Touching and beautiful congratulations to the firefighter. Congratulations on the day of the fireman in prose Congratulations on the day of the fire department in prose

There is nothing nobler than saving a person's life. It is on such a day that I would like to congratulate people who have chosen a difficult, difficult and dangerous profession. Not everyone will be able to work in this field of activity, because someone does not have the courage, and someone is afraid of heights. But be that as it may, there is a huge number of people who have chosen this particular profession and are simply devoted to it. On such a day, I want to bring the warmest words of congratulations to such people.

And so, here are some congratulations on the day of the fire department in prose

Firefighters are the real saviors of mankind! With all my heart I would like to congratulate you on the holiday and bow low at your feet. Fireman's Day is a day of courageous and courageous people who, more than once, risking their own lives, saved our children, mothers, sons, as well as relatives and friends. Thank you very much for your work!

On the day of the fireman, I would like to congratulate real men who know their business. It is not for nothing that responsible and reliable people who can be relied upon are selected for such work. We will be proud and admire you! And I also want to wish all firefighters good health, happiness and good luck on this wonderful day, both at work and in their personal lives. Thank you guys!

On this wonderful day of the firefighter, I would like to sincerely express my deep congratulations to such brave people who, without hesitation, save other people's lives, risking their own more than once. This hard and dangerous work is not for everyone, therefore, those who chose such a difficult activity, low bow and honor to you. And may there be as few harsh days as possible in your life. Happiness to you and health.

The professional day of the fire department can tell you how scary and dangerous such a profession as a fireman is. However, many people unwaveringly chose this particular kind of activity, not being afraid of fear and risking their lives. I would like to note that not everyone is given this, so we sincerely congratulate you, our dear saviors! And may every new day of your life bring only joy, and let troubles and hardships pass by.

Fireman's Day is a revered holiday in our country. Hundreds of anxious days and nights have to be endured by such brave people. Hot shifts, night anxiety often get in the way, which is so hard to fight. The choice of such a profession is the responsibility of every citizen. And thank you for doing everything possible to save human souls. On this day, I would like to wish the Guardian Angel to help and that luck never leaves each of you.

Dear and beloved firefighters! On this beautiful day, I would like to sincerely wish you only the very best. After all, if not for you, then who would have protected our lives and good nights. There can be no greater heroism than saving human life. Therefore, please accept the kindest and most sincere warm words of gratitude. Thank you for everything.

In moments of fire, when many are panic-stricken, firefighters rush to the rescue, entering burning buildings. Risking their own lives to save the lives of others. On this day, I would like to wish you to always return home safe and sound. Let the technique not fail, and let any task assigned to you be easy and on time to be executed. Happiness to you and health! Happy Fireman's Day!

Our dear firefighters, we bow low to what you are doing. Your work is not only difficult, but also dangerous. So on this day, I would like to wish your work to be easy, and as little as possible to get in the way of fiery tongues that take human souls out of life. Thank you for your work! Happy holidays and be happy!

Other holiday greetings can also be found

I hasten to congratulate you on the Day of the Fire Department,
After all, it doesn't happen every day.
There are many different dangers here.
And the firefighters know it all.
I wish them good luck in their difficult struggle
With the elements for happiness, for life,
After all, awards are sometimes doubly worthy,
Fuss will not tolerate superfluous here.

Is the cat's house on fire
Or just where the fire
They come first
Eliminate fire and heat!
Who fell into the fire trap -
Dial zero one
And with people from the fire department
We will put out the fire!
After all, at the cost of personal life
They help us.
On this day, your holiday is common,
Only happiness, from the heart!

"In every country there is a place for a feat." With a certain amount of caution, many feats can be accomplished. The profession of a firefighter belongs to one of the most dangerous in the world... Therefore, from the bottom of our hearts we wish them a quick reaction, a cool head, good luck and a lot of happiness - Happy Firefighter's Day!

You are the fire department
Late at night, early in the morning
You will come to the call of people,
Save your house from fire.
And today in your holiday,
Accept this verse of ours.
With congratulations this verse,
Live without grief and interference.
Be brave and healthy
Serve your cause.
Your service is difficult
Everyone around her needs it.
And today is your holiday.
Have fun, hero.

Happy fire brigade day
Dear friend,
You protect from fire
Idol and hero.
The sun is clear
Sky - radiant,
Hearts - beautiful,
The purest!
Happiness and joy
Peace, tranquility,
In life, only sweets
And enjoy!

Congratulations to those who argue with the elements
Protecting the house, nature from fire.
For you guys, a glass of fire
I lift my heart now.
Your work, though difficult and complex,
Full of accidents and dangers
You do it quickly and reliably,
You have a special warehouse of strength and mind.
Strong friendship and big salary.
A different, but close-knit team for you.
The bosses constantly receive awards.

