Scenario of the holiday in elementary school "March 8 - Women's Day!". Scenario of the holiday "March 8" for elementary school March 8 script for elementary school


Suggested competitive program designed to carry out holiday events spiritually - moral education. Material may be helpful class teachers, educators in preparation for the international women's day. The material can be used for class hours, and extracurricular activities for students elementary school.

Purpose: and to cultivate love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers, grandmothers and girls. Tasks:

Learn to congratulate women on International Women's Day;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards women;

Create a positive emotional background and festive mood.

"Our most, most"


Leading: Good afternoon, our dear mothers, grandmothers and of course our girls. We are gathered here today to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday March 8.

Happy Women's Day

We congratulate you!

Concert - our gift for you -


Congratulations to moms.

1. Mommy, beloved, dear,
My priceless treasure
Nothing in the world is dearer to me
Than your mother's heart

2. I congratulate you on March 8,
And on this day I tell you:
For all the worries, for love, dear,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

3. Mom!
Happy spring holiday
I heartily congratulate!
Long life, love, fun
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

4. Let all misfortunes melt away
And adversity will be dispelled.

5. I wish only happiness -
Don't let the years age you.

6. So that strength does not leave,
For business to be successful

7. Be always so beautiful,
Smiling, tender!

8. Mommy, I'm sorry for all the bad things,
What is done, of course, not out of malice.
I want you to know: the most sacred,
Of course - only a mother for me!

(Presenting gifts.)

Leading:Grandmothers, too, will not be left without attention.

Since March 8, grandmother,
Spring holiday!
Good congratulations
Take from me!

Good health,
Long life years
On the face of a smile
Joy in the soul.

Pies are delicious
Oven more often for us
Yes, and a wise word
Rescue in life.

Be happy yourself
Chase away the sadness
I am you grandma
I love with all my heart!

Song "My Dear Mom"

(Presenting gifts)

Leading:The boys prepared congratulations for the girls.

Tails, pigtails, skirts,

Bows and ribbons...

Congratulations, girls.

sun bunnies

Let them play with you

And the boys never

You are not offended.

We wish you in life

The best to be the most

beautiful, happy,

Future mothers.

All those who share desks with us in class!

All those who suffer all our antics!

All those who write off gives us homework!

We wish you easy learning!

Laugh more, have more fun

Be the school standard of beauty

And so that all your dreams come true!

Like the sun you radiate

You are warm and kind.

You help wash the board,

Keeping clean...

If the apple is in the briefcase,

You will surely eat.

For those who didn't make it,

You will solve all control.

And homework

You give the boys to write off.

I would invite you on a date

Yes, I'm afraid you won't.

We are our classmates!

We will read congratulations

For dear girls.

Happiness to you, love, good luck

Mood, beauty.

Let failures bypass

And dreams come true!

(Presenting gifts to girls.)

Leading:Now let's get to the competition. Divide into 2 teams and choose a team captain.

Competition "Warm-up".

1. Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there together? (Three).

2. How many steps will a sparrow take in 7 weeks, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 1 second? (None, since he can only jump).

3. There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on ten hands? (Fifty fingers).

4. He does not see himself, but points to another. (Pillar)

5. What color is the stop-crane on the plane? (He's not there).

6. Seven candles burned, four of them were extinguished. How much is left? (Four remained, which were extinguished, the rest burned down).

7. What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1,2,3).

8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream).

9. One and a half pike perch costs one and a half rubles. How much is ten? (Ten rubles).

10. One father has six sons. Each son has one sister. How many children does the father have? (Seven).

11. Who has a mustache longer than legs? (At the cockroach).

12. How to divide five apples among five guys so that each gets an apple and one remains in the basket? (Give one boy an apple along with a basket).

13. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will not be on an empty stomach).

14. Two sheep are standing: one head to the north, the other - to the south. Can they see each other without turning their heads? (They can, if they stand with their heads to one another).

15. A flock flew - 25 geese. One was killed. How much is left? (One, the rest flew away).

16. What number has as many numbers as letters in its name? (One hundred)

17. What number increases by one and a half times when turned over? (6).

18. A flock of geese flew: one goose in front, one between two and three in a row. How many were there? (Three: flew one after another).

19. What does half an orange look like most? (For the second half).

1 Competition "The most accurate"

With one hand (the second behind the back) hit the ball at the target.

2 Competition. "The fastest."

Leading: Before preparing a dish, girls, mothers or grandmothers must wear the appropriate attribute. (Kerchief, apron, glove) 2 participants from each team. First one puts on, then passes to another. Who will do it faster?

3 Competition. "Miss Ingenuity".

Leading: Each team is given an envelope with riddles about spring. You need to solve these riddles.

Breaking through the snow

Amazing sprout.

The very first, the most tender,

The most velvety flower! (Snowdrop)

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Brook)

Here on a branch someone's house

No doors in it, no windows,

But the chicks live warmly there.

