Skinny guys. About thin guys (). Sex with skinny

Thinness in my understanding is leanness. My personal opinion is that people with such a physique, the so-called "hardgainers", are usually very good people(again, my opinion, although I saw thin ones among non-hardgainers, and so they cause a little irritation due to stoop and protruding bones without muscles). I have a height of 179, weight 62, I have never really worked out, girls like me, not least thanks to a slender figure (but they advise me to swing). So, thinness, in the sense of leanness - bare muscles, without a gram of fat - that's cool. But atrophied muscles are bad.

24/09/12, cocolatte
I love such beauties very much! Only in moderation of course, and if they are also tall)

29/09/12, zistebA
I would like to do a lot to become thin. In my opinion, I would only look better. Although I am far from being so fat already, and, besides, I am not small in stature, but, anyway, I would like to become even thinner. Unfortunately, now many people have recovered, it is difficult to move away from tasty.

29/09/12, zistebA
By the way, I already had this once: somehow I was crossing the road and got hit by a car. The blow was very strong, and I was also lucky that I was actually not injured. But after that I had a lot of stress, and at that time my appetite worsened, and I lost 10-11 kg. But then he picked it up again. :((

29/09/12, Reactor13
I'm skinny, so what? Due to the light weight, it is easier for me to pull up on the horizontal bar, I have more endurance, I run fast, I sweat less. Well, I’ll also climb everywhere, it’s easier for me, for example, to climb onto the roof. Well, there are a few more benefits. The main thing is to run and pull up, in general to play sports. And then it will be fine.

29/09/12, Dementors
I think it's better to be thin than fat. How fast do you run, do you normally physical exercises. I myself have a height of 173 with a weight of 53 kg, but I pull myself up, do push-ups, I pump the press normally. That is, a thin-athletic physique)

01/10/12, nikvrn
lean it without excess weight man, a man just needs to play sports.

08/10/12, Huper
I'm 23, I'm skinny with a skinny physique, I went in for sports, but the result is small, in general, why am I! If there are grandmothers, then everyone who writes on the right about such guys is forgotten in one moment. 173/56 - shitty but my shoulders are not wide, so wiry, not a single girl complained about her chest, but her legs need to be pumped up. At the same time, if Beha's garage from Germany has 5k a new and stable high income, then not a single woman will refuse, that's why I hate them, they hang noodles about ideal tall and inflated men, and as a result, they are given for an unfortunate iPhone like sluts. So forget about the female look and do better business than sports, and with material well-being, the weight will already increase. Think about your future, for which you will buy bread for the family, that's why women love men and not for cubes on the press.

17/10/12, Italian Hardstyle Classics
Damn, this Oleg excites me so much, fuck!! Especially when smoking. Kick, he's so skinny, it turns me on terribly!! I really want to have sex with him. I just can't, what should I do? This Seryozha is already infuriating me, and at the same time I even somehow feel sorry for him. He just really loves me. And he, fu, for the * ball !! He constantly says how much he loves me and all that, bunny-bunny, ugh! These flowers enrage, give almost every day. How to get rid of him, huh?? Well, there I think on the weekends at my friend’s house we’ll thump, Oleg will be there, well, drunk, maybe we’ll have sex. And finally skinny guys are finally sexy, I can't take my eyes off them!! Not like these jocks

18/10/12, misan342
why hate them, if I'm one of them?) stubborn healthy lifestyle fans can endlessly rub about the beauty of a muscular body, about "chicks only give jocks" and other nonsense, I always respected thinness, although sports are still desirable, wiryness is a minus for sure will not)

20/10/12, Chirug
Well, yes, "chicks" give only to the jocks. And normal girls look at the man himself, and not at his "cubes" with "bitsuhi". And then he, maybe, is thin, but there is so much spirit in him that he will trample any unfeared jock into the ground for her.

20/10/12, Tiara second coming
It doesn't matter, as long as the wallet is thick. and the thin ones dance pleasantly tap-dance with their bones.

