Rules for crossing a roundabout. Passage of roundabouts. When traffic rules provide for a roundabout

Since November 8, 2017, significant changes have been made to the SDA, which regulate the rules for roundabouts. They must be observed to avoid accidents.

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Compliance with traffic rules is a vital necessity. The motorist must know what to do in a certain situation.

For example, if an intersection involves traffic in a circle, the traffic rules for this section mean right choice lanes and a safe exit from this part of the road.

It is important to comply with certain standards, because otherwise there may be a possibility of an emergency.

Key Aspects

Driving roundabouts is a problem for some drivers, and many do not know that roundabouts are wrong.

Thus, they create emergency situations and make other road traffic participants worry, who are forced to maneuver in order to avoid an accident.

The driver is charged with a fine for incorrect driving around the ring. Also, a driver's license can be taken away from a motorist.

It is especially important to understand all the features of traffic rules for beginners who have recently got behind the wheel and have not yet gained experience.

What is a roundabout

A roundabout is a part of the road provided in the form of an island, which is driven counterclockwise.

If the vehicle is driving on the left side of the road, traffic will be directed in the opposite direction at this intersection.

Photo: roundabout at the intersection

Roundabout is carried out before the departure of vehicles from this part of the road. Intersections of this type are not regulated. They do not have traffic lights.

Passage priority in such a situation is for the one who drives in a circle, drivers entering the circle are required to give way.

The inclusion of a turn during the passage of this part of the road is not mandatory. The need for their use is advisable only when the motorist wants to change lanes.

Where are these signs installed?

The sign "Roundabout" is placed at the entrance to the ring. Pedestrian crossings located on the ring are always unregulated.

And signs and markings show priority traffic at the intersection. SDA has a specific list of road elements that are allowed to be installed on the ring and in front of it.

Signs that may come before:

  • "Roundabout Circulation";
  • "Give Way";
  • "The main road";
  • "Non-stop driving prohibited."

When driving with stops, a car that has approached an intersection must stop and let other vehicles move on it and then enter. Otherwise, the motorist will violate the rules of the road, this can lead to an accident.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The SDA does not provide a separate paragraph that would describe in detail how to move around a roundabout.

Connoisseurs of traffic rules point to paragraph 13.9, but it only prescribes the rules for leaving the circle in two situations - the circle is the main and additional road.

This section does not include a circular motion. Paragraph 13.9 teaches motorists only to pay attention to the signs when entering the circle.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation”, which entered into force on November 8, 2017, prescribes the rules for passing roundabouts.

After the entry into force of this document at intersections, priority is given to vehicles that are on the circle.

According to the decree, at the intersection of equivalent roads, the owner of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles that pass on the right. Tram drivers must also comply with this rule.

Driving procedure on a roundabout

The passage of the ring begins with the entrance to the circle. Regulation at intersections of this type occurs without the help of a traffic light.

Turn signals are devices that drivers sometimes forget about when crossing this section of the road. This is a gross violation, because driving in a circle can contain many maneuvers that other motorists need to be warned about.

Photo: roundabout rules

It is important to pay attention to the technical means of organizing travel before entering. Usually a roundabout intersection is a priority, but other roads are not always secondary.

Moving along the ring, the motorist is obliged to follow his own lane and not become a hindrance to other road users.

And when performing a maneuver, you need to use turn signals. In another situation, there is a high possibility of an accident.

Turn signals do not include many motorists, driving around the ring, deceiving other motorists on the road. Therefore, you must follow the rules of DD.

When driving in a circle, each driver must adhere to the rules of the road. Other roads often adjoin the intersection with the roundabout. The motorist must think in advance what maneuvers he will carry out.

How to choose the right lane

In modern traffic rules there is clause 8.5, which prescribes to motorists when turning right or left, as well as when turning, to take an extreme position on the road, taking into account the direction of the turn.

An exception is the passage of a roundabout. That is, today a motorist can enter the ring in any of the lanes.

At the same time, the motorist must remember that if he drives in from the right lane, then it is necessary to drive in a circle in the right lane. The same is the case with the left inner lane.

