Old wallet. A wallet is a bag for all time. Truth: An old purse is not born, but made. Most often due to the inattention of parents or their excessive severity towards the girl in childhood

The scene of the victorious morning procession of the renewed Lyudmila Prokofievna past the stunned employees from a young age knocks out a tear of tenderness from me. The transformation is mind-blowing: as if a switch was flipped in the head of the hopelessly old slut Prokofya Lyudmilovna, and she turned from a grimza and a gray mouse into a sexy and fashionable femina.

But the reality is much more prosaic. In life, the opposite happens more often: when a fashionista and beauty slowly and confidently turns into an "old purse". Every woman has good, as it seems to her, reasons. Which, as it seems to us, does not serve as an excuse at all.

You can become an old wallet, due to the absence of a loved one

You can, but you don't have to! Left in splendid isolation, use the time freed from dates for yourself. To get started, clean your feathers in a beauty salon, take care of your figure, change your hairstyle. Read a few literary novelties, look into a fashionable club, do not forget about concerts and exhibitions. And one more thing: redo your wardrobe, throw away everything that has not been worn for more than a year. Allow yourself a breathtaking new thing: eye-catching jewelry, stilettos or fancy dress. A radical measure can be a change in the usual color of the wardrobe. Did you wear black? At least give it up for a while. Or vice versa: try switching from your usual bright colors to the aristocratic black range. And remember: nails, hair, figure - well-groomed, shoulders - straightened, eyebrows - raised in surprise. In such a calico, you can be sure that you will be noticed, love will come! The main thing then is to keep in shape.

50 to 50:
An old purse breeds a lack of money

Partly true, however, as Baron Munchausen used to say, there are no hopeless situations! If you have taste, you can become a star literally from improvised means for ridiculous money. My friend has been dressing in second-hand stores for several years now. At first, she went there really because of the lack of money, but now this activity has grown into a hobby. Her appearance in the fashion scene is met with invariable exclamations of delight from "Which boutique did you buy this skirt from?" to an envious whisper "And where do people get money from?" Exclusive from head to toe, Lelka smiles mysteriously: prices for new things of famous brands in second-hand stores are affordable. Often at flea markets, you can easily meet a domestic star who has come to dig up something ultra-stylish for a stage costume, and even start a competition with her in pulling Dolce-Gabbana jeans: they say, I was the first to notice! With one, Lelka even made friends and arranged a competition: which of them would be the first to collect a dozen funny handbags and gloves to match them in a month. Guess who won?

Working in a strict office or state institution turns even a young girl into a bore and an "adult aunt"

My friend works in the ministry, which means: formal suits, muted colors, skirts below the knee, official ranks and mandatory titles by name and patronymic. In such an atmosphere, "snowdrops do not grow", but Lenok has developed her own recipes for "anti-bags". She knows how to decorate officialdom with the help of small funny accessories. Handbags and an umbrella are bright, handkerchiefs - with mice and bears, hairpins and watches are cool, even stationery she chooses funny. In any of her outfits there is a cheerful zest, in which the provocative and stylish disposition of the hostess is so easily recognized.

A great incentive to look worthy - male team. But it also happens that men are "overboard" the office. Then women either give up and stop looking after themselves, or, on the contrary, arrange real fashion races - who outdoes whom with outfits. In the first case, do not be like the "purses" around you, and in the second - the victims of fashion, who, in pursuit of another expensive piece of clothing, have long lost their unique style.

Is it true:
An old purse is not born, but made. Most often due to the inattention of parents or their excessive severity towards the girl in childhood

“Don’t fidget in front of the mirror!”, “Let’s buy warm leggings for a dress”, “Take a coat two sizes larger - you will wear it longer”, “One backpack is enough for you” ... Gloomy clothes, haircuts “like a boy”, constant remarks "And in whom are you so angular with me?" - a reliable foundation for the future "old wallet". My classmate's mother was proud that her daughter was not spoiled. She often came to our class and strictly reproached: “My Anechka has only two dresses: school uniform and a day off (in a gray cage), a tracksuit (blue knitted!) and a dressing gown (warm flannelette). And this is quite enough for her, but instead of rags she has to do her homework! "I still remember this girl with a shudder: by the age of nine, her parents turned her into a faceless and withdrawn old woman, nicknamed Krupskaya by classmates. Having met Anya six years later, I saw her all in in the same image: a dark blue woolen dress, thick brown tights, a braid below the waist, worn-out shoes ... Two years later, I experienced a real shock when I met a girl escaping from under her mother's wing: short haircut, painted lips and - I could not believe my eyes! - jeans! I think her real life has just begun.