03/11/12, Eyyafjallajokull
I am also a skinny guy and a virgin at 26. Shut up, cho. I like skinny girls and I don't have them. Just great.

06/11/12, Vallerie
I love skinny! I don't just love them, they blow my mind! I am attracted exclusively by fragile boys, with pretty faces. + femininity!! as much femininity as possible!! to look at this beautiful creature, and wonder if it's a girl or a boy)))

06/11/12, Dima19
And yet yes, it is better to be thin than fat. Every fat person secretly dreams of becoming thin, but no thin person wants to be fat!!! Even so, between 2 extremes, being thin is much better - it's aesthetically pleasing, the disadvantages of fatness can be described for a very long time - this is not agility and a greater susceptibility to diseases (especially heart attacks). Besides!!! if you are fat / th, then your chances of finding a second half / lover are much reduced, which can be said very little about thin ones. Thin people excite a lot of people, but fat ones - almost no one, in general, there are solid minuses from excess fat, it was better for me to be thin as a worm than fat ... And if there was a choice between thinness and average weight, I would choose still skinny. I myself am thin (not much, but in moderation) and I am very happy about it)))

06/11/12, Otar
Thin does not mean dead:) I have been doing martial arts since early childhood and cannot boast of a massive figure, I can only say that I have a lean figure, broad shoulders, and it is not necessary to stoop and wear shapeless clothes) I only wear one that emphasizes my dignity and hid this "thinness" where necessary)) if in clothes I look dead, but no one will say this on the beach) looks are deceptive, isn't it? Especially girls like to condemn thin guys, but when you take off your T-shirt, that's it: their saliva flows and their eyes light up with a maddening spark. I also don’t like it when people stoop, constantly keep my posture (several times they thought about me that I was from noble societies), I’m 188 tall, thin, and how popular is it to call them? Drish?) yes, yes, jerk) and it doesn’t matter what a person looks like, the main thing is what he is inside :)

06/11/12, Dobrozhevatel
Of course, being thin is more convenient and practical than being fat, but in the end, the whole person is evaluated as a whole. There are thin people, but other than that, they have no other advantages.

06/11/12, Otar
And also for girls who say: "eat more" or "swing", believe me, this is stupid of you) we have a completely different metabolism, muscles grow more slowly than healthy people. We have increased physical strength, but not volume. To pump up, you have to EAT, excuse me, supplements and sit down on a very strict regimen of training and diets. 99% of people will lose such a desire after a month of such a life :) I lived like this for two years (without taking supplements), gained weight from 60 to 78, but I don’t want to kill myself like that anymore

06/11/12, Quite quirky
Skinny boys smell delicious. You look at this and you want to eat it! They are so cute, especially the ones with pretty faces. Well, how not to love them?

06/11/12, KarinkO
I love it... Do you need fat ones? Well-fed, some kind of horror. They get sick with all kinds of diseases more often .... in general, I’m still for the thin, and only for the thin, because I myself am like that ...

06/11/12, Velvet
Scrolling through my life, I realized that I love (now)) and loved (before). I just don't like fat guys. When little is visible because of the belly)) and fat asses... fu! girls are overweight, but men are not. skinny guys always look young

07/11/12, Frostbyte
Girls who hate skinny guys are most likely like cows themselves!!!

08/11/12, Green Mist
I myself am thin, with a height of 184-185 cm, weight about 70 kg. Maybe it's because I smoke weed, maybe not. But my thinness does not bother me at all.

08/11/12, djonys
I am thin height 174, weight 52-55 depending on how I eat. I think thin ones are better than fat ones, because a thin one can pump up, but it’s hard to lose weight with fat. Looking for a girl by the way here is my page

11/11/12, superman supermen
Being thin is 100 times better than being fat and awkward, people from the red column are probably overweight))

16/12/12, zyboskal
In his youth, he knew a boxer, his last name was Uritsky, he was a master, he boxed at the championship of Ukraine, it was a problem for him to pick up an opponent, he boxed with ten-year-old boys. As a joke, they put a tire from KRAZ on his back, he almost died upstairs, but the master.

