How to congratulate the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on Rescuer Day? Poems for Rescuer Day, congratulations on Rescuer Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Official congratulations for the Day of Emergency Situations Workers

Rescue squad - there are no more wonderful guys!

December 27, the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia is a holiday of rescuers. The profession of a rescuer is one of the most difficult, because they are the first to come to the aid of people in the most difficult situations, be it a fire, flood, earthquake, road accident, accident at an enterprise, or any other situation when people need qualified help.

Courage and courage, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of saving people's lives have always distinguished representatives of this profession. The highest professionalism, experience and ability to find a way out of the most difficult, sometimes extreme situations - all these qualities allowed the rescuers to gain the authority and respect of Russians. After all, every day of work here is evaluated by the most valuable indicators – human lives saved.

On December 27, 1990, according to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the formation of the Russian Rescue Corps as a State Committee of the RSFSR,” the Russian Rescue Corps was created under the leadership of Sergei Shoigu, and in 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, December 27 was declared Rescuer Day Russian Federation.

Rescuer Day (Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations Day) - this is not a day off, but a regular working day for tens of thousands of rescue workers who came in for the day. But, of course, on their professional holiday they have the opportunity to feel like real heroes.

And today congratulations on your professional holiday accepted by all Russian rescuers who work and serve in territorial rescue services, municipal rescue services, private rescue services, different types fire department, emergency and public rescue organizations and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Traditionally, various ceremonial events and events take place on this day. holiday concerts, dedicated to the Day rescuer. Emergency services employees are congratulated by top officials of the state, colleagues and management; films and programs are dedicated to them in the media.

Citizens of the Russian Federation express their gratitude to the people who risk their lives every day to save and help those in trouble. Dear rescuers, please accept congratulations on your professional holiday, Happy Rescuer Day in Russia! The New Year joins all the words of congratulations on this wonderful memorable date!

I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2018 and wish you to be able to save every person who needs your help! I wish you good health and family happiness! Thank you!

Congratulations in verse on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Risking myself every day
Rushing to help as quickly as possible,
Without fear, without panicking,
You save people.
Bowing before you,
And believe me, without embellishment,
Congratulations with inspiration
Happy Rescuer Day to you!
Let's wish you peaceful everyday life
And have a relaxing weekend,
May your health not fail you
Happiness and love from your family!
And here it is, the holiday of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
After all, it's Rescue Day.
And congratulations, not to mention
Accept it from your friends.
You will never let me down
Although all guys are different,
And you serve valiantly,
Both on weekdays and on holidays.
The work of rescuers is like this -
It is not possible to foresee at the beginning of the day,
What kind of misfortune awaits today:
Element of air, water or fire.
Saving me from inevitable death,
Sometimes risking his own life,
Tormenting my family with worries,
Become heroes for us.
Your work is a daily feat,
We want to bow to you from the waist
For your courage and nerves of steel,
For helping others!
Saving people is your calling!
You are fighting with danger!
I'll tell you without hesitation,
You are a superhero to me!
Be strong, brave and courageous,
Run to the rescue before anyone else!
Save others, because this is important
But take care of yourself!
The rescuer congratulates you on your personal day,
I express gratitude for your courage!
And for exploits, burning with pride,
I hasten to express my wishes:
Always remain kind and cordial,
Helping us out of various troubles.
Let the course of life be smooth and carefree,
Among the flashes of joyful victories!
Happy Rescuer Day, heroes!
Happy Rescuer Day, specialists!
Everyone knows what's going on
You guys are great!
On duty around the clock,
On duty both day and night,
Besides you, ordinary people
There is no one else to help!
We wish you happiness, friends!
We always take you as an example!
We admire, we are proud,
We send gratitude together!
A chance of salvation is more reliable than miracles!
We congratulate the heroes on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations!
Those who work, creating feats,
Happy holiday - the twenty-seventh of December!
We can live calmly and joyfully
Knowing: as soon as something happens, a rescuer is in a hurry to come to us!
Super heroes, you have no price!
Thank you for being you, we all need you!
Happy Emergency Situations Day to everyone!
We have countless natural disasters.
And you, eliminating their traces,
Keep in mind - there is a point in this matter!
When an emergency happens again -
There are those who can save everyone.
Only you are always ready to help
We will find safety!
We wish - may the world be kind
And he won’t bring us any trouble.
No one will force you to be afraid.
The time of storms and thunderstorms is passing.
Such a difficult profession
But at the same time, necessary
The name of the rescuer is little known,
Well, actions are visible to everyone.
May his service be calm,
Let there be fewer places where people wait.
Well, let the salary be decent,
For selfless work.
If it suddenly catches you by surprise,
Storm or hurricane, Ministry of Emergency Situations by helicopter
He will fly to your aid.
They are used to saving people
In the most difficult places,
In the ocean and on land,
Or even in the clouds.
Today is Rescue Day
Fill your glass quickly
We wish that everyone
He always saved people's lives!
A wonderful table has been set, friends!
I'm happy that today
I can congratulate you on the holiday
My colleagues are reliable.
I want to raise a toast to them,
Let everything be fine
I wish you health, happiness,
Success in your personal life!
And all the rescuers now,
I congratulate you on their day,
Always have such friends
I wish you all from the bottom of my heart!
From fires, floods, accidents,
From avalanches and earthquakes,
From tsunamis, cave rubble
You bring salvation every hour.
You are not angels, you are earthly people,
That you chose a profession is a feat.
Thank you for this, dear ones!
May your day be filled with happiness!
I congratulate you today -
The rescuer deserves it!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you

