How to enter the roundabout. Rules for entering a roundabout. Pedestrians and their movement around the ring

Not so long ago, new rules for passing a roundabout appeared. But some are still confused and cannot understand who should let pass whom. I'll tell you more about this:

"In the event that a sign 4.3 is installed before the roundabout" Roundabout Circulation” in combination with the sign 2.4 “Give way” or 2.5 “Movement without stopping is prohibited”, the driver of a vehicle located at an intersection has an advantage over vehicles entering such an intersection. (the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2010 N 316)"

It turns out that essentially nothing has changed. The main idea of ​​the changes was to make most of the "rings" the main ones, i.e. once I let everyone through before leaving for the ring and that’s it - you drive calmly, not yielding to anyone. However, if there is only sign 4.3 in front of the intersection. “roundabout” and there are no priority signs, then, as before, the rules for passing a regular intersection apply. For example, "interference on the right" - drivers who drive in a circle are obliged to give way to those who enter the intersection.

If, in addition to the “roundabout” sign, there is a sign 2.4 “Give way” or 2.5 “Movement without stopping is prohibited” and a sign on which the direction of the main road is drawn, in this case, the one who travels along the main road has priority.

This option is also possible: sign 4.3 “roundabout” in combination with sign 2.1 “main road” and a sign indicating the direction of the main road. In this case, you don’t need to let anyone through before leaving, and in the future, the one who travels along the main road has priority.

If there is a traffic light in front of the roundabout, then you need to wait for the permission signal and then go. At the same time, the rules of passage of an ordinary intersection apply.

Many drivers entering a roundabout turn on their left “turn signal” when they are about to turn left or go straight. According to the traffic rules, it is not correct to do so. When entering the ring, you must turn on the right “turn signal”, no matter where you are going to go. The left “turn signal” must be turned on after entering the ring if you are going to change lanes to the left. Approaching the desired exit, you need to change lanes to the extreme right lane of the "ring".

If there are several lanes before entering the ring, then when turning right, you need to take the extreme right lane, and when turning left, the extreme left. If there are more than three lanes, then when turning left, you must take one of the two leftmost lanes. When driving straight ahead, you need to drive along one of the central lanes so as not to make unnecessary lane changes and not interfere with other traffic participants. Turning at a roundabout is similar to turning left.

Following the rules of the road for any driver is vital necessity. Each person driving a vehicle must know and be able to put into practice the algorithm for performing maneuvers on the roadway, without interfering with other cars, trucks, buses, etc. For example, if an intersection involves a roundabout, the rules for driving such a section are clearly regulated by traffic rules . The task of the driver is to correctly select the lane and direction, as well as correctly exit from this zone. This is necessary in order to minimize the risk of an emergency and, consequently, an accident. Since November 2017, new rules for passing roundabouts have been in force. They are detailed below.

Roundabout: definition

This term refers to the section of the road appearance island-like. According to the traffic rules, roundabouts in this area must be organized counterclockwise. However, this condition is relevant only for roads with right-hand traffic of vehicles. If the movement is carried out on the left, it is necessary to go in the opposite direction. This feature is important to consider in each region.

According to the rules of the road, the roundabout must be carried out as long as the vehicle is in the area of ​​the intersection. At the same time, drivers do not need to turn on the turn signals while overcoming this section. Light signals must be given only in case of rebuilding from one lane to another.


A certain symbol is always set before such intersections. It's called the roundabout sign. The rules of passage in each case depend on the direction of the arrows on the symbol. This means that it is allowed to turn only in the direction indicated by the sign. Reversal is prohibited. In addition, it is important to know about the following feature: the first turn must be to the right.

Most often, the “Give way” symbol is installed simultaneously with this sign. This is a requirement, which means that the person driving the vehicle must not start moving or perform any other maneuver if this will provoke other participants with an advantage to change their speed or trajectory. Outwardly, it looks like an inverted white triangle with a red border.

It is important to know that the “Roundabout” symbol is not a priority sign. The rules for driving such a section directly depend on whether a sign is installed simultaneously with it, which stands for a requirement to take into account the priority of traffic participants moving in the intersection zone. Often regulation is carried out using the sign "Main Road".

