Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son. Congratulations on the birth of a baby for a young dad Congratulate your dad on the birth of yourself

The birth of a son is a starting point in the life of any man. It is from this moment that the man focuses on family responsibilities and affairs, as well as raising a child. But all the troubles and worries lie ahead, and immediately after the birth of the baby, I want to celebrate this, undoubtedly a turning point in the life of any person, as fun and original as possible. Congratulations also need to be original and fun! The birth of a child is not a reason to be sad, but a reason for happiness and fun! Original cool congratulations can be found on this website. And rest assured, you will be the most original at the party dedicated to the birth of your son.

Dad! Congratulations
At this historic hour!
We know - population growth
You provided for us!
And in gratitude for this
We wish you, our hero,
To listen to daddy's advice
Your son is Alexander II!
So that you are full of health and strength,
The heir quickly grew up,
And so that the President of Russia
Your son has certainly become!

Happy son birth
We are very happy to congratulate the mother!
We'll wear it soon
In Dolce and Gabbana outfits.
Father's example
Scientist - non-drinker, permanent
He will become prime minister
For a frail piece - a businessman!
Still in bed
Can't provide for himself
Let's give him something to eat
From pacifiers and small spoons!

There are no reasons for joy above:
You have an heir in your family - a son!
Let him only give happiness to everyone,
Let there be fewer problems with him!
Maybe he will grow up to be a scientist,
Or maybe he will become a football player...
The main thing is that he is passionate,
So that the heart is kind and pure.
Let him walk through all the obstacles,
Let people marvel at the good fellow,
Let him be a joy for his mother,
Let him be an assistant to his father!

You, young daddy,
With your head held high,
You have all the rights now
To be called a man, believe me!
You made a house out of boards
And he planted a forest of trees.
And now you finally
Became the son of the first father!
Congratulations on this event!
I wish your son:
Let him be just like dad -
Support for the family, your joy!

Long-legged white stork
Arrived at the house today
And left it on the doorstep
A bundle with a tiny son.
He can become an astronaut
Or a brave sailor,
In the Duma, a loud-mouthed speaker,
Broker or doctor.
He himself will choose the path,
He will be happy and healthy,
And let there be many friends,
Real love.

Great news - you have become a dad!
Oh my God, how long have you been waiting for this!
And now, my son finally appeared,
Congratulations, you are now a father!
Raise him to be a good man,
His character was similar to that of his father.
And let him be kind, like dad,
And just as beautiful, and just as strong!

The day has come! A son is born!
There are a hundred reasons for happiness.
After all, now you have become a dad,
The most beautiful moment has arrived!
On this day we wish you
So that they grow to our joy,
There was a son so that yours was handsome,
And he looked like dad!

We know you will be a good father
A gentle, caring, affectionate dad.
And you will be proud of your son later,
For now, at this first stage,
You need patience, health and work,
To raise my son big and beautiful,
Believe me, your sprouts will sprout,
And your son will certainly be happy!

Today we are in a hurry to congratulate the stork!
And dad: he is proud of his heir!
He never takes his eyes off his son!
Will look into the crib and stroller a hundred times!
Let your assistant grow to the joy of all your family!
He wakes up dad with a scream and a mischievous laugh!
He will be healthy, strong, let him honor his father and mother!
And we all wish dad: keep it up!

We sincerely wish you happiness,
You and your son!
We know exactly what is good
You will be his dad.
Let the baby grow up healthy,
You love him always!
Let it grow in love and affection,
The rest is nonsense!

You became a dad today!
My son can't take his eyes off you,
He looks already loving!
Be an example for your son
Gentle, affectionate father!
He grew up smart, so that he is brave,
A real brave!

Congratulations to the happy daddy on the birth of his daughter. I wish that my daughter grows up healthy and beautiful, the happiest and most loved. Let your baby be your true pride and greatest joy in life.

You've become a happy daddy
Your nice girl.
You with your warmth and strength
Protect her, warm her.

Let the baby be healthy
She loves dad the most.
And your reward will be
Her ringing, loud laugh.

Dad of a magical daughter
You became beautiful on this day,
May my daughter have her destiny,
Light, joyful and clear.

May she grow up healthy
There are ropes coming out of you,
It will be daddy's joy
Gives strength to move.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, now you have become a daddy. I wish your star great happiness in life, and let life be a fairy tale and joy for her. Take care of your girls - your spouse and daughter, always be a strong support and support for them in everything. May your daughter grow up beautiful and healthy, may she always please you with her sweet smile.

Congratulations to dad and daughter
And with all our hearts we wish:
Let her grow up beautiful
Mischievous and happy.

Let your daughter be obedient
He won't forget about his family.
May she be loved
And adversity passed by.

Daddy have a lot of patience
And good mood
Let the baby grow up
And he will only experience goodness!

Today is a day filled with fairy tales,
It rings with wonderful purity.
These eyes were born
With a wonderful, affectionate soul.

I hasten to congratulate dad on his happiness,
I wish my daughter good health.
May God save you from all misfortunes,
There are no sorrows or difficulties.

Hope, sunny moments,
Discoveries, making friends with children.
Cheerful, good hobbies,
Keep love in your heart.

