Formal congratulations on the birthday of a woman. Official birthday greetings. Birthday greetings for an official man

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It rarely happens that the boss turns out to be a really close person. You are not just a good boss, you are the person who will always help and understand in any situation. Happy Birthday to you. We wish you patience and wisdom in dealing with us and, for our part, we will do everything in our power not to upset you and always keep the reputation of our organization at the highest level.

Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you health, optimism, realization of ideas and plans, smiles of fortune, success, family well-being and happiness. And also good spirits, stability, positive, bright events, unforgettable impressions and only happy occasions!

Being a good boss is not given to everyone, but our team is very lucky to have you! It's a real talent to be such a professional. We all wish you a happy birthday! We wish you to always remain as attentive, cheerful, creative, tactful, purposeful, able to foresee all situations two steps ahead. We wish you not only creative success and career growth, but also family well-being and ordinary human happiness. So that your personal life only inspires you to new exploits in work, and work stimulates well-being and comfort in your home. Congratulations!

Happy birthday and wish you health, energy, optimism, good mood, good luck. Continue also to successfully lead and lead our "ship" to the intended goal, skillfully bypassing all storms and pitfalls. May your work always be highly appreciated, colleagues respect, and work brings pleasure.

Dear ________, on behalf of our entire team, we would like to wish you a happy birthday! May you always be accompanied through life by success, health and happiness in your personal life. May they never cease to appreciate and respect you, but may they only take an example from such a wise and successful leader. We wish that your competitors are always a few steps behind. Cheerfulness and optimism to you in all your business endeavors!

We want to sincerely congratulate our honest, fair, reasonable boss on his birthday! We wish you good health, success in your work, good luck, prosperity, peace, kindness. Let the energy be in full swing, optimism does not dry out, good mood does not leave you.

I wish stability, dizzying success, incredible projects, creative ideas, ingenious achievements. And also, confidence, strength, perseverance and only worthy victories. Happy birthday!

Dear and dear our boss! We heartily congratulate you on your birthday! We wish that all the roads of your life lead to well-being, prosperity, great success in work and on the personal front! We wish you very good health to last for 150 years, good spirits, optimism and faith in a great future! Peace and love to you, real working days and bright holidays! Bright sun and gentle sea!

Happy birthday, I want to congratulate you! I wish you always to be so successful, to go easily through life, may your house be forever filled with happiness, love, warmth, care, understanding and only loving people surround you.

On this holiday, I would like to wish you that happiness is always a welcome guest in your home, that all hardships and problems pass by, and that only good luck and good mood accompany you in life!

We hasten to wish you strength of mind, excellent health and an inexhaustible thirst for life. On this day, let everything impossible for you come true, and your plans will become closer to reality. Let there be roads without traffic jams in front of you, there is an exit at dead ends, and the family glows with health. I wish you unlimited success, creative realizations and a responsible team.

Happy birthday! I wish you joy, creative ups, steep conquered peaks, continued success! I wish you reliable people around, strong nerves and peaceful weekends, unforgettable trips and real family happiness!

Dear boss. The team wishes you unlimited patience and great success. Let all your critical remarks always be heard, and instructions - executed. Let your severity not interfere with your authority. Happy birthday, Boss!

I wish you continued growth. Let your authority and respect for you grow even more in the eyes of subordinates and colleagues. Do not limit yourself to this leadership position, but strive to grow and reach even greater heights. Personal, status and financial to you constant growth. Happy birthday!

To the most important of our team, on your birthday we wish you great patience, great health, glorious obedient employees, good income, pleasant surprises, worthy rest and wonderful friends!

Dear boss! For many years now you have been an example for us, you are our teacher and guide in the multilayered world of business, so today we all have special holiday- Your birthday! Let off pure heart congratulate you and sincerely wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bheat and light, unprecedented success in all endeavors, millions of new ideas and projects, in the implementation of which we will be happy to help you, loyal friends and reliable partners, permanent profit, and, for a snack, eternal love !

Happy birthday to you! I want to be always as beautiful as now. To make all your dreams come true. So that every day you live brings only the best, the brightest, and black stripes slip past. I wish you happiness, inspiration in your work, peace in your home and fire in your heart!

