How to make a moon manicure, and varnish - matte at home? How to make matte nail polish at home? How to make color out of colorless varnish

A man, maybe, in the conditions of repair knows how to make varnish, while girls, in turn, learned how to make nail polish. This solution saves a lot of money and provides an opportunity to choose from a large palette of colors. Creating a perfect image is one of the main tasks of a modern girl. This helps her feel more confident and feminine. But sometimes it happens that it is impossible to find the right one in the store, for example, the right shade of varnish. And this often becomes an obstacle to creating an image and placing the necessary accents. There is a way that will save money and, most importantly, help you use materials that you may have been sitting on the back burner for a long time and are waiting in the wings.

Making your own nail polish

In order to make nail polish with your own hands, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Tea spoon.
  2. Paper.
  3. Colorless varnish.
  4. Toothpicks.
  5. Eyeshadow in the right shade.

This simple instruction will help you understand how to make nail polish at home. First you need to take a small piece of paper. It can be an A4 sheet. It will be needed in order to keep the horizontal surface clean. In the list of necessary things there are shadows. In this case, they are needed in order to give the varnish the desired shade. Some makeup lovers have a wide variety of shadows in their arsenal, which are distinguished by the richness of color palettes. And among them there are shadows that are not used. They can be used in the process of creating varnish.

So, let's get to work. To begin with, the shadows need to be pulled out of the cells of the palette and thoroughly crushed so that no lumps remain. That is why you need a teaspoon - it will help you easily pull the shadows out of the forms, crush them and at the same time leave your hands clean. If the shadows are crumbly, this is not necessary. Then you need to open the colorless varnish and briefly put the brush aside. It is advisable to control how the brush stands so that the varnish does not hit and spoil the surface.

After that, the sheet with shadows must be rolled up into a tube so that its diameter fits into the neck of the bottle. Or you can make a special funnel that will help pour all the shadows into the bottle. When all the contents are inside the container, you need to thoroughly mix the varnish with the shadows. It is not recommended to use a brush for this, as lumps can get stuck in it, and then it will be difficult to get rid of them. To do this, it is better to use toothpicks. You need to mix thoroughly to achieve an even color. It must be remembered that some brands mix instantly, while others take time to cook well at home.

Thus, every fashionista can create a varnish with her favorite shade, spending a minimum of time and money on it, but at the same time achieve the desired result.

A nice detail in all this work can be sparkles. They perfectly complement the image, most importantly, they will focus on the hands.

How to make a luminous coating

Very often, girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make luminous varnish at home. Can. And this process is very simple and interesting.

To do this, you will need to take:

  1. A clean bottle of varnish.
  2. Toothpicks.
  3. Paint that does not contain UV filters.
  4. Glowing powder (luminescent pigment).

Before you start creating a decorative coating at home, you need to take a completely clean and dry lacquer jar and a funnel, as when creating ordinary varnish. Then put in a jar in a ratio of one to four powder and paint and then mix everything thoroughly. After that, close the jar tightly and wait until all the contents turn into a single mass. This can also be done on a colored coating, but in this case the glow will be much weaker.

How to make natural nail polish

This will require:

  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. White clay - 0.5 tbsp. l.

To prepare a decorative coating for nails at home from natural ingredients, you need to mix olive oil And white clay until the consistency of a smooth dough. Then apply the resulting mixture on the nails and let dry for 15 minutes.

After that, wipe the nail plates with a damp cotton pad. To achieve a more visible result of colored nails, you need to repeat this procedure several times during the week. Each of the components performs its function in this “mask” for nails: olive oil moisturizes the skin and cuticles, and clay refreshes the color of the nails.

For another recipe for creating varnish at home, you will need:

  1. Half a spoonful of alkane root.
  2. 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  3. A quarter tablespoon of beeswax.
  4. 2 drops of vitamin E oil.

First you need to heat the olive oil and alkane roots in a water bath. After the ingredients have become warm, they must be removed from the water bath and allowed to cool, then strain through a fine sieve to get rid of the roots of the plant. Then you should put the mixture on a steam bath and add beeswax.

After it melts, add 2 drops of vitamin E oil. Then the mixture should be mixed well, removed from the steam bath and allowed to cool. The varnish must be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the nail plate, while making sure that nothing gets on the skin. These coatings will give your nails a shine.

They say men are always children. Whether this is true or not is hard to say, but it’s easier to believe that a little girl lives in every woman. We also, as in childhood, love to dress up, we will certainly rush to our mother in trouble and never mind creating something useful for our beauty with our own hands. If in childhood it was experiments with the creation of perfumes from some fragrant plant, then in adulthood the field for fantasy is much larger. What if we conjured up the creation of ... say, nail polish. For the sake of economy, curiosity, the desire to decorate nails with a unique color - it doesn’t matter ..

