Funny action for a man during the day. Funny congratulations on the day of men. Funny birthday greetings to a man

It is easy and difficult to congratulate a man on his anniversary: ​​it is easy if you know the tastes and hobbies of the hero of the day well, it is difficult if he takes his hobby very seriously - then you can not please. Men, as a rule, like to receive either practical gifts or cool ones - that's why wonderful option for the men's anniversary there will be a congratulation in which you can combine both.

For example, before giving a truly valuable gift (an envelope with money or gift Certificate), you can arrange a presentation - comic presentations that talk about the profession or hobby of the hero of the day - this will surely please the culprit himself and create an atmosphere of festive fun at the table.

With the help of a funny instruction or eyeliner, you can give the hero of the day in an original way a very practical and ordinary gift: a bottle of vodka, a watch, etc. This is a great way to bring joy to the hero of the day and add variety to the series, albeit beautiful, but stereotyped wishes ..

Here are collected best ideas Internet (thanks to the authors) on how to arrange comic congratulations with gifts for the anniversary of a man.

1. Cool gift for the hero of the day "Healing air"

(Auror A. Belimova)

For this comic gift, stock up on a three-liter jar. It needs to be rolled up (we advise you to apply a small amount of fir oil on the back of the lid, so that when you open the can, a barely perceptible aroma of pine forest is actually heard from it); stick a label on it with the following content: “Healing air of a pine forest. The content of ozone is 2 percent, oxygen - 23, carbon dioxide - 0.03 percent. Volume 3 liters. Use within an hour of opening.

You should not immediately show this present to the birthday man. First, read the following terms to him:

“- If you want to feel young at any age, you need to have an excellent pulse.

- If you want to feel young at any age and admire beautiful girls, you need one hundred percent vision.

- If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls and walk with them in the park, you need strong legs.

- If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls, walk with them in the park and kiss them hard - you need fresh breath.

“And if you want to enjoy all this, you need to breathe deeply!”

And only after that you hand over a three-liter jar, loudly announcing its contents and purpose.

2. A comic gift for a man "Miracle slippers with instructions"

(Author K. Cheregoshkina)

You can also give your beloved man ordinary slippers by attaching a cool instruction or a memo in a beautifully designed version to them:

"Men's slippers. Our sizeless slippers, easily adapting to the shape and length of your foot, will give you confidence, emphasize your individuality and complement the image of a real man in an unexpected way.

- Not a single woman will resist you if you are shod in slippers of our production!

- Our slippers heal not only the body, but also the soul: they are recommended for tired feet with delicate skin as a remedy for fatigue, calluses, cracks and other problems.

- Slippers are made of environmentally friendly material, they provide comfortable wearing all year round: they are warm in winter, not hot in summer. Feet supercooled in winter in our slippers will reach a healthy body temperature in a minimum period of time. The soft sole of the product contributes to silent movement, which is important at night.

- Incredibly luxurious and stylish colors, in which this model is sustained, will satisfy the most refined taste of the finest connoisseur and connoisseur of fashion. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous and visual systems, without destroying or irritating them.

- Our slippers will be your best assistant in a delicate situation and will hide unpleasant surprises: whether it be holes in socks, unwashed feet or uncut nails.

- As a result of many years of research, it has been proven that when putting on our slippers, stress hormones die in the human body. Our slippers are yours formula for success and happiness

- Be careful! Can induce a feeling of bliss!

- Wear it with pleasure!

3. Congratulations on gifts for the hero of the day-motorist.

Leading: The life of our hero of the day is directly related to intersections, traffic lights

And road signs. After all, the profession of a driver is life on wheels!

What to wish you ditel,

For a birthday, an anniversary?

Be in shape, our car enthusiast,

Step on the gas and don't worry.

Gas pedal we give the hero of the day this very minute. Expensive...!

So that the traffic police do not have to

To draw up protocol here today,

You have to drink and drive...

Coca-Cola drink!

(The hero of the day is given a jar of Coca-Cola.)

Let this bewitching drink cool you in hot weather, but it will not be able to quench your thirst for travel!

(Guest applause.)

Given that a car is the brainchild of any car enthusiast, we decided to give the hero of the day a few useful things.

Dear hero of the day!

We give it wheel,

Put it in the spare.

(Kalach baked in the form of a wheel is awarded.)

Well, so that the patrol does not get to the bottom,

We hand you this spare wheel.

