Congratulations from grandmothers. Beautiful congratulations to a girlfriend happy birthday in your own words Funny congratulations to old women

Let care surround everything around
And let all things go amazingly.
Today the grandson wants to congratulate the grandmother,
To always bloom like a May rose.

Fulfilled so that cherished dreams
And so that health is simply the best.
Gave grandmother favorite flowers,
And so that success always pursues her.

So that she does not meet on the way of her adversity,
And so that love always lived in her soul.
I just want to get younger every year,
To become more cheerful again and again. ©

Beloved grandmother, dear,
adored and dear
Congratulations granddaughter beautiful
And wishes you a passionate life.

May your teeth always be healthy
Milk so that you drink cow's milk,
So that your back never hurts
Your granddaughter dared to wish.

Let every day be happy
May you always be loved
Don't ever be sad
And get whatever you want. ©

I wish you, of course
gray-haired eternity,
moon path,
devoted cat,

granddaughter of gold
clockwork top,
I wish you grandma
To bake pancakes

So that you don't get discouraged
To forgive all offenses
To a birthday
The subject was admiration! ©

I wish you this holiday, granny,
So that a million fresh kisses
You received from the guests today!
I also wish your health

It was cement! So that you, dear,
She lived without illness or anxiety!
I wish you different gifts
And your dreams come true. To wonderful

Your mood would always be.
Like this wonderful birthday!
Live sparkling, bright and boring! -
Dear granddaughter wishes you. ©

I wish to be a clockwork granny,
Energetic, joyful.
Achieve goals, strive upwards,
So that all dreams come true.

I held you so that you are lucky by the tail,
And to lift up the nose.
Rich and beautiful to be
And so that you live uniquely.

And a personal driver appeared,
And she began to live better, so that you from then on.
I wish you many long years
And in life, just fabulous victories. ©

Congratulations dear grandmother
Happy birthday to your wonderful
And I wish you health and strength,
To make the world interesting for you.

Never get sick, let
Let sadness disappear forever
Have fun every day, dear
I sincerely wish you

Let there be no loss and disease,
Let your life be more interesting
The sun is bright, the sky is blue
And great success to you. ©

Bright on your birthday
Grandma dear
I want to keep my nose in the wind
Staying for centuries

I wish that you
Not in a hurry to die
To smell the flowers
To have more fun

For the nightingales to sing
Even in 70 incomplete
Big love songs
So that your grandson is worthy of you! ©

What can I give you, grandma?
Maybe a hundred kisses
Or a kilo of hugs?
Or a new dress?

Or a manicure set
To become a diva you glamorous?
So I thought for a long time.
Nights passed in thought

And days. But still I decided
What will make you happy
This is a birthday present:
Funny poem! ©

I wish my grandmother care and warmth,
To be chic like no one else was.
So that she is contrary to the barriers,
Got rid of sadness and longing.

And so that granny lives colorfully,
And soon she had to become rich.
And so that she shines like a star,
I did not pay attention to the years.

Overwhelmed, so that her energy,
To get your luck.
She shone so that like no other,
And I want to always be her hero. ©

Congratulations from granddaughter
Take it soon, grandma
Happy Birthday,
I'll bake pancakes for you

May your day be wonderful
All events are interesting
No boring friends
sickness and bad news.

I wish my grandmother
Be sweet like chocolate
For all the men to fly
And life passed easily and smoothly. ©

Grandmother is one of the dearest and most respected relatives in the whole family, because from childhood she sang the most beautiful lullabies, warmed hands that had cooled in the cold and baked the most delicious and magical pies. Communication with her always brought the desired enlightenment and reassurance, because any problem with the help of my grandmother's vast everyday experience and female intuition quickly turned into the group of the simplest misunderstandings, and it was easier to solve it than school homework. Therefore, the grandchildren try to congratulate their grandmother in a fun and original way in order to please their grandmother's kind soul, give her the opportunity to shake things up and get the most out of happy holiday and not think about your own age, health and future.

