Schemes and drawings of crochet napkins. Crochet napkins with patterns are simple and beautiful. "Violet": video master class

We offer a master class with a diagram and a step-by-step description of crocheting a simple do-it-yourself napkin, which is suitable even for beginner needlewomen.

Tools and materials Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: 1/10

  • 100% cotton yarn;
  • hook number 3;
  • scissors.

Napkins have always been considered an integral part of the interior and were valued as original things that create a certain homely atmosphere, so to speak, home comfort. And the most common are simple napkins of small sizes.


  • S3n: a column with three crochets;
  • S2n: double crochet;
  • Cn: connecting loop;
  • St: column;
  • Vp: air loop;
  • Pp: lifting loop.

Step-by-step description of the master class

Step 1: Knitting the middle part of the napkin

We start knitting napkins, focusing on the attached pattern.

  • Row 0: From ch 9, we perform a ring.
  • Row 1: 5 ch, 1 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc, 5 ch, 2 dc , 5 ch, 2 s3n, 5 ch, 2 s3n, 5 ch, 2 s3n, 5 ch, 2 s3n, 5 ch, 1 sp.
  • Row 2: 3 sc to the middle of the chain of five ch. Then 4 sts, 4 d2n, 5 d2n in the central chain of the previous row. The remaining c2n are performed in the same way. At the end of the row 1 sp.
  • Row 3: 4 sts, 4 dc in each column of the previous row, 3 ch, 5 dc, and so on until the end of the row, then 1 ch.
  • Row 4: 4 sts, 4 dcs are connected in one loop, ch 9, 5 dcs in one, continue to the end of the row, then 1 cn.

Step 2: Knit the Center Doily Pattern

  • Row 5: 6 sc along the chain from the ch of the previous row. 4 p, 3 ch, 1 s2n, 9 ch, 1 s2n, 3 ch, 1 s2n and so on, at the end of 1 sp.
  • Row 6: 4 sts, 2 s2n, 2 ch, 3 d2n, 6 ch, 3 d2n, 2 ch, 3 d2n, 6 ch, etc., at the end of 1 sp.
  • Row 7: 4 sts, 10 d2n, 3 ch, 11 d2n, etc, 1 sp.
  • Row 8: 4 sts, 3 d2d in one, 3 ch, 5 d2d, 3 ch, 4 d2d in one, 7 ch, 4 dc in 1, 3 ch, 5 d2d, 3 ch, 4 d2d in one and so on until the end , 1 sp.
  • Row 9: 5 sc, 4 sts, 2 s2n, 2 dc in one, 6 ch, 1 d2n, 3 ch, 1 d2n, 6 ch, 2 dc in one, 1 d2n, 2 dc in 1, so to the end, 1 cn.

Step 3: Knitting the edge doily pattern

  • Row 10: 4 sts, 2 dc in one, 6 ch, 3 d2d, 3 ch, 3 d2d, 6 ch, 3 d2d in one, 6 ch, 3 d2n, 3 ch, 3 d2d, 6 ch, 3 d2d in one , 6 ch, so to the end, 1 sp.
  • Row 11: 7 sc, 4 sts, 5 d2n, 3 ch, 6 d2n, 11 ch, 6 d2n, 3 ch, 6 d2n, etc., 1sp.
  • Row 12: 4 sts, 8 d2d, 3 ch, 9 d2d, 9 ch, 9 d2d, 3 ch, 9 d2d, etc., 1 sp.
  • Row 13 (final): 1 st, 20 sb, 3 sb, 3 ch, 2 sb, 3 ch, 2 sb, 3 ch, 3 sb, 20 sb and so on until the end of the row, at the end of 1 sp.

Step 4: Proper care of the product

In warm soapy water, wash by hand, a napkin and rinse well. We stretch the product, as best as possible, in all directions. Lay on a waffle towel and stretch again. Dry the product at room temperature. After complete drying, the product is ironable at the set mode of iron No. 1 or No. 2, with wrong side. You can also starch the product when rinsing.

A simple crochet doily is not only a way to decorate your home, but also a great DIY gift for your loved ones. Tie this product and give a piece of yourself to your loved ones.