Previously, if these symbols were absent, the driver was obliged to give the right of way to vehicles that were in relation to him on the right. On November 8, 2017, new rules for driving roundabouts came into force. According to them, any vehicle moving through this area has an advantage over cars that are just about to enter this area. In other words, the right-hand rule for such intersections is no longer valid.

If there are traffic lights or priority signs, you must move according to their conditions.

The need to prevent chaos on the road is due to changes in the rules of travel. Roundabouts used to be associated with areas where there was a high risk of crashes. Before the amendments, the driver had to give way to other participants only if there was a sign indicating the corresponding requirement. If the symbol was absent, the person driving the vehicle had the advantage. These rules were recognized as imperfect, since accidents were recorded very often at roundabouts. From now on, the emergency situation is created much less frequently. This is due to the fact that drivers have clearly understood that the right of way has a vehicle moving in a circle.

Often in such areas with a large area, a sign "Pedestrian crossing" is installed. The zone for passers-by is not regulated in any way. According to the rules for passing roundabouts, the driver in all cases without exception must give way to pedestrians. It is important to know that not only those passers-by who have already stepped on the zebra with at least one foot, but also those who are just about to make a maneuver, that is, persons who are in close proximity to the sign or markings, have the priority right to move.

This moment is not regulated in any way by traffic rules. There are no rules for passing a roundabout regarding a particular lane, however, in order to avoid an emergency situation, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • It is allowed to enter an intersection with roundabouts organized on it from any lane. According to clause 8.5 of the SDA, the driver must change lanes in advance to the right lane before making any maneuver. At the same time, sections with circular motion are an exception to the Rules. In other words, the driver can enter the intersection from absolutely any lane. But it is important to consider the occupied row. For example, when entering from the left lane, it is unacceptable to change lanes to the rightmost lane. This is due to the fact that when making this maneuver, the risk of an accident is significantly increased.
  • If the number of lanes at the intersection does not match their number on the section of the road along which the vehicle is moving, the motorist is obliged to change lanes in advance.
  • If a person driving a car needs to turn right, it is advisable to take the appropriate lane. This recommendation is also relevant for drivers who want to change direction and move in left side.
  • It is advisable to occupy the central lane if necessary, continue to move straight.

Features of making a right turn

According to the rules of the road, roundabouts must be carried out counterclockwise. Therefore, a driver intending to turn right must slow down and turn on the appropriate light signal in advance. In addition, he must rebuild in advance. In this case, the far right lane.

According to the new rules of the crossing, roundabouts should be organized as comfortable as possible for all participants. A driver who intends to enter such an intersection must make sure that other vehicles pass him. This is true during rush hour, when traffic is at its most intense and most people have the right of way, making it quite difficult for a new participant to maneuver.

It is important to remember that the traffic rules for passing roundabouts are very strictly regulated. According to them, at the entrance, the driver is obliged to give way to all vehicles moving in a circle.

Features of making a left turn

Before the maneuver is carried out, it is necessary to change lanes to the appropriate lane. If there are more of them than in the area that the driver intends to leave, you need to take the left lane.

If the intersection involves two-lane traffic, a different algorithm must be followed. You need to start the maneuver in the left lane. As soon as the first or second congress is overcome, you must immediately change lanes to the right. In this case, it is important not to forget to turn on the appropriate turn signals.

The rules for passing a roundabout at a three-lane intersection are similar to those described above. The only difference is that the driver needs to change lanes to the right lane twice. Performing this maneuver requires maximum concentration. It must be carried out carefully, in a timely manner and adequately assessing the situation on the road.

Forward travel

Any number of secondary roads can adjoin such intersections. It is this feature that is decisive for drivers; a person is guided by it when assessing their actions on the roadway:

  • If there are more than 2 lanes at the intersection, you must take the middle one.
  • If there are 2 rows on the site, the choice of the optimal zone directly depends on the traffic situation that prevailed at the time the driver made the maneuver. At the same time, it is important to remember the need to comply with the requirements of priority signs, if any.
  • It is allowed to cross a roundabout in order to move further in the forward direction and in the right lane. But it is important to remember that in this case the driver may interfere with another participant who intends to make a right turn from the middle lane.