50 to 50:
Being an old purse is for women over 50

Among those "who cares...", "old wallets", alas, the majority: a woman at some point simply stops "showing off" with her outfits, hairstyles and hairpins. The time for conquests and shooting with eyes is long behind, there is a husband (with a beer belly) at hand, and attention is switched to children or grandchildren. However, some ladies go to the other extreme: they begin to get younger, squeezing their bodies into youthful clothes, tight legs that are not skinny with milk pig-colored tights, paint their lips with bright scarlet lipstick ... The sight is as funny as it is sad. And yet we dare to say: it's not about age. You can be a charming stylish Shapoklyak without age, or you can turn into a boring old woman in 1b.

A year ago, the daughter of my friend, sixteen-year-old Masha, asked me to help her choose the fabric for her prom dress. The first bell rang in the store: she did not agree to any translucent chiffon in the petals of fuchsia, turquoise and May dandelions. "It's too bright, and then: the fabric is translucent..." - "Your ideal figure what to be afraid of? - I convinced Masha. “Let yourself be beautiful and seductive on this day!” But all in vain. “I don’t need a dress for one evening, I want to sew a practical one ...” I just spread my arms. ". "Nothing," I mentally consoled myself, "let's win back in style: a bare back, a cut to the thigh, a decollete ..." - "What are you talking about," Mashka hooted like an owl. - No necklines and cuts: we just sew a long dress, and without any trinkets! "-" Well, you, old woman, give! practical, boring old woman...

50 to 50:
Old wallets are always bores and blue stockings

Of course, among the "old wallets" there are some, but sometimes there are completely normal advanced aunts who at one fine moment simply stopped bothering to look stylish and fashionable. However, such women can equally easily carry on conversations on topics on the theory of local civilizations and liposuction, the advantages of the euro against the dollar, or Pink colour before orange, attend refresher courses and aerobics classes.

One of my very smart and advanced in all matters friend finds a special charm in the image of such a "pseudo-purse". She sincerely believes that "chasing fashion" takes up precious time: "Than wandering around the boutiques, I'd rather study cultural survival as a global problem of our time." She is thrilled to wear sundress dresses made of "Ivanovo calico", coarse boots with thick soles and khaki jackets a la a front-line friend. However, she is so organic in these rags that her tongue does not dare to call her "old purse". Although that's how she asks to call herself.

Check for "virus"

Oh, it seems to us that "old wallet" can be anyone, but not us. It is easy to see 33 "external symptoms" in someone and not notice them in yourself. The signs of an "old wallet" are only external manifestations of what is happening to a woman inside, in her mind. And if at some point she felt that she was "losing ground", this is already a step towards success. If you have mentally ticked three or more of the following, take control of the situation.

Signs of an old wallet:

In choosing clothes, she is guided by only one category "practical - impractical". “To be elegant means not to stand out”, “Simple, but with taste”, “The main thing in clothes is convenience and modesty” - her mottos;

Wears shapeless clothes of indeterminate style and color. Three pairs of gray trousers will be preferred to a stylish white suit;

In the closet of the "old purse" there are torn tights and socks, worn out underwear, stretched sweaters;

Her shoes are the standard of practicality: super comfortable, at low speed. Stylish high-heeled boots she turns in her hands, uttering the sacramental: "Not for our roads", buying cheap "all-terrain vehicles" in return;

The color of her hair resembles the shade of "liquid cement", the varnish on the nails has peeled off, she paints her lips with lipstick three years ago;

"presses" on chic tights, buying ten pairs for the same amount;

He considers it overkill and complete nonsense to spend money on high-quality cosmetics and various women's little things.

By what signs can you recognize an old wallet. Women's opinions aloud:

"If she has an old purse in her hand."

"She dresses boring and conservative, forgets to wash her hair, has a limited outlook on life and no brow brush!"

“Badly dyed hair, lack of manicure, a suit of glorious Soviet times. You can’t talk about anything with her except about the prices of food and the tricks of her grandchildren. She watches all the series in a row and is crazy about Lyudmila Zykina. Other signs: either the complete absence of jewelry , or a slight obsession with massive gold... In fact, the name itself is very eloquent. More like a self-sufficient diagnosis. I sympathize with such women."