This house is called ... (Nest)

The horse runs, the earth trembles. (Thunder)

Molten Arrow

The oak fell down near the village. (Lightning)

He is asked, he is expected,

And how will it come -

They will start hiding. (Rain)

I stand before you

Like a young messenger of spring

I'm glad to see my friends

Well, my name is ... (Starling)

3 Competition "Fastest".

Leading: For the next competition, 3 participants will be required. 1 - peels potatoes, 2 - peels carrots, 3 - cuts and decorates beautifully. Who can complete these tasks faster?

4 Competition "The most, the most ..."

It is necessary to determine by touch what is in the bag, what kind of cereal, etc.

5 Competition "The most accurate"

Each team needs to knock down as many pins as possible.

6 Competition “The Most Polite”

1 participant from each team. Who will name more polite words.

7 Competition "The most accurate 2".

Participants hit the target 1 time each. (Dartz)

8 Competition "The most economic"

Leading: The next competition will be devoted to soup. Each team receives a dish and an envelope with the names of various ingredients. Cooks need to select and put in the dish only those that are included in the recipe.

Ingredients: sunflower oil, pickled cucumber, carrot, beetroot, potato, onion, fish, meat, sauerkraut, apple, banana, tomato, pepper, dill, garlic, buckwheat, rice.

9 competition. "Cinderella".

Who will quickly put on an apron and sort out peas from rice.

10Miss Grace Contest

It is necessary to draw a strip with chalk and whoever passes through it the fastest wins.

11 Best Culinary Competition - Bake a Cake

Leading: Each team writes the name of the products that are needed to make the cake on a piece of paper in one minute.

Leading: Our wonderful holiday has come to an end, Once again we congratulate everyone on this wonderful spring holiday.

The script of the holiday in elementary school "March 8 - Women's Day!"

Target : to instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment : items for performances, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world - mom. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands who can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always Have a good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed


For mother's day
It's time for spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will be congratulated now
their loving children.


1. In March, the sun played on the snow, Moiseeva S
Spring has come with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's Day is celebrated by the whole country.

2.Spring walks across the country, Kovrov S
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

3. I know it's not without reason, Dikarev S
I already figured it out myself
Because they know
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

4. And each class congratulates happy Kovrov V
To all mothers on the planet.
“Thank you” to moms say
Both adults and children.

5. Every year at the beginning of March Lashkova V
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

6. In stores, all showcases Sartakov N
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

7. I'm standing in front of you Herman K
I'm worried mom!

I put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!

8. Let everyone see that you are Dryamova L
I love it, mommy!

And I won't hide my love
Kiss mommy!

The song "If I'm with my mother" to the music of V. Shainsky for the song "If you are kind"

March brings us spring warmth,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I'm with my mother, then it's light around,
Then a blizzard, a cold, is not terrible.

If I hear a song in the morning
The house will be filled with our sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do things together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
We'll sing to mom now.
Let there be enough joy, enough flowers for everyone,
Mom will be fine with us.

Leading: How wonderful that there is such a day in the year when you can hear so many declarations of love, feel joy and see great happiness and love in the eyes of women. I wish you to have more such days in a year, and they happen more often. Accept confessions from your children.

1 class

1.Different children live on the planet, Dikarev K
But all the children in the world love their mothers.

2. It happens that we don’t listen to our mothers, Sysuev S
And mothers teach us good deeds.

3. And mothers teach us how to be kind, Yuferov E
How to protect and love our Motherland!

4. Moms will help, moms can do anything, Korneeva A
Moms know everything!

5. Here are our mothers! Nosenko S
We are always proud of you
smart, calm,
We will be worthy of you!

6. Drops of sunlight, Herman N
Splashes of sunny summer
We bring home today
We give to grandmother and mother,

All: Congratulations on women's day!

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!
1. I love my mother very much, Sysuev S
Hello to her hot sender,
2. But not only to her alone, Dikarev K
But also to my grandmother.

3. With my grandmother, we are the letters Yuferov E
In the book we will understand
4. We play dolls with her, Korneeva A
We go for a walk in the park.
5. Important secrets of Nosenko S
I whisper in her ear
6. Because grandmother German N
Best girlfriend.
7. Who scolds us the least? Moiseeva S
Who bakes pies for us?
Who walks us to school
And then from school waits?
8. Well, of course, this is the most, Lashkova V
Most best person.
Let the gray head
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
9. She always has time, Dikarev S
To tell a fairy tale
And with grandchildren with everyone
Have fun, play.
10. Who will fry the cutlets for us Kovrov S
And fill our leisure?
This is my grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
11. Who is in the kitchen with a ladle Kovrov V
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?
12. Who in the world is tastier than Sartakov N
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?
13. Who will sing for us night song, Dryamova L
To sweetly we fell asleep?
14. Who is kinder and more wonderful than everyone? German K

Leading: - On the eve of the holiday, we sent our correspondents on business trips to search for interesting reports, and here are the stories they shot.

