Traffic rules for roundabouts. Driving through a roundabout - rules. Driving in a straight line

The first roundabout was organized in Paris (around the Arc de Triomphe) in 1901. An obligatory element of this type of intersections is the presence of an "island" - a zone not accessible to the movement of vehicles. Approaching the island, vehicles slow down and move around it in a strictly counterclockwise direction (in relation to right-hand traffic), until leaving it in the direction they need. The exit from the roundabout takes place, too, only to the right.

For the most part, such intersections are not equipped with traffic lights and are unregulated. In addition to achieving aesthetic goals (beautiful clubs, steles, etc.), the organization of this type of intersections allows:

  1. Increase (by reducing the speed of exit to it) the safety of the intersection. Low speed crashes have much less consequences.
  2. Increase throughput. It doesn’t always work out, but all other things being equal, circles do better than regular intersections.
  3. Reduce waiting time (in the absence of a traffic light, you do not have to wait for a green light).
  4. Increase the number of paths connected by the intersection to almost any number (it all depends on the diameter of the circle). While a traffic light intersection usually regulates no more than 4 access roads.

In addition, circles are more environmentally friendly and less noisy. Allows you to further decorate the area. The cost of their maintenance is less (due to the lack of traffic lights). True, they take up a lot of space.

As for the organization of traffic, starting from November 08, 2017, vehicles moving in a circle have priority when crossing intersections of this type. The rule “yields to the one who has”, which is valid when crossing unregulated intersections, has ceased to operate in relation to roundabouts.

What signs are placed at roundabouts?

To designate a roundabout in the SDA, there is a sign 4.3 "Roundabout". This sign is prescriptive and informs that movement is allowed only in the direction indicated by the arrows, the first turn is only to the right. U-turn at the entrance to such an intersection is prohibited.

Since November last year (according to clause 13.11 (1) of the SDA), this sign also informs about the priority of cars moving in a circle. Until this date, in order to notify drivers of the presence of such a priority (at a specific intersection), sign 2.4 “Give way” was additionally installed.

Shortly before entering the intersection, sign 1.7 “Roundabout” is also placed, its task is to inform the driver about the approach to the intersection, which has certain specifics.

Priority signs can be set together with the prescriptive sign. Installing sign 2.1 “Main road” at the entrance to the circle will mean that vehicles entering the intersection will have priority. Priority signs are higher in importance than prescriptive ones. If there is a traffic light at such an intersection, the driver must obey the traffic signals. A working traffic light has the highest priority. Green - traffic is allowed, red - it is forbidden. - one of the most serious violations of traffic rules. And it is severely punished.

Organization of traffic in lanes

When hitting such an intersection, many drivers have a question, further.

Paragraph 8.5 of the SDA states that the entrance to the circle can be carried out:

  1. With a multi-lane access road - from any lane (both right and left).
  2. With a single-lane - the vehicle must enter the intersection on the right (extreme) lane. And only after that, his driver has the right, by turning on the left turn signal, to move to the adjacent left lane (clause 8.6).

You can leave the intersection without violating the rules only from the far right lane. The driver must take care of the rebuilding in advance. Trying to turn from the left lane, he creates a danger to the vehicle moving in the right lane. At the same time, in the event of a collision, it will be he who is guilty of an accident.

Moving in a circle, traffic participants must observe (if appropriate signs and markings are available) the lane of traffic and change lanes only to exit the ring. That is, when crossing such an intersection, he must make only two turns, and both to the right. The first time to get on the circle, the second time when leaving it.

When choosing a lane in a circle (when it has three or more lanes), you should keep:

  • to the right if you need the nearest exit;
  • in the middle, if the goal is to drive straight through the intersection;
  • in the left lane if you need an exit that leads to the left.

Compliance with these rules allows you to avoid unnecessary fuss at the intersection associated with rebuilding cars. The capacity of the intersection is increased, and the likelihood of an accident is reduced.

The rules of the road require the driver to indicate a change in the direction of his vehicle with direction indicators. In the event of a malfunction of the turn signals, the signal should be given by hand in accordance with clause 8.1 of the SDA.

So, entering the circle, and then at the exit from it, you must activate the right turn signal. This indicates to motorists moving in the immediate vicinity their turn to the right.

If, in the process of moving in a circle, the driver needs to move from the right lane to the left (to move to the far exit), he must inform others about this by turning on the left turn signal. Ignoring the need to give signals with direction indicators when performing maneuvers is an administrative violation that entails a fine.

It must be remembered that turning on the turn signal does not give the driver an advantage. When making a maneuver, he must first make sure that he does not interfere with other motorists.