(The bagel is handed.)

After watching cool series about truckers,

We think it will be useful fuels and lubricants.

(Give a bottle vegetable oil and vodka.)

Now the driver's transport is fully equipped and you can safely hit the road.


4. Comic congratulations"Anniversary is our baby!"

Here in front of you baby
Baby is naked.
We need to dress him up.
So that the child does not freeze.

To keep your head from freezing
We will pull on the cap deftly. (give a cap)

So that nothing else happens
And from below the linen would not get wet,
Well, what are you laughing at, who doesn't happen to?
Pampers, in general, will not hurt us (give a diaper)

And if a bad mood comes
How to soothe a child in an instant?
The pacifier in the mouth, so as not to scream
I knew that life and more silent (gives a pacifier)


5. Congratulations from friends with a comic gift

We thought we were wondering
The whole evening they talked:
What does a person need
Crossed the 50-year milestone???

Is happiness in trinkets -
In crystal vases, pillows?
In a small cottage by the river,
Or on a ring finger?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

We drove to the store
And we bought a present!

Miracle apron - wallet,
You try it on my friend!!!

The apron itself is good
You will find six pockets!

The first "FOR FRIENDS" pocket!
There is always a glass in it!
And a stash to drive
When there is nothing to pour!!!

For "LOVE" the second pocket!
there lies a big surprise!
So that the soul does not go out the stove!
Here's a candle earring for you!
And a banknote for flowers,
To be ready for sex!

Our third pocket "PARENTS"
Call them day and night!
And to always be in touch -
I need to buy a card!

And the fourth "OUR CHILDREN"
And keep a pocket for them!
Children need what guys?
Well, of course, money!

The fifth pocket here is "WORK"
Our main concern!
Buy a ticket for yourself!
Not one, but three at once!

And the sixth pocket is "YOUR"
The most affectionate, dear.
What will you take from it?
Spend on yourself with love.
We didn't skimp on you
Not even a ruble was hidden.

Accept a gift from us
Us kind word remember.
happy birthday congratulations
And we want to live richly!


(For donating a set of socks, see the link)

6. Comic photo session of the hero of the day with hats.

(hats for this congratulation can be given to the hero of the day, or you can simply beat their presentation for a photo shoot and entertainment)

Birthday has come
And the question before us arose,
What should we buy as a gift?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what a hat of tenderness,
Men to watch.
But it looks like it's out of season.
Summer style hat

Why won't I give it
And then I'll give you a bandana! (bandana)
Here in a bandana you are beautiful,
Just somehow so playful.

No, let's go in order:
We'll give you another hat.
Connection with sports will be strong,
If we donate a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap now
And she sits softly
Yes, and the color is not the topic at all,
No, let's drop this one.

To be funny then
Cap you need to give
Take it off, it's all nonsense -
Dressed up like a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
Headdress for the throne
It's a royal crown! (crown)

7. Exclusive gift "Watch - idea generator"

You can give the birthday man an unusual watch, absolutely exclusive, because you need to make it yourself. As a basis for a gift, you need to buy a large wall clock, then order good quality pictures that will depict the main dreams of the birthday man, for example, a car, apartment, cottage, good wife and many children - these will be larger pictures. Other dreams and desires - a heaped up TV, a fashionable breed dog or a TV dish - make a smaller scale.

Then all these prepared pictures need to be pasted instead of numbers on the dial. If the area allows, then in the center of the clock place an indelible inscription in the following way: “This is not the time to dream! It's time to act!"

8. Cool congratulations with gifts to the attendant "Come to the bath soon!"

This is a congratulation from friends with whom the hero of the day goes to the bath together - they read in turn, if there are few people, then two or three times.

1. We know that the hero of the day

He loves to take a bath!

There is a broom and a beer ... ..

We love the bath!

2. In the evening we leave the bathhouse

And ... .. name ... father. also with us

All muzzles are red,

Feeling great!

3. We came to congratulate you

It is immediately obvious: straight from the bath,

To make a toast

Well, drink and eat!

4. Be happier than everyone in the world,

Be always in the circle of friends

So that we all have to celebrate

Your 100th Anniversary!

5. We did not come here in vain,

Here are the gifts brought

Take them soon

Pour us a cup!