25/12/12, Marinkale
A real man should weigh no more than 60 kilograms! Well, of course, you say, it’s not a matter of weight, you can fall in love with a fat man, and pitching, if only he were a good person! Still, it's cool to approach a thin boy from behind, hug him, give him a back massage, wrap him in a blanket, give him lime tea to drink ... And in bed he will show you such a class! Skinny guys are so touching and defenseless in appearance, and in sex they are incredible lively!

In relations between a man and a woman, mutual understanding, sympathy and stronger emotions play the main role, but external factors, such as appearance, figure, are of great importance, especially at the first stage of acquaintance. It is well known that in their passions people differ greatly from each other, and among the strong half of humanity there are many representatives who like not thin, slender young ladies, but ladies with large forms, in which they see a special charm and charm. Fat woman and thin man- the combination is quite common, although they look with each other, at first glance, not too harmonious.

Despite the fact that many young people try to start relationships with girls who seem to have descended from the covers of glossy magazines, there are those who prefer young ladies with far from ideal proportions (see photo).

There are many men who like ladies who seem to have descended from the canvases of Kustodiev, about whom they say - "blood with milk." And many men, having fallen in love with the chosen one for her wonderful spiritual qualities and gentle character, are able to turn her into a real beauty, because the girl will do her best to become more beautiful and be able to lose a few extra pounds. In addition, she begins to pay more attention to her wardrobe, choose things that can emphasize her attractiveness, because in order to keep such a slender figure next to her young man, you need to put in some effort.

If a thin man wakes up with a real strong feeling for fat woman, then he will not notice the shortcomings in her that outsiders pay attention to, will never criticize her for an imperfect figure and demand to go on diets. A truly wise woman herself will want to make her chosen one proud and admire her even more.

Relationships in such couples, when a man and a woman bring to the fore the spiritual qualities of each other, can be called the most harmonious, and their life is interesting and happy.

