Andrey Shilo: “I was born in a zoo. Andrei Shilo was accused of family business on municipal property Andrey Rostislavovich Shilo and his family

The news of the death of Rostislav Shilo, the man who headed the zoo in Novosibirsk for more than half a century and made it one of the best in Russia, was perceived by many Novosibirsk as a personal tragedy. Then it seemed that the zoo was orphaned and there would be neither the promised oceanarium, nor any other development ... The reins of government in the status of and. O. picked up by the son of Rostislav Aleksandrovich Andrey, then little known even to us journalists. The city froze in anticipation, but just a few weeks later, penguins were brought to the capital of Siberia, and in July, strictly on schedule, the aquarium opened to a full house.

A month ago, Shilo Jr. was officially approved as director of the Novosibirsk Zoo. And we invited him to an evening conversation at the editorial office of VN, in order not only to ask about plans, but also to try to look behind the screen of official status, to find out how much he is the son of his father.

predetermined by fate

- Andrei Rostislavovich, you have assumed the position of director of the zoo, which is known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. How important was this event for you?

For me, this is very important and serious. You could say I was born in a zoo! Mom has been working here for 36 years, dad gave 55 years of his life to the zoo, and that's how my parents met. And it is logical that my childhood passed here. Interestingly, my and the zoo's birthdays are on the same date: August 28th. I always knew that I would work only here and only with animals. For me, there was never a question of choosing a profession, everything was predetermined by fate. I graduated from NIIZhT, faculty of "world economy", because I understood that this specialty is important for the development and prosperity of our zoo.

- How did your childhood, spent mainly at work with your parents, differ from the childhood of an ordinary child?

Can you imagine what the zoo staff apartment looks like? It's also a zoo! For as long as I can remember, my parents always brought all kinds of refusenik cubs from work, among which were not only kharzyats and monkeys, but also leopards and tiger cubs, who required care and warmth. As a family, we nursed them, fed them from bottles and spoons, and cleaned up after them. I liked it. At that time, I especially liked ungulates: I myself fed markhorned goats from a bottle, prepared mixtures, dragged them grass and brooms. Since then, little has changed in my life, I am still there and always ready to help them. I spend most of my time here, 15-16 hours a day. For me, there are no clear demarcations, where is home and where is work - everything is one. And I'm trying to get my wife involved. And I hope that when I have children of my own, they will continue the dynasty.

- On one of the last shootings for Evening Novosibirsk, your father posed with lemurs. What animal do you like the most?

I would not say that lemurs were father's favorites. He, like me, loved all our pets, but, perhaps, he singled out felines more than others. Rostislav Aleksandrovich found with them mutual language and was able to communicate. I also love felines and also primates. In general, one can say about an orangutan - "a sociable person."

There are plans and one dream

- You have been officially a director for a month now. What plans and prospects for development can we talk about today?

Most likely, everything will be the same as it was, we will continue to implement the projects of Rostislav Alexandrovich, and there are a lot of them. There are, of course, own ideas, but first of all we will work out what he planned.

- What is the brightest project to be implemented in the near future?

Construction of a pavilion for giraffes, and maybe even for other African animals. Now we already have representatives of this continent, but small ones: cats and monkeys, but we want big ones - giraffes, zebras, antelopes. Ideally, you should get a complex for African animals. If everything goes according to plan, next year let's order a project. Financing will arrive, and immediately in 2017 we will proceed to the first stage - the supply of communications. There will be no budget money, we will still build it on our own, but it will take several years.

- This is your father's project. And do you have your own?

I have long wanted to build a pavilion for a large family of Japanese macaques with a warm spring-geyser. Unlike their relatives, these monkeys can stay outdoors longer in our conditions. And when it snows, and they are sitting in a warm spring, it looks very funny and unusual.

Apiary for pets

- How did your parents evaluate your work?