When driving through an intersection, a driver can violate (through ignorance or intent) a number of traffic rules, for which he can be punished. The punishment for violating traffic rules is a fine, or even deprivation of rights for a certain period (in accordance with the severity of the deed).

Possible violations of the rules in roundabouts in 2020 are as follows:

  1. Passage to a prohibiting traffic light (if the intersection is equipped with it) or a traffic controller. Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Fine 1000 rub. (5000 or deprivation of rights, in case of repeated violation).
  2. Failed to give way to the advantaged vehicle (driving into the circle, interfering with the driver who was already on it). Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Fine 1000 rub.
  3. The exit from the intersection is not from the far right lane. Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Fine 500 rubles. (or a warning).
  4. Turn signals not on. Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Fine 500 rubles. (or a warning).
  5. Driving against the direction of the roundabout. A very dangerous act, like any. Sanctions - 5000 rubles. or deprivation of rights for up to six months (Article 12.15).

That is, there are no specific penalties that are imposed precisely for the wrong passage in a circular motion. These are all common, for any circumstances, violations.

There is no clear indication of the prohibition of stopping on sections of the road with roundabouts. Therefore, you can park on the circle if there are no signs prohibiting it on this section of the road, and if the stopped car does not violate a number of distance requirements:

  1. Before the pedestrian crossing (less than 5 m).
  2. From the stopped vehicle to the dividing strip, or the opposite edge (should be more than 3 m).
  3. Before the intersection with the roadway of the intersection (less than 5 m).
  4. close to bus stops public transport(less than 15 m).

And other rules governing the stopping of vehicles on the roadway.


There is nothing wrong with roundabouts. You just need to remember and clearly understand the following information:

  1. The "Roundabout" sign, which gives priority to vehicles moving in a circle, refers to unregulated intersections of equivalent roads. That is, in the absence of other signs and traffic lights (regulators).
  2. If the intersection is regulated, then the driver is guided by the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller. Green - go, red - stop.
  3. If the roads are not equivalent (which is determined by the signs "Main road" or "Give way"), then the driver moves in accordance with the status of his road. Regardless of whether it is on the circle or on the access road.
  4. It is necessary to turn (when leaving the circle) from the right lane so that the driver does not have an obstacle on the right.

Everything else is a general application of traffic rules.

Entering a roundabout until recently was considered one of the most difficult maneuvers to understand, partly due to the complex topology of such a section of the road, and partly due to the ambiguity regarding the passage of such an intersection. Since 11/08/2017, this ambiguity has been eliminated, but again not completely, so the roundabout rules still remain the Achilles' heel of so many drivers, and not only beginners. Let's try to eliminate this lack of knowledge.

Rules for crossing a roundabout.

What is a roundabout

If you give the definition of such a section of the road, then even it may be misunderstood without providing graphic explanations and comments. Although, if you think about it, there is nothing complicated here: a roundabout is understood as a section of the road organized in the form of an island of a round or oval shape, the movement of vehicles along which is directed counterclockwise (a feature of countries where right-hand traffic is common). At such an intersection, movement along a circular path is carried out until the moment when the driver needs to turn onto the road leading in the right direction. At the intersections themselves, traffic lights are not installed, but traffic control devices may be present in front of them. Prior to 2018, traffic priority at the roundabout was regulated in different ways, depending on the traffic situation. Currently, it is the section with a circular path that is considered the main one, all other roads that carry out the intersection with roundabouts are considered secondary. However, this rule does not apply if there are road signs that set a different priority. There are changes in the Rules regarding the use of light signals, confirming or warning about the start of a certain maneuver.

What DZ are installed in front of the roundabout

With this, everything is simple: a section of the road with traffic in a circle is indicated by a corresponding sign, made in the form of a circle with a blue background, on which three white arrows are indicated, placed on a circle and indicating the direction of movement. Recall that on right-hand roads this direction is counterclockwise, on left-hand roads it is vice versa. Since November 2010, such a sign has been supplemented by the installation of the “Give way” DZ, which made it a priority to move in a circle. Since the autumn of 2017, the roundabout rules have been modified again, fixing this priority as a separate item, so that the need for a second sign has disappeared. But if the “Main Road” DZ is installed in front of the roundabout, this changes the priority in favor of vehicles moving along this main road: drivers who have entered the intersection will be required to give way to those entering it from the side of the main road. The traffic light installed in front of the intersection does not change the priority of the passage, but together with the sign "Main Road" regulates the order of passage through the intersection.