Good health and peace,
Fewer calls at night

She gave me the keys out of joy!
My friend is a rescuer. With this word
People are called for a reason
Save anyone from troubles
He may even be among the seas.
Don't frighten him with the elements,
An avalanche of snow, or fire,
Cover your friends from the clouds of bad weather,
Always ready with your shoulder!
I want to say thank you
And wish from us all:
In family matters and at work,
May success accompany you!
Rescuers don't know the word "fear"
They are also unfamiliar with indifference!
They will come to the rescue every time
You just have to say a word to them!
So be strong and impartial,
Brave, courageous, daring,
Fast as the wind and fearless!
May fate smile on you more than once!
Rescuer Day in Russia,
Or the holiday of the Ministry of Emergency Situations -
The best holiday in the world
I want to wish everyone here
May the sun always shine on you,
And on the path of life,
Let the fair wind blow
To make it easy to go with him!
From great floods,
From the fire, from under the rubble,
After great destruction
You saved people, oh, so many!
I wish you health and happiness,
May luck be on your side!
I don’t know anyone stronger or braver than you!
Serve your native country with distinction!
It’s not for nothing that they call you guardian angels,
If you are nearby, trouble is not terrible,
By risking yourself, you save lives,
And you take all this for granted.
Congratulations to all Russian rescuers,
We wish you a calm, peaceful service,
May luck always accompany you,
Every day is a pleasant surprise.
I congratulate you today -
The rescuer deserves it!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
May you always be happy
Good health and peace,
Fewer calls at night
So that life will reveal love to you,
She gave me the keys out of joy!
Rescuer, may you be lucky!
Let the sadness and sadness go away,
And there will be happiness and dreams,
And a sea of ​​passion and love!
Chip and Dale to the rescue
This only happens in cartoons.
And in life to people in trouble,
The rescuer arrives first.
On your holiday I wish that it becomes
Fewer terrible disasters in the world:
Terrorist attacks, floods, accidents and fires.
Happy Rescuer's Day, buddy! Be healthy!
Saving people is a good thing
And giving myself to him boldly,
You are performing a feat of valor,
What do you get recognition for?
And on Rescuer Day for you
I wish you perfect blessings,
Be the best pro on earth
Among excellent colleagues.
Who shouts: “Save, SOS!”
On a cold rock,
Who put it in the vacuum cleaner
reproductive organ,
Victim of Elemental Frenzy
Or personal stupidity -
You are my poem now
Sign in kind!
The verse is as simple as do-re-mi:
Happy holiday, rescuer!
This is what they do to people
Vacuum cleaners, their mother!..
Happy Rescuer Day to you
Congratulations with a clear word,
And I wish that you always
He was young and broad-shouldered.
Happiness, modesty, love,
And to the work of hope
I got it, I want you to
As a sign of fate, recognition of you.