My father was very demanding and asked me as strictly as he did with all the other employees, there were no kindred indulgences. And this is right, because I thoroughly studied the life of the zoo over the years - I cleaned the cages, cleaned the territory, fed the animals, and was engaged in the financial activities of the enterprise. Today, at some moments, there is a lack of father's advice, but my mother is nearby, who will always help and guide. The friendly team, which has been formed over the years, also provides great support.

- In addition to the well-known dolphinarium and penguinarium, how did you mark this year?

In May, our subsidiary farm in the Moshkovsky district was replenished with an apiary. Now 70 bee colonies are working for their fellow bees to treat honey and keep them healthy. This year, our sweet tooth, bears and monkeys, are provided with honey - they have already collected 400 kilograms of sweet nectar. By the way, this was also a project of his father, to which he went for many years. Too bad he didn't see it all. I also did not see the opening of the dolphinarium, which I dreamed about for 20 years and went for a long time to make my dream come true. Back in 1996, Rostislav Alexandrovich was presented with a table lamp with dolphins, which he admired. It was then that my father came up with the idea to create his own mini-ocean with these beautiful smart animals. Father was kind, sincere and open, ready to help everyone, even a complete stranger. He created and implemented all his ideas and projects for people. I will continue the work of my father and will try to become a worthy replacement for him.


Shilo Andrei Efimovich - gunner of the 435th anti-tank artillery regiment (8th separate anti-tank artillery brigade, 3rd shock army, 1st Belorussian Front) senior sergeant - at the time of presentation for awarding the Order of Glory 1st degree.

Born on June 6, 1924 in the village of Voznesenovka, now Apanasenkovsky District, Stavropol Territory, in a peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the 7th grade, the school of factory training.

In April 1943 he was drafted into the Red Army, from the same time at the front. He received the specialty of an anti-tank gunner. The entire combat path was part of the 435th anti-tank artillery regiment. In October 1943, in the battles for the city of Melitopol, he knocked out two tanks, destroyed a significant amount of manpower and firing points of the enemy. He was awarded the medal "For Courage". Then he participated in the liberation of Belarus. He especially distinguished himself in battles on Polish soil and in Germany. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1945.

On January 26, 1945, in the battles on the eastern outskirts of the city of Poznan (Poland), the gunner Sergeant Shilo dispersed with accurate fire and partially destroyed the enemy infantry platoon, burned the car, which contributed to the success of the rifle unit.

By order of March 3, 1945, Sergeant Shilo Andrey Efimovich was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree (No. 312596)

On April 16-23, 1945, in offensive battles on the left bank of the Oder River west of the city of Lebus (Germany), Senior Sergeant Shilo, as part of the calculation, eliminated 2 machine guns, over 10 enemy soldiers and officers, and suppressed the fire of an anti-tank gun. He was presented for awarding the Order of Glory.

April 28 - May 2, 1945 in street battles in Berlin, the calculation, which included senior sergeant Shilo, supported rifle units, clearing the way for them. The gunner suppressed 7 machine-gun points with accurate fire and exterminated over 15 Nazis.

By order of June 8, 1945, Senior Sergeant Shilo Andrey Efimovich was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree (No. 16873)

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 15, 1946 for the exemplary performance of command assignments in battles with the German invaders at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War the senior sergeant was awarded the Order of Glory 1st degree (No. 581). He became a full cavalier of the Order of Glory.

In 1947 he was demobilized. He returned to his homeland.

He graduated from the Sernovodsk technical school, then, in 1968, in absentia - the Rostov Institute of National Economy. Lived in the city of Grozny. He worked in SMU-2 of trust No. 12 of the Chechen-Ingush construction department as deputy head of the SMU, instructor of the Zavodsky district committee of the CPSU, in 1978-1983 - deputy head of the department of the production and technical equipment department. Since 1983 - on a well-deserved rest.

The last years he lived in the city of Ryazan. Died June 1, 2001. He was buried at the Skorbyashchensky cemetery in Ryazan.

He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree, medals, including "For Courage".

In the city of Ryazan at house number 21 on Bratislavskaya street, where last years lived a veteran, in May 2007 a memorial plaque was opened.