6. To have a lot of money,

If you suddenly feel sad

Health, happiness to be

Here's a gift for you, friend! (give a broom)

7. Decided to give a broom

Pour foamy beer

And a bar of soap.

To make it more fun! (gives soap)

  1. Accept congratulations

On this glorious anniversary

And no later than Sunday

Come to the bath soon!


(If you arrange a few surprises on this topic, then it will come in handy andfrom this collection)

9. A cool gift from close friends is a basin.

For the anniversary, we give a basin, it will always be just right.

You can wash the floors in it, you can milk the cows,

You can pick berries, burp after drinking,

You can wash with him in the baths, he will come in handy there,

You can wash clothes in it, you can wash your ass,

You can sow flour in it and hang it on a bitch

You can ride down the hill, it will always come in handy,

And how will it be (50.60...) we will come to you again,

Prepare okroshka for us, but find a bigger spoon,

We will pour okroshka into a basin, and we will celebrate the anniversary,

In general, you keep it, do not break it, do not crush it,

Do not leave it in the yard and put it away,

Congratulations on your anniversary, we want to drink everything now,

Who is from the pile, who is from what, and we will drink from it.


10. Presentation of bath accessories as a gift.

Congratulating men hold brooms in their hands, like bouquets, and gifts: a washcloth, a hat, a massage mitten, a foot brush, a bowl, a thermometer.
First: Who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a band of bath attendants!
Third: Let's all warm up.
Come on people, be brave!
Fourth: Very dirty people here...
Fifth: Sign up five years ahead!
Sixth: But today is an exception.
And this message...
Together: There is more steam in our hall
In honor of (Name)- hero of the day!

First: We give a friend a washcloth,
Trim harder, we don't mind
Unless you're a fool
You'll be red like cancer! (gives a washcloth)
Together: Oh, ah, eh, uh, emits, brothers, the spirit!

Second: We give a hat on curls,

And when there are no curls,
Cover your bald head with a hat -
You will be a fucking hero! (gives a bath hat)
Together: Eh, wow, ah, oh, and the park is not bad at all!

Third: To get rid of fat from the sides -
We urgently give a massager,
Oh sorry massager
So that you always rub your body! (give a massage mitt)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, you quickly steam fat!

Fourth: If you decide to swim in the Thames,
Then use this pumice
Englishmen, simple guys,
No need to scare your heels! (gives penza)
Together: Ah, uh, oh, eh, it’s not a sin for you to take a steam bath!

Fifth: We will give this gang so that,
If it gets hot
He drank beer from it,
This day would be remembered!
Together: Oh, ah, eh, wow, we would have a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you overdid
And more than succumbed to the park,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe even go wild!
Together: Wow, oh, oh, oh, the last stroke of the broom!

First: You, (Name), our friend,
Pour a full glass!
We have something to pay -
We can give a broom! (hand over their brooms).

11. Original congratulations with a gift of vodka to the hero of the day.

Alcoholic drinks, as a gift option for a man, are very common, but here you can excel, you just need to show a little imagination. For a purchased bottle of vodka, you need to order a special label from the printing house, which will contain the name of the anniversary drink, which must include the name, first name and patronymic or surname of the hero of the occasion. It is quite appropriate to add to the title a photograph stylized with the help of Photoshop as a portrait of the President of the Russian Federation, Stenka Razin or Peter the Great.

You can also colorfully arrange all the documents that will be attached to the gift: “composition”, “rules of use and “recommendations”, which should be solemnly counted when presenting vodka.

Gift lead:

“In order to get this magnificent product, the best minds of the enterprise took the most wonderful components - “transparency”, so that the life of the hero of the day would be like the height and depth of the spring sky. May clouds never come over him. They took the "fortress" because it is needed in overcoming life's difficulties. Added "degrees" so that they are always at around +100 and above, which shows the cheerfulness, charm and energy of the hero of the day. “Easy digestibility”, so that all good, kind, bright things come to his house. And "slight dizziness" from happiness, love and fun.

Rules for using vodka:

Then you should use it:
a) when the soul requests;
b) when the soul is tired;
c) when the soul sings;
d) after a bath or shower;
e) if necessary;
e) in special cases.

1. Do not abuse, always keep yourself upright;

2. Hide from children under 16 and from the wife;

3. Keep away from fire;

4. Consume undiluted, always with a good snack;

5. With excessive libations - poisonous ..

12. Set comic gifts to congratulate a man.

Just for the sake of fun, friends give the birthday man a whole scattering - little things.