Long life without sorrow
Children to be respected
Grandchildren brought joy
Grandma was deeply loved.
We send you warm greetings!
We wish you many years of life
And keep your health
To be even sweeter and more beautiful.

I don't dare two beautiful women
I call the word "grandmothers"
And I'll call them better "fairies",
To continue congratulations!
They are beautiful and loved
Their soul is unique.
And it's tastier to drink tea with them,
Cozy and have a drink
And if you sing or dance,
Much more fun with them!

A little sad and sad
Not yet at forty to become a grandmother,
But "grandmothers" is an honorary title
We wish to accept with courage!
We wish you good health
Don't be nervous, don't be discouraged
And at night to my beloved granddaughter
Get up for a couple with your daughter.
And help wash diapers
And if necessary, then feed,
Sing a lullaby to your granddaughter
More often on the hands to wear.
Congratulations on the new title
We wish you and your grandfather 100 years!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
You always, when the day has flown by -
Cross calmly and piously,
And with a prayer put you to bed,
And in the morning you will pray for your granddaughter,
For grace to touch me.
You always worry about me
You just don't want to show.
I, too, read from the leaf,
And I breathe the same faith:
I will read a prayer about you
And I ask you all the best!

What makes you happy
On this holiday, grandmother?
Me with all my love
I'll make you a cake!
I will give you flowers
To make you smile!
Always be in great shape
Let the pressure be normal!
And your birthday will pass
In excellent mood!

Previously, grandmother was given
We are leaf fakes.
They led a round dance around,
We kissed her!
And now it's big.
What to give grandma?
Ile handkerchiefs painted
Or a computer, perhaps!
We will chat on skype
Happy birthday congratulations!
To join the know-how,
The world is huge to know!

Oh, we know how pampered
Grandchildren and grandchildren of grandmother!
Complaining about their thinness,
They put more pancakes.
They read different books.
And take lunch to the park.
My dear, happy holidays!
Health! For long years!

Who is the lady in the house?
Is it like an older mother to us?
Warm with your own hands?
Will he always treat you with pies?
Thanks for the kind word
For the most helpful advice.
So be always healthy.
To live another thousand years.

After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!

Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

In the head of excitement and confusion,
I do not melt joy at all:
Happy birthday today
Congratulate your grandmother.
Congratulations written, everything is ready,
Take it, grandmother, read:
Live a hundred years and be healthy
Don't cough, don't sneeze for a hundred years!

It's our grandmother's birthday today!
And our grandmother is not more beautiful in the world!
And best of all she has cheesecakes and jam,
And her smile shines brighter than all her grandchildren!
And more tender than all these golden hands,
What knit mittens, socks and sweaters,
Always help us to place commas,
And to the bruise they will find treasured lotions,
After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!
He knows three hundred songs, two hundred jokes,
And almost reads a hundred fairy tales by heart,
And she always has work around the house, -
We want to finish our poem,
Do not judge us harshly for our rhymes.
Granny! Happy birthday grandchildren!
Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

All-all grandmothers-health!
Do not get sick and do not get sick!
Do not move, out of boredom, eyebrows,
For the sake of grandchildren, get younger!

We wish you bright days
Harvests, on plots,
After all, you grandmothers, you know better,
How to deal with potatoes!

Happy Grandmother's Day, you!


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Create a postcard

Congratulations on Grandmother's Day
The most beautiful women on earth!
They should now be glorified,
They should give today
Not just flowers and sweets -
From pure heart Love!
So that a bright, clear summer
In their souls bloomed again and again!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Who smiles all the time?
Who has a perky look?
Who is in communication with grandchildren
Forget about "hurts"?
These are caring grandmothers,
Like family angels
With kids always side by side,
Together they are happy!
So let's go, on Grandma's Day,
Let's remember good hands warmly
We wish you happiness, youth
Passport data to spite!


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sweet granny

Congratulations on Grandmother's Day
Dear grandma!
I wish you good health, Siberian, with all my heart,
Always be young at heart
Well, beauty as always, there's no doubt about it!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Happy Grandmothers Day

I will ask my grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
With sour cream or with jam -
There is no tastier meal.