Please accept our most cordial and sincere and sincere congratulations. On your birthday, we want to wish you ordinary, but at the same time the most important things. Happiness, success, health and joy. Fulfillment of all dreams, well-being and health. Peace in the family, good luck in work, faithful friends, at a hospitable table. To always have family and loved ones around.

Today, on your day, I would like to wish everything that you cannot buy for any money, namely good health, joyful mood and sincere love. May everything you desire so much come true. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!

Happy birthday! Women's happiness and health to you. So that in your affairs you will always be accompanied by good luck, luck and support from your family and friends.

I want to congratulate you and wish the people around you to warm you with their warmth. May there never be falsehood and insincerity in your life. I wish you to keep all your wisdom, tenderness and sensitivity. Always remain the same extraordinary and amazing woman.

Official congratulations to a woman on her birthday

Let me sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Happy Birthday! I wish you good health, happiness, health and success. May your work prosper and develop in the right direction. May you always be surrounded by only the closest and dearest to your heart people. Let today's holiday bring together your friends. Love and always be loved! May good luck always accompany you in all your affairs. I wish that mutual understanding, harmony, prosperity, good mood and love always reign in your family. Happiness to you and your loved ones! Be always healthy and happy and may all adversity bypass you and your family. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your birthday!

From the bottom of our hearts, accept congratulations from our entire team. We congratulate you on your birthday! We want to wish you the most important and necessary: ​​happiness, good health, success in everything and great luck. We are sincerely grateful to you for your attention to us, for your patience and help. Under your leadership, our company has reached absolutely new level. We sincerely wish you and your family well-being, good luck and mutual understanding. Let all adversity bypass you. Be happy and healthy! We wish you to achieve even greater results. Once again we congratulate you on your birthday! And we want to spend this day with the closest and dearest people. And may all your dreams and desires come true. Happy Holidays!

A woman is an amazing creature. You contain everything that is possible: tenderness and affection, strength and severity, beauty and grace, an amazing ability to love, no matter what, and resilience to preserve what is easier to destroy. On your birthday, I want to wish you the confidence and patience that are so necessary to fulfill your plans and help your family and friends, love and understanding so that all your merits are fully appreciated, as well as the fulfillment of desires that will bring you happiness!

On this joyful day, let me congratulate you on your birthday! May your eyes always glow with happiness, and your heart be filled with love and warmth. I wish that your husband and children appreciate and protect you, that peace and tranquility reign in your house, and troubles and misfortunes never knock on your door. May your wishes always come true, as soon as you think about them!

Happy Birthday! I wish you joy, love and luck. To make dreams come true and plans come true. I wish you good luck, harmony, happiness and holidays. Let every day give new rays, and let people only inspire and not upset. So that the sky shoots with bright colors, and the birds sing symphonies to you. I wish you all the best, and may it all come true soon!

All my wishes come from the heart. And they sound like this: prosperity, joy, light, comfort, warmth, prosperity! May all your days be filled with inspiration and thirst for life! All the best to you!

Gorgeous woman, happy birthday to you. I wish you to always feel great, I wish you not to get upset over trifles, I wish you to constantly think about the good, and may this good certainly happen to you every day.

Happy Birthday! I wish you incredible joy, amazing success, magical inspiration, sincere smiles, true friends, wonderful loved ones! And also - good days, good news, great fortitude, pleasant events and inexhaustible optimism!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful and wonderful! With all my heart I wish you great happiness every minute, every moment of life, so that laughter, fun, kindness, love reign in the house. And most importantly, always remain the same charming, beloved and unique.

Dear, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you bright impressions, smiling passers-by, delicious coffee, exciting books, successful shopping, dizzying parties, sincere conversations, cozy evenings, understanding girlfriends, admiring glances, always healthy parents and the most beautiful prince on the whitest of all Mercedes.

Congratulations to a woman on her birthday in prose

Congratulations! On this significant day, I want to wish you firmness of spirit for great accomplishments, a steel grip for success in business, a spirit of adventurism for interesting travels, openness and breadth of soul for sincere friendship and softness of heart for tender love.

On behalf of our entire extended family, Happy Birthday to you! On such a day, you can wish optimism, inspiration, good friends, the fulfillment of all desires and great, great love for life. We all love you very much and kiss you. Be happy!