For a long time, the TV, carefully covered with a napkin, remained one of the main attributes of any Soviet housing. Times are changing, and now it is rare to find a woman who decorates her house with knitted napkins. However, seeing such an ornament in a strange house, each of us admires the talent and skill of the craftswoman. So why not continue the tradition of knitting beautiful things that will bring new, interesting accents to your home? Crochet napkins– what could be easier? Especially if there is an article with diagrams- things get done simple but very beautiful!

How to understand the knitting pattern?

Crocheted napkins are really easy to knit, but the scheme of work is not always clear. We invite you to look at this picture - here the main designations that are most often used in weaving are deciphered.

We knit in a circle

The most simple and classic knitting- This is a circular weave. The schemes of such napkins, as you can see, are very simple - the main thing is to know symbol and have at least some experience.

As you can see, many patterns with German text are an echo of those times when it was possible to find a way to knit a beautiful thing only in German magazines. And now such napkins can be knitted according to patterns from the Internet - what could be more accessible and easier?

By the way, many needlewomen use patterns for knitting lace doilies to create interesting and unusual large things - for example, tops or dresses.

Figured napkins

Self knitting crochet napkins with patterns taken from our article will be excellent, simple and beautiful solution for non-standard surfaces. After all, it often turns out that you need to decorate part of a piece of furniture. A round napkin has its drawbacks, and then you should pay attention to such curly things. It is they who show your taste and ability not only to knit, but also to decorate the surrounding space.

Schemes for napkins in the style of fillet knitting

With the help of a hook, you can also crochet such unusual, but insanely beautiful napkins:

Experienced craftswomen know that this technique is called " sirloin knitting”And any thing is knitted very quickly and simply, although this cannot be said from the excellent result. Amazing work! Try to surprise your family and guests by decorating your home with these napkins.

Bruges lace for napkins

There is also such interesting way knitting napkins with hook. Of course, this will not be easy for beginners, but more experienced craftswomen can easily find master classes describing such a technique on the Internet. We offer to admire the options for napkins that you can knit yourself (and they look like they are machine knitted!). For lovers of Bruges lace, we also offer schemes that are quite simple.

Napkins with the spirit of Ireland

We have already told you a little about Irish lace. . Crochet napkins with patterns in this technique to tie Just, and the thing turns out very beautiful. Such natural motifs will be a great addition to any interior.

Friends, I bring to your attention a selection of fabulous beautiful napkins, crocheted, as well as patterns for them. In my opinion, knitting napkins is truly the height of crochet craftsmanship. This is beauty, subtlety of work, while all products are light.

These airy fabric snowflakes are a kind of embodiment of flight and lightness. Napkins perfectly complement any interior, make it so homely.

And of course, this is an excellent basis - a motive for knitting large elements, such as a bedspread or, say, a tablecloth.

In addition, sitting down and starting to knit a napkin is a great way to relax and get in a good mood.

Beautiful and simple blue crochet doily for the table

I'll start the selection with such a wonderful openwork napkin.


Oddly enough, this is both a training ground for beginners and a pedestal for professionals. You can both learn to knit and create masterpieces. For example, for beginners, small napkins are perfect for creating their first product. Well, the fact that it is interesting to knit them allows you to captivate a novice needlewoman.

Beautiful classic round crochet doily

Lovely napkin pattern crocheted in filet technique.


The knitting technique is also honed from the fact that almost the entire arsenal of all kinds of loops is used in napkins. These are half-columns, and air loops, and double crochets, and many others. This gives a good skill, and it teaches you to understand the schemes.

I also want to draw attention to the fact that these products also have a different shape. Here you can mention the classic round napkins that are knitted in a circle.

Knitted lace doily

Beautiful openwork crochet doily with floral patterns

Awesome crochet doily - I was subdued by its grace! Knitting pattern below.

Such a napkin can be laid on the table or put a vase of flowers on it.

When crocheting napkins, the method of using motifs is very often used. Motifs are square, round, triangular. There are also more complex polyhedra, such as hexagonal ones, but they are rarely used.