Thus, it is most expedient to carry out movement along the middle lane. At the same time, it is important to remember the need to give way to all passers-by if there is a pedestrian crossing at the intersection.

Features of the exit from the site

This situation is strictly regulated by traffic rules. According to the Rules, it is necessary to leave the intersection where traffic in a circle is organized only from the right lane.

In this case, the driver, immediately before changing lanes to the desired lane, is obliged to adequately assess the current situation and give way to all vehicles located on the right in relation to him. This is due to the fact that overtaking is allowed at roundabouts. In addition, it is possible to stop on them, but only on condition that the distance from the border of the confluence of the carriageway and this section is at least 5 m.

Thus, all drivers must clearly remember the following rule: entry is allowed from any lane, exit - only from the right.

Regulated roundabouts

In this case, the entire site is a single object, and a traffic light is installed at each entrance. As a rule, such a scheme is used only at intersections of a small area, where secondary roads are clearly visible. For large areas, it is not always relevant.

Rules for driving with traffic lights:

  • The circular movement is carried out according to the requirements of the signal light. If it is enabled, the driver must ignore the priority signs.
  • If for some reason the traffic controller has assumed responsibility for organizing traffic, it is necessary to follow his orders, even if they contradict traffic signals.
  • Vehicles at the roundabout have priority. When you turn on the enable signal, which has green color, the entering driver is obliged to give way (including to pedestrians). He must also make sure that all participants in the movement have completed the initiated maneuver.

If the requirements of the signal light contradict the signs, it is necessary to focus on the installed symbols, and not on the traffic light.

The amount of monetary compensation is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses. If you enter a roundabout at a time when the traffic light is red, the driver faces a fine of 1000 rubles.

If a motorist commits a gross violation repeatedly, the amount of monetary compensation is 5 times larger. As an alternative, a penalty is used, which implies the deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 months to six months. The choice of sanctions against the violator is carried out by the court.

A penalty is also imposed in the following situations:

  • The driver did not grant the right of way to vehicles at the intersection.
  • Crossing the site in the opposite lane.
  • The driver did not turn on the appropriate light signal while changing lanes.
  • Departure from a roundabout from the center or left lane.
  • Parking.

In such cases, a fine of 1000 rubles is imposed.

According to the new rules of passage, roundabouts should be comfortable for all participants. Stopping at an intersection is allowed only when the distance to the crossed carriageway is 5 m or more. Failure to comply with this condition threatens with a fine of 500 rubles.

Ignoring the requirement of the sign to observe the direction of movement leads to the deprivation of a driver's license. It is important for drivers to remember that the intersection, where the right-hand movement of vehicles is organized, must be passed counterclockwise.


Since November 2017, some changes have come into effect. From now on, new roundabout rules apply. According to them, vehicles located directly at the intersection have the right of priority to move. New road users must give way to them. This rule is relevant for unregulated intersections. If there is a traffic light, you must be guided by its signals. For non-compliance with the rules, a fine is imposed on the violator, the amount of which varies from 500 to 5000 rubles.

When driving in a roundabout (along the ring), drivers often have difficulties. Let's figure out what rules you should follow in 2020, moving along such road sections in Russia.

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A driver who has been driving transport for many years will not ask questions about how to move around the ring correctly.

Newcomers who have recently received a driver's license are another matter - not all the nuances of the rules of the road are still familiar to them.

Often, if they need to cross the ring, they are confused - which lane to choose, which turn signals to turn on, how to change lanes and how to leave this section of the road.

Basic information

When driving in a roundabout, those who have been driving recently have difficulties. And there is nothing surprising in this, because there are many varieties of such intersections. One thing they have in common is the movement in a circle.

But the number of access roads, their location may differ, which confuses the driver and creates difficulties for the unification of roundabouts. And the rules must be followed.

What you need to know

The driver may doubt his actions because of the sign in front of the roundabout. Previously, only sign 4.3 (roundabout) was installed.

This is a blue circle on which 3 white arrows are placed, and they are directed clockwise.