Happy birthday, kindness queen! I wish this year to be full of amenities, surprises, love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance, good news and care! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more necessary, more interesting and happier! And don't forget to celebrate your day well! Kiss!

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely want to congratulate you! I wish you the very least - may everything that you have bring you joy, may everything that you do not have is not a necessity for you, may everything that you dream of miraculously appear in your life. I wish you to be happy man, enjoy every new day, find pleasure in familiar things, in a word - appreciate what you have, and fate will definitely give you even more!

However, as life shows, this is far from the case. And in practice, we often have to deal with a situation where all other, except for official, forms of congratulations are simply inappropriate. An example is the case when it is necessary to congratulate your friends on a holiday or a birthday. official partners on business. Of course, if you have known each other for many years, such a congratulation can be drawn up in a fairly free form. And if not? In this case, any familiarity will be completely superfluous, and in order to exclude the occurrence of delicate situations, it is worth making congratulations strictly in accordance with the official ritual and traditions adopted in this area. Simply put, congratulations on your birthday are officially the only possible option. And to make sure that it is compiled in this way is absolutely necessary.

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.

Please accept our congratulations,
Part of our warmth.
We wish you good health
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.

We wish you to do everything in life,
And not getting old, but getting younger.
Health, vigor to maintain,
And live for many, many years.

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,

Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

With a special feeling on your birthday
I wish you happy years
Health, joy, movement
By flourishing and victories
I want everything to come true
And the wings of glory found you
And your name turned out
Among the greats of the whole Earth.

We wish you a lot of happiness
More joy, goodness,
Bright smiles on the day of bad weather,
Good health always.
Live long without disease
Without sorrows and worries,
So that only joy and good luck
Crossed your threshold.

Sometimes our congratulations are not able
On special, joyful days
Reveal the full depth of that meaning,
which they must bear.
But let there always be light in your life
In the circle of relatives, in the circle of great friends.
Let many times a smile of happiness splash
The same light of the same good days.

Let this wonderful day become a new step on the way to the highest achievements and wildest dreams! Congratulations!

Congratulations on your birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
With a smile, good mood
Continue your path through life.

May your every ordinary day
Will turn into a wonderful holiday
And never sadness shadow
It won't reflect in your eyes.

We wish you only success in life,
Fewer tears, more laughter
The path of life is longer
And a lot of joy on it.

Happy Birthday,
We wish you with respect -
Achievement of all heights
Bright life without worries
Wisdom, all the best, success,
Strength, goodness, authority.

The official has a lot of important things to do,
I want to deal with them bravely,
I wish you beautiful and sunny days
Near sympathetic, kind people.
Health and happiness, warmth on your birthday,
Good luck, good mood to you.

Happy Birthday. Your rank is a calling, hard work, important work. And with all my heart I wish you strong moral and physical strength, confident positions and actions, honest promises and hopes justified by you. May your life path be kind and happy, may your activity be fruitful and successful.

Happy Birthday.
I wish you wisdom
So that you share with the people
Happiness, bitterness in half.

May health be strong
Let your conscience not torment you
Well, in my personal life too.
Let everything be just class.

Happy birthday officer
Get my congratulations
The docs are at the core of the problem.
You read between the lines.

I wish that in a career
You climbed up
Behind your back were
To good luck and success.

To the chair under you
Didn't creak, didn't wobble
Everything that you have planned in life
You have to succeed.

You are a wonderful, sincere person,
Civil servant, you are an excellent official.
May it be a very long age
Income, of course, will be decent.

Happy birthday to you
I congratulate and sincerely wish
So that in life there is more happiness and warmth,
And joy to quietly warm.

Happy birthday congratulations to you
And we wish you every success
To make life shine like a diamond
It didn’t happen in life that interference.

As an official, you are the best and most honest,
Thank you very much for that.
Let life become brighter and brighter
And her love will be endless.

Happy birthday officer
I send you my congratulations,
I wish in life
You were happy with your fate.

To capricious luck
You firmly held in your hands
And up the career ladder
Feel free to go upstairs.

I want it to be reliable
Standing firmly on his feet
And so that the wind of change
Didn't rock your chair.