If the roundabout is single lane, this is the easiest option to understand. But in most cases, in order to avoid traffic jams, such intersections are organized with two or more lanes, which complicates maneuvering and, in case of entering an incorrectly occupied lane, can create inconvenience for other road traffic participants and even lead to an emergency. So the importance of finding the right lane is of paramount importance (just like at a regular intersection). The main difficulty lies in the fact that roundabouts are usually organized in places where more than four multidirectional roads merge. If the radius of the circle is large enough, it can be difficult for the driver to find out where he needs to go, since the desired turn is much less visible. But you need to take the desired lane in advance, that is, even before the driver gets the opportunity to have a more or less normal view of the intersection.

It is interesting that it does not regulate this moment in any way, that is, from the point of view of the Rules, exit to a roundabout is possible from any lane of the adjacent road. Of course, this does not mean that the driver has unlimited freedom of action. Here it is important to clarify such a delicate moment for yourself: when moving in a circle, there is no concept of “left turn”, they leave for the desired direction, turning only to the right. But it matters whether you leave the intersection at the first turn, or at the last (that is, in fact, when turning around). In the first case, it is advisable to change lanes to the extreme right lane before entering the roundabout, in the latter - to the extreme left. For intermediate directions, if there are three lanes, it is advisable to enter the intersection along the middle lane. These general recommendations greatly facilitate the passage of this rather difficult section of the road, but on the condition that all drivers adhere to them. According to the new rules, the passage of roundabouts is simplified, since it is the intersection that is considered the main road.

If you intend to turn right on the nearest adjoining road, you will have to perform the right-most lane change maneuver. To do this, you need to slow down in advance, and turn on the right turn signal before rebuilding. Immediately before entering the intersection, you should stop and make sure that there are no vehicles on the left, which, according to the new rules, should give way. If the driver intends to make a turn at the very end of the roundabout, if there are two or more lanes, he needs to take the left. In this case, the rules for rebuilding will be the same, and we will talk about maneuvering at the intersection itself separately. Note that if the road adjacent to the intersection has more than two lanes, it may be necessary to change lanes to the left several times. This needs to be taken into account in advance, because with a busy track, you simply do not have enough space to perform a double rebuild.

We especially note that all these recommendations apply only to those roundabouts, the traffic on which is not regulated by other signs, markings or traffic lights. If they are present, it is necessary to make decisions, adequately assessing the traffic situation, taking into account these circumstances. If the driver plans to turn not on the first road adjacent to the intersection, he should take the middle (with a three-lane highway) or left lane. It is not forbidden to enter in the right lane, but this will definitely create difficulties already at the initial section of the roundabout, since it may happen that another driver moving in the middle lane will need to turn right. And in this case, you will be an obvious hindrance. Note that in any case, before entering a circular intersection, if there is a pedestrian crossing, you must first let people through, and only then continue moving (in the absence of a traffic light).

Do I need to turn on the turns at the entrance

Although the new version of the SDA does not say anything about this, since the circular section of the intersection is considered the main road by default, no one canceled maneuvering before entering. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly turn on the turn signals in a circular motion. It all depends on the lane of traffic: if you have one lane, you can safely turn on the right turn, because in any case you will move out of the circle, turning right. Since there is only one lane, all vehicles move one after another without interfering. If there are two or more lanes, if you do not plan to leave the intersection at the first exit, it is advisable to start the maneuver from the middle or left lane by turning on the left turn signal - in this case, you will have enough time to assess the situation and change lanes at the right time directly at the crossroads. When driving in multiple lanes, it is important to turn on the turn signals immediately before changing lanes and turn them off after completion so as not to confuse other drivers. At the same time, you should take into account the light signals of other cars, and if necessary, skip them so as not to create congestion.

Proper roundabout driving

Driving directly at the roundabout is the most critical part of its passage. Here, special attention should be paid to cases when you plan to pass it in order to continue straight ahead. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult to estimate the number of adjoining roads in advance, especially in the absence of appropriate information boards or signs. Therefore, it is advisable to start moving from the middle lane, making a lane change maneuver to the right just before the exit. The simplest option is single-lane traffic: in this case, maneuvering in a circular section is not required at all, just before the exit you will need to give other drivers a light signal. We have not mentioned before that signs can be installed on the circle itself, to one degree or another affecting the order of passage of the intersection. It is important to notice them in time in order to rebuild in advance, guided by the markings and these signs.

According to the new rules, it is necessary to pass a roundabout, taking into account the presence of road signs in front of it. If this is a DZ "Roundabout" - this is considered an intersection with an unequal intersection, and all adjacent roads are secondary. Having entered the circle, you can see DZ 5.18, which indicates the permitted directions of movement in specific lanes. Marking 1.7 allows maneuvering in any direction, marking 1.18 - only in a certain direction. It is important to correctly navigate these signs and markings, otherwise the likelihood of an emergency increases many times over. When driving at an intersection with three or more lanes, you should carefully monitor vehicles moving both on the left and on the right. If they give a signal to rebuild, it is advisable to give way, because you may find yourself in the same situation at the next moment in time.