Seeing him, motorists understood that the car on the ring would miss the vehicle that was entering the circle. And the incoming driver could continue without obstacles.

But the government Russian Federation published, according to which they began to install other signs - 2.4 (give way), 2.5 (non-stop movement is prohibited).

It follows from this that motorists moving in their vehicles along the ring are in a priority situation.

You can often see the sign 2.1 (main road). In this case, the driver has the right to travel on the main road.

The same motorists who are on secondary roads must stop and give way. The main thing is the direction that is represented on the sign in the form of a thick line.

What is its role

A roundabout is a section of the road where cars drive counterclockwise.

This principle is followed in states where cars move with right side. Then the cars should move in a circle in a clockwise direction.

Traffic on this type of intersection is carried out until the vehicle leaves this section of the road.

These intersections are not regulated, and traffic lights are not installed. The rules for entering and leaving the ring are determined in accordance with the established signs and markings.

When leaving, it is not necessary to turn on the turn signals. They are used when the driver is about to change lanes.

Often there are roundabouts near squares and other large areas. Usually they have a pedestrian crossing, which is also not regulated.

In this case, one rule applies - the driver who drives around the ring must give way to a pedestrian crossing the road.

Roundabouts make it easier for traffic to cross sections of the road.

It does not contain separate sections that would describe the order of movement of drivers around the ring. So, the following information will be very useful to you.

Rules of the road on the ring (SDA)

The general rules are:

What else the driver needs to know:

Moving around the ring, the motorist can only make 2 turns to the right Getting in and out of it. Traffic on this section is conditionally straight.
Priority in movement have those What are on the main road
If there is a sign in front of the intersection It is worth focusing on it, and not on generally accepted rules.
Pedestrians are allowed to pass, but if there is a traffic light That movement will be carried out with the appropriate signals
A yellow traffic light means that the intersection is unregulated And it's worth sticking to the priority rule
Entering the ring, the driver turns on the right turn signal Regardless of which trajectory is given. The left turn signal is turned on only when there is a need to make a change to the left lane

It is worth understanding what regulated intersections and regulated pedestrian crossings before intersections are.

Pedestrian crossings with traffic lights can be at the entrances or exits from the ring. Then you should adhere to the rules relevant to the relevant road sections.

In the presence of the sign “Give way”, “Stop”, cars that move along the ring road have advantages.

If there is no such sign, those entering the roundabout have the advantage. U-turns at the entrances are not allowed - first they go around the ring.

How to choose a lane

Consider the new rules of movement around the ring. Are they so complicated or is it worth just remembering a few points of traffic rules and the road in such a section will cease to be insurmountable?

You can enter the ring section from any lane. But you need to take into account a number of features. The driver must take such a trajectory that will allow you to move out on the desired section of the road.

Clause 8.5 of the Rules of the Road states that before changing direction on specific sections of the road, that is, when turning left, right, as well as turning in opposite directions, you should definitely change lanes to the extreme right.

The exception is road sections where traffic is circular. So, the driver is not required to go to the ring on the right side.

Entry is possible from any lane, but it is worth considering the occupied row. That is, when driving from the extreme lane on the left, the motorist cannot stand in the extreme lane on the right.

Otherwise, there will be a gross violation, as a result of which an emergency situation may be provoked.

Then the driver needs to maneuver to change lanes. You can rebuild later (already on the ring).

In such a situation, it is possible to enter the left lane if the motorist misses other road users.

When driving on the left, there will be no interference with neighboring lanes, where they are actively rebuilding to enter or leave the ring. Sometimes the best option- drive along the central lanes of the road.

Left turn

Turning left when driving on the ring section must be carried out in accordance with the rules. To make such a maneuver, it is necessary to rebuild the transport in the extreme lane on the left.

If there are only 2 lanes, you need to maneuver from the left lane, and when the desired exit is reached, change lanes again to the right lane.

Then you can turn. Overcoming the ring in the described ways is possible if signs are not installed that determine a different course of action.

Look around, and then you can easily understand who has the advantages on this road.

Going straight

It is worth choosing a lane taking into account the number of vehicles, traffic density and the skills of the motorist.