In addition to all of the above, there is also a wide variety of knitting techniques for napkins. For example irish lace. Or Bruges lace - Belgian technique. Creativity in knitting napkins is like art. Only the master creates not with the help of paints and brushes, but with the help of yarn and a hook.

Okay, I'm on to something. See below for a selection of samples of various napkins. They have one thing in common - they are crocheted. All photos are enlarged. Just click on the image with your mouse. Good luck with your knitting! And come back often. I always have something interesting for you.

Knitting patterns are on the rise!

For starters, there is such a wonderful simple option. Beautiful crochet doily - amazing pattern geometry!

But this beautiful round napkin crochet fits well on the table. In general, it must be admitted that the Japanese versions are considered the most sophisticated of all. they are included in this collection.

Here is another good example of a beautiful crochet round doily - here the central gossamer is of particular interest.

And this napkin has a structure very similar to coral.

A beautiful classic crochet doily that looks like a snowflake.

Pineapple patterns in a beautiful crochet doily.

Beautiful round crochet doily with a pattern in the form of spades.

Crochet a tablecloth from napkins

Beautiful square napkin crochet from motifs can turn into a fairly large tablecloth for the table. The advantage of squares is that they can be combined and end up with a large canvas.

Here are the options. This, of course, is far from all that could be shown. But be patient, we're not in a hurry. So right?

Easy crochet doilies for beginners


How to starch a crochet doily

After reading a lot of guides on starching napkins, I came to the conclusion that they are hopelessly outdated. In all of them, it is proposed to cook a starch paste, but why such difficulties? It is much easier and faster to soak a napkin in wallpaper paste, which consists of starch that does not give yellowness. It is induced quickly, it is not visible after drying. Ideal, in my opinion.

Bring the solution thinner and dip a napkin into it, give it time to dry, and now you have a wonderful specimen in front of you, even, without jams and twists. Wallpaper glue is easily soaked in water, so do not be afraid to ruin the product.

Video master class - a simple round crochet doily

At the end of the selection, I want to show a simple and understandable master class from Anna Andrienko on knitting a simple crochet napkin for beginners. There is nothing complicated in the lesson, just what a beginner needs.

I hope you liked these crochet patterns for beautiful crochet napkins and you will take something for yourself to work with! Well, that's all for today... Enjoy your needlework!

In this article, I advise everyone interested in assembling patterns for embroidering unusually attractive napkins with a crochet hook, and in addition, I will describe their methods. To weave napkins, you need to have certain skills and be a truly professional knitting needle. This includes the elegance of the final product and sophistication, which is an indicator of your skill, and it is not difficult to learn the technique of knitting.

Basic moments

Knitting napkins turn out to be unusually light and resemble snowflakes made of matter - the personification of flight and airiness. Wide application due to a number of advantages:

Knitted crochet napkins are an important item for an institution where comfort and warmth must always be present. Such associations should arise for everyone who agreed to learn how to knit cr-m and knitting napkins.

In the future, they will be able to create such decorations themselves according to these arguments in a modern, modern manner, using the most unusual methods, and they will also be able to make napkins of one form or another, unusual configurations with drawings and the most detailed patterned elements. This can only be done in the case of a hard miniature of the directions and a real ability to weave the threads..

Experienced needlewomen have been working on napkins for a long time, but other users can learn this skill in the same way. Knitting patterns will attract absolutely everyone, and the product will always be in demand for ordinary buyers.

Do not forget that knitted doilies not only beautiful scenery for lasting memories.

2 knitting methods:
  • thin;
  • ring.

In elementary crochet knitting, there is a direct movement in the first place and back with a turn at the end of any system and making sheds. In this case, areas are not formed by fixing the thread at the end of any system. In the ring knitting of a product or a tubular figure in the absence of a seam, the threads are tied.

When knitting, the thread is guided by the index finger on the left side. The hook is held in the left handle with a huge and forefinger. The thread is pulled into a hook, stretched into an independent loop, and stretched through it.

The main types of canopies in knitting cr-m:
  • weightless;
  • semi-column;
  • a column in the absence of a crochet or columns with them.