Congratulations on Rescuer Day in prose

Your holiday is Rescuer Day! It's amazing how accurately you chose your business. Even if you had not become a professional rescuer, you would probably have saved us on your own. Thank you for being such a reliable and strong-willed person! Stay like this always! And may there be such people next to you too!
You were born to do good! You are a rescuer and it sounds proud, congratulations on this wonderful and irreplaceable holiday. May everything you do turn out to bring you happiness and prosperity!
In the midst of a flood, in the cold and in the summer heat, you are at the post of a rescuer and are ready to come to the aid of each of us, and even a yard kitten stuck on a branch! Let me cordially congratulate you on your profession holiday, rescuer! May your happiness be as immense and warm as your noble heart!
You are laconic, collected and serious, because at the hour of service there is no time for jokes. But today - allow yourself a smile, look around and take my word that life is so good in this world, largely thanks to you! Happy Rescuer Day! Keep yourself the same - strong, kind and the best!
I wish the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to easily overcome not only the elements and disasters, but also any obstacles in their personal lives. May your confidence in yourself and your sacred purpose to save lives energize the whole world! Thank you for your dedication and courage!
Saving lives is a high spiritual mission. This contribution to humanity is incomparable to any achievements in science or literature. This is a spiritual contribution to the preservation of the most valuable treasure - human existence. Congratulations to you, our dear rescuers, on your professional holiday. May good luck accompany you in this difficult mission.
A rescuer, like a warrior, risks his life for the sake of others, finds a way out in incredibly difficult conditions and does not surrender to the elements or disaster, like the last warrior before the enemy army. Happy Rescuer's Day to all emergency workers, the bravest defenders of our lives!
Dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, please accept congratulations on your professional holiday. We wish you success in your difficult and important service, thank you for your bravery and courage, thanks to which you saved more than one life. Be healthy, strong and happy, live surrounded by love and understanding.
Today, on Rescuer Day of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, we congratulate those to whom it would be nice to say thank you in advance, because our world is not perfect and there will be many more incidents in it... However, as long as such men serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we have nothing to fear! Happy Holidays!
Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia! We call the rescuers’ treasured phone number when we drop a match or if someone comes in later, and then you don’t have to worry, because you, like a real hero, will come to the rescue! So may you have special, lasting happiness and love in your life!
On Rescuer Day, please accept my congratulations! You are not just a rescuer, you are a real hero, but feats are commonplace for you, because this is your job and your real calling! I want to wish you to always have great health and happiness worthy of such a wonderful person!
Today, December 27, is the day of the strongest, most courageous, courageous and courageous men - rescuers. Many and endless thanks for your hard, dangerous, but so important and extremely necessary work! We wish you health, endurance, patience, good luck and only the successful completion of even the most critical situations!

On December 27, 2019, Russia celebrates Rescuer Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations guard the safety of our citizens and come to the aid of people in the most difficult situations. Send congratulations to your friends and family on the Day of the Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Congratulations on Rescuer Day in verse

The roar of applause can be heard everywhere.
So it's time for us to say:
Emergency situations
Hurray for the winners!
Not wizards from a fairy tale,
And the heroes of our days -
Without hesitation, without fear
You save people.
That's why we're pleased
On this day say:
Happy Rescuer Day, guys!
Save everyone in time!

We congratulate all brave people,
That when we call they rush to help us.
They risk their lives, which is important,
And they are not afraid of any obstacles.

We wish there were fewer disasters,
So that they can be prevented,
Forget about “liquidation of consequences”,
May you live peacefully in your beloved country.

You are not a cook, not a sailor,
Not a teacher, not a writer.
You're an action hero
You are a man, you are a rescuer!

Happy Rescuer Day to you,
Let everything work out.
May fortune love you
Happiness smiles!

We congratulate those who work around the clock to respond to emergencies and risk their lives every day to save the lives of others. Don't forget to send warm congratulations to your friends and loved ones.

Saving people is a calling and work,
Saving people is a remarkable courage.
Where life is in the balance - your name is,
Although sometimes I would like peace.

And today is a holiday, the day is just yours.
He is the reason for joy and feasting.
Please accept congratulations, hero,
A daredevil, a rescuer, a true man!