If a person wants to cross the intersection and go straight, then prefer the middle lane so that you do not have to change lanes again. You can also stay in the right lane.

But then there will be an obstacle for other road users. A vehicle that moves in the middle can change lanes in an empty space.

And so that there is no trouble, it is better to take the center row. When leaving the roundabout, stop and give way to pedestrians.

Departure from the roundabout

So, in order to leave the ring, it is worth changing lanes to the extreme lane on the right. First, the driver assesses the situation, passes the cars that drive on the right side, and then maneuvers.

The driver needs to rebuild in such a way that it does not happen that when leaving the car it will fall into the oncoming lane. From the left lane, driving is possible straight ahead, without leaving the roundabout.

Remember that there are such rings where and 5 bands. So, try to immediately stand in a row, which will simplify the exit from the circular road section.

You can overtake other cars on the roundabout. And the stop should be carried out no closer than five meters to the road, which merges with the main one.

If there is a sign “Circular traffic”, “Main road” in front of the intersection, then when making the exit, you do not need to let cars through.

Those who move along the main roads will have advantages. When leaving, drivers turn on the turn signal.

Emerging nuances

At roundabouts, there are often several adjoining roads. Given this moment, drivers must determine a strategy for further movement.

With three lane traffic

If the road has 3 lanes, then choose the one that will be equivalent to the row at the exit. To turn left on a ring with three lanes, you will have to change lanes to the right lane 2 times.

Such maneuvers on the roadway must be carried out with the utmost care and attention. Participants in the movement on the road are required to assess the situation on this site.

With two lanes

If there are 2 lanes, it is worth looking at the situation at the intersection. It is advisable to move in the left lanes if the vehicle will drive in a circle or turn around.

When driving on main roads, make sure that other drivers see and let you pass.

Video: passing roundabouts

In the event that the road is secondary, the motorist must stop and give way for other road users.

The main road can only be a specific section of the ring, which is worth remembering. The driver at the entrance must give way to someone who is moving on the main road.

The amount of the fine for violation

If the driver violates the rules of the road on the ring section, he faces a fine, as stated in the legislative provisions.

An employee of the civil service of the traffic police will set its value, taking into account the seriousness of the legal violation or other nuances that turn out to be important.

For example, when leaving the road with ring traffic at a red traffic light, you will have to pay 1 thousand rubles.

If such a plan is violated again, the amount will already be 5 thousand rubles.

In some situations, the judicial authority may decide on another measure of punishment - deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4-6 months.

The driver will also have to pay a fine:

  • when driving in opposite lanes;
  • in the event that a person does not give way to a car that is moving along the main road;
  • in case of stop on the ring;
  • if, when making changes in accordance with traffic rules, when driving around the ring, the turn signals were not turned on;
  • if the person leaves the ring is not the extreme right lane.

If the motorist does not provide an advantage on the ring, an employee of the authorized body issues a fine to the owner of the car for various reasons.

A driver who prevents other vehicles from entering the ring section in places where there is no traffic sign will pay 1,000 rubles.

With the same amount, the person who ignores road sign which is in front of the intersection. And the rights will be taken away from the person who does not move correctly along the circular road.

Remember that vehicles must move counter-clockwise. And this is the first of the rules that must not be forgotten.

Roundabouts are sections of the road where the driver's attention and knowledge of the rules of the road is very important.

Compliance with the rules of behavior on the road is a guarantee of your own safety: the driver must know the algorithm of his actions in a particular situation. So, when crossing a roundabout, it is important to carefully choose a lane and correctly exit this section of the highway. By adhering to a regulated procedure, you can avoid an accident and not become a hindrance to others.

Definition and scheme of movement in a circle

Roundabout at the intersection means the movement of vehicles around the central island counterclockwise (for the principle of traffic organization adopted in Russia - on the right). In states with a left lane priority at such an intersection, the flow of cars tends in a different direction - clockwise.

Being on the ring, the driver obeys the rules for passing interchanges with movement in a circle. One of their features is the lack of regulation: there are no traffic lights or traffic controllers. Those who move in a circle have priority right of way, other motorists are obliged to give way to them. There is no mandatory use of turn signals, only for cases of rebuilding from one lane to another.