Scene 1.

Father: - Katya, if you regularly play scales, I will give you 100 rubles a day.

Katya: - Just a hundred? And the neighbor promises to give me two hundred if I don't play.

Scene 2

Mom: - Oh, daughter, I'm so surprised!

Lera: - Me too, mom, I thought you were not at home.

Scene 3

Neighbor: - Your dog barked all night!

Susanna: - Don't worry, she'll sleep during the day.

Scene 4

Teacher: - I hope, Veronica, I will no longer see you cheating from a neighbor.

Veronica: - I hope so too.

Scene 5

Mom: - Katya, what did you do at home today?

Katya: - I washed the dishes.

Mom: - Well done! Here's some candy for you. And you, Anton, what did you do?

Anton: - Me? I removed the pieces.

Scene 6

Mom looks at her son's diary and is indignant:

Why is your whole diary in deuces this quarter?

Mom, you yourself told me last quarter that there were no more triples!

Scene 7

Grandson 1: Grandma! I need to go to the music room soon, I'm late, give me the notes, please!

Grandmother: Run, dear!

Grandson 2: Grandma! Stroke the form, we have a reporting concert!

Grandmother: Now - now, little one!

Grandson 3: Grandmother! I want to eat, where are your buns?

Grandmother: Eat - eat, my sun!

Grandson: Grandma! And now we will congratulate you!

All: Happy Holidays, grandma!

Grandmother: Oh, thank you, my dears!

(children sing a song to the tune of "Smiles")

    Our mothers, believe me, it is better not.

Smile, let it become brighter in the classroom.

And from those smiles a bright light

For many years, let it not go out for us yet.


We congratulate mothers loving

And, giving warmth of hearts,

Let's sing this song together with the whole class!

We wish you well

Light, sun and heat.

We love you, we tell you this honestly!

    Mother's Day is only once a year

But don't let that discourage you:

Mom, I can always help

And I promise to be exemplary too!

Chorus: the same.

Leading: And in continuation of our holiday, we will hold competitions between teams of girls.

We will choose the jury

1 competition "Warm-up"

Questions for team 1:

1. Which of the notes is not needed for compote? (Salt)

2. Which composer's last name looks like a hunter's shot? (Bach)

3. Can I bring water in a sieve? (Ice)

4. Frill on the dress. (Shuttlecock)

5. Variety of noodles. (Vermicelli)

6. Sense of proportion, the ability to behave in society. (Tact)

7. Plot of land for vegetables. (Garden)

8. Women's dress without sleeves. (Sundress)

9. Liquid leaven for dough. (Opara)

10. Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes).

Questions for team 2:

1. An unopened flower. (Bud)

2. Closed flower garden. (flower bed)

3. The art of cooking. (Cooking)

4. Savior of the Fly-sokotukha. (Mosquito)

5. A thick mass of flour. (Dough)

6. The product that the crow was going to have breakfast (cheese)

7. A keepsake. (Souvenir)

8. Water in a gaseous state. (Steam)

2.Competition "Kerchief"

Children are built in two lines. The first one has a scarf.

Leading. Which one of you guys doesn't want to help mom? So much to do in the kitchen! But before you take them on, you need to tie a scarf.

The first player ties the scarf to the second, the second unties the scarf and ties it to the third, the last player to the first.

3.Competition "Collect a bouquet"

On March 8, mothers are often given bouquets. You will now have toguess puzzles , clues are the names of colors.

1. Even at night an ant
Do not miss your home:
The path is illuminated by lanterns until dawn.
On large poles in a row
The lamps are white. (Lilies of the valley.)

2. A friend came out from under the snow
And suddenly it smelled like spring.

3. On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

4. Ears rye in the field,
There you will find a flower in the rye.
Bright blue and fluffy
Just a shame it's not fragrant.

5. There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is? (Chamomile.)

6.Hey, bells, blue color.

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells)

4. competition "Cinderella"

Who will quickly disassemble the mixed pasta into separate piles.

5. competition "Hairdressers"– make a hairstyle for one of the participants using. as many different hairpins as possible.

6. Competition "Musical Kaleidoscope"

So, our next contest is "Musical Kaleidoscope".

Now we will find out if our girls know songs well?

I'll call summary songs, and you have to name this song.

1 team:

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat.

("If it's a long, long time.")

2. A song about using a smile as electricity.


3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows.

("Song of Cheburashka")

2 team:

1. Song by syllables about a wooden man.


2. A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year.


3. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years.

("What is taught in school")

7 competition "Necklace"

Who will string the pasta faster

8 competition "Button"

Sew on a button correctly

Gift for mom" (play with the whole room)

What will we give our mother? Guess yourself kids.

Give me urgentOwet,

What item does she need?

The thing is usefulI-Twhen

GRloudly shout the word« Yes! » If mommy is an object

Hefits- say "No!" POhigh school pistol. . .