And how to eat pancakes,
That's what I'll tell my grandmother:
"Happy Grandma's Day!
I wish you long life!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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All-all grandmothers, in the world!

We wish you to be young
To be ideal for grandchildren
And sing songs with my soul
No worries, no unnecessary complaints!

Congratulations, cordially,
All-all grandmothers, in the world!
May happiness be endless
Meets you at dawn!

Happy Grandmothers Day!

Cool congratulations happy grandmothers day

Purchased and owned by the site.

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There are older grandmothers
There are some very young
But, I will say, friends, without falsehood -
Both those and these remote!

They are always up to date
On the market, in the World, on the ground.
Do not take health, quick -
The energy in them is up to a hundred years!

We wish you good health
May you never get sick!
And go with a holiday to the sea,
To fix my nerves!


Purchased and owned by the site.

To the best friend

My best friend! Happy Birthday!
And as a gift I will give - moonshine jam
There is nothing more important than his treats!
On such a day - give the mood!

I wish you a bag of money. Iron.
Iron is very useful in the economy!
I wish you not to drink analgin.
I want you to quit nicotine!

Well, let's have a drink with you, my friend!
Let's raise a glass to your health!
May your grandmother love you!
And she didn't mind our meetings!

Happy birthday, girlfriend!
I'll whisper in your ear...
You are my dear hare,
I'm nowhere without you!
Together we will move mountains
We'll find a husband for you!
May you be lucky in life
My husband will take me abroad.
You will live like a queen
Walk to the right, but not to the left!
Take care of your family
Save the home hearth!

Let the money fall

Let the pancakes and omelettes
will never be a burden
Let all envious people sigh
seeing you from afar.
Let the money fall like leaves
windy autumn times,
and may good come often
and evil is gone.

Cheerful and healthy

Happy birthday to you and we wish you always:
Be cheerful and healthy
Be happy and lucky
Rejoice like a psycho
smile for two
This verse will help you.

When were you born

The day you were born
cherished dreams come true
Mom, dad and grandfather
Or maybe a neighbor.
It doesn't matter - an angel came into the world,
To leave a mark in this world
Illuminate your face with a smile
By your presence. And remember:
Everything is temporary - what can we take,
And forever is what can give.

Let's pull by the ears

Bonjour! Shake! Hello! Hello!
A bright light is seen through the window,
On your birthday, everyone in the area
Suddenly they remembered a friend.

The desire to sit disappears
Another feeling comes...
Why not send us a messenger
For a "kilogram" of wine?

We celebrate your birth
Pull back by the ears to half strength
And we wish you health
Didn't go far!

You were young

Hello old lady dear!
Yesterday you were young
But today, I know for sure
It's embarrassing to ask about the year.
In vain we tried on the cake
Place 23 candles
We wish your dreams come true!
... Just don't shout too much
Because there is no cake left :)

From a woman's face

Car, cottage in the Maldives
I'm ready to wish you.
But also on Russian fields
Going to the dacha is not sucks!

Dine in the best restaurants
I'm always happy to wish you!
But also in the markets
Baked pie - a joy!

Soul and heart do not grow old

Your gunpowder has not yet become raw,
Stocks have it in you! Yes, and what!
In your heart, you, the birthday boy, are young,
Although the passport says - dashing years!

Be happy, friend, even stronger than now!
Soul, and heart, do not grow old!
Don't forget your family, brat
And remember about all your friends!

stick to the lines

Well, newbie, has become more mature, like?
Well, congratulations! We wish you
Be persistent and not ruin your soul
In a cruel, stupid struggle with life!

In short, keep sticking to the lines
Which in life we ​​stubbornly gnёm!
We will all raise glasses for you now,
And you go ahead, always walking a horse!

Are you still alive?

My decrepit old lady
Are you still alive?...very strange!
After all, every year I wish
To get drunk with you zealously!

I always wish
You find the young prince.
After all (number)! It is time!
It's time to start dreaming!

Grandma, happy birthday,
Good to you, warm,
So that every moment
You were happy

Smile more often
And don't be sad at all
You have so much beauty
Don't even give me thirty!