Trampled old shoes, a worn cloak or coat, a hairstyle - perm without styling, stockings of the "Soviet" type, glasses in an old-fashioned frame, a squeamish expression on his face. She is always dissatisfied with everything, everyone offends her, they don’t understand her, and they don’t value her a penny ... "

The "old purse" is first of all an aged lady. Spectacular granny, in other words: there are such colorful characters. They wear matching hats and handbags (far from the first freshness, more precisely, from the time of their youth), paint their lips with bright lipstick and consider themselves women in their juice.

“Maybe quite a young girl with a haircut - a misunderstanding, thick-rimmed glasses and blue banana jeans that ugly fit the “fifth point”.

Sooner or later, everyone has to replace an old purse with a new one. But it is necessary to get rid of the obsolete thing so as not to disturb financial well-being. You can attract monetary luck by performing certain witchcraft rites.

To do this, you need to throw away the old wallet so that wealth never leaves the house again. You can’t just take it and take it to the nearest garbage dump. It is very important to transfer the available money to their new home so that by such actions they do not make any undesirable changes in their destiny or even, on the contrary, quickly attract the desired luck.

Those who imprudently seek to throw away an old purse risk falling into protracted poverty. By disrupting the natural course of things, a person is able to block the flow of funds.

You can not throw away a wallet if its owner had money. Between a person and a thing, when it serves him long enough, a strong energy binding arises.

When there is confidence that finances constantly flowed into the house, thanks to the successful purchase of the old wallet, it’s categorically unacceptable to just take it and take it to the neighboring garbage dump.

Such actions can easily quickly lead to the fact that wealth also suddenly leaves a person. But at the same time, continuing to walk with an old and unpresentable thing is also undesirable for a further influx of funds.

You need to feel a surge of gratitude to the thing that has served its purpose and try to convey to it your great desire not to miss a happy opportunity. It should be understood that it does not always accompany a person. Therefore, in order not to suddenly lose the favor of fortune, one cannot disturb the natural course of events.

What to do with an old purse, you need to decide after thinking whether the thing brought good luck to its owner. The decision is especially important if there is no desire to part with the wallet, but it is already leaky or its clasp is broken. I don’t want to get rid of him, but he can’t continue to serve either.

In cases where financial luck has never left a person, you must try not to miss it. With proper handling of the purse, it becomes possible to strengthen your condition.

It is required to completely empty the old wallet, making sure that nothing remains. Then a certain amount of money is put here.

Subsequently, the old purse is hidden in a hidden corner. After one month, it is taken out and larger money is placed here. This should be done every month at the full moon.

How to get rid of an unhappy thing

If there is not a lot of money in the wallet, then you should know how to properly get rid of it after a while. He does not have positive energy and he will no longer bring happiness to his owner.

Any wallet is a link between people and finances, and should be treated with respect. It is required to replace it, but in such a way as not to frighten off luck or, conversely, stop monetary losses. Therefore, when the old wallet does not attract wealth, it is advisable to know what to do with it next.

Before proceeding with the magical ritual, it is necessary to wait for a surge of strength and free yourself from any negative thoughts.

It must be carried out without witnesses. In addition, one should unconditionally believe in its fulfillment.

When the moon is waning, it is required to free the old wallet and give all the small coins from it to the poor. Banknotes cannot be invested in a new purse, but it is worth spending them at a time when the wallet serves the owner.

The used thing must be wrapped with a clean black rag and loudly say:

“Thank you for your service. I give away want and poverty.”

Immediately after such words, the wallet should be set on fire or buried deep in the ground as far from the house as possible.

When performing a witchcraft rite, one should clearly imagine how old debts completely disappear. Therefore, during the destruction of the old thing, it is required to mentally draw a picture of how trouble is invested in it and disappears with it.

Getting rid of money failures

Then, when there is no money, it is better to throw out the unsuccessful thing as soon as possible. It is especially important to do this if success not only bypasses a person, but all the prerequisites for an outflow of money have developed.

The most common signs of this problem are:

  • Constant presence of debts;
  • frequent absence of work;
  • continuous loss of money;
  • theft and fraud;
  • the need to spend money due to unpleasant events;
  • unsuccessful purchases;
  • breakdown of household appliances, etc.

Pretty quickly, a person begins to clearly understand that a stream of failures began to haunt him from the very moment that a not too happy wallet was acquired.