Although you are the hero of the day today,
The laurel wreath does not shine for you.
You'd better accept a bunch of bay leaves from us (give a bay leaf)

Do not think to be angry with us -
A nail is useful in the household (give a nail)

Wanted to donate a flashlight
But we only found a ball (give a ball)

When you go for a walk
So that your trousers do not sleep,
You have with you

This pin of steel (gives pin)

Pour this into a glass
And drink slowly (gives a glass)

After a glass of snack -
The matter is very important.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin (gives a napkin)

And for sweets we have
Got some candy for you (gives candy)

You got flowers, roses.
They don't wither in the cold (give a card with roses)

I wish immodest profit
Huge Swiss bank account
Outside the city a big cottage
Good health in addition

Big victories in amorous affairs
Canaries and Côte d'Azur
Success in all kinds of life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

I wish that GO-GO!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can wow!
To be breathtaking.
Of course, to be WOW!!
And so that FU is very little.
So that sometimes THIS IS YES!
"THIS IS YES!" is not nonsense,
"CAN'T BE!" - it's real,
"YES WELL HIM!" - let it be virtual.
WOW! - to surprise more often
"Well, EVERYTHING Kick!" - not enough.
And at will EGE-GAY!
And to make it come true, come on, pour it!

I wish you live
Pleasant and relaxed!
And to have your wallet
Full of money!
I wish beer oceans
And in them rams and shrimps
You would be the best captain
Did not get out of the round the world!

Funny and cool congratulations

So that you live beautifully
I want a lot of beer!
In mugs, jars and bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And for you to deal with it
We are already running to you!

I wish you more rest
Swim in the sea and sunbathe.
Celebrate with dignity this dashing holiday,
To wake up with a headache!

But before these, after the banquet
Have a fun night until dawn!
Fabulous days and fun nights
Good friends to you and friends!

I want to wish everything to be fine
In the wallet an excellent amount of cash
Great colleagues at great jobs
At "five" take a break from work on Saturday

Different questions, great solutions
Have a great relationship with your family,
Excellent health, and in personal life
Let everything be just perfect for you!

Cool congratulations and wishes

A basket of success, a bag of luck,
A bag of fun for your birthday
Health backpack - on fragile shoulders,
A tight wallet with a pack of bucks - at a meeting!

Where to get some welfare?
It doesn't happen, that's a fact.
But more is better
And there will be less "somehow".
We wish you a birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today, tomorrow, all year round!

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
Home - loving spouse
And a caring father
And in bed - well done!

Let the money, huddled in flocks of birds,
flying towards you like a hurricane....
Let them surround, attack and climb
with audacity in your pocket!!!

Cool and hilarious congratulations

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!
Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!
Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine!
And most importantly, do not forget to drink to
so that you always have money for something that is better!

I wish you were always
Slightly drunk with happiness
And to have your wallet
Looks like a suitcase!

Everything is possible on your birthday
Without any "no" and "but":
Crocodile in a helicopter
With a kilo of popsicle
Arrives, congratulates, loudly
Sing on the harmonica:
"Happy Dayless, my good!"
And give you a huge cake!

Our wishes are short:
Be healthy, live well.

Funny congratulations Happy birthday

We wish you happiness pure as crystal,
Good luck greyhound like a roman rebel
Good health, like an old oak,
Being young is like a milk tooth.

So that all good things come true
To make a lot of money
And so that instead of masters and servants
Always there was an old, true friend!

Who's having a birthday here?
Turn up your ears!
We will not pull for them -
Just sit down and listen.
Be healthy, smart and happy
Grab your luck.
Don't let her out of your hands
Ask for a car, yes.
Fortune is a mischievous girl,
Anyone can teach.
We wish that there is enough gunpowder
Tame Fortune for you.

One in a year - birth - day
Whether you're in flight, on the fly:
Forget all the rubbish life
Mining money fuss!
Stop. Take a look up
Around - beautiful, like in a dream ...
Smile to winter and summer
Laugh autumn, spring!
Relax, relax
Drive sadness out of the house with a broom ...
On this day, all your dreams
Let them turn into reality!
And at this best hour in life,
In love with you, don't forget us!!!