Of particular note are the roundabouts, the entrance to which is regulated by the signs "Main road" / "Secondary road". It is easier for drivers moving on the adjoining road: they simply follow the instructions of these signs. On the circle, everything looks more complicated, especially if the intersection is multi-lane. Normally, a Yield Warning Light is placed in front of an adjoining main road, but its instructions should only be followed if you are driving in the rightmost lane. In other cases, the general traffic rules apply: a driver who has entered the circle without interference from the main road, when changing lanes to the left, must take into account that now he no longer has an advantage. The rules for driving through a roundabout, if the driver is required to take the right lane, are as follows:

  • the right lane on the circle, for objective reasons, is the longest, but for the driver it is also the safest, regardless of the number of lanes, since the exit of their "ring" in any case is to the right. That is, having entered the circle on the right, you, in essence, do not have to change lanes to the left;
  • this does not mean that you can move along the right lane absolutely carefree: it is likely that before the next junction of the road, a “Give way” DZ can be installed, indicating that it is the main one, and you are already moving along the secondary one. You will have to yield to all vehicles entering the circle from this side. Second important point: a circular intersection may have unregulated pedestrian crossings, marked with a "zebra" and appropriate signs, and this also imposes certain restrictions on the speed of the intersection on the right lane;
  • in large cities, roundabouts are often formed in squares, so the right lanes can be occupied by parked cars. Usually in such cases they simply slow down and change lanes to the left. Relatively speaking, the rightmost lane simply shifts one row;
  • in most cases, roundabouts are not regulated, but there are exceptions with traffic lights. In this case, they become the main reference points for drivers. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of additional arrows and sections that allow movement in a certain direction to red. It is important to keep in mind that you should stop at a prohibitory signal before a special marking, and not where you have to.

Rules for leaving the circle

The final stage of passing the roundabout is also important, and in order not to create emergency situations, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • in any case, you need to move out onto the adjacent road from the right lane, therefore, in the presence of multi-lane traffic, you should think about rebuilding in advance. Note that the risk of taking the right lane is prematurely justified, since you will not create interference with other vehicles. It will only be about slowing down the speed of movement due to an increase in the number of cars in the right lane;
  • if you intend to leave the roundabout at the last exit or even turn around, that is, go onto the same road from which you entered, the best solution would be to take your car to the left lane, and it is advisable to do this ahead of time. This rule does not need to be observed only on single-lane roads. With three exit lanes, you will have to change lanes to the right twice. It is for this reason that the internal lanes are usually very lightly loaded;
  • when changing lanes, always turn on the appropriate turn signals, otherwise emergency situations are inevitable. In the same way, you should carefully observe neighboring vehicles moving both on the left and on the right - they can also give warning signals about the start of a maneuver;
  • Overtaking at intersections is prohibited, but this does not apply to overtaking. If there are a lot of lanes on the “ring”, there is room for maneuver, and the car in front is moving too slowly, no one forbids changing lanes to the left (most often this lane is free) or to the right. This must be done as carefully and carefully as possible;
  • since, in accordance with the new version of the traffic rules, the main driver at the roundabout is the driver moving along the intersection, you will need to give way when entering it. At the same time, you need to stop at a distance of at least five meters from the intersection.

Remember that even if you personally follow all the points of the rules and recommendations regarding the passage of roundabouts (and there are more than enough nuances here), you should always be on the lookout. It is not a fact that for other drivers, when passing through such a complex object, everything will be clear just like you. Minimize the number of lane changes as much as possible and move as fast as possible, but taking into account the fact that the situation can change in just a second. The main thing in such situations is to consider who has an advantage in a circular motion, and who should give way. It is not so difficult to navigate this, especially with a small number of signs regulating traffic.

Penalties for violations of traffic rules at roundabouts

Since the circular intersection is considered a rather difficult road section, the probability of making it while driving is quite high. The punishment will depend on the type of offence. In particular, entering the circle at a red traffic light is punishable by a fine (in accordance with Article 12.012 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) of a thousand rubles. The same violation recorded again increases the fine fivefold - up to 50,000 rubles (if intent is seen in your actions, you can lose the VU for up to six months, but such a decision is made only by the court). Penalties when driving a circle threaten with other violations:

  • if you did not give the other driver the opportunity to use the priority right to enter the intersection;
  • when moving towards the general traffic flow;
  • when performing an in-line rebuilding maneuver without turning on the turn signals;
  • for trying to leave the “ring” not from the far right lane;
  • for parking on a circle, regardless of the reasons.