  1. Transparent varnish (water-based). Can be bought at a pharmacy
  2. tassel
  3. Any eye shadow
  4. Food coloring of desired color
  5. White clay
  6. Olive oil

As you can see, almost all the ingredients are natural and this is already an important advantage of homemade nail polish. However, olive oil, white clay or henna can also be used here. Such nail polish at home will also be healing.

We conjure over the “potion” - we make a healing varnish

What do you need: olive oil and any of the natural dyes.

How we do:

  1. Mix the dye (henna or, say, clay) until the density of a smooth dough.
  2. Apply this mass on pre-treated and degreased nails with acetone.
  3. Leave on for twenty minutes to dry.
  4. Wipe your nails with a wet cotton pad.

To make nail polish at home resistant, repeat the procedure for such staining two to three times a week. Thus, the nails will acquire not only a healthy color, but also the same shine. And in general, health, because olive oil perfectly nourishes both the cuticle and the nail itself, and henna or, say, white clay even out.

Option 2, colored varnish with dye

What do you need: food coloring of the desired color, colorless water-based varnish, metal ball.

How to make nail polish:

  1. Grind food coloring in a container
  2. In a colorless varnish (necessarily water-based), add pounded food coloring.
  3. Place in container small ball from metal. It is needed for good whipping of the contents.
  4. Stir the resulting mixture and use as directed.

Option 3, Colored nail polish with eye shadow

What you need: To make nail polish at home, use good eye shadow.

How to do: all actions repeat the option with food coloring. The option with shadows is advantageous in that the latter have a richer palette of colors, which will allow you to make nail polish with an absolutely unique shade. And not just one, but a whole collection.

Option 4, Making varnish with alkane root

What you need: half a teaspoon of alkane root (a plant with medicinal properties, actively used in cosmetology, for the production of soaps, lotions and creams), three tablespoons of olive oil, a quarter teaspoon of beeswax and a couple of drops of vitamin E oil.

How to do:

  1. Heat olive oil and alkane root in a water bath.
  2. Remove from heat and leave for five to seven minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve, return to the steam bath.
  4. Add beeswax to it.
  5. When the wax melts, add the vitamin E oil and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Remove mixture from heat.
  7. When it cools down, you can apply it on your nails.

Nail polish created in this way at home is applied with a brush or drawing so that it does not get on the skin of the hands.

Alcona, as well as blue, white clay, as well as oil with vitamin E, can be bought at a pharmacy.

How to make gel nail polish shiny or glowing

Lovers of shiny or glowing marigolds will need glow-in-the-dark sticks or the same resin powder (the latter is preferable, but will cost more). For shine, dry sparkles are used, which are simply added to hand-made or purchased varnish.

To make the varnish glowing, add six caps of glowing resin (caps from a jar of resin) to it. Resins are sold in different colors, so there will be plenty to choose from to your taste. Don't forget also.

Today it is easy to buy ready-made therapeutic nail polishes: with calcium, various oils and protein complexes. But no matter what useful additives a purchased varnish is endowed with, it is still a chemical agent, i.e. of synthetic origin, because in addition to them, it usually contains toluene, formaldehyde, aspartame ... And it has long been proven that these substances can cause serious harm not only to nails, but also to health in general, if you use purchased varnishes often. This is what most working women do - beautiful nails after all, that very “finishing touch in perfect image". Now imagine that you also often paint your nails with useful varnishes. homemade from natural ingredients. Agree, a good reason to conjure over your own masterpieceJ).

A healthy lifestyle, naturalness and naturalness are increasingly becoming fashionable. This applies not only to food, but also to everything else that surrounds us every day. Today, healthy lifestyle has reached cosmetics. Now ladies make beauty products with their own hands, from natural materials. How to do at home? Let's get the recipe!

Why not buy varnish in the store?

Indeed, why are ladies today increasingly looking for information on how to make varnish at home? It turns out that not so long ago, bottles with the mysterious inscription 3Free began to appear on the shelves in cosmetics stores. Curious fans of the perfect manicure immediately found out that eco-varnishes have such markings, which do not add harmful toluene, formaldehyde and camphor. These substances can provoke many diseases in the female body, and during pregnancy they are completely contraindicated.

As a result, some ladies refused to trust any varnish manufacturers, even with eco-labels. But not everyone knows how to make varnish on their own. We will give you some instructions.

Varnish with olive oil

The basis of the first natural varnish recipe is olive oil. As you know, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and cuticles and gives the handles a healthy, fresh look.