Cool birthday greetings

On this day and this year
Every moment
Let him laugh and sing
Nice birthday.
Let friends not let you down
And fate will not fall
And invisible heavy fetters
It won't happen in life.
We wish with all our heart:
Let everythnig will be alright!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday soon!
Expect gifts from family and friends today!
Today, be the brightest, be the happiest,
And enjoy life, do not forget to laugh!
We love you very much, you are our dear friend!
Great happiness - we know each other!

happy birthday congratulations
And according to the list of blessings, we wish:
So that you get into the thought!
To become a new Russian!
Outdid Gates Beal
Made a dacha in the Maldives!
Paris Hilton to fall in love
And fell at your feet!

Happy birthday greetings to men

Let life be rich
And my head doesn't hurt in the morning.
I hope you don't forget this day
May your soul rejoice
Let the body dance and tremble joyfully,
Let love flow like a river in your heart.
I wish you happiness and a lot of success
live peacefully, easily, without grief and haste.
To drown in love, but not to grieve.
Successfully marry, always have fun.

Love the evil - they are less false,
Than in hypocritical good men

Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!
That day is now coming!
Cool, cool mood
Be sure to let it be!
To make life seem sweet
But not sickeningly nasty
Delicious delicious chocolate
I will treat you, my love.
To sweetness work
Captivated you every day
And my concern
Never tired.
So that there was a lot of jam,
To have guests often
To such a sweet
Everyone loved unconditionally.

Happy birthday dear!
May they always live with you
Miss Luck, Mr Laughter
Business Signor Success,
Mrs Bright Love,
What thickens the blood in the veins!
May wealth day by day
Follows you as a shadow!

You came into the world today!
We wish you Fortune, strength and victories,
Let the safes be full of money
And let the queen of dreams meet!

Let there be a suitable size for the Muse
And love bonds will give happiness,
But the main thing is not to lose your head,
Give, but also receive in return!

I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you wealth and good.
So that you do not hear from women:
- My head hurts today!

I want to achieve all the goals
At the same time, he remained alive and well.
To be the source of events,
All parties and feasts.

I want to wish you
Live well, don't be sad.
Here I sit - I rhyme poems,
It's not like drinking vodka!
You are beautiful, noble,
You are a man, anywhere
You are capable of deeds...
Let's drink standing up, gentlemen!

Congratulations on your birthday from the bottom of our hearts, our macho,
Let there be intensity in love, and good luck in business.
Let the greenery rustle in your pocket, the cottage will be a car,
A beauty shares life with you, let nothing grieve.

May you always have enough for caviar and cognac,
Let the daring zodiac prophesy only ups for you.
To live happily, guy, only as a uniform bourgeois.
May everything always be Feng Shui at home and at work!

Happy birthday greetings to a man funny funny short

On this day we wish you
Break off a piece of heaven
Hook luck by the tail -
Great to have a birthday!

On the day you were born
Smiles of Fortune and a sea of ​​victories!
Let the wonderful striptease please
And in the personal, everything will always be an encore!

May this birthday be remembered for years
Let's show everyone how the guys have fun.
I wish that health does not fall in the hour of intimacy,
And so that pockets avoid emptiness.

Be happy on your birthday
You always promised me
Well, try, my dear friend,
Once he gave such a word.

On my birthday, I wish, as in a fairy tale, to live:
Only drive foreign cars, relax in resorts.
Let only elite alcohol boil in your glass,
There will be a queen nearby, because you are our king!

Happy birthday greetings to a man funny comic in prose

Man! Remember that a birthday happens one attractive time among three hundred and sixty-four completely unattractive days! And therefore, it is necessary to meet him in such a way that it would be painfully pleasant to get up the next morning and see two pairs of keys on the table: from a newly built good people a huge garage and from a brand new, shiny from a chic polishing class car "Wow!"

You are born to be a man and this gives you great advantages! You can look for your path for a long time, and if you find it, you will hold on to Tyson's "dead grip"! You can stay free for a long time, and then suddenly get married by the age of 70, like Charlie Chaplin! You can eat and drink plenty, and not be afraid to gain weight and get drunk to disgrace! We wish on the Day of your appearance that life be sweet, but not cloying, that there be a lot of success, but it does not blind you, that there is a queen nearby, and only yours!

I would like to wish such a real man like you on your birthday: long and optimistic days, so that you are surrounded by true friends and the same faithful young ladies, let wealth not hide from you in other people's pockets, and health will not take it into your head to slip into one of the open ones in front of you doors. I wish to meet a loving heart, and become happy father large and rich offspring.