I wish you on your birthday
Many influential friends
To advance in a career
It's come to you, hurry up
A lot of health, strength, good luck,
So that capital grows all the time,
And so that all difficult tasks
You solved it quickly and without problems!

I wish you success, prosperity, good luck,
And also all the blessings and health of steel!
Let all tasks be solved without difficulty,
Let your path be true!

Great happiness, love, achievements
I want to wish you a birthday
More fun and bright moments,
Boldly walk towards your cherished dreams!

A short

You will certainly be optimistic,
Let things move smoothly
Health will be very strong
May you have good luck and success.

For the heart - LOVE,
For the soul - INSPIRATION,
For a new day - NEW FORCES and LUCK,

Official humorous birthday greetings

We wish you happiness and good luck!
Your birthday is a milestone
We were lucky to congratulate
Amazing person

And with all seriousness to wish:
That everything was fine with you
They didn’t scold us (we’re not bastards),
They praised us (there is something for that),
And they raised salaries,
Let there be good in the world!

Happy birthday to you,
I want to wish you good luck
Successfully decide in life
Assigned tasks.

I wish you stability
Success and prosperity
To turn into reality
All your undertakings.

Short official congratulations in your own words

Happy Birthday. I wish you health, prosperity, prosperity, happiness and good luck. May your every day allow you to realize your plans, may your every aspiration lead to undoubted success and prosperity.

The best beautiful unusual original birthday greetings from us

A star fell from the sky
We made a wish
For everything to work out for you,
All troubles to be forgotten
May always be in my soul,
Even if it's January
Gray whiskey will decorate,
Let June not go out in your heart,
And let April in your eyes
Fresh, clear as drops,
Will sparkle with melted ice,
nightingale chirping,
Energy, inspiration, exuberant colors,
Happy birthday congratulations!

Cool birthday greetings

Unfortunately, birthday
As you know, once a year.
So let's mark it
As no one dreamed.

A lot of congratulations in the world
But let's drop the pattern
I wish you simply
A case containing a million.

I wish you positive
Inexhaustible inspiration flow.
May all dreams come true
In the shortest possible time!

Philosophical congratulations in prose happy birthday

They say that a long and happy life is built on wise deeds. Therefore, I wish you that there are more good deeds and that wisdom flourishes!

Official birthday greetings for you

We celebrate birthday
We are planning a spiritual holiday.
Let's meet to congratulate
Wishes to submit:
May good luck come to you
With success, the round dance starts,
So that this year would be generous
For luck without the hassle
So that a lucky star
always smiled at you
And led to victories right.
Be an example for others.

Original congratulations happy birthday official

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - cheerfulness,
In happiness - eternity,
Life is infinity
From the sun - heat,
From people - good,
From the husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and fidelity.

The best big official birthday greetings for you

I wish you to be in a wonderful "fairy tale"
And with the "golden fish", I wish to meet,
And, at the same time - to visit the "kingdom",
Or maybe the President, the world immediately become?

And what? For the post of Head, you are quite suitable,
Always be in the lead bravely you strive,
You know how to "build" everyone, you know how to "scold",
You know how to love with all your heart!

But it’s better, it will still be, if you are yourself,
With an open and beautiful, the same soul,
With the same understanding and the brilliance of marvelous eyes ...
Believe me, you are worthy of all the phrases said to you!

Happy birthday official

I wish this birthday
Fun to the point of exhaustion
Celebrate the holiday very brightly,
Accept nice gifts
May this festive day
Will give joy to the bag,
And also jokes, a sea of ​​​​laughter,
Good luck, many successes,
More good health
To live a hundred years, or even longer,
Well, in a career only growth,
To get into Forbes easily and simply!

Formal business birthday greetings to the boss

Worthy, boss, you respect,
Joy sings,
Honor from us to you on your birthday,
Health, new victories to you!

We wish to have many
In a wallet of cash
good luck in business life
And happiness in personal life!

Congratulation-rhyme official birthday

Happy Anniversary
A real man
And I wish with all my heart:
To have a big salary
Strength and good health
Heart full of love
Joyful, happy to be
Survive all hardships!

Short business congratulations in your own words happy birthday

I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to succeed in business, achieve high results in any field of activity, discover the horizon of new opportunities every day and always remain a happy person, confident in your success!