If you prefer the entrance lane to the circle, you should not forget about the exit. For example, consider an intersection with three lanes.

When a parent needs to go to the first exit, then the choice of the first lane will be correct. If another exit is needed, it is better to choose the middle lane.

For the third exit, it is better to choose the left lane on the circle. This choice of lanes allows you to reduce traffic jams.

However, according to the rules of DD, nothing will prevent a motorist from driving in any chosen lane. As a result, we have:

  • driving in a circle starts from any lane;
  • it is necessary to start moving in a circle from the same lane from which the entrance to the circle was made;
  • the choice should be made taking into account the required exit.

Using turn signals when there are traffic lights

Driving rules for the first and second turns are different. The first one is much easier to do. To complete it, you need to change lanes as you drive, without interfering with other cars.

Be sure to pay attention to turn signals. You should also reduce the speed. The turn to the left is more complicated and is made only according to traffic rules.

Therefore, first you need to take left side on road. A lane change maneuver is performed with the appropriate turn signals on.

When driving at intersections regulated by traffic lights, you must first determine which traffic light signal corresponds to the desired direction.

If the traffic light consists of three parts, then there will be no problems. In this situation, the signals respond in all directions.

If the traffic light has additional green sections, then the situation will become more difficult. If the driver needs to turn left or turn the vehicle around, then either the additional section, the arrow of which points to the left, or the main section of the traffic light responds to the direction.

When driving straight ahead, the main section of the traffic light always responds to the direction. When turning right, either the right section or the main section must be guided.

After that, it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to drive at a given time and whether it is necessary to let cars through.

When the green signal is turned on, the motorist must give way to traffic completing the roundabout and pedestrians who have not completed the road crossing.

Departure from this movement under the new rules

It is not necessary to drive in a circle only in the rightmost lane. True, it is better for beginners to drive the ring along right side.

This solution has a number of advantages. This will save time, because you will not need to change lanes.

The exception is those cases when cars are parked on the right lane. But then it is better to bypass them and continue driving on the right side. This solution will help prevent accidents.

If a motorist needs to continue driving straight after crossing the circle, then it is necessary to occupy the middle row. This will prevent accidents.

After all, more often than not, motorists who want to continue driving in the outer lane straight on meet with motorists in the middle lane who want to turn right.

When leaving a roundabout, a motorist must learn one rule. The congress is allowed only from the extreme right lane. Before that, if you were driving in another lane, you must give way to the car, after that you can move out.

Amount of the fine

Since there are rules, there are penalties for breaking them. They depend on the violation. Roundabout will not cost you anything if you follow the traffic rules.

The most common mistakes motorists make:

  • driving in the opposite lane;
  • ignoring the priority of transport that passes along the main road;
  • the turn signal was not turned on when maneuvering.

The exact amount of fines can be found in the regulatory documents. So, for example, for driving clockwise, a driver's license is taken away from a motorist.

Traffic rules are improved every year. So, in November 2017, innovations came into force that are relevant to this day, regulating the rules for passing roundabouts. At the same time, fines have increased.

In order not to get into trouble due to violation of amendments to the rules of the roundabout, special attention should be paid to paragraph 13.11 (Note 1), which establishes an advantage on the side of those who are already moving in a circle.

Rules for driving around the ring

There are no special conditions for traffic on the ring: there is no specific marking, and the speed limit, the procedure for passing pedestrians correspond to the appropriate specific section of the road.

However, there are nuances:

  • when driving in a circle, it is permissible to signal turns only for the exit, otherwise other drivers will be misinformed;
  • with the exception of the installation of the sign "Direction of traffic in the lanes", it is recommended to adhere to the rightmost lane (with 3 or more lanes), if it is not occupied;
  • moving against the direction indicated by the arrows of the sign (clockwise) is prohibited;
  • Reversing is prohibited, as in the case of any other intersection.

Take note: in the presence of congestion, leaving the ring is unacceptable. It will only block movement. In such a situation, it is better to find a detour.

