide of the game?

Experience played a role. The game lasts forty minutes, during which time there are ebbs and flows. The Latvians rushed too briskly at the start and probably thought that victory was in their pocket. Strength was not enough for the whole game - they were baked.

- And what kind of unusual prize did you earn for the first place?

The organizers prepared a huge pie with the number one. Very beautiful, decorated with fruits. But it didn't taste as good.

- How will you spend your vacation?

Much depends on what options the agent finds. What if you have to go somewhere in July? Israel seems to be on the horizon right now. So I don’t build long-term plans - for now I will enjoy my home life. And, of course, prepare for the entrance exams.

- Do you have to take English?

Unfortunately no. So there would be no problems with at least one exam. I pick up languages ​​pretty quickly. I write and read fluently in English and Polish.

- But Russian, I see, I haven’t forgotten - you speak clearly.

It is now. And at first, when she returned from America, her relatives were surprised - she spoke like some kind of Estonian, drawing out her words. It's hard to readjust right away. Sometimes I forgot elementary things and thought with horror how to build a sentence. IN English language they are built differently. Now, having learned Polish, it became difficult with Belarusian.

So these languages ​​are very similar.

This is the difficulty: everything is confused in your head, and you no longer remember whether this word is Belarusian or Polish.


I have heard that you are connected by the warmest feelings with Andrey Krivonos, the captain of the national team, a person whom I respect very much. Or are you hiding your relationship?

They are hiding something embarrassing. Love does not belong to this category, in my understanding.

- I completely agree. Maybe a sports family will be born soon?

You can’t hide anything from you: indeed, in the very short future we are going to formalize our relationship with Andrey. In the two and a half years that we have been together, in my opinion, we have managed to take a closer look at each other thoroughly.

Everyone knows the Krivonos basketball player as a player with an iron will and character. What is he like in a relationship with you?

Absolutely the same. He is an Aries according to the horoscope, and fully justifies his zodiac sign. Although I am unyielding, but we have different types stubbornness. Andrei firmly stands his ground, but unlike me, he does not show violent emotions. And it is his calmness that successfully smoothes the corners. From the spark of our disagreements, the fire does not flare up.

- Doesn't it scare you that the family life of professional athletes is far from idyllic?

We understand this. for the sake of family life I will not give up my basketball career, and Andrei knows this. Yes, and he had unsatisfied ambitions. So, when we become husband and wife, by and large, not much will change. But we are not afraid of forced separation. We believe that distances will only strengthen feelings, and difficulties will unite the family...

P.S. Tatyana Troina turns 24 on the day this issue of PB comes out. Congratulations!

The usual number "13" on the jersey, witty measured passes, a well-placed shot from behind the three-point arc and a catchy appearance - you can't confuse Tatyana Troina with anyone on the court.

Once, a quarter of a century ago, a big-eyed nine-year-old girl was brought to the children's and youth sports school of the famous Moscow Horizon by her parents, who were also basketball players in the past. Since then, she managed to become one of the most experienced and titled players of the women's team of Belarus, the bronze medalist of the European Championship - 2007 and a participant in the Beijing Olympics, but she is still in no hurry to part with the orange ball at 35 (beautiful date - June 30).

Conqueror of Nantes

So, at the recent Olympic qualification tournament in French Nantes, the Minsker actively and productively helped the national team to get a ticket to the 2016 Games in Rio. Moreover, Tatyana has her own scores with the old French city in the Loire Valley, where she happened to defend the colors of the local club at one time:

In Nantes, I received the most severe injury of my career. Because of her, she missed Euro 2013 and even the next World Cup in 2014, because she still didn’t have time to really prepare for it, not recovering from the ill-fated rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee. So, we can say that I lost almost two years. And it happened in training, not even in confrontation with someone, out of the blue.

Probably, the semi-final duel with the hosts of the tournament at the 2009 World Championship in the Czech Republic, when Belarus was half a step away from the “silver”, but was left without any medals, probably belongs to the most offensive memories?