In most of the cases listed, the penalty for violation is 1,000 rubles (in particular, failure to provide an advantage is regulated by Article 12.013 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). As for the last point, parking at a roundabout in accordance with the current version of the SDA is allowed only in cases where the vehicle stops no closer than 5 meters from the line of intersection of the adjacent road with the circle. For this violation, a fine of 500 rubles is provided (Article 12.019 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Having learned to drive on autodromes and around the house, everyone sets off on a journey with the hope of safe and comfortable road traffic. But without knowing the traffic rules, this is almost impossible, especially at intersections.

The first thing you have to determine in a real way quickly and accurately: who is in charge, who has what priority on which road, and only then instantly assess your rights to direction, speed and movement.

Traffic rules: roundabout. Who's in charge

The rules of the road say that roundabout practically no different from any other road crossing.

Crossroads traffic rules pay attention, but their value is equivalent to straight sections of roads and different options curves on them. Instructors often say that if you look at the circle from above and straighten it, it will still be the same straight road with turns.

From any point of view, it is road signs that change the state of priorities of road users that are of paramount importance on any road. It is especially spelled out in the traffic rules Who is in charge is determined by road signs 4.3, 2.4, 2.5, plate 8.13.

Not much you need to know to get it right:

  • enter the circle;
  • drive along it (and this is again a straight road);
  • leave the circle in the right direction.

The simplest and first rule is to move from the rightmost lane to the rightmost lane, unless signs or road markings indicate otherwise. Move only in your own lane and show only the right turn in time. On a circle, only to change lanes to the left, you need to show a left turn. Only leave the circle from the right lane with a right turn, unless the signs and road markings indicate a different movement option.

On especially dangerous sections of the roadway, road signs are necessarily repeated - this is another confirmation that of the two important concepts in traffic rules: "circular traffic", "who is in charge", the emphasis is on the latter.


As a general rule, an intersection is a place where two roads intersect. When one of them is the main one, the question of priority is obvious. When equivalent roads intersect, priority is determined by the standard formula: and she is always right.” The presence of road signs changes priority.

In a traffic circle, traffic in a circle, when it is a roundabout, is determined by the sign 4.3 "Roundabout". At such an intersection of roads there is always an island, and it is impossible to go straight. Both the road and the ring can have several lanes.

As a general rule, the entrance to the roundabout is carried out only to the right, only from the extreme right lane of the road to the extreme right lane of the ring. may indicate other options for movement.

Usually, a sign 8.13 "Direction of the main road" is installed in front of the roundabout, as well as signs 2.4 and 2.5.

Thus, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is difficult to make a mistake in determining the priority, since the traffic rules for traffic along the ring are fully regulated. Despite this, there are many nuances.

Psychological aspects of priority

Moving along the usual route is rarely difficult, however, as in any other situation, there is always a chance to face a difficult choice. The road, like an air liner, like an ocean ship, like any other massive structure, is fraught with the power of cruel objectivity - it does not forgive mistakes, but it always provides enough options for safe movement.

You should never count on the fact that all road users are in a balanced state, not only have high-quality knowledge of traffic rules, but also intend to follow them. "Departure" to the conflict, and not to the road - today is too common a problem.

Therefore, it is always important to know, as described in Who's in charge? The new rules make this clear. It's just that old habits, which are too strong for experienced drivers to this day, can be a problem for a novice who turns out to be right, especially in a difficult situation on the ring.

When choosing a route, determining the behavior of other road users, you should strictly follow the rules and rely on the fact that others do the same, but you should never lose sight of the possibility of an unforeseen situation.

Determining the priority in any business is rarely difficult for a person. Here, time to make the right decision is practically not required. On the road, the scale of values ​​is on the wheels, and everything changes significantly.

Strange roundabout

A roundabout is not something special compared to other road crossing options, but it never hurts to be vigilant and prioritize correctly.

Such a circle is difficult to notice, here the entrance (and not passing by) to the roundabout is carried out in a straight line. It is not always made in the form of a circle. Various tangent options meet in the most unexpected place. Therefore, it is very important to carefully follow the signs.

Entrance to the roundabout

On the road, you need to take into account all the nuances. In order to safely and comfortably complete the roundabout, first of all, you need to pay attention to the road signs before the intersection. If there is only road sign 4.3, it is best to choose the right lane, show the right turn, make sure that the cars in the circle remember that they have an obstacle on the right instead of priority, and boldly enter. But as soon as the vehicle is on the circle, everyone has equal rights until the first intersection, at which the one on the right will be right.

If 2.4 or 2.5 is added to the sign 4.3, you will have to give way or stop altogether.

If the road in front of and at the intersection is divided into traffic lanes, and they have road markings or signs of special requirements, then priority and actions should be determined with this in mind.