About the situation with , the incompetence of the transfer of which to a commercial company was confirmed by the prosecutor's office, . Mitrofanov in the comments points out: “The agreement was concluded without a tender and actually represents a sublease of a municipal land plot, which is expressly prohibited by Article 18-FZ “On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises.”

At the request of RBC Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk Zoo reported that they had not received any decisions from the prosecutor's office at the time of the comment. “After receiving the decision, appropriate measures will be taken,” said zoo director Andrei Shilo.

Business and management of MUP

At the beginning of the year, there were, according to which 70 Novosibirsk officials are entrepreneurs at the same time, they are engaged in business contrary to the requirements of the law. Among them was the name of Andrei Shilo.

From the answer of the acting head of the department of legal and personnel work of the mayor's office L.I. Chernykh, sent to Mitrofanov, it follows that Shilo filed an application to the tax authority to withdraw from Arlikom LLC on March 6 of this year, and Shilo left Sib-nova LLC March 3, 2017.

Andrey Shilo himself, on the situation with the accusation of violating 161 Federal Laws related to the illegal business of civil servants, explained:

“By the time I was appointed to the position of director, I was not the owner, founder or head of other legal entities. The application for withdrawal from the founders of Sib-Nova LLC was submitted in 2015. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, termination of membership in the organization is considered from the moment the relevant application is submitted.

Lawyer Olga Zabaluyeva commented on this situation at the request of an RBC Novosibirsk correspondent. Indeed, the moment of termination outgoing participant in an LLC is the moment the company receives an application for withdrawal from it.

The obligation of the withdrawing participant to certify his application by a notary enshrined in law from January 1, 2016. Until that time, the application was submitted in a simple written form.

It turns out that the director of Sib-Nova LLC Sergey Podgorny and the director of Arlikom LLC Artem Zuev did not submit data for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for a year and a half. “The director is obliged to submit information to the tax office within 5 days,” Zabaluyeva comments. - For violation of the deadlines for providing data to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, administrative liability is provided - a fine of 5 thousand rubles.

At the same time, if a participant leaving the company sees that no changes have appeared in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, he himself can, with a notarized application, apply to the tax office with a statement about leaving the founders. Which was done by Andrey Shilo (as follows from the document signed by L.I. Chernykh from the Novosibirsk City Hall) in March 2017.

Contests and auctions

Analyzing the composition of the participants of Zoologika LLC, to which the zoo was granted the right “to organize and provide services to the public,” Mitrofanov points to the fact that a number of people have repeatedly intersected among the founders and / or directors of companies that won contracts from the zoo for certain goods and services.

So, Radik Margaryan, who is one of the founders of Zoologika LLC, is the buyer of a 100% stake in Dalar LLC, the only participant of which until April 2016 was Andrey Shilo. Margaryan is a member of Berkut LLC, which won a contract from the zoo for 1.4 million rubles. Until August last year, there was the “Shilovskoye Hunting and Tourist Farm”, the founders of which, along with the senior and junior Shilo and Margaryan, included a number of other people - Vladimir Afonin, Sergey Ionkin. Afonin, Mitrofanov points out, is the owner of Selstroymontazh LLC, this LLC won contracts worth 5 million rubles from the zoo in 2015.

The founders of the aforementioned Sib-nova, along with Shilo, included Sergei Podgorny, who also owns Stroypark LLC. This company won tenders from the zoo in the amount of 41 million rubles.

Zabaluyeva said that formally, the companies listed by Mitrofanov in the list are not affiliated with the Novosibirsk Zoo Municipal Unitary Enterprise. “It can be assumed that the beneficiaries, directors and founders of the companies that won the competitions are probably close, friendly people to the management of the zoo. This is logical - if they previously worked within the same company, they are clearly not strangers. But formally there is no violation of the law in this situation.”

