Bald men: myths and reality. Fashionable bald guys: style, interesting facts and features

There are a huge number of bald men in the world. It is even becoming trendy. Everyone treats this phenomenon in their own way. Some spend a lot of time in salons, spend large sums of money on all kinds of cosmetics, while others just live without darkening their days at this time.

Success in life is hardly directly related to the amount of hair on your head. Loss of hair does not reduce male dignity, attractiveness. Accept the situation and live for the joy of yourself and loved ones!

Decent hairstyles for balding people

Keeping your hair short is the most prudent solution. You can execute it in several ways:

  • shave your head smoothly
  • make a hedgehog hairstyle;
  • hairstyle "Caesar";
  • make a shaggy haircut;
  • hairstyle "Roger Sterling";
  • grow hair on the face.

Hairstyle with facial hair

Each method is good on its own. A clean-shaven head takes the worry out of how your hair looks and how it's styled. This is a characteristic memorable feature, and you need to carry your bald head with dignity.

If the soul does not accept its shaved reflection, you can wear a “hedgehog” on your head. Sticking out short hair is a practical, comfortable, up-to-date option. Frequent trimming is even beneficial for the hair roots. And the head looks neat.

Practical, pretty and comfortable hairstyle "Caesar". The most suitable option for those men whose hair loss begins at the crown. Suitable for any age, position and physique.
Baldness in the initial stage can be perceived as a kind of shaggy, if you skillfully cut your upper hair. Unevenly cut, intensively towel-dried, disheveled, they mask the problem that has appeared.

A good hairdresser can make a decent, solid Roger Stirling haircut out of the remaining vegetation on the top of his head. Smoothly comb into a side parting, carefully cut around - and a typical styling turned out.

In the end, facial hair perfectly compensates for the lack of them on the head. But do not comb the bald areas of the head. Is not The best way hide the apparent flaw. It is better to trust the master.

Confidence clothing that accentuates a bald head

The bald patch can be complemented, shaded by the color of the clothes. Dark tones clothes on pale skin advantageously attract attention. Conversely, swarthy people prefer light shades. The color of the eyes, combined with a skillfully chosen color set of clothes, will divert attention from the head.

Equally important are accessories in the form of glasses, hats. A large clock can be a good distraction. But don't hide behind a fancy hat. And in general with attributes it is necessary to be more accurate. It is advisable to keep your style, emphasizing male confidence.

The style of clothing helps to hide the reason for embarrassment. It is possible to draw attention to the neck, thereby distracting from the skull, with the help of shirts with collars, V-necks on T-shirts, blazers, and notched lapels of jackets.

The most important thing in all attempts to disguise is not to overdo it, not to look pretentious, funny. After all, there is no way to return to early youth with a mop of hair.

Interesting facts from the life of confident men with a bald head

Interested scientists investigated the behavior of bald men. It turned out that a third of them are painfully experiencing the current situation, this is expressed in embarrassment, a decrease in self-esteem. But the remaining two-thirds live a full life, some of them even flaunt their special appearance.

It was shown that about 40% of them find a special attraction in a bald skull. Studies on the effect of testosterone have given the following result - the level of sexuality and baldness are in a direct relationship. Many women are quite satisfied with such a logical connection. This conclusion is not always correct.

It is not necessary to focus your attention on the question of why this happens. You can establish by examining the causes, you can try to restrain the process that has begun with a balanced diet, rubbing in trendy cosmetic preparations.

It is important to keep the conviction in yourself that the meaning of life lies not in the hair.
Therefore, you need to behave calmly:

  • do not take into account incorrect comments addressed to you;
  • find positive moments in the absence of a chic hairstyle;
  • remember an inspiring loved one;
  • treat your health with high regard.

You can learn how to improve your appearance from various sources, including men's magazines, conversations with stylists, and sites on the Internet. Thoughts about good deeds, about beautiful works of art and literature, most importantly, about your beloved, dear people do wonders.

The sexuality of the stronger sex is no longer measured by the thickness of the hair and the smoothness of the skin. Previously, only Hollywood hero-lovers flaunted the brutality of the image. “If I went out into the street like this, they would take me for a bum,” the men commented. appearance the same Johnny Depp. But now they won't. Also, shave your head, not your face! - this is a new recipe for high style and getting rid of many complexes.

bearded story

For many years in a row, shaving has been for you the same familiar and necessary morning ritual as, for example, brushing your teeth. Did it ever occur to you that annoying stiff bristles could be excluded from the list of problems at all? It is enough just to turn it into a beard!