Roundabout sign

Sign 4.3 "Roundabout"

Sign 4.3 (“Roundabout”) can now be interpreted in two ways: it not only indicates the direction of movement along the ring, but is also vested with the authority of the priority sign.

A driver intending to enter a ring road is required to let all drivers traveling on it, even though this is contrary to the “right hand” principle.

What is this innovation about?

  1. Intersection patterns vary, which can confuse the driver.
  2. The opinions of drivers differ, most of which act inversely to clause 13.11 (clause 1).

Ideally, the innovation should lead to consensus, reduce the frequency of accidents and provide more efficient offloading of the roadway.

It is important: if at the entrance to the circle, in addition to sign 4.3, there are signs 2.4 (“Give way”), 2.5 (“Traveling without stopping is prohibited”), a working traffic light is installed or the traffic controller “rules the ball”, you should obey them, and sign 4.3 should be taken only as a sign directions. This corresponds to the standard hierarchy of means and methods of traffic control.

Roundabouts under the new rules

In order to overcome the intersection of roads organized in a circle without unnecessary worries, it is advisable to use traffic rules for 2018 with comments. These publications have more detailed descriptions and pictures.

Special video tutorials for "dummies" can also be useful, in which the order of movement is clearly explained. Tracking innovations in traffic rules is the main condition for safety.

Entrance to the ring and exit from it

When entering and leaving, two simple rules should be followed:

  1. It is permissible to enter the circle from any lane, unless the opposite is prescribed by signs.
  2. When entering, it is necessary to let those who are already moving in a circle pass, unless the established priority signs or a working traffic light force the reverse.

Consider: the main, in accordance with the new rules, is the ring road, and not adjacent to the ring, as previously thought. You need to be especially attentive to other signs that determine the order of passage, and to the presence of a traffic light.

How to drive around the roundabout

It is not so much the rules that will help to overcome this intricate intersection correctly, but the unwritten driver's ethics and healthy ingenuity. How to understand it?

Of course, the driver has the right to stay in the middle lane, but this is unnecessary if he intends to leave the circle at the first exit.

It is also not forbidden to stay on the extreme left position, but this makes sense only if the exit is planned closer to the end of the circle, subject to safe maneuvers.

Take into account: although there are no separate speed limits for the roundabout, you need to remember: driving fast in such conditions is very dangerous. The best option is to move in accordance with the speed of the flow.

Left turn

When driving in a roundabout, it is only permissible to use a left turn to perform a shift maneuver to the left lane.

Following the circle to the left, you do not need to signal the turn. It is enough to move as far as possible to the left.

Entry and exit are carried out with a flashing right turn signal. Maneuvering along the lanes of the circle is carried out according to the principle of "right hand".

Right turn

This action is performed both in the case of leaving or entering the circle, and in the case of maneuvering, changing rows. When entering, you should be attentive to the distance between cars moving on the main road and the general speed limit in the circle.

In no case should you forget to turn on and beat off turns in time, otherwise an accident is almost inevitable!

Going straight

Less throwing means safer riding, so for direct movement it is best to prefer the middle lane. The main thing is to rebuild in time, without interfering with other drivers.

If the intersection is 2-lane, the right lane should be preferred.


Stopping, as well as parking (although this is strange for a crossroads), is permissible during circular driving, but only at a distance of 5 m from any of the exits from the circle and only from the outside.

In the event of an unforeseen emergency, there is no need to push the car to the required 5 m from the exit: it is permissible to stop, but you must mark your car with a special emergency stop sign.

Penalties for non-compliance with the rules of driving around the ring

If the violation did not lead to an accident, the driver will get off only with a fine or deprivation of rights.

In this situation, fined:

  • if the sign 4.3 (or signs of priority) for 1000 rubles is ignored;
  • if the rules of maneuvering are violated (non-compliance with marking instructions, turning signals are forgotten) - 500 rubles;
  • if you managed to drive in a circle clockwise - 5,000 rubles or withdrawal of a driver's license for 4-6 months;
  • to break into a circle at a red light costs 1000 rubles.

Repeated violations double the amount or threaten to deprive the certificate of up to a year. In the event of an accident, the punishment is determined by the immediate circumstances.