Seagulls and fragrant jam,
Always waiting for us at grandma's house!
May happiness - great, radiant -
She will always be with her grandmother!
We wish you not to be bored and not to be sick,
Take care of yourself, meet the day with a smile!
Communicate more often to please friends
And receive guests on holidays!

And our grandmother has delicious pancakes,
And our grandmother has golden hands!
And my grandmother and I love to sit side by side,
And my grandmother and I are the closest!
Happy birthday grandma
We will congratulate!
We tell her from the bottom of our hearts:
“Bah! We love you!"

There is no my grandma cooler:
Effortlessly dispel the clouds,
Effortlessly calm everyone
The computer will set up without a wizard.

Baking pies is easy!
In the mountains can high
Or go diving...
Laugh at the problem.

Therefore, I wish her:
Live a century and do not grow old,
Be as young
Just like your birthday!

My sweet granny
Happy birthday.
What do you wish for today
To be honest, I don't know.

You are young beyond your years
You love hanging out with us.
I wish you happiness
And love your age!

The best and beloved grandmother in the world,
What bakes airy and delicious pancakes,
That he always meets his grandchildren with a gentle smile,
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart today.
I wish you good health and vigor,
So that you do not know in life neither grief nor meanness.
So that you always have enough strength for everything,
May your age bring you great joy.

Previously, grandmother was given
We are leaf fakes.
They led a round dance around,
We kissed her!
And now it's big.
What to give grandma?
Ile handkerchiefs painted
Or a computer, perhaps!
We will chat on skype
Happy birthday congratulations!
To join the know-how,
The world is huge to know!

Our grandmother, dear, beloved,
Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you to live in good health!
And we ask you together - do not be sick.
We promise to meet again
For your centenary.
Thank you dear for raising us
Sorrow and joy dividing in half,
I didn’t sleep at night, I forgot about myself,
You gave us the last piece.
Two sons have long become adults,
We already have families, children of our own.
We turn to you with tender love,
We wish you longevity, health,
We kiss, dear, your hands!

The inexorable years are not in our power to stop
So let it always be
The more years, the more happiness!
Much has been lived in the world,

Head turned gray
And words of gratitude
Today children express
For a difficult life work,

To you for sincerity and honor,
For the fact that you are in the world.
For us in the world there is no more you,
And although the words are always simple,

May your grandchildren be like you
With the great light of generous warmth!

You are the best in this world!
When you bake your rolls
I just completely forget about the diet!
Today is your birthday
I congratulate you grandma!
I wish you love, health
With all my heart!

I've been writing since morning.
Grandmothers are better, obviously, no!
Grandmothers are more beautiful, believe me, no!
Your granddaughter will never forget you!

Everything else will be OK!
Let the birthday give
More strength and health!

Less worries, troubles and worries,
To please us forever!
You are so gentle today.
Even though you're always like this
My beauty.
Thank you grandma for everything
For happiness and tenderness.
I want to live like in a dream
So that you don't lose your story.
May your life be beautiful
And you always be happy.
Let health be strong
And does not visit sadness in life.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I kiss, hug my grandmother tightly!

I wish you, of course, a gray-haired eternity, a moonlit path, a devoted cat, a golden granddaughter, a clockwork top, I wish you, grandmother, to bake pancakes, so that you do not lose heart, so that you forgive all offenses, so that admiration becomes an object on your birthday

Grandmothers are better, I'm sure not!
Granddaughter will not forget you!
The main thing is long and joyful years,
And everything else will be!

May your birthday give you
Strength and health, of course!
Less worries, troubles in fate,
To please us forever!

On the whole planet I
The happiest,
Since my grandmother
The most beautiful!
kind and knows a lot
Reads books to me
And buys candy
Dresses, pants!
I love my grandmother very much.
Never scolds
Though sometimes it happens
What a little I'm joking!
My dear you
Congratulations! I you.
Be healthy and happy
Cheerful, joyful, beautiful.
And then we are with you
We will always be happy!