I congratulate a real man and hero on their professional holiday - the day of the fire department! Every day you are ready to save the lives of strangers from fire, risking your own. On behalf of all those whom you have already helped and whom you will come to the aid of, I say thank you!

Fire department, congratulations!
For your work, for the dangerous struggle in the fire,
We wish you good health, love, patience,
And joy and happiness to you doubly.
May your Guardian Angel protect you,
Accompanying good luck, cheerfulness and luck.
After all, you are our hero. Savior from fire.
Please accept our sincere admiration.

I want to wish,
Always be the best
And do not know worries!
Let the work be dangerous
Without her, nowhere
Where is the fireman? So here it is!
Never be sad!

Let the guards not get up early sometimes,
But he doesn't go to bed early either,
All night by the phone, by the screen
As soon as he arrives, he will rush into battle again!
Oh, firefighters, saving from trouble,
Like those who delivered Rus' from Mamai,
Always honest, reliable, incorruptible,
And life presents its big bill to you.
You often take risks for thanks,
And those who fell - only friends will remember.
But we will not talk about sad things, because
Fate is difficult, but God is always with you!
And on this day of health many times
We would like to wish you all the best!
Let there be fewer unpleasant calls,
And more time to sleep!

Congratulations on the professional holiday of the workers of the hose and fire extinguisher. Let the dangerous fire be subdued, the forests not ignite, the children not to play with matches, the risk will be minimal, and fire accidents as rare as possible. Prosperity, well-being, health and happiness, Happy Fire Day!

Happy Fire Day
Congratulations now.
Let there be fewer fires
And work for you.
And when needed,
No doubt then -
Your people will arrive
Rescue from the fire.
As Suvorov taught us,
So that it is easy for you in battle,
You need to study a lot
To stay in line.

The time is over "drummers"
But the need remains...
Happy Fireman's Day
Masters of fighting fire!
If the smoke from the house creeps -
The crew moves fast
Foam spurts, and the stairs
On any floor flies.
All heroes in friendship with courage,
And in a few minutes
People's lives and their property
Saved from death!
Let you be at risk in life -
So live for a hundred years
Yes, there will be fewer calls
To the "hot" places!!!

You boldly crawl forward on the stairs,
Not an easy fire service!
But quietly dozing people at night,
After all, he does not need to be afraid!
You are a firefighter, you know your duty and honor,
You will save if you have to!
It's good when people are like that
Let the fireman laugh on his holiday!

I congratulate you on Fire Protection Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you never to let fire take over you, to constantly remain on guard of order and safety, always confidently carry out your service and have time to enjoy every day of your life.

Security today is the day of the fire department -
The holiday is especially important in the country.
The elements hit you insidious
Accept, having struck her, it's not scary.
Risking my life every day
You have saved a lot of people!
Health to you for many, many years,
May the age of good luck burn good light!

You are the fire brigade
And I will tell you without deceit:
You won't find better boys
At least you will go around the whole earth.
You are brave and you are strong
Faithful to their cause
We know for sure that without you,
Everything would burn down at once.
We want to wish you
So that you can sleep longer
To less often on alarm
You got to your feet.

Raise a glass to honor and conscience.
Fire brigade - it's a sin not to support,
You can see such people for miles
Which they know how to hold.
Professionals are needed here -
After all, you have to "play" with fire.
We are grateful for your work is not small,
We will sing a song for your glory!

I congratulate you on Fire Protection Day and sincerely wish you never to succumb to confusion and despair, always fight to the end, take on any new business with confidence and strong strength, by all means achieve desired results and never forget about safety measures. May God keep you, may the angel help you cope with any trouble.

God bless you, just God
When the deadly child circles -
For someone's life, risking their own,
Throw yourself into a hot hell.
We wish that only from happiness
The fire burned in your chest,
Good health, good luck
And fiery great love!

Fire Department Day professional holiday fire protection workers. It is celebrated in Russia annually on April 30. The holiday "Fire Protection Day" was established by Decree No. 539 of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin dated April 30, 1999 "On the establishment of the Fire Protection Day".

On April 30, 1649, the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a document called the Order on the City Deanery. By this order, in Moscow, for the first time in the Russian state, a constant, round-the-clock duty of fire patrols was introduced. Which, not only take an active part in extinguishing fires, but also monitor compliance with fire safety rules.

Happy Fire Department Day! I wish you inexhaustible strength and iron health, easy everyday life and fewer emergencies. Let your hard work is always valued by right and cause and brings sincere appreciation and gratitude to society.