Yes, for sure a bearded man for you is either a biker, or a man of age, or ... a Hollywood dandy. Just take a look: Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Ashton Kutcher, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Brad Pitt - all the super-sexy brethren proudly demonstrate on the red carpet not just timid "goat" beards, but real thick Beards. And at the same time, the stars do not look unfashionable or aged at all: the beard only changes the image and draws attention to its owner. So why not add a bit of stellar gloss and courageous confidence to yourself?

In general, a well-groomed and stylish beard is confidently returning to fashion. Growing it, however, requires some effort. You want to look well-groomed and stylish, not overgrown. You will need the following:

▪ Ceramic blade trimmer. They are much sharper than their metal counterpart. This means that beard and mustache care will be much easier, and you will be able to achieve the perfect sculptural shape of your beard.

▪ Proper care cosmetics. Lotions with menthol aroma and refreshing effect, softening shampoos, scrubs and creams with essential oils. To make your new "accessory" fragrant and look first class.

▪ Quality razor. With its help, you can shave the perfect "Jolly Roger" a la Johnny Depp on your face. Or any other original drawing.

Her opinion: Anastasia:“I never liked men shaved blue. Probably because my dad has been wearing a beard all his life. And men with this detail of the image seem to me reliable, endearing, kind ... and at the same time firm.

Catherine:“Three-day stubble, in my opinion, is a sign of spontaneity and self-confidence. And this is the sexiest combination.

Elena:“Beards are not for all men. One simply cannot take one's eyes off - courageous, independent, courageous. And you look at others and roll with laughter ... "

Indeed, a beard is not for everyone. Some she can seriously age, others - to expose in a comical light. But the beauty is that if the experience is unsuccessful, one fine morning, the beard can be easily eliminated and a new face can be seen in the mirror.

Bald and famous

Thick hair in many men is associated with strength and youth, which is why its loss is perceived so painfully. And only a few are able to say to themselves and others: “No matter how it is! I'm good in every way." However, there are guys who were able to wrap their baldness in favor of their image, remain cool and sexy and make their own bald head a fashion trend!

The first in their cohort, of course, is the “hard nut” Bruce Willis. The respected action actor and comedian did the impossible - he showed the whole world that it is possible to win and hold the title of a sex symbol for decades without hair. Recently, Bruce returned to the big screen: he is still gorgeous, courageous and, as before, wears his hair to zero.

The famous singer Seal may not be as charismatic as Willis, but the facts speak for themselves: although his talented head is devoid of hair, he is married to one of the most beautiful fashion models in the world - Heidi Klum.

The next minion of fate in this series is David Beckham. Perhaps we love him not for sporting achievements, but for his style, image and successful juggling with them. Let's be honest, he's just really cute! The absence of hair perfectly emphasizes the aristocratic features of the face.

But the star of the films "Adrenaline" and "Cards, Money, Two Smoking Barrels" Jason Stetham is fine with his hair, but he deliberately shaved it off, adding to his brutality. And since then, the role of Stethem on the screen is a megasexual bad guy.

There are also “brilliant” heads among Russian stars. The most famous of them - the head of the director, producer and actor Fyodor Bondarchuk. At one time, Fedor Sergeevich simply got rid of problematic hair, writes Business Style. But discovered a new style and created an image that many men now aspire to emulate.

Gosha Kutsenko and Maxim Sukhanov are also not a bit embarrassed by the lack of vegetation on their heads, but on the contrary, they made it their own business card. Despite the facial features far from the classic, the “under zero” hairstyle suits them extremely and makes them the epitome of sexuality for thousands of fans.

Let's dot the i, deal with such concepts as style, image. And most importantly, we will understand what these, for many men, empty sounds consist of. Now it is fashionable to talk about stylish men, about images, individual style, image. But ask a man about it, what is it and how does he imagine it. And what is his understanding stylish man, 80% are unlikely to answer you something intelligible. When talking about image, many immediately think of clothes. Of course, without her, nowhere. But is this enough? Dress up the monkey in a Tom Ford costume. Will she stop being a monkey? Before talking about individual style, it is important to know and acquire the skills of basic knowledge, ideas and skills, without which the path to individual style expression will be more difficult. Perception of people: 55% depends on the behavior and external image of a person, 38% voice timbre, melody and intonation, 7% words (what he says).