Types of napkins

Beautiful and simple napkin cr-m for the table

Surprisingly, this product will be a good platform for training beginners, and is also a pedestal for pros. In the process itself, it will be possible to learn the craft, thus creating masterpieces, having already mastered it. For example, for beginners, napkins of not very large volume are suitable for the purpose of their training.

Let us also admit the fact that interest in knitting this product makes it possible to lure many inexperienced users. Also, those who want to make their first napkin should focus their interest on the fact that the product also has a different configuration. Here it is possible to note the traditional whole napkins with lace around the edges.

The knitting skill is also honed from the fact that various canopies are used in simple napkins - these are:

  • semi-columns;
  • light loops;
  • padded columns.

All this helps to gain good experience in the process of the activity itself. For example, such patterns are used to decorate an openwork napkin.

Tablecloth from napkins cr-m

An elegant square napkin capable of transforming into a fairly large tabletop for setting the table. The superiority of the squares in this is undeniable - it is possible to group them and, in the final result, combine them into a huge base.

Detailed schemes and a guide for beginners

Let's start exploring alternatives to knitting cr-m data for light products, the main quality is the preservation of comfort in housing, and diagrams and detailed displays of activity will greatly simplify our task.

It is immediately necessary to highlight the fact that beginners do not need to be afraid of difficult techniques.

Weaving napkins for beginners is absolutely open. In order to learn faster, you need to pick up a number of simple knitting alternatives for the purpose of the warp. Let's start with the usual knitting patterns, after which it will be possible to move on to the most difficult, however, no less exciting.

For the purpose of the base, of course, it is necessary to choose an ornament around which further knitting will take place. Of course, at first it is not at all necessary to select very difficult forms, although they look extremely elegant. If suddenly something does not work out in any way, you will quickly lose interest and simply quit weaving at the initial stage. For this reason, the hands still need to be trained, which means that it is necessary to choose an elementary knitting pattern.

Before you start

The thickness of the hook with which you will weave a napkin depends on the thickness of the preferred threads. The more delicate the hook, the softer the thread used should be.


When starting to knit a napkin, you must not forget that regardless of the scheme, the initial circle will be formed by the same threads in one pattern.

Thus, it is necessary to combine a number of light canopies. Usually their number changes, depending on your desire and the selected pattern. When the napkin ornament is very pleasant and light, knit about 8 light canopies. In case the full image is highly compacted, it will be enough to make gaps from 5 canopies.

Then you need to combine the main and final loop in the column. This must be done with the presence of semi-column support. With their support in the next row, the base of the system is combined with its end, and all the components of the napkin, which must be connected.

We do everything step by step and slowly:
  • The 1st row is attached. In it, we observe the sequence of three light loops. Then it is necessary to wrap it with columns in the absence of a crochet on the ring, which is best done from simple canopies.
  • We turn to knitting the second line. We knit 5 light canopies. Then you need gaps from 2 columns with n-th, while we carry out from the half-column, which we had in the last formation. Next we stick a column with n, then 2 light loops.

When the prescribed number of canopies has been knitted, we switch to the pattern of the chosen napkin. But here there may be problems with the fact that in absolutely all schemes it reports decryption or a source to the scheme. For this reason, you will need to decipher relative labels, which you will learn about later.


Why do you need to start knitting cr-m napkins, which means the simple weaving of loops of threads, which will help you quickly get used to and switch to the most difficult and exciting patterns.

Preparation: To begin with, you will need yarn of the optimal tone in 50 g 160 m and hook 2.

Note: In the text, important phrases have the following abbreviations: StbN - a single crochet column, StbSN - a double crochet column, SST - a docking column, VP - a weightless eye, StbSN - a semi-column with a crochet. After pre-training you can start knitting.

Beautiful and simple cr-m napkin for the table
Simple scheme:

We collect a chain with 8P, combine it into a ring and perform it according to the following scheme.