There is no skinny aristocratic physique. In ancient times, aristocratic titles were received for high quality personalities combined with high military prowess. Try waving a heavy sword, and with your other hand an even heavier shield, if you are a goner. they began to consider aristocrats skinny already in the sick civilization of merchants, where some kind of goner and coward could become an "aristocrat" due to trade, usury and money. There are no real aristocrats for a long time, everyone who calls himself that is rich plebeians - merchants who bought the title. Tue, 07 May 2019 16:22:45 +0300
I love skinny guys
And in the office of our sharaga, a dude who looked about 200 cm worked, and the weight, again, seemed to be no more than 55 kg. And, importantly, he had narrow shoulders (much narrower than those 6 people 160-170 cm tall, including me). Huge growth combined with very narrow bone and narrow shoulders, as well as general bony looks amazing. The same 190-200 cm, but with normal proportions - nothing interesting, hulk like a hulk. And this, I would say, the appearance of an aristocrat! He also walked around in an unbuttoned shirt worn over a T-shirt, which fluttered when he walked at a quick pace. It looked absolutely gorgeous! Mon, 06 May 2019 23:04:36 +0300
I love skinny guys
Andrew, of course not. Mon, 06 May 2019 21:12:41 +0300
I love skinny guys
Andryushka, but we know that you are not 50, and that you are not stocky. What is the meaning of the statements? Mon, 06 May 2019 13:52:52 +0300
I love skinny guys
Andryushka, what are you doing? The message is not addressed to Your Majesty at all. Sun, 05 May 2019 23:41:40 +0300
I love skinny guys
It's beautiful, especially beautiful when a thin guy and tall. In addition, when a person is fat, he has poor health and a short life expectancy. Sun, 05 May 2019 22:51:57 +0300
I love skinny guys
The meatballs are somehow not very, plump - this is generally swept aside by the moment. Gracefulness and grace - yes! It is desirable to have a height of 180, also. In general, thin people have been an unchanging ideal since I started paying attention to the opposite sex. However, everyone has their own tastes, some do not like it. The worst part is being stocky, or fat, or short, to build serious muscle mass you have to have good height. In Israel, I often saw this - when shorties began to heavily lean on iron, believing that they would look like Ryan Reynolds or Stephen Strait, but, of course, they turned out to be just cabinets, or gnomes, as they are depicted in games and fantasy films. To pump up beautifully, you need to be born tall - then there is no risk of slipping into chunky meat, especially for men - because men build up more muscle mass than women thanks to testosterone. It is very difficult for women without steroids to swing to the dimensions of beef cows, for men it is easy. Wed, 24 Apr 2019 13:32:27 +0300
I love skinny guys
I love skinny guys regardless of height. They look like a bicycle, which is very cute>-<. Если человек худышка, значит у него, возможно, есть хобби интересней еды или качалочки. Как бы нет зависимости от объедания, это клёво. Он тебя не раздавит своими объятиями, да и обнимать его косточки намного приятней чем складки жира. Вряд ли ударит лол. Гора мышц - это крутой тренер, но любить такое мне было бы сложно, имхо. Качки выглядят пугающе брутальными, а худенькие наоборот изящно, но это не значит, что они немужественны. Зачастую такому телу подходит любая одежда. Меньше затраты на еду лол. Можно таскать его на руках. Может пролезать сквозь забор. В общем,много плюсов, но к сожалению, я никогда напрямую не знакомилась с худышками. Надеюсь когда-нибудь я встречу своего дистрофика т_т Tue, 26 Mar 2019 00:28:57 +0300
I love skinny guys
I consider it nonsense to discriminate against a person by weight, look at lightweight boxers 55-60 kg. I heard nonsense here that we can’t beat with our frail legs, even as we can. See Thai boxers. Wrestlers with a weight of 55-60 kg are able to roll out two gopniks weighing 80 kg without much difficulty. When the difference in weight is too large, such as 60 and 120 kg, naturally, the thin one can only run, and if there is nowhere to run to the end, using all possible methods of defense and attack. In general, this is all nonsense of schizophrenics or latent gays. During the Second World War, the average weight of a soldier in any army in the world was 75 kg, which is not much more than the weight of a "worm" of 60 kg. Previously, people were smaller in height and weight, it is now in the era of giants that it is fashionable to poison thin people. Mon, 25 Mar 2019 03:59:52 +0300
I love skinny guys
If we take, for example, the degree of Stallone, Lundgren, Van Damme, and so on, I don’t like it and never liked it, it’s not sexy at all for me personally. Inserts someone like Ville Valo, a similar physique, or with a very moderate pumping, although more and more in the dry side - that's not necessary extra meat. This image is always associated with elegance, I like it when men are elegant (and in their movements too), and not juggernauts and hulks. Surfers often have this beautiful leanness, suppleness and grace, without the extra meat. Mon, 25 Mar 2019 03:35:39 +0300
I love skinny guys
Thinness suits the peasants, I don’t like a lot of meat. By the way, some people spoke here about the non-standard of my tastes, however, when I open statistics on the topic, for some reason I find myself among the majority, and statistics on Russian-language sites. I highly doubt that my tastes are unique - not everyone has the proportions of Ryan Reynolds to afford to build up so much meat. The coolest figure is Guillaume Neri and Yarin, heh. In short, divers and surfers. Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:28:42 +0300