A boxcandy

ThatAflying water...

ButVth speedVopOYes... No? Or maybe dA?

Bflight to the theater for ballet...

TOOandAny body armor ...

Set of threads for sheaTya…

What about shaving foam? …

POleft flowers bouquet ...

Bass guitar and clarinet...

Pedigree and Kitiket

Iblok kilograms two. . Book« Tasty food"

INTofuck new stoolT.

Hello from daddy?

Leading : Jury's word

Leading: - Well, our holiday has come to an end, dedicated to the day March 8.

we wish you only happiness!
To have a cloudless life!
More sun, less storm
More joy and warmth!

May the sky be peaceful above you!
Let the nightingales pour only for you!
Live surrounded by friends!

Health, happiness, joy, love!

Target: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, a desire to help them; give children the opportunity to know their own mothers from an unexpected side; create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Event progress


Mother! Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands.

Mom ... You, little one, did not know how to speak yet, she understood you without words. Guessed what you want, what hurts you. Mom taught you to walk, talk... Mom read you the first book. From her you learned the names of the birds. Mom helped you see the first snowflake ... And no matter how old you are: 5 or 50, you will always need your mother: her care, her affection, her attention.

Today, friends, is the most tender and affectionate holiday of our grandmothers and mothers! And it is no coincidence that we celebrate Mother's Day in the spring. The sun and mother warm us, spring and mother caress us.

Students go out to read poems:

Spring streams are ringing

And they sing along to us.

Agile rooks scream,

Scattered through the branches.

The sun is shining brighter

In honor of our good mothers.

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

Came with the spring sun to us.

Ring joyful songs

Today is our mothers day!

Song for moms

Students get into an argument

I have such a mother -

Everyone is jealous, I know!

From what? Why?

Mom is better than me!

Who said you have?

My mom is the best!

Leading: Don't argue! Each of us has the best mother, the most beautiful! Here you are, why do you love your mother?


I love mom

Mom brings me

toys, candy,

But I love my mom

Not for that at all.

funny songs

She sings

We are bored together

Never happens.

I open it

All your secrets.

But I love my mom

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for

That she is my mother!


Oh, what are those boys? Let's see what they are talking about.

Scene "Gift for Mom":

The action takes place in an apartment in which 2 brothers live. On the eve of March 8. The boys are thinking about what to give mom for the holiday. Various tools, details, paints, paper, plasticine, etc. are laid out on the table, on the floor. The boys are thoughtful (one walks up and down the room, the other sits at the table with his head in his hands). There is a knock on the door. The boys' friend enters.

Let's go outside. Today is wonderful weather.

No, we can't.

Are you busy with something?

They continue to think. Suddenly one of them exclaims joyfully:

Hooray! Seems to have figured it out.

Let's get Mom a plymoyal.

And what is it?

It was I who connected the stove and the piano. (Show picture).

What for?

What do you mean why? Mom will put something on the stove to cook and at the same time be able to play the piano.

No, I don't like it.

They think again. Another boy with joy:


Let's give Mom a duck.

What is it?

Iron and vacuum cleaner. (Show picture).

Why did you do it?

But then mom will be able to iron clothes and vacuum the apartment at the same time.

No, I don't really like your idea.

What if you give mom a frying pan?

Why else is this?

What do you mean why? Mom will put cutlets on the stove to fry, and she herself can do other things or go to sleep. And when the cutlets are ready, they will fry, immediately the bell rings - it's ready.

No. Our mother fries such delicious meatballs in a simple frying pan.

The boys are thinking. Suddenly one with joy:

Let's draw mom beautiful bouquet flowers and we will always help her and we will never upset her. (Sit down at the table to draw).

I'll run and give my mom a present.


The boys nevertheless found a solution to this difficult task, but how often do children and men puzzle over what kind of gift to prepare. And we didn't think long. Now you will hear and see for yourself.

Students read poems about gifts for mothers:

What a gift for mom

We will give on Women's Day?

There are many for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -

It is very interesting,

We'll knead the dough in the tub

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers.

It would be nice if the ceiling

Too bad I'm not tall.

I came up with an extraordinary gift

Dear mother in honor of such a day.

I will give myself without remarks,

This is the event for me!

On this day, all men

One hundred reasons to worry:

Is that sort of perfume donated?

Is the tea well brewed?

How long do soups take to cook?

How much cereal to put in porridge?

How to wash dishes

To break a cup?

I am a colorful gift

Decided to give it to my mom.

I tried to draw

Four pencils.

But first I'm on red

Pushed too hard

And then immediately after the red

Purple broke.

And then broke the blue

And orange broke.

Still a beautiful portrait

Because it's mom!

(Music sounds. Children give portraits to their mothers, which they painted for this holiday).


Go around the world around

Just know in advance:

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mother to each of us

All people are dearer!