Happy news for the world
The joy began to jump:
A bundle of happiness, baby daughter,
I was born in your family.

Be proud, you are dad. And love.
Take care, cherish, cherish and indulge.
And please accept congratulations:
Beloved women became more!

I congratulate you, happy dad,
I wish your daughter good health!
Let it grow to your joy,
Bring prosperity to the family!

I wish you not to get sick
Nothing to regret
Stable good income
So that there is enough for increased expenses!

Congratulations to you, the most happy man in the world! I wish that today becomes the biggest miracle for you, because the most beautiful girl, your little daughter, has come into the world. May this world always be kind to her, may she encounter only love, tenderness and care in life. I wish your life to be as bright as a rainbow, filled with laughter and carefree. Happy birth of your daughter!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, for a father this is a special joy in life! I wish you strength and patience to endure all the difficulties, to give your baby a wonderful childhood and strong, reliable support! Let children's laughter always be heard at home!

The joy that fills the heart with the birth of a child cannot be compared with anything! Compared to this important point all other events simply fade away. The arrival of a baby opens new page in every man's life. This is understandable, because now he has to raise an heir or heiress and pass on to them the experience accumulated over the years. This event cannot go unnoticed by the young father’s relatives, his many friends and just acquaintances. They all strive to present him with their congratulations on the birth of a child. For this, both short phrases and solemn speeches are used, thanks to which the father’s already high spirits will rise to unprecedented heights.

Agree, in order not to get lost among the jubilant relatives, you should thoroughly prepare for the choice of congratulations. If you are confident in your abilities, and your Creative skills tested over many years, then you can prepare poems for dad, written yourself. However, it is worth admitting that not everyone has such abilities, and there is not always time to compose a suitable poem. Still, don't despair. You just need to search for a thematic site in the boundless space of the Internet, and you will certainly find what you need there. Short or long, prose or rhymed, classic or original - the choice of various congratulatory texts is simply huge. All you have to do is choose the one you like and read it out at the meeting or send it via SMS.

Poems to dad in SMS

Becoming a dad is very important
Children bring happiness to the home!
And everyone strives for this,
Who deserves to be called a father?

Many people dream of becoming a dad,
And you have already become today!
Let the congratulations never cease,
After all, the best day has arrived!

May the sun shine brighter on this day,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
Love your spouse more passionately
You became a father today!

To your child - health,
We wish you good luck and all the best
And with this joy today
We congratulate the whole family!

Happiness has come to the house -
Addition to the family.
Became a dad. And everyone is amazed
This role suits you.

May fortune be favorable
Makes life's path easier...
Well, then gradually
Don't forget to reproduce.

Are you celebrating the birth of a miracle?
What a happy man you are!
Now grow him, loving,
Seeing yourself in it!

This is very important for all dads.
And that's why everyone dreams
So that besides my dear daughters
If only I had one son!

You became a dad for the first time,
Congratulations on that.
Continue this activity
We sincerely wish you for a long time.

Every year a baby
Buy it for your home.
And in such a big family
Fly with happiness, everyone.

Dad, you are now doubly a father,
And I am completely proud of you!
On this day I want to wish,
Pamper us children as before!

We always find time for us,
And you can swear sometimes,
Complicated educational process
But I wish you many miracles!

Most often we congratulate mom, but it is also very important to send congratulations to dad. Who, if not the father, dreamed of a son for nine months, patiently fulfilling the whims of his pregnant mother. Who else but a loving father, having heard about a significant event for the family, rushed on the wings of love to buy flowers for his beloved wife and a stroller for his newborn child.

It is he who will have to support his family and be the support of this new person who is just starting his life’s journey. Therefore, wishes to the father are also important and obligatory. They can say that the newly-made father can hope for help and good advice from his family and friends, who will not leave him at this crucial moment. And then these good words will bring self-confidence, pride and tranquility into the soul of the young father. With this wonderful mood, he will greet the people most dear to him now from the maternity hospital.

Video clip in the form of congratulations to the father

Our dad is not a “marriage maker”, he managed to make a son,
We congratulate you together, and we wish you
So that my son doesn’t upset me, he grows up faster,
May he love his mother and father and be the happiest!

We wish you to be a good father,
And congratulations on your son
The heir was born, now we are still
We wish you a daughter too.

We all wish dad: let the child not upset
Grows up faster, helps faster
Let him love mom and dad, let him be healthy and happy,
at night let him sleep soundly, speak quickly
let him grow into a hero and help you in everything.

Today we congratulate our father on his new baby.
We wish you health, and also patience,
Let the child be happy, it always makes you happy
grows up faster, never gets sick

Your wife became a mother, everyone congratulated her,
Dad shouldn't stand aside either.
We sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your son,
We wish you pleasant troubles, joyful moments for you,
Love, mutual understanding, and never forget
one child is bored, urgently needs to continue!

You are doing well today, you have become a father today,
And with this we seriously congratulate you.
And we want to wish: get up less at night,
Go out for a walk with your son (daughter), read fairy tales in the evening,
Don’t forget about your wife, try to help her...
In general, so that you can do a hundred good deeds
Then for some reason your work will suddenly become your favorite,
As soon as you come to work, you can relax like a human there.