  • We do several: 1 VP, 16 StbN, SST. First, we change the knitting columns in the proper amount: VP, 1P StbSN, 5 VP x 8.
  • We make several weaves near the arch with 5 VP. SST, 5 StbSN, 2 VP x 8, SST; 4 We collect the next 5 sts of the previous system and attach them: 2 StbSN, 3 StbSN, 2 StbSN, 2 VP x 8, SST;
  • We omit the 2nd and 6th columns, we land 5 StbSN, 3 VP, about 2 VP - 1 StbSN, 2 VP, 1 StbSN x 8 SST. Near the arch, to all VPs without exception, we attach 1 StbSN, 2 VP, 1 StbSN, 3 VP SST;
  • We start tying SST near the arch and attach 1 StbSN, 3 VP, 1 StbSN, 3 VP, miss 1 arch and repeat weaving. We finish with several 1 VP, 1 PStbSN. Next, we make a few more 1 StbN near the arch and 5 StbSN near the next one, SST. We cut the thread and do not forget to fix it.

Yarn "Sunny lace"

This napkin is for vases. Its caliber is within 12.5 cm. To knit this napkin, we need Jonquil yarn 100g 395m of mercerized fabric and hook 2.

Note: SSN - single crochet stitch, VP - weightless eye, SP - mounting eye, Pico - 3 VP, combined, SBN - single crochet column.


  • In area 3 VP we attach 15 SSNs to the third VP. 2 5 VP, 1SSN are combined into SSN in order (PR), 2 VP are combined into the 3rd VP. We attach 3 1SP to the 4th VP, 3 VP and 3SSN with a single top to the PR arch, 4 VP, 4-SSN top to the PR arch, 4 VP, VP we combine into the third;
  • 1 VP, 1SBN to a single top, 5SSN to the arch of the previous system, 1SBN to a single top, we combine into SBN; 5 3 VP, 3 VP, 1SBN in the 3rd SSN of the last formation, 3 VP, 1SSN in the SBN of the previous row, we form in the 3rd VP; 6 2SP in 4-5 VP, 1SBN in arch, 5 VP, combine into SBN; 7 4SP, 1SBN in arch, 5 VP, combine into SBN; 8 4SP, 1SBN in arch, 3 VP, 2SSN, pin and 2SSN in arch, 3 VP, combine into SBN.


Such napkins are always comfortable and warm, like old houses. Earlier in everyday life, there were several napkins of a rounded figure, which were passed down the pedigree to the present day. Now the time has come to learn this craft of weaving similar homemade napkins.

A rounded napkin cr-m with diagrams and display will undoubtedly help you create and give a wonderful present to your loved ones, who will appreciate your gift with nostalgia.

The size of our napkin is 24 cm. To organize weaving, you will need hebash snow-white yarn 50 g 208 m and a hook 1.5.

For the purpose of countersinking, combine the chain with 8 VP and close it with 1 SST into a ring. Then stick with ring lines and combine 4 sockets with each other in the last formation. Add a thread with arrows near the sockets in circular lines.

The traditional way of knitting a figured napkin:


  • To weave this product, you will need yarn from threads of red and azure tones, fabric 25 g 150 m and snow-white thread 100 g 400 m, hook 1.15.
  • Take 45 light canopies, then make a column with a chain of ten loops and attach cr-m 5 VP and st.b / n to the 6th loop of the chain.
  • Tie a docking column to complete the first build. In any arch, attach a column in the absence of n-yes, a semi-column, 3 columns with n-th, semi-k and again a column in the absence of a crochet. Interspersed with these components stick 2 VP. After tying the outer side, knit a ring with 8 VP, without ceasing to twist the upper part.
  • At the end of the SP formation, lot 4 VP and a column with 3 crochets in the VP of the 1st formation. The result should be a figured ring. 3 In the 3rd row we knit arches with 5 or 6 VP.
  • Then, we make 2 arches and a grid with 3 VP. 5 In the 6th formation, alternate chains with 5 VP and columns in the absence of a crochet to the center of the arches of the previous formation. 6 Knit in any arch 5 columns with on-th, dividing them by VP.
  • Weave 4 arches with VP. Rally a few more sts with n broken by VP. We form 3 systems according to 7 VP. We start knitting with a red thread. In the scheme, the role of the basis of this tuning is marked with a red triangle. We attach an arch with 7 VP, then st.b / n and twist.
  • We will tie 14 st.b / n to this arch, in the opposite direction. We spin again. We attach 3 VP, 2 VP, senior s / n. Repeat steps 1-7 one more time and continue to weave according to the pattern.