Not so long ago, new rules for passing a roundabout appeared. But some are still confused and cannot understand who should let pass whom. I'll tell you more about it:

“If a sign 4.3 “roundabout” is installed in front of a roundabout in combination with a sign 2.4 “give way” or 2.5 “traffic without stopping is prohibited”, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has an advantage over vehicles entering such an intersection means. (the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2010 N 316)"

It turns out that essentially nothing has changed. The main idea of ​​the changes was to make most of the "rings" the main ones, i.e. once I let everyone through before leaving for the ring and that’s it - you drive calmly, not yielding to anyone. However, if there is only sign 4.3 in front of the intersection. “roundabout” and there are no priority signs, then, as before, the rules for passing a regular intersection apply. For example, "interference on the right" - drivers who drive in a circle are obliged to give way to those who enter the intersection.

If, in addition to the “roundabout” sign, there is a sign 2.4 “Give way” or 2.5 “Movement without stopping is prohibited” and a sign on which the direction of the main road is drawn, in this case, the one who travels along the main road has priority.

This option is also possible: sign 4.3 “roundabout” in combination with sign 2.1 “main road” and a sign indicating the direction of the main road. In this case, you don’t need to let anyone through before leaving, and in the future, the one who travels along the main road has priority.

If there is a traffic light in front of the roundabout, then you need to wait for the permission signal and then go. At the same time, the rules of passage of an ordinary intersection apply.

Many drivers entering a roundabout turn on their left “turn signal” when they are about to turn left or go straight. According to the traffic rules, it is not correct to do so. When entering the ring, you must turn on the right “turn signal”, no matter where you are going to go. The left “turn signal” must be turned on after entering the ring if you are going to change lanes to the left. Approaching the desired exit, you need to change lanes to the extreme right lane of the "ring".

If there are several lanes before entering the ring, then when turning right, you need to take the extreme right lane, and when turning left, the extreme left. If there are more than three lanes, then when turning left, you must take one of the two leftmost lanes. When driving straight ahead, you need to drive along one of the central lanes so as not to make unnecessary lane changes and not interfere with other traffic participants. Turning at a roundabout is similar to turning left.

1. What has the new regulation changed?

The new regulation added subparagraph 13.11 (1) to the Rules of the Road, which governs the rules for entering and driving at roundabouts. The existing paragraph 13.11, which contains the rule "interference from the right" at equivalent intersections, has been amended with a new subparagraph:

13.11. At an intersection of equivalent roads, except as provided in paragraph 13.11(1) of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right.

The new paragraph 13.11(1) deals exclusively with roundabouts:

13.11(1). When entering an intersection with circular traffic and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection.

The brief summary of these two points is that at an ordinary equivalent intersection without a roundabout, the rule "interference on the right" applies, but at roundabouts now the advantage has a car already moving around the ring. At the same time, to organize such a ring, only one sign 4.3 “Roundabout” is enough - a round blue sign with white arrows forming a ring. When approaching a roundabout with only such a sign in front of it, you can be sure that the roundabout is the main road. In addition, the entrance to such an intersection can be supplemented by the sign 2.4 “Give way”, but even in its absence, the sign 4.3 “Roundabout” clearly indicates the need to give way to those who are already moving along the ring.

2. Are all rings now master?

It should be understood that the rule “ring - main road” does not apply to absolutely all roundabouts, but only to equivalent ones - that is, those where sign 4.3 “Roundabout” is not supplemented by signs 2.1 “Main road”, 2.4 “Give way road”, as well as sign 8.13 “Direction of the main road”, which will indicate which traffic trajectory at this intersection is the main road. Rings equipped with such signs are unequal, and their innovations do not apply.

3. What are general conclusions according to the new rules for driving roundabouts?

Now, approaching the ring, as before, you need to look at the signs installed in front of it. If you only see sign 4.3 "Roundabout" or sign 4.3 in combination with sign 2.4 "Give way", then the ring is the main road and you must yield to anyone moving around the ring. If, in addition to sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, you see a sign 2.1 “Main road”, 2.4 “Give way” and an explanatory sign 8.13 “Direction of the main road”, when passing through such a ring, you, as before, should be guided by them.