We all know that we read each other in the first 30 seconds. This simple diagram shows what influences our perception. Therefore, no matter how dear men you deny that appearance is not important, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, they are met, as they say by clothes. And now we already know that not only for her.

So, what does men's style consist of? Of the many components, let's start with the face.

Now most of the shortcomings can be solved with the help of cosmetologists, dermatologists, and, if necessary, through medical intervention. Peeling is characteristic of Russian skin. Get in the habit of applying night cream before bed, if you still use day cream in the morning, you will not be worth the price). A girl, before kissing a guy, looks at what exactly she plans to kiss. And if there are chapped lips, or a weathered face, it will definitely cause a negative reaction. Exactly the same reaction, it will cause all interlocutors. I can't say enough about the teeth. Another of the main factors affecting the perception of men in society. It is necessary, once every six months, to do oral hygiene at the dentist, with mild whitening. If the teeth are uneven, now there are many ways to solve this issue. The mouth should be fine. I hope there is no need to talk about precious metals in the mouth.

Yes, yes dear men - eyebrows. The era of the Brezhnev era has long passed, but a good half of the male population sacredly keeps the memory of them.))))) Maybe now it will be a discovery for you, but you need to take care of your eyebrows. A good hair stylist will definitely offer you to cut your eyebrows. I'll give you a compelling argument. Well-groomed eyebrows give graphic male face, and as a result, brutality. Just don't overdo it, otherwise there is a chance to look like this:

Facial hair should be well-groomed, consistent with facial features. This is especially true in the current fashion trend total “beardiness” of the entire male population. It is on it that we will now dwell in more detail.
Beard, stubble.
Let's start with what not to do.

1. If you have blond hair, do not let go of the pimp beard, it looks ridiculous, such a beard will make your face nondescript. If you are bald or shave your head, then it is better to let go of a stubble or even beard, in no case a graphic beard, mustache, goatee. It looks funny, don't do it.

Good examples:

And more about bald men. Dear men, if you shave your head, I beg you, do not grow long beards, leave this bow to fabulous villains.Bristles of 5-7 mm, as in the second photo, will be enough.

2. Let go of the beard or stubble if it grows unevenly.If your beard or stubble grows in patches, then choose the level where it begins to grow evenly and constantly maintain it.

3. Combine long hair and a long beard.

Imitating Nikita Dzhigurda is not the best idea. Remember: long hair with stubble or a beard is a definite taboo. There are associations with bikers, rockers. A man in his style should not evoke cartoonish associations and resemble movie villains, and should not be associated with any subcultures if he does not belong to them. Everything should be neat with an emphasis on your individual image.Stubble and beard are best combined with short hair as in the second photo.

4. Grow an untidy beard, if you want to grow a long enough beard, shape it.

5. Multi-colored bristles
Many Russian blond and fair-haired guys are faced with the fact that the bristles are of a non-uniform color. In general, it looks extremely sloppy and extremely unclean. If you have such a case, but you want to wear a beard, it will be better to grow a longer beard. The beard should be graphic, that is, the cheek should be open.

We figured out the main mistakes, now, I hope, it’s clear what exactly you shouldn’t do, and how you can fix the signs of these errors if you find them in yourself. In the next article, we will talk about which faces are recommended stubble and beard.

Whether you have hair or not, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that, like the one whom nature has awarded with beautiful hair. Naturally, the first is much more difficult, especially if they are not comfortable living with a bald head, and there are many such men. What to do?

Hairstyles and ideas for bald men:

1. The first thing that comes to mind is body painting. There are many men in the world who use their head like a canvas and live a full life, they are even invited to various shows. In this regard, the direction of hedism appeared. Of course, only very brave people or those who do not have a strict dress code at work can afford this.

2. For the warm season, you can buy a cap with hair. Sure if you can afford sport style- It's not a bad idea.

3. Wigs - for all occasions. Any bald man thinks about whether to buy a wig or not. It's a matter of taste, of course. But, if a bald head gives you great discomfort, then a wig can help remedy the situation. Fortunately, today there is no shortage of quality wigs.

4. Combing is the right hair style for those balding men who have some hair on their head but would like to hide the balding spots.