Let the fires burn only in your heart. Let the smoke never spoil your oxygen. Let your every shift pass without fire, fire and anxiety. I wish that the fiery element always submits to you and can never harm you. I wish that you always return home, where you are loved and expected and always worried. Save people's lives, property, in a dangerous fight against fire, but never forget about your health and your own head. Happy Fire Day!

Happy Fire Day! Let there be fewer reasons to work, more lives saved. Courage, courage, patience, strength, calmness. Thank you for your selfless work, modesty, heroism, nobility. I wish you good health, long life, happiness, strength of mind.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Fire Department and from the bottom of my heart I wish you never to lose vigilance, confidence, skill and professionalism. Let the flame blaze only in a loving heart, the flame of happiness and good luck is always empty in life.

Happy professional holiday, all firemen. Thank you for your heroic work and everyday deeds. I sincerely wish you a peaceful working day. Let there be less risk in your work, let the elements obey you. I wish that the flame blazed, only in your chest, and you always came to the aid of people with the same passion, kindness, responsibility and professionalism.

Congratulations on the day of courageous and strong people whose professional duty is to save and preserve the life and health of people. We wish you good health, strong-willed decisions, courageous deeds. May there be more peaceful days in your working days.

This holiday is celebrated only by brave men who have dedicated themselves to saving people, who are not afraid of fire, smoke, difficulties, or dangers. So let me wish you constant calm shifts and eternal luck in your work on Fire Protection Day. Let the risk to life be minimal, and earnings maximum.

Congratulations on the professional holiday to brave and strong-willed people, on whose skillful actions someone's life often depends. May there be as many successfully completed tasks as possible in your daily work, be always healthy, purposeful, active and prosperous.

Happy Fire Day! May good luck accompany you, do not worry about health, all your loved ones will be happy, and your character will be tempered! I wish you success in your work and meet only smart, attentive, competent people on the way!

Thank you for your valiant work, courage and bravery! I wish that each challenge ends positively, because you are real superheroes who can do anything! Take care of yourself, saving others, and remember that your work is invaluable! Let success await you in everything, and the salary will be worthy of superheroes!

[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the fire department in prose

There is nothing nobler than saving loved ones. Your profession is associated with constant risk, tension, courage. Let as few challenges as possible fall on your lot. May there be more joy in your life. Let your goals coincide with the desires of others. Be happy, courageous, collected! Never know fatigue and despair. Never back down from adversity. Live honestly and nobly! Good luck in the difficult field! Happy Fire Day!

Happy Fire Day! It is so nice to congratulate you on your professional holiday, knowing how much you are in love with the business you have chosen. Now, after all, fewer boys dream of becoming firefighters, everyone wants to be hackers. And she found her calling, and by faith and truth you stand on the protection of people from the fiery element. Low bow to you for your work!

My friends, I am very glad to have the opportunity to congratulate you on your holiday - the day of the brave and courageous, the day of the responsible and reliable, the day of the sincere and real! At all times, the best were selected for the fire department, and it is no coincidence that today it is you who stand guard over fire safety. Happy Fire Day, guys! Happiness to you, health and, of course, dry sleeves!

Rescuers-firefighters, triple "Hurrah" to you! How many times you had to save lives, how many words of gratitude you received for your work. Let me express my deep respect today, gratitude for the fact that you are always on the alert, that, without hesitation, you enter the fight against fire! May your spirit, your strength and will always be unshakable. Kudos to the fire department!

I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the day of the fire department, and wish you to always be attentive, respond quickly and do the right thing. Let your professional skills and dexterity never let you down, let the critical situation be as small as possible. I wish you good mood and happiness in life!

Today is the Day of the Fire Department, the holiday of all heroes, brave and brave guys! Let no failures happen on your dangerous path. I wish you even more strength, courage, endurance and courage, because this is so important in your business. I wish that you never fail the reaction and that you never lose heart. Thank you for saving so many lives, for your promptness and for your kindness! Good luck, happiness and prosperity!

Hundreds of heavy shifts, hot shifts, nightly alarms have to be endured by firefighters. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for choosing this profession, for feeling responsible for every citizen and for doing everything possible to save people in fires. We wish you good technology, reliable protection Guardian Angel (who also stays awake during particularly difficult and dangerous shifts and keeps you safe), as well as good opportunities for a good rest!

Our dear, beloved firefighters! You have chosen one of the most dangerous professions in existence, so may you be successful in everything! We wish you good nights, dry sleeves and durable helmets! Less work and more rest! Let your cylinders never run out of oxygen, and let champagne and vodka pour from hoses today!

I don't know people of greater heroism than firefighters. In moments when everyone is overwhelmed with panic and fear, you go into flaming buildings and, risking your life, save the most precious of them. I wish you health, love, prosperity and luck. So that any task set before you by life is overcome with honor and dignity! Happy Fire Department Day!

[in prose]

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