Before throwing away an old purse, it should be left at home for three days. All the money is completely laid out from it and placed overnight on the windowsill. At the same time, you need to say:

"I am the profit, you are the power!"

The banknote of the highest denomination that lay here is worth spending on pleasant surprises for those around you. It is advisable not to spend money on nonsense, but to buy what people really need. The change is put back.

After seven days, the funds are withdrawn from the wallet, and old thing is buried. The magic rite must be repeated regularly for a whole week. It should be carried out only with the growing moon.

Buying a wallet to replace an old one

A new thing must be acquired in such a way as not to disturb the course of life. Best of all, if the purse brought good luck, do not throw it away, but leave it to store your emergency supply. The owner himself will feel that the money seems to grow by itself.

Such actions will allow you to update a shabby thing, and at the same time not to miss your luck.

Better to have a new purse on New Year given to a person by one of his close friends or relatives.

When buying, you should completely follow your intuition, especially paying attention to:

You should purchase a new wallet in advance, and choose to buy on Wednesday or Thursday after the full moon. It is desirable to prefer the first half of the day for shopping.

After acquiring a purse, change must be left with the seller, mentally saying:

“A trifle will not decrease from me, but more money will come to me!”

When a person with a new wallet returns home, it is necessary to say:

“Become a reliable and good home for my money, Preserve and increase the existing wealth. May the Lord bless and instruct me, the Guardian Angel helps and protects. Amen".

You need to put money in the purse, and also add a certain amount to them on top of that. Then you should light a church candle with matches and wrap the wallet around it three times in the course of the clock.

The wallet is left overnight on the table, placed on a beautiful dish. You can use it only with the onset of the morning of a new day.

If the thing is a gift, then you cannot give an empty wallet to a person. It is required to place at least a symbolic amount of money in it in advance. It is worth making such a surprise with love and wishing all kinds of blessings to the new owner.

Then you can already be sure that prosperity will always accompany a new thing. It is undesirable to inform anyone about it, at least within the next week.

It is allowed to transfer here only cash, as well as bank and discount cards. Receipts and checks, as evidence of money spent, do not need to be put. They can lead to further expenses. They should be stored in a place where they are not often seen.

It becomes clear that you can’t just throw away the old wallet. The answer to the question of where to put it depends on whether it brought happiness to its owner or not.

If it was not very successful, then the right approach to buying a new thing will help you find the required finances. However, it is also worth showing respect to an old purse, regardless of whether its owner had wealth or not.

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A purse is a small soft bag woven from natural or synthetic fibers. It can accommodate everything you need. Today such useful thing pushed into the background by new fashion trends, but let's not forget about it! After all, fashion is known to be cyclical. Who knows, maybe in a couple of years we will have to part with clutches and get wallets? The same ones that our grandmothers ran on dates with many years ago ...

What are wallets made of?

Anything can be used: vine, hemp and linen fibers, industrial twine, coarse cord. Purses are also woven from the most unusual materials: old knitwear cut into strips and even from tubes twisted from newspapers. The main thing is to do everything neatly and organically to choose accessories and colors. After all, a purse is an accessory that sets the mood for the whole image.

direct appointment

Of course, this accessory is needed in order to complement the image, give it a twist, emphasize the individual style! And also, of course, to carry some gizmos, without which no woman can do without.

A purse is a real symbol of country style, so she also needs the right accessories. It is most convenient to use it in the summer, because it goes well with stylish wicker sandals. Often bags are made in the form of wicker baskets for going to the beach and going to nature.

Some terminology

The word "purse" has common roots with the words "purse" and "purse". It denotes a woven handbag, sometimes trimmed with textile or lace elements.

The word itself is endowed with a somewhat expressive coloring. Firstly, it is considered obsolete and hints at the considerable age of the subject named by him. Secondly, because of the same link to age, a capacious and expressive curse once appeared - "old wallet", and it clearly carries a negative connotation ... Therefore, today it is most often said to the shabby, worldly-wise bags. And is it really so? Let's figure it out!

Runway bag

Great couturiers have long paid attention to this most convenient accessory. And now the wallet complements the images of models. After all, it can be made not only in a deliberately rough rustic style. In fact, a wallet can look really elegant and expensive. Still, after all natural material And handmade never go out of style, and real handbags-purses are woven by hand from the finest plant fibers.

Among the most expensive lines of clothing and accessories, you can find many items that fall under the definition of a "purse". This is not yet the peak of fashion. But it is already quite possible to expect that the return of the wallet is just around the corner!

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