5. Most importantly, there are many men among celebrities who have no hair at all on their heads. Take an example from them. They lead a normal life and have ceased to experience discomfort, as they decided to come to terms with the existing state of affairs without resorting to the services of plastic surgery.

Here are great ideas for trendy men's suits for meetings, business events, as well as smart casual looks like tuxedo suits. Stylish male images in the photo.

As you can see from the image below, dressing options are plentiful, so it's important to combine traditional and timeless classics with modern fashion adding sleek and elegant pieces. Shown here Men's suits, which are ideal for bald guys and businessmen.

All black looks perfect and is suitable for any formal occasion, and there are semi-formal wardrobes that will look amazing, masculine and powerful on everything. We hope these Polyvore combinations will help you create stylish wardrobe and modern look.

Slim fit three piece suit, navy blue shirt, navy blue boots and aviator sunglasses.This style looks best on Jason Statham.

Those who love Walter White (Bryan Cranston) are sure to update their looks by wearing an elegant beard and this outfit, which consists of a wool and mohair jacket and trousers in gray, white button down, square print classic silk tie and brogues:

More Jason Statham clothing combination that includes a tight suit + formal tuxedo shirt + tie + shoes:

How about stacking two piece oxfords and with clear lenses (Dr Evil (from Austin Powers) inspired):

Tuxedo + skinny pants + patent leather shoes + transparent periods:

How about the classics that are in. V. Putin's "favorites" like the one with the striped tie and Oxfords:

We love to see Sean Connery in the statement looks like an evening suit, skinny pants, patent flats, a bow tie and a watch:

Ron Howard loves perpetual updates like the mohair and wool blend tuxedo, White shirt, silk bow tie and timeless shoes:

What accessories can complement a men's suit

It's that time of year when all the men take their suits off the backs of their wardrobes, dust them off, and check to see if they still fit well. However, that's not all - to create a complete image of a business person, it is necessary to complement the suit with the right accessories.

This is not about a frilly tie or bow tie. Here is a guide to choosing details that are almost invisible to others, but give completeness and sophistication to your image.

Pasha scarf

This is the so-called "handkerchief", which is worn in the breast pocket of a jacket for purely decorative purposes. Originally, it was actually intended to wipe the nose. The material from which it was made depended on the wealth of its owner. So, rich people preferred to have silk scarves with them.

Today, this is an easy way to dilute a dark and dull color scheme. Such an accessory is rarely seen among business people, as it gives a touch of informality. Therefore, it is more often used to attend social events.


Cufflinks for men's shirt cuffs are one of the most underestimated details. menswear. These simple little pieces of metal that hold the cuff loops together seem insignificant, but can make a big difference in any look. You can experiment with them using different variants based on your own preferences. However, be careful choosing something funny in an effort to express yourself. By overdoing it a little, you can ruin the elegance of your image.


Everything is simple here - men wear belts almost every day. However, for some reason, many people forget to wear them with a suit. Choose a classic belt with a plain buckle that won't contrast with the overall style. In this case, simplicity is the key to success.


When it comes to neck accessories, a tie is the most common choice for men. It first appeared in 1618: Croatian mercenary soldiers serving in the French army on the border began to tie small scarves around their necks. The new piece of clothing caused a stir in Europe, men, as well as women, began to tie pieces of fabric around their necks.

In our time, he has become a symbol of a respectable gentleman. Buy only silk ties, other fabrics will look cheap. Before purchasing, think carefully about which suit and shirt you picked it up for. If you combine black or navy blue jacket with a white shirt, you are trying to create a discreet conservative look that only a strict black tie will suit. For friendly gatherings and parties, you can play around with colors and patterns, try on a tie with dots, stripes, or an even bolder pattern.


Most men think about shoes last or not at all. So you can spoil even the most carefully thought out image. The ideal option are black shoes, as they are combined with a suit of almost any color. There is nothing better than black leather shoes, with or without lacing. Well complement the suit (except black) brown or burgundy shoes. General rule: the darker the shade of the trousers, the more classic the shoes should be.

If you chose a tailored suit with skinny trousers, the shoes should have an elongated narrow toe.


Watches have always been, are and will be a great way to make an image stylish and complete. It is only necessary to wear this accessory correctly.
The clock should not be conspicuous. When at rest, they should be covered by a shirt sleeve, becoming visible only when you move your arms.