One hundred ways, roads around

Go around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mom!

Song about mother

Learner granny riddle:

I'll give you a riddle

And you solve it:

Who puts a patch on the heel,

Who irons and mends linen,

Who says to me

“What a shaggy you are!” -

Comb, trying to smooth the tuft?

Who patiently patches me,

If your pants are torn on the fence?

Who cleans the house in the morning

Breeds a large samovar?

Who with little sister plays

And takes you for a walk on the boulevard?

Whose hair is whiter than snow

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom I love and pity

About whom did I write poems?

Leading: On the day of March 8, we congratulate not only our mothers, but also the oldest women in the house - grandmothers. I know that each of you children loves their grandmothers very much. If you have joy, and they rejoice with you, and if you are sad, grandmothers will calm and console you, you experience your failures with them ... Sometimes parents do not know about you what they know. And what golden hands they have, how much they can do! And we say a big thank you to them for their kindness, affection, care, attention, for the love they give to their grandchildren.


Two grandmothers on a bench

Sitting on the hill

Grandmothers said:

“We have only fives!”

congratulated each other,

shook hands with each other,

Although they coped with the dictation

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

My grandmother and I are old friends.

My grandmother!

There are so many stories

What not to count.

And there are always new ones in stock.

But the hands of the grandmother -

It's just a treasure

Hands do not order grandmother to be idle.

Leading: On this day, we congratulate not only grandmothers, mothers, sisters, but also girls - our classmates, give them gifts and wishes. And now the boys will congratulate the girls.


All shirts are ironed.

All pants are ironed.

We walked around the puddles today.

And we didn't fight.

We didn't go upside down

Didn't roll on the floor

We did not sit on each other

And do not get dirty in chalk.

Today we are like dandies,

In front of you at the blackboard

But more beautiful than our girls

Still, we didn't.

You are beautiful like stars

And eyes sparkle with fire

And your smiles are cute

Block out the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!

You girls are simply awesome!

That's why we all want

Be like you!

We wish you only happiness

And let's tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

Not in the whole school!

And the girls will receive gifts in the classroom.

Leading: Today the guys wanted to please you with their performances and wish you happiness and joy, health, family warmth and prosperity. And how to do it without ditties, because they are the decoration of any holiday!

I start the chorus

First initial.

I want to cheer

The audience is sad.

I'm for the girls today

Congratulations taught

And now he's pissed off

Oh, I forgot all the words.

If I were a girl

I would get up at dawn

Got one five

And didn't fight in the yard.

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste my time!

I wouldn't run down the street

And I would solve problems.

If I were a girl

I'd be much smarter

I would then not only hands,

But I also washed my neck.

If I were a girl

There would be order in the house,

If the house is littered

I would tell my mom right away.

Why are we not girls?

Here's the problem, here's the problem...

Congratulations always.

The lazy mother says:

"Make your bed!"

And the lazy one: "Mommy,

I'm still small."

Lena floor chalk with passion,

And on the ninth

I did not take the broom in my hands.

Sooty saucepan

Julia cleaned with sand.

Three hours under the shower Julia

My grandmother washed it afterwards.

Dad cooked dinner himself.

And I'll tell you a secret

Made a lot of trouble.

We finish singing ditties

And we always promise you:

Listen to you always, in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon!

Leading: And now let's fool around a bit and take part in competitions.

I think it will be interesting for everyone to know how well children know their mothers, and mothers of their children.

We are sure that children know their mothers well. This is not surprising, because for every child, the mother is the only one. And now mothers are given the opportunity, without seeing the child, to recognize him by his voice. (optional in the auditorium)

Game 2 "Remember childhood"

Each child is given a glass of tea and a small spoon. Children from a spoon give tea to their mothers. Whoever drinks tea first wins. (3 pairs)

Game 3. "Cleaning the apartment"

Now let's do some cleaning. The game takes place in a team (mother - child, 6 pairs). Line up in a row. Purpose: put on an apron, a scarf, take a broom, take it all off and pass it to another along the chain. Who can do it faster.

Game 4. "Chair". Chairs 5. Participants 6. Music sounds, when the melody stops, you need to take your seats. As the game progresses, the number of chairs decreases.

Game 5. "Dress your child." Let's remember the time when your children were very young and did not know how to dress. Your task is to dress your baby on the road as quickly as possible. (3 pairs)

This concludes our competition. All participants are great! Prizes.

Final part

Well, our festive evening dedicated to the Day of March 8 has come to an end. Thank you all for responding to the invitation to come and participate in today's event. Thank you for your love and attention to children.

We are ending our holiday

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, better.

And you, children, do not upset your mothers,

Never offend.

love them, take care

And grow obedient.


I know! I remember!

Don't forget - Mother's Day has arrived!

I repeat congratulations, I will not lose my words -

I've been saving them for a whole year:

Mom dear, dear,

Best of all - one of these!

Even if I'm kidding

I still love you!