Happy Rescuer Day, dear!
This is your holiday.
I dream of being with you
All your earthly life.
May the Lord protect you
At your post!
Know that I'm off duty
I wait day and night!

Congratulations on Rescuer Day in prose

Today is Rescuer Day - a holiday for those who always come to the aid of people in difficult times. Natural disasters, fires, wars... - no one is immune from misfortunes. When minutes count, we hope for a miracle... and it happens because you, the rescuers, appear! Brave, brave, courageous! Risking your own life, you fight for the lives of other people. May there always be a place for miracles, love, faith, happiness and goodness in your life! Low bow to you!

Our dear rescuers, congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you excellent health, good mood and more quiet duty. After all, if you don’t hear a siren about an urgent call, then everything around is calm.

Dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations! Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you success in your difficult and important service. Thank you for your courage and bravery, thanks to which you saved more than one life. May the forces of good protect you from failures and grief, may life give only light, peace and love in response to your selfless work!

Without sparing myself, and risking my life,
Save people's lives, live for people,
Not everyone will dare, fear is stronger,
And you... You are a rescuer, braver than everyone else in the world!

We congratulate you on this day with all the world,
We wish you more good nights,
And working days, illuminated only by light,
Always be happy and have fun!

Saving people is not an easy job -
Always responsible for someone
You are putting yourself at risk,
Not knowing whether you will return home.

But in honor of such a holiday today
Congratulations on your noble profession.
And let us wish: let them guard more vigilantly
All of you guys are guardian angels!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Rescuer Day in Russia! I wish that good mood, safety and commitment to your favorite business always accompany you! May you be surrounded by prosperity, prosperity and happy smiles!

Happy Rescuer Day!
Let life give you joy
And everything will be wonderful
Winged dreams will fly.

Everything you want will come true:
Let all your wishes come true,
And fate will focus
And it will save you from danger!

Happy Rescuer Day of Russia!
Of course, I want to be safe.
Let love, kindness reign around,
Do not be disturbed by disasters and evil.

Let your health only get stronger,
Let prosperity increase.
The world shines in rays of warmth,
And may your soul be at peace.

Happy Rescuers Day!
We wish you strength, health, motivation.
So that all tasks succeed
And everyone always remained alive.

Let work not be a burden to you,
Life brings happiness, kindness and joy.
To be appreciated and understood
And the family always waited with warmth and love.

Dear rescuer, congratulations!
Your work is dearer to us than anyone else.
I wish you bright, enormous happiness,
May success always protect you.

Let everything in life be clear,
Love is always waiting at home.
And let everything be “dangerous”
It can never do harm.

Saving people is a huge job!
A rescuer is needed: “there” and “here”...
They are always waiting for him with hope,
A lifeguard is needed like water!

For everything, we say thank you
And we hasten to congratulate you,
We would like to wish you happiness
And never lose heart!

Always appreciate your work
And show concern to everyone,
Of course, value yourself
And live a very long, long time!

Our deepest bow to those who save lives,
Who, like a candle, burns at work.
Children dream of being a rescuer in childhood,
But the chosen one is only to be a rescuer!

Your courage and strength and boldness
The most super wrestlers are jealous.
May good luck accompany you in life,
Immense happiness to human creators!

It's easy to fall, not to get lost for long.
Fixing everything and finding it is not easy work.
The rescuer is a modern brave knight.
Rescuers will come to the rescue.

I wish you positive outcomes
So that the mood is not lost in emptiness.
May your income and weather please you,
Let your health be at its best.

You constantly risk yourself
Honor and praise to you for this!
You are a great friend and a nice guy -
Always be happy in life!

Let no danger lurk
May life's path be happy,
May he give you health and good luck,
And try not to go astray!

For many of us, the daily work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations goes unnoticed, because we do not face disasters or bad weather every day of our lives. However, the teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations save other people’s lives every day. On Rescuer Day, it is customary to congratulate everyone involved in this difficult profession. Ordinary citizens of Russia should remember the representatives of this heroic service. Therefore, to express your gratitude and respectful attitude towards the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, be sure to select beautiful congratulations in verse or prose.