And again this day has come when you need to put congratulations on you in verbal form. My feelings go wild again: I can’t imagine that you were suddenly not born! Who would look after me? I thank God that you are near, and everything is in order ... After all, we have a common happiness, and we share it with each other. Wishing you well, after all, I myself receive it a hundredfold - so be it now, and forever, and forever and ever!

On your birthday, I wish you more simple male joys! Let “ours” slaughter more often, beer does not grow a stomach, socks fold into pairs on their own, gasoline does not grow in price, the boss appreciates and financially encourages, and the wife never has a headache. And most importantly - let there always be reliable friends who will share all these joys with you and help you endure their absence!

Happy birthday!
Boy, you're big.
I don't know what to wish you...
Always be yourself!

Everyone wishes you happiness
Long years and do not get sick,
They went around to bad weather.
You are beautiful - keep it up!

I wish a yacht, a cottage,
Suitcase money in addition.
Have some more patience
Buy an island soon.

I wish you to live beautifully:
Fishing, recreation, sea of ​​beer!
Go to the bathhouse on weekends
Live to the fullest!
And for the wife to be obedient,
TO mink coats indifferent
To feed you tasty,
In bed to be skillful!
In general, more of all good things,
What is in your male dreams!

Happy birthday man! I wish you to always remain strong, lively, cheerful, confident, brave and cool, like a lion among animals, like an eagle in the sky, like a cornflower in an open field, like a basil in a garden bed. May every day be lucky, may happiness and luck bring down not at retail, but in bulk!

Let in your hut
Got money and girls
And outside the window waiting for a faithful horse:
Iron, fashionable - wow, fire.

And let your porch
Three faithful soldiers are on duty:
Love, reliability and peace,
And happiness follows you.

In luck - eternal unlimited,
In bed - personal Aibolit,
In a career - growth to heaven,
Let there be progress in everything.

Well, a little more will,
A little sugar without salt
A little bit of serious personal matters,
So that chaos does not happen.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you all the best:
Lots of joy and money
In reality, not in dreams!

In every business, undertaking,
Only success - to heaven,
inspiration, prosperity,
And any other miracles!

Happy Birthday! Don't get drunk
And moderately "accept"!
In the bullpen, prison, hospital
Never hit.

Keep your mind clear and sober
Heart - fiery blaze.
prostatitis, enuresis
You never know.

To have steel nerves
To be able to achieve everything.
To dollars and euros
Didn't fit in wallet.

In the Maldives and Hawaii
Drink sweet juice in a sun lounger.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you:
Let everything come true in due time!

You were born and it doesn't matter
How many years ago.
On this day I wish
So that the family is always in harmony!

For the wife to meet at home
In a mini dress to the elbows,
And the children's sonorous laughter
Made everyday life more fun.

So that friends with a keg of beer
Sometimes they went
And today, on my birthday,
And with a bottle of cognac!

You have a birthday today!
Let's drink standing up. Where is the mug?
For your love, luck,
House, wife, apartment, cottage,
So that the car does not break,
Mother-in-law often admired
Father-in-law loved and respected
Even a cat to love.
Live to 100 healthy
Cheerful, cheerful,
So that on the hundredth anniversary
I was able to dance without crutches.

On a man's birthday
Somehow it is customary to wish
build a house, make a son
And plant trees.

This is important, of course:
And the heirs, and the forest,
And a multi-storey cottage...
Better with a sauna ... Or without.

The main thing is that in this house,
Just step over the threshold
Heart filled with light
There were no quarrels, no squabbles.

To make the children happy.
It doesn't matter if it's a daughter or a son.
Be, dear, in the world
All happier than men!

Such a prominent man
I want to wish you victories
So that you in all your glory and strength
Lived for decades.

I wish you success
I want to wish love
To have reasons to laugh
Finances so as not to disappoint.

So that in this life swamp
There was a safe island.
And so that, as they say in the Navy,
Catching a tailwind!

Happy Birthday!
Let them rush at full gallop
Happiness, miracle, inspiration
And good luck with a click.

Let everything work out, grow together,
Magic will happen
The sun shines daily
And only joy will bring!

I quickly went to your holiday,
And on the road the hedgehog ran,
He poured his needles,
And I let the wheels down! Now I'm freezing here alone
And I send by SMS -ke "SOS",
Submit a trailer if possible
Stocked with brand new wheels!

