Fortune telling on the situation in the family. Fortune telling on Tarot cards - Family. Family is the most reliable support

Even in the old days, people wanted to know a lot about their destiny.

Everyone knew rituals and divination, shared them and passed them on from generation to generation, books and manuscripts were written, and now they have come down to us.

Modern man also seeks to open the veils of the mysterious future and not seen by anyone, to know what awaits and how to relate to this or that news.

Any fortune-telling is communication with an otherworldly force that provides answers to the questions posed.

The question that worries from eternity is love.

Fortune-telling for love is an unlimited number: fortune-telling for a husband by barking dogs, fortune-telling for the future by wax, fortune-telling for a quick wedding by hair, fortune-telling by the image of a loved one through a ring, etc. All of them are simple and affordable.

To date, the most truthful fortune-telling is fortune-telling on TARO cards. They will reveal your chosen one in an accessible way, the main thing is to follow the rules when conducting fortune-telling.

In the room in which fortune-telling will be carried out, there should be complete silence, nothing should be distracting. Divination cards are not passed from hand to hand and are not playable!

Fortune telling, the most accurate, on the attitude of a loved one

Major arcana (22 cards) are selected from the Tarot cards, mixed and laid out in a rhombus according to the figure:


    The first characterizes the relationship at the moment.

    The second - describes the events of the past, reflecting on the present.

    The third - shows the reality of the partner's feelings and thoughts.

    Fourth - demonstrates the prospects for the future of relations.

    Fifth - describes the unconscious side of the relationship.

Divination for the future attitude of a person

You can consider another fortune-telling, very simple and affordable.

Buy new matches. Two matches are taken out and fixed in something solid.

You need to guess yourself and the person with whom you are interested in developing relationships with a match.

Set fire to and observe the actions carried out by matches.

When tilting one match to another - great and sincere feelings.

With even burning - feelings that are not in the lead role.

When the matches are tilted in different directions - the expectation of parting.

When one match is tilted, the relationship is not clean and there is someone else.

Free fortune-telling on a relationship with a man

This divination has roots in China and is considered no less accessible and simple.

For this divination, you need a piece of paper and a pen. Divination is done by calculation.

1. It is necessary to count the letters of the name of both partners.

2. See if there is a letter "O" in the names of partners. Yes - which one, no - 0.

3. The meaning of the first letter of the partners (figure below).

4. The presence of the letter "L" and the names of both partners. Missing - "0".

The resulting numbers are added up, "7" is subtracted and multiplied by "2". When you get a complex number, you need to transform it by adding numbers (for example, you get 16, then 1 + 6 = 7).


1. Such relationships are strong and sincere.

2. Partners in spiritual connection.

3. Partners are in a happy relationship.

4. Passion is the basis of such relationships.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards - The source of problems. This alignment will help to analyze relationships in marriage; with the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out if the mutual cooling of feelings is the cause of problems in marriage, whether it is necessary to strive to preserve the marriage union, what are the prospects for your marriage

Fortune telling on Tarot cards - Family conflict. This alignment will help to understand what caused the family conflict, how the conflict began, who is the initiator of the conflict, is it possible to resolve this conflict and what are the prospects for the family in the future

Divination by Tarot cards - intellectual development child. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will receive information about the child's abilities in the field of humanitarian, exact, natural sciences, as well as learn about his intellectual abilities generally

Divination by Tarot cards - Studying at school. This alignment can be used in cases where you need to understand the reasons for the child's failure in school, the problems that may bother him and thereby influence the process of learning new knowledge

Fortune telling on Tarot cards - Family. With the help of this divination, you can find out what a family is like; how family members relate to each other, whether they support each other in difficult times, how they spend time together, how others perceive this family

Divination by Tarot cards - A family perspective. This chart is for diagnosing family relations; you will find out what hinders harmony in family life, what you should pay attention to, what can strengthen the family from the inside, what factors influence relationships in the family from the outside and what is the prospect of family life

Fortune telling on Tarot cards - Fathers and sons. With the help of this divination, you can learn about the atmosphere in the family, the relationship between parents, the attitude of parents to the child, and the attitude of the child to his parents. This alignment will tell you what you need to pay attention to in your child; you will find out what your child is afraid of, what he needs and what needs to be changed to make family relationships harmonious

This divination will help you deeply analyze your own family life. It provides information about the attitude of partners in different areas life together: money, raising children. This free divination also reveals how husband and wife see their own responsibilities in the family. After all, the reliability of a family boat depends on how compatible the partners' views on relationships are. If a husband wants to see only a housewife in his wife, and she dreams of a career, they are unlikely to find mutual language. Tarot cards will show what prospects your family has, how you fit together. They will give you sound advice on how to hold the family boat together so that it can withstand any storms.