If you start to attach the next component instead of 3 VP, then knit 3 mounting posts, wrap them, and do not stop weaving the napkin according to the scheme. To complete this piece, SPlot 4 VP and connect the column.

Now tie with azure thread. Increase the number of VP sts with a crochet. In the extreme formation, we form any arch from 3 VP, 3 columns with n and a single top, a pin with 5 VP, 3 VP.


This is the best known type of absolutely all crochet napkins. The variety of drawings and ornaments surprises both beginners and experienced workers. Let's analyze a number of alternatives and knitting techniques. The caliber of the upcoming convex napkin is 20 cm. We prepare yarn from one hundred percent mercerization fabric 100 g 395 m, hook No2.

Note: SP - mounting eye, VP - weightless eye, SSN - single crochet column, SBN - no crochet column, PR - several previous ones, A - single highest step, i.e. 2 CH knit together, Pico - 4 VP and 1SBN in the main VP.

Tablecloth from napkins cr-m

There should be 8 VPs in total. 1 5 VP, 1SSN, 2 VP are combined into the 3rd VP, including the 2nd system and attached to the 3rd VP. At the base of the formation add 2SSN more, 3 VP and 3SSN into 1SSN PR, combine this into the 3rd VP. We make 2SSN from SSN PR, 4 VP, 5CHN and connect them into the last SSN and 1SSN, combine everything into the 3rd VP:


  • Several 6SSNs, made according to the scheme: 2SSN from SSN to the last SSN of PR and 1SSN in half, we join with 4 VP, 7SSN. Further, as in the 3rd formation: we add 1SSN to any independent SSN in the center, we form a connection with three VPs.
  • We join 8SSN with 5 VP and 9SSN, made according to the scheme indicated in the previous step 4, we connect into the 3rd VP 6 10SSN, 6 VP, 11SSN volume into the 3rd VP + 1SP. In conclusion, we make 8SSN, 1SSN PR, 8 VP, 9SSN independent, keeping 1SSN from two edges or create a parallelogram, join in the 3rd VP + 1SP 8 6SSN, 13 VP, 7ССМ into the 3rd VP + 1SP.
  • We make 4SSN, 6 VP from 1SBN and 6 VP. We add 1SBN, 6 VP, 5SSN to the center of the arch, combine it into the 3rd VP + 1SP 10 2SSN, weave 6VP into a small arch. 6SNB, 6VP and 3SSN into 3rd VP + 1SP 11 1SSN. From 7VP we thread into 4th SBN PR, made according to the scheme: 2SSN with A, 3VP, 7VP, 2SSN, we supplement them into the 3rd VP.
  • 4VP, pin from 3VP, complement in arches with VP PR is 2SSN with A, 2VP, mesh, 2VP, 2SSN with A, 3VP, pin, 4VP, 1SSN, weave them into 3rd VP.
Napkin "Tenderness"

The most difficult type of convex napkin, but the final result will certainly be very interesting. The finished decoration will be 36 cm in diameter, while you will need blue yarn 50 g 220 m and hook No2.

Abbreviations for the scheme StbSN - double crochet, VP - weightless eyelet, Pet - eyelet. We start weaving with the formation of 8 VP, which need to be braided.


  • Each subsequent row starts with 3 VP, which replaces 1 StbSN. We end any of them with a column. 1 2 StbSN, 2 VP-repeat 8 times
  • In any StbSN of the previous VP formation we fly 2 StbSN, 2 VP-8 times 3 2StbSN in 1 st, 1StbSN we pass in the next 2 loops, 2StbSN in 1 st, 2 VP, we repeat VP for a lot until the end of the formation 4 2StbSN in 1 st, 1StbSN we attach in the next 4 loops, 2StbSNin 1 st, 2 VP, until the end of the formation.
  • 2StbSN in 1 st, 1StbSN we add to the next 6 canopies, 2StbSN in 1 st, 2 VP, we do until the end of the system 6 2StbSN in 1 st, 1StbSN in the next 8 canopies, 2StbSN in 1 st, 2 VP, repeat to about. Art.
  • 2StbSN in 1 st, 1StbSN in the next 10 sheds, 2StbSN in 1 st, 2 VP to about. Art.