I love skinny guys
A man should be thin, men have a faster metabolism than women - it's strange when a guy is not thin, all young men with normal hormones are usually thin, or with a bias towards thinness - because nature does not provide anything extra. Serious muscle mass looks good only with good growth - from 185, immoderate pumping adds stockiness with lower growth. In short, I like it to be both sporty and graceful at the same time, I won’t refuse lanky relics either, the whole palette of gracefulness inserts me, from extromorphs to mesomorphs, but endomorphs, fat and swelling are not mine. Well, I don't like it, that's all. If you dress a man in a cloak with a hood, you need to get a Nazgul. Needless to say, plump, stocky and undersized Nazgûl won't work? But hobbits - quite. So I think if Danika is dressed in this - he will turn into an awesome Nazgul, or the King of the Night - he needs to give him an idea for Purim. Mon, 10 Aug 2015 00:05:58 +0300
I hate skinny guys
I don't hate them because he is thin himself, but the fact is that women choose guys with a body, overweight or with muscles, and ideally a combination of thick hips and priests with pumped up arms and a wide back. Nevertheless, there are examples when thin people were successful. For example, Guillermo Rigondeaux, the Cuban boxer with the greatest achievements in sports. his height is 162 cm and his weight is only 55 kg. But at the same time, he has clean muscles and looks very athletic. Another thing is that a sick guy like me with a weight of 54-56 kg with a height of 176 cm is unlikely to be liked by anyone. Sickly boys, we can only dream of women. Even a prostitute won't give me money, I look so miserable with my thinness Sun, 02 Aug 2015 13:11:37 +0300
I love skinny guys
Oh, I love these boys, men, I don’t like chubby ones. Such guys always attract my attention, I find them very sexy, thin, handsome, any clothes look great on them, and it’s easier to feed))))))) Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:07:43 +0300
I love skinny guys
I love skinny guys. Maybe even skinny, but not always. I love it when a guy is thin by nature, and does not sit on any diets or starve. Nothing superfluous, no fat hanging anywhere, tattoos look great. In general, everything is fine *o* By the way, in terms of skinny guys - my ideal is David Bowie in the movie "The Man Who Fell to the Ground". Sun, 07 Jun 2015 17:45:26 +0300
I love skinny guys
I've always been drawn to skinny guys. Pumped up and full, I can’t consider it as a potential partner. It's really exciting. Especially when you can see the bones on the chest. Sat, 02 May 2015 19:59:34 +0300
I love skinny guys
What can I do, I have some kind of pathological attraction to them, especially even to skinny and pale ones, maybe it comes from the fact that I myself am quite thin ... In general, thin guys, especially if they have good manners and are not stupid, especially are good. Thu, 09 Apr 2015 21:56:53 +0300
I hate skinny guys
I believe that a man should first of all be a man, and not a barbell. Of course, you don’t need to be a boar in and over 100 kg, but even this will be easier to lose weight than to gain a pimple. In addition, pimples are weaker, based on my observations. They are insecure about everything. I have a friend who looks dense, but walks in an embrace with 2 beautiful and slender girls, and is always positive. And there is a friend of the skinny Andryukha, who can’t go out anywhere alone, constantly worrying about what they think of him and sitting at home alone. He says to everyone that he likes it, that he doesn’t like people. This is 21 years old then! The pitching guys are also cool guys. I remember how I went to the gym once, I was tight, the guys helped, suggested what and how, and what kind of motivation when you are with such people in the gym every training session! So, respect to you guys. And it’s better when a friend who covers his back than the one who stands aside runs away or gets hit in the nose and goes to sleep. Although I don’t hate pimples, they are all sick guys who are unlucky (except for South Africa and similar countries). Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:45:41 +0300
I love skinny guys
but what difference does it make what a guy's height is, what weight ... the main thing is that he should be a man in his head. It has long been proven that, unlike guys who are sexually attracted to girls by their appearance, for girls it is the inner side that is important in this matter. I myself analyzed this and realized from my own experience that for arousal it is much more important for me what kind of man he is not outside ... well, I will never want a guy just because of his beautiful pumped up body.
I love skinny guys
I love skinny guys so-called. "chicken physique", with thin, thin arms and legs and a sweet face. But pumped up ambals or (gods forbid!) fat ones, I don’t like. I’m sick of ambals. And for those who write something like: "Such people cannot protect their girlfriend," I can say one thing. The girl herself must always protect herself, shift everything to the guy - stupid and selfish. And if I had a boyfriend, the gopniks would stick to us and the guy rushed to defend me, then in no case would I wait for the denouement on the sidelines, but I would defend myself. After all, this is my boyfriend, not a bodyguard. P.S. I am a skinny girl myself. True, strong.