When is Rescuer Day celebrated in Russia and the CIS countries?

Rescuer Day in Russia is celebrated on December 27th. This tradition was officially consolidated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation back in 1995. Civil Defense Workers' Day in Ukraine is celebrated on September 17, in Belarus on January 19, and in Kazakhstan on October 19.

Touching poems for Rescuer Day

Happy Rescuer Day to all those

Who does not give up for the sake of life,

He is doomed to success

Who manages to be strong?

Only those who will leave a mark on the world

Who knows his business firmly

Who is not afraid of heights,

Neither reach your limit.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

Family warmth, comfort,

Successes small and large,

And in life - the right route!

Happy Rescuer Day of Russia!

In heaven the Lord decided

Why do you need this path?

And you hurried to the service.

Did you think it was just a job?

Character was tempered in the fire,

In the smoke of fires and disasters

The path became increasingly clearer.

Now you know what to save -

A calling until the end of the century.

I am proud that I am ready to give my life

You are for a stranger.

Happy Rescuer Day! Wish

Don't give up in difficult times,

With a guardian angel

Stay together.

May your companion be from God

There will be a nearby

May good luck accompany you

And hope will come in handy!

Official and solemn congratulations on Rescuer Day in prose

The difficult and risky profession of a rescuer requires an unlimited supply of courage and bravery. True professionals, who know how to quickly navigate a difficult situation, show themselves to be truly heroic in life-threatening conditions. Clarity and prudence in actions, dedication and well-coordinated work in teams will save hundreds of lives across our country every day. You are not only savers of human lives. You are the nation's rescuers, a modern example of courage and incredible dedication. Happy holiday, dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

Friedrich Nietzsche said the correct and very relevant words for our time: “There are more idols in the world than real heroes.” To the common man It’s hard to distinguish a real hero from an idol. We admire show business stars, successful entrepreneurs and business coaches, without knowing or not noticing the merits and actions that are not shouted about on every corner, about the heroic events that happen every day. We are talking about employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. These are the ones we should honor as true modern heroes. Today, on Rescuer Day, we express our deep gratitude to you for the daily heroism that you humbly consider to be your duty and work. Thank you and happy holidays!

I wish the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to easily overcome not only the elements and disasters, but also any obstacles in their personal lives. May your confidence in yourself and your sacred purpose to save lives energize the whole world! Thank you for your dedication and courage!

Original congratulations to the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in verse

Happy Rescuer Day, Emergencies Ministry employee!

Don’t let vanity, fatigue, stress overcome you!

Let the work be full of only words of gratitude,

May the Lord protect you from evil and deceit.

Let the collapses not threaten, the flames die out,

And let the river flow dry on its own.

Without accidents, disasters, let it be calm.

In general, live in the world happily and with dignity!

Happy Rescuer Day! I know

Your life is so complicated

She's full of risks

Every day is alarming.

But the one who will be happy will be the one

Who has found his right path,

Who is incredibly tired

But he doesn’t dare to rest.

Who will endure his pain,

But he will save another in the fire,

Who belongs to the work

Both responsibly and strictly.

Stands until the last

Sometimes when you have no strength.

These qualities are in you,

Our modern hero!

Happy Rescuer Day! Let it grow stronger

Your fortitude

May luck follow you

And “luck” in everything.

May you not have

Alarm calls,

No serious disasters

No difficult tasks.

For other people's lives you are

Give me a second chance.

We are proud of you

You are a hero for us!

Beautiful wishes for Rescuer Day in prose

Saving lives is a high spiritual mission. This contribution to humanity is incomparable to any achievements in science or literature. This is a spiritual contribution to the preservation of the most valuable treasure - human existence. Congratulations to you, our dear rescuers, on your professional holiday. May good luck accompany you in this difficult mission.

They say that by extending a helping hand to another, you are helping yourself. The ability to help is one of the highest manifestations of goodness. Thank you, rescuers, for the special and selfless goodness to which you have dedicated your lives.

A rescuer, like a warrior, risks his life for the sake of others, finds a way out in incredibly difficult conditions and does not surrender to the elements or disaster, like the last warrior before the enemy army. Happy Rescuer's Day to all emergency workers, the bravest defenders of our lives!