Shilo explains that the commercial activities of Sib-Nova LLC and the Shilovskoye farm, where Rostislav and Andrey Shilo were once the founders, were not actually carried out, and the latter enterprise was created “as a non-profit organization for environmental purposes to release animals into the natural habitat forcibly removed from nature.

Regarding the companies that win tenders for the supply of goods and services to the zoo, Shilo said: “All organizations with which MUE “Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo” concludes deals win in competitive procedures solely by providing the most beneficial for the zoo conditions, low prices, quality and terms of services”.

Scarlet Cuban flamingos will settle in the Novosibirsk Zoo. Director Andrei Shilo told Vesti about the development plans for the recreation area beloved by the townspeople this week: if the negotiations on the supply of birds, which will take place on Monday, are successful, the flamingo pavilion will be opened before the end of the year. In addition, Rostislav Shilo's dream of building a pavilion for African animals is not far off - and then giraffes, antelopes and zebras will settle in the heart of Siberia: almost fantastic - in fact, like the zoo itself, built during perestroika. When the whole country was surviving, the Novosibirsk Animal House grew and developed, in 20 years it became the best in Russia, and today it is one of the twenty best zoos in the world. The absolute merit is not even from Novosibirsk - a native of Primorye Rostislav Aleksandrovich Shilo. Little-known facts of the biography of the restless, restless, happy person with a capital letter we will tell right now.

You definitely don’t expect to meet a pre-revolutionary edition of Faust in the office of Rostislav Shilo, but he was such a person - with an avid interest in life. In the office of the current director Andrei Shilo, everything is the same as with his father, except that a computer has appeared. Gifts from all over the world - Yerevan, Sao Paulo, Minsk ... As if the whole planet knows who Rostislav Shilo is and what a miracle it is - the Novosibirsk Zoo.

Where does the energy, strength, the ability to be the first, to take responsibility for everything and everyone come from? Rostislav Shilo is a sixth-generation descendant of a princely family. Great-grandfather - state councilor, general of the tsarist army. Father is a hunter, geologist, scientist. Rostislav was born a year before 1941, in the Primorsky Territory. Father went to serve, mother and children left for evacuation to Kuibyshev. And so he remained in Siberia for the rest of his life.

The profession of young Rostislav was written in kind: in a family where the cult of nature reigned from childhood, and he himself did not let go of a single wounded animal without help, it would not have happened differently. He graduated from the veterinary faculty of the Kuibyshev Agricultural College, then worked in Novosibirsk, at the zoo - then still tiny, near the Central Market. In 1961, he worked as an animal care worker, then as a veterinarian, director of a zoo exhibition, head of the mammal section.

Finally, a 29-year-old guy from Primorye becomes the director of the Novosibirsk Zoo. The whole career - for 8 years. There will be no higher position in his life, but the status was not interesting to him at all - Shilo is really interested in animals, their study, help, breeding in captivity. In the Novosibirsk Zoo for the first time in the world in artificial conditions the river otter, Asian Siberian grouse, Kamchatka bighorn sheep were born... Do you think it's simple? Day and night at the cage - in the rain, snow, heat. Labor is when you live not for yourself, but for the sake of the beast.

Roza Solovieva, head of the section of predators of the Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo:“That’s why we probably say that we have classical music, classical writers, great poets - and so, in his field, as far as animals are concerned, he was also a great man.

The great one easily took up a shovel, a broom, dragged bags, cleaned up garbage together with the workers - and controlled, and was an example. "One in a million" - his former employees say about him. At a bear with bare hands, at wolves in a cage, at a tiger in the mouth - and this was in Shilo's life when a predator choked and it was necessary to urgently save him. For the sake of what he needs, Rostislav Aleksandrovich could negotiate with anyone - both with the beast and with the official. The latter was sometimes much more difficult.

Andrey Shilo, Director of the Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo:“The tiger opened his mouth - gave him a bone: the official listened, somehow he was more loyal. Father was never stopped by bureaucratic moments. He had a task to build - he took and built. And then I figured it out."