How to make varnish based on olive oil? To do this, it must be mixed with white clay in a ratio of 2: 1. Instead of clay, you can use henna or another natural dye of a similar consistency. The resulting mass should cover the nails and let them dry. After 20-25 minutes, the mass should be wiped off with a damp cotton pad.

Lacquer with alkane root and beeswax

Alkana is a miraculous plant, the root of which is actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Beeswax is a universal remedy that is added to creams, and is also used in traditional medicine. These two ingredients can only benefit nails: they will improve the general condition of the nail plate and cuticle. How to make varnish from alkanes and

It is necessary to take a quarter teaspoon of wax, half a teaspoon of alkanes, three tablespoons of olive oil. Experts advise to add a couple of drops unconditionally beneficial vitamin E, but without it natural varnish it will work too.

To prepare the varnish, it is necessary to heat the olive oil along with the root in a water bath. Then you need to remove the product from the heat and cool for 5 minutes, then wipe the infusion through a sieve. Then you need to return it to the water bath and add beeswax to the resulting mixture. When the wax melts, the mass must be mixed and allowed to cool. Ready!

Colored varnish from colorless

How to make a varnish of an unusual shade from a medical colorless one that is sold in a pharmacy? Very simple! In a bottle with colorless varnish, you need to fill in a dye made by yourself. It can be made from food coloring or eye shadow. Of course, the choice of the latter should be approached responsibly, because they should also be as harmless as possible.

A small amount of varnish must first be poured from the bottle, otherwise it will be difficult to add dye to it, or there will be difficulties with mixing. It is more convenient to add shadows or other paint through a funnel made from a paper mug. You can mix the new varnish with a toothpick.

How to make varnish at home in other ways? Share your recipes!

To make your own nail polish, you should use certain tips. At home, you can create a unique manicure.

Lacquer with ink

In the photo of homemade varnish you can see the original shade of varnish. In the event that you do not like the color of your varnish and want to change it, simply combine the varnish with ink. You should also purchase ink of a certain color. You can also use the budget option. For example, for these purposes, you can use helium ink, or ballpoint pen. During the work process, you should be careful.

Matt lacquer

You can make an ordinary glossy varnish matte varnish. Using corn starch, you can easily do this. Thus, the matte varnish you received will become a few tones lighter.

To achieve this effect, it is worth mixing a few drops of varnish along with starch. Enough of the last component about a teaspoon. Apply the mixture to the nail area. It should be noted that after complete drying, a pleasant shade of matte texture will be obtained.

You can achieve the same shade using ordinary powder. You can also use shadows with a matte texture.

You need to change the varnish with your own hands. Just add a little loose powder to the bottle area. Rolling the paper using the funnel method will keep the powder from spilling past the bottle area.

You can add a few balls to the bottle. Thus, you qualitatively, much better mix the bottle. A matte effect is obtained by combining light, loose powder together with a colorless varnish.


To make glitter polish, add glitter to the bottle. This mixture should be lubricated nails. Often, in order to make your manicure more beautiful, original, it is worth sprinkling the tips of your nails with sparkles. At the end, cover the surface with a clear varnish to strengthen, maintain an attractive appearance.

To add mother-of-pearl to your nails, use the master class on how to make a manicure at home. To do this, you can simply add shadows for the eyes.

To do this, you need to grind the shadows. To do this, you can crush them in a bowl with any hard object. They should turn into a fine powder after such manipulations. Thus, the varnish coating will be uniform. Powder should be added directly to the varnish.

You can also make a varnish of the same color as the shadows you use. To do this, you need to take a transparent varnish. To complement the image, you can make a manicure to match the color of the makeup.

Using the applicator, crush and apply shadows on wet nails. Then blow off the excess, with the help of a transparent varnish it is worth fixing the base.

Making a new varnish

Follow the instructions on how to make varnish at home. It is worth choosing two varnishes that are combined with each other to begin with. Then you should pour them into one jar.

Many people use one secret how to make varnish thinner or thicker. You can also put one varnish on top of another. While you go about your business, the varnish will blend naturally. After the end of the procedure, mix, shake the bottle vigorously. With simple steps, you will prepare a completely new varnish.

With gradual darkening, you will get an attractive ombre effect. This effect is quite popular today. The positive thing is that such a varnish can be made independently.

Glowing varnish

To obtain this effect, you should combine an acrylic helmet and varnish. Thus, fluorescent acrylic paint can be purchased at a regular office supply store. For these purposes, also use a helium pen.