Short quatrains for Rescuer Day for SMS and postcards

Happy Rescuer Day, my friend!

Let the flame burn only in the soul,

For your courage, hero,

Russia is all grateful!

Rescuer, happy holiday to you!

May there be a lot of happiness in life,

Let there be no earthquakes

Forest fires and bad weather!

Happy Rescuer Day! Wish

I am a hurricane of passions

Love fire

And good news!

I wish: may it be from happiness

Your eyes are burning

You just have to save

There are kittens on the tree!

Cool congratulations on Rescuer Day in prose

Each era has its heroes. Noble knights in heavy armor, eager to help at the most dangerous moment. Brave musketeers, ready to fight with swords and save an innocent person. They all acted according to the same law - the law of honor. Likewise, you, knights of our time, brave musketeers who do not spare their lives, put the matter of honor above all else. Thank you for your courage, bravery and bravery, our dear rescuers!

Rescuers, remember:

  • after a storm there is always calm
  • after a fire the fog always clears
  • after a flood, the earth dries up and gives new fruits

And after your good deeds, the happy smiles of saved people always remain. Happy holiday to you, dear employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations!

If among your friends or relatives there are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, be sure to surprise them with congratulations on Rescuer Day. You can choose a cool wish or a comic poem for a loved one. For a more formal speech, choose a ready-made greeting for Rescuer Day in prose, in which you can emphasize the importance of this profession for the people. But, most importantly, let the congratulations you choose express sincere admiration for these real heroes - the brave and courageous rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Congratulations on Rescuer Day in Russia. I wish you strong strength and health for many years to come, courage and dexterity, sensitivity and caution, prosperity and good luck, cheerfulness and optimism, care and understanding, family happiness and love, good prosperity and kindness of soul.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Rescuer Day in Russia! I wish that good mood, safety and commitment to your favorite business always accompany you! May you be surrounded by prosperity, prosperity and happy smiles!

Congratulations on Rescuer Day in Russia. I wish you an inexhaustible flow of courage, bravery, strength, perseverance and perseverance for the brave and worthy work of a rescuer, I wish you health, self-confidence and constant good luck.

Today we celebrate the holiday of the most courageous, calm and determined people in our state - rescuers! Every day you risk your life, fight against all earthly elements and disasters, but still save people! For this, many thanks to you from our entire large country! I would like to wish you peace in your difficult workdays, luck, love and reliable comrades who are always ready to help!

Risking oneself to save others is not a profession everyone can choose for themselves. So, on Rescuer Day in Russia, let everyone who is even a little connected with this brave work receive the recognition they deserve. Let all your workdays be calm, and let all your calls be false. Let your loved ones be confident that you will return home after your shift safe and sound.

Happy Rescuer Day of Russia! I wish all professionals in their field nobility, responsiveness, safety, vigilance and vigilance. Let your comrade’s shoulder be reliable in any situation, your health strong and your nerves tempered. We wish you well-being, coherence in work, excellent technical base and personal growth!

Congratulations to all the rescuers of Russia - people who risk their lives to save others. May your courage, valor, selfless desire to help and the salvation of not a single hundred people be rewarded with recognition and gratitude from the rescued and their relatives. I bow to you to the ground. We wish you peace and quiet working days. Let there be fewer emergencies and emergencies in life, and more joyful and memorable events. Happy holiday!

Dear rescuers! Thank you for risking your lives to save others, for your incredible courage and heroic courage! Let your health be like that of heroes, your heart work like that of marathon runners, and your peace of mind be like that of Buddhist monks. May God reward your exploits with peace, happiness and prosperity!

Let your valiant profession bring you excellent income, because by saving the lives of others, you risk your own! I wish you to always be full of strength, courage and courage, because without these qualities it is difficult to be a real rescuer! May luck always accompany you, because any road should lead to success!

Congratulations on Rescuer Day in Russia. Know that the country is proud of you, because in spite of all troubles and bad weather you rush to help all those in need. I wish to be able to cope with any emergency situation, find a way out of any difficult situation, receive gratitude and praise for nobility and dedication. May luck always help you, may an angel protect you, may fate tell you to be happy.