Shrunken love

In psychology, there is such a term - “imprinting”, which refers to the process of fixing certain information in memory. That is, at the first meeting, we involuntarily fix in our brain the image of a new person (for example, the image of a denim guy with a guitar in his hands and curly hair to his shoulders) and in the future it is difficult to perceive him in a different guise, in any case, we feel a certain discomfort under the indefinite name "something is not right." Of course, you can reorient yourself, but not everyone succeeds. Especially if, in parallel with the imprinting, the so-called love at first sight arose.

“For my first husband,” says Marina, “I married out of crazy love. But, unfortunately, the relationship did not work out, and after a year and a half, Ilya left without getting my consent to a divorce. A few more years after that, I shuddered at every call or woke up from a barely audible rustle, hoping that it was HE returning. But the miracle, of course, did not happen, only once a lawyer appeared, sent by my husband to file a divorce, and I had no choice but to sign all the necessary papers.

Then I was depressed for quite a long time, I thought that with the loss of love my life was over, and the only thing left for me was work. Apparently, thanks to this, without being distracted by men, I managed to make a career. In the course of professional and official growth, I even managed to get married twice, but, of course, there was no talk of any great love in these cases.

And then one day, at the presentation of my own book on economics, I saw HIM and was stunned. All these years, almost ten years, I kept in my memory the image of a broad-shouldered, fit, tanned athlete, and now in the front row sat some kind of “Hercules withered” of indeterminate age, with saggy skin that used to fit tight muscles. I was hurt to tears that for so many years I withered my soul with love for this inexpressive creature, which I barely recognized.

The next day, we still met, he called, sat in a restaurant, talked. It turned out that Ilya had been working somewhere in Africa for four years, fell ill with some kind of fever, and then lost weight dramatically. I listened to his story, empathized, but, frankly, I felt more sorry for myself. I had a feeling of some kind of substitution, abuse of my dreams and feelings. But even more I was afraid that he would offer me a bed, I really didn’t want to be with him the way he became now, but I didn’t have the strength to drive him away or leave myself either.

By the way, my other two ex-husbands were not at all handsome with an excellent physique, but I got them right away and therefore did not feel discomfort. And here a dream crashed into reality, strangling my sexuality along the way. Apparently, Ilya understood or felt this and did not go for rapprochement. I am still grateful to him, although I can’t say that I finally got rid of love for him. ”

This story is not very original. Which of us, having once met a former lover or a boy whom we liked at school, did not go cold with horror at the thought: “But we could get married then,” or at least exclaim in amazement: “I kissed this one too?”. But the fright passes quickly and all that remains is to laugh at this episode. It is much worse when a former boyfriend reacts to you in exactly the same or even more terrible way. It's definitely not funny.

Shock is our way!

“After the birth of the twins,” Christina shares her memories, “I practically did not lose weight. Friends joked that not all of my children were accepted, and there were still a couple left inside. It didn’t bother me much - I was absorbed by the kids, except that I sighed sadly when my old dresses came across under my arm, which, compared with my new clothes, seemed just a toy.

But my husband could not come to terms with my watermelon-like stomach and methodically sawed me for being overweight. And with each passing day, the methods used by him to combat my extra pounds became more and more sadistic. What was worth the mere nickname Freken Bok, which he awarded me! I'm not talking about separate bedrooms ... Resentments accumulated, accumulated. And one day I got tired of all this, I took the twins and moved in with my parents. The husband, flattering his adherence to principles, did not object.

I thought that my parents would support me, but they took the side of my husband and argued that in order to save the family, I could starve. The arguments I cited that I recovered not from gluttony, but due to hormonal changes, had no effect - just like, however, my references to fatigue and employment. But these were not all tests of the strength of my spirit.