One should never forget what is defined as driving on a straight road. When changing lanes to the left, you need to show a turn, to the right lane - too, but a right turn does not give any right to turn right if the car is on the second lane. Even if there are road markings on the second lane that allow a right turn, you should make sure that the car will not go straight to the right.

An important point: the rules for driving around the ring require you to remember where the main road begins and ends. Where relevant, each entrance has an appropriate version of the 8.13 sign indicating the direction of the main road.

Departure from the intersection

As a general rule, it begins with an indication of the right turn, is made from the right lane to the right lane. If there are indications by signs and markings and there is no interference on the right, then you can turn from the second and even from the third lane. Although the third, fourth or more stripes on the ring are for other purposes.

All changes in the lanes inside the ring are carried out in the same way as driving on a straight road, taking into account those moments (usually only the right lane) that are imposed by the priority of drivers entering the ring in the place where they have the main road.

Before leaving the roundabout in a lane other than the right, you need to be absolutely sure that no obstruction is moving straight from the right.

Bon Voyage!

It is important and necessary to know the rules and follow them, but after 2010 it is advisable to re-read the section in the SDA "Roundabout". Who is the main one on the ring, they describe the rules in detail. This is just one paragraph, but many experienced drivers can drive out of habit, like in the good old days, and this is already creating an emergency.

Just don't take it for granted. The road is the road, and it's not about the roundabouts, and certainly not about new changes in the rules.

Traffic rules need to be known and correctly applied, you need to drive carefully and carefully, correctly prioritize. Then the way will be safe and comfortable, and passengers and cargo will be delivered to desired point at the right time.

Artem, Hello.

If only the priority sign "End of the main road" is placed in front of the intersection, then the intersection is equivalent. Priority is given to vehicles in the roundabout.

Good luck on the roads!

Konstantin, Hello.

This crossroads is discussed here in this forum thread.

Most likely, the organizers wanted to show that the crossings are regulated, but the intersection is not. In fact, it turned out to be an incomprehensible organization of the movement. I recommend on this occasion to write an appeal to the traffic police in order to transfer the signs "Roundabout".

Good luck on the roads!


All the problems began when someone, during the time of "perestroika", contributed to the current traffic rules and prescribed the "right hand rule" when driving at a roundabout !!!

Previously, this rule on the "ring" was canceled AND ... - IT WAS CORRECT!!!

Logically, in order to avoid accidents on the "ring", a car moving from the inner lane to the outer should have an advantage ... - WELL, THIS IS BY LOGIC, and since. Today, the logic is getting smaller every day ...

P.S. LOGIC: cars enter the "ring" in three lanes. In the process of movement, there is a need to move from left to right - for the timely release of the lane and the "ring" as a whole - the "right" should skip the "left" !!! The situation when the "left" let the "right" pass would be justified and logical in the case of the CONVERSE, when the exit would be on the left side in the direction of travel !!! Today, with the legitimized advantage of the "right" on the ring ... - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LEAVE FROM THE RING. There is NOT an unloading of the ring, but His ... - CLOCKING and an accident, as a result !!!


so it’s easier to go from a small circle to a larger one than vice versa: let’s say, having yielded to the roundabouts, three cars drove into each lane, then when driving in a circle, the distance between cars on the outer circle is usually much greater than on the inner one. (We do not consider the case with a traffic jam, where if you do not give in to each other, you will not part at all). If you have problems on the circle, change lanes before the intersection in the right lane.

Good afternoon If there is only a sign 4.3 "Roundabout" in front of the circle, then the circle is the main one! And if this sign 4.3 does not exist and there are no signs of priority ... nothing! Do they disperse according to the "right hand" rule at a roundabout? Did I understand correctly?

Where can you find out for sure?

Good day. In Pushkin, when driving from the center on Pavlovsk highway, 50 meters before the intersection marked with the sign "Roundabout", the sign "Main road" is installed. There is no sign at the entrance to the end of the main road, only a roundabout. Almost the entire flow of traffic flows into the circle without slowing down. Still, it is not clear whether the Roundabout cancels the Main Road sign?

Natalie, Hello.

If there is no roundabout sign (and other signs indicating the direction of movement), then:

1. You have a regular intersection in front of you.

2. Movement in a "circle" is possible in two directions. By outside cars drive counterclockwise, inside - clockwise.

3. Each of the entrances is a separate intersection, where you need to give way to cars approaching from the right.

Good luck on the roads!

Luba, Hello.

The "Roundabout" sign does not cancel the "Main Road" sign. If there are controversial and incomprehensible situations at the intersection, then write an appeal to the local traffic police. Demand to install additional road signs at the intersection, excluding misinterpretation.