The main thing in his life is construction - a new zoo for the city near Zaeltsovsky pine forest. They moved here from the center in 1993. Either madness, or fate, or magic - to build from scratch one of the wonders of Russia during the years of perestroika. Rostislav Alexandrovich thought not only about animals - he saved people: in the crazy, hungry, incredibly difficult 90s, his employees did not know about salary delays at all. A zealous strong business executive.

Svetlana Verkholantseva, Head of the Veterinary Department of the Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo:“He tried to lay cement in the foundation, and lay out stones, and lay gratings - he also practically knew how to do all this. He controlled every step - that's probably why everything worked out.

His intuitions and talents were also trusted by the authorities. In 2011, Shilo was asked to take over a subsidiary farm in the Moshkovsky district: 30 animals, on farms - cellophane instead of windows. Like, raise it - there will be help, you can feed predators and birds. He again performed a miracle: today new equipment is entering the fields, 600 heads of cattle, four hundred sheep, an apiary, arable land - a thousand hectares.

Oleg Potapov, Deputy Director of the Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo:“It’s like when there are two children in a family, one grew up, and the other is small – Shilo fit like that ... He loved agriculture with all his heart.”

To feed animals and birds, 100 tons of grain, 18 tons of milk, 250 tons of hay are needed per year - and all this the zoo receives from here, and also honey (a delicacy of bears), partly meat ... And again, Shilo helped not only animals - 50 villagers got a job and more.

Olesya Gerasimenko, correspondent:“Seven years ago, Rostislav Aleksandrovich built this residential building with 11 apartments for the workers of the subsidiary farm, all of them well-maintained, with sewerage, hot and cold water. The only apartment building in the village. Not for rent, not for public utilities besides light, people don't pay here."

Andrey Shilo, Director of the Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo: “He always did everything for the people, for the city. A patriot, a very big patriot."

How much pride for the country, for the native zoo in 2013, when the Olympic torch relay passed through Novosibirsk - our zoo was the first in the world where such an event took place. Rostislav Aleksandrovich, probably, could not dream of such a thing, although he was a great dreamer. Happiness for the city, that almost everything that he conceived, Shilo magically embodied. Dream - one of the last - a dolphinarium. The Dolphinarium was opened after the death of Rostislav Alexandrovich. Fortunately, Shilo is a dynasty of dreamers. Son Andrey Rostislavovich continues his father's work: next in line is the construction of a house for flamingos, a pavilion for African animals - in the Novosibirsk Zoo there will be zebras, giraffes, and antelopes.

During the half century that he was at the helm of the Novosibirsk Zoo, Rostislav Shilo made him one of the best in the country and in the world. Demanding, persistent, hardworking, giving, lucky. A visitor, but who has become completely his own, who has fallen in love with the city with all his heart, the King of animals beloved by the townspeople.

© Nashtalova. Andrey Shilo

28 July 2016, 11:00

Andrey Shilo officially headed the Novosibirsk Zoo. His father, the former director of the institution, Rostyslav Shilo, died in April 2016.

Andrei Shilo has been appointed director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Zoological Park, mayor Anatoliy Lokot told reporters on July 28. After the death of Rostislav Shilo, his son became acting. leader.

“He [Andrey Shilo] reported on the results of the work over these months, we discussed the issues related to the opening of new facilities on the territory of the zoological park. The Novosibirsk Zoo is developing, and I hope that Andrey Rostislavovich, with his experience, knowledge and understanding of the problems that his father passed on to him, will continue his work with the same vigor, ”the City Hall press center quoted Lokt as saying.

In 2017, the zoo, which was named after Rostislav Shilo, will celebrate its 70th anniversary. In the near future, a pavilion for penguins and small primates (opens on July 29) and a dolphinarium (August 2) will open on the territory of the institution.

Rostislav Shilo has headed the Novosibirsk Zoo since 1969. By 1993, he managed to build it in a new place, moving it from a cramped site in the Central District to spacious enclosures in Zaeltsovsky Park. Under Shilo, the zoo became one of the main attractions and a symbol of the city.