My first love lived on the same landing of the parental house, burned out long ago, but left romantic memories. So, having met me once on the stairs, my former friend shied away so much that I thought that he would break himself against the wall. At the next meeting, about the same thing happened, he just ran away from me, although the only thing I claimed was the on-duty “Hi!”. After about three months, he got used to my size, began to greet me and sometimes even stopped to talk when I was walking near the house with a stroller. Each time our conversations became more and more frank - it turned out that we still have a lot in common. And so, in one of these conversations, I jokingly hinted at the continuation of the relationship and in response I heard a typical form of refusal, disguised as being very busy. On the same evening, I saw Oleg from the window, who was making his way from the car to the entrance with a long-legged girl of size 42 - the version regarding employment was confirmed. Sometimes Oleg came to me to drink tea, chat, and from time to time he slipped statements that “very small breasts are still better than very large ones,” etc. It was easy to guess whose garden this stone was.

Needless to say, the physical transformation of a sexual partner does not always occur in the direction of improving quality. The reverse happens more often. But this, in principle, is not so scary when it comes to relationships “of bygone days”. Of course, I want to make a stunning impression on my former lover 10 years later, and `20, well, and 30 (if you try very hard), so that he receives a positive shock, and not a negative one. But this is a passing goal, a minor win to improve mood. It is much more difficult to undergo “figurative” changes, but to maintain consistently good relationships in marriage.

Male approach

Sometimes it’s better not to touch anything at all, not to break the situation, so that the boom, say, weight loss does not lead to a sexual revolution. It happens like this: you cling to one thing, and everything else will follow it - and all good intentions will come out sideways.

“Several years ago,” Zhanna says, “my husband and I got carried away with Italian cuisine and ate right up to the 50th and 52nd sizes. Otherwise, everything was fine, and we loved each other very much. But then one day, passing by a shop window, I saw my reflection in the glass and was horrified. I went on a diet hard, I thought about food all the time. The husband starved with great enthusiasm, but his fuse dried up as quickly as it arose. Anton began to cheat: he ate hamburgers on the street, drank beer, and secretly dragged food from the refrigerator at night. As a result, he even began to recover, and it was clear that he was suffering from the fact that he could not cope with his gluttony.

And soon his feelings on this occasion took on a generally strange and offensive form for me. He began to verbally tease me for my desire to lose weight, in a Mephistophelian style caustically discussed my figure aloud and, which is especially disgusting, began to behave unceremoniously in sex, mockingly calling me “slender”.

I tried to talk with Anton about our sexual relations and about relationships in general, and as a result I heard the following: “Everyone should do in life what he is good at: you lose weight, and I t ... yu,” he said and strongly pushed me onto the bed. Here is such a turnaround, and I tried so hard for him, well, for myself, of course, too.

The “punishment” for one’s own failure (a diet is a serious test of the strength of the spirit) is often directed by a man not at himself, but at his partner, who is only to blame for having succeeded in tacit competition. How to put it in place? According to male logic, sex is the appropriate remedy for this case.

But the most important thing in this story is that if Jeanne did not attach so much importance to her weight, she would be all right with sex and family relationships. Hence the conclusion: it is important not how much you weigh, but how much it strains you and your partner. In this regard, keep in mind:

  • Most men do not like skinny and fat, ladies of "average weight" enjoy the greatest popularity.
  • It is not so much the size and volume that matters, but the shape. Yes, men like big breasts, but if they are shapeless and saggy, they will most likely prefer a smaller but “protruding” one.
  • Cellulite harms your appearance and sexuality more than extra centimeters. A man will forgive you for excessive coverage of the hips, but the “orange peel” on any volume of the hips will definitely not disturb his libido.
  • A cheerful fat woman is always more successful with men than an embittered lady who directs all her efforts to lose a few more kilograms.
  • No matter what size you wear, there is a male contingent for your category of fullness or thinness, which, first of all, likes exactly such young ladies as you.
  • Strive to maintain at least approximately your “weight category” throughout your life, so that one day you don’t have to change everything: wardrobe, husband, your own opinion about the benefits of thinness or fullness.
  • Follow the form, do not forget about the content. Your figure of the 44th and 54th size is just a bait. Consider that a fan of your forms has already been found and excited, but then, as they say, it's a matter of technology. Do you own it enough to keep it?
  • If everything is fine in your life, including sexual life, do not dwell on the shortcomings of your figure and do not strive to eliminate them at all costs. As you know, good is not sought from good. Put better accents on your merits.