Good luck on the roads!


Good day, Lyuba! I looked at the Yandex-panorama for the place you are writing about. The sign "Main Road" stands on Pavlovsk Highway in front of the junction of Sapernaya Street on the right and determines the priority in traffic at this three-way intersection. It has nothing to do with the ring. Since there is only sign 4.3 ("roundabout") before entering the ring road, a new traffic rule comes into effect at the roundabout - the priority of those on the ring!


I believe that the effect of the priority sign applies only to the intersection in front of which it is installed.

For example, we passed an intersection on the main road, in front of which there is a sign 2.1. Further, we have the next intersection, in front of which no priority signs are installed at all. Question. Do we, entering such an intersection, have the right to consider that we are moving along the main road? I guess not. Before us is an intersection of equivalent roads, and the rule of interference on the right applies to it (or the priority of the circle for a new point). For example, at such an intersection (without priority signs) a car driver leaves from our right. He rightly considers himself a hindrance to us from the right, and therefore enjoys his priority, and we are obliged to let him through. After all, he is completely unaware of what priority sign stood in front of us at the previous intersection. So it is with the movement around the ring. The rider on the ring has the right to consider himself a priority over the one entering the ring (according to a new paragraph), if there are no other signs of priority in front of him. How does he know about the presence of that sign 2.1 that the entrant passed at the previous intersection? Is it logical?

As for sign 2.2, according to GOST, sign 2.2 "End of the main road" is installed at the end of the section of the road where it loses its status as the main one. The installation of this sign would simply duplicate the new traffic rules clause ("circle priority"), which, probably, would not be superfluous.

Strange, but in Paris, at the entrance to Charles de Gaulle Square (in common parlance, Zvezda Square) with 12 rays and intersections, there is no Circular Traffic sign, "however, movement around the Arc de Triomphe is carried out in one direction - counterclockwise, while moving along the squares are inferior to those who enter it.But isn't it like in all of Europe in our country?

Good day, Lyuba! I looked at the Yandex-panorama for the place you are writing about. The sign "Main Road" stands on Pavlovsk Highway in front of the junction of Sapernaya Street on the right and determines the priority in traffic at this three-way intersection. It has nothing to do with the ring. Since there is only sign 4.3 ("roundabout") before entering the ring road, a new traffic rule comes into effect at the roundabout - the priority of those on the ring!

As far as I remember, the main road ends only with the installation of the sign End of the main road. Or are there exceptions to this rule? Then, please poke my nose into the relevant section of the traffic rules so that it is imprinted in the mind

The main road ends in three cases: sign 2.2 (end of the main road), sign 2.4 (give way), controlled intersection.

Alexey in this answer to you, Lyuba, correctly explained everything, because:

SDA clause 13.11 (1). When entering an intersection, on which a roundabout is organized and which is marked with sign 4.3, vehicle driver obliged to yield way to vehicles moving through such an intersection.

I believe that the effect of the priority sign applies only to the intersection in front of which it is installed ...

Wrong, above I wrote 3 cases of cancellation of sign 2.1 (main road). We have already discussed this on the forum.

Even if there are no priority signs at the next intersection in front of you (remember the usual country road), they must be on the crossed road (ie signs 2.1 "yield"). Their complete absence is an oversight of the road service (knocked down by hooligans, wind, etc.). In case of an accident, the insurance company pays for the damage, reimbursing its costs from this road service through the court.


Okay, but at the roundabout, in the case that Lyuba described, should there be priority signs or not? And why then the sign 2.1, installed in front of the previous intersection, is no longer valid at the entrance to the ring?

This is the place on google panorama

Okay, but at the roundabout, in the case that Lyuba described, should there be priority signs or not?

This is decided by the authorities, depending on the traffic in some direction (i.e. if there are more cars in some direction, this direction becomes the main one). In other words, the task is to unload the intersection as quickly as possible! There are no signs of priority - the circle is the main one. There are - for them.

And why then the sign 2.1, installed in front of the previous intersection, is no longer valid at the entrance to the ring?

at the entrance sign 4.3 one without priority signs- the main circle. If with him there was a sign (changing the direction of the main road) - on it.


Because clause 13.11(1) says, I repeat again, and you yourself said about the same Luba: Once at the entrance sign 4.3 one without priority signs - the main circle. If there was a sign (changing the direction of the main road) - on it.

A roundabout without priority signs is a variant of an equivalent intersection (a special case).

You say that the next intersection, after the one marked with the sign 2.1, must also be with priority signs.

It turns out that in the case of the roundabout, your statement does not apply.


Among the three cases you listed of the cancellation of the sign 2.1, this case does not exist.