On our holiday so desired

What else can you say?

Let us all now

Wish you good health!

Do not be ill! Don't get old!

Never get angry!

So young

Stay forever!

To download material or !

Purpose: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment: performance items, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


Soundtrack sounds

Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed


For mother's day
It's time for spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will be congratulated now
their loving children.

In March, the sun played on the snow,
Spring has come with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's Day is celebrated by the whole country.

Spring is sweeping across the country
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

I know it's no accident
I already figured it out myself
Because they know
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

And every class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the planet.
“Thank you” to moms say
Both adults and children.

The song "If I'm with my mother" to the music of V. Shainsky for the song "If you are kind"

March brings us spring warmth,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I'm with my mother, then it's light around,
Then a blizzard, a cold, is not terrible.

If I hear a song in the morning
The house will be filled with our sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do things together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
We'll sing to mom now.
Let there be enough joy, enough flowers for everyone,
Mom will be fine with us.

A boy and a girl come out.

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. Hello hot helmet!

Girl. For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Darlings, for you!

Girl. The concert is cheerful, joyful ...

Boy. We'll set it up now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you dear mothers!

Boy. The sun smiles at you in spring, dear mothers!

Girl. Birds have composed a sonorous song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily ever after!

I stand before you
I'm worried mom!

I put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!

Let everyone see that you
I love it, mommy!

And I won't hide my love
Kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are waiting expensive gifts but because it is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program.

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

All shop windows
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I'm waiting for your answer, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for his start today
Ladies' Holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus ). March 8!!!

Having fun kids:
Mothers have a holiday today.
Made a gift for mom
Her son is a prankster.
Daughter embroidered at home
Mommy's handkerchief.
And now he looks from a handkerchief
The Scarlet Flower.
He will bring joy to mom
Mom smiles:
“Oh yes daughter, well, son -
Looking straight ahead!”
The sun peeks through the window.
The snow is still sparkling
But it melts with joy.
Birds will fly to us.
Let them sing to you
Mother dear.
After all, of all mothers in the world
You are the only one!

Four girls take the stage. In their hands they have sewing, knitting, dishes.

The girls talk among themselves.

1. Mom cooks, mom sews,
And he drives a car
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to know
Do everything in the world
How can they get everywhere?
Tell me, kids!
2. Maybe, like in the series,
We hire housekeepers
For them to wash their clothes
Would make the bed
3. They cleaned the house cleanly
And went to the store
Played all day with the kids...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!
Let the family rest
He travels everywhere with his dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talk!
One can only dream of this.

Our mothers did not fit
Live like in these series.
Mom's life, though not honey,
But things are moving forward!

They give us warmth and affection,
From their smiles light.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warms their souls warmly.

Get up without an alarm clock
The book is revered
Sing a lullaby
Gently caress.

The song "Mammoth" is performed

Class presentation about mom.

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!

The parents have a job.
The sun draws a circle in the sky.
Only grandmother - care
Our reliable, faithful friend.
Both mom and dad
Mothers also have their own
This is a grandmother care
And she is here today.

1. I love my mother very much,
Hello to her hot sender,
But not only to her,
But also to my grandmother.
2. With grandmother we are letters
In the book we will understand
Playing with dolls with her
We go for a walk in the park.
Important secrets
I whisper in her ear
Because grandma
Best girlfriend.
3. Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who walks us to school
And then from school waits?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the gray head
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
She always has time
To tell a fairy tale
And with grandchildren with everyone
Have fun, play.
Who will fry the cutlets for us
And fill our leisure?
This is my grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
4. Who is in the kitchen with a ladle
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?
5. Who is the tastiest in the world
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?
6. Who will sing a song for us at night,
To sweetly we fell asleep?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course, grandmothers!

Speech of classes about the grandmother.

I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.
He is an elk - she is ... an elk.
He is a cat - she ...
Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you made a mistake.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she is ... a walrus,
He is a hare - she is ... a hare,
He is a bull - she ...
Does everyone know this word?
Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

(Participants of the dramatization `Knights from the class` appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8)
VOVA. So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we should discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What will be the proposals?
VITYA. And what is there to think long! You, Vovka, before the lessons you will go to the blackboard and say that we ... that on such a day ... well, in general, congratulate them and put an end to the matter.
VOVA. It's easy to say congratulations. What will I tell them?
SASHA. Vovka is right, you need to come up with a good congratulation. And preferably in verse. After all, they congratulated us on February 23! What are we, face in the dirt to hit?!
KOLYA. And what if we have them in verse! Slavik knows how, let him write!
SLAVIK. Easy to say - write. What if it doesn't work?
VOVA. What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we have decided. Slavik will write a congratulation until tomorrow, and I will read it. And all things. And now you can play football.