Advantages and disadvantages

Walking has a number of advantages:

  • movement priority for those who are already moving in a circle;
  • high throughput;
  • lack of regulation;
  • Overtaking and stopping are allowed.

However, as traffic increases, roundabouts become an obstacle, another source of congestion. Since the exit is allowed only from the extreme right lane, it will be necessary to perform additional maneuvers to change lanes from lane to lane, which increases the likelihood of accidents if the driver does not adequately assess the traffic situation.


Sign 4.3 allows movement only in the direction shown on the sign, while the first turn must be only to the right, a U-turn is prohibited

Sign 4.3 is used to indicate the beginning of a roundabout, which schematically displays the upcoming maneuvers of drivers. The outer diameter of the circle is separated from the adjoining streets by dash markings with thicker lines than those that serve to separate the lanes inside the ring.

SDA 2018

Changes made to the Rules of the Road at the end of 2017 continue to be valid in 2018: the roundabout is a priority and is equated to traffic on the main road. Whereas before they were guided by the “right hand rule”, letting those who entered the intersection pass.

Ring traffic does not require additional adjustment, but in places of heavy traffic at the entrance to such an intersection, a traffic light can be installed. In this case, you should be guided by traffic lights, ignoring the signs that prescribe priority.

Road signs

Since November 2017, sign 4.3 has been supplemented by sign 2.4 “Give way”, once again reminding that the circle is a priority, and everyone entering it from adjacent streets must let the flow of cars moving along the ring pass.

Give way sign is not only used in roundabouts

Roundabout entrance

The rules of the road allow you to enter the circle from any lane adjacent to it. However optimal choice The entry lane (to reduce the number of lane change maneuvers) depends on the further movement of the vehicle:

  • exit to the right implies arrival from the right lane;
  • for rectilinear movement, it is more reasonable to choose the central lane;
  • exit to the left and a U-turn are more convenient to perform by entering the ring from the left lane.


In order to avoid emergency situations, it is necessary to turn on the turn signals so that other road users know about your future maneuvers

Entry is allowed from any lane, while the exit is only from the extreme right position. Therefore, in front of the exit point, it is necessary to perform a rebuilding maneuver in the desired lane in advance, passing passing vehicles on the right side. At roundabouts with a heavy exit to the right, special right-hand lanes can be equipped that allow you to maneuver without entering such an intersection.

The exit algorithm includes the following procedure:

  1. Turn on the light pointer on the right.
  2. Skip the cars to change lanes to the far right lane.
  3. Merge into the rightmost lane of the adjoining road.

Turning on turn signals

You can also get a fine for not turning on the turn signal.

Performing maneuvers requires the obligatory signaling of the corresponding turn signal, and in case of its malfunction, by hand. When driving on a roundabout, there is no need to turn on the turn signal every time you cross the axis of an adjacent road. The rules oblige the driver to indicate only maneuvers for rebuilding from row to row for ease of movement and the proposed exit on one of the sections of the ring.

So, turn indicators include:

  • entering a roundabout;
  • leaving her;
  • moving around inside the circle.

Other nuances

In yards, to limit the intensity of traffic, mini-ring lanes with an island diameter of no more than 18 meters can be organized. As a rule, the speed of cars in such areas does not exceed 30 km / h. However, in this case, they must also be marked with sign 4.3, if this sign is not present, then the order of movement in such yards is governed by the general instructions of the traffic rules: skipping an obstacle on the right, moving along the right lane, etc.

To make a U-turn, the driver needs to enter the ring, drive a full circle and leave it, observing all the rules for driving roundabouts. A U-turn before the ring (without a check-in) will be interpreted by the traffic police inspector as an exit into the oncoming lane.

One of the features roundabout- permission to overtake, subject to all the conditions for the implementation of this maneuver. It is also allowed to stop at a distance of 5 meters from the confluence of the ring and the adjacent road.

Penalties for violation of roundabout rules

Depending on the severity of the violation, you can get a fine or lose the right to drive a vehicle for a while

Failure to comply with the rules of the ring traffic threatens the driver with a fine, and in some cases you can become a pedestrian for a period of six months or more.