Make a layout

Husband's responsibilities in the family

The first position, “The duties of a husband in the family,” will tell you what role a man is used to playing at home. This card says more about his own desires than about what his wife is trying to make.

Duties of a wife in the family

The second position, "The duties of a wife in the family," will give the same information about the wife, about how she sees her place in the family.

How does a husband want his wife to behave?

The third position “How the husband wants to see his wife's behavior” will tell about the husband's desires in relation to his wife, about his vision of the role of a woman in a relationship. By comparing the second and third cards, you will understand how his desires come true.

How does a wife want her husband to behave?

The fourth position, "How the wife wants to see her husband's behavior," will open the wife's dreams about how a man should be. Compare this and the first card, and you will understand how satisfied a woman is with family life.

Husband's relationship with money

The fifth position “Husband’s attitude to money” indicates how important financial well-being is for a man. Is he ready to work hard for the good of the family or subconsciously wants his wife to be the breadwinner.

Wife's attitude towards money

The sixth position, “Attitude towards money from the wife,” will give similar information about a woman. Whether she is ready to work or wants to be supported, whether she is economical or wasteful.

Husband's relationship with children

The seventh position “Husband’s attitude towards children” will tell you whether a man pays enough attention to his children. Whether he considers it an unmanly affair, or vice versa, he is happy to babysit the kids.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are guessing at. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Free fortune telling - Family, examines family relationships in great detail, a wide range of issues and topics covered. In connection with the foregoing, this alignment will not be an easy walk, twelve significant cards will not be so easy to work out for an unprepared person, but there is nothing that is not feasible. The main thing to remember, if you do not have sufficient experience, is NOT TO HURRY. We have interpretations of the cards on our site, you will need to attach them to current issues and make some logical chains. Let me explain to the question Loyalty in relationships with each other: fell out - 2 Staves, it symbolizes a person with ideas, ambitions, forced to seek a compromise with other people who have their own ideas and ambitions: this is constructive cooperation, linking goals and means, needs and desires, firmness, courage in the enterprise. (You understand that the relationship is very loyal because there is a compromise, and this is one of the main components of a prosperous family life).

Online divination technique:

For divination, you will need a full Tarot deck, you can guess what is familiar to you. Before the alignment, select a card on the form, this is the Empress and the Emperor (depending on who you are guessing for, a man or a woman). Put it in the center of the layout, then mix the deck thoroughly and slide part of it, with your left hand towards you. Lay out the cards as shown in the picture below.

According to numerology, the energy vibrations of numbers affect all areas of human life, including marital relationships and family life. If your union with a partner has already been established, and you are living a family life (it doesn’t matter whether you have entered into an official marriage, or being in a “civilian marriage”), using the rules and principles of numerology, you can calculate the numerological code of family life and find out what common destiny awaits you and your soul mate during the year of interest.

Calculating the numerological code of family relationships for a certain year is quite simple. To do this, add your own age in the year of interest to the age of your partner and use the method to bring the resulting figure to a single digit from 1 to 9. The numerological code (index, number) of family relations obtained in this way determines how your family life will develop in the year of interest.

For example, you want to know what you and your significant other will experience in 2015. This year you turned (or will turn), for example, 39 years old, and let's say your partner is 35. Let's sum up both numbers: 3+9+3+5=20=2+0=2. The numerological code of your family life in 2015 is 2.

Using the form presented on this page, you can calculate online and find out the numerological code of your family life for a certain year. Enter in the field in numbers without "gaps" your age and the age of your partner in the year of interest and click the "Calculate" button. Online calculator will calculate the numerological number of family life and show the result.