VITYA. What about a gift?
VOVA. Which present?
VITYA. Like what? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.
SASHA. Exactly, `pigtails` tried! But what are we to do?
KOLYA. I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and more buns, shortcakes, donuts and...
SLAVIK. And we'll eat it all.
KOLYA. Well, you, Slavik, give! Let's eat! Let's eat... Let's eat? Well, that's an interesting thought. Maybe, really?
VOVA. Are you both? (Twisting a finger at the temple).
KOLYA and SLAVIK (together). What about?
VOVA. What will you eat?
SASHA. Vova is right! Why would we buy all this in order to eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!
(The boys are silent, thoughtful.)
VOVA. So what's left for us to do?
SASHA. It remains to refer to objective difficulties and confine ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.
VOVA. Are there other opinions?
(Everyone is silent.)
VOVA. There are no other opinions. Then home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1.

Long live the girls, with pigtails and without!
May the sun smile at you from blue skies!

Boy 2.

Long live skinny!
Long live fatties!
Everyone who has earrings and freckles on his nose!

Boy 3.

And in the class you - fives!
And at home to you - praise!
So that all film actors fall in love on the spot!

boy 4.

Well, anyway, congratulations!
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

A song is performed to the motive "I won't brag, dear," (music by B. Mokrousov).

Boy 1.

I confess - I will not lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
Just see Lera
Heart, I feel burning!

Boy 2.

I want to tell Linda
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know about anything!

Boy 3.

Olga is - the soul will rise,
Olga is gone - a dull look!
I am drawn to Olga
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

boy 4.

But as soon as I see Katya,
I don't care about others.
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Katya!

boy 5.

I look at everything as if at an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Oh, you are Sonya, our Sonya,
How I love you!

boy 6.

But when Alena passes,
Glancing at my outfit,
I feel my heart
Everything pricks and hurts!

boy 7.

We also have Lisa
I'm telling you the truth.
Oh, you are Lisa, our Lisa,
I send my hot hello!

Performance classes for girls.

1. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!
2. You are beautiful as stars.
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!
3. You are so nice with us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!
4. We wish you only happiness,
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

Boys give gifts to girls

Congratulations on the bright sun
With the song of a bird and with a stream.
Congratulations on the best
The most feminine day in the world!

We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.

We wish you dear
Always be healthy
So that you live a long, long time
Never getting old!

May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

We want no reason
They would give you flowers.
Men would smile
Everything from your beauty.

Let the sun shine for you
Lilac blooms only for you
And let it last for a long time
The most feminine day in the world!

We wish you all today
Health, vivacity for many years.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.

Thank you for listening to us!

And they helped us diligently!

Thank you all for your attention. The concert is over.

Purpose: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment: performance items, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


Soundtrack sounds

Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed


For mother's day
It's time for spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will be congratulated now
their loving children.

In March, the sun played on the snow,
Spring has come with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's Day is celebrated by the whole country.

Spring is sweeping across the country
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

I know it's no accident
I already figured it out myself
Because they know
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

And every class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the planet.
“Thank you” to moms say
Both adults and children.

The song "If I'm with my mother" to the music of V. Shainsky for the song "If you are kind"

March brings us spring warmth,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I'm with my mother, then it's light around,
Then a blizzard, a cold, is not terrible.

If I hear a song in the morning
The house will be filled with our sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do things together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
We'll sing to mom now.
Let there be enough joy, enough flowers for everyone,
Mom will be fine with us.

A boy and a girl come out.

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. Hello hot helmet!

Girl. For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Darlings, for you!

Girl. The concert is cheerful, joyful ...

Boy. We'll set it up now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you dear mothers!

Boy. The sun smiles at you in spring, dear mothers!

Girl. Birds have composed a sonorous song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily ever after!

I stand before you
I'm worried mom!

I put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!

Let everyone see that you
I love it, mommy!

And I won't hide my love
Kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are waiting for expensive gifts, but because it is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program.

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

All shop windows
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I'm waiting for your answer, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for his start today
Ladies' Holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus ). March 8!!!

Having fun kids:
Mothers have a holiday today.
Made a gift for mom
Her son is a prankster.
Daughter embroidered at home
Mommy's handkerchief.
And now he looks from a handkerchief
The Scarlet Flower.
He will bring joy to mom
Mom smiles:
“Oh yes daughter, well, son -
Looking straight ahead!”
The sun peeks through the window.
The snow is still sparkling
But it melts with joy.
Birds will fly to us.
Let them sing to you
Mother dear.
After all, of all mothers in the world
You are the only one!

Four girls take the stage. In their hands they have sewing, knitting, dishes.

The girls talk among themselves.

1. Mom cooks, mom sews,
And he drives a car
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to know
Do everything in the world
How can they get everywhere?
Tell me, kids!
2. Maybe, like in the series,
We hire housekeepers
For them to wash their clothes
Would make the bed
3. They cleaned the house cleanly
And went to the store
Played all day with the kids...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!
Let the family rest
He travels everywhere with his dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talk!
One can only dream of this.