You say that the next intersection, after the one marked with the sign 2.1, must also be with priority signs. It turns out that in the case of the roundabout, your statement does not apply.

I say that the priority signs should be at least on the secondary with the same coverage (not necessarily for the ground, it is inferior to the coverage). What difference does it make what configuration the intersection is ahead of. Remember the suburban highway, which is the main one for you from city A to city B, unless there are signs 2.1 or the like in front of each intersection.

And another question for you. Does a single sign 4.3 ("roundabout") cancel the effect of the sign 2.1 installed at the previous intersection?

Thought about the same a little earlier. I can't give a definite answer. Yes, you will have to leave along a secondary beam, but this secondary beam is only at this intersection. Those. we can say that all the beams are further beyond the intersection, these are secondary roads, and it is possible that the main ones (because there were no 2.2, 2.4 and traffic lights).

Perhaps there is a sign or markings indicating the direction of the turn at the entrance. I would like to look at the Yandex (Google) panorama.

There are NO signs there, I checked my memory (I was very surprised when I was driving) just in case along the panoramas, though only from the side of Defense

And here is a link to the Panorama from the Champs Elysees. There are no signs or markings. But there are no questions about who gives way to whom. Those moving around the Arc de Triomphe counterclockwise give way to those entering the square. It is quite difficult to maneuver in multi-lane traffic, but congestion is minimal.

Maksim! Thank you for the clarification!) It's just that we, among the teachers of the driving school, had a dispute) I was right!

The "Roundabout" sign does not cancel the "Main Road" sign.

A little slower, Max. From 8.11.17 sign 4.3 "KD" acquired the functions of priority signs. Rather, the sign 2.4 "Give way."

The first half where in the circle means on the main one is understandable and logical, and it used to be so, but why complicate everything and highlight secondary and main ones there, and then in your picture the one who is on the circle / main one does not have a yield sign, but he should follow the right hand rule Those who came up with this do not have rights or driving experience? Why complicate things so much????

Sign 4.3 allows movement only in the direction shown on the sign, while the first turn must be only to the right, a U-turn is prohibited.

Sign 4.3 is not a priority sign, therefore, crossing carriageways with roundabouts without sign 2.1 "Main road" or 2.4 "Give way" is an intersection of equivalent roads, where the driver must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. But that was before November 8, 2017. After the amendments to the SDA come into force, vehicles moving in a circle have an advantage over vehicles that are going to enter the circle. Therefore, the right hand rule no longer works in this situation.

According to clause 8.5 of the SDA, entry into a roundabout with a multi-lane entrance can be carried out from the right and left lanes to any lane of the roundabout, and with a single-lane entrance - as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway and only to the extreme right lane of the roundabout; then you can change lanes to the left if available (clause 8.6 of the rules). The congress from the circle can only be carried out from the extreme right lane.


Just before the roundabout.

Exam questions for sign 4.3 "Roundabout" until 2017. (Ticket number and question may not match)

Ticket number 9 Question number 3

In which directions are you allowed to continue driving?

2. B or C.

3. Only B.

A comment: The obligatory sign 4.3 "Roundabout" allows you to continue moving only in the direction indicated on it (arrows), therefore movement along the trajectory "B" is prohibited. In addition, sign 3.18.1 “No right turn is prohibited” prohibits turning right into the nearest passage “A”.

Ticket number 10 Question number 7

You intend to make a U-turn at an intersection. Which direction indicators should be turned on when entering an intersection?

1. There is no need to turn on the direction indicators in this situation.

3. Right.

A comment: Signaling by direction indicators should be carried out well in advance of the start of the maneuver. At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users. At such a roundabout, sign 4.3 “Roundabout” you must move in the direction indicated on the sign, turning on the right turn signal before entering.

Ticket number 12 Question number 14

You intend to continue through the roundabout. Should I give way to a truck?

1. No.

2. Yes.

A comment: Sign 4.3 "Roundabout" allows movement in the direction indicated by the arrows and gives you no advantage. Therefore, you are approaching an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads and must give way to vehicles that are on your right.

Ticket number 13 Question number 8

From which lane can you enter this intersection?

1. From the right or left.

2. Only on the right.

A comment: When entering a roundabout marked with the sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, according to paragraph 8.5 of the rules, you can turn right not only from the extreme right lane, but also from the left.

Ticket number 16 Question number 14

When you enter an intersection, you:

1. Must give way only to a motorcycle.

2. Must give way to both vehicles.

3. You have the priority right to move.

A comment: The roundabout is the "Main Road". Therefore, you must give way to both vehicles.

Ticket number 23 Question number 8

On what trajectory can you continue moving?

1. Only according to A.

2. Only for A or B.