Friends, I bring to your attention a selection of fabulously beautiful crocheted napkins, as well as patterns for them. In my opinion, knitting napkins is truly the height of crochet craftsmanship. This is beauty, subtlety of work, while all products are light.

These airy fabric snowflakes are a kind of embodiment of flight and lightness. Napkins perfectly complement any interior, make it so homely. And of course, this is an excellent basis - a motive for knitting large elements, such as a bedspread or, say, a tablecloth. In addition, sitting down and starting to knit a napkin is a great way to relax and get in a good mood.

Beautiful and simple blue crochet doily for the table

I'll start the selection with such a wonderful openwork napkin.


Oddly enough, this is both a training ground for beginners and a pedestal for professionals. You can both learn to knit and create masterpieces. For example, for beginners, small napkins are perfect for creating their first product. Well, the fact that it is interesting to knit them allows you to captivate a novice needlewoman.

Beautiful classic round crochet doily

A beautiful example of a crocheted napkin using fillet technique.


The knitting technique is also honed from the fact that almost the entire arsenal of all kinds of loops is used in napkins. These are half-columns, and air loops, and double crochets, and many others. This gives a good skill, and it teaches you to understand the schemes.

I also want to draw attention to the fact that these products also have a different shape. Here you can mention the classic round napkins that are knitted in a circle.

Beautiful openwork crochet doily with floral patterns

Awesome crochet doily - I was subdued by its grace! Knitting pattern below.

Such a napkin can be laid on the table or put a vase of flowers on it.

When crocheting napkins, the method of using motifs is very often used. Motifs are square, round, triangular. There are also more complex polyhedra, such as hexagonal ones, but they are rarely used.

In addition to all of the above, there is also a wide variety of knitting techniques for napkins. For example, Irish lace. Or Bruges lace - Belgian technique. Creativity in knitting napkins is like art. Only the master creates not with the help of paints and brushes, but with the help of yarn and a hook.

Okay, I'm on to something. See below for a selection of samples of various napkins. They have one thing in common - they are crocheted. All photos are enlarged. Just click on the image with your mouse. Good luck with your knitting! And come back often. I always have something interesting for you.

Knitting patterns are on the rise!

For starters, there is such a wonderful simple option. Beautiful crochet doily - amazing pattern geometry!

But this beautiful round crocheted napkin will fit well on the table. In general, it must be admitted that the Japanese versions are considered the most sophisticated of all. they are included in this collection.

Here is another good example of a beautiful round crochet doily - here the central gossamer is of particular interest.

And this napkin has a structure very similar to coral.

A beautiful classic crochet doily that looks like a snowflake.

Pineapple patterns in a beautiful crochet doily.

Beautiful round crochet doily with a pattern in the form of spades.

Crochet a tablecloth from napkins

A beautiful square crocheted napkin from motifs can turn into a fairly large tablecloth for the table. The advantage of squares is that they can be combined and end up with a large canvas.

Here are the options. This, of course, is far from all that could be shown. But be patient, we're not in a hurry. So right?

How to starch a crochet doily

After reading a lot of guides on starching napkins, I came to the conclusion that they are hopelessly outdated. In all of them, it is proposed to cook a starch paste, but why such difficulties? It is much easier and faster to soak a napkin in wallpaper paste, which consists of starch that does not give yellowness. It is induced quickly, it is not visible after drying. Ideal, in my opinion.

Bring the solution thinner and dip a napkin into it, give it time to dry, and now you have a wonderful specimen in front of you, even, without jams and twists. Wallpaper glue is easily soaked in water, so do not be afraid to ruin the product.

Video master class - a simple round crochet doily

At the end of the selection, I want to show a simple and understandable master class from Anna Andrienko on knitting a simple crochet napkin for beginners. There is nothing complicated in the lesson, just what a beginner needs.

I hope you liked these crochet patterns for beautiful crochet napkins and you will take something for yourself to work with! Well, that’s all for today… Enjoy your needlework!