4. What is the penalty for violating a roundabout?

The fine for violating the rules for passing roundabouts has not changed: article 12.13. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that "failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give way to a vehicle that has the right of way to pass through intersections, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles." That is, now those who did not give way to cars moving along the ring at an equivalent roundabout will be punished a fine of 1,000 rubles.

Hello. I got fined for parking in the wrong place. I left the car there because the road was being repaired in my yard. Do you think it is possible to challenge the fine or is it not an excuse?


Such a situation: if the intersection has the shape of a circle, but only two signs are installed before entering it - give way and the direction of the main road is shown on the circle, but there is no sign 4.3 "Roundabout", then you should pass the intersection as usual? That is, you can turn left from the leftmost lane, but you can drive straight along any lane?

then you should pass the intersection as usual?


Here is an example of such an intersection.


Hello! There is such a situation: before the roundabout there is a turn to the left, but the sign "Roundabout" is installed before this turn. There is no markup. I did not turn into this turn, can this be considered as a drive into the oncoming lane? And what does it threaten? Thank you.

It would be nice to see a photo of this place or indicate a point on the Yandex panorama. The answer can be anything depending on the actual state. If we take a formal approach, then the sign 4.3 points to the intersection itself, although it can stand a little earlier than it. And between the sign and the intersection, it does not prohibit a left turn.

Hello. Are there any amendments to the traffic rules at the time of 2016 according to the Rules for passing roundabouts compared to the Rules of 2010, which you talk about on your pages?

Faith, Hello.

The articles are up to date. I update them as needed.

Good luck on the roads!

Explain in which row to enter the circle if there is one lane at the entrance and 2 on the ring?

8.6. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageway, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.

In any case, you can only drive into the right side of the rightmost lane.

Good luck on the roads!

At a roundabout, according to clause 8.5 of the traffic rules, it is allowed to enter from any lane:

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

Thus, if you see a sign "roundabout", then you do not need to frantically shift to the right edge of the carriageway, because. The rules allow turning from any lane.

This is a quote from your website and traffic rules

Where is the inconsistency in your two answers?

Wowochka, there are 2 different situations:

1. Before entering the intersection (circle) - paragraph 8.5 of the SDA applies to it.

2. After entering the circle - clause 8.6 applies to it.

You can approach a roundabout in any lane, but at the roundabout you should take a position as close to the right edge of the carriageway as possible. After that, if necessary, you can rebuild.


The picture is attached to the post. Pink is the place where clause 8.5 is in effect, green is the place where clause 8.6 is in effect.


Hello. I would like to know your opinion on the need to turn on the turn signal at the entrance to roundabout. According to the traffic rules tickets (ticket 10, question 7), you need to turn on the right turn signal at the entrance and exit. But as we know, tickets are not a law and not a normative legal act. If the entrance to the roundabout is a turn, then, of course, it is necessary according to clause 8.1. But is it a turn? Or it should be considered as a continuation of movement in a straight line, which means that the turn signal does not need to be turned on. What do you think? Thanks for the answer!

Tatiana, Hello.

If the car changes its trajectory at least a little when entering a roundabout, but the turn signal should be turned on, because. it's a turn.

If the car is driving in a straight line (an example of such an intersection is given at the beginning of the article), and the circle is on the left, then you do not need to turn on the turn signal.

Good luck on the roads!

Tell me, before the intersection, there is a sign for the main road and the direction of the main road along a circle intersected in the middle by tram tracks, how to make a left turn on the indicated road, whether it is necessary to take the extreme left position and, accordingly, when rebuilding. From the right lane, let all those moving along the three lanes straight ahead? Sign 4.3. not installed.

If it's clear, then


1. Before entering the intersection, you must take the extreme right position.

2. You can only enter the right lane.

3. After that, you can change lanes if you wish.

4. Vehicles approaching on the right road need to give way.

5. The tram needs to give way.

6. Leave the intersection from the extreme right lane.