To get the best shine, you should use a transparent varnish base. It is often applied to the top of colored lacquer. Also, the fluorescent substance goes well with any color. It is best to use white. To obtain this effect, you can use a light emitting stick. One stick is enough for these purposes. The main thing is to use one important condition - a combination of both colors.

To make such a varnish, it is worth kneading the stick well over its entire surface. In particular, this applies if it is made in the form of a necklace, or a special bracelet. To do this, cut off one end with scissors. Next, cut off the tip of the stick in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vial. Gradually squeeze the contents from the stick into the inside of the vial. Then you need to apply nail polish.

It is worth remembering that when making varnish in this way, a similar effect lasts only for a few hours. To prolong the desired effect, cover the varnish with a transparent base.

To prepare the varnish, you should start preparing the necessary materials for this. You need a water-based clear varnish. Use the polish you already have. It is best to use a bottle bought at a pharmacy.

Also for the process you will need a brush, eye shadow. You should use the food coloring of the color that you like best.

Also prepare henna and white clay. The main advantage of self-made varnish is that all the ingredients are natural, improvised, and have a low cost. Also, in addition to all the above ingredients, you can add olive oil. The use of such a varnish can be considered a therapeutic procedure for nails.


To create an interesting varnish at home, you should use different ways. Follow the instructions, use interesting videos to get the desired effect. Remember that the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. From improvised materials, old varnishes, or long-forgotten bottles, you can create a truly original and beautiful varnish. A manicure created in this way will undoubtedly set you apart from the rest.

DIY nail polish photo

Matte nail polish has been breaking all records of popularity lately! Technologists adore it because with a matte finish, very interesting design solutions can be realized. And we love matte nails because such a manicure perfectly hides all scratches and roughness.

First way

The most convenient way to make the varnish matte is to treat the nails with steam from boiling water. If you try, you can get a matte effect comparable to a professional manicure matte nails. The main thing in this method is that you do not need any additional costs, and making gel polish matte is easy even at home.

In order to create a matte manicure, you do not have to buy matte nail polish. Take your favorite glossy nail polish in the right shade, fill a saucepan with water, prepare a nail file, cotton pads and nail polish remover.

  • First, remove any remaining polish from the surface of your nails and thoroughly clean your nails.
  • It will be necessary to give a nail file nice shape and remove the cuticle.
  • Gently, using glossy nail polish, paint your nails to your liking on one hand.
  • Turn on the stove and heat a pot of water.
  • While the polish is still wet, place your hand over the bowl, palm up, and hold it over the steam for about two minutes.

You need to hold your hand over the pan very carefully! Otherwise, you may get burned from hot steam. Manicure - matte nails will turn out if you drive your fingers over the steam in such a way that it completely covers each nail, and the matte coating appears on each nail.

Repeat the procedure with the other hand. So you will quickly and easily get matte nails manicure and you can enjoy it without going to a beauty salon. As you can see, making a matte varnish at home is quite simple and convenient.

Second way

Another way to make gel polish matte at home and at the same time without harm to nails is to purchase a special fixing agent for manicure. It is the matting finish that will give a velvety finish to matte nails in a manicure, fix the result and help the nail polish to stick well. With the help of a matte finish, you can make the nail polish of absolutely any manufacturer matte.
But keep in mind that although matte nails manicure hides all scratches, it perfectly emphasizes the slightest irregularities and defects in the nail plate. That is why you will first have to carefully polish your nails, and only then apply a glossy and matte finish.

How to make a moon manicure, and varnish - matte at home?

  • Paint your nails with a regular glossy varnish and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Glue the tips of your nails with special strips to make a jacket. If you do not have such strips for a moon manicure, then you can use adhesive tape.
  • Paint over the exposed part of the nail with a matting finish and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Remove the strips to complete the jacket - and you get a manicure matte nails with glossy tips.

Nail industry professionals advise choosing dark shades of nail polish for a moon manicure, as they look most impressive in a velvety finish when the task is to make the varnish matte at home.

Advice: matte nail polish and its matte finish stay on nails longer than glossy, but are more etched into the nail plate. If you don't want your natural nails instead of a natural shade, they were painted with a dark varnish pigment, then be sure to apply matte nails before manicure - a base coat for varnish.

Expert opinion

Matte nail polish goes very well with gloss. You can alternate glossy and matte tops on different nails or combine both on one nail. In order to achieve matte nails manicure, you need to use a special matte top coat. Many people want to make the varnish matte at home by adding ordinary starch, flour or baby powder to it. But it is not recommended to do this, because. you can just ruin the nail polish. "Home" components were not originally provided by the manufacturer to make the varnish matte. Most often this leads to thickening of the top coat. But even if this does not happen, then when applied to the nails, the color of the varnish will change and not for the better.