Se la vie. It would even be incomprehensible if the judges in the end did not whistle to the mistresses of the championship, especially since the Czechs got so far, fought for reaching the final. We needed to break away by 10 points. And with such an equal game, plus an extra five minutes ... I think everything was a foregone conclusion.

- Did that undeserved defeat become a serious drama for you?

No, of course not. In general, I don’t take sports failures to heart. There are much more important and serious things in life. Even the mentioned trauma brought more experiences - it seemed that everything, life was over. Although this, too, as it turned out later, is not the worst thing in comparison with illnesses, the loss of loved ones, relatives.

Did you catch the famous predecessors Irina Sumnikova, Elena Shvaibovich and others like them at Horizon, where you learned the basics of basketball from childhood?

Sumnikova was no longer there, and with Shvaibovich and Lilia Malaya she even had time to practice at the national team's training camp in Raubichi. They, in my opinion, were preparing for the 1996 World Cup in Bulgaria. I was 15 and of course I looked at them round eyes. Now we are laughing at Ksyusha Malashko, who strives to call us, the elders, you. And then, talking about it, we remember that the same thing happened to us when we didn’t know how to address Shvaibovich or Malaya - on you or by name and patronymic ...

- Now, from the position of an aksakal, can you shout at one of the young, allow yourself a raised tone?

In general, I am an excellent screamer, I shout at both the young and the old. True, now I try to choose expressions: young people are weaker psychologically, they need to be treated more gently.

Sniper in high heels

- Do you remember your most productive match?

My personal record is 35 points, I scored that many twice in my career: first in Poland, and then in Latvia, playing for the Riga TTT. In the same place, in one of the matches, she sketched 7 “trulers”.

- Relatives and friends do not reproach you yet, when, they say, you have already played enough of your orange ball?

In this regard, my parents are generally golden. Someone in their place would really have started to tease me a long time ago, but they, on the contrary, support me in every possible way and even, one might say, do not let me out of our sport, since both are basketball players in the past. Fifty percent, thanks to their influence, at this age I still go to the site.

Is this probably also to some extent a consequence of unsatisfied ambitions?

Yes, and in my case they even go off scale. Although implicitly I understand that somewhere my time has already gone, it's too late to try to realize all the ambitions. But they still make themselves felt, and therefore I go forward, further and further.

On June 30, you are 35, close friends will surely congratulate you at home or on the phone. Are they also basketball players or not only?

Basically everything from the basketball world. My best friend- Marina Kress, we are also very close with Natasha Trofimova, Nastya Veremeenko, Sasha Tarasova.

- Do you delight guests with signature dishes, do you like to cook?

Yes, I love and, I will not dissemble, it seems to be not bad. This can be confirmed by many acquaintances and friends. I like the process of cooking.

Over the years of performances, your image has become almost canonical, and imagine you at the stove in dressing gown frankly, it's hard...

A dressing gown is replaced by sports shorts and a T-shirt. Although in ordinary life rarely manage to dress up in something spectacular. With our sports regime, two workouts a day, between which you need to rest, you try not to leave the house anywhere. Yes, I don't see much point in that. last dressed in Nice dress in May, when my aunt, my mother's sister, had an anniversary. I had to dress up for this event.

Do you feel comfortable in high heels?

Yes, I love high heels. I have a lot of these shoes in my wardrobe.

Make-believe sex symbol

Was leaving at a fairly young age for the United States a rewarding experience for you?

Undoubtedly. From 17 to 21, I first went to Kansas State College, and then moved to the University of South Carolina, played for their teams. Of all our "Belarusian Americans" who left, I managed to achieve the highest result in the women's student league - we got into the top eight of the "March Madness", and as a result finished in 6th position in the ranking of all universities.

- Having played in America, Latvia, Israel, Romania, France, Russia, Poland, have you become a polyglot?

Hardly a polyglot, but I speak English and Polish fluently. I tried to learn French, but one year was not enough. Hebrew? You see, it is very difficult to learn a language if you cannot read it. There are no vowels in Hebrew. That is, they are, pronounced, but not written. However, in Israel, as you know, many people speak Russian and almost everyone speaks English, and there were no problems with communication at all.

Tanya, at one time you took a chance on a well-known erotic photo shoot, hardly, probably, assuming that she, the Internet will not let you lie, will bring you unheard of fame and you will be proclaimed the sex symbol of Belarusian sports. Do you regret it now?

I don't regret it now, and I didn't regret it then. I think everything turned out fine, beautiful and good.

It was for you something like a parachute jump, a step into the unknown - we have a country, what to hide, puritanical? ..

The fact is that this session was originally made for my personal use, just a journalist saw these photos on my social networks and persuaded me to use them in an interview for his newspaper. Of course, it was interesting to know the reaction of readers, and it did not take long.

- You got calls and responses?

No, at that moment I just returned to Israel and did not feel negative. Although all the same, of course, people wrote comments, reviews, messages rained down on my page in social networks. The day was just crazy. But, as you know, all good things come to an end quickly, and literally in a week no one was talking about these pictures, the most frank of which, by the way, I did not give for publication, and did not remember.

After one of the recent home matches, I saw you with a pretty baby, great niece, in your arms. And there will not be a tactless question, when will you finally decide to acquire your own child?

After the Rio Olympics, probably. Right now it's not even being discussed.

Prepared by Vladimir Pisarev

Beautiful, daring and extremely independent. Tatyana Troina plays basketball, cooks borscht, loves cleaning, periodically swears and has a habit of saying what she thinks. She frankly infuriates someone, admires someone, but, most importantly, does not provoke any indifference. Soon, the power forward will start preparing for the Olympics as part of the Belarus national team, a team that is a pleasant exception from our long-suffering sport. A month before the Rio, Troina explained to how she feels about gender stereotypes and the tightness of Belarusians.

Troina is 187 centimeters tall. She comes to the meeting in red "Converse" with smooth soles, but still perceptibly rises above the rest. Tatyana takes refuge from the heat of the day in the shade of the summer terrace and begins her relaxed story.

- It doesn't bother me much. including myths about women's team. I didn't play in a hornet's nest or in a terrarium. I was generally lucky with the teams. Yes, from time to time there was a desire to gnaw someone's throat. But in workflow, it's fine. Loving everyone and being loved by everyone still doesn't work.

During her long career, Troina did not participate in a single fight, although she had seen enough of them.

- I then played in the Polish Gdynia. A girl from America performed for us. She defended, led her opponent under the ring, she did not score and fell behind the front line. While falling, she pushed the American away with her foot. In response, she grabbed the lying girl and punched her in the face with her fist. Broke a man's cheekbone...

- Listen, well, about the fact that a woman should sit at home and cook borscht - this is generally nonsense. We live in the age of the highest technology and make a woman wave a ladle. Normal at all? It's not even a stereotype, it's a prejudice. A woman should do what she wants. Although I understand perfectly well: the desire to squeeze everyone into some kind of framework was, is and always will be. And stereotypes for women come up with men.

- Do you know how to cook borscht?

- And not only borscht. I love to cook, I love order, I love home. I just hate washing dishes. Yes, I harness for a long time, but if I do something, I do it well. In principle, I'd rather stay at home than go somewhere to hang out. Maybe I'm behaving wrong from the point of view of men. But I am many years old. You won't change me. Yes, and the character is uncompromising. You will not drive into any framework, especially household ones.

Many years is 35. Troina is calm about her age and has never tried to hide it. Especially for athletes, this is problematic: the entire Google is crammed with a variety of data - from date of birth to a list of favorite films.

- I do not understand people who are soared because of age. Well, if there are years, where to put them? Obviously, I want to be young. But nothing can be done. The only thing that scares me is the realization that perhaps the best half of life has already been lived. I sometimes sit like this and think: “Damn, this is already half a life, and maybe more has already passed. Nobody knows. And I haven't done anything yet. 35 years old, two world championships, two Olympics and no children.”

At first, Tatyana did not like being called a veteran of the national team, but then her emotions subsided. Now she and her friends are even joking with each other: "Come on, old women, let's take a walk."

- Sport is a combination of the most different ages. I see a lot of young people. And today's youth is in general. It's some kind of space. They look like they're in spacesuits. They don't understand what's going on around them at all. What scares me the most is infantilism. It is so pronounced among our youth that it becomes creepy. I don’t want to say, they say, at the age of 17 I flew to America alone. But the current 17-year-old guys are children who, perhaps, will reach Serebryanka on their own, however, with adventures.

Here is the attitude to life. A very young girl comes to the team, in which there are "old women" of 35 years old. This girl may lack experience and skills. Normal moment. But she should just get us in training! Should be everywhere! How does a mongrel bite so that everyone says: “Yes, how she pulled up already!” But it turns out that 17-year-olds are not stronger than me. Maybe they run faster and jump higher, but they show nothing in a one-on-one confrontation. And it is clear that they do not need something more. They quietly continue their childhood. It seems to me that this applies not only to sports. You fall on new level. We need to rebuild and do it as quickly as possible. But no.

The aforementioned America happened in Troina's life after school. Scouts of Independence Community College noticed a Belarusian at the European Championship among cadets (age category 15-17 years old). In Kansas, Tatyana began to study in college with a degree in Social Studies (a package of various humanities). According to the plan, in two years she had to tighten her language and prepare for the university. The plan worked. At the university, the Belarusian began to study the hotel and restaurant business and continued to play basketball.

- 15 years ago it was. What do I remember? .. I remember that it was not bad. In college, I lived with a great family. He is a doctor, she is a housewife. Then she plunged into student life with her head. And study, and basketball, and parties until six in the morning with training in two hours. All this happened.

Although my trip began with an adventure. Arrived in New York for a connection, and the flight was canceled. I have no language, no phone number, no understanding of what is happening. And in general, I flew for the first time in my life. Only the ticket is in hand. I went with a dictionary to talk to my aunts at the information center. They found a Russian-speaking woman for me. She explained everything: “Your flight is not available today.” And my legs are a little off. I stand, I remember, like a pillar of salt. “Just please don’t worry, don’t worry, everything will be fine! Tonight you will spend the night in a hotel, tomorrow you will fly.”

Troina likes Americans for their independence and autonomy.

This is instilled in them from childhood. There is no practice where parents will look after you until retirement. As soon as the child has the opportunity to work, parents say: "Son, daughter, it was a good time, but now you are on your own." And this is completely normal. A person from the age of 18 begins to think with his own head. Yes, parents can pay for tuition at the university, but this is the maximum. Otherwise, no “I'll stay with you”, “Give money for food” and “Buy me jeans” for you. This is probably why America is ahead of the rest. People work, they know how to do it, and they understand how important it is.

Comparing Belarusians and Americans, Tatyana says that she would remove stiffness from us and add more freedom and emancipation.

- If someone really needs to quickly punch two goods at the checkout, you can tell him “Yes, please,” and not “No, you were not here.”

Troina realizes that her career is already ending. Perhaps after Rio Tatiana will leave basketball.

- My future plans are also related to sports. I do not regret that I took up basketball, even if it is a continuous sacrifice. Yes, in old age the sport still backfires. But it is impossible to achieve something great by being distracted by some other things. This applies to any business. Either you commit yourself to it completely and succeed, or you don't. This is wasted health, not established families - the costs of the profession, in general. But you choose them yourself. And yes, what kind of family with such trips? What children? There are girls who combine all this, but they are few.

If the family worried me a lot, everything would have turned out differently and we would not be talking about the Olympics now. Plus being alone is good too. There are women who can't. They finish school, look for a husband and, having found it, rejoice. I have been involved in sports since I was 9 years old. When peers at 17-18 began early marriages, loneliness didn’t bother me at all: “It’s okay, there is a career, and everything else - as it will turn out.”

Tatyana believes that the Belarusian society is characterized by imposition. If you're under 30 or over 30 and you haven't started a family, people think it's weird. Although Troina is not the first time to break patterns. In 2009, the basketball player starred in a candid photo shoot, the result of which was published on the pages of the emphasized sports newspaper Pressball. Readers were clearly not prepared for what happened.