Sex with skinny

When close to him in the classical position, you do not risk being crushed. There is evidence that thin people are more groovy and energetic than plump ones, and tend to make love for a long time, many times, starting all over again. Thin people have more sensitive areas on the body, more precisely, they are more accessible than full ones.

Bumping into his elbows and knees, you can "earn" bruises. With such a partner, you lose the opportunity to have sex on weight - even if he lifts you, he cannot hold you. According to statistics, most thin people have everything thin.

Sex with a fat man

A fat man will give you the initiative in bed with more pleasure than a thin one, and will allow you to "get over yourself." A fat man can be “turned over” much more actively - he has a lower sensitivity of receptors. Fat men almost always treat their partners with care, because they are afraid of harming them.

Fat people, straining, sweat great. Fat people get tired faster than thin ones, because in addition to the main load, they still have to make efforts all the time to keep their serious weight on weight. One awkward movement - and 100 kg fall on you. So, when choosing a pose, think about safety.

What do they say about women? Either their chest is small, or their buttocks are large and not elastic enough, then their legs are short, or ears on their hips? How about we talk privately about our men? Let me describe those shortcomings of the male body that women do not like so much ... You don’t even know ...

1. General lack of weight.
Often men with such a physique say - I eat as much as I want, but I don’t gain weight. Always dry and hot. Or they are doing something stupid. The most notorious braggarts even show off their abs. But alas, this is not the most favorite option for women. However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example me.

2. Excess weight.
Having added as many as 30 pounds of fat since their student days, the peasants begin to consider themselves mature creatures. They slap each other encouragingly in thick places and feel even more attractive. But how! Previously, he was a drizzle, but now he is a seasoned boar!

3. Belly
Most often, excess weight is deposited in the abdomen - this is how men are arranged. Moreover, a man with this type of figure does not feel like a paunch at all. Many times gentlemen of this appearance have called women sows. Oh yes, yes. Well then, you, you ... pigs!

4. Boobs.
To be honest, I can forgive the peasants everything. Economic blunders, laziness and general disorder. Criminal past and even treason. But not boobs. Boobs are my personal fu. When boobs start to appear - it's time to lose weight urgently! Well, I don't like it when someone has bigger boobs than me!

5. Big ass.
Often, in addition to the boobs in men, a big ass is also attached. And I must say that such an ass does not appear by itself! This is usually preceded by sitting on it for years and decades. But its presence indicates a level of female hormones that can no longer be ignored!

6. Sunken chest
Of course, this is not the worst thing that can happen in life, but not the most pleasant either. Still, a strong torso is the main decoration of a real macho. And then, if you still lied before the meeting about playing sports, the last of which took place right before graduation, and from the second you almost died, a sunken chest will betray you at once.

7. Thin hands.
Thin arms look good only on EMO boys. For everyone else, they can't look good. And evoke associations with weakness. Well, how can you bring down mammoths with such hands? Carry your loved one in your arms? Punch a bully in the face... Yeah...

8. Thin legs.
A guy's thin legs, if they are still thin, should ideally look like this. Otherwise, they look dumb in shorts and create a problem in choosing clothes. And yes, on thin legs it is difficult to run away from a mammoth.

9. Small growth.
There's nothing to be done about this. It is foolish to reproach a person for something that cannot be changed. However, the fact remains. Most strippers, models, actors and other glossy characters are taller than average. The rest is left to compensate for the lack in other areas

10. Want a tenth item? Well I won't, I won't...

Didn't write anything extra, didn't forget anything? BUT?