Three apartments and three cottages,
Mercedes in addition to you,
And a wife that does not scold,
Though I do not believe, but I want!

On my birthday
Do not feel sorry for the mood!
And be happy as hell!
Let it be fun
One adventure
Brilliant your life!

What to wish a man on his birthday?
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam
And not to know sexual diseases ... To have more love in life,
Preferably several times a day!
For all women to love you
And warmed the soul and bed!

To eat and drink
To want and be able
To everywhere and everywhere
It was with whom and it was where.
To in a glass of wine
There was a sip for me too!

We wish you to eat on a golden platter,
Security to stand with an ax,
A fashionable tailcoat and a diamond in the buttonhole,
This is how life should be!

Let's do it with you...
Let's celebrate your birthday!

Let's put the jokes aside
It's time for great things!
Equal per birthday
Spill the bottle!

I walked, smoked, a dog runs,
And he says - did you buy a cake?
Today is my brother's birthday!
How? Did you appreciate the joke right away?

Today is your day and let someone just try to say that you are old! Immediately crack it with a crutch, just put on your glasses so as not to miss! And you still have strength! Happy birthday!

It's your birthday!
Salute in your honor, rejoicing!
You are super man! Hero!
Respect to nature, for the effort!

I wish you
Fulfilled all my dreams
In a five star hotel
All-inclusive for three weeks Beer, vodka and snacks,
But the words on the menu are in Russian!
And all around are goddesses
Very tight bikinis!

On your birthday, forget how harsh and serious you are. As in a bare-bellied childhood, run through the puddles, brandishing a wooden saber. Smiled? So let carelessness and delight from simple joys remain with you. Be happy!

I wish you that
The soul was radiant
And green bills
The Ferrari is silver. And I wish you
In this life, do not be arrogant
And let me once
Ride a Ferrari.

Happy birthday to the perfect man!
And I wish to remain always young:
Have fun without consequences, glow with charm,
Let melodrama, like from a movie, happen to you!

A beautiful watch tells the time beautiful girl makes you forget about time. I wish you such a girl that you don’t remember about the clock at all!

We know that you are waiting for guests in the morning -
Celebrate birthday.
Congratulations, in a taxi
We are already flying like the wind.

Let the work wait
Things are resting
At your birthday
Relatives are walking. I wish you
Don't get too drunk
And tomorrow no problem
Come to the service.

All epithets, for such a hero as you, are too small. I wish that Siberians envy health, KVN players envy mood, and Winnie the Pooh himself envy optimism! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish to be a man
Even better than Arnold or Al Pacino!
Fans of adequate and beautiful,
And real fees, not fake!

So a new birthday arrived for you
And do not try to get off with a jar of jam:
Set the table longer, set it thicker -
Here it is - a holiday for a man, better than the previous ones.

Life full of surprises
Pass without knowing defeat
Attract success and good luck
I wish you a birthday!

Cake, gifts, wishes of the river -
Everything is just for you now!
Be happy from now on forever
So that the ray of love in the heart does not go out!
Sea wish inspiration
In that bright holiday- Birthday!

Happy birthday to you, real man!
I wish you to conquer all the peaks,
Be strong and courageous, and strive for goals,
And enjoy every minute of love!

Always be strong and healthy
Never lose heart
Be kind, sometimes harsh
But fair! And then
Happiness and luck will come
Especially on your birthday!

May the house be filled with goodness, prosperity, understanding,
Let your wife surround you with love and attention,
May you have good luck and luck in your life,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday!

You are a man - just super!
It makes no sense to hide this fact.
Happy birthday, congratulations
I'm going to kiss you soon!

I congratulate you on your holiday.
I wish you strength, Spirit and health.
So that you are always needed and loved

Birthday is a wonderful holiday!
Be always the same charming.
May all your friends respect you
Girls surround with attention

In the prime of life, a stylish man -
This is what you say among us!
I wish you to be happy
May every hour be good!

Such as you are a great guy
Deserves the best always.
Be strong and happy. for free,
What years are added!

Today is the most beautiful day
After all, on this day the world met you,
I wish you joy, happiness, luck
To the best guy - to you on your birthday!

I wish you a birthday - be successful,
Let true friends be around.
I wish your angel to be gentle.
Let the joys of the moment amuse.