Our mothers did not fit
Live like in these series.
Mom's life, though not honey,
But things are moving forward!

They give us warmth and affection,
From their smiles light.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warms their souls warmly.

Get up without an alarm clock
The book is revered
Sing a lullaby
Gently caress.

The song "Mammoth" is performed

Class presentation about mom.

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!

The parents have a job.
The sun draws a circle in the sky.
Only grandmother - care
Our reliable, faithful friend.
Both mom and dad
Mothers also have their own
This is a grandmother care
And she is here today.

1. I love my mother very much,
Hello to her hot sender,
But not only to her,
But also to my grandmother.
2. With grandmother we are letters
In the book we will understand
Playing with dolls with her
We go for a walk in the park.
Important secrets
I whisper in her ear
Because grandma
Best girlfriend.
3. Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who walks us to school
And then from school waits?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the gray head
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
She always has time
To tell a fairy tale
And with grandchildren with everyone
Have fun, play.
Who will fry the cutlets for us
And fill our leisure?
This is my grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
4. Who is in the kitchen with a ladle
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?
5. Who is the tastiest in the world
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?
6. Who will sing a song for us at night,
To sweetly we fell asleep?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course, grandmothers!

Speech of classes about the grandmother.

I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.
He is an elk - she is ... an elk.
He is a cat - she ...
Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you made a mistake.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she is ... a walrus,
He is a hare - she is ... a hare,
He is a bull - she ...
Does everyone know this word?
Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

(Participants of the dramatization `Knights from the class` appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8)
VOVA. So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we should discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What will be the proposals?
VITYA. And what is there to think long! You, Vovka, before the lessons you will go to the blackboard and say that we ... that on such a day ... well, in general, congratulate them and put an end to the matter.
VOVA. It's easy to say congratulations. What will I tell them?
SASHA. Vovka is right, you need to come up with a good congratulation. And preferably in verse. After all, they congratulated us on February 23! What are we, face in the dirt to hit?!
KOLYA. And what if we have them in verse! Slavik knows how, let him write!
SLAVIK. Easy to say - write. What if it doesn't work?
VOVA. What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we have decided. Slavik will write a congratulation until tomorrow, and I will read it. And all things. And now you can play football.

VITYA. What about a gift?
VOVA. Which present?
VITYA. Like what? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.
SASHA. Exactly, `pigtails` tried! But what are we to do?
KOLYA. I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and more buns, shortcakes, donuts and...
SLAVIK. And we'll eat it all.
KOLYA. Well, you, Slavik, give! Let's eat! Let's eat... Let's eat? Well, that's an interesting thought. Maybe, really?
VOVA. Are you both? (Twisting a finger at the temple).
KOLYA and SLAVIK (together). What about?
VOVA. What will you eat?
SASHA. Vova is right! Why would we buy all this in order to eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!
(The boys are silent, thoughtful.)
VOVA. So what's left for us to do?
SASHA. It remains to refer to objective difficulties and confine ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.
VOVA. Are there other opinions?
(Everyone is silent.)
VOVA. There are no other opinions. Then home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1.

Long live the girls, with pigtails and without!
May the sun smile at you from blue skies!

Boy 2.

Long live skinny!
Long live fatties!
Everyone who has earrings and freckles on his nose!

Boy 3.

And in the class you - fives!
And at home to you - praise!
So that all film actors fall in love on the spot!

boy 4.

Well, anyway, congratulations!
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

A song is performed to the motive "I won't brag, dear," (music by B. Mokrousov).

Boy 1.

I confess - I will not lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
Just see Lera
Heart, I feel burning!

Boy 2.

I want to tell Linda
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know about anything!

Boy 3.

Olga is - the soul will rise,
Olga is gone - a dull look!
I am drawn to Olga
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

boy 4.

But as soon as I see Katya,
I don't care about others.
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Katya!

boy 5.

I look at everything as if at an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Oh, you are Sonya, our Sonya,
How I love you!

boy 6.

But when Alena passes,
Glancing at my outfit,
I feel my heart
Everything pricks and hurts!

boy 7.

We also have Lisa
I'm telling you the truth.
Oh, you are Lisa, our Lisa,
I send my hot hello!

Performance classes for girls.

1. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!
2. You are beautiful as stars.
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!
3. You are so nice with us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!
4. We wish you only happiness,
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

Boys give gifts to girls

Congratulations on the bright sun
With the song of a bird and with a stream.
Congratulations on the best
The most feminine day in the world!

We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.

We wish you dear
Always be healthy
So that you live a long, long time
Never getting old!

May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

We want no reason
They would give you flowers.
Men would smile
Everything from your beauty.

Let the sun shine for you
Lilac blooms only for you
And let it last for a long time
The most feminine day in the world!

We wish you all today
Health, vivacity for many years.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.

Thank you for listening to us!

And they helped us diligently!

Thank you all for your attention. The concert is over.