So, at the entrance to the roundabout, traffic lights can be installed. Checking the ring at a red light is fraught with a fine of one thousand rubles, and in case of a repeated offense, administrative law provides for either a fivefold increase in the amount of the fine, or deprivation of the right to drive up to six months. What will be rendered to the driver in a particular situation - the court decides.

If, entering the junction, the driver did not give way to cars already moving around the ring, then the traffic police inspector has every right to fine him in the amount of 1000 rubles. Driving through an intersection is not counterclockwise, but in the direction of its movement or directly is regarded as an exit into the oncoming lane and threatens to turn the driver into a pedestrian for more than one year.

Stopping closer than 5 meters from the intersection of the axes of such intersections is the reason for the collection of a fine of 500 rubles. The same amount threatens a forgetful driver who has not given a turn signal, or who has left the ring outside of the rightmost lane.

A roundabout makes the driver concentrate as much as possible on the approach to such a section of the road. A well-chosen lane for entry will reduce to a minimum maneuvers for rebuilding, which reduces the likelihood of an emergency on the road. An objective assessment of the state of the traffic flow and the management of the rules is the key to prompt and unhindered passage along the ring.

Attention! The material is NOT relevant! .

Good afternoon, dear motorists!

Despite the fact that roundabouts are designed to facilitate traffic at intersections, drivers still have a lot of questions about passing through such intersections. Very little attention is paid to the passage through roundabouts, and therefore some difficulties arise.

First mentioned in the maneuvering rules:

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

The second in the rules for driving unregulated intersections:

13.9. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement. At such intersections, the tram has an advantage over trackless vehicles moving in the same direction or in the opposite direction on an equivalent road, regardless of the direction of its movement.

In the event that sign 4.3 is installed in front of a roundabout in combination with sign 2.4 or 2.5, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has priority over vehicles entering such an intersection.

In the first case, the rules for entering the intersection are determined, in the second, priority.

There are no other explanatory rules for passing a roundabout, and the general rules should be followed. What is a roundabout?

The first thing to understand is that a roundabout is a single intersection with multiple carriageway intersections. The carriageway on the "ring" is not a separate road, but is intended for exit from one road to another.

According to clause 8.5 of the rules, if a turn is made at the entrance to a roundabout, it is not required to take an extreme position, that is, you can enter the intersection from any lane. Please note that this rule applies only to entering the intersection; when leaving the intersection, you must take the extreme right position on the carriageway. Turning from the second lane when leaving the intersection is prohibited.

And now let's consider a more complex option, which is quite common - one of the roads of the roundabout passes along the tangent of the circle

In this situation, the intersection also has a roundabout, let's look at how the traffic goes straight along the second lane on the road.

Despite the fact that the turning maneuver is not carried out, nevertheless, the roundabout is entered and, in the case of straight ahead, the exit from it occurs at the same time. It turns out a kind of contradiction, on the one hand, we can enter the ring in any lane, but the exit must be made only from the extreme right lane. We move straight ahead without making any maneuvers, but when we cross the “circular traffic”, for a moment we become participants in the movement along this “ring” and occupy the second lane on it. To leave the ring, we are forced to cross the rightmost lane of the roundabout.

Thus, formally, three maneuvers are performed at the same time.

  1. Roundabout entrance
  2. Changing to the far right lane
  3. Departure from the roundabout

Such a formal division of maneuvers is necessary to determine the priority between vehicles that move in a roundabout and that only “touch” it

If priority signs are not installed at the intersection, then at the intersection of trajectories “1”, the red car must give way, guided by paragraph (tip:: 13.11. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. The same rule must be guided among themselves by tram drivers.)13.11(/tip) rules. And at the intersection of trajectories “2”, both cars are in a circular motion and the white car must let the red car pass, as it leaves the lane and crosses the lane of the red car.

There are an infinite number of configurations of roundabouts and they are unfairly given too little attention in the rules of the road.

In order not to get into such difficult situations, traffic at the intersection must be planned in advance, and if an early exit from the roundabout is expected, it is better to take the far right lane before entering.

Road to you without obstacles!