Formal business birthday greetings

I wish you a birthday
success, prosperity,
moving forward,
Glory and recognition.

I wish you good luck
Walk through life in step
Smooth and wide
Let there be a road.

I wish to conquer
Peak after peak
I wish you happiness
Good and positive!

Official birthday greetings to a woman

May all your dreams come true on this wonderful day!
I wish you to be happy from now on!
Let the cheerful ray of the sun shine in the eyes,
Tirelessly men let them carry on their hands!
Souls, priceless, the flame will warm everyone around.
You are the dearest and best friend.
I heartily congratulate you and tell you:
You are the best person on earth!

Short simple birthday wishes

Happy Birthday
We wish you happiness and health,
Smiles, cheerfulness and strength,
So that every day of ordinary life
Only brought joy!

Cool birthday greetings for a man

Do you know how to be happy
This is your great talent!
May success, prospects
Inspire and inspire!
Let everything always happen
Just the way you want!
Be yourself, live on the rise
Bright, joyful dream!

Happy birthday official in verse

Sometimes our congratulations are not able
On special, joyful days
Reveal the full depth of that meaning,
which they must bear.
But let there always be light in your life
In the circle of relatives, in the circle of great friends.
Let many times a smile of happiness splash
The same light of the same good days.

Short official birthday greetings

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.

Official birthday greetings

We heartily congratulate you on your upcoming birthday!
May you be successful in all your endeavors!
May true friends and reliable partners always be with you!
Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

Serious official birthday greetings from us

Another year has gone by
The day has come again.
Your birthday.
Don't be sad on this day
Forgive all your enemies.
May all dreams come true
It will be the way you want.
We wish you
Better share in fate
Money, happiness, health
And win the fight.
Let all adversity go away
Anxiety will disappear
Taxes will be cut
Income is growing aggressively.

Official birthday greetings in prose

Happy birthday, our beloved and respected (NAME)! Let an unexpected and pleasant surge of money and mood come in your life! And let this wave of good things cover you for a long time! Congratulations!

Beautiful and original short congratulations in your own words happy birthday

May your ship of life sail only on a smooth sea, may there be only good passengers on board, and a guiding star always shine in the sky so as not to go astray.

Birthday greetings for an official man

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
Home - loving spouse
And a caring father
At work - well done!

Happy Birthday short official

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful
Never know where it hurts.

Official birthday greetings with a wish for a beautiful life

I want to turn millions
To always live luxuriously and beautifully,
And everything that you dream of having,
Spread the rays of goodness and positivity!

Let the joy of you warm wave
Will cover somewhere gently in the Maldives!
Let life be beautiful and colorful,
I wish you only happy days!

Official Happy Birthday Verse

We wish you good spirits,
Success in everyday life
Good health always
Never lose heart.
We wish you good health
And joyful fine days,
Let there be happiness in your home
And many devoted friends.

Congratulations to the birthday man official on his birthday

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.
Please accept our congratulations,
Part of our warmth.
We wish you good health
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

Best concise business formal happy birthday greetings

Happy Birthday! May your every day allow you to realize your plans, may your every desire lead to undoubted success and prosperity!

The best congratulations in your own words happy birthday

Happy birthday! I wish you ineradicable optimism, inner confidence, personal independence, continued success, career growth, strong spirit, material well-being, cheerful mood. Let luck, joy and love accompany you through life!

Business birthday greetings to a colleague boss

If we need something
We walk straight to you.
It's so easy to live with you!
We wish you a team
Be healthy and happy
To always have enough money
And there were no problems at all!

Formal business congratulations in your own words happy birthday

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Let practical experience and accumulated energy continue to contribute to successful work! We wish you many ideas and strength to implement them!

Business official congratulations in your own words in prose happy birthday

Happy birthday. I wish this year to become more confident and successful. May everything conceived be successfully implemented, may all good things happen, may everything that you need for happiness be sure to be present in your life.

Happy birthday official

Full of kindness and warmth
Words for a wonderful birthday:
Always let the flowers please
Any wishes come true!
Let the gifts be pleasant
Fate, luck gives more often,
And all the